#i'm honestly surprised there isn't a pirate fic on here tbh
hipchub · 7 years
top ten fics 💝💖💕
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1. the dead of july / @whimsicule / 117k— harry is captain america, and louis’ been dead for 70 years.
i love both 1d and captain america so this was a real trip. if you love dying and being dead then 10/10 would recommend
2. love endless (the road to recollection) / @wubwubnparmaham / 171k
— the year is groovy 1973, and eighteen-year-old louis tomlinson is perhaps the gayest teen to ever grace the gloomy, hateful town of fortwright. would be fine if he wasn’t so viciously bullied at both home and school for such a “harmful” sexual preference. yeah, yeah, we’ve all heard this story, haven’t we? believe him, louis didn’t think he was anything special either. until he found the mansion. the notoriously haunted mansion hidden deep within the forests of his tiny blip of a town in bumfuck nowhere, idaho. no one with a brain ever goes near it, but louis could use a little excitement in his life…and possibly a band-aid or two. after discovering the mansion was less abandoned than he’d thought, he’s now left with the most riveting mystery of a lifetime; every new finding leaving him with more questions. who is this elusive owner, and why won’t they show themselves? why is there a set of journals in the same handwriting that span over centuries? why in the world is there a padlock on the refrigerator…and who the hell is alexander?
history and vampires? sign me the fuck up! there’s four parts to this incredible fic and they’re all around 150k to 200k each (idk how the author does it tbh). i now listen to rue des cascades on a daily so thank u for that
3. with a whimper / @kitundercover / 132k— dystopian au. louis has been alone for too long to remember how not to be, and harry has too much to worry about to deal with a scrawny, wild, stranger.
this fic is so so thought out and so incredible wow. throughout the whole thing i kept thinking “wow is this from something? it’s so great it has to be based off something right??” and it.. isn’t….. a m a z i n g 
4. the galaxy’s edge / @the-cheshire-pussy-cat / 113k— in which louis is a bounty hunter with a messed up past. harry is a prince who just wants to prove himself. niall and zayn have too many things to figure out together. and liam just wants to take care of his family. things never quite go as they are planned during a simple rescue job.
aliens and royalty? lord help m,e yes this fic was soo good and i have a strong urge to reread it
5. the king of spades / @hazmesentir / 109k— undercover metropolitan police officer dc louis tomlinson has worked his way up the ranks of a prominent london crime family without raising suspicion, but when he finds himself pitted against a rising crime boss with a police background and a favoured employee by the name of harry styles, everything starts to unravel. finding himself in the middle of an escalating war between two bosses whose bad blood runs deep into a violent past, louis has to be even more careful where he steps in case his big secret catches up to him – and if it does, he knows he won’t survive it. not to mention he’s falling for someone he can’t have – whose earnestness and honesty is a bright spot in a dark world – he can’t sleep because his nightmares haunt him and he’s in way over his head, but it’s just a game, always just a game, and if louis plays his cards right he might just make it out alive.
6. landslide / @aimmyarrowshigh & @spibsy / 143k— the year is 1976. In november, jimmy carter will take control of the white house. americans are meeting laverne & shirley at their apartment in milwaukee. hotel california diverges from the reign of kool & the gang. and the fbi is still reeling from the repercussions of watergate, the tragedy at wounded knee, operation family secrets, and the strategic terrors of the anti-cult movement. that’s what special agent harry styles has been told is the basis of his mission to an abandoned farmhouse in rural new hampshire. with his hair grown out long and his shirt untucked, he’s going undercover to do reconnaissance on suspected cult leader louis tomlinson, who has led a group of people out into the middle of nowhere, leaving no record of the life he’d had before. all harry knows is what the agency gave him: tomlinson’s name and instructions to figure out what he’s doing with the eleven people he brought with him. in the year that harry spends undercover and under louis tomlinson’s wing, he learns more than he ever expected.
7. who painted the moon black / @throughthedark / 95k— hunger games au where louis tomlinson is district six’s victor from the 69th hunger games and harry styles is district seven’s victor from the 72nd hunger games.
8. black with autumn rain / @whimsicule / 93k— harry is a journalist, louis has lots of secrets and the moors aren’t exactly the ideal place to rekindle a lost romance.
this fic ruined me and i now have an extremely strong desire to visit the north york moors 
9. fading / @tothemoonmydear  / 202k— louis knows about beauty; the combination of qualities that pleases the aesthetic senses. he creates that combination every day in the garments he designs while studying fashion at uni. the cut of the design, the color of the fabric, the intricacy of the stitching; it all comes together to create something beautiful. when the science student with the long legs and dimpled smile agrees to model for him, louis decides he’s found beauty personified. harry just thinks louis needs someone to show him how beautiful he is.
i love depressing fics and this one was beautiful ):
10. and down the long and silent street / @whimsicule  / 86k— wherein louis and harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder, but their paths still cross on the filthy streets louis calls his home. the odds are staked against them from the beginning, and even more when louis’ past finally catches up with him.
(this is set in the 1800s and i’m such a slut for old fics so!)
-ˏˋ BONUS ˎˊ-11. love is a rebellious bird / @100percentsassy & @gloria-andrews / 134k— au in which the boys still make music. louis is the concertmaster of the london symphony orchestra, harry is the new! and exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who “has made Mozart cool again” according to esquire magazine (louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and niall is the best. zayn and liam are around too. don’t hum bolero.
this was one of the first few fics i read on ao3 and is the fic that overall shifted me from wattpad to ao3 in 2014 (thank god) “don’t hum bolero” will forever be engraved into my brain
-ˏˋ CAPTIVE PRINCE BONUS ˎˊ- 12. the veretian flytrap / @just-another-day / 175k— the court treated it like a joke. his uncle told him it was a weakness. laurent chose to listen to what auguste had said it could be: an advantage.
this is the second captive prince fic i read and it rly murdered me! it’s a canon divergence au so it’s extremely similar to the books and i love it
you can find more of my fic recs here!
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