#i'm just ?? skdlfj??????
hythlodaes · 8 months
6.55 spoilers
shut upppppppp
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fountainpenguin · 11 months
#Riddle Watches Traffic - Secret Life Session 4 POVs - This post contains Joel, Grian, Etho, Martyn, and Scar commentary
Joel POV (My first POV for this session):
Joel, the ex-Shrek, running around dropping lines from "All Star" in conversation is everything I could have wanted.
Joel: If you were a color, what color would you be? Pearl: Red.
Can't argue with that.
Lizzie: You like my path? Joel: I do. Is it going to link up with mine? Lizzie: We've got connecting paths now. Joel: I didn't realize we were that close. Lizzie: To touch paths. Joel: I know we're married, but come on... It's getting a bit crazy now.
slkdjf Joel really does not want to be touchy-feely with anyone this season huh?
Okay I switched to Grian's POV because Joel came up to the rest of the Mounders and they were all giggling and telling him to go talk to Grian, so swapping my liveblog over:
Grian POV
?? Grian's task was to bait a yellow into believing his task was singing everything he says, that feels kinda unfair to the yellows because it doesn't give them a way to call him on it, does it? slkdjf
That is really funny he needs to get someone to call him out in order to succeed, though.
Grian's really good at like, recapping and/or giving context (like pulling up his screen to walk the audience through exactly who the Yellows on the server are). Thanks G.
sldkfjs Scar singing back to Grian... They are soulmates, your honor.
Cleo, trying not to bust up laughing: How long do you have to sing for? Grian, singing: I don't have to sing! It's a choice~!
Grian chasing people and singing while they run sdlkfjsd... Mumbo like "Please stop following me! I don't want to deal with your singing anymore!"
sldkfjsd can we make a reaction clip out of Grian sadly singing, "I am mortally wounded~"
Grian is SO GOOD at this baiting game, though. Despite needing to get a yellow to guess his task, he takes off running as soon as Joel shows up, then when Joel starts talking to him he clams up. Master of manipulation; what a deLIGHT!
sldkfjs the hilarity of Joel smugly calling Grian out and then Grian takes out his book, sighs loudly, and trots off to the Secret Keeper... and hits success instead of fail. omg.
Joel immediately adding "My world's on fire; how 'bout yours?"
Grian: "You are all terrible friends and that's what I needed <3"
lskdjfsdk Scar being like "Wait, that was your task? I thought we were just being musical." Your honor, they are soulmates.
Does... does Etho have my "reference previous seasons / fake moment from previous series" task suggestion?
Switching back to Joel:
slkdfjsldkjfksdl in Joel's POV, there's a bit of lag so when Joel confronts Grian, Grian suddenly bolts across the bridge at light speed and it's hilarious.
Switching to Etho because dying of curiosity:
Etho making cute benches outside his shack.
Cleo: Oh, there there... I was going to pat you, but then I realized... Etho: Pat me with a sword? Clean slice through the head?
sdklfjsdfj househusband Etho strikes again?? Cleo accidentally whacks him with a sword and he immediately spins around like "I'm sorry- I'll do the dishes, I'll do whatever you want! No more, no more!" Love that for him.
Love how Etho said "Aha" after looking at his task even though he hadn't even received that suggestion yet.
You nerds really gonna be like "Etho and I aren't romantic" and "We're besties" and then put a single bed inside your house, huh? What am I supposed to do with that.
?????? Martyn giving Etho the assignment of gaslighting someone into believing a fake moment from the previous series? Does Martyn have my suggested task or did we just same brain on that one? lol.
[More liveblogging under the cut <3 #Long post]
Switching over to Martyn POV because curious:
skdlfj wow Martyn's video is super loud after coming from Etho's. Just gonna turn my sound down there.
??? Martyn does not have my suggestion so I guess he and I just had the same brain wave. Alas. Here were some suggestions I put in Tango's Session 3 comments, for anyone curious:
Reference events from past Life series at least 4 times in conversation with other players (Ex: "This reminds me of that one boogeyman kill in Last Life; remember when X happened?") - [Some ideas that come to mind are that it would be funny to pester players who missed seasons by lightheartedly teasing them about events they weren't around for]
Alternatively: Convince at least 2 players that a falsified event happened in Secret Life or a past Life series [Ex: "Haven't you seen the fanart of this? I'll send it to you later." / "Remember, we were all there? Oh, you didn't play in that series; I guess you wouldn't know."]
?? They took the world border out of the Nether. Untapped escape routes in Hell.
I appreciate "mayor" Scar chasing the Big Dogs away and telling them he was going to send them to the pound.
(Loud sigh). Scar upset with Martyn for peeing on (dumping water on) his base. Martyn is running amok. Unrestrained.
slkdjf Martyn admitting he had read a lot of tasks in the past week and was thinking he'd probably end up taking someone else's idea. Y'know what, good enough for me. Whether we same brained or he read that, I'm satisfied. Also Etho saying "Martyn, you should write tasks because that's a great idea." I'll take it, slkdfj.
Watched a few minutes more of Martyn, he's talking with Joel and I have nothing to say atm, switching back to Joel:
Joel so sad when his cows get loose.
I appreciate how Martyn allowed Etho to buy his silence but then he runs to Joel and starts dropping hints.
slkdjfs Joel nailed his lyrics, good for him.
Joel working on his farms before pressing the success button is mildly stressing me out. (Oh, he was waiting for safe day).
sldkfj Etho giving Joel a chance to take a guess at him and Joel phrasing his words specifically as "Was your goal to bait a yellow into guessing you're saying 'Aha?'"
I always admire Joel's commitment to getting the right colored resources, especially wood. He takes so much pride in his builds even in the deathgame.
One of my other task suggestions was to break game rules for part of the session and I used the example of wearing a helmet. If Scar has that task, that will be quite funny. He's being super sus about that helmet and even talking like "I can take it off! I'll take it off right now" which would line up with my 50% of the session suggestion. I'll have to check on him next.
Gem's Yellow life heterochromia.
lskdjfslkjdf Boat Boys, my beloved...
Etho, parking a boat and making eye contact: Joel. Get in. Joel: The fandom's gonna go crazy, Etho. We can't do this. Etho: We're reliving the past, Joel, right now. Remember the good old days, just me and you? Joel: I do. The Relation ship. Etho: Riding the boats? Etho: ... Back when you cared about me.
skdjf I had to pause to start writing that and it really does just keep going, huh?
Joel: I still care, Etho. It's just... Etho: You still care? We hardly see each other anymore. Joel: I know, I know, but that's because I'm with the Mounders now. Etho: Well, this is where the relationship ends.
What is in Etho's Secret Life water; he is SO clingy and mushy with Joel every episode.
Joel calling Scar out for breaking the rules... is this my task, I am so curious.
Kind of surreal watching this play out. Definitely picking up the vibe that the players screened tasks together before putting them in and so they've got "rule breaker" as a possible option in their minds and that's why they're so quick to jump in and call Scar out on that TODAY despite the fact that he was also breaking rules in previous episodes. Very curious.
Martyn's calling a meeting, seems like a good time to pop over and check on Scar's task. Episode title is him calling himself a server villain so it might not be my task, but that's very funny anyway. Let's see.
Alas... It is not my "Break the rules for 50% of the episode" task suggestion, but the task he does have is really clever (Do the opposite of what people tell you to do).
Gonna bounce back to Joel and finish his episode and return to Scar later, but that will be a fun watch <3 Still getting the vibe that they screened my task ideas and maybe we will see it another day. We shall see.
I like the mental image of Scott looking up, covered in mud and dirt, as the Task Force comes barreling over the hill like "We caught you mud-handed!!"
Also enjoy the mental image of Joel catching Gem at the bottom of his water slide.
Joel @ Gem about The End: How come they went? I wouldn't go. Gem: idk, bunch of improv nerds. They just kept saying 'Yes.'
Yeah that tracks.
Gem: I just saved you a heart. I don't think I have to give you one.
I love how Joel is always like "Everybody likes me because I'm really popular." Like that's his actual dialogue. He's so fun to write and it's always funny to remember that he really is just Like That.
Congrats to Joel for finishing a nice fence around his base, lighting it up, and chopping down the trees to prevent skeleton spawning! He's doing pretty well this season.
MARTYN FIRST RED... He fell out of the world. what an idiot /affectionate.
Jimmy too... Jimmy. Jimmy, my man who has been out first four seasons in a row... is also on red life now... Jimmy, you are playing a DANGEROUS game.
Done with Joel's POV, switching to Grian's (after leaving a nice comment and a like on his video ofc <3)
Grian: The reds work slightly differently, but I'll explain that when we get our first red. Me: ... ah.
It's fun to see how careful and skilled Grian is. He's been a very high-heart green name for several episodes and it gives me 3rd Life vibes again.
That said, he lost a bunch in the caves... but I get why, gotta do the mining. Oh geez, zombie kid with a sword hits hard. Ouch.
Loving his dramatic music, though. It was interesting a few months ago when I went back and started binging some early Hermitcraft episodes, because you never appreciate the skill these guys have with subtle music until you compare them to their older videos which feel more awkward and empty. gg.
Holy GEEZ, Grian's dropping hearts like mad. Also watching him panic as his hunger meter drops because he's out of food is super funny. Yeah, that'll kill you.
Grian Session 4 would be a good early watch with that kind of tension... Also I love him limping into his base and devouring berry after berry.
Scar unable to take off his helmet because everyone keeps going "?? Take off your helmet!" and he can't.
The hilarity of:
Grian: Can I use your enchantment table? Scar: YES! ... Wait........ Grian: /turns around Scar: Noooo... Grian: /cracks up
Scar indicating he's okay with Grian using the table by using a sarcastic sing-songy voice to tell him it would be a bad idea to use it skldfj
Scar following Grian's instructions but doing so with a delay while Grian stands there confused sdlkfj
Grian: Scar said I could use it! How else would I know you had it? Cleo: ?? Why would Scar be in charge of our enchanter? Grian: ??? He said it was his??
Etho telling Grian to give his heart to Cleo slkdjf. Etho just really wants to be affectionate to someone.
Grian: What do I have to do to be friends? I hate living in that egg.
lskdjf obsessed with the besties roommates getting a third wheel roommate who brings them golden carrots.
Etho: You've been burning down your bases every episode. One rule: If you move into ours, you're not allowed to burn it down.
<3 Builder roommate!!
slkdfjsk they outsourced the bed shrine to Grian.
Etho: Cleo, you're really going to get along with Grian. He likes burning things too.
Obsessed with Grian asking why Etho waterlogged his chests and when Etho explains it's to prevent TNT damage, Grian just pauses and goes "I have made the right choice." sldkfj. Grian and Etho and Cleo team up! Very exciting; what will they do?
Grian asking Scar if he's okay and Scar saying "I'm neutral." skldjf. Scar is so good at this.
Loving Grian going to visit BigB for his obligatory "let's find out what weird stuff he's doing" commitment (and dragging Scar after him).
slkdjfskldj wheezing:
Grian: Why is Tango hanging around? Mumbo: ??? That's a bit rude? Someone partaking in a conversation and you're like "Why are you here?"
Watching Martyn eyeballing The End advancements in the chat while I know he's this close to dying from jumping in The End is stressing me out.
Mumbo: Grian, let's play a game. You stop. Grian: /stops Mumbo: /takes off running
And there go Martyn and Jimmy...
?? How interesting that red lives can't immediately PVP other players, but that's hilarious that they're supposed to have a never-ending chain of harmful tasks to complete. POV, you get possessed by a bunch of spirits who don't want to release your body. Time to add that to my Secret Life 'fic collection...
Grian's POV is done, going to leave him his like and comment, quickly wrap up these recaps, and sign off for the night.
Etho time:
Coming back in to Martyn's gaslighting suggestion... picking up what Etho does from here. sldkfj that really is my task he suggested, but Etho interpreted it differently. Fun to watch though. Also hilarious that Etho started claiming he came up with the Aha bit. sldkfj. Everyone in this series is nuts.
Shout out to Bdubs: "I want to be Yellow just for the barks."
slkdfj love Jimmy pointing out that in Last Life everyone was cracking up over Aha jokes but now everyone is just sighing at Etho.
Etho possessed by dead Southlander ghost :(
I like Etho asking if Grian wants a bread bridge because it really does sound like he's just bringing up "dead memes."
wheezing at Bdubs like "Wow, someone made the whole world in this short of a time?" and Scott jumps in like "Only a Bad Boy could do that." slkdfjlsdjf
Martyn: I meant something else but :'D (GG)
slkdfjsdljfskl screaming at BigB like "I forgot I was supposed to report to the Heart Foundation."
Etho: I'm a horse girl too. Cleo: I mean, that's what I call Bdubs.
lskdjfsldkjf Impulse jumpscare. Haven't seen him show up in any of my POVs yet. Will probably circle back to him later this weekend.
That wraps up Etho's POV, switching over... I have been watching Minecraft for like 3 hours straight.
Bdubs in Etho's comments launching a "formal complaint" against Etho sldkjfs. That's friendship.
Speedwatching Martyn and then Scar and then we rest.
Picking up 15 minutes into Martyn's episode:
Joel, about his wife: Oh, Lizzie. I forgot her. Not like she's an important part of my life or anything. Martyn: Old news, old news. Separation of work and life.
I do find it funny that Etho was bouncing around like "Joel, want to take a shot at me?"
The "Scar never stood trial" screen is cracking me up.
Again, RIP Scar unable to take off his helmet because everyone kept telling him too slkdjf.
I love Martyn and Pearl going back and forth like "You just told me to give my base a big butt and then walked off."
Martyn: I'm waiting to hand in my task in case I lose hearts so I can recover. Curse of knowledge: ...
<3 Pretty Heart Foundation cherry blossom heart and cool globe in the background.
sldkjf Impulse urging everyone to gift Skizz hearts. The guilt. They are BFFs, your honor.
Martyn's dramatic music while Scar takes off running slkdjf.
Big brain move by Martyn for swiping Mumbo's horse while sussing out his task.
Welp, this is as far as I got before someone came in and pulled me from my computer, which of course restarted in my absence and closed all my many incognito tabs with my videos :') Ugh. Thank goodness for auto-saved drafts though or I would have lost this after 3 hours of watching.
Posting now and if I have anything more to say about Martyn or Scar, I'll do so in another post!
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coldshrugs · 10 months
wip whenever
@thevikingwoman tagged me and i'm suddenly deep in a fresh hell so. i'll share the very quick snippet most of the frens have already seen lmao! i'm plotting this out fully and having so much fun :> i'll tag, with no pressure, some enablers @hythlodaes @lavampira @gefiltefished @galadae @scionshtola (even tho you've been tagged skdlfjs) and anyone else with things to share!!
“What are you wearing?” “Lord Edmont sent for it earlier this week. He thought it best to keep my tattoos hidden, but allowed me to choose the color.” She is dressed in floor-length velvet over silk, deep red and black. Matching lace brushes the base of her neck, distorting the pattern inked into her skin underneath. She holds her arms, covered in the same black silk, in front of her, hands clasped politely. Modest jewels glint here and there on the fabric, and even sparkle in her hair, which has been gathered into a loose, low chignon. She is stunning. “You look ridiculous.” She gives him a sidelong glare. “Are we no longer friends, Estinien? After marriage, I don’t fit your narrow view of a warrior, so you scorn me.” Friends. He prays to Halone every day he could return to a time when he thought of her merely as a friend. He grinds his teeth and says nothing. Io takes a deep breath, but it does not steady her words. “I had hoped all of this–the crowded ballrooms, the incessant small talk, my… lack of agency in it all–would be tolerable, because I thought, finally, I would not be alone. Now I see there is no joy to be had in Ishgard. You, friend, won’t allow me to steal even a moment of it in the corner of this farce–” “Your husband is just there–” “My husband doesn’t see me!” She hisses, rounding on him. “I’m going for air. Not that anyone will ask.”
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queenofbaws · 2 months
Top 5 favorite Grishaverse characters! I am curious if they will all be crows!;)
oh LORD sldkjflksdjf i am SO deep in the grisha pit right now, lmaoooOOOOO if anyone notices a pattern in my picks, no you don't 🙏🏻 (also i have not watched any of the show, i've strictly been a book girl so far :P)
kaz brekker. i mean. obviously. obviously. obviously. the "if i couldn't walk, i'd crawl to you" bit ALONE, like. my GOD. don't get me started on the bathroOM SINK SCENE AHHHHHH and the GLOVES?! i just. leigh bardugo was personally targeting me with kaz's creation, that's all i'm saying.
the darkling. look. i know. i get it. i understand what having these two as the first two suggests about me. i do. but. i'm just saying. if i had been the sun summoner, uh. things. things would've been. different. soRRY EVERYBODY ELSE!!! mysterious and dangerous man with the power of shadows and sad grey eyes presents me with a pretty black coat and tells me i'm special, that's game over.
inej ghafa. oooh if i could marry inej i would 😭 she kicks so much ass, she takes so little shit, she goes through SO MUCH and endures SO MUCH and still manages to find the best in people and her situations. i just...............i just want the world for her.
jesper fahey. who, i ask, in their right mind, DOESN'T love jesper?????????? the gunslinging! the sweet talking!!!!! the jokes!!!!!!!! thE VULNERABILITY THE MOMENT HE SEES HIS DAAAAAAD!!! i am firmly of the opinion that jesper would be the best hugger out of everyone in the whole franchise, and i cannot, and will not, be swayed from that position. every time he shows up i'm delighted, idk what to tell you.
genya safin. i do believe she utilized girl power by poisoning ravka's king, i know this is a hot take and i will not be taking criticism at this time. skdlfj for real though, i am a Big Fan of when characters take their pound of flesh, and "i am not ruined, i am ruination?" SHIVERS. (plus i think tailoring is such a cool grisha ability ahhhhhHHHHH)
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
@taznovembercelebration - Monster
((this is part of a very convoluted werewolf taako au i made very self indulgencey skdlfjs you can find part one here and part two here))
The morning after the full moon began in the same way it always did: Exhausted, achy, and emotionally not all there. It took a few moments for Taako to remember where he was. The walls were a soft, pale blue and there was a window where light was streaming out of the torn-up curtains. There's an uncomfortable feeling in Taako's gut, which is not unusual, just- bad. Very bad, this time.
There was a knock on the door and Taako jerked his head back toward it, already on high alert. The days leading up to the full moon often meant twenty-four-hour of overstimulation. He could hear everything twice as much, smell four times as much, and don't even get him started on taste. The days afterward were very much the opposite. He felt like his ears were stuffed with cotton and right now, all he could taste was dried blood along his mouth.
The door creaked open and Lup peeked her head in.
Lup. Gods, Lup. Taako was an awful brother. He was an awful person, in general, and being a werewolf didn't really help with that. But then he had just- just up and left ten years ago without telling anyone, because how were you supposed to tell the people you had known all your life that you were stupid enough to let yourself get bit by a werewolf? Running away was a much better option. Taako liked running away.
"Hey," Lup said so quietly Taako barely heard, stepping into the room. She had a blanket in her arms. When he and Kravitz had first arrived one night ago, he had already been too fucked up to make any real conversation with her. He wanted to say so much, but- but, but, but. "How're you doin', bud?"
"Just peachy," Taako said. Lup didn't seem to believe him. Taako didn't blame her. She knelt down next to him, looking him over. She got her wand out and tapped it against one of his thighs. He shuddered, feeling the healing spell take over for a moment. Magic and him didn't really, uh, agree anymore. Like, he would, if he had to. But the waves of magic from the spell sent his stomach twisting. Taako pressed his lips together.
"I know," Lup said. "I'll be quick."
Another spell, this time focused on his upper torso, where there was a deep gash across his right shoulder. That one wasn't too bad, he did that literally every single time he turned. The bite being there certainly wasn't helping. Lup's gaze lingered on it and Taako cringed, backing up a bit toward the wall. Lup looked away and passed the blanket to him wordlessly. He wrapped it around his shoulders.
Finally, Lup stood up and offered him a hand. Taako shook his head.
"I'm good," he said with an uncomfortable laugh.
"You're sitting in your own blood," Lup said.
"I'm used to it."
Maybe not the right thing to say. Lup grimaced, but took her hand back. After a tense second when she glanced between him and the door, she sat back down.
"Now you're sitting in my blood," Taako said.
"I'll get used to it," Lup said. Taako's heart clenched. He looked away, curling himself under the blanket. He was so tired. He was always tired after the moon, but gods, it hurt more this time. He wished... well, he wished a lot of things. He wished it hadn't happened, he wished he was better at talking to people, he wished Lup didn't feel obligated to invite him back in because Taako had imagined this a hundred times before, and ninety-nine of them had ended with him back on the streets.
In a stupid, selfish way, he wished that Lup had also got bitten because then, at least, he wouldn't be alone. But Lup would never leave Barry behind, and Barry would never go without telling someone, at least, and eventually, it'd trickle down to where everyone knew, and ughhhhh.
"I can't right now," Taako said. Lup pursed her lips. "Later, I- I promise. But not right now."
"I love you a lot," Lup said, holding onto his hand. Taako tried not to flinch again. "You know that, right?"
"Yeah," Taako said, feeling so, so small for someone who was a man-eating beast less than an hour ago. "I know."
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
name: Jo
pronouns: she / her
preference of communication: probably DMs on the dash although I don't mind discord I just tend to be slower on there . Of course , DMs at all give me anxiety so sometimes I just get slow and don't respond right away because being perceived even through like 1 on 1 conversation freaks me out idk .
most active muse: this literally changes every day . right now I'm reading pjo again and have a bunch of greek mythos muse . but I tend to always have high muse for twilight / thg muses - probably because I have been down bad for twilight since the start of my rp career and thg I've developed so much in my head sldkfj.
experience/how many years: too long man . so I started way back on myspace in 2009 with a random renesmee blog - but it was very short lived because I ran into this huge twilight group and turned her into an oc named chloe lucas . eventually , the person who vacated a brady fuller profile offered up the entire edited page for whoever wanted it so I took it over and entered into some of the best times of my life . I fell in love with brady ( & a ship I had on there which was so angsty and just lsdkfj ) and ended up writing analee ( now analeigh here ) ateara , kim connweller , and I'm sure some others I'm forgetting . any way the mun behind part of my brady ship introduced me from there to tumblr and I joined a pjo rpg group as cora ( a daughter of demeter ) . from there the biggest tumblr group moment was mushu's daughter in a disney group named faith who I adored & I dilly-dallied around on here in groups until the same mun that brought me here ( miss you so much skdlfj ) introduced me to indie . and I've been stuck in the indie hell-hole for years . I started out with just a single muse jacob blog ( spaceheatcr - sigh I loved that blog ) and then eventually came around to the idea of multi-muses and here I am .
best experience: I'd have to say the first twilight group ( twilight teams - it was so cute you were " team forks " or " team la push " or " team volturi " or " team nomad " depending on who you wrote / where they lived ) on myspace because I met hella lifelong friends that I still have on facebook etc and it made me fall in love with writing / expressing & developing different muses . also the disney group I was in on here ( back to disney I think it was called ? it was a boarding school type for disney character's kids and SO cute and the admins were all so sweet I cry ) was amazing and just wholesome . and then spaceheatcr my jacob single muse because I also made lots of friends ( hales literally brought me back for this blog so I mean come on ) and idk.
rp pet peeves: bothering me over plots I don't agree with / if I block you / don't follow you / don't respond in time in a pestering way . I don't mind a hey is this thread still going if it's been awhile but I've had a few instances where people just were icky over like my time and availability . it makes writing a chore for me and that's when I usually go on hiatus . also, there is a reason I usually do mains and not exclusives on indie blogs . I had a horrid experience with a ship where the mun literally followed me onto here from myspace and acted super clingy / possessive over a male muse of mine ( i won't go into details this isn't a call-out but still ) and would like get jealous / angry ooc if he interacted with any other people in any ship way / close way etc etc etc and just all this other shit so yeah, I'm on indie for a reason - I enjoy exploring multiple ships ( not even just romantic but ya know ) and universes and aus and what have you so like - idk, exclusives are not my thing and mainly bc of that . I'm so scared of that happening again .
plots or memes: memes are the best way to get ideas rolling in my head because sometimes I just hit a block with plots and also idk where to go with new people ? mostly because I feel awkward and don't wanna suggest things and like offend or upset anyone so it's always a good idea just to either attack me with plots or memes lol. most of the time I'll say yes - esp now that I have a ship page for canon up for my thoughts on them and have some headcanons rolling for my own canon views .
long or short replies: this honestly depends entirely on my muse and not on my partner at all . sometimes short replies have to happen to transition . sometimes short replies are all I can come up with because my muse is fighting me . and sometimes I go stupid and crazy and give you a novella . it's literally all me not you sdlkfj and will vary within threads and memes for the same muses depending . so never be discouraged !!!
are you like your muse: I have so many muses - a lot of them I am drawn to because there is something I see in them that I guess is like me ? some are not like me at all tbh . I guess it all depends on who we're talking about . I try to have variety so idk .
tagged by : slightly stolen from @divienity tagging : all of you !!
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Awwgh this poor girl :'(
Oop o.o 👀
Yeah fair sir lol xD
Okay good just tell the truth Maddie :')
Basically? Idk if like officially but yk
Okay pretending I know nothing know
Oofgh real :'/
Yeah doesn't say love :'(
Aww that's good she'll be okay <3
OOFGH guy o.o
Yeah <33
Oop yeah 👀🥺
Awww Maddie :'((
Lol just gets honesty from people :') xD
Ahh from being a nurse xD
Yep lol :'))
LOL the hours and pay xD
:'O aww :'))
Aww close enough 😭
And she deserves someone here for her <33
Like you guys are always there for each other :')
Aww honey 😭😭 :'((
Okay it is a daughter I thought so
:'(( ❤️❤️
Maddieee 😭😭❤️🥺
Oop o.o
I wonder if she's noticed him lol
His face XD
Girl didn't need to do that too him o.o xDD (she absolutely did)
Uhh what is this
Eddie what is this face o.o
Bro is taken in by the memory of his ex and late wife o.o
OOP memory yep o.o
Meanwhile girl's just good at her job xd
Are you just saying that so she'll keep talking to you o.o???
Sir 😭😭 what the freak
Like I don't adore Marisol but my gosh xD
Also this reminds me of a fic where Tommy had no clue Marisol existed xD
Wait did he say si or something?? We speaking in Spanish now-
OHH the letter lol it's a letter keychain XDD
Go away Kim xd
Nahh let's. Not. Can we not xd
Let's not get yourself a secret life sir xd
Also like. Get emotional help
OOP o.o
Bro call your therapist get an emergency session 😭
Hm maybe Mara's class? A little old but one's never too old for the parachute
Ahh the dad o.o
SLFKGJDKHS that's cause you are Karen xD
"Don't say that" XDD SKDLFJS
Y'all are idiots lol I love you
Maybe you shouldn't be stalkers though xD
Then again gaining his trust through lies wouldn't help either lol
Ahh a mom too cool
Aww that's cute :))) 🥰
Y'all this is stressing me out
I hope you just want visitation bc he seems good with them xd
Are y'all about to lie- okay not really xd
Y'ALLLL I'm stressing 😭
OOP o.o okay good we're being straight
Well not straight as y'all say wife but yk xd
Well he's being firm but like not too hostile?
Yeah but this is about her too :(
I understand wanting him to be happy but I don't think we can disregard hers
Yeah she's been through a lot D:
And yeah he might!
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ghostaris · 5 years
magiteks replied to your post: magiteks replied to your post: ...
god i HATE the people who uwu the fuck out of horror movie slasher villains the most tho… like sorry i don’t think your drawing of leatherface as a chibi with a flower crown is cute.
LMAO i blame the dead by daylight fandom for that. woobifying any character is annoying, but especially for villains that are super well written and complex. they just need to take their uwus and shove them up their butt. i LOVE the people who are like ‘BUT I WOULD BE THE EXCEPTION’ ... like bitch no u wouldn’t be
i also hate when people make them DEPEND on someone else???? like bitch what????
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stevethehairington · 2 years
i'm assuming this is for the send a "🔊 and a character" thing i reblogged! ty for sending it in!!
i am going to cheat and give you TWO songs that remind me of eddie bc i feel like it skdlfjs
but. the first song is smalltown boy by bronski beat. i was first introduced to this song bc i read a fic in which the party basically went around and wrote their favorite songs on a whiteboard so that they were all Prepared in case someone got vecna'ed, and that was the song that eddie chose. i had never heard the song before reading this fic, but i immediately listened to it and like. it literally changed me as a person. it's SUCH a good song, and it just feels like it FITS eddie yknow? and the explanation in the fic for why eddie chose that song was just SO excellent. i, unfortunately, cannot remember the name of the fic for the LIFE of me, but it was so so good!!
my second song would be sweet child o' mine by guns n' roses. i don't really have a solid reasoning as to why it reminds me of eddie but it just does! lol
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gayassmattdamon · 3 years
jas my love <3
how are you? how's everything going?
okok inspired by the post about blaine being like a darling nephew how would you describe the rest of the glee characters that you could think off?
hope November is kind to you 💜
i'm good!! i got back super late last night so i'm a lil tired but it's halloween!! do you have plans for it? i'll be on set the whole day so technically that's how i'm celebrating it skdlfj
okay quick fire answering woooo
quinn: that girl that you openly admire in class bc everyone does, but secretly jealous of bc she's doing better in a class that you thought you were best at. you hate watch her instagram stories
santana: the fun aunt that you lowkey stick to at a party bc you know she'll give you all the family gossip once she's got at least 3 drinks in her
mercedes: that friend you've been trying to hang out with but your schedules never line up so you have a coffee date planned for february 3rd 2027. she'll drop everything for a phone call tho
tina: the girl that comes into the store you work at but never buys anything. you can't help but make up a backstory for her even tho you've barely even looked at each other. manic pixie girl basically but not creepy/weird
rachel: the annoying cousin who's your age so you kinda have to hang out w her at family gatherings bc your other cousins are either 10 years older or younger than you. she's actually not that annoying and you spend the entire night in the corner w her talking abt anything and everything
sam: your younger sibling's best friend who always raids your kitchen so you take him and your sibling to the grocery store and pay for everything bc "once you two finally get a job you'll pay me back" (jokingly bc you'll never let them)
kurt: the only person in the friend group that you can talk shit with and he won't "try to see the situation from both sides". you're fairly certain he talks shit abt you w other people but you actually don't mind it so much bc honestly? fair
artie: the guy who tries to convince you that m*rvel movies deserve to be taken seriously and thinks scorsese is a joke. he loves taxi driver tho
mike: the popular guy you have a crush on and somehow convinced yourself that he likes you back. he lets you down gently, and still smiles politely at you when you pass in the hallway
brittany: you got paired together for a project and you just know she won't do shit so you're prepared to do everything, but she actually has some good ideas and you plan it out together. but she never answers her phone and puts in her part last minute, but you can't be too mad bc she gives you a cupcake as an apology
finn: the coworker you never want to be on shift with
puck: same as finn but he makes the shift so fun, work is just a lil sloppy and your manager half heartedly reprimands the two of you
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pagesofcursive · 3 years
Hi, Briar! Happy Spring! XD for the ask game:
💕 - if you could take anyone you love on a spring picnic, who would you bring, where would you go and what would you have?
🎊 - what songs do you associate with springtime? when did you first hear them?
hi!! thank you hehe
💕 - if you could take anyone you love on a spring picnic, who would you bring, where would you go and what would you have?
answered that one here!
🎊 - what songs do you associate with springtime? when did you first hear them?
oo!! there's a song called "it might as well be spring" which talks about feeling restless enough to have "spring fever" even though it isn't spring yet, but it does remind me of spring skdlfj (and now i am listening to it again so thank you hehe) (also i'm just in a bernadette peters mood!!)
you can find the spring asks here!
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lenaluthorisgay · 7 years
my therapist three hours ago: you should allow yourself to feel
me now, sitting in bed eating tortilla chips while listening to africa by toto on repeat: sounds fake but ok
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whenemmafallsinlove · 5 years
pos hour: hot chocolate while it's snowing outside!! :) also just sending virtual hugs bc I have some friends who are also in various stages of clinicals and it sounds so exhausting skdlfjs but I'm so proud of u, and glad that you're doing it, because I can't tell you how many times having an understanding nurse or doctor made the difference in helping me get the care I needed 💜💜
awww that’s the best!!!!!!!! i love it!!! yeah what was exhausting about this one was it’s 90 min away and we had to be ON UNIT by 0645 so got up at 0300 to get ready and get to carpool to get there. the roads were EXTREMELY icy and we should’ve cancelled but we didn’t know they would be icy. it was dangerous. but positive is we made it there safely and i had a wonderful nurse showing me her unit and she handled the stress of a heavy day so well and i just LOVE HER and miss her already day!!! and the roads were clear on the way back thank god. it’s a great facility so the drive is worth it but it still makes for a long day. a lot of our clinicals are in town tho!!! anyways i rambled but thank you ily
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
how are you? I hope you’re doing well 😇 I love your audio commentaries a lot! I sometimes use them as a bg noise to do my work if I have no clue what to put on, it makes me feel like someones working beside me which is an eviroment I work faster in ^^;;
oh gosh have we really never figured out who Bro is..? I always thought it was Jin LOL I swear I saw Jin in the fic somewhere.. unless I just miss Jin so much I started hallucinating 😭 and gosh dare I say that everytime I listen to moonlight all I think about is 3tan yoongi..? agust d2 yoongi will forever plague my mind, something about him being in the sage green outfit is so attractive.. 😳 its definitely the hair and scar gosh I live for it 🤍
- 🍷
HI, WINE!! omg i missed you :')) i'm doing p well - about to go to sleep but i figure i'd answer you before heading to bed. how are you?
and oh my goodness, that makes me so happy to hear.. background noise? hello?? honored what the heck ! i'll be working alongside you as many times as you need me to. also, i was thinking about talking about another fic for next episode - either first love, last love, or the ex not missed :D but we'll see what my brain decides.
and we do not have a definitive answer for bro. i will put you down for team jin, though LOL idk if you were here when we started forming teams or not, but i now have you on the roster skdlfjs
MOONLIGHT YESSS oh my gosh that is definitely listed as one of the moods for 3tan on the masterlist (alongside people and 28) so you picturing him while listening to that just makes me😭😭 that's amazing. but yeah... there's a reason why i chose that yoongi for 3tan. i cannot get enough of him :'))) who knew we would end up seeing a lot more of him!
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hi!! for the author ask game questions thingy- for Entrance Interviews, 4 (What’s your favorite line of dialogue?) and 5 (What part was hardest to write?) :O?? and then for Coffee For Candlenights, 10 (Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?). i love ur writing, thank u <3 -ise
ooh! (the questions in question)
4. “Artistic differences. My stage manager was being kind of a tool, I told him to kick rocks, he told me to drop dead, you know how it is. Er, well you probably don’t. But that’s just how it is.”
Like it's not a particularly brilliant line but for some reason i was just a big fan of it.
5. oh absolutely like, the little epilogue from Lucretia's pov. I knew it had to like, wrap up some way and tbh I'm still not the biggest fan of that bit but you live and you learn
10. ooooh okay uh yeah no this was entirely because my candlenights exchange partner wanted either that pairing or duck/indrid and i have not listened through amnesty yet (like. indrid still hasn't been introduced where I'm at skdlfjs). Yeah that is literally the Only piece of content for a non-canon twin pairing that will ever come from me so for all who enjoyed that, sorry to disappoint!
ahhhh you're too kind!!!
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kyunsies · 3 years
Hey mädch! This feels like a very different kind of lightheaded djdkdk it's like I see grainy cable tv sometimes. Like you know when a cable tv doesn't have signal it shows black white grey dots all over the screen?
Yass queen! New skincare!!! Baby pink tank top!! I love baby pink! I'm sure it's so pretty! Also ooh a perfume? What does it smell like? Also you're starting your final year of uni soon!!
I'm planning to buy some new makeup brushes soon! And more makeup too! I don't really know much about makeup tbh I know basic stuff but there's a sale on the website I usually get my makeup from! But I'm really hesitant to spend money on myself :( I always feel guilty and like I don't deserve it. - 🐼anon
hello angel i'm really sorry i'm only getting to this now LKSDFJLKJ it's been a busy / stressful day ;____; how are u feeling now hun? feeling grainy ???? like confused or like "out of it?? that's scary babe ...... i hope u are able to see someone about it soon :(
YEAH skincare hhhh bc i had to get stuff before i go to uni !!! and i'm going to try to wear the tank top tomorrow if i'm up for it lol i really think it's soooo cute <3 also MY PERFUME !!!! i'm obsessed with it really ;___; the guy who helped me at the counter was so incredibly nice and he knew exactly what scents to lead me to idk he was so magical lKDFJS !!!! i'm really bad at explaining scents but here is a description of the scent i got LOL it just smells so divine , i'm so happy with my purchase <33333
OOH MAKEUP BRUSHES!! do u have a favorite brand hun or are u trying out something different? and pshhhhh u don't have to know too much about makeup as long as ur happy with what u do !!!! i used to watch so many makeup videos all throughout high school and try different things but now i just simply don't have the patience for eyeshadow LDKSFJ i just smack a few colors on put a shimmery color on top and call it a day LOL but i barely do that unless i absolutely have to look nice :') i used to love doing makeup but now it's not really fun for me anymore esp since i go to work early skdlfjs but IM SO HAPPY !!!! u should definitely splurge for yourself every once in a while !!!!! i am the same way when it comes to spending money on myself but really , you'll always end up putting off buying things for yourself (much like i do) so i say just go ahead and do it!!! it'll make u happy <3
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