#i'm just like my mother i guess
silasbug · 2 years
brain going brr... but not in a good way
i don't feel like a person
i look in the mirror and i can barely comprehend that.. that is supposed to be me
skin and appendages and twitching muscles when i move, unconsciously
i really don't like it
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femmeidiot · 7 days
my cat is so dumb I love him he throws up every time he gets into human food but he tries anyway. Like he got into French fries last night and puked them up which is gross and I don't want to clean it up but that's not the point. The point is like.. you would think he would learn it hurts his tummy but he's blinded by love of snacks.
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modernsuperhero · 2 months
Btw ages ago I came up with a Scarian au where Scar is of course the mayor of a lovely city. He's quite wealthy too - before his venture into politics he designed the very successful Scarland theme park, which rejuvenated the city's economy and boosted his own pockets too. He's very active in the community and generally beloved by the people.
He is also secretly HotGuy, the city's vigilante superhero, using his wealth from Scarland and his connections as mayor to try to untangle the mess of corruption and organized crime throughout the city! And also like, saving cats from atop trees and things if he happens to come across those too. The city however has recently become host to a deathly parasite, the lethally beautiful Mother Spore. Because she's an independent villain, HotGuy has no way to anticipate her attacks and just has to drop everything when she starts to try to take over another city block or something.
However, HotGuy is not the only person running around the city with a mask and a dream! There's one character who's known just as much for his menace as for his heroism: Poultry Man! Poultry Man may not be a villain, but far be it from him to veer away from pranks or minor shoplifting. HotGuy has chased him down after catching him egging buildings or nicking treats he didn't pay for, but he's also shown up to help HotGuy pull survivors out of the water when there was a terrible bridge collapse, or help break up fights that start to get too violent.
And then, of course, there's the final masked figure in HotGuy's career: his sidekick, CuteGuy! He simply appeared one day, kitted out in military grade weapons and body armor spray-painted pink and white, complete with frills and bows and bullets, asking how he can help. HotGuy is skilled at combat and firing his bow, but CuteGuy is on another level. For some reason, he follows HotGuy's every command to a T, never taking the lead despite obviously having extensive experience. Despite his compliance, he refuses to discuss his past or identity.
Somehow, though, none of these three characters are ever in the same place. If Mother Spore is ravaging a street, Poultry Man doesn't make a peep, and CuteGuy never comes to HotGuy's aid. Poultry Man always gets away with his pilfered knickknacks before CuteGuy arrives, and so on and so forth. And you see, Scar is no fool. He knows all three's secret identities - or rather, identity.
[More under cut]
It is none other than one of Scar's long-time friends and neighbor: Grian.
Grian has known Scar since his dreams for Scarland were nothing more than doodles in his teenage sketchbook. He adores knitting, baking, and taking his cats (however unwillingly) on walks outside. Scar moved into the mayoral home when he was elected, but he still owns his old house right next door to Grian's. Grian is a cheery architect who proudly boasts about being Scar's friend.
And Scar has no doubt in his mind he is also secretly terrorizing the innocent people around him, and that he has both attempted to kill, protect, and annoy Scar as HotGuy on countless occasions.
...Okay, he doesn't know WHY Grian is doing that, or... how, but it HAS to be him! He swears all of their voices are the same, and even with the different masks on they all look exactly like him! And, he's never seen any two of them in one place! Scar is sure Grian's innocent civilian facade is nothing more than that.
It also explains some things: Mother Spore's flirtatious remarks whenever they fight, Poultry Man's annoying cackling when he leads Scar on another chase across town, and CuteGuy's insistence on keeping him alive and following him like a shadow.
Grian and Scar used to be close. But as Scar's life got more complicated, he had less and less time to spend with his friends.
As baffling as it is, Scar is certain that while he was gone Grian became a supervillain of epic proportions, and he's probably only just begun toying with HotGuy and the rest of the city for his own amusement.
The truth is Scar is completely wrong!
Grian, Mother Spore, Poultry Man, and CuteGuy are, legitimately, four different people (or entities, looking at Mother Spore) who have never met.
Or, well, that depends on your definition of "met". :)
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arealtrashact · 2 months
Can I just say the way you draw Homelander and your other characters is absolutely awesome! Keep up the good work!
Thanks ! Always pleased ( and a little surprised ) to know that people aren't sick of me drawing him.
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melien · 3 months
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 months
the imposter syndrome i feel every time i even slightly think i might be autistic is insane, specially for a person who highly relates to the lived experiences of people who are professionally diagnosed.
Like I was just watching this one youtuber, and she was talking about very specific examples in her life and childhood where she saw autistic traits that made her realize she was autistic and then seek a diagnosis and then get one, and everything she was saying was like she was describing my life! But yeah no, I can't be autistic tho
#and one thing that has been filling me with dread (as if it was relevant lol) is the idea of seeking a diagnosis and#either not geting it because it's already so hard to find a diagnosis for '''''''women''''''' (afabs)#and that will make me doubt myself even more! but most importantly those around me who already don't believe me#but also i'm very scared about this one thing in particular which is the talking to your parents portion of the diagnosis#where the therapist will want to talk to people who knew me as a child... and that person will have to be my mom#and i'm pretty sure she will dismiss most signs. like she would either not bring them up because ''they're normal''#or play them as less important than they were#or maybe she didn't even notice them! because most of my struggles are internal!#things like being bullied or having no friends or liking a routine#idk if she'll be able to talk about all those#because my bullying wasn't violent it was mostly dismissive#my ''friends'' weren't really friends like i didn't CARE for them as maybe someone would have#and also they would leave me for no reason at all out of the blue... so i don't think even THEY considered ME a friend#and liking routine i guess she could say i prefered it but she doesn't know to the extent i hated going off it#i'm sure she forgot about the time i cried (as a 10 year old so not THAT young) because they made us change classroom#and i didn't know that was gonna happen... it was added to the anxiety that i thought my mother wouldn't be able to find me#but like the unknown classroom traumatized me (to this day i get anxious just thinking about that)#like... all those things i don't think she would bring up (if she could even) and i fear that will make me not get a diagnosis#not that this is a thing that's gonna happen cause as i established i cannot afford a therapist nor i'll ever get a diagnosis i don't think#so like it's not relevant#but i am anxious about it nonetheless#angel talks#personal#idk what's my point with this post btw i'm just venting and creaming to the void#dkfjhgdfg
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caimitos · 1 month
saw a post about projecting your ethnicity onto a character and started missing vespa ilkay. so so bad
#pov u grow up in a 3rd world country(/planet) where healthcare workers are exported by the thousands like cheap produce to richer countries#it's your ticket out of poverty as long as you can deal with the loneliness the separation from everyone you know the discrimination etc#ive never talked about my hc that vespas mother was one of them sending money every month visiting every couple of years until it just stop#like why return to the swamps when youre doing fine working on a richer planet w much better living conditions#cost of living rises every year. sending home a % of your salary used to be enough to support your husband and daughter and then it isnt#you know how it goes#vespa is also dead set on this path until ranga realizes that hemorrhaging healthcare workers leaves them with little to none of their own#students on scholarships or in community/state universities are bound by return service agreements and are forbidden to leave the country#until theyve rendered a few years of work on ranga to pay back their tuition + as a really shitty solution to the brain drain problem#this is real in my country btw but my professors say a lot of ppl do break their rsa's and fucked off to work in other countries LOL#our state unis can barely afford decent facilities they do nottt have the budget to chase down their own alumni in other countries!#but the mental image is a bit funny#vespa ilkays first crime: tinakasan ang rsa#i do also think it lines up with her having a network of med friends everywhere in the galaxy (heart of it all) you kind of go into pre/med#expecting most of your classmates to leave to work in other countries eventually. mine are aiming for the usa / uae / europe / japan etc#anyway whether vespa breaks her rsa or not she leaves ranga asap decides to switch careers and the rest is history#i also deeply love the fact that she's superstitious i'm very sad it wasn't highlighted more (i've only heard s1-3)#as someone who did grow up in a rural area and went to more albularyos/folk healers than doctors in my childhood. (they never failed me)#lots of folk illnesses (ex. balis; pasma) local medical superstitions (dont eat noodles in hospital; youll have a really toxic shift) etcc#theres also a lot of potential in tying her past as a rangian + med student + assassin to me idk how to word this properly#being raised on cautionary tales of not to touch/disturb anything in the swamps then being given free reign to poke & prod at things in her#lab classes (now with the proper ppe)....she was having so much fun with the curemother prime too lmao#years of walking hanging bridges docks boathouses in ranga etc gave her great balance & stealth#cracking open alien shellfish in the swamps to cutting open bodies for studying then for assassination....#I MISS HER SO MUCH BALIK KN SAKEN 😭😭😭😭😭😭#i get why most people + the canon focuses on her being an assassin bc people find that cooler i guess#but vespa being a swamp girl > 3rd world med student > assassin is so personal To Me. the whole pipeline. eugh.#skl.txt
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knightofleo · 1 month
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foolishnpd · 8 months
I perceive that I'm getting ignored (I'm not really) and I want to scream and kill everyone about it
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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Local guy has 0 preservation skills, ready to throw hands with a God, more at 10
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kirisclangen · 6 months
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He/him, 86 moons, cis tom
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teawizard · 8 months
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Okaaaay! 'Week 2' of @encanto-extended-edition event!
Relationships...... (warning: a lot of words, I feel like I am coming up with the stuff on the go, but some pictures too! So please at least have a look at them!)
I am slowly reimagining Daniela's whole narrative and I want to focus on her having the time of her life :)
So, I thought that making her a part of a small chaotic friend group would be fun!
Daniela (left) and Dioselina (middle) are close neighbours, really old childhood friends and are really passionate about art, acting out their favourite books, etc. Bruno joins the group later.
Dioselina is a really huge support for Daniela. She lives on a farm and is used to manual labour from when she was little. Due to an accident, she loses her right arm but is still insistent on helping her parents and siblings. She is kind of stoic and brave, sociable and very confident. Dioselina is like a 'straight one' of the group, the voice of reason. She is more inclined to music than other art, but because she lost her right arm, she is not capable of playing musical instruments and is left (😉) with singing which she does really well.
Her deal with Daniela is that Daniela is 'the creative and crazy one'. As they are close friends, Daniela is comfortable to be her curious and impulsive self around Selina. They really enjoy talking with each other, they have the same sense of humour. And Selina keeps Daniela out of trouble :)
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Bruno is introduced to Daniela by Dioselina. One day Selina went to him for a vision, than he almost had a breakdown because it was the third vision that had to do with the agriculture that day. Selina felt sorry for him and asked about the familiar book she'd seen on the shelf when she'd entered the room. They talked a bit and she left. She starts to visit him, they talk about the book and they get close really fast.
Bruno isn't really shy at this age. He is adventurous and gets really irritated that he has to do visions for everyone everyday (because they are good visions mostly). He has some friends at school, but most of them think he is weird, because he can infodump about books or future for hours and has no filter, so he sometimes says a lot of disturbing shit. His sisters love him and defend him against bullies, but they have too much responsibility. They skip school a lot and don't really share his interests.
So, when he meets the girls, he is over the moon. They share his interests, they listen to his rambles and come up with scenarios even crazier than he saw in the future 'movies' (whatever that means) and they don't 'censor' him. Of course, it takes time for Daniela to warm up to him, but she does eventually.
The group
As a group they are a menace really. Bruno is usually the one that initiates 'the troubles', Daniela supports him and makes it more unhinged and Dioselina is here to look at those idiots fail and then help them.
At first, they try to prevent Bruno's visions from coming true. As an experiment they try to not let old Señora Sevanna's favourite apple tree fall but they unknowingly trigger said vision and end up in trouble.
As Bruno is overly righteous, after some not good people asking for his vision, he asks the girls multiple times to help him take revenge. Daniela usually gets really agitated and they come up with a thousand plans to kill the guy, but Dioselina reasons with them and they instead steal his chicken or trick him into thinking his barn is haunted.
Also, I thought, one time, they try to make Bruno more popular. They fake some of his visions, Dioselina gossips around town that she had heard only good things from him, because his limit of good news is one vision a day, but it ends in the whole town standing in line and fighting to get Bruno's vision first.
With time they become less interested in the shenanigans. They gossip about their respective sisters and brothers, their friends from school, discuss their future. Daniela is the one that brings up 'adult stuff' on the group meetings. She hangs out with her brother and sister's friends sometimes and also found a dirty book in her siblings' room, though she doesn't know who it belongs to.
SO being high on the hormones and her mother disapproving her friendship with Bruno, they start a relationship, which ends fast. They aren't exactly ready for marriage (they are 16 and 18 come on), and Daniela doesn't want even to kiss Bruno. They decide to be friends, but after a year or two he falls in love with her and is low key miserable.
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(a first version of their group 'photo' in their 20-ies)
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(a second one, which is accidentally a Modern AU and look! they wear each other's colors!)
Okay, when they are 20-ish they still hang out. They love playing little pranks, but generally they have their own struggles and really miss hanging out every day.
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Bruno gives more bad visions with time and becomes more of a recluse. He still goes to town, sometimes they meet with Dioselina, he visits Daniela's workplaces (sometimes accidentally, sometimes on purpose). The girls are worried about him and try to cheer him up. In public spaces he is shunned and Bruno is very uncomfortable, even more when Daniela is almost screaming at people for being jerks and Dioselina tries to shut her up. In private Dioselina and Daniela end up having conversations that Bruno can't contribute to and he gets frustrated and leaves. The girls try to make things better by making the town not that feared of Bruno again, but fail. Bruno is hurt that he is a-
Oh no, it is sad again. Soooo, let's end here, before it becomes worse :)
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brynnmclean · 6 months
If SJM isn't actually interested in explaining how the taxes work in her super special fantasy city, maybe she shouldn't vaguely mention it in her breezy attempt to dunk on Tamlin. "There's no tithe, just a city tax" Okay???? Sure???? It just reeked a bit of "oh, Rhys is a modern ruler of the people, so much more benevolent, we don't do something as barbarous as a tithe" with no further explanation to back it up. It's not even like I'm interested in fantasy economics, I just don't understand why she decides to make these points. Especially when the vibe she wants now seems to run so contrary to what was established with Tamlin in book 1 of him not standing on class anyway? I don't even think Velaris makes much sense as a city tbh-- it's isolationist to the point of literally no one outside of the city knowing about it existing-- like, sorry, people in Beleriand knew about Gondolin even if they didn't know the location-- and yet I keep hearing about how flourishing and prosperous it is??? Stop telling me the surface idea you want me to buy and give me some actual concrete details to really back it up.
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corset · 5 months
What is the point of "family" by the way. I don't really get it
#I mean good for everyone who does but#Like even after developing a pretty okay relationship with my mother I kind of don't.....#I don't know how to put this without sounding really abrasive#I /like/ her for sure as like. An entity right. Who takes care of me? And she's Fine overall I guess but I just don't think I'm feeling the#right way about what is supposed to be my 'mother'. Right. Like I think other people are doing that differently and feel a way I'm not#capable of feeling. Like I just don't have the capacity to emotionally understand a familial bond in that context??#I think it's just my dissociative disorder to be honest. I don't really have a childhood or a consecutive life experience of any kind and#I've definitely felt Familial Bond about fictional characters my brain has decided to get into an uncomfortable position relative to on an#emotional level. Iykyk. [Stares off into the middle distance]#But like on a real level I don't really care I guess about a lot of the people around me and I don't understand how to. I had to actively#decide or puzzle out how to 'properly' engage with a lot of things including emotions on a 'human' level.#Like I had to sit there and make the Choice actively to care about people and humanity which I think most people don't have to do#And not in like a 'humanity has disappointed me and I have to get over a misanthropic phase' I mean like. A sort of detached emptiness#overall#Like we definitely had a misanthropic-adjacent phase at some point but#Whatever nobody's going to read this it's a huge wall of rambly text#Little present for anyone who does: 𓃠
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avinox · 17 days
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Long story short, he ate a 1'20m/4ft (it's 4ft, I just noticed the typo on the image) long string while my mother wasn't looking (took him just a few seconds and he's obsessed with strings/ropes/anything wormy looking), we took him to the emergency vet, they made him puke and he's seeing dragons right now.
He's fine, only cost us about 90€ (compared to whatever we should've had to spend in an intestinal surgery this is very little), and he got the record of longest piece of string ever taken out of an animal in that centre, the vets were calling each other so they could see how long it was.
His sister Sofi was sleeping on my bed while this whole thing happened and was still sleeping when we got back
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holodeckprotocols · 1 year
this close to having a meltdown because i have to do like 4 things this week. why am i so bad at coping with extremely normal things in life that require an ounce of planning. i just totally shut down.
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