#i'm curious if the gp will latch on
leqclerc ยท 1 year
sorry for the incoming rant but italian tifosi on twitter are being weird about xavi again :/
i haven't watched it so i can't confirm, but apparently charles in his twitch stream said that โ€“ in addition to his family and andrea โ€“ the person he trusts the most is xavi (especially re: constructive criticism and hashing out mistakes), and some people are freaking tf out and being so mean
i really don't understand how people can't see that xavi is most times just the middle man between charles and whatever the hell goes on in the strategy pitwall's brains! also they're full on invalidating charles's feelings on the matter (and have been doing it for the whole last season/s too)?? people are so vocal about wanting his head but. he's not the real problem!! :/
Hello! Omg no don't be sorry, thank you for sending this in!! I love how I'm the Xavi protection squad on here asdfsdjfj ๐Ÿ˜ค
Yes! Louder for the people in the back ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป People have really latched onto this idea that he's one of Ferrari's main issues and all the communication issues and strategic mishaps and poorly calculated pitstop problems would magically disappear, which...? Like you said, during the races he's mostly the messenger passing info from the pitwall to Charles and vice versa. He is not responsible for the strategy calls or tyre choices or anything like that.
I know they'd never do it because you'd be exposing way too much sensitive information but realistically a pitwall cam or something could shine a light on how these decisions are made and crucially who makes these calls, exactly. I'm curious to see how they portray the pitstop mishap in Monaco in DTS (the trailer showed some Ferrari pitwall footage, but I'm willing to bet that's just filler and we won't actually learn anything new from it.)
And you make a great point about people invalidating Charles's feelings and words just because it doesn't suit the narrative that Xavi must be awful and incompetent and stupid. Of course the dramatic radios stick in people's heads because they keep getting replayed and then confirmation bias does the rest. If Charles maintains they have a good working relationship and he trusts him with constructive criticism and hashing out mistakes then... I mean... that's a good thing? Shouldn't we be happy about that?
Xavi's very good at praising Charles for a job well done and tries to lift him up when things don't go their way. He's 110% on his side and it's obvious he wants to see him succeed. And I love watching them pull dummy calls on the Red Bulls ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
Yeah, they disagree sometimes. Charles sometimes gets upset over something or other. But like. So does every other driver? ๐Ÿซ  It's not like Lewis has never snapped at Bono or vocally expressed his disgruntlement or disagreement over a pitwall call. Anyone remember Max yelling frantically at GP when he had that DRS issue? Getting a whole new race engineer to work with five seasons in, trying to build up that understanding and rapport and trust all over again... imo it would just unnecessarily make things harder for Charles, when Xavi's not even the root of the problem.
To summarize:
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scary-lasagna ยท 4 years
Hi again! I'm the anon who asked for headcanons about Jeff with a female s/o who speaks in monotone, has difficulties expressing emotions, has a very apathetic, cold personality, is also a killer, and the only thing that makes her smile is being covered in blood and killing her victims. I wanted to ask if I could get some headcanons about what the others (Slenderman, Jane, BEN, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie and Toby) think of her personally and how they treat her, if that's ok?
I usually only do up to 5 per ask so each creep will be a little shorter than usual!
He'll be wary, to say the least.
A lot of creeps in the manor are pretty fucked up, to say the least.
So he's going to try and keep his distance, like he does with the others that unnerve him.
He'll be nice and respectful, but he'll hightail it if you two are alone together, and confidentially always has somewhere to be.
Jeff always has crazy asf s/o's, so that just adds to the crazy, something he doesn't want to get caught up in.
He's not scared of her, but he'd rather not be around her in case she hasn't smiled for a while.
He's had...unpleasant experiences with humans of that kind of sort.
Aka he's been stabbed, shanked in the ankles, back-stabbed, and even one of his tendrils cut off.
Of course, he healed and his tendrils grew back...but it' the principal of it y'know?
But if he has to, he'll keep her in check at the manor. Other than that he enjoys all of the souls that follow her home after a killing spree.
New target acquired.
It just makes her hate Jeff more, and now she hates his s/o too.
She always thinks that he manipulates his s/o's into liking him, or blackmailing them.
But once she finds out his s/o loves killing almost as much as he does, it doesn't sit well with her.
Especially with how sadistic and morbid she is.
But she won't be able to get to her since Jeff is latched onto her side constantly.
All she knows is that she's a new threat that needs to be taken out before it gets out of hand.
She won't be afraid to throw some hands.
Like Slender, he'll be respectful but also try to keep his distance bc she creeps him out.
He'll prompt her to game sometimes when Jeff isn't there though, to at least try to get a reaction out of her besides 'meh' and 'stabby'.
Might try to spook her by poking his head through the wall, but ends up scaring Jeff instead.
He'll maybe pop in a security camera, or tap into a webcam to the house her gps is in.
Y'know, just to see how she works, and what the hell she looks like in 'the moment'.
He'll look after her when Jeff isn't around, kind of like a brother of sorts. ย 
I mean, he and Jeff are practically brothers anyways, so he's going to be around probably more than she likes.
And he might prompt her with some tips of expressing her emotions when need be.
L. Jack (okay- lowkey?? Kind of ship them??)
Probably his new best friend?
It doesn't sit well with Jeff since LJ freaks him out.
He likes Jeff's s/o, and he's always finding different ways to annoy her.
He might even pop up when they're out on a spree.
He likes blood too!!
So he'll pop out of a victim's corpse and make it rain.
And then promptly offer some sweets to her.
He secretly looks up to her, and may come rushing to her side if she needs help with anything.
S t a r e
Kind of curious about her tbh
And her reactions to all the dumb shit Jeff does,
And why in the hell she's still with the dumbass.
He won't fuck around with her to scare her like he usually does to people but treats her with a little bit of respect.
Everyone else in the damn house is loud and annoying, unlike her who's quiet and couldn't give two shits about other people.
So, if he needs a break from everyone, he'll seek her out and sit by her.
But not too close, he's too anti-social for that.
He's not too fond of Jeff anyways, so he wouldn't like his s/o before even meeting her.
And once he does he finds her dislikable. Jeff, too, for that matter.
And on top of that, he's always quick to judge and then take a route from there.
But Slender is always sending either him, Hoodie or Toby to check up on people.
So he's forced to be nice when he doesn't want to be.
Which is a good thing, because if he was mean to her he'd either have to answer to Jeff or his s/o herself.
Both scenarios will not be pretty in the long run.
He tries his best to be polite.
But, really, he's with Masky on this one. (Lmao what's new))))))))
A lot of people who reside in the Manor are dangerous anyways, and she's no different.
Masky and Hoodie try to stay with the more chill people.
Aka The "Less-likely-to-stab-you-when-angry" people.
He'll talk to her if he's in a good mood, though.
And finds that he's more similar than he expected her to be.
He's quiet, she's quiet. He can't express himself, she can't express herself.
And many more things that make him realize maybe the creeps aren't so different from him than he thought.
Except for Jeff, of course.
Toby doesn't have much of a reaction to her, since he usually just goes with the flow of everything.
But he might ask her question about how she kills, just for a peek of the smile twitching at the corners of her mouth to make her a little happy for the day.
A curious but also thoughtful boi.
He likes seeing people happy, and shit, if that means ripping people open with a kitchen utensil, then you do you.
He won't press on if she doesn't react to certain things, or if she comes home looking like Carrie on prom night.
But he'll smile and wave to his friend, who smiles back for once.
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