#i'm just not sure how soon i'll be able too- i'm sorry about that 🥺
blizzardfluffykpop · 2 years
Hello~I was wondering if you ever got my request for seventeen?
I did! It may take me a little bit longer to come up something for it rn though. I have a few ideas popping in an around, but I've been sick for a little while now-- and only feel like reading atm. But I promise I'll complete the request! It is a rather nice one :) that I can envision writng!
[Also, with Christmas coming up I'm preparing ideas for like 12 prompts? (dk how many yet tbh)-- so-- that's like taking a lot of my brain power rn--]
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coveredinsweetpea · 9 months
Do you think Eddie lets his girlfriend hold his dick while he pees? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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👀 I'm only like 100% sure he does?? I wanted this to be shorter but um I got carried away?? So like 1.4k smut ahead, of the first time you ask Eddie to let you do this and a little bit of how it goes!! 18+ pls OBVI!!
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"... oh yeah, mhm, I heard about that…" Eddie hummed along to his neighbors rant about whatever affair they spotted during their daily cigarette break by the window. He lied though, he hadn't heard about it before, and didn't care one bit, but it was the most polite way he could come up with in order to extract himself from the conversation as soon as he could - nod along and wait for an opportunity to mention he left something on the stove. 
"... and he had no shame about it, that little rascal …" the neighbor went on. You weren't listening either, but when you squeezed Eddie's ring and pinky finger into your hand and he showed absolutely no signs of taking the hint, you knew it was time to take matters into your own hands. 
Nodding along to the rest of the story, you leaned in to grab the groceries bag from Eddie's free hand, hoping the commotion would help speed up the conversation. And it did. 
"Ah, you're probably busy" the neighbor said, hands clasped in front of his chest as he prepared to resume his walk, "I'll let you two do your thing, but if you want, I'd love to have you over for a coffee some time"
"Absolutely" Eddie bowed, a huge smile on his face, his enthusiasm most likely rooted in the chance to finally bolt inside. "Maybe during the weekend"
"Sure, of course, let me know. You know how retirement is…"
"Thank you for inviting us" you smiled too and then waved at the man as he said his goodbye and turned to leave. 
Eddie barely managed to mumble a poor and hurried "Bye" before forcing the door open. "Fuck!" he cried, throwing his jacket on the floor, the keys on the counter and then rushed further into the trailer. 
"Eddie, wait!" you dropped the bags and sprinted after him, barely managing to grab a handful of his shirt as he stepped inside the bathroom, "Eddie, I-"
"Just a second, sweetheart!" he cringed, peeling your hand off his shirt. He kissed your knuckles though and sent you an apologetic smile before disappearing behind the bathroom door. 
With a deep frown and a disheartened pout, you stomped your way to where you had dropped the bags earlier, fished out one of the chocolate bars, and plopped down on the couch. 
Despite furiously munching at it, you weren't even halfway done with the desert by the time Eddie walked out of the bathroom. 
"Ah, fuck!" he stretched, walking over to you, "Sorry about that, I thought I was gonna piss myself for a second there. What did you wanna tell me, love?"
"Nothing" you spat and sank your teeth into the chocolate.
"Sweetheart?" his tone softened, "Is everything alright?"
"Can you look at me?"
He knew what this was - didn't know what it was about, but knew you well enough to be able to tell you got upset over something trivial. Whenever it was something serious, so were you, starting a conversation with him and being mature and reasonable about it. However, the less serious the matter was, the more dramatic you got. So he knew there was space to tease you. "Puppy, come on, look at me, my angel" Eddie parted your legs and kneeled between them on the floor. He grabbed your hips in his hands and leaned down to get himself in your field of view. "Sweetheart?"
"You don't love me anymore" you huffed and raised your chin. You faced the kitchen, still frowning, and refused to look at him. 
"Why would you say that, baby?" Eddie pushed himself up to sit beside you. When you still refused to engage, he grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. "Tell me what made you upset, you know I make everything better."
"You slammed the door in my face" you exaggerated, knowing damn well he didn't even fully close the door. He always did though, and you were fully aware the only reason he didn't properly shut it was because you had been still standing there. But you were upset, and that was good enough of a reason to push his buttons. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" he played along, "Forgive me, sweetheart, I'll make it up to you. But right now, please tell me what you wanted to say earlier"
"I don't want to anymore"
"Please? If you tell me, I promise I'll do absolutely anything you want"
You raised an eyebrow. "Anything?"
"Anything!" Eddie energetically shook his head. "I promise"
"Will you let me hold your dick while you pee?"
For a second, all he was able to do was blink. "Hold my what?" he did a double take. 
"Your dick, Eddie. Please" you pouted, completely unbothered by the absolute shock on his face. 
It took him a second to gather himself, "And then you'll tell me?"
"This is it. This is what I wanted to ask you but you ran and then locked yourself in the bathroom" 
Realization hit him like a rock and as soon as the thought settled and the information got processed, he visibly relaxed. He swung one arm around your shoulders and leaned for a kiss. "I'm sorry, baby" he spoke against your lips, "Of course you can do that. I promise, I'll let you know next time I have to go"
"Really? You don't think it's weird?"
"No, it's definitely weird" he shook his head, "But when has that ever stopped us before?"
"Ok, thank you" you giggled, suddenly nervous enough to make you hide your face into his shoulder, but not nervous enough to remain there for long, as another idea popped up in your head. 
Curiously, Eddie watched you stand and hurry to the kitchen, only to burst into laughter when you returned to him with a bottle of beer in your hand. "To speed up the process" you said.
"How long until you're done with that?" Eddie popped up in the reflection of your mirror, peeking over your shoulder at the makeup you just put on. 
"I think I'm done?" you frowned and turned to face him, "Why?"
"We didn't take into consideration the fact that I drank today at lunch. I can't drive us to the movies, so we'd better get going if we want to make it there on time"
"Ok, right. Yeah, I'm done here anyway, let's go" You didn't pay too much attention, just walked past him and into the hallway, making a beeline for your shoes. "What?" you questioned when Eddie grabbed your boot from your hand and then dragged you back deeper into the trailer.
"Promised you'd help me piss" 
"Oh!" you exclaimed, "Yes, yes, yes! Please, let me, let me!"
"Of course, princess," Eddie laughed, guiding you into the bathroom. He undid the belt himself and hooked his thumbs around the waistband of his jeans and then pulled them down his thighs, along with his underwear. 
You looked at his cock and then up at him, "Do I just grab and aim?"
"Basically" Eddie chuckled and then wrapped an arm around your shoulders when he saw you hesitate. "Don't be nervous, you literally touched my dick thousands of times before"
"Yeah, but what if I miss?"
"I don't think you will, but if you do, I'll clean it up, don't worry" 
"Ok…" you mumbled but still hesitated. 
"Y/n, I don't wanna pressure you or anything. I don't know what's wrong with me right now, but there's a sliiiiiight possibility that I'm gonna get real hard, real soon if you keep staring at my dick with that look on your face, so-"
"Oh, no, yeah!! Sorry!" you giggled and went straight for it. As gently as you could, probably the most carefully you had ever been with his dick, you grabbed it into your hand, angled it however your brain figured appropriate and then looked at Eddie, "Is this ok?"
"Perfect, fuck. Ok" he hissed and then let himself go. 
You didn't know what exactly you were expecting, but excitement took over your body when you saw the stream coming out of his tip, a huge dumb smile on your face as you refused to look away. 
Nervous all of a sudden, Eddie raised your hand a little so the stream would hit the toilet bowl and not the water - the sound was making his cheeks burn, why was he like this? Why was he hot all of a sudden?
"Can I spell my name?"
"Technically yeah-" Eddie laughed in disbelief, "But next time? I'm almost done right now"
"Can you do it?" 
"Can I watch?" 
"You're insane" he shook his head, amused - and in awe, kissing your temple as the last droplets of piss left his tip. "But of course you can"
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allysunny · 5 months
Oooh can you do 22 and M for Miggy? 🥺
I love soft husband Miggy
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"We're not meant for each other” / “I don’t care, I love you” + Domestic Bliss x Miguel O’Hara
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Words: 3.6k words
Warnings: Suggestive themes, a small twinge of angst (if you squint), a small mention of blood, overall just happy domestic Miggy! Also some unstranslated spanish (please correct me if any of it is wrong), not proofread. And do tell if I missed anything!
A/N: Here it is!!! The domestic Miggy from my 200 Followers Event! I love this man so much and he deserves the absolute best, I had such a blast writing it.
I'm sorry for the delay, but uni has just started once again, and, well, now I get a bit busier. Hopefully I'll be able to manage everything, seeing as I really enjoy writing, it's a bit of an escape for me. I'll try to remain consistent!
Anyways, here it is! I hope you guys enjoy it!
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Peaceful Saturday mornings were hard to come by.
Usually, Miguel was up at the crack of dawn, kissing your forehead and whispering about how he’d come back as soon as he was done with whatever needed taking care of back in Spider Society. You’d whine and plead for him to stay, and he’d promise to return in a heartbeat. Most of the time, he wasn’t home in a heartbeat, and you moped around for a few minutes before going on about with your day.
But not today.
No, today, you’d gotten the blessing of feeling the warmth of his chest press against your back, and his arm curling into you to bring you closer to him. Of feeling the soft rise and fall of his chest, the way his palm was steady on your bare stomach. It was nice.
You closed your eyes and tried to go back to sleep, tried to prolong that feeling of peace and quiet for a bit longer, but Miguel had some different ideas.
“No, no, no, cariño, can’t go back to sleep now, I know you’re awake,” he mumbled, lips brushing the shell of your ear. The raspiness of his voice made your whole body shiver, and you pressed yourself harder against him.
“Shhhh, don’t speak.” You whispered as a response, which earned him a chuckle. His chest reverberated and he held you tighter, pressing a kiss just below your ear. “Just five more minutes. Please, can’t have you leave yet.”
“But darling,” he murmured, “I’m not leaving.”
It was enough for you to roll yourself over, nearly hitting him on the nose with the back of your skull. Miguel laughed at your eagerness, and his smile only widened. Your happiness made him happy. And he was aware of how he had been neglecting you these past few months.
And being a man who had already lost so much in life, he wasn’t going to take you and your marriage for granted. There was a reason he’d been working himself to the bone the last week, coming home far too late and leaving at the crack of dawn. It was exhausting, yes, and while you understood the things he had to do as Spider-Man (an occupation that was surely no easy feat), he could see the way your shoulders sagged whenever you kissed him goodbye in the morning, or he mumbled into your shoulder something sort of “I’m sorry, I need to get up”.
“You aren’t?” you asked, cupping his face with your hands, the planes of his cheekbones fitting perfectly in between your palms. You’d always thought Miguel was perfect for you – you two fit together like two puzzle pieces. Whenever you cooked dinner and he hugged you from behind, kissing the top of your head and watching you as you stirred and seasoned, whenever you cuddled on the couch, his body draped over his as you drooled on his arms and he zapped through channels to see if he could find some interesting documentary while you slept, when you clung onto him desperately as he lowered himself onto you, legs tightly wrapped around his back and face hidden in the crook of his neck. You were perfect together. That much was clear.
Miguel made a soft noise of agreement, and you all but jumped on top of him, peppering his face with kisses. He laughed, a true laugh that came from his chest and made you feel like you were in cloud nine, and loosely wrapped his arms around you, content to have you close.
“You’re not joking? You’re staying home for the day?” you mumbled against his neck, pushing yourself up to look into his chocolate brown eyes.
“And tomorrow as well. And hopefully, Monday too. You’ve got the day off, right?”
You squealed in delight and threw your arms around his neck (or did so as best as you could) and kissed him repeatedly, proclaiming your love for him as you did so. Miguel smiled, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. Instinctively, you leaned into his touch and placed a soft kiss on his palm. Miguel’s heart melted, and then he slowly traced his face with his fingers. How come you were able to fill his heart with such love, such joy and happiness with a gesture as simple as a kiss?
Qué àngel perfecto.
But Miguel knew you. Truly knew you. And he should also know better than to expect you to be his perfect little angel.
When his thumb softly grazed your bottom lip, you took it inside your mouth, swirling your tongue around the pad of his finger, and innocently looking at him through your lashes. He furrowed his eyebrows and you only smiled, releasing it with a soft “pop”.
Having earned no reaction from him, you frowned.
“I’m sorry. Was that disgusting? I won’t do it aga – “
In one swift motion, you were below Miguel, his toned arms and legs trapping you underneath him. His gaze held something you could only describe as pure, sheer, raw desire, and he lazily let his eyes wonder over the planes of your body. You were wearing a flimsy silk nightgown, a nightgown that, due to his sudden movements, was all bunched up at your waist, exposing your lovely legs to him.
Miguel started trailing kisses from your neck to your chest, earning a few noises he would sell his soul to hear over and over again. The sound of you was enough to spur him on, and soon enough, you could feel his hardness pressing against your thigh. With soft kisses, he made his way down your body, where took your legs, and, spreading them, pressed a kiss on your knee.
It was such an intimate action; it made your insides flare up. You loved Miguel – all of him. And you were familiar with all sides of him. You knew him when he was happy and giddy, spinning you around in his arms and playfully kissing your nose. You knew him tired and sleepy, mumbling sweet nothing in the crook of your neck and falling asleep on your lap. You knew him stressed and hot-headed, begging you to let him blow off some steam by kissing your breath away and making you cry out in pleasure.
But one of the sides you favoured the most was this one. The one where he was sweet and gentle, the one where his eyes expressed only the utmost desire and adoration for you, the one where his kisses meant a thousand words and made your heart swell and swell until you were sure it was going to burst with love.
“What’s on your mind, hermosa?” He asked, voice laced with sleep.
“Just thinking.”
“Ah. Nothing good can ever come from that.”
Miguel pretended to be hurt from the pillow you threw at his head, and his grin widened.
“What’re you thinking about?”
“Just how much I love you.” You replied casually, as if it was something as obvious as saying the sky was blue. Which to you, it was. To you, loving Miguel O’Hara and admitting it were as easy as admitting the sky was blue.
“Hm.” Was his hummed reply against the inside of your thigh. You felt his lips brush against your skin and the contact made you shiver.
“How happy I am to have you in my life. How lucky.”  
 “Cariño,” he whispered, coming down once again to brush his lips against yours – a silent promise of what was to come. “I’m the lucky one.”
After that, his lips were on yours, your hands were on his hair, and he was coaching out of you the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard, making up for all the lonely nights and cold mornings away from you.
What a way to spend a morning, indeed.
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After you two had showered and put on some fresh clothes, he allowed you to pick whatever activities you’d do for the day. He had 3 days to lavish you in affection and catch up for all those weeks, and the first thing he was going to do was let you have full control.
And to his surprise, your request was food. But not just any kind of food.
A brunch.
And if you wanted to make brunch, damn him if he wouldn’t join you.
You smiled and kissed his cheek, looking up cool pictures that you could recreate from the comfort of your home.
You’d settled on pancakes, toasts, and some cinnamon rolls. While you prepared the batter for each of the items respectfully, Miguel got started on the fruit, cutting them into small pieces, squeezing some oranges for some juice, as well as frying some eggs and bacon.
It was perfect. Music echoed through the kitchen; your favourite playlist having been chosen as the soundtrack for this sweet moment. You and Miguel moved in synch around the kitchen, moving effortlessly around each other, yet still being able to steal in some kisses here and there.
He placed a few in your head while you mixed the pancake batter, and you’d tasted some blueberries off his lips, followed by strawberries, apples, and peaches.
“Stop sampling the fruit,” you’d whispered against his lips, to what he simply laughed.
“Stop kissing me every time I do so, and I will.”
You chuckled and went back to your tasks.
“Mhmmm – that bacon is smelling so good,” you said after a while, glancing at him and his frying pan.
“Is that code for Miguel, please give let me steal some?” Miguel asked with a quirked brow, and you feigned shock.
“Miguel O’Hara! How dare you think the only reason I would compliment your bacon mid-cooking is to steal a piece!” You took a hand to your heart and dramatically turned your face away.
“Not at all. I always love it when you compliment my bacon.”
It took a while for the joke to truly get a reaction out of you, and after a few seconds of silence, you burst into laughter, the flower bowl in your hands dropping on top of the kitchen counter. You grabbed some of the powder and threw it at Miguel’s face, shaking your head.
“That was disgusting – you’re disgusting! Ew!”
Miguel only laughed and did the same, leaning over to spray some of the flour from your bowl on your face.
“Disgusting? I recall you being very eager to get a taste of my bacon earlier this morning,” he replied with a smirk.
“Oh my God! Shut up! Ew! Never say that again!”
Although your words did not express anything other than sheer horror, your mouth was forming a huge smile, and you were giggling in between words.
“And now I’m all dirty!”
“You started it, mi vida.”
“Yeah, because you made a disgusting –“
“ – Disgusting comment!”
“Next time don’t be so eager to get a taste of my bacon, and I won’t have the need to make such comments.”
“You’re disgusting and I’m never talking to you again.” These words were uttered in between fits of laughter, and Miguel himself leaned forward, chuckling. The lovely sounds of your joy resonated through the kitchen and Miguel was happy that his house had such a pleasant symphony gracing it.
“Can you pass me some of the salt?” you asked him, reaching out with your arm towards his body.
Miguel nodded and quickly held the small saltshaker. Just as he was about to give it to you, the bacon before him crackled, sending a bit of grease flying onto his arm.
The contact made him shriek, the suddenly hot liquid scalding his skin.
Instinctively, his talons came out, causing him to scratch the surface of your counter, and you.
“¡Mierda!” he shrieked, pulling his arm away from the stove. Unfortunately, his talon also pushed the frying pan with him, and it fell on the floor, ruining all of the bacon that was currently cooking.
“Miguel! Oh, fuck, are you okay?” You asked, quickly turning away from what you were doing. The scratch in your arm wasn’t important – you could tell with that later, even if the pain seemed to be pulsing in your arm.
“Don’t – don’t come closer, I’ll hurt you,” he muttered, quickly retracting his talons, and looking at the mess on the floor.
“No – it’s fine, just tell me if you’re okay,” you repeated, kneeling to catch the frying pan off the floor and clean the area with a cloth.
“[Y/N], I said don’t come closer.” He looked at you, and that’s when he stared at your arm, at the red line that marked it all the way from your shoulder to your wrist. Miguel’s eyes widened and he searched in your face for any kind of pain, of discomfort. All he saw was worry that you expressed for him. “Fuck – I’m sorry mi vida, I hurt you, didn’t I?”
“What? No – No Miguel, it’s fine, I can barely feel it.”
“You’re bleeding.” He said, not sure whether to approach you or walk away, scared he was going to hurt you further.
“It’s fine, Miguel, really, it’s just a scratch and it doesn’t hurt that much.”
“So it does hurt.” He spit the words out as if they were venomous; he was disgusted with himself, disgusted he could bring himself to ever hurt you.
You, however, saw right through him and his internal struggle.
“It wasn’t on purpose. Miguel, it’s fine.” You took tentative steps towards him, hoping he wouldn’t back away from you. He didn’t. Although he did seem to flinch a bit when you touched him, not yet trusting his body. “I’m serious. It’s just a scratch.”
“What if some day it isn’t just a scratch anymore?” he mumbled, looking away, refusing to meet your eye after he’d done something as vile as to hurt you like this. He’d sworn to never cause you any pain and look at what he’d done. Brunch was ruined, and you were in pain. “What if, some day, I really hurt you?”
“I know such a day will never come,” you replied, holding his face in your hands just like you’d done earlier that morning, not caring if they were full of flour. The sentiment you felt was the same. Sheer, pure love for the man standing before you.
“How can you be so sure? I’m a monster.”
“I’m sure because I know you love me. You’re a good man. You’d never hurt me. You’ll never hurt me.” The words are soft and gentle, meant to soothe him and all the doubt that clears his mind. But you know it’ll take a bit more than that to coax him out of his dark spot he carved for himself.
“I hurt you just now.”
“You didn’t mean to.”
“And yet I still hurt you.”
“Yes, but you didn’t want to, so it doesn’t count. It was an accident. What about when I step on your feet when we’re dancing? Do you hold it against me because I have hurt you?”
Miguel shook his head with an indignant expression. How could you even compare the two?
“That’s different,” Miguel expressed, “You don’t mean it. It’s an accident.”
“Okay, but what about that time we both reached out to catch the TV remote and I headbutted you?”
“Well, that was not on purpose.”
“There’s also that time I slapped you last week.”
“You were trying to kill a fly! Not hurt me.”
A soft smile graced your lips, and you forced him to meet your gaze.
“Exactly, Miguel. They were all accidents. I didn’t mean to hurt you just as you have never meant to hurt me.” You leaned forward and kissed him softly. He kissed you back hesitantly, and you pressed yourself harder against him. You wouldn’t allow the man you loved to fear touching you, loving you.
“Just look at me, [Y/N]. I’m a terrible creature. A monster. We’re not meant for each other.”
“I don’t care, I love you.” You replied, without missing a beat. “You’re not a terrible creature, nor a monster. You’re Miguel O’Hara, the love of my life, my husband, the man I love the most and want to spend the rest of my life with. I don’t care if we’re not meant for each other – we’ve faced so much and come so far. If anything, we’ve proven more than once that we are meant to be together.” Your voice was clear, and it was full of determination and love. You saw Miguel worthy of so much – why couldn’t he see it?
He sighed, and his gaze softened, as it often did when regarding you. Moving slowly, he rested his forehead against yours, arms coming around you to wrap you in a warm embrace.
“Te quiero un chorro. Eres el amor de mi vida, y te lo seguiré diciendo hasta el fin de los tiempos. No merezco tenerte.” He whispered.
“Stop that – of course you deserve me. All of me. Just as much as I deserve you. With your fluffy hair, and your terrible jokes and your bacon.” This seemed to get a laugh out of him, even if small. “I love you, Miguel. And we’re meant to be together. Forever and ever and ever, even when we’re old and grey and I’m deaf from listening to your terrible jokes.”
“You love my jokes,” he shrugged with a small smile. Good. He was smiling.
“Almost as much as I love you.”
Miguel bent down, picking you up effortlessly and crashing his lips against yours. You kissed him back, humming happily. He muttered some loving words against your skin and you smiled before he put you down, pecking you one last time.
“Now, can we go back to making ourselves some nice brunch?” You asked, untangling your arms from around him.
“Yes. And so much for me being disgusting – my face is now full of flour,” he told you, raising an eyebrow and pretending to be angry with you (something he could never, ever be).
“It was full of flour before, I don’t know what’s the difference.” You laughed, and he laughed along.
The kitchen was once more filled with the right sounds. Laughing, chattering, and soft music playing in the air.
After a while, all the cooking seemed done.
Plenty of pancakes sat atop a plate, with a bottle of honey and a small bowl of blueberries and other small fruits inside. Cheese and ham toasts were also served, along with a plethora of different jams and other snacks that included eggs, bacon, cookies and even some smoked salmon.
The meal was eaten contentedly. Your hard work had surely paid off, and you busied yourself telling funny anecdotes and stories from each of your workplaces while you ate. Miguel confided in you that some of Miles Morales’s ideas were actually good, and that Spider-Punk Hobie Brown had made him chuckle once or twice. You’d met them both before and thought they were simply delightful, having unofficially adopted them and looking over them a few times, by cooking them meals and checking up on them.
You told him about all sorts of funny antics your coworkers did at work, nearly making him spit out his drink when you told him what your work best friend had sent your boss, thinking it was a personal email to you.
The food was fantastic, the music sounded lovely, and the company was all you could’ve asked for. When you two were done, you put the dishes in the dishwasher, making it your own Tetris game, and falling on the couch after it was done.
The rest of the day was spent in peace.
You watched a couple of movies you’d been meaning to watch together for a while, with you and your husband trying to catch as many popcorns with your mouth as possible, read a few books sitting outside in the balcony, making the most out of the sun’s warm light, and just hanging out. That’s something you could never get tired of – just hanging out with your husband.
You didn’t always have to be doing an activity. You didn’t have to be cooking dinner, watching movies, or cuddling. Sure, doing those was fantastic. You’d done them all and enjoyed your time with him. But just being around him was enough sometimes. Knowing that he was right there, next to you, instead of inside that dreadfully dark lab of his was enough to make you smile.
“I love you,” he told you as the sun began to set, lifting his eyes from his book to stare at you, who were engrossed in your latest hobby.
“I love you too,” you replied, giving him a sweet smile.
Your gaze turned back to whatever you were doing, but Miguel’s never left yours. He watched as the last sunrays shone on your features, making your skin shine with an ethereal glow. He watched as your eyebrows furrowed in concentration and how your lips parted softly to smile once you were happy with what you were doing.
You were too good for him, and he still thought there was no way he deserved you.
You were a goddess among man, and he, just lucky enough to be in your graces. Maybe he’d done something right in a past life – because as he watched you, bathed in sun and warmth, and recalled his marvellous day spent by your side, he was sure there was no way in hell you weren’t a gift from the heavens above.
Beautiful and kind and caring, and all his.
You were a vision, and he was so damn lucky to be able to just look at you in all your glory.
Yeah, Miguel thought, he really ought to stay home with you more often.
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A/N: And that's it! I hope you guys have enjoyed it! I really like writing for Miguel, he deserves a big hug and a big smooch. I'm such a simp for him omg...
Have an amazing day ahead, everyone! <3
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turtlesunshineheart · 2 months
And so well I must say that it is the first time I write something
I just had this idea in my head to write something and maybe it's not good but by spoiling you learn, so I hope you like my idea and I hope I can continue it as a series maybe
And well, a little context about this crazy idea.
Well I was browsing Pinterest and I found some cute fanarts of Adam and Eve and I said why not
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God had created Adam and Lilith from the dust of the earth on equal terms.
Despite this Adam demanded control and Lilith refused to submit to his will and escaped from the garden.
Given this, God gave Adam a second wife,this time created from one of his ribs.
And for a while everything was fine
Eve was walking through the garden looking for some flowers, then she came to a part of the garden that she had never seen before. She examined the place looking for familiar signs to know where it was.
A figure hidden among the trees caught her attention, maybe she should go back to Adam but she was curious, after all Adam and her were the only ones in the garden, right?
Maybe if she came back the next day it would still be there, but what if it wasn't there the next day? It was a risk she would take,besides, Adam would surely be looking for her.
The next day she decided to return at the same time as the day before, she had told Adam that she was going for a short walk and strangely he had agreed to let her go alone.She approached with extreme care so that she could observe at a not too short distance behind a tree, trying not to be discovered.She was able to notice more closely that figure that seemed to be looking at the sky, oblivious to her presence.
She tried to know who or what she was. She observed her very carefully and noticed that she seemed to be like her and Adam, but that was not possible.Adam had told her that they were the only human beings in the garden, "the first man and the first woman." She had so many doubts, she had to go back to Adam.
She had stepped on a small branch that rustled and caught the other person's attention. Panic began to scare her. She looked up at the trees and sighed when she didn't see anyone, although she didn't know if it was good or bad.She turned around and then collided with something better said someone.
A silence invaded the garden until a voice spoke.
"What are you doing here?"Her voice was so soft even though it sounded demanding.
"Uh...sorry, I'm already gone, I don't want to bother"Eve kept her head down looking at the grass
A small laugh made her look up, seeing the face of a very pretty woman and if she hadn't seen her reflection in the water before,she wouldn't know how much they both looked alike.
"Hey, don't be scared, I won't bite." The woman gave her a warm smile that made her feel more comfortable.
"Sorry, I didn't want to spy on you, I was just curious." Eve smiled shyly.
"Don't worry, by the way my name is Lilith" Lilith extended her hand for Eve to take.
"My name is Eve." Eve took his hand and gave it a little squeeze.
"It's a nice name." Eve smiled at the compliment.
""Thank you, Adam gave me my name." Eve smiled while Lilith rolled her eyes at the mention of Adam.
"Either way I have to go o Adam will be upset if I was late ."Eve gave her a small smile."Maybe I'll see you soon"With one last look at Lilith, Eve walked away in the direction of where Adam was.
Lilith smiled as she watched her walk away.
"Sooner than you think"
I don't know what I did but I hope you like it, I will answer your questions if you like, I will also try to improve my writing,this will make sense over time so enjoy 🥺💐
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canirove · 4 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 24
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We are gonna have to cancel our weekend plans 😔
Why? What happened?
I've caught the worst cold known in human history
It can't be that bad, Val 😂😂
It is. I can't remember how it felt to breathe through my nose 😔
Don't make fun of me, Pedro.  I'm sick 😭😭
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Do you want me to go and give you cuddles?
And risk getting you sick? No way
If I'm sick I can't play, and you always say that's good because without me Barça are shit and they lose all their games
Yes, that's true. But this cold is the worst thing ever and I don't want you having to suffer it too
Awww Val 🥺🥺🥺🥺
That's so nice of you
I am a nice woman
Sometimes you are, yes 😊
I always am nice, Pedro 😒
Beg to differ 😂
Idiot 😒
Still love you, tho 🤍
Try to fix it now 😒
Can I do anything to make you feel better? 
Stop calling me mean, for example 🙄
But I love it when you are mean 😏
You are so weird
Yet you love me 🥰
I sadly do, yes 🙄
Are you sure you are sick? You don't sound like it 😂 
Unless being sick makes you be meaner
Val, stop, you are turning me on 🥵
Idiot 🙄
I'm stopping now, I promise 😂 
But if you miss me too much, remember you still have the blanket and the pillow with my face on them 
If you aren't already using them, of course 😏
I love you, Val. Get well soon 🤍
Yeah, love you too 🙄
"Val, are you sure you are ok?" Silvia asks me.
"I am. I may not be able to breathe and all my joints hurt as if I've run a marathon, but I'm fine. Go and have fun."
"Ok… But if you start feeling worse, will you call someone?"
"I will, don't worry. Now leave" I say, moving my arm. Or trying to.
"Alright. Good."
"Silvia, go."
"I'm going, I'm going. I just hate seeing you like this."
"I'll survive. Now go."
"Ok. Try to rest, Val" she says, patting my head. "And maybe wash your hair."
"Yeah, yeah."
Five minutes later, someone rings the bell.
"Urgh" I groan, getting up from the sofa. "What did you forget now, Sil… Rosy!" I gasp when I see the person standing in front of me.
"Hello, Val" Pedri's mum smiles.
"What… what are you doing here?"
"I had plans to come visit next weekend, but Pedri told me you were sick, and I decided to come early and take care of you."
"That's… I mean…"
"He said you were struggling, that it was a really bad cold. When you are that sick you need to be pampered, and there is nothing like a mother for that. And since things with yours aren't the best right now…"
"She'll come around, you'll see" Rosy smiles. "Anyway, can I come in?"
"Yes, of course. Sorry for keeping you waiting."
"Don't worry. This is for you" she says, showing me the huge bouquet of flowers she was carrying. "I guess you know who sent them."
"I do, yes" I chuckle.
"Who knew my son had such good taste, uh? He had never sent me flowers until he met you."
"Yep. You've brought up the best in him, Val. I already told you."
"I… I…" I mumble, my cheeks on fire. Though maybe that's my fever coming back.
"Now, why don't you sit down while I put these on water? You need to rest."
"Yes, of course."
"I'm also going to make you some lunch, you've probably been eating really bad."
"There is no need, Rosy."
"I insist" she says. "I've come here to take care of you, and that includes feeding you. And I'm also going to make you some homemade remedies that I know will help with that cold."
"You are too kind" I say with a shy smile.
"Anything for you, Val" she replies, taking my hand on hers. "You are my son's girlfriend, the woman he loves the most. Well, the one he loves the most after me, of course" she laughs. "You are family."
"Thank you." Don't cry, Valeria. Don't cry.
"So go lay down on the sofa and don't worry about anything else, ok?"
"Ok" I nod.
"And oh, wait" she says, taking a box from the bag she is carrying. "He also gave me this for you. He said it would hopefully make you feel better."
"Thank you" I smile, taking it and sitting down while she starts rummaging around the kitchen.
The box is just one of the hundreds of Adidas boxes Pedri has around the house, but he's written my name on it and drawn hearts all around it. 
When I open it, it is full of my favourite chocolates and sweets. From kinder eggs to Mars bars and gummy bears. And under all that, there is a small photo album, P⁠♡V written on the cover. 
"So cheesy" I chuckle.
Inside it, on the first page, there is a note. 
You already know 14 is our number. And not because your team has 14 Champions League trophies. 14 is our number because that's the day we met. The day I met the woman of my dreams. And on this little album, I've put 14 of the many reasons why I love you and 14 photos of us together. From our first selfie together on my beach, that now is ours, to the last one the other day being silly when we were stuck in traffic. I hope they make you feel better and as if I'm there with you, taking care of you. My mum's cooking is good too, but nothing like your favourite kid 😉 Get well soon, Val. I love you 🤍
"Val, do you have a… Oh my God, Valeria. Are you ok? Why are you crying?" Rosy says, sitting next to me.
"Did you know that your son is the cutest human being the world has ever seen?"
"I knew he was cute, but that cute…" she laughs. "Did he make that for you?" she asks, nodding towards the photo album.
"He did. He put photos of us together and wrote under each one a reason why he loves me."
"Aww, that is cute. Very romantic."
"And cheesy" I chuckle. "But I love it. And him. I love him so much…"
"Oh, come here" Rosy says, hugging me while I start to cry. "He also loves you very much, you know?"
"That's what he says."
"And he doesn't lie. I'm his mother, I know him better than anyone. And I also know he couldn't have chosen a better person to spend his life with."
"Even if I'm older than him?" I say, moving to look at her.
"Even so" she replies, wiping away some of my tears. 
"I wish my mum would understand it the way you do. Because this is real. My feelings for Pedri are very real. You say I bring up the best in him, but he does the same with me. Never in my life have I felt more me than I do now, and it's all thanks to him. He has helped me find my true self, to be completely happy with who I am and my life. But my mum only sees the age gap and that he is a football player, though she didn't mind that when she thought I was dating Ferran. She doesn't see that I am the happiest I've ever been."
"But she will. She just needs time."
"That's what Pedri told me after that disaster of first lunch we had together, but... We've never had a good relationship, you know? I've always felt like she blames me for ruining her life."
"Oh, Val. Don't say that."
"But it's true. My dad left her the moment he found out she was pregnant and we've never heard about him again. She had to give up on her dreams and her career to raise me."
"And I'm sure that if I asked her, she would tell me that you've been the best thing that has ever happened to her and that she would do it all over again."
"I don't know…" I sigh.
"She would, Val. Because she's raised an amazing woman, one to be very proud of."
"You are gonna make me cry again" I chuckle.
"And I may cry with you too" Rosy laughs. "But you need to be patient with her, Val. You know this relationship isn't what people are used to."
"If I was dating a man 10 years older, they would not judge me this much."
"Oh, they would. But not for the same reasons."
"Yeah, true" I chuckle. 
"She'll come around. And if she doesn't, you know you will always have me."
"Thank you, Rosy" I sob.
"You're welcome" she says, hugging me again. "And since I'm gonna be something like your mother… You could do with a shower, Valeria."
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Silvia said that I should probably wash my hair, but I've been feeling so poorly that…"
"It's ok, don't worry" Rosy chuckles. "I've smelt worse, I have two boys, remember? But why don't you shower while I finish making your lunch?"
"Yes, of course."
"Perfect" she smiles. "Also, do you have a squeezer? That's what I wanted to ask you earlier."
"Yes, on the cupboard on top of the fridge. We don't use it that much."
"Once you've tried my magical remedy for colds you will, you'll see" she winks, her gesture reminding me of Pedri. 
"Thank you, Rosy."
"What for?"
For coming today. For taking care of me. For raising that amazing son of yours. 
"Just… everything" I shrug.
"Well, you are very welcome" she smiles. "Now go shower."
"Yes, of course" I smile back before going into the bathroom. 
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cevansbaby-dove · 2 months
Loves like the Devil 9 18+
Pairing: Chris Evans X Reader.
Warnings: Smut! Language
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I smile at the lady. "Hi I'm Y/N" The lady smiles. "I'm Lisa Evans..Chris and Scott's mother but please call me lisa"
I smile as I shake her hand. "Nice to meet you Mrs Evans..I mean. Lisa" She smiles and looks at Chris. "girlfriend?"
He nods putting his arm around my shoulder. "yes ma" Scott says. "he's more in love with her than he was with the other girlfriends he had in the past!"
Lisa nods. "I see" Scott says. "So..are you heading home y/n?" I wrap my arm around Chris. "I have to babe i'm sorry I work tomorrow" I look at Chris and he kisses my forehead. "I understand princess call me when you get back ok?" I smile and nod. "yes sir"
I say goodbye to his mother and walk out to scott's car.
Chris's pov.
I walk into the kitchen and clean up a bit when I hear my mom say. "She seems nice" I nod. 'Hmm hm" I turn and she says. "Is she really someone you want to be with?"
I sigh. "I love her ma"
"You said that about the last girlfriends you had too"
"I know ma but this time...I mean it I love her"
"I know you do, you have the same look of love like I did with your father"
i nod with a smile. "I know Ma, Y/n is the same for me...And I don't know why but..I'm happy with her. And scott's right the other girls I was with I wasn't truly happy. I mean yes I was good at pretending around them but I'm an actor...so it's part of my job"
My mom nods. "I heard you fired Megan...care to tell me why?"
I lean on the counter. "She wanted me to keep y/n and I a secret and have me do PR shit with other girls, and I didn't want to do that, it would hurt y/n so badly that it would make her leave me and I dont' want her to leave me"
My mom softly rubs my back. "I know Chris but you did what was best for you and her"
I look at my mother and give her a warm smile. "thanks ma"
Y/n's pov.
I got back to my home and I call Lauren up.
"Hey bff! I just got back from Chris's place"
"Oh!? How was it? was it good?"
I sit on the couch in my living room. "yes it was amazing"
"oh did you see him on the red carpet!? he looks so hot bff!"
I laugh. "I could make him look better, Liliana sucks at her job I swear she makes him look this bad for a reason!"
"Bff come on he's ok with her" I scoff. "Well his Publist isn't in the picture anymore at least"
"why what happened?" My bff asks. "She said for Chris to be in a PR thing with someone else and to keep me hidden"
"What the fuck!? Why would she say that!?"
"I don't know but I got upset so Chris got mad at her and fired her! She's been working with him for so long and this happens and I am the cause?"
"No no Y/N your not the problem, it's her! his team are assholes that don't see the love you two share and it's awful!" I nod. "I agree I just feel bad for Chris...it's all my fault about this"
"bff come on don't be like that i'm sure he understands and he wants what's best for you it's going to be ok"
Chris's POV.
It's been three days I have been super busy that I haven't texted Y/n I'm a shitty boyfriend. I grab my phone while I am on break from filming.
Chris-Hey Princess How are you? 😊
Princess-Hey handsome i'm good sorry I haven't texted you...I feel bad about you firing Meghan she was just doing her job🥺
Chris-Hey no no! Your ok babe this isn't you at all. She knew my stance on this whole thing I love you and I want to be with you, not with some wanta be actress who doesn't love me like you do. Please don't feel bad princess, I don't like it when my girl is sad.
Princess-i know i'm sorry it's just tough being here and your there and I miss you....this long distance thing sucks!
Chris-I know love, you'll be back with me very soon and I can't wait for it!
Princess-i love you handsome.
Chris-i love you too i'll talk to you soon ok? I have been busy working so daddy hasn't been able to be on his phone much.
Princess-It's ok babe I love you still. have a good day. 😘
Chris-i love you too you have a good day too 😘
I put my phone away and get a back to work.
A month later Y/n is busy working her shift and gets a text from Chris.
Chris-princess....are you almost packed?
Princess-yes sir...I should be at your place in a few hours.
Chris-ok I love you!
Princess-I love you too.
I get off my shift and grab my stuff and get onto a plane and head to Boston to be with Chris. I am so glad to be back with I'm. it's been so much on me at work and it's great to be with him.
I get to his home and Chris opens the door with a smile. "Hello Princess" I giggle as I hug him. "Hey handsome" He hugs me picking me up and swinging me a bit. "God I missed you" I hear him say. I smile as he sets me down. "I missed you too but i'm here and I don't plan on leaving you"
Chris kisses me softly making my mind run wild with thoughts of him. I look into his eyes. "What's with the suit?" I tug on the silk tie lightly. "I had work an hour ago I didn't want to change"
I bite my lip and he smirks. "Shall we?" I giggle. 'I thought you would never ask" He picks me up with ease and kisses my neck as he walks upstairs into our bedroom.
he sets me on the bed and I sit up and say. "no sir" I get off the bed and grab him by his tie pulling me close to my body.
"Let me be in control this time" I said in his ear making him shut his eyes moaning. "Fuck...Babe"
I pushed him on the bed and then swung my leg over his leg to straddle him. I kissed him slowly and passionately.
The kiss deepened as he laid flat on the bed. I started kissing down his jaw and then his neck, slowly and sweetly I left my scent on his body.
I started to undo his tie and shirt as sucked on his neck, leaving few hickeys here and there. I took off his jacket and shirt as he sat back up.
He started to kiss my neck, I threw my head back. He took off my shirt then my bra making me smile.
he slowly took my jeans off and tosses them to the ground.
"Chris" I moaned. His hands started massaging my tit as he continued with his lips going down my body.
When he got to my breasts, he flicked my nipples with his finger making them hard. I couldn't wait to have his tongue in me.
"Daddy doesn't want his princess in control this time...Maybe next time" He said as he sucked my my nipple. "Yes..sir"
He flipped us over so that he could be on top. His lips danced down to the top of underwear line.
He took off my underwear slowly. When it was off, he spread my legs and just stared at me. I was wanted him to touch me so fucking badly.
"How the fuck did I get so lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend with such amazing body" He said to me.
I smile. "I should be the lucky one Evans" Chris kisses my neck softly making me gasp. "Did daddy say he wanted you to talk?"
I bite my lip. "No...sir" "Where do you want me to touch you, Princess? Tell daddy where." He said.
"You'll have to touch me to find out daddy" Chris smirked at me and let his hands slide down my leg to my thigh. "Here?"
"Lower daddy" He moves it to my knee. "here?" I shake my head. "Lower." His hand moves to my underwear lightly pulling off of me.
"Here?" he asked rubbing my clit slowly. "Yes" I say watching him rub me.
"you like it this way? or another way?" He asked looking into my eyes. "What..other...hmm way?"
"like this" He said as he rubbed my clit. Then as he bent down to kiss me, pushed two fingers into me. I let out a gasp.
He moved his fingers in and out of me. I bit my lip and arched my back.
I missed his fingers in me, I missed everything about having sex with him, it's been so long felt like years to me. His fingers started going faster and faster in and out of me making me moan loudly.
"Chris" I moaned. I could feel myself getting close. He then bent to down to my clit and curled his fingers in me while adding his tongue.
I took in a sharp breath as he did that. I was on the edge of my climax, I pulled on his hair making him moan into me, and making me cum all over his beard.
When he came up, he had some cum on his beard, so I took my thumb and wiped it off of his beard and put it in my mouth locking eyes with his.
"fuck that's hot princess" I smile. "thank you daddy" he kisses me making me taste myself on his lips.
Chris works his boxers off and Then looks at me. "You ok?" I nod. "Yes sir..." He pushes into me slowly stretching me out just right.
He moved slowly knowing it had been a while since we last had sex. "Chris can you..move faster please?" Chris smiles. "your sure?" I nod. "yes"
He thrusts faster into me making me let out a moan mixed with a cry. "Jesus Christ, Daddy, Fuck" I moaned heavily out of breath. He keeps getting faster and harder with every thrust. He groaned Every time I said his nickname. "Fuck you love this uh princess?"
I nod. "so...love...it.."
I arch my back as his thrusts were hitting just the right spot. "I'm...close....daddy...Hmmm" He kisses me neck saying. "Let go baby i'm there too"
I dig my nails up his back as he rocked into me making me feel like I was floating.
Chris moaned "Cum for me, princess". He thrust into me few more times before he did one last time and both of us released. I dug my nails deeper into back before he pulled out and laid next to me. The room was quiet as we tried to catch our breathes. "Wow"
I Snuggle next to him. "that was...amazing" Chris looks at me and smiles. "I love you so much y/n" he kisses me and I smile and lay my head on his chest. "I love you too Chris"
A/n: whew! it just got hot in here! Hope you enjoyed it.
tags;@cutedisneygrl @patzammit @armystay89 @bookishtheaterlover7 @nicoline1998enilocin @katherineswritingsblog
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fa-by · 8 months
Hiiii babies and dear Anons 👋🏼🤗. I'm back with a new Q&A post. Those who follow me already know that I haven't been well for quite some time now, and therefore also know that this is the reason for my delays in posting 😭.
Oh and, I apologize again to those Anons of the songs' analysis 😅. They're not even in this post 😅. Please forgive me guys 🙏🏼. Analysis are long and it was a mess to even post this between work and my bad health 😭. I'll make sure to have them ready for the next Q&A though. Sorry again 🙏🏼.
Now let's move on directly to the answers. Enjoy 🙃.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. Thank you so much 🤗 and yeah, of course you can DM me. I never appear to be online, but you can write to me whenever you want. I'll answer you as soon as I can 😉.
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You can find the answer in the last ask https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/717423115134779392/hi-to-you-too-dear-anon-and-thank-you-very. Have a great day too, Anon.
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I'm slowly getting better, Anon. I hope you're doing well.
Sorry, but the answer hasn't changed. In case you didn't see it in that post: ---please, please, please guys, don’t ask me to tell you the sites because I won’t. I don’t want any problems.
In addition I can only tell you that many sites get shut down or changed (or both) over the years, especially with the too much word-of-mouth. So I'm sorry but you have to find them on your own. Like I said, I don't want any problems.
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Hiiii to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄 and I hope you're having a beautiful day too.
As for your question, I'm sorry, my dear 🥺. I'm so so sorry, but I don't understand what you're asking me. I really tried 😅 and forgive me 🙏🏼 but I just didn't understand. Could you please formulate the question better or give me an example?
Again, I'm sorry, I really am 😭.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. My girlfriend and I aren't having much luck with health lately 😅, especially me 😅😅, but I hope you are (healthy) 🙃.
To answer your question, no. All In My Feelings screams Camila in every letter 🤣😜.
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Hello to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. A little better, you?
And nope. I personally disagree with that theory I saw around a long time ago. That is Mila's point of view for me.
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Hey to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. Thank you so much for your kind words and rest assured that I'll say hi from you to my gf live since she'll be staying here with me for 2 months 🥳.
About your question, I would very much love to help you and solve your doubts, believe me, but I'm sorry I don't know how 😅 because I don't have a specific context. Mila has been to Spain a looot of times, so if you could tell me specifically when and send me the pics of the phrases maybe, just maybe I might be able to help you 😄.
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Good morning to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. This good morning I don't know why I swear but it's so new and refreshing, I love it 😍! Thank you, my dear Anon 🤩.
Anyway, the answer to your question is: on purpose of course 🤣.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I'm sorry, my dear, but you must have me confused with someone else because I never said anything like that.
I hope you're having a beautiful day too 😄.
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄 and thanks, I'm trying. Short summary on the Camren songs you say? Okay, I'll do as I did with Prelude.
All In My Feelings: 2014
Always Love: 2016
Trust Issues: 2017
The One: 2018
My dear, who said I can't do the analysis?
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Hi to you too, dear Anon 👋🏼😄. I'm sorry I can't be as present as before, but shouldn't you be happy that, even if not always, I'm here? Focus on the positive 😉.
1) [If, Lauren's new PR is ONLY to cover up camren-] and the songs (old and future ones), and their private life, yes.
[-why would Lauren do it again (she has denied it thousands of times camren)?]
Why would Lauren do it again, what? Why have a PR or why deny Camren? Sorry but I got confused 😅.
In any case, you can find the answer here in the first ask https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/717423115134779392/hi-to-you-too-dear-anon-and-thank-you-very.
2) [How long approximately do you think this PR of Lauren will last?]
I hope they've made a basic contract for at least one year's duration with no possibility of extending it beyond that, but I don't know. It'll depend on whether things go as planned or not.
3) [And how do you imagine the PR to end?]
I honestly don't cause I don't care 🤭🤣. No seriously tho 🤣. I see two possible roads connected to those indirects. **For those who don't know, I saw that there are people who think they broke up because of what they assumed were indirects of a breakup on IG.**
Road n°1: that was all PR bullshit as usual. Sasha's on tour with Madonna again and the two of them (L&S) can't see each other, ergo, they can't be seen together to the public like before. Ergo x2, there are other ways to publicize. People need to learn to remember that PRs feed and thrive on speculation and gossip. So ergo x3, nothing has changed because it was one of the many ways to get people to talk about the PR. The PR is still on.
Road n°2: a merge of everything I said in road n°1 + what I said in point 2). Let me explain better.
If my hope that they've made a basic contract for at least one year's duration with no possibility of extending it beyond that can be the reality, then it means that they're running out of time. Why? Because as I explained in my Laucy 2.O post, Lauren and Sasha supposedly got together on the night of December 18, 2021 (unless we’ll have anniversary posts in the future) but officially, the relationship was announced on February 14, 2023, on Valentine's Day.  February 2024 is not that far away. If that's why, December is right around the corner if they want to go ahead with that 🤣. But anyway. This means that they could've used the indirects both for publicity and to generate speculation as I said in road n°1, and to initiate the future official break-up. They could very well use the distance as an excuse for the breakup.
But again, who knows in the end 🤷🏻‍♀️. This could be an idea 😏.
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Hello to you too, dear @camilalauren0327 👋🏼😄, and thank you.
It can be both, although it's rarer. It's usually the inside people who've worked on it with her in a personal way who are the ones looking for potential buyers. By inside people I mean producers and writers by the way. I'd also remind you tho that this is only possible if Mila is super sure she doesn't want a song anymore. Because if she's attached to it or just wants to reuse it in the future for lyrics or whatever, then the sale isn't even a thought.
You’re welcome, my dear 🤗, anytime.
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Hello again, my dear @camilalauren0327 👋🏼😄. My health is improving a little and I hope yours is waaaay better than mine 😊.
1) Chronologically speaking, no. Neither Lauren nor Camila have ever released songs in order. It's more evident with Mila because we have a lot more of her songs, but they both release songs about different situations that happened even in different years. If they were to release them in chronological order, the lies would be all too obvious even to the general public. Instead, in this way, it's easier to hide the truth and mix it with the narratives and their PRs. It's simply up to us to put the pieces together.
2) In the AMAs interview (Oct 9, 2018) with Chelsea Briggs for Billboard, Laur said she'd written 40 songs. Of those 40 songs, and taking away the ones she'd already released, 5 were chosen for Prelude. In December 2021 in the interview with Zach Sang, she said she still had about 50 songs done. In the interview with People (May 26, 2023) (https://people.com/lauren-jauregui-on-working-with-ex-ty-dolla-amid-new-relationship-exclusive-7504696) she said: “I haven't really written a lot since 2020” and explained that In Between “It’s in between the time of Prelude and the actual official debut album”. And in the one with Galore (Jun 20, 2023) (https://galoremag.com/lauren-jauregui-releases-her-newest-ep-in-between-and-talks-about-new-music-love-whats-next/) she said: “These songs have actually been sitting with me since 2018/2019”.
Now what do I want to tell you with this? That Prelude and In Between are the same thing. They're part of the same era. Imagine them together as one album and not as two separate projects, also because that was her initial intent. Even the album we'll get will most likely be part of Prelude and In Between as a whole.
3) It may be as it may not be, my dear 💁🏻‍♀️. We're still getting pieces of their story from both of them, and Laur has basically just started, so 🤷🏻‍♀️.
I hope I've helped you as you wanted 😉.
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Hi again, my dear K 👋🏼😄.
[Hi faby sorry to hear u were ill again I hope ur feeling better now and are taking care of yourself. Glad u remembered me and I also send a virtual hug back ❤️]
[So the reason I’m not adopting another cat is bc my cat that died Rocky I have her brother still as I adopted them together and he won’t accept another and honestly he’s a little shit 😂]
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 By the way, if I'd known that you have the brother, I'd never have advised you to adopt a new one, especially since he's a little shit and I dare not imagine what he would do to the newcomer 🙈🤣. 
[but I will again I also would love to adopt a dog bur again can’t with him and where I live my landlord don’t allow dogs 🙄]
Let's hope that one day you will also because as a dog lover, I can tell you that having a cat and having a dog are two completely different things 🤣. You'll see hopefully someday 🤞🏼🥰.
[Ur thoughts “🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh yeah? And who told them that? Lauren or Camila? Or both of them? Over text, call, or video call? 🤣.” Was exactly my thoughts when I read that theory 🤣🤣 they must of read too many fanfics 😂 then 🙄 this is why we get called delusional 😂]
Yeah, unfortunately 🙄.
[Ur right about fans leaving L she has always been like this just maybe when she was in 5H their team controlled what she posted/says in a way but I am curious as to why she hasn’t changed her image yet and thought she would now being independent she could show more of her true self and stop coming across as a hypocrite but again I never really thought until u mentioned it that’s she comfortable doing what she is and she knows sexualising herself sales. If I’m not mistaken I believe she even posted in her caption b4 how when she posts sexy pics etc it has triple the likes then her music etc does.]
Exactly 😎.
[I also found it hilarious how C’s fans act when she spent all that time in New York getting papped multiple times a day everyday with yoghurt then they split then C disappears from earth and they complain🤣🤣🤣 I don’t understand how they can be so stupid every single time it happens and don’t even get me started on his fans 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ saying C’s the attention seeker and she needs him to be successful 😂 like he wasn’t papped walking shirtless conveniently on a hiking trail completely empty but somehow a pap just so happens to be there🤣🤣🤣🤣 u can’t make this shit up]
Yeah sure, she's so much attention seeker that I can count on the fingers of one hand how many times she's been papped since they ‘broke up’ again 🤦🏻‍♀️. Contrary to mister please give me attention that three people's fingers wouldn't be enough 🤣. But anyway, you said it yourself: people are stupid 💁🏻‍♀️.
[Also have u heard the AI songs of Camren that shit is good-]
I've listened to them since day one and I keep progressively doing so as new versions come out 😍. And yep, you're absolutely right.
[-and makes me wish they would do a song together better yet a whole ass album can u imagine that?]
Wouldn't that be a dream for all of us 🤣?
[Do u think Camren have heard them? I’m also surprised they haven’t done anything about it.]
Heard or not, they can't do anything about it 🤷🏻‍♀️. Exactly like all the other singers this is happening to. It's still publicity if you think about it.
[I am excited for C’s new music and I hope they give her more freedom where she can really show of her writing and don’t know about u but I would love for her to do some rock/edgy songs. Her NBTS is still one of my favs]
Absofuckinglutely! NBTS as well as Shameless which is one of my favorites, although Shameless is more pop punk rock with a darker edge. I'd love it if she continued to do that and also to re-explore other genres. Like, for example, something trap like in OMG, or electropop like in Crown, or even afrobeat, something new that as a former dancer literally knocked me down, like she did in Ku Lo Sa. *Can you tell that I love everything she does? 😅*
And don't get me wrong, I love love LOVE that she’s primarily a pop singer. That's the main reason why I discovered 5H in the first place in the far back March 2016. I'm just saying that along with pop, I hope she continues to explore other genres and not focus solely on Latin songs like she did for the most part with Familia. Again, don't get me wrong. I love and adore her Latin songs as well and I also understand that she wanted to integrate her culture more into the last album, and I loved them all. I'm just saying that I'd like her to continue to integrate and explore genres in a more varied way (including the Latin ones) as she did before Familia. That's all 😄.
[Hope ur having a nice day/night and are feeling better 😘]
Thank you so much, you're always super kind 🤩. I hope you're doing very well and I hope you're having a nice day/night too 😘. Virtual hug 🤗.
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[HIIII Faby!!! 💜💜💜 ​Me again :P I hope u feel much better and healthier since last time .]
HIIII to you too, my dear purple heart Anon 👋🏼😄. I actually do, thanks 🤗. I'm unfortunately still not 100% yet because it's a long healing process, but I'm better 😊.
[1THANK U SO MUCH for exposing Lauren and Sasha's fake relationship like I asked u to!!!! I'm sure you'll have made many people in doubt happy and u made me laugh a lot as always🤣 .]  
1) It's always a pleasure to help you guys when I can 🥰 and I'm happy to have made you laugh as you hoped, my dear 😉.
[2Wha do u think of the Camren AI images? Aren't they the most beautiful thing?]
2) I obviously loooove them 😍🤩😍🤩 and yeah, they're beautiful 😍🤩😍🤩.
[And of course Camila stays silent while Lauren blocks CS 🤣 .]
Well 🤣 that hasn't changed from the past, right? At least it's a great way to get people to talk about them and keep the fandom alive and they both know it 🤭.
[3Did u see Lauren's last zoom cause OMG 🤣 I thought of u! She was talking about divine energies and said "we all have masculine and feminine within us , we all have to balance these energies in order to be in a space of clarity within ourselves". I rememberd that an anon told u the opposite in an ask and I went to look for your answer because I remembered that u proved them wrong and u were right as always🤣 I mean guys Faby said this 2 years ago and Lauren confirmed it now 0.0 .]
3) I did see it, my dear 😁. I'm surprised you remembered that 🤣. You have an excellent memory!
For those who don't know, the purple heart Anon refers to the LimeWire Zoom that occured on Sep 28, 2023, while this is the ask I answered  https://fa-by.tumblr.com/post/669510575975546880/hey-babies-and-dear-anons-welcome-to-a-new (third to last ask, the one before the two analyses).
[I don't know how u do it honestly Faby . It looks like u have a special and deep understanding of both Camrens as people and I'm always blown away by how u get it right. That's why I trust u completely :D .]
Thank you so much for trusting me completely, my 💜 Anon. It warms my heart 😍😍. And honestly? I think I have it (the special and deep understanding of both Camren as people). And I'm absolutely not saying this to brag or anything like that, I swear. I like to think that I have it because of my personal experiences, because of how I see life, and especially because I love them and have studied them and have always paid attention (even before Laur said so in that tweet).
[For this I wanna thank u .]
No, my dear, THANK YOU ❤️.
[Thnk u for always being available to answer our asks and for always being kind to us.]
I'll always be (unless someone is disrespectful).
[Thank u for always being objective no matter what even when it goes against Camren & their being together and what other CS say .]
I don't lie and I'm pretty realistic as you've perfectly noticed. If something didn't happen, I say so. If something is just a made-up fantasy, I have no problem debunking it. If delusional shit is said just to get attention, I have no trouble telling it like it is.
I don't care. I don't care about any of that. I don't care about the fanfiction imagination that lots of CS unfortunately have of them. I mean, do I want them to be end-game? Hell yeah! But I know there's a chance they might not be. Just as I know that they've both been and that there's a chance that they'll be with other people in the future as has already happened in the past when they broke up.
I just care about the truth, because they're people. They're two flesh-and-blood people with their own lives and their own feelings, and a lot of people still don't understand that. So thank you, my dear. I'm happy that there are people like you who also appreciate my objectivity ❤️.
[Thank u for always being truthful in what u think and always showing proofs of what u say.]
Always ❤️.
[Thank u thank u thank u so much in general I don't know what we'd do without u and your posts. At least me :P .]
And again, no, my dear, THANK YOU ❤️. Thank you for always being kind and polite to me. Thank you for your concern for my health. Thank you for all the ‘HIIII’s I know you write on purpose to distinguish yourself from those you know who don't even greet me before asking. Thank you for all the asks you've been sending me over the years. Thank you for believing in me because, honestly? It's thanks to you and those like you that I'm still here. So THANK YOU in general!❤️
[Have a beautiful day be safe I love u and say hi to your gf. 😘]
Have a beautiful day too 🙃. I'll say hi to my girlfriend when I'll let her read the post live 😄. I love you too, be safe too and take care of yourself 😘.
Aaand I'm done 👅. Thank you all for your asks and I hope I've been helpful this time too 🙃. As usual, I'm always available for those who have questions, so ask away 😄.
Remember to be nice. Always. Both with others and with yourselves. Be a good example. Be patient. Be safe and take care of yourselves. Don't let our ship sink. Keep shipping them, but please respectfully 🙏🏼. Sending you virtual love and hugs 🤗🤗🤗. I love you, babies. Always with love, F ❤️.
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
I'm sorry ahead of time if this is a long request. 🥺
I wanna request (if you have time) for a comfort/fluff story? I am having a tough time this week since I was asked to paint my best friend (who had passed many years ago) as a gift and I'm not handling it too well.
Would I be able to request a LiebeXfem reader comfort/fluff story where she breaks down in pirvate as she's painting the portrait and he overhears her? Something with extreme fluff and maybe a few kisses. If it's not too much trouble. 💓 Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Hi my lovely bby, I'm so so sorry I'm so late, I hope that you are feeling better. (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ It's always hard when you lose someone you love, it's like they took a part of you with them, didn't they? (ಡ‸ಡ)
Anyway, here's your request, and I hope your best friend in heaven gets to see you smile too (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
Also, I'm not too sure about the gender of your bestie, so I'll keep it gender neutral ♡
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Characters: Liebe x f! reader TW: death, loss, grieving
Your fingers tremble as the tip of the brush reached the canvas. You looked at the sketched out, half painted face, the face you haven't seen in a long while.
"Hey," you whispered to the canvas, "how are you doing?"
You took a deep breath and a sip of water. Did a little stretch and continued the painting. You reminded yourself to keep positive, that this was a good thing, it was a gift.
You filled in their brows and think about how it furrows when they listen to you rant about your problems.
Their e/c eyes, that twinkled when they smiled. Yes, their lips when they smile. It's been awhile since you heard their laughter. The laugh that bounced off the walls of where ever you both were at.
You couldn't take it anymore, the heavy stone in your heart breaking your dam, as the waterworks started. You put the brush down and put your head in your hands, sobbing over like it was just yesterday that they left, your mind replaying all the precious moments you both shared.
A hand patted the top of your head, slowly stroking you, “hey.”
His familiar voice soft like a whisper. It felt like a gentle caress, a comfort for your damaged heart and you sobbed even harder.
Liebe sat beside you and pulled you into his embrace. He was warm and his sweater was soft and smelt like raspberries. Your feelings and emotions intensified as you clung onto him like it was for dear life.
The hand on your head had it's fingers weaving through your hair, helping you tuck those stray ends away from your face so you could breathe in between your sobs. His other arm held onto your waist firmly, so you were snug in his lap.
He pressed soft and gentle kisses to your hair and forehead. Slowly taking your hand in his and planting more kisses on it too. It was until your sobs turned to sniffs that Liebe started to talk again.
"You feeling better now, baby?" His hand cradled your face, slender thumb brushing the remains of your tears left on your cheeks.
You leaned into his palm as you gave a small nod.
With Liebe, you didn't need to explain much. He was smart and he always understood. He simply saw the painting and understood what was going on.
"You hungry?" he gave you a chaste kiss on your lips this time.
You shook your head.
"Hmm, but I am.." he gave you a little pout, "wanna accompany me while I grab a bite?"
"But I need to finish.." you whispered.
"You need a break and I need food, we'll make a quick one and be back to finish together." he said.
He wasn't giving you a choice. As soon as you fell silent, he scooped you up and out of the room.
Your mood was lifted the moment you stepped out and took in some fresh air. The gentle breeze hit your skin and you felt much better again. Liebe was still carrying you, not having any intentions of putting you down.
And that day, you decided to just indulge yourself a little and let your boyfriend spoil you. You stayed in his arms as he grabbed some burger from Charmy's kitchen and sat in the hall to eat. He even fed you some and of course nobody could resist Charmy's food.
You ended up eating your own burger after that and he did keep his promise to accompany you to finish your painting; you sitting in his lap.
Sometimes you felt lost, without a direction in your life. But at that moment you decided that home is in Liebe's arms.
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it's been a while rhythm!! how is everyhting??
i have yet to read some of your latest works, but life has been a little bit hard lately and i found myself missing our dearest pack 🥺 unfortunately i don't have time rn to re read my fav one shots, but this week it's being kind of a parenthesis and i can breathe a little 一some needed rest before i dive in university life again.
i've seen what other anons said about the girls gang (wereroomies, i mean) hanging out together and supporting each other. even with their hobbies, and i keep finding confort on pretty because i feel like i have so much in common with her. those asks helped me a lot because university is a lonely period, at least at the beginning and in my experience, so reading about how they enjoy their time together made me realise i have to appreciate those little moments i have with my friends (who aren't studying the same degree as me, unfortunately i don't see them as much as i would like to).
these months have made me more mature, but in a good way. i have been carrying a very heavy load for years and little by little i'm noticing how it weighs me less and less, so i'm very happy rn. i'm in that kind of mood when i want to spread that happiness with everyone (so if you're reading this, known that you're amazing and loved and you deserve so much more that you think you do ♡).
oh, i also remember one time you mentioned that one hobby that pretty has is crochet!! i started this summer haha i crochet when i'm stressed, with a nice playlist 一which reminds me of skz's comeback!! what are your fav songs?? (mine comflex and cover me 🤭).
what i wanted to ask (this is a very chaotic ask i'm sorry) is how did pack members cope with loneliness and stressful seasons in university?? especially when they felt like there was no one they could tell how they felt, if that was the case...
i know i don't interact a lot, but i missed talking to you. have a nice day/night rhythm!! ily (❤️‍🩹)
things are doing fine! i'm tired but soon i'll be on holidays so i'll be able to rest lots hopefully~
don't worry, baby. my works will be there for when you have time💜💜💜 no need to stress about that, you've got enough of that in your life.
makes me happy that you can find some comfort in the silly conversations we've got going on in this blog. i'm glad people are kind enough to send in their thoughts and we can just have some fun with them together!
good friends should really be appreciated, and it's always worth it to nurture and maintain friendships, even if it's in a sort of cactus way (as in, maybe you don't meet often, but you know you can rely on them when you need them, you know what i mean?). that's really especial, so i hope you get to enjoy it to its fullest!
yes! i like to think pretty does crochet as a hobby, she just seems like she would, for some reason??? so yes hahah. i want to include it on an actual instalment at some point. it's cool that you picked it up too, though! it's really fun imo. putting a nice playlist or some video essay on youtube while you crochet is a good way to de-stress mewhehe.
i think my fave songs from the album so far are megaverse and social path (kor ver). all of them are good, but those two have me in a chokehold for sure.
as for your question...... here's the thing. werewolves live in packs for a reason, right? so, their pack was probably the biggest support they had in moments like those. i suppose they would've tried to lean on their friends, or to try and step back for a moment to put things into perspective. engaging in activities outside of school was probably a good outlet as well (like going on wolf runs, or going for a walk), just things they could do to remind themselves that there was life outside uni, and that ultimately it wasn't a race, they were there to learn, so as long as they learnt a bit, they could take their time.
i feel like Chris particularly would've struggled a lot, considering he was living alone alone during his first and second year. i can see him making the extra effort to meet with changbin and jisung weekly (or every two weeks) to avoid lone wolf syndrome.
thank you for dropping by and leaving this message! i hope that weight you're carrying continues getting smaller and smaller💜
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Hi ravenbloodshot! Nice to meet you :) I just came across your page because I typed Lee Soo Hyuk into tumblr. I recently got into him because I've seen his drama, you can imagine I was incredibly drawn to him! It was nice coming across this reading you did: https://www.tumblr.com/ravenbloodshot/709342946115354624/lee-soo-hyuk-love-languagehow-he-acts-in-a but also pretty scary!!
I feel a bit sick to my stomach tbh 😞 I think I was attracted to him because I accidentally trauma bonded? He sounds like my ex completely. It's actually really scary 😟 My ex is a narc and this is verbatim what he's like. Lately I've been trying to work on myself and do a bunch of shadow work, so I've been seeing where I'm going wrong and all of the unhealthy patterns that I'm trying to undo but I get so upset because I tend to be drawn to similar men? My dad is also a full blown narcissist and for my own sanity and self-love, I've completely cut him off but my heart sank a little here not gonna lie, I can't believe it translated onto celebrities as well, that's how serious this shit is?
I was magnetically drawn to this guy and I didn't know why, I've also come across another reading on him where a reader says he's a cold partner and will leave you unhappy and unfulfilled. I feel as if I can't pick out anymore what men are normal and which aren't, it's almost like I lack discernment and I hate it because I never used to be like this until I met my cunt of an ex. It's completely put me off dating until I get healthy because I cannot go through what I went through and I want to learn how to un-condition myself from these types of toxic people and men and with my toxic empathy and conditioned self thinking I can change them and seeing hope in them, hell nah. I do not want to see me like this anymore.
It's so crazy because idek this actors real personality and I've been able to be so drawn to him while he was playing another character? Imagine the narcissism peeking through at moments like that too and I absolutely don't have any concept of him during his "real" interviews either, I feel cold and he confuzzles the shit outta me? INSANE! I couldn't understand why it felt so intense and thank god that I analyse everything with my Virgo ass (yes including my emotions) it didn't make sense why I felt so fucking strongly but well here I find myself trauma bonding and being drawn to yet another ass!
I'm trying my best and I know I'll get there! I'm actually afraid to look at him now and I feel repulsed because I was so infatuated with him, I wanna run and hide, he scares the shit outta me 🥺 May I ask you a question? I don't know how you feel about this but just this one? Are my gut instincts right on me feeling he's a narc? I'm trying to calculate which patterns I'm drawn to in men and pick up on and "find appealing", so I don't have to go through this all the time and stop in my tracks before it becomes too late!
It may be different than other request, I'm not sure but I was pulled to this reading for this very reason! At this point I'm just trying to brainwash myself into liking healthy "patterns" the way I do "negative" and "unavailable" ones. If you have any tough advice or life lessons to share from personal experience perhaps that would be awesome too, I'm trying to connect to see how I can overcome these things! Thanks 🙃
I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with discernment in men/ppl, I hope you can learn to see through the mask of others (it takes time and patience but it's possible).
But.....I think you are wrong about Lee soo hyuk being a narcissist (it's a personality disorder that I'm not too keen on ppl throwing around so freely), he can be cocky, materialistic and controlling but hes no narcissist. I actually sense an underlying insecurity and lack of a personality in him, surprisingly. The man is so damn mutable that if he doenst know who he is now, he will soon not know. Also, his energy is very nervous/unsure especially in relationships, hes definitely out of his element when it comes to love. And that's what creates a bad individual to date, that unsurity of his, that I dont know what the hell I'm even doing here energy, leads to all of his insecure and weirdo behaviors in a relationship. And its something he needs to work out (or he could choose to remain a bachelor forever 🤷‍♀️). And those personal issues of yours will need to be worked out as well before attempting to return to the dating scene or you may continue the cycle of bad relationships etc....
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taegularities · 9 months
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕
I know I haven't dropped in for a couple of days but I saw your post about what you've had to deal with recently and I just wanted to send you my love and support. That sounds like a really scary and uncomfortable situation to go through but I hope you know that there is also so much kindness and love in the world and you are deserving of it!! I feel like that's something that we can use a reminder for when we encounter people like that, who seem to lack any of those things. You don't deserve any of the pain or sadness you go through, you deserve love and happiness and it will come to you, I'm sure of it <3
On a lighter note, I saw you saying you might be able to drop cmi 10 on the sixth? That's actually the date of my one year blog anniversary lmaooo what a coincidence. I'm sending you all the energy and motivation and hoping for a smooth writing process, Rid. Life is tough though so please don't worry too much about deadlines since I'm sure everyone is excited to read it whenever it comes out.
You also asked about unhappy endings and even though I think you might know my opinion on angst and sad things already, I just want to say again that I would read anything you wrote, Rid and I would sacrifice my very fragile heart if it means reading another one of your beautiful stories. It's funny because usually when it comes to books I don't mind sad things, in fact the heartbreaking ones are usually my favourites, but with fanfiction I think I just get too attached to the characters and it absolutely tears my heart apart when there's any angst.
Speaking of books, I've been reading more recently and I started a book yesterday where the main character's name is Rin and I'm not joking when I say that my brain read it as Rid the first couple of times. So I think that says a lot about how much you cross my mind I guess.
Sorry that I haven't dropped in much lately, for some reason 9/10 times when I open tumblr these days I feel overwhelmed at the thought of reblogging anything or talking to people 😔 And I've also been in and out of bad moods in general lately so yeah. Hoping that starting classes again, being busier and setting up some kind of routine will help me a bit.
I hope things go well for you too in this busy time Rid, both with classes and with work!! Sending you all of my love always 💞💞💞
hi my love 🤍 thank you so much. it's gotten better but it was scarring for sure.. while i know that there's still so much love and positivity in this world, i'm just so :') closed off, like my brain doesn't want to trust anyone just yet. but good things to come, hopefully hehe
and yeah, i shall definitely try! can't promise anything just yet, but i really want to drop cmi10 in a week or two :D lowkey also want it out, so i can finally get to cmi11!! yeah, i'm the same lmaoo i used to read a lot of angsty novels, but pain hits a lot harder with fics. maybe bc it's our favourite celebrity, too? but like, thank you 🥺 i hope you always go into fics carefully and take a break if you need to. i'll always be grateful you picked up any of my fics at all 🤍
don't worry about tumblr.. i absolutely know what you mean. i guess it's why i've been absent, too. don't know what exactly it is, but this site's been a lot lately :') if you ever need to talk about what's going on, i'm here. hope you feel better soon and that uni starts smoothly for you. love you 💕
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borathae · 1 year
Girl.. I'm finally caught up but these last three chapters if mv were literally insane, I don't even know where to start lol
I'll start with Emma first because being completely honest, I wasn't sure if I was going to like her in the group. I thought she would change up the dynamics too much and make it weird but none of that happened! She's so sweet and I love everything about her personality. I also had (still kinda do) a hard time keeping girl friends so seeing the mc get that connection makes me so so happy. Their little girls night left my heart warm and aching for one of my own.
Jimin needs a good ass kicking session, let kook at him for awhile, he's a big boy I'm sure he can take it 😒 The way he is written literally scrambles my brain, on hand I have so much empathy for him and I know some of his actions are trauma responses that he deserves to heal from.. but he's such a dick at the same time! I just want her to tell Tae already so he can kick his teeth in and teach him a lesson. (I also want to add that I wouldn't be opposed to a vmin/mc threesome with dom tae making them play nice with each other 👉👈)
Yoongi is completely wrecking tf out me, girl i am exhausted 😮‍💨 I really forgot how far their relationship has come but holy frickkk he's too cute for his own good🥰 That stupid prick made me completely and utterly livid doing that to him, he's come so far and opened his heart wide, his emotions are on and he's loving and letting himself be loved and that asshat just decides to toy with him for his own amusement 🤬🤬 should've staked his ass right there on the spot.
I hope Tae gets it together soon, I miss his old self and getting the little glimpses of it between these really heartbreaking mood swings is breaking my heart 😕.. his behavior this last chapter just wasn't it, and honestly the flip flop he's doing with my poor baby Kooks heart is engaging me..
Poor kookie needs to be loved on asap 🥺 also can we talk about his restraint?? How far he's come that he was able to walk out of the room!!! Makes me feel like a proud mama 🥰
I LOVE EMMA SO MUCH OMFG she is such a lovely character :( we truly love her in this household :(
Jimin IS such a dick, but also a dick I wanna protect ahhaha istfg he is such a fun character to write, because of how layered he is 😩
I also want to add that I wouldn't be opposed to a vmin/mc threesome with dom tae making them play nice with each other 👉👈
Yoongi is completely wrecking tf out me, girl i am exhausted
HONESTLY THOUGH TAE'S BEHAVIOUR BEEN GIVING ME WHIPLASH fajdsjf sorry for yelling all the time ahha I feel like I need to yell to let you know how excited I am to talk about this story with you FADJFJ
Poor kookie needs to be loved on asap 🥺 also can we talk about his restraint?? How far he's come that he was able to walk out of the room!!! Makes me feel like a proud mama 🥰
I LOVE HIM he makes me feel so many things :( and all of them are good :( he's come so far my hardworking baby :(
Thank you so much for your review! I feel like I didn't show you enough just how grateful I am for you but I really am
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Awww...I had goosebumps...soaking in the tub, they're so cute like everytime when they're together 🥰, pampering each other. Bluey is very understanding that y/n is struggeling with being a mother for Alvis, and telling her about his additional skills is more than enough for today. I woud freak out when my boyfriend would tell me he's not just a prince but also a GOD 😳🤯😂...but I wouldn't mind his longlife experiences 😏😏.
'...no matter what my decision will be, I'll never ever make you choose between us or make you leave him.'
It will still be a topic between them to talk about.
If one a****le is gone the next one knocks at your door 🤬...Tony Stark. He and his blockheads seem to be more dangerous than Rogers. Tony, you are the next one on my list now 😈😈🔪🔪🔪. Leave them alone! No one hurts my BluBlu again!
Stark knows something and becomes suspicious. Fortunately Bluey trust his intention and heard that y/n wasn't alone when she came back home. Right in time he was able to hide any evidence of his existence as Bluey in y/n's life and changed his appearance. It was smart of y/n to tell Stark she has a boyfriend but I'm sure he absolutely doesn't believe her what she told him. The situation becomes more and more dangerous. Bluey and y/n need a hideout soon where they can live in peace...😔💙❤️
Anxiety attacks are the worst thing you can have and I feel so sorry for them that both have to make this experience. I wish I had a Bluey in these situations, he would be my cure and my savior. 💙💙
Bluey and his insecurity broke my heart 🥺😭. He really needs to heal further, too. I was hurting when he said to y/n, he was scared to show her his human/asgardian look and y/n might not love him anymore as Bluey...
But Bluey is the man y/n fell in love with. She might going to see it as an advantage to walk around like a 'normal couple' in the city, if necessary , but she would never force him to change his natural form because she knows how much he dislike the human appearance, that it makes him feel uncomfortable. She is not like Priscilla but it shows how much that person hurt him🥺.
We only want him to feel good and happy 🥰💙❤️. Can I please hug, pamper and cuddle him and....😏😏...you know what I mean...😉😂❤️‍🔥💙🧊
I loved this chapter my Queen 👑 and I love you 💙💚❤️
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Yeah like she had no idea who he actually is and now he's the god from Norse Mythology? That would fuck with me NGL.
Yeah Tony Stark is evil evil in this and he must want his science experiment back.
He's definitely insecure about his appearance and it's not just because of Priscilla but also his past. And yes that is an added advantage because now she can walk around with him and show him the city. Take him to parties and their friend's wedding. But ofcourse she'd never force him to look that way.
You should definitely do all that because he deserves it 😏😏💚
I love you too queen 😍💚
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woozi · 2 months
helluu yza <333 🫂🫂🥰🥰🥰
i've been doing good overall <33 it comes and goes hddjkd last year ended up leaving a sour taste in the mouth, it's been quiet since 2024 started, not liking it but can't do much to change it either, can you tell i have a hard time letting things go lmao?it'll eventually get sorted out (i hope)
ANYWAY, i decided to join letterboxd community, i am a complete movie person now (if you wanna be moots there lmk), the recent one i watched was "call me chihiro", do watch it when you can, i liked it, AND AND AND there's this indian movie called "three of us" (2022) i'm still recovering from it, people who think 2521 was traumatic wouldn't be able to handle this movie at all, it's about this woman going back to her home town with her husband for a visit after something happens to her, to recollect herself and she meets her childhood friend there 😭😭😭 IT'S LIKE PAST LIVES MOVIE BUT ALSO KINDA DIFFERENT. i love both of them equally. please do watch it if you can't find link i'll send it you <333 there's too many gems i've been finding out about after making an account on letterboxd. ( also i finally watched kiki's delivery service, i had been meaning to but kept delaying it, it's soo good, the kid with specs annoyed me lmao but i got over it quickly (in the sense that i didn't care much about him or his plot hdjskss)
we can always pick up our movie hangouts, feel free to lmk on disc or even if you want ro reach out to say something 🥰 it'll reach me faster compared to here im not much of a tumblr girl anymore it seems
what's new with you? how are you doing?
i hope you're well
i find myself humming to wait so much these days, it's funny because when it was released i listened to it and then never looked back 😭 ( fake carat booo fake ot13 booo 🍅🍅🍅🍅) now it stays rent free in my mind as i go about my day, the dance break towards the ending is so so good, i've been also enjoying yugyeom's album esp summer blues it's so my kind and OMG YES I WANTED TO ASK WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON BIBI'S BAM YANG GANG? 🎤 (atp i feel like i should call myself bibi stan)
thank you for even replying back even though you don't really have to hddjsk i missed you too 🫂 you're so kind to me always <333 sending you more peaceful and good weather days, i hope you are also finding space and time for pausing in between the chaos around you 🥺💌
MA CHERIE 🥺🥰😻😘😚😍♥💜🧡❣💝💞💟💌❤💛💚💙🖤💓💖💗
i'm so sorry to hear that :(( and if it's any consolation, it really is as they say!! all things really will come to pass, it's just a matter of time <3 hope u know i'm always here to lend an ear as well i lov u 🥺
ALSO LOVE LETTERBOXD REALLY IS A FILM GIRLIE EXPERIENCE FDJKJFDJKFD i unfortunately dont have it (shame on me as a prev film major LMFAO) but i'd love to be moots i'll create an acc for u <3 ALSO LOVEEEEEEEE THESE RECCS I'M TAKING NOTES!!! also still dk why 2521 was So Sad for people, i really loved it and just thought it was realistic 😭 AND KIKI'S!!!!!!!!!!!! that was also super fun for me and i loved jiji's little love story line SOOO MUCH
also felt abt that </3 I WAS ALSO JUST GONNA TELL U ABT DISC GJKFDKJFDKJ we really r soulmates atp <33 think i've also been away from tumblr since jan of 2023 now 😭 i honestly just come back during times when my love for the sebongs is Monumental and bc there r svt nets who still dont have admins 😭
the past year has also been super rough for me so i really get u when u said u hope things will sort themselves out soon FDJJKFD but i'm sure it will on both our ends!! that's just how life is sometimes. thank u for checking up on me <333
ALSO SO REAL ABT JUST CHECKING OUT RELEASES AND DIPPING DKJSJKDSS I LOV U SM!! AND I REALLY LOVED ITTTTTTTTTTTTT, think it showed a v different side to her <33 ((although the lyrics are Very Much still bibi, it's just the melody and presentation that gave her a new spice)
AND WHY WOULD U EVEN THANK ME 😤😤😤😤 i should be thanking YOU for the gift of friend chip <33 hope the days r also kinder to u, i'd fight ur demons if i could 😡 LOV UUUUUUU LET'S HANG OUT AND WATCH MOVIES AGAIN TGT SOON <#3333333333333 MWAH
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kittlyns · 3 months
I don't even know what I'm trying to say here but there's a lot going on and I'm on my period so I'm just a fucking wreck right now.
It's so hard. Reaching out to people. Like, actually impossible. It's just not something I'm capable of. So when something goes wrong in my life, I honestly just don't bring it up to anyone around me. And I know I'm supposed to. Like my grandma tells me my mom has been venting to her and I'm like, oh that's right. That's something mothers and daughters should do. But not me, cuz my mom is dealing with enough on her own, so I can't bother her with my petty shit. Okay, my siblings? God no. I'm the eldest, I'm the one who's supposed to keep it together, I can't fucking drag them down in the muck with me just so I have... what, catharsis??? That's fucking doubtful. More like arming them with future ammunition against me so they can bring up how fucking crazy I am. Gonna pass on that one.
Then it's like, well that's what friends are for, right? I should reach out to my best friends and look for support and comfort. I know they'd willingly give it. But that feels weak and pathetic and vulnerable and they've got enough on their plates without babying me, so I'll just fill them in when everything is better. Or maybe not at all. Who knows. But I'm not gonna bother anyone about shit they can't control or understand just so I can feel even worse afterwards.
But they find out anyways. Cuz of course they do. And then my voice shakes and the veneer slips and they see me for what I am. And then they're disappointed that I didn't go to them! And I feel terrible over that!! But how do you even begin to explain it all. How do you explain that they will never be able to understand the complexities of it all? That yeah, it's one situation, but it goes much deeper than even I'm aware, and the only 2 people I can think to talk to were raised too well by people in much better situations that opening up about it all would make me feel like a goddamn charity case!!
Like, oh, sorry, it's not that I don't trust you with my vulnerability, it's more that I trusted someone in the past and they were also going through some shit and I mistook their silence for annoyance and I know better now but that feeling of rejection embedded itself in me and has not let go of me in nearly 10 years. How do I tell someone, "you fundamentally changed the way I interact with people, forever and ever, but I know you didn't mean to and I'm not mad at you-"? You don't. I don't. Oh, you're going back 9 years? Really?? That's a little- Yes, excessive, I know. But wait! We actually have to go back to when I was 4 to truly understand this situation! Matter of fact, let's just say it all started the day I was born to reallyyy make sure we cover the intricacies of it all!
God. How fucking dramatic. How exhausting. Can't you just say "Here's what's going on," and when people say "Oh No! It'll get better soon 🥺" you just smile and say Thank You, I Know like the good robot you are?? Never mind that it's pointless to even have that conversation, because I can fucking lie to myself all day long, that's what I DO babyyyy, I don't need fucking help there. No, if I'm truly going to sit down and talk about how I feel, you need to know EVERYTHING. And there lies the problem. Who even wants to hear all that? Who would care enough, still love you after? And if they did, what does that say about them? Probably nothing, but let me spiral a little farther and I can come up with something, I'm sure.
But going back to 9 years ago, idek why I'm blaming them for me being like this. Honestly, this is who I was always going to end up as. I can't even cry without holding my breath cuz I don't want anyone to hear me. I even do it totally alone. Been doing that little trick since I was 5 or 6, AT LEAST. Of course there's a part of me that craves being able to lean on someone's shoulder and just letting the dam break, but I know it'll never happen. I am physically and mentally incapable of letting anyone see me like that.
All that to say. I am stuck in the same place I've always been. I am incapable of reaching out to people I love for support, and think I am doing them a favor by not doing so. In turn, this alienates me from them even further. I am alone. I don't have to be, but I am. Conclusion... accept the empty platitudes because that's likely all I will ever be able to accept?
God. Again, how devastatingly sad. The connection and support I need and want will forever be out of reach bc I'm behind a wall of my own construction. I'm totally aware of this but I just cannot. change. Whatever.
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cosettepontmercys · 11 months
Omg have fun at the Barbie movie! I'm so curious about it if you wanna give a short review. Maybe I will see it later this week on a cheap day. I think I've heard good things so far. Unfortunately I'm not sure if either show is going to work out at this point..and they are on the same day anyway lol. But I found out they will show it in another city nearby in a few months if so hopefully I can make it work then. I love Les Mis sooo much and was really excited cuz I haven't seen it before but it's also a really popular show and the balcony was all sold out, which never happened before. I thought I would be able to still get tickets the day of since that's what I usually do. We'll see what happens with the Paramore show but I'm hoping it works out. For surprise songs, I'm not that picky..it's more that I have a few that I wouldn't want..which is maybe 3 of what's left lol. I Can See You would be cool since she never performed it and it's become a new favorite. I like anything from Lover and Rep and older stuff like debut and Fearless too. I would be happy with one older song and one newer since that makes it interesting but there's nothing I absolutely hate either. I'm more worried that I'll like the surprise songs of the other show better since I'm only going to one show lol. What about you? Was your show tonight? Can't wait to hear your review of the show!!!
hi friend!!!! i had the BEST time at barbie!!! i sobbed through so much of it (but i am a crier). my friends and i all held hands at one point and cried and it was just such a 🥺 moment for me. and just so, so special to watch it with some of my closest friends. i am such a like, pink, barbie girl and i just really, genuinely adored it. i didn't know much about what the movie was going to be about going in but it exceeded all my expectations. i never felt like the movie dragged or was too long or didn't hold my interest. the costumes were stunning. the set design is beautiful; it's just a visually beautiful movie, and you could tell how much care and thought was put into every detail. i'm a sucker for small things like that, and i know there's a lot of references i definitely missed. i'm thinking that i might go see it again at some point, but i think i'll be too busy this week and then i'm in chicago next week for lollapalooza, so it might have to wait till i'm back. i definitely want to see it with my mom. i just ... i loved it. america ferrera totally blew me away, as did margot robbie. i just ... genuinely really loved this movie. there were some bits that just made me laugh (some genuine laughter, some nervous "oh this hits too close to home" laughter). and the soundtrack is so good — billie eilish's, dua lipa's and charli xcx's songs in particular were standouts for me! trying to hold off buying the vinyl right now, because... well, pink (and also because i am on a vinyl buying ban for now). oh noooo :( i'm sorry to hear about les mis, but i really hope that the other city will work for you! i am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you 🤍 it really is just such a special show and has such a special place in my heart (and i think it would have a special place in my heart even if i wasn't named after it). and this tour cast is so fun! i particularly loved gavorche; i left the theatre and was texting my friends about how phenomenal he was. and as i'm sure you've seen on my tumblr, i've been thinking about les mis a lot since. i started my reread/annotation project of it a little bit ago, and i'm trying to do "a book" a month, and then finish by the end of the year! i think i might rewatch the movie (or a bootleg of it) sometime soon, i definitely miss it. you'll have to let me know if you end up going to paramore! i definitely want to get into paramore's music more; i know some songs but i haven't done a discography deep dive yet. there's a lot of artists that i want to do that for and i used to be pretty good about listening to entire discographies while at work but i've mostly been lolla prepping and listening to the music of the artists we'll be seeing! i can see you is such a fun song! i'm really hoping she'll sing either foolish one or castles crumbling at my shows (i'm going both saturday and sunday) in terms of speak now songs, but i'll honestly be happy with anything and everything! i've been telling all my friends i'd love something from debut (especially since it isn't part of the setlist), but i'll genuinely be happy with anything she sings! i have a running joke with my friends that every surprise song we're like "i'm marked so unsafe :("/"this was such a loss for me" because we wanted to hear that song live — just a testament to taylor's discography, really! i hope you get songs that you love when you see her! are you going to the friday show or the saturday one? i'll be thinking of you next week! hope you have a good weekend, friend! 🤍 remember to drink some water + take it easy! hope you're enjoying your current read(s)!! x
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