#i'm incredibly lazy jc
mangodonutss · 8 months
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oh god she has a knife
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missnight0wl · 2 years
Buckle up - there's a whole flood of datamined story chapters! Peregrine seems to be possessed, due to a cursed amulet. Don't know how to feel about all of this. I think I'd prefer for him to just have turned evil on his own, and not because of a cursed amulet. And Rakepick is nowhere to be seen during those chapters either. Sigh. And Merula took the crown from the sunken vault? There are so many unexplained issues. Coral key, Rakepick losing her pin... Curious what you make out of all of this!
First of all, sorry for the late reply!
Now, you might’ve seen this already, but I talked about the amulet already in this post, so I’m not gonna repeat myself. I just want to add that I agree with you, and I’d like it better if Peregrine turned evil “naturally”. I don’t know, the explanation with the cursed amulet simply feels lazy. Especially in its current form because JC is super sloppy about it. So, as a result, I feel like it doesn’t even explain much.
I also mentioned in the linked post that JC apparently ignores their previous plans for the story again. In one of the options in Azkaban, Rakepick can tell us that R wants to “save the world”, which suggests that R wants to execute Ryusaki’s original plan with traumatic memories. Yet it wasn’t even mentioned by Peregrine, so… I’m afraid it means we’d just have to accept that some things will not be explained at all. The Coral key is probably one of them. Rakepick losing her pin probably too… Although I had a random thought right now that maybe Peregrine used it to copy the pins for his members (I’m thinking here about these datamined models). I theorised in the past that Peregrine started using the Eye of Ra to further frame Rakepick, but I have to admit that I don’t have much hope for it anymore. I suppose it’s more likely that they decided to ruin this symbolism entirely.
There are a couple more things about the datamines you didn’t mention, but I want to address, but… I might make yet another separate post for that. But one thing you mentioned I do want to address is Merula taking the Crown from the Sunken Vault. Because… seriously? I mean, I was totally expecting that she did something in there, and I talked about it in my commentary post. But now it turns out that she simply drank some potion, so the curse in the Vault wouldn’t hurt her. And I have to ask:
Could the Sunken Vault be any lamer??
Like, JC already made it super lame. You just have to dive into the Black Lake and then you don’t even need any help because the Vault’s location was marked with the trident. Then, you have to blow up some rocks and fight Grindylows, but none of it is particularly difficult. And at last, you might get defeated by a pretty terrible curse, but you’re still not totally helpless in this situation because… there’s a potion to deal with it. A freaking potion.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure this potion was difficult to brew and whatnot. But… it just feels too simple. Couldn’t they at least say that Merula had to master Occlumency for that? Especially since there actually are hints about it in the plot (Merula seems to know a lot about Veritaserum, and it was even said in the game that Veritaserum can be used to learn Occlumency). Seriously, it’s so incredibly disappointing, in my opinion. But the Sunken Vault was quite disappointing in general, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
And I think that’s it, at least for now! I’m sorry my reply is not more detailed, but as I said, the issue of Ryusaki’s amulet was already addressed separately. And I didn’t want to mix you there. On the other hand, the rest of the things on my mind is not really connected to what we talk about here. But if you’re curious about it, I hope you’ll stay tuned!
But anyway, I think the main conclusion we have to take from this is that… JC doesn’t really know what they’re doing anymore. It’s quite sad, but not surprising, I suppose.
Oh, and I'm also upset that Rakepick is not in the upcoming chapters :< I'd love to see her again, even if it'd be through more memories.
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immagrosscandy · 3 years
I thought you all knew hphm writing is shit, it used to be decent back then during year 4 but now its...trash, not only that but they change the characters motives and the story a lot.
Im not talking about Talbott btw, im talking about other characters as well. The Wizard in White was send to kill mc and their friends now the game is saying it wasnt for that but they confirmed back then it was.
Idk what happend to the writer but originally R wanted to kill/get rid of mc for being in their way, now they want mc to be their leader. I honestly dropped the game, grabbed the characters and started writing my own version of the story because Jesus Christ...
i already knew about jc's bad writing. but sometimes i just ignore some stuff but then i rethink again and i'm like "wait they want a 16-year-old to be the leader of their cult wtf-" 😭
Yes I kinda agree when they do shitty things with the characters' motivations.
And honestly R is becoming less of a threat as time passes, like at first they looked like they meant business by threatening Jacob, almost killing MC and their mother, having eyes and ears everywhere... they meant something and Jacob was sacred of them!
Geez, they even controlled Ben's mind and forced him to be against us in Year 4 and Rowan as well in Year 5!
But now I don't really know what they want. If they want the treasure, if they want power, recognition
What is R's main motivation? What is the reason they're doing this? Who's their leader? What do they want?
These are simple questions that must have an clear answer, or else your story won't go anywhere. We, the players, will get confused. It's something so important and crucial when writing a story!
Does MC mean something to them? They wanted to kill them but now they want them alive? Why? Was MC in their way, but now they see them as crucial? What JC what?!
And like, the final Vault is already done! You got rid of Rakepick, either trapping her inside or locking her in Azkaban. What do they want now?
Look... the original writers for the story were fired, and when they hired new ones they didn't really know what the main idea was.
Honestly this is all JC's fault. Like, they're lazy
Incredibly lazy.
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crossdressingdeath · 3 years
OMFG. WWX? Suibian/Chenqing Shengshou! JXA? Suihua Shengshou! You want a title but you just don't know whet's your jam? Can't go wrong with Shengshou! I'm a Shengshou, you're a Shengshou, everybody is a Shengshou! Shengshous for everyone!
Yeah, it’s like, this is the most generic title possible. “You use this thing super good”. That’s it! Anyone can have that title, just change the first word! It’s so incredibly lazy, I suspect JC’s actions demanded a title but the people didn’t want to give him one so it was just “Uh... he’s got a sword, right? There you go!” and they thought no more about it. Bare-minimum effort only here!
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