#i'm babbling.
pudgybun · 1 month
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I'm greedy, so it's big.
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jewishvitya · 2 months
Had holocaust denial on one of my posts. Extremely triggering, especially considering I have family members who are living survivors.
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I blocked them.
I don't usually keep a name uncovered, but this is a special case. If any of you interact with this person, either you don't know they hold these views and then here's an opportunity to get away from them, or you don't mind this and then you should get away from me.
The only motive to deny a genocide is in order to commit a genocide. Holocaust denial is driven by neo-Nazis and other hate groups. That's why there are laws around this. It's not just having questions about history, it's actively rewriting it with the intent to cause harm by preparing the ground for a repeat.
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sandflakedraws · 8 months
You've been isekai'd to the fictional world of what you last played, read or watched (whatever was the most recent option)…what was it, would you survive and what would you do in it?
last fictional world i dabbled in was Tears of the Kingdom and thankfully i survive because most npcs are indestructible
as for what i would do ... probably be menaced by bees. maybe open a second branch of the dye shop?? (full dyes when) or ..
wait NO waIT NO WAiT i take it back
botw and totk are fun but the negative fashion points given by most headgear is just. such a travesty. I am going to be the change I want to see in that world and offer alternatives for people who don't want to wear a fantasy traffic cone on their head.
this did remind me that i've actually been sitting on some art i gotta finish with this exact concept in mind
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(^ part 1/? drawing)
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Thinking about vampirism in D&D again... Considering the tadpole shut down most of the abilities Astarion's just taken for granted for about 200 years, as discussed by him and Shadowheart:
3. Astarion: It's a long time since I was in a house of healing. Gods, it's depressing.
0. Shadowheart: I suppose you don't have much use for hospitals... unless you're seeking to steal their blood stock.
2. Astarion: True, although I don't heal as fast as I used to. The one downside to the tadpole, I suppose.
1. Shadowheart: The one downside? I think you might have stopped the count too soon... End
Well, Astarion is probably used to watching his injuries start closing up the moment he gets them. This whole thing where wounds just stay open, potentially kill you and hurt all day is a new one. I wonder if he worked out his regeneration was nullified before he got himself severely injured... His assessment of damage might be a bit out of practice.
There's also the fact that vampires have supernaturally boosted physical capabilities; the default vampire spawn strength score is more along the lines of 16.
While I am attached to Astarion's horrible noodly score of 8, the concept of him absentmindedly trying to lift things far too heavy for him without vampirism giving him an edge is funny (and honestly could very well tie in to discovering the lack of regeneration when he hurts himself). His reflexes are still good, but they would've been better so he probably finds himself quite clumsy.
His senses of sight, hearing and smell might've gotten duller too (if he complains about this nobody is going to have sympathy - he's an elf, he has the sharpest senses by default). His sense of touch, on the other hand, might've been restored (it's duller for the undead). You know what will make Astarion's already charming attitude [affectionate-and-derogatory] better? Overstimulation.
And after he adjusts the tadpole is removed, and it's back to the adjustment period.
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anghraine · 3 months
I'm feeling like supporting some women's wrongs! (And rights, but definitely also wrongs.)
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myceliumbutch · 3 months
Honestly though why are transmascs/trans men being asked to separate our genders from our transness? Is it for your comfort, so you don't have to confront your faulty ideas of masculinity?
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emotionalcadaver · 10 months
I originally had typed up a whole ass angry rant about how fucking awful some of the takes are about Oppenheimer (it seems primarily from people who haven't even seen the fucking film), but I decided against posting it (and then I wrote this which now that I'm reading over it, still ended up being a bit of an angry fucking rant so oops).
But what I will say is that the film does not glorify the bomb or what it was used for. So please shut the fuck up about that. Also, this is a story about J. Robert Oppenheimer. The bomb is a large part of the story because it was a huge part of his life. But the focus is on him and his emotional journey through the film. They are trying to pack about 600 pages of dense material into three hours. There is simply not enough time to go on a side quest to address a lot of the things many of you are insisting be addressed. Especially when Oppenheimer himself was not directly involved in them.
I've seen many people say that this story should never have been told. And, kindly, fuck you. We live in an age where people are constantly trying to change, discredit, or dismiss history. We desperately need more people to become engaged with it again. Prior to this film, there were a whole ton of people who had been so failed by their history classes they had no idea who J. Robert Oppenheimer even was. People still know alarmingly little about the bomb and the scientists who worked on it and if this film allows them to be more interested/educated in that topic, that's a win.
This film brings to light more than just the bomb. It's a discussion on morality and the relationship between scientists and the government.
Also, you don't get to say that a piece of art shouldn't be made just because it makes you fucking uncomfortable. Don't consume that piece of art, then. But you have no right to say someone shouldn't make something, or others shouldn't consume or enjoy it just because it makes you uncomfortable.
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eastgaysian · 1 year
roman basically going to kendall after firing gerri like For the love of god someone please stop me and kendall going up on stage after roman backs out like If someone stops me i am going to fucking die and shiv neatly scheduling her grief so that no one gets any insight into her trajectory at all. Guys the portal. look at the portal
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mylittleredgirl · 1 month
i can't stop chewing on the MASH time loop situation. my star trek brain will not turn off. there is definitely some kind of temporal anomaly at play, but it's not really a time loop in the traditional sense.
effects carry over from loop to loop. they appear to age. the same wounded soldiers appear on the table three times, but the scars of past surgeries are still there. a character leaves or dies and is gone from the mash forever; their replacement arrives near the end of the war and is still there at the beginning. the dates overlap, yet their presence is sequential. the other characters remember all of them.
how far does this effect extend? if it's summer again at mash, is it summer in tokyo? is it summer in maine? if BJ is in korea two years before he arrived, who's in residency in california, marrying his wife, conceiving his child?
their family trees at home deform—different wives, different children, loved ones alternately dead and alive and never born. those inside are oblivious to what they've lost. hawkeye remembers trapper, but not his sister. what happens in korea persists; the world outside is a fragile suggestion. he tells a soldier that men at the front can't see the whole war, only the other guys dug in with them on their one little hill.
for a deep space nine fan this is irresistible. hawkeye says, wars end, but war is forever. kira asks, if the past has changed, why do i still remember it? sisko never left that ship. time itself is warped by trauma. it is not linear. you exist here. you choose to exist here.
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t-lostinworlds · 4 months
it's the way Medusa said "Athena declared that I had embarrassed her" in episode 3 and the way Annabeth said "I embarrassed my mother" in episode 4 and both of them getting punished by someone who they worship and respect and love i'm just—
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ilikedetectives · 5 months
There are two types of players when they meet Minthara
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thehornyslightsaber · 1 month
Bro, they said I'm bad at sex, bro. Can you help me practice, bro?
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homerforsure · 1 month
Buck is so brave and so sweet and so all-in and I want to squeeze him so tight. And I'm also thinking about Tommy, who is so clearly affected by it and just well on his way to smitten, and who also knows that he's gotta be the one to put the brakes on to protect both of them.
Like Buck could make him fall hard without fully even realizing that he's doing it, while he's just being himself and exploring inside of the safest relationship he's ever had, and then they'd both have to deal with the fallout of him realizing that it's not forever.
They've only been on a date and a half and I'm already crying about how bittersweet their breakup might be and how they'll both be so glad to have met each other.
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bonefall · 1 month
just as a question from a generation observation: are you left wing? i’ve been following through your blog for ages and it’s always easy to tell if an author is inserting their own political views into a piece of work (in this case an AU) and i would be genuinely baffled if you were anything else but a leftist.
political views don’t matter to me if i like someone’s work or if i’m looking at anything on tumblr (as it’s kinda unavoidable as this entire website is full of leftists) in general but in your case specifically it just screams left wing so much.
like with the whole clear sky interpretation, the workings of warriors universe cultures, the clan ideologies, etc.
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i... i directly reference Umberto Eco's work in my analysis and write about fascist leaders getting smashed on rocks. I made herb guides for HRT and for abortions. I trans genders and write essays on misogyny. I even have pronouns. what else can i be
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anghraine · 3 months
It's 11 PM, but one of my favorite little Darcy/Elizabeth moments happens while she still hates him and thinks he's a depraved monster, and I find it really entertaining.
It's during the Kent section, when Darcy calls at the parsonage and finds Elizabeth alone. During a longer, awkward conversation in which they both deeply misunderstand each other, they have this tiny interchange:
[Darcy:] “This seems a very comfortable house. Lady Catherine, I believe, did a great deal to it when Mr Collins first came to Hunsford.” “I believe she did—and I am sure she could not have bestowed her kindness on a more grateful object.” “Mr Collins appears very fortunate in his choice of a wife.” “Yes, indeed; his friends may well rejoice in his having met with one of the very few sensible women who would have accepted him, or have made him happy if they had. My friend has an excellent understanding—though I am not certain that I consider her marrying Mr Collins as the wisest thing she ever did."
So: they are in Mr Collins's house. Darcy tries to re-start the conversation with a polite nothing about the house. Elizabeth agrees about Lady Catherine's micro-managing, but can't resist the chance to make a sly jab at Mr Collins (who is not present) to Darcy (a genuine villain, as far as she believes).
Darcy's reply looks a bit like an attempt to redirect the conversation into safer waters (they can agree that Charlotte is cool!). But although his remark is only somewhat related to what Elizabeth said, I think it's a natural follow-up in his mind because he is also insulting Mr Collins, if more subtly.
He could have praised Mr Collins's judgment in choosing Charlotte or just said something nice about Charlotte; he doesn't. Instead, he suggests that Mr Collins's choice of Charlotte was a matter of good fortune—or chance, as Charlotte herself would say!—on Collins's part. Darcy and Elizabeth both know Collins is a fool and that his choice of a woman like Charlotte says nothing about his judgment, only about his good fortune. (Elizabeth has even better reason than Darcy to know how much Collins ending up with Charlotte was lucky for him, but Darcy can see it anyway.)
Darcy's phrasing gives him some plausible deniability, but I think he's generally quite careful with his wording and the implicit insult to Mr Collins is not accidental.
Elizabeth, I think, takes this exactly as intended. She's not at all confused about where this tangent came from or offended by it or anything. She readily seizes on the new line of conversation as encouragement to keep insulting Mr Collins and his appeal to women with functioning brainpower.
Elizabeth is pretty scrupulously polite in general, so I kind of love that she just starts venting about her absolute contempt for Mr Collins and the Collins/Charlotte marriage to Darcy in the middle of a tense and weird conversation in Mr Collins's house. And I love that Darcy, who is otherwise more or less dog-paddling his way through this conversation, is like "yeah, your friend seems really cool, that dumbass is lucky he accidentally chose someone with a brain."
Elizabeth: "Right? And, let me add-"
(Is it a bit of an asshole move on both their parts in the context of that scene? Yeah, I think a little. I also love it! Please trash-talk obnoxious hosts in their own parlours for the rest of your lives.)
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a-driftamongopenstars · 7 months
I just love observing the way people talk about Halsin in the wilds vs how you get to see him when he joins your team.
in the grove, he's 'master Halsin'. he's the druid that knows everything, can heal anything. he's a figure of unquestionable authority. his judgement is deferred to even when he is not present. I mean obviously, he is an archdruid.
and then he joins your side, and he opens up with that whole other side of him. he likes sweet things, animals, he has a whittling hobby. he's a passionate person with a softer side. certain things are entirely unfamiliar to him, and he acknowledges that.
I think it's so interesting the way he is both those things, but to some - only one. how long he has to keep up that facade of stoicism, so that the natural order may prevail and everyone stays safe. how much relief must it be when he gets to let go, relax a bit and let someone else make the decisions. and whichever way he is, the other part of him doesn't go away.
this dichotomy fascinates me, and it's not two-faced. it's something a lot of people do in order to exist in the world. to some people you can afford to show your vulnerable side, to others - not at all.
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