#i'm ngl i think this is my sign to call upon my best friend and make up with him . i'm bored of us playing coy about ignoring each other
dykeinthedark · 2 months
status: in desperate need of a change
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sammygender · 8 months
things about homestuck i have discovered in my reread
terezi is my favourite character and will always be
caliborn is fucking HILARIOUS jesus christ somehow i forgot this (he hasnt got to the misogyny yet that part gets kind of less funny)
dave and karkat kind of ARE that good, regrettably. i feel like we all go through a davekat phase upon first reading and then gradually we get over dave and karkat and move onto other, better pursuits, like vrisrezi fanfiction or space player meta. rereading tho man they are excellent… not the most compelling characters of COURSE and really more like babys first analysis in terms of dissecting them, but man they are funny, man their emotional arcs are vivid and well written, man they are hilarious together also (penis ouija. yeah that was funny). coming out as a dave and karkat fan once again
homestuck in general but especially the start of act 6 is INCREDIBLY funny. for some reason i thought act 6 was less funny and more like plot-heavy which i guess it kind of us to an extent cause most of it is now Relevant all the time but oh my god the alpha kids are a trainwreck and its so funny
on the subject of the alpha kids. last time i properly read homestuck i was like 14. i had never experienced being the same age of the alpha kids and now looking back its insane. that is LITERALLY what being 15/16 is like. the romantic chaos the constant miscommunication the way this group of best friends just somehow have so many fucking problems with each other??? and the COMPLEXES. my god
appreciating roxy more this time round than i ever did before she rubbed me a little the wrong way first read i think maybe bc everyone heralded her as like The Unproblematic Alpha Kid when like oh my god she is a fucking MESS but when looking at her through that lens shes fantastic
jade harley should be mean more often. every PASSWORD FUCKASS interaction was an absolute delight. man she should get more page time
vriska is indefensible when u first meet her its so hard explaining to people that shes like The Fucking Best when she spends most of her intro mocking the guy she paralysed for being paralysed. sadly, she still IS the fucking best.
did i mention terezi pyrope is my favourite character ever in anything
i still cant pay attention to anything exile related i'm sorry. i just look at the pretty pictures and skip through it quickly as possible. if they dont have complex psychology and fun conversations idc sorry im a bad hs fan
calliope is both a delight and so wrong like all of the time. reading her i see where all the fandom misconceptions come from. ur not meant to take her word as 100% serious when she says stuff like male/female classes or whatever!! she sees everything through this incredibly binary 2 choice lens like caliborn bc thats literally the life she lives. this is also extra funny i guess considering shes literally kind of meant to represent the hs fandom
LIL HAL <33333333
sorry that so much of this is about the alpha kids im part way into act 6 now
dirkjake so far have not had a single interaction and iirc they never do??? fascinating storytelling since we still have a perfect picture of their dynamic
terezi is characteristically being stupid about vriska again, because she is complicatedly and unwittingly in love with her
does rose get confirmed as a lesbian later in the text or is that just a fandom interpretation cause ngl i have seen people harassed over bi rose which is kinda crazy anyway but would be even crazier if its not. an actual canon fact
LE SIGN IS UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED TO MEAN TOO BAD HES GAY YOU OBTUSE DUNDERFUCK from roxy compared to poor dirk calling the word gay antediluvian. man just wants to like jake in peace
honestly everything alpha kid wise is insane lets just. put it there
terezi is my favourite also have i said that already
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jaydangan · 1 year
i saw someone call him narcissistic for trying to kill teruko and betray her
I'm seeing this A LOT in the fandom, and I am SO SO SICK of people trying to paint David as a worst person than he really is. Maybe I'll eat my own words in the future, but I can promise you honey, David is NOT a purely evil person! (at least from what is already public)
Is it a two-faced liar? Yes, yes he is. I mean.....if my job was to constantly tell ppl that things will be okay, I guess that would also make me a liar as well (as optimistic as a person can be, the most ideal way is not always a reality). Did he tell Xander to kill Teruko? We do not know that yet! I see lots of people saying that "Xander trusted David right off the bat, of course he would trust whatever David said!" but honestly? I don't suspect David as much as anyone else (maybe except Ace, Arei, or Arturo). Xander is genuinely someone that wanted to be friends with everyone, and yes, he looked up to David. But we do not know for sure if David told him to kill Teruko. And even so, like......Teruko is kinda sus, ngl. It's very briefly touched upon in chapter 1's trial, but THE SIGNS ARE THERE, in chapter 2. I even saw a comment in one of chapter's 2 episodes where someone said "No wonder Xander tried to kill you Teruko, you sus!"
Chapter 1, I admit, David is pretty sus. But after watching the screentime he had (so far) in chapter 2, he's not......he's not horrible! He was someone that constantly needed to be perfect, put up a happy go lucky persona, and try to maintain a positive attitude, even if he was depressed himself. He couldn't be sad, he needed to be the 'happy' one. Xander, who fell for David's on stage persona, became what David genuinely wanted to be. Which is why David said "technically *YOU* are my rolemodel, Xander". His friendship with Xander seems 100% geunine
I see people even going as far as saying "David was secretly rude to Xander and was glad that he died cause David hated his fans" and I was like ".......Did you watch drdt with your eyes closed?!"
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, and sorry for the spam, but TDLR: David Chiem is best boy
Again, I may eat my own words in the future, but so far, he's.....not evil. Just a guy that's secretly depressed, but has to be happy cause it's his job
Okay, i have to say chiem was looking pretty sus to me. I was suspecting him to be the Mastermind even. But honestly, finishing chapter 1, i think not. I think david is just... A tired guy. Hes tired of being optimistic, and i understand him! I truly believe he is a optimistic and loving guy but- he reached his limit yknow? His sanity is slowlyng getting lower. I truly believe chiem is a cool dude, he's just... Tired.
And also, i think david telling xander that xander is his "rolemodel" is a genuine feeling towards matthews.
Well, i didnt get to chapter 2 but i got kinda.... Mad at teruko... As both a paranoid and a overly- betrayed-person the scene of min hugging teruko hit me HARD in the heart. Cause i understand both of them.
I like teruko, but sometimes she makes me... Sad? I dunno- like- all her hatred towards matthews was absolutly comprehenseble, but at the same time- it made me so... Sad?
I was really dissapointed with xander. I been backstabbed and that shit HURTS. I definetly got really mad at xander for what he did to teruko but-
THATS THE PROBLEM! WHY DO I UNDERSTAND TERUKO BUT- i still find her kinda... Harsh...? I dunno....
But back to chiem, hes cool, i like him, and im hoping to see more of him in the future!
(lets hope he dont turn out to be the Mastermind, that works for xander too, if matthews is revealed as the Mastermind (fake death) i'll be so PISSED)
And btw, please spam my inbox, i love it :)/gen/nf
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lovethisletters · 3 years
Devilish nights || A fantastic 3 one-shot!
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I love this idea ngl, I love the dynamic between the three of them! And I tried to do them justice here but... there's definitely a Whole ass ranch for improvement... :C
also Diavolo is Mexa xd
Summary: the fantastic three go to a concert but things don't go as planned.
Additional notes: I was going to make this a comic but decided against it since it was gonna take me much more time to finish it, but perhaps I'll do it as a small follow up to this one-shot.
There's a reason why the Demon elite are very protective of their private life...you see: everyone has a side of their personality only the ones closest to us are allowed to see and for the demon prince, the avatar of pride and the loyal butler this is no exception.
—Uhhh?!?! You're going out?!!—all 6 brothers questioned in surprise.
—Yes, and I hope that when I arrive, the house is not a mess!— Replied the avatar of pride as he placed a distinctive blue coat over his shoulders.
—Ehhh? Are you going on vacation to the human realm, Lucifer ?! And without me ?! How cruel!—Asmodeus inquired dramatically, hugging his older brother's arm like a child begging his mother to go out and play.
The black-haired demon was unfazed by the avatar of lust childish demeanor, released himself from his grasp with ease and continued with his speech.
—Diavolo has important matters to resolve in the human realm and he needs me and Barbatos to support him, it is not a vacation.—
—I hope all of you behave in my absence; Satan, you're in charge, ”Lucifer declared.
-What?!?! Satan in charge ?! - the rest complained.
—As much as it bothers me to admit it… Satan is the most responsible among you — Lucifer looked at the blonde demon in the eyes — I'm counting on you — and the avatar of pride came out hurriedly before he could even hear the answer of the fourth brother.
—Don't— whispered the avatar of wrath as his lips settled into a sinister smile at the plan that was being formulated in his head.
—Ahhh ~ finally it's THE day! I can't wait any longer !!!— upon hearing the title "prince of hell" we could normally assume that the person bearing it is someone intimidating, ruthless and rude; but there he was ... the heir to the throne of the Devildom jumping all over the place with immeasurable enthusiasm, glow sticks in each hand and a white shirt with the image of a sun with the face of Luis Miguel on the chest.
—Diavolo, I'd appreciate it if you could calm down a bit.
—Calm down?! Lucifer! I have been waiting for this for years! I will finally be able to be at a concert of my favorite singer from the human realm! Do you have any idea how much I struggled to get these tickets?!?! I had to do it the human way! line and everything!—The redhead claimed at the lack of enthusiasm from his best friend.
—His majesty stopped time and he moved a couple of old ladies to be able to acquire the tickets in the front row; it would be appreciated if you showed a bit of enthusiasm, Lucifer.—Barbatos finally spoke, the same formal and cold smile always etched on his face to which Lucifer could only replay in the same way.
—Oh! I won't let you two ruin my night with your formalities! At least pretend you're as excited as I am!—Diavolo begged but his stoic companions could only mutter a mocking “yeeei”as they waved their respective glow sticks reluctantly and the prince of hell could only roll his eyes.
Mistakes happen, they happen when we least expect them and even worse; at too inconvenient moments.
—Quick, Lucifer, we're next!— The tallest of the 3 hurried, still jumping up and down.
—Give me a second — The black-haired demon searched in his pockets for the tickets that Diavolo had asked him to keep until the day of the concert because he was afraid of losing them among all the paperwork that week and knowing the responsible nature of his friend he entrusted them to him .
The thing is ... Lucifer could not find the tickets ... and when he realized this, with all the tranquility of the world: he cleared his throat, clasped his hands and positioned himself firmly like a teacher about to explain something to a child .
—Diavolo, in terms of tickets… I forgot the ttickets— At first the prince of hell gave his friend an incredulous look and even proceeded to laugh.
—Sure, stop playing games, Lucifer— the redhead expected a laugh from his friend followed by him handing over the tickets, but that gesture never came.
—Your Majesty I think Lucifer is not joking— Barbatos corrected
And oh my god, have you ever seen a child's face when you take a toy that he just can’t have out of his hands? And then the endless crying begins? Yes, at that moment the heir to the throne of hell simply bursted in tears.
—It’s Okay, your majesty, everything is going to be fine— The butler tried to calm him down by patting him on the back.
—Diavolo, I can buy others, don't worry— But the redhead only limited himself to pointing at the sign above the theater entrance "Sold out" was written in large letters.
—Well… I guess I owe you the next concert, how about we go to your favorite restaurant, hmm? My treat — Despite his offer, his friend only let out a sigh of despair and helplessness.
—You have no idea where you left them?
—Ummm… I guess in my office…
—Tell your brothers to bring them to you! Please!!— Lucifer was quick to dial Satan's number, because by the way things were he would not be surprised if Diavolo's despair at this moment led him to pray.
By pure chance, Lucifer noticed that he had several unanswered messages and calls from one of the angels: Simeon
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—You can't reach them?—the prince questioned
Lucifer just stood there, glaring at his phone with a mixture of regret and anger.
"Damm you Simeon" was all that came to mind.
—Oh? Aren't those Solomon, Simeon and Luke?—Barbatos voice interrupted his thoughts.
And sure enough, there at the entrance of the theatre were the inhabitants of purgatory hall, dressed in human world clothing, waiting in line, the youngest of the group with tickets in hand.
—Oh!? I didn't knew they had bought tickets for this!
—They didn't
—How do you know?
—Because those are YOUR tickets!
—What?!?!—Diavolo's confused expression was quickly met with Lucifer's phone right in front of his face, showing him the text messages.
—I'll go get them—but before the avatar of pride could take another step towards the purgatory hall group, Barbatos hand stopped him in his tracks.
—Your Majesty, I believe Luke's birthday is just in a few days and he seems to be enjoying himself, why don't we let them keep the tickets?—the butler suggested politely.
It took a couple of seconds for the prince of hell tho make his desicion, but the smile on the small angel face made all trace of doubt dissipate, and with a heavy sigh he finally spoke.
— leat it be, Lucifer...
—...are you sure of it, Diavolo?
—yes, perhaps next year we'll go together...all of us, right?
Lucifer was surprised but with a small smile forming on his face he said yes.
—Now... who's hungry?! We should go to the fanciest place in town, after all, It's Lucifer's treat!—the prince joked
—Perhaps the restaurant we attended last year would be fine, your Majesty?
—Ah yes! That would do!
And while Lucifer's wallet had started regretting his desicions, he was happy he could spend this evening with his dearest friends.
I was going to put a drawing of the fantastic three hanging out but I only did Diavolo bc while I was finishing Barbatos and Lucifer my computer crashed and didn't save anything :c
So here's a Diavolo in front of bellas artes to compensate:
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If you find any grammatical errors let me know! I'm trying to improve my english and that would help me so so much!
I will forever thank you if you go check out my other profile: @aileysmirnov  where I post things about my OC: edits, one-shots, imagines, art, etc. If you like Greek mythology and the bat family maybe you would get to be as fond of her as much as I am!
Anyway, thank you for reading!
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scary-lasagna · 3 years
Im like right on the due date lol Can I get a match-up for creepypasta? And if you allow can you add nsfw to it? 🤣
My appearance: I'm about 5'4 and im pear shaped, I have hazel eyes, and strawberry/ blond/brown hair (I dye it a lot the last color I had was red and when I was going back to my normal color it left a pinkish red undertone to it), I'm ghostly pale, I have slight bit of freckles on my cheeks, I'm a tad bit chubby but oh well that just make me soft to hug, you'll usually catch me in a tye dye jacket with peace signs on it
My personality: I'm known to be subtly chaotic, I make jokes at the worst times and sometimes they can be mean without me meaning to be mean, I lack a filter so I can sometimes be to straightforward, im imaginative I express things through either music writing or art, i love animals more the people most of the time, im very stubborn, I can either be the mom friend or the friend that's feral, im not the best with words I usually show my feelings through actions
My likes: I love tarot, I'm into astrology (im a libra/scorpio cusp), I love animals I have a pet hedgehog, I enjoy doing art, I love music (est 40s through 90s music), I like musicals, I enjoy dancing with a partner (I only really know how to waltz but I like it), i love naps especially when its raining, I like neck kisses, I enjoy cuddling, im a theater kid so I also love acting
My dislikes: i hate being ignored, drunks, my anxiety disorder, a lot of food I have a sensory problem so a lot of different foods freak me out, out of nowhere calls, when someone tests me
Sexuality: im pansexual but I lean more towards men and I'm open minded so im not opposed to polyamorous relationships as long as its close-knit (as in we all love each other not just us loving one person)
Extra: my dream date is being at a gas station at 2 AM in the morning sitting in the corner drinking slushies and having deep discussions. I have ADD, generalized anxiety disorder and depression. I'm a bit obsessive and possesvie due to being from a divorced family (dad cheated on mom ect.). Im definitely a switch in bed. I'm not energetic but I enjoy energetic peoples company. I'm known to have a bit of a hipster aesthetic.
NSFW info:im a try everything at least once unless its something im very uncomfortable with. Im a switch. I don't mind bdsm. I do like pet play and I'm also known to be a bit of a mommy ngl.
I match you with: Laughing Jack!
In honesty, Laughing Jack didn't like you when he first set eyes upon you. The beginning of your relationship was quite rough. He disliked your loud colors, and the subtle way you accidentally insulted him while joking around with the clown.
But he kept finding excuses to be around you. He had to take the long way, through the lounge area of the manor, and pass you to get to the back door. It was good exercise, that's all. And it was absolutely insulting to think that he asked you to step to the side JUST so he could catch a glimpse of eye contact. Preposterous.
He started liking your colors, and your love for animals, and especially the way he always found you by the large window in the game room whenever it was raining. Jack started to realize that you two had more much more in common than he originally thought, and he wanted your acquaintance to eventually blossom into a friendship.
The gaze from his muted gray eyes started lingering on you whenever you were conversing, and one day he even brought an animal from home to watch you smile. (Snuggles the two-headed lizard adored your tye-dye very much).
He asked you on a date, and unfortunately it went completely haywire. Nothing was prepared at dinner, the theatre closed early due to a water leak, so you two resorted to drinking slushies on a gas station curb and counting red cars that passed by.
Jack definitely has that chaotic, slightly unhinged behavior that completes the balance of two dangerously insane feral creatures. Jack is a huge fucking instigator, and will usually be the one to propose something dangerous because it will be 'fun'.
Jack suffers from abandonment issues, depression, touch starvation, the whole shebang. He will gladly accept your possessivness. In fact, one might just say he thrives off of it.
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
Ngl whenever I see OC asks I'm tempted to just ask all of them lmao
Buuut, let's see... from the OC creation asks, maybe 12, 15, 19? And for the other one, 1, 8, 52, 69? For any OC you'd like ~
I’m not shitting you when I say, DO IT. 
It’s my favorite time of the day~! Do you think I’ll ever shut up? Not likely, so let’s gooo! >:D 
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
You know, I always think about this to be fair because it’s something that can be a bit of a block for me when writing any of my OCs since they’re all really different personality wise. Fane, in particular, is a bit of a challenge. Especially when it’s not his POV. He’s hard to explain at times, and it’s why I take so long to create one shots or chapters because I want to make sure I’ve been as clear as possible with him or how other’s perceive him. I have to think in my head, ‘How would such and such really feel about Fane’s personality? How would they respond to his outbursts or his views on the world?’ It takes a lot of reviewing banter from Inquisition and seeing how characters interact with one another for me to confidently piece together dialogue in regards to Fane, and at times, my mind wanders into non canon territory to where I then have to yank it back. Fane lets my mind explore, but the wanderlust gets to be a bit..much. I think so, at any rate. Lol. 
On a more personal level, Fane is also me, in a way. He’s a persona that allows me to express what I tend to go through mentally at times. While it’s a sort of comfort for me to get things off my chest through him, I also have to take a step back and breathe, especially if my mind that day isn’t in the best of places. I mean, I want to write during those times, but it can be incredibly difficult to formulate words with enough sensitivity so it doesn’t hit too hard for anyone else and come off wrong.
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh? 
I’m gonna use Estoria for this because one thing I’ve created with her always makes me smile and giggle like a madman. That thing is, is the fact that she’s a flirter, but if it’s directed at her then she’s a bumbling fool. She’s all miss big bad mercenary elf until someone says, “You’re eyes are truly a delight.’ and then she just laughs nervously and nearly crumbles into a ball at their feet. 
And you bet your ass that Solas’s smooth talk kills her to where she actively has Cullen syndrome and runs away--tripping and stumbling over her own feet because she can’t. Then, when she does manage to get away she just sits on the floor and goes with all the enthusiasm of a teenager, “He..he thinks I’m graceful? He thinks I’m graceful!” Then she just rolls around on the floor, kicking her legs like a happy little flower. :3
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
That Fane has a sweet tooth. Hands down. Man becomes a literal puppy around cake, cookies, anything sweet. I have it in my fluffy little head that he swipes those things from Skyhold’s kitchen without anyone seeing because he’s embarrassed. He’ll try to be all sneaky and slick, but someone always stumbles upon him stuffing his face and then..well, you know. Fane becomes Aterian and Solas has to be called to tame a dragon before the walls come down. *smiles pleasantly*
1.  What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
We’ll go down the line for this one!
Fane is ‘Tempest’ due to his ‘calm before the storm’ demeanor when in battle. Varric gave it to him when he saw how fast Fane could move despite his size, and how hard he could hit once closing in. He’s literally a lightning bolt as he’s never in the same place twice and he does it all without batting an eye like how a real storm can destroy everything in its path, but when the clouds part, it’s calm, controlled without a shred of guilt towards the wreckage.
Estoria is ‘Snapdragon’. He adoptive father gave it to her as a sign of affection and to let her know that she is strong, even if the world believes she’s just a delicate little flower to be set on a window and forgotten. It also came about whenever he saw just how fierce a fighter she could be and how passionate she would get towards specific topics--’snapping’ like a dragon does with their treasure hoard or young. 
Mhairi is ‘Snow bird’ or ‘Fawn’. Courtesy of Varric and Dorian! Snow bird is Dorian’s nickname for her and it’s mainly due to her proclivity towards ice magic. Fawn is Varric’s choice due to how wide eyed and curious Mhairi is, like a newborn fawn discovering the world for the first time.
8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
This is Fane’s. Fane’s, Fane’s. Only because I have so many thoughts about his voice that I have to try to explain it! All right, so his voice is deep, obviously. However, it’s gruff, it’s tired, and it rumbles like the softest of thunder. You can take the man out of the dragon, but you can’t take the dragon out of the man. He always has a slight growl to his voice, even if he’s not irritated. He does have an accent, more or less along the lines of what the game gives us, but it’s deeper, has more timbre and husk to it. It drops dangerously low when he’s furious--almost warbling with the natural growl. It jumps a slight octave when he’s flustered--sometimes cracking on specific syllables. When he speaks Elvhen though..well, let’s just say Solas has an existential crisis to where he blanks for a good twenty seconds because how the words just roll near perfectly from a deep, deep, near criminally seductive grave. It’s a good time. *waggles eyebrows*
52. What are some of your OC’s motivations?
Oh god. Well, it is time to try and explain why Fane does the shit that he does! Namely, why the hell he supports the destruction of the Veil, even if he knows it could kill people he loves.
One: Fane is heavily devoted to Solas. Centuries of bonding and losing each other does that, after all. He strives in every fashion to lessen the burden on Solas’s shoulders because he’s seen it happen before. He’s seen and felt Solas practically scream for an end. So, he refuses to abandon him again to that torture, even if he has to bloody his hands from those he had come to consider friends. It’s a difficult road for both of them, but Fane tries to keep a tiny shred of hope in his heart that everything will be okay in the end--that they’ll be okay. He just wants to protect Solas with everything he has, even if it brands him a monster. So, in a way, Solas’s continued presence motivates Fane to keep pushing, even if it’s indirectly.
Two: Fane is passionate towards his kin. He wants to free them from the world they are forced to endure. Another reason for why he supports Solas beyond their close bond. He knows that dragons are needed for the world to survive. So, the thought of his kin being able to show what they are truly made to do is what guides him to endure a lot of the heart break and a lot of the words that are eventually hurled at him. It doesn’t make fighting them any easier though.
Three: Fane is heavily mired with family or those he considers family. He took Mhairi’s place in his father’s experiments because he wanted to protect her, not himself. He throws himself in front of blades, magic that’ll make him ill, and kin bearing claws just to keep those close to him alive because he can’t stand the thought of their eyes going dead and grey. He doesn’t want to kill; he wants to preserve, even if eventually, he’ll have to turn his back because of necessity.
69. What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather?
Fane likes snowy, cold, frigid weather. He was a snowy dragon. Who lived on mountain. Had ice in his lungs. Boy melts in the desert, trust me. Besides that, he just likes the way the world looks when its blanketed with snow and ice. It’s still and quiet. Those aren’t things he’s used to, so he greedily indulges in them when they’re present.
Estoria is the opposite. She loves the heat, but primarily she loves rain. She’ll stand out and just look up at the sky with a huge smile on her face--completely unconcerned that she could get sick. All because it reminds her that the world is still moving along, even if the people in it believe it’s not. It’s still growing, flourishing, thriving, and that gives her comfort and joy.
Wowee! That was a lot, but damn was it fun! Thank you for the ask, as always! I can ramble, ramble, ramble like my life depends on it! XD 
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mysterystarz · 3 years
KEINOVA: stellar reunion
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trope: strangers to lovers (kinda), college au synopsis: you keep finding cryptic sticky notes left in the astronomy textbooks in the reference section, only signed with “K”. who is it and why are you starting to fall in love with this “K” person when you’ve never seen them... or have you?
» keiji had a habit of seeking solace in the reference section of the library before he started working on his assignments between classes
» he had a particular affinity for astronomy textbooks because the cosmos fascinated him
» so he started writing little messages on sticky notes and leaving them in the textbooks in that section for someone else to find, not that he expected a response at all — after all, nobody really went to the reference section, much less read astronomy textbooks for fun
» one day you wandered into the same section of that library — you wanted to browse the fiction books but it was your first time at that specific library on campus
» one particular astronomy textbook seemed to catch your eye and you opened it — you were surprised to find a folded lilac-colored sticky note fall out of from between the pages
» you unfolded it and it read, “why do some people say ‘the sun and the stars’? don’t they know that the sun is also a star?” it was only signed with “K”, and the date on the sticky note was from a few weeks ago
» you were a bit baffled as to why “the sun is also a star” was italicized, but then it hit you — could it be? was he hinting to something else in the library?
» you frantically scrambled to the fiction section of the library, whispering the dewey call number like a mantra
» you finally got to the end of the row of shelves, author last names W-Z — the book the sun is also a star by nicola yoon stood out to you like a sore thumb
» flipping through the pages of the book at a lighting speed, another lilac sticky note fell out. it was signed with “K” and written in the same handwriting, dated the same date as the previous sticky note
» this one read, “many know of the little prince that lived long ago, but few know of a little princess that fell in love with him.” since the latter title was in italics, you decided to look for that book because you assumed all the titles with clues were italicized
» once again, you searched through the shelves for frances hodgson burnett, and you found it right next to a secret garden
» just like that, you followed the trail of italicized book titles and read the sticky notes until you were led back to the reference section
» the last sticky note ended up being in the textbook right next to the astronomy book you found the first note in
» upon opening the last folded sticky note, it read, “why is it that you bake cookies and cook bacon?”
» you burst out laughing — you didn’t know whether it was the message left on the last note or the fact that you spent the last hour or so going around the library in one giant circle
» you decided to make a trail of your own, signing the notes with "nova" and leaving your first sticky note where the last one was and having the clues lead back to the astronomy textbook
» your last note read, “true but have you considered baking bakies and cooking cookon? p.s. your note made me laugh so loudly the librarian had to shush me i hate you >:(”
» was it some form of petty payback? yes, but it was worth it
» especially when you got your answer in the same book a few days later: “you actually had me believe bakies and cookons were a thing -.- smh i’ll get you back for that >:/”
» and just like that, you and akaashi started sending sticky notes back and forth — the trail of clues weren’t nearly as long as the first one, but it served as more like book recommendations for each other — and you two also shared some of the happenings in your lives or some deep musings you had
» you felt like you could tell them anything and they wouldn’t judge you for it — “K” would even cheer you on if you were having a particularly stressful time with assignments or if you had an exam coming up
» slowly over the next few months, you felt like you knew this “K” personally even though you had never met them before
» apparently the reason why you two had never crossed paths before was because “K” had morning classes while you had evening classes — he had an internship at a nearby manga studio in the evenings
» also, during that time, you also started to notice this particular black-haired guy with glasses and an impeccable sense of fashion all around campus — he was attractive, you weren’t going to deny that, but something about him caught your attention for some reason
» every time you’d walk past him, you’d wonder what major he was, the brand of cologne he use, the types of book he’d read, everything
» it wasn’t until one fateful day near the end of the second semester — you went to the library as usual hoping to find more notes from this mysterious “K” person
» the notes had become more sporadic over the past few weeks because finals season was coming up, and everyone was busy studying in hopes of passing their courses
» but when you got to the reference section, you were surprised to see the same guy you saw everywhere on campus sitting on the floor with lilac sticky notes beside him
» could it be?!, you thought. at first you thought it was probably a coincidence, since the campus book center also sold the notepads in the same color (albeit they were incredibly overpriced)
» your mouth spoke before your brain caught up with your words: “K?”
» akaashi looked up at you with curious eyes, cocking his head to the side like a puppy. “you couldn’t have known that... unless you’re— nova?!”
» you were too speechless to say anything, so you just nodded vigorously and sat down beside him
» “what’re you reading, uh, K?” you asked him. it felt kind of awkward now that he was sitting right in front of you and his real name was probably something other than an alias on a sticky note
» “call me keiji,” he responded with a soft smile. “here, i’m reading the seven wonders of the world.”
» you eyed the notepad next to him on the floor. “i see. are you taking notes?”
» “i was, until you came along.”
» “... what do you mean? i’m not sure i follow.”
» “i’d think i have to add your name to the list.” he pulled out a sharpie from his pocket and uncapped it with his teeth (which you thought was pretty sexc ngl)
» he wrote your name on a sticky note, peeled it off from the stack, and stuck it to the back of the book. “this can be our little secret,” he said with a wink.
» you brain just... kind of short-circuited at that point — you were secretly sending notes back and forth with the most attractive guy on campus for months and now he’s here in the flesh actually flirting with you ?!?!!!?!?!
» apparently you were freaking out so much to the point where you missed the part where he asked you out on a cafe date after finals season was over
» you just frantically nodded and he assumed it was a yes
» finals season ended and you made it a point to hang out with akaashi at least once a week; the two of you hit it off immediately and it just felt natural to be around him
» one day, when you were on a nice picnic in the park with him, he asked, “enjoying this date, nova?”
» you didn’t get the memo that you two were a thing yet, just friends who’d kissed... more than a couple of times and did couple stuff all the time
» “wait what— since when were we dating?!”
» now both of you were confused until he told you that he asked you out that day you first met in the library
» you had no idea that happened since your mind was racing a million miles a minute when it happened
» you didn’t really hear what he said so you just nodded in hopes of it being a valid answer
» after you told akaashi your side of the story, he just burst out laughing
» both of you collapsed in a fit of laughter and everyone else in the park looked at you two like you went crazy
» but it was probably one of the best days of your life considering the guy who you had a crush on reciprocated your feelings
» he’d never let you live it down, though — he would bring it up at every family reunion thereafter
» it was okay since the day that you found the notes in the book in the library and met him months later was fate — it was a fated reunion of wandering stars pulled into each others’ orbits
i'm so sorry nova this is hot shit but i hope you enjoyed reading this <3 dumblr is a bastard and i had to rewrite this like 2 times but ily nova u3u i hope you liked this very very belated au swap TwT
brb this masterpiece belongs on my selfships masterlist rn
0 notes