#i'm mirrorverse trash
synapticfirefly · 4 months
Hello! Will you ever revisit SP mirrorverse? I adore it so much 🥺
I'm revisiting a few stories right now, and after I finish clean up for The Stag Prince rewrite, the Mirrorverse is next on my list!
The truth is, I'm not happy with how poorly some if it is written. The points of view are all over the place, and some parts are just plain unreadable.
I won't be able to work on new chapters until I've brought them up to my quality and standards. I know you guys have waited for literal years, so please bear with me for about a month or so.
The Stag Prince rewrite is 80% done, and I've started jumping between that and the Mirrorverse like a baby on crack, so it is gonna happen! (Unless something kills me, I guess. Maybe I can ask my husband to continue my work in my will? Now that would be an interesting conversation...)
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melisusthewee · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @nirikeehan and @theluckywizard for tagging me! I think I did this a couple years ago, so it's worth doing again even though I doubt my answers have likely changed... lol.
(Under a cut because it gets a bit long with formatting.)
How many works do you have on AO3? 27!
What's your total AO3 word count? 66, 314 words
What fandoms do you write for? Currently Dragon Age, beginning to consider branching into The Terror (but the latter is mainly just art for now).
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The Tang of Liquor On His Tongue (Dragon Age; Dorian/Male Trevelyan smut) The Dreamer Sets the Rules (Dragon Age; Solas/Male Trevelyan & Solas/Fade Spirit) mala suledin nadas (Dragon Age; Solas/Male Trevelyan) Impetus (Dragon Age; Cassandra/Male Trevelyan smut) Smut Challenge 2: War Table Boogaloo (Dragon Age; Cassandra/Male Trevelyan smut)
Do you respond to comments? I try really hard to! I fell behind for a period of time and got really anxious about it and have been slowly trying to catch up starting mainly with more recent comments.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I suppose it might be Lathbora Viran since even though it's more of an implied/hinted at event instead of outright stated, the fic ends with Curiosity (the reborn spirit of Wisdom) becoming the Regret demon from Tevinter Nights.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Um... I suppose in terms of individual fic it would probably be Nothing Else Than What Is Now because the squires confess their feelings, they kiss, and if you stop there then nothing bad ever happened ever again lol.
Do you get hate on fics? No. I am far too insignificant to attract that sort of thing.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? On occasion! I don't really know how to describe the sort of smut I write. I think I tend to bring a sort of dreamy romantic quality to it? I lean very hard into even the smut that's very light on plot as being an important character or relationship study. I guess. I do think I'm a very good smut writer though! So whatever I'm doing, I'm doing it well!
Do you do crossovers? What's the craziest you've ever written? Not really. At least not in recent memory. I wrote a Harry Potter/Beatles oneshot years ago on Livejournal that was inspired by a friend's art. And around that time I also wrote a Dick Grayson/Bucky Barnes fic but that's about the extent of it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge. If there's ever a demand for it, I'm very open to it!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Sort of. I started co-writing a Mirrorverse fic with @rosella-writes about a year ago? It never quite got off the ground though, which is a shame because I think it was a good idea and I think what we did write was very good. Maybe one day the stars will align for work on it to continue. I'm co-author on a special secret project that is wrapping up soon as well, which is very neat and exciting but I can't say much more than that right now!
What's your all-time favourite ship? All-time favourite is a pretty big thing to consider. Out of all fandoms, probably Chrom/F!Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening. I am now and forever Chrobin trash. Have I ever written it? No. Do I have an extensive art collection for it? Yes.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My Qunari War AU. It's mainly just notes and snippets in bits and pieces and while it was definitely canon compliant when I started working on it, I don't think it is anymore. And that sort of made me mostly give up on it.
What are your writing strengths? I'd say dialogue!
What are your writing weaknesses? TRANSITIONS! I'm so bad at figuring out, "Okay, this scene is over/exhausted. Now how do I get things from here to the next one?"
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? I think when it comes to real languages, it's probably best to avoid it. If a character is speaking another language then there are two possibilities - either the POV narrator understands the language or they don't. In the event of the former, there's then no reason to have the dialogue written in a different language than what the fic is since if the narrator understands what's being said then the reader should too. In the event of the former, it's much easier and far less prone to error if you just write that Character A was speaking in a language that Character B could not understand. With fictional languages that are usually incomplete, however, sometimes a word or an expression can be used for impact but I still think it's best to use them sparingly.
First fandom you wrote for? Technically it was Digimon Adventure. But I was 13 so we're not going to talk about that.
Favourite fic you've ever written? So far in terms of completed and published fics it is either In the Long Hours of the Night or The Many Faces of Wisdom. I think they are both evocative character pieces and if I had the money to commission art to accompany them I very much would.
That was a lot of fun and it was interesting to see that some of my stats and things had actually changed! For any other fic writers out there, I challenge you to give this a go! And I am gently nudging the following people: @ronqueesha @kiastirling @dreadfutures @bluewren @thraaaaaaaanduuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiil @unnecessaryligatures @rosella-writes @n7viper
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cheryls-blossomed · 3 years
I'm enjoying all of this media attention the upcoming Westallen vow renewal is getting. All credit to Leanne over at ET and the diehard fans. And the shade to the wedding crashers of the other ceremonies has been even more hilarious than previous years. Whoever thought Nazis and a double wedding with friends who were hardly friends in the first place with an interracial couple must have been tone deaf af.
A few of the latest articles though have decided to add a bit of shade to Westallen. This one by a woman named Devon at Screen Rant claims Westallen has "tons of disagreements and fights all the time" and that the vow renewal might be seen as "overkill" to some while being "fan service" to others. Wow, so they're not deserving of this uninterrupted ceremony after everything that happened during the Crisis on Earth X crossover? They're not deserving because they are actually one of the healthiest arrowverse ships from comic canon royalty and have been separated too many times by the speedforce and most recently, the mirrorverse? Wow. Wow. Ok. This is why if Andy B or Mae A don't write an article for that site, then the praise with a side of unwarranted shady articles by others over there aren't worth it.
Screenrant is just clickbait trash, most of the time, other than a few people who really make great contributions to the site, including Andy and Mae. I did read that article, though, and OP said that they have had some disagreements and fights, but that they are one of the strongest love stories in the Arrowverse. I agree that they should have not mentioned disagreements, because like... Barry and Iris rarely disagree and literally fought only once, but to be fair, they didn't say "tons of disagreements and fights," and they acknowledged Westallen's strength as a couple.
I do agree that the nonsense about overkill was utterly ridiculous, and like this is my problem with the vast majority of Screenrant contributors. They just say shit that doesn't make sense. Barry and Iris have been through so much these last couple of seasons; they absolutely deserve this moment where they get to renew their vows, especially because they didn't get the wedding that they always deserved to have. Also, calling this fun fanservice is just like... well, did you acknowledge that the karaoke party at the end of 7x12 was also fanservice, given that Iris and Kamilla were completely isolated from the party, when it made no sense, just so "oh tee eff" could get their party? Especially when it actually makes perfect sense for Westallen to renew their vows, especially after all that they've been through, and no character is being excluded from participating/being present for the ceremony.
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What will it take to get those white feminists writers out of there? Hope I'm not insulting you personally. It's just that you can always tell when a certain type of writer is in charge with this show having an agenda and that agenda usually excludes Iris while uplifting CS unnecessarily. And when judging 619 as a regular episode, it was still trash. After 17 and 18, how did they get away with this? Please help me understand. Am I being too harsh about this?
Hi, anon. I don't think you're being too harsh about it. Frost had way too many scenes especially considering she didn't do much within the narrative. Those scenes could've easily been given to Iris. Hell, Allegra Nash scenes could've been given to Iris. Iris investigating in the mirrorverse has been mostly off screen which is both annoying and makes no sense narratively. As for the writers, iirc Kelly Wheeler is usually okay and I think she does pretty good WA scenes when it's in the script? Lauren Barnett was the iffy one that people were worried about and it appears those worries were warranted. I don't how we're gonna get rid of these writers, anon. Lauren Barnett and Kristen Kim are the problem writers it seems. It was an odd episode emotion wise considering the episodes it came off of, fingers crossed the last three episodes (when we get them) focus more on that and give us exactly what happened to Iris and feature Barry's desperation more
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asarutobi · 9 years
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ashes to ashes and dust to dust  and the fire becomes ice ashes to ashes and dust to dust and the moon touches the sun [insp. by x]
My contribution for @plaidshirtjimkirk‘s oms challenge.
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cheryls-blossomed · 4 years
I don't know I give Eric a little more credit as a black man whose bosses are all white having to prove 10x more that he can handle being showrunner. So I'm sorry I'm not going to jump at tearing this man down everytime something doesn't play out as I may have wanted it to. At least Eric is trying to make the workplace less toxic and a better place for cp and at least he's brought in a black woman into the writers room and a black woman mua on set for cp. He even has brought back more black and women directors. At least he's taking the time to actually hear cp out on what she needs and how she wants her storyline to go and seems very accommodating way more than the other white showrunners ever were. Is Eric perfect absolutely not could he write iris and Westallen better absolutely and could this mirrorverse storyline been better absolutely, but just to watch a show to just pick it apart and find ways to trash Eric is where I draw the line.
I think it’s really important to highlight the fact that Eric has made the set safer for Candice, and that he has made good on his promises of hiring a Black woman to the writers’ room and a Black woman to the make-up team. That’s why, imo, he’s very clearly the best showrunner this show has had. Set safety is way more important than anything else. 
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asarutobi · 9 years
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WIP - I’m done with the lines and I’ll stop changing the uniforms now, I think they are good as they are haha.
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asarutobi · 9 years
I was wondering if you've watched the DS9 mirrorverse!episodes or not? I really liked the direction they went with them, but I've heard other people don't :(
i watched all of ds9 so yes i did! (but i need to rewatch it at some point, cause i forget things i only saw once easily) - i liked them, they more or less went with the direction they predicted in tos. i liked that they explained that mirror spock’s/prime kirk’s vision didnt prove to lead to the best outcome for the empire (to put it mildly), and that we saw more than just the terran empire (or rebellion at that time)
also holy shit, mirror kira man
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asarutobi · 9 years
Hello. I see you love Mirror, as well as I love him)) a pity that it's so little fics. You can recommend something? Maybe (by some miracle) I haven't read it yet))
Hello! I’m probably not the best person to ask about fic recs, as I’m a very casual reader. Unfortunately I don’t know many mirror fics (and even less that I liked) but I can rec you two that both left me very emotional, starring at my ceiling for minutes, even hours haha
None So Blind by Brianna Falken
Spock convinces a blinded Kirk to allow him to create a mental link between them while they are stranded on an uninhabited planet after the shuttle crashes 
Where The Heart Is by rowan-baines 
When Spock is accused of assisting a traitor to the Empire, Kirk is ordered to get information out of him by any means necessary.How will Kirk cope with being forced to torture the man who is secretly his lover? And what will he do when Starfleet Command decides that Spock's time is up?
And another story that I enjoyed:
Per Ardua Ad Astra also by rowan-baines
His captain's counterpart was correct. The Empire’s corrupt and mercenary nature had placed it in an untenable position, and it was destined to collapse. It was only logical that Spock hasten its downfall, but to do that he would have to assume a position of greater power. He would have to become the Captain of the ISS Enterprise. And for that James T. Kirk would have to die.
All of those are K/S, and you should check the warnings if there is some triggering content for you. I have some more fics bookmarked, but I didn’t read those yet. I hope I could help out with that! 
If some of you have some more recs, please add them! :D
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asarutobi · 10 years
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look what i got, because i'm just fucking trash. look at his lil beard
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ps: jim doesn't seem to mind the new company 
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asarutobi · 10 years
so i'm making gifs rn and i think i found it
my sexuality
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asarutobi · 10 years
i can't believe i'm drawing mirrorverse agAIN
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