#i'm fairly certain we were around for the break up? at the very least we've definitely seen y'all talking about them in the past
Anyways, 💞 sysian bullshit 💞 (<- said positively) that singlets probably wouldn't understand (<- said negatively).
Stuff where it is like. This is physically impossible in the outer world. Even if it was a feasible thing in the external world. We can't really imagine this working outside our system. So, sometimes, there's just the weirdest most batshit intersections we have ever seen because we are sysian.
Or like. WDK. We've just had some very VERY weird relationships to plural sexuality and probably should've known earlier than a few months ago we are sysian on a collective basis with some interesting plurillean plural4plural exceptions.
For one specific sysian relationship, if anyone ever manages to understand it, considers it as just as valid as external world relationships, and then somehow asks "oh so how did you all actually get together" we know what we are (not) telling them —
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[Okay, NGL we have one headmate here whose eyes must have been, like, modified somehow, because he literally has that thing where if he's feeling Things they do this thing where his pupils? strat blinking like white LED lights???
Amd it's kinda
What was not mentioned is, aforementioned pupils also literally turn into heart shapes. We stg he is just doing it on purpose sometimes (read: definitely does it on purpose with the express purpose of getting partners to throw themselves at him, lol, we guess ot WORKS fwiw?) lol.
It's not even a hypnosis thing, not that this would even be needed considering at least two of them. keep going at it like goddamn rabbits jeezus christ WDK what it is
And we're not even sure if that would work with other headmates to be honest. We have yet to find literally anyone else who does this and does it well.
Another example:
Pretty sure one system member is just flat out bisexual and technically falls under the plurillean umbrella instead of the sysian umbrella, but he's also around so little these days and that system isn't one we've talked to in awhile.
But like. Our Bungo Stray Dogs fictive literally gave someone a bisexual awakening by fucking around/kinda-shitposting on (unspecified social media) and not realizing they gave someone a bisexual awakening until they posted, literally, something along the lines of they had to pause. And stare at the post(s).
Said person was in a DIFFERENT system, and literally was like "so if I wanted to fight on another plane where we both had our actual fighting capabilities, not being restrained by this moral coil, is that bisexual????" and we just.
Goddamn Ryunosuke. 😭
Even then it's like. We have only fucked each other. External world fucking is a NOPE for us (excepting Ryunosuke???? the world may never know). It's not even connected to anything (as far as we can tell), we just...wdk.
The most connection we might be able to make for that one is like, MAYBE autism sensory stuff and headmates in your own brain inherently know those boundaries better. And we have excellent communication intra-system in ways that just make stuff more intimate (you can't really consensually overlay each others' perceptions, of any sort, on top of each other if each of you is in a different brainbody).
You could blame this or that or the other thing but we just...don't have much of a motivation regarding the external world, and every reason we throw at the wall like a wet noodle doesn't stick, even the reasons we could expect to stick.
Like, we'll consider if someone asks us (romantic interaction only) and we know them well, but we still don't consider that aroace because headmates are people...
The only other system we ever dated in the external world was a piece of shit (not sure if you were around following when we were grieving, or even regrieving, The Eras and the fact we had to initiate that breakup ourselves Mod Lepton? sorry using mobile hopefully that's the name) but the fact is, we dated somesys who we had known since middle school, and it turned out THEY were a system too, and we didn't know until we were dating them. Lolsob.
TLDR, "we're only gay for each other" has way many, many layers to it, to the point that we don't even really know how comprehensible we're being right now. Oops.
The fact is we've only ever been pulled to ourselves, or, very rarely, other plural systems. We're not sure what to make of that, so we're going to plug the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure joke:
Stands and stand users are automatically drawn to other stands and stand users. 😂😭😭😭😂
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dixonious · 5 years
arrowheads | a twd fanfic
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Summary: While traveling through the woods if Georgia, Sophia and Y/N get to know each other.
Warning: Uhhh, fluff? Possible grammatical errors.
A/N: Yoo! I'm back! I know it's been like two months, I think, and I'm so sorry for the wait, but I have been writing, not many chapters for this fic but some. I've also been writing for another fic, that I'll go more into detail about another time. As for this fic tho, I do plan on finishing it, the chapters may not come frequently but they will come, thank you to all y'all that are still sticking with me and the fic! <33
Chapter 5: Getting to Know You
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Narrator's POV:
"I Spy..something brown." Y/N drawled out as she strolled through the woods, hand and hand with Sophia, who also held onto her doll's cotton filled hand. Hours and miles later away from where they had camped.
"Is it a tree branch?" The little girl asked.
"Nope." Answered Y/N.
"Uhh, you're boots?"
"My boots are black." Y/N said.
"But, they're covered in mud."
"They're still black, Little Blue. Mostly." The archer chuckled.
"Nuh-uh, they're mostly brown. Look." Soohia said as she pointed to woman's boots.
Y/N looked down, "huh. Guess they are mostly brown...but that's not what I Spy."
Sophia huffed and pouted, "there's nothing else brown, Y/N."
The archer couldn't help but feel bad at the girl's pout so she decided to help her, "maybe you're wearing what's brown." Y/N said, as she looked down at the girl who was staring up at her.
Sophia gasped, "my pants!" She exclaimed quietly.
"Yep." Y/N grinned. "Your pants is exactly right."
Sophia smiled proudly, though soon that smiled vanished.
"You already did my pants, though." She said as a matter of fact.
Y/N frowned and tiled her head, "I did?" She asked.
"Yes. Like, when we were all the way back there." Sophia answered, as she turned to point behind her.
"You sure?" Y/N questioned again, feeling fairly certain that she had not.
"I'm positive." Sophia said with confidence.
"I guess so." Y/N said, uncertainly.
"We should do something else." Sophia suggested, "there's not much to spy."
Y/N nodded, "you're right. 'Sides we've been doing it for about an hour now, I think."
They'd been walking for quite sometime since leaving their camp from the night before, and though they hadn't been playing I Spy for as long as they'd walked, it was boring what with all the trees, branches, leaves and twigs.
"What's your favorite color?" Sophia asked, this wasn't a game of sorts, but she was curious about her new friend.
"Black. Yours?"
"Blue." Sophia responded.
Y/N chuckled at that, "guess I chose the perfect nickname for ya, huh, Little Blue?" The archer smirked.
Sophia giggled quietly, "I like purple, too." She said, "are you from Georgia?"
"Yes, I am." Y/N nodded. "You too?"
"Mm-hm." The little girl nodded, "and so is my Mama. Where's your Mama?" She asked, innocently.
"Uhm, my, my Mama died. Not during this, but when I was little." Y/N answered, sadly.
"Oh. I'm sorry." Sophia replied, just as sadly.
"It's not your fault. You didn't know." Y/N responded. "'Sides, I don't remember her all that much, at least not much of the good stuff."
"Was your Mama mean?" The little girl asked in a worried tone.
"Nah. Not really. She wasn't the best Mama but, she tried her best." The archer responded.
"I'm sorry." Sophia said.
"Stop apologizing, Little Blue." Y/N chuckled, softly. "Ain't your fault."
"Okay." Sophia said, Y/N couldn't miss the sadness that could still be heard in her voice, it was hard not to.
"What's your Mama like, huh?" Y/N asked, trying to take the sadness away from the little girl.
"My Mama? She's really the bestest, she takes good, good care of me. And she loves me sooo much." Sophia said, as she went on and on about her mom adoringly, telling Y/N so many different stories. "...And one time, before, she even let ride one of the bigger rides at the carnival!"
Y/N smiled brightly, "She sure does sound like the bestest."
"She is." Sophia replied, "I miss her very much." The smile that was plastered onto her face as she talked about her mother started to fall.
"I know." Y/N said, as she detected the sadness that was yet again in Sophia's voice. "But, I promise you I'm gonna try my damn hardest to get you back to her, okay? You're gonna see her again."
Sophia nodded, not feeling very sure of what Y/N had just told her.
The world wasn't very nice anymore. Or good. There were monsters. And they were everywhere. Sophia didn't want to die, but what if she did? What if her Mama did?
"Hey." Y/N whispered, kneeling down to Sophia's height, "I'm gonna get you back to her, Little Blue. No matter what." She said as she gripped Sophia's shoulders reassuringly, looking her straight in the eye.
"Will you pinky promise?" Sophia asked, shyly.
"I pinky promise." Y/N said firmly, as she stuck out her pinky, waiting for Sophia to grab hold.
And she did.
And with locked pinkies, Y/N gave them a firm shake with a firm nod and frown, that meant business.
Sophia gave a small giggle.
"Now, let's keep moving, shall we?" Y/N asked, standing her full height, and letting go of Sophia's pinky to grip her hand again.
They continued their journey toward the highway, walking for more hours and miles, taking a couple of small breaks to drink or when Sophia got tired. There was more walking and little bit more talking.
Talking that involved Sophia asking Y/N more questions about herself. Talking that involved Sophia telling Y/N how her Mama would give her piggyback rides for fun or when her feet and legs got tired. And that was how the archer got conned into doing so.
It was complicated what with all the stuff Y/N was carrying but she had figured it out.
She placed her bow onto the ground and took her quiver and bookbag off her back, she gave that to Sophia to put on since it wasn't all that heavy, along with her quiver. After putting the pack on the girl's back and tightening the straps to fit her small body as best it could, Y/N put the quiver over the pack, before squatting down to let Sophia climb aboard. And she quickly did so.
Standing fully back up and grabbing her bow as she did, Y/N hiked Sophia up higher on her back, the archer gripped her bow securely as Sophia locked her arms and legs around her. The weight that was on Y/N before didn't feel at that different, Sophia barely weighed anything.
"This is much easier." Sophia said, with a smile of satisfaction.
To be so quiet and timid, she sure was sly.
(And a bit talkative. Though, Y/N guessed everyone had their moments with talking.)
But, Y/N couldn't help but agree, "It is." She said. "Pass me an arrow, Little Blue?" Y/N asked. Keeping an arm locked around Y/N's shoulders, Sophia reached her injured arm carefully behind her to grabbed an arrow.
Gripping an arrow, the little girl brought it to Y/N's sight and the H/C woman took it with grace.
This will work out nicely, Y/N thought with a smirk as she continued on their journey.
Yes, I know this chapter title sucks ass and probably the whole chapter itself skjskjsk. But I hope y'all enjoyed it anyways!
Tags: @coffeebooksandfandom, @checkintoreality, @wnygirl2012, @assassinsasha23, @catlya, @aristocracy-y, @jodiereedus22, @yes-captainstark, & @merakiaes. <33
If anyone else wants to be tagged just let me know!
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