#i'm doing my best to block all the people who have been making disruptive comments on my artwork but that's definitely not you! don't worry
hellspawnsparks · 9 months
Hello!! I tend to ramble in tags and was curious.. do unwanted related things include maybe mentioning art reminded you of another show/movie/character/song etc?
ah no!! rambling in the tags is perfectly fine! ^^ i do that all the time! tags are an excellent little inside voice that i feel like more websites should have, i love that it's not as big of a deal as leaving a comment if that makes sense? i read through tags on my posts sometimes and love to see people reminded of their childhoods, or a show they used to watch, stuff like that!
i'm mostly just frustrated bc some of my posts have a few long, long chains of people talking about other people's art or saying that "something's off" about my drawings, etc. (like i know the perspective is off in my new year's drawing, i was sick that week and didn't want to spend much time on it...... i don't need people commenting to tell me that!!) hope that makes sense, sorry to make you worry!
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kittenintheden · 7 months
okay listen I'm so tired lol
I am a fandom old. I've been around the freaking block like eight dozen times. I'm at the point in my life where I enjoy media because it's FUN and ENRICHING for me personally, rather than something I base my identity on. I adore the community that happens in fan spaces (mostly).
here is why I never trust an anon that's clearly just being a dick: I've been in way to many scenarios where people who aren't even invested in the thing just think it's so fucking funny to watch segments of a community fight with each other. it tickles some part of their lizard brain. their mom never taught them not to be an asshole to strangers. idk.
there's a political term that you may or may not be familiar with called astroturfing. it's frequently used in marketing and politics to falsely create the image of vast public support for something that doesn't actually have all that much natural support. for example, people who don't especially have strong feelings about trans issues being encouraged/paid/instructed to respond to any and all trans support a certain way. responding to blogs, sending letters to the editor, posting on message boards, etc. their goal is to create a broad public perception that most people are anti-trans (untrue).
and it works. entire fucking laws and legislation and protests and fearmongering come out of that shit. people make up FAKE PROBLEMS (cis men dressing up like women to go be pervy in public bathrooms???) and spread the word via bad actors and controlling the public discourse. the media conglomerate that gamed Facebook to disproportionately support asshole authoritarian alt-right clowns and got them elected was EXCELLENT at it.
a similar thing can happen in fandom, ESPECIALLY when that fandom is a haven for women, POC, queer folk, and other minorities. you guys might remember GamerGate and SadPuppies? yeah all those fuckers are still active and still purposely being shitty at every given opportunity because they think it's funny to make the "libs" fight amongst themselves.
look up #yourslipisshowing if you're not familiar. it was a movement by Black Twitter (specifically Black WOMAN Twitter) to expose bad actors who would create accounts posing as Black woman activists, learn the surface-level terminology, and just purposely cause discord in leftist spaces under the ever-familiar activist method of "being morally pure is a thing that can exist."
anyway: any time I get an ask or comment without a name attached that is very obviously intended to poke me in a sore spot, I delete that shit and assume it's some fucker trying to start fan drama for kicks. even if I'm wrong, I still don't need to feed into that shit. this is my fun, happy space. I'm an activist and do activist shit and get angry at the world in real life, I don't need it in my little fandom corner of the internet too.
which is not to say that shitty fans and shitty fandom takes don't really exist. they very much do. but I don't give them much air unless there's an actual name attached. and even THEN it can be hit or miss because people can and do create fake accounts if they're especially dedicated to being a shithead.
so: if you're minding your business and some goober comes into your ask box with shit that's clearly intended to push a button, give it like 24 hours to cool down and decide if it's actually worth it to respond. for me, most of the time I determine that it's not.
don't get me wrong. calling out bad behavior in fandom IS IMPORTANT and SHOULD BE DONE. I just also think it's important to try and find the joy and camaraderie in these spaces as much as possible and that people who try to disrupt that for jollies suck real bad and give a disproportionate perception of "what X fans are like."
in summary, my philosophy is be the best person you can be, be as kind as is warranted, focus on the parts of your fandom that make you happiest, and carry a big stick for when the jerks won't take a hint.
also like. shitting on other characters to prop up your fave is such a freaking middle school move. are you in middle school? if so, I'm sorry. if not, I'm still sorry, but for a different reason.
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bestialchorus · 2 years
I was wondering what are your headcanons for a undecided pack about their alphas human/witch mate? some of them approve while the others are extremely angry.
I'm a sucker for forbidden love cliche and your wlw writing bc none writes monster/werewolf romance for sapphics 😭❤️
Resolution: I love you thank you for breathing.
My gosh, this is such a sweet message thank you! I genuinely had a great time writing these so thanks so much for the prompt and for checking out my work!
-You remember the first day you saw her, it was in the heart of the city as you noticed a woman who made you instantly freeze in your tracks. Even in the bustling metropolis, all you could see was her, nothing held a candle to her and it’s been the same ever seen. You’ve never believed in love at first sight and you’re still not sure if you do, but no one has ever had a hold on your heart the way a simple glance from her does. You’re sure you made a complete fool of yourself as you tried to stutter out an introduction but she didn’t seem to mind, in fact, there was something else behind her gaze, could it have been intrigue? Did she know then and there that your humanity was unlike the people that surrounded you? Hell, perhaps a small part of you already knew as those dark eyes twinkled with mystery, but nothing could have prepared you for how arcane her identity truly was. It didn’t take long for you to find out she was a witch and you a werewolf.
-Your closest friend and second in command was the only one aware of your connection with this woman since day one, considering they were with you in the square when you first laid eyes on her. Luckily for all parties involved, your confidant was what some may consider a “troublemaker”, at least when it came to following pack rules and objectives. Perhaps they should have warned you about how a connection between werewolf and witch would negatively affect the pack and your leadership of it but they didn’t. No, unfortunately for you they did the opposite, they told you to follow your heart, that bastard.
-You were careful at first; meeting randomly throughout the week or deep into the night. You tried to make sure her essence wouldn’t infiltrate the deepest corners of your mind when you were away from her but it was futile at best. You couldn’t help but wonder if you were under a powerful spell, seeing her in dreams that felt too real as she would whisper promises of your future together before claiming your lips. Your healer was able to recognize remnants of her nightly touch before you were able to, commenting on how dream walking can only be performed by powerful magic users, warning you of a possible enemy trying to harm you. You quickly explained your situation as they attempted to create a magically infused item to help block out your lover’s nightly presence.
-it didn’t take long for others to notice just how happy you had become since falling for your sorceress. You were genuinely hesitant in coming clean but felt even worst about keeping secrets from your pack members, members who entrusted their lives in your hands….so you told them.
-The response from your members was seemingly mixed. Many of the elders were upset or disapproved considering the dark past of certain magic users disrupting or taking advantage of nature’s way. Many of your younger members were supportive, more than happy to tease you about a smaller woman having such “power” over their big, tough alpha.
-To say that your relationship had created a stir in your pack would be an understatement…there were discussions all around you of whether this was acceptable or something that had to be “dealt” with. You decided to get advice from your pack’s healer, someone who has always been a mentor-like figure to you. Before you even speak you notice a smirk forming on their face before they say, “are you looking for my blessing or truth?” - you tell them you always seek the latter without flinching. They continue to create medicine as they answer, “luckily, in this case, they’re the same thing”, which genuinely throws you off. Your mentor goes on to explain that despite your kind being the highest and most intertwined class when it comes to protecting nature, it would be foolish to think only they know all of nature’s secrets and what is best for it. They finish by gently placing a hand against your cheek and saying, “…plus, it’s nice to think there’s someone who can finally make an honest woman out of my student.” - to which you respond with fake offence. Overall, your mentor gives you the approval you deep down needed.
-You tried to sleep that night but simply can’t, your mind buzzing at all ends when suddenly a smoky portal appears in your room’s wall with your lovely witch walking through it, concern covering her face. You instantly embrace each other as she apologies for the sudden visit, “I know I can’t do this but I can feel your thoughts from across the city and I just needed to know you’re alright…”- she continues to ramble on as you simply look down at her in silence, honestly the image is quite adorable for her usual brooding attitude. You capture her lips mid-sentence and hold her face as you tell her you’re happy she’s here. You explain the situation with her pack and you can see the smallest flash of her hurt behind her eyes. She tells you she doesn’t want to drive a wedge between you and your members, well aware of how much they mean to you and the reputation of witches throughout history.
-You pull her flush against you, explaining that your members simply need to get to know her to see what you see in her. She again tries to tell you she’s simply not worth it, not wanting you to throw your life away to be with her but you smile as you tell her how she’s now a part of your life just as much as her pack is and you quietly finish with how you hope one day she’ll be a part of your pack. Your confession brings a blush to her face, realizing the weight of the statement. 
-You take her to a hidden cave that night, a place only you’re aware of, away from the city and away from the pack. You finally become one that night, her whimpers awaken the beast you tried to repress all this time and not only does she accept all parts of you, but she also embraces them. When the morning sunlight greets you, you notice a fresh spiral marking that begins over your heart and extends down your left arm. The mark makes you realize your earlier statement wasn’t just for fluff, you’ve imprinted on this woman. You try your best to hide the mark from her, not wanting to overwhelm her with everything going on.
-Before you both head back, she tells you she wants to meet your pack. You tell her you can both take more time but she’s quite adamant, energy changing in the air as you notice slight red behind her eyes as pebbles around you start to tremble. You pick up on the emotion riddled in her voice as she speaks, “I need to show your pack I’m not a threat…you’re not just anyone to me….I think…I think I’m falling for you and it’s fucking terrifying.” She finishes her statement by hesitantly placing a hand on your face, clearly afraid you would reject her confession but you take her hand and tenderly kiss it.
-You take her before your pack’s council and it was not an easy ordeal, to say the least, but the meeting does end with the witch being allowed on pack land which is more of a start than you ever thought you’d get. Slowly your pack starts to get to know her, some more than others, realizing why you love her and how happy she makes you.
-You eventually explain to her how you’ve imprinted on her and most of your pack is quite happy for you, extending their protection of pack members to her. 
-It doesn’t take long for word to spread about the witch taken in by a pack of werewolves, both of you condemned and celebrated by members of your kind. But at least for now, you know she’s safe around those who care for you the most.
-All is quiet for a bit until you find yourselves relaxing under a shady tree on a warm summer’s eve when suddenly she tiptoes around a “certain” spell she found. A spell that requires “both” of you, you flash her what she would describe as your “puppy look” of confusion until she explains how certain witches have a ritual with similar ideas to imprinting. A ritual that involves two parties intertwining their souls through “consummating” means…you stare back at her, still very much confused until she comes close to whisper while straddling you, “It’s like our version of wedding vows….but to complete them I think I need the help of an alpha-“ Her voice lowers as she finishes, “these vows could take all night, would you like to help me, my love?” All you remember is carrying her bridal style to your now shared cave and speaking vows against her skin as uttered her own against the shell of your ear. Her moans carried a prayer-like quality to them as the wilderness acted as witness to your intertwined love. That night werewolf and witch became one, a ritual you would both engage in for years to come.
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not-poignant · 5 years
how exactly do you cope with or respond to fandoms that just seem overall incredibly unsupportive/close minded? like there's certain works that I'm into, but sometimes, the fandom just isn't my cup of tea and I don't know what to do
I’ve been in like...a couple of toxic fandoms in the past. One became toxic over a period of time, for a short period of time, due to specific BNFs in the fandom (that would be Rise of the Guardians about 6 years ago - it’s not like that anymore and hasn’t been for a long time, I wouldn’t have been able to write TGATNW otherwise I think), and the other was Dragon Age. I mean there are other fandoms I’m in like Steven Universe and Voltron that are obviously famous for being super toxic, but aside from looking at fanart and the occasional fic, I’m not very involved and so it’s easy to avoid. 
Honestly, re: the ‘how do you cope’ I just ignore it? Like, the Detroit: Become Human fandom has been really bizarre. Not toxic just...WEIRD. Lmao. But I didn’t start writing for those people, I started writing the story for myself and like the one or two people I thought would like the story. And when certain types of comments started getting me down, I then began ignoring the fandom actively in favour of thinking about those people instead. 
Like, I get to choose how much I interact with a fandom. Even with products I really love, like Dragon Age, I follow only about two or three dedicated DA posters who I feel curate their feeds pretty well. I don’t compromise by thinking ‘oh well even though they post things that make me uncomfortable / anti stuff the fanart they post is worth it.’ It’s NOT worth it, if it exposes me to those kinds of attitudes on a regular basis. The occasional post from a mutual I can generally ignore (unless it’s an anti post), but I’m not going to pick up people to follow who are 50% good content and 50% ‘oh god.’ Because you’re not going to end up enjoying the good content very much in that scenario. 
So some fandoms I read a lot of fics very actively, interact with authors etc. I think that’s more typical of me in Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji, especially among Ciel/Sebastian shippers. Ditto Thorki shippers in Marvel. Sometimes you see me posting more fanart for that stuff over at @capillata not because I actually care about those fandoms more than other ones, but because I can afford to follow more people because the fandoms overall are less toxic etc. 
The other thing to keep in mind is that say, for example, Steven Universe, I would consider myself a part of that fandom because I reblog fanart, I watch the show pretty religiously, I know all the words to the songs, etc. But I’m not the gross, wanky, anti part of it. I’m still a part of fandom just because I’m not like, in the section it’s most famous for. I daresay most members of the Steven Universe fandom are just like me. They’re just quieter and less loud and are more likely to walk away from stupid arguments! So anon, generally speaking, if you are interacting with the fanworks of a fandom, you are part of the fandom too! Just...in a different way to what you’re seeing. Chances are, unless the fandom is literally only four people, you’re not alone. :D It can take time to find the quieter, less drama-focused members of fandom precisely because they are quieter and less drama-focused. They won’t be tagging all their posts into the main tags, their Twitters may be hard to find, etc. 
It also helps to be in more than one fandom. Like, that way you sort of have refuges from where the drama is likely to explode. 
Problematic pockets of fandom are getting larger these days due to the validation of antis in the mainstream. So it becomes more important than ever to develop your own tools which look like: 
* Not developing absolutist thinking. It’s easy to go ‘this fandom is toxic’ but the reality is it’s usually only a pocket of the fandom who are the loudest and most disruptive. Even in the most famously shitty fandoms (Voltron), there are reasonable, fair-minded, ‘ship what you like you’re valid’ people. It’s true, I know them and I am one. Absolutist thinking will lock you away from those people before you even have a chance to find or meet them. 
* Curate your feeds! Be fussy/picky about what you follow. If you can, use things like Saviour or New X-Kit on Tumblr to blacklist trigger or squick words. Don’t be afraid to block antis or similar on Twitter. Don’t worry about what you’ll ‘miss out on’ in the process. Be gently ruthless with what you keep around you. 
* If the fandom isn’t great because it’s quiet, encourage it along if you have the voice/energy for it. Put positive energy into the fandom. 
* Remember that you are a part of the fandom too if you’re engaging in it and want to be. 
* Encourage the works that you think are what you’re looking for in the fandom. Say you’re in an anti-dominated fandom and someone writes a ‘controversial’ work that you LOVE, see about taking the time to comment or send an ask to the author saying you enjoyed it. Send it on anon if you have to, but consider the ways you can support the parts of fandom you actively enjoy. It’s the best way to see more of it (this is obviously energy dependent lol). 
* Remember you can peace out from the fandom. There is nothing to stop you from just reading fanworks forever, and never engaging in the fandom at all. Tbh this was me for the majority of my time re: fanfiction. I may have written Misfits fanfiction, but I’m not active in the fandom. The same can be said for Rise of the Guardians and even now Detroit: Become Human. (Though the latter is because the areas of fandom I was in kind of died lmao). There’s no litmus test saying that you’re only valid if you’re in the fandom, that’s some bullshit.
Anyway, tl;dr - I cope by avoiding the bad shit, and carefully curating my Tumblr feeds (or any place where I see fandom stuff, like Twitter as well), and by remembering that I’m also a part of the fandom, and that if I can be in it and not be a shouty anti while I’m in it, there will be other people like me in that fandom who are the same. Good luck, anon! 
(The super short answer is: ‘If it isn’t your cup of tea then just read the fics friendo, no one’s stopping you’)
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hollandtomholland · 7 years
I don't know If i'm doing this right, but can you do number 29 from your prompt list?
I’m 100% writing a part two to this one, I got a little carried away. Hope you enjoy xo
Prompt:  We were childhood best friends and now you’re moving in next to me
You were awoken way too early by acacophony of sounds coming from outside, disrupting what was supposed to beyour only lie in this week. Bleary-eyed and cursing whoever it was who dared towake you, you stumbled over to the window and drew back the curtains. Severalmoving vans were parked out in the street, one of which had it’s radio turnedup loud. You counted at least ten guys carrying furniture into the house nextdoor, shouting at each other and tossing boxes back and forth. Great, newneighbours.
You don’t know what it is aboutthe house next door, but everyone who moved into it always ended up being terribleneighbours. There was the couple who had insane screaming matches at four inthe morning, the group of guys who played drum and bass at a thousand decibels,and the family who’s klepto child kept stealing your garden ornaments. None ofthem had lasted long, however, and you’d been enjoying the peace and quiet whilstthe property sat empty. Now, it seemed, that peace was over.
Since you were awake, you decidedthat you might as well go and greet the new neighbours. Besides, one of theirvan was parked across your driveway. You weren’t actually planning on using thecar today, but you were annoyed on principle. Time to go and make a firm firstimpression, you thought, putting on your dressing gown and slippers and steppingout of the house.
You stood, arms folded, at the bottomof your driveway, scowling at the men who bustled past you. “Excuse me,” youaddressed one of them, “Who’s the owner of this house?”
“That would be me” a voice behindyou responded, and you turned around to face the speaker. His face was obscuredby the large box he was carrying, but you judged by his clothing that had to bearound your age. “Hi, I live next door and one of your guys has blocked my driveway.That I could live with, but it’s a Sunday morning and your music has just wokenme up – “
“You always did like your sleep”
The stranger placed the box onthe ground, revealing himself to be not a stranger at all. That was a face youknew very well - or at least used to know.
“Good morning, Y/N” Tom said,smiling broadly at you. “It’s been a while”
Indeed, it had been. Aftermeeting on the first day of preschool, you and Tom had quickly become the bestof friends. You’d spent countless days playing at his house, practically partof the family. As a child, you’d always believed that you’d be best friends forever, but the reality was very different. When you were both fifteen, he’dmoved away for school, and despite your best intentions the two of you had eventuallyfallen out of contact. It had been years since you’d seen him, and a part ofyou had believed that you’ve never see him again.
And yet, here he was.
Moving in next door.
You were momentarily stunned, andalso very embarrassed. You pulled your dressing gown tighter around yourself, rakinga hand through your unbrushed hair. “This is… quite the coincidence” youmanaged, all of your previous anger and bravado gone.
“So it is. And hey, I can get theguys to move the van if you’d like” he replied, still smiling, but you shook yourhead.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s reallynot that much of a problem”
“Wow” he breathed, his gaze scanningacross your face. “It’s so great to see you after all these years, you haven’tchanged a bit”
“Oh god, don’t tell me that. If Istill look like my fifteen-year-old self I will be very sad”
Tom laughed, perching himself onthe garden wall. “I mean I recognised you immediately.  That ‘I just woke up and I’m not happy aboutit’ expression, I remember it very well”
“We did have a lot of sleepoversback in the day” you recalled, thinking back to when you and Tom would stay upall night watching movies and telling scary stories. You always had an amazingtime, but the one thing that divided you, however, was the morning. Tom lovedmornings, and you hated them. He’d be up at the crack of dawn, dragging you outof bed to continue the previous night’s games when all you wanted was to buryyour head in the pillow and go back to sleep. You always gave in, though. It washard to say no to Tom, no matter how annoying he was being.
“When we played at being adultswith our own houses, I don’t think we ever saw this coming” he mused, shakinghis head in wonder.
“If I’d known it was you, I would’vedone this properly. You know, bringing over some home baked cookies or whatever”
“Like you would’ve got up earlyenough to do that!” he teased, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Fair point, they probably would’vebeen store bought. Still, I feel bad about greeting you like this. I’ll have tomake it up to you somehow”
“I guess you will. Any ideas?”
“I don’t know, maybe you couldcome over for dinner one night” you suggested, before adding quickly “With your…girlfriend?”
Tom chuckled, shaking his head. “Nogirlfriend, it’s just me”
You nodded, feeling a strangesense of relief. “It’s a big house for just one person”
“It was going cheap and I saw itas an investment. With a bit of work, I think it would be the kind of place Icould see myself staying in for a long time” he explained, looking back at hishouse.
“You would be the first”
“That’s what the estate agentsaid. I figured maybe it was problem neighbours driving people away, and now Isee I was right!” he joked, earning an elbow in the ribs from you.
“I’ll have you know I’m anawesome neighbour,” you protested, “And to prove it I’m going to help you movein!”
Tom laughed, eyeing your state ofundress. “You’re certainly dressed for the job”
It was just like old times; the twoof you teasing each other, throwing comments back and forth like only goodfriends can. It was almost like no time had passed, and for the first time youfelt yourself very much looking forward to getting to know your new neighbour –getting to know him again, anyway.
“Yeah… let me go get changedfirst” you added, before speeding back up the driveway. Justbefore you entered the house, you glanced back over your shoulder to where Tomwas sitting. He was staring up at the sky, a wistful smile on his face,oblivious to one of the removal men trying to get his attention. You couldn’thelp but laugh as he snapped back to reality, jumping to his feet and running ahand through his hair. He was still the same dork you’d known all those yearsago, and hopefully he really would be sticking around for a long time.
(Send in prompts from here to here and I’ll write you a little something)
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