#i'm not trying to offend anyone
maisietheweltoncow · 3 years
I'm so tired, and my whole body is in pain, sorry for being a bit grumpy or not having the most lively conversations, it's just a lot rn
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unoriginalperson · 3 years
Praising people for the most basic things is really the downside of social media
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roseanespark · 4 years
okay i'm not reblogging any gifset with that bonfire scene bc i'm trying to be respectful but i don't even know what i'm being respectful about so maybe people should demand less and explain more.......i feel like i should be apologizing more to the content creators for not reblogging their work but okay......
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Jason: "Where's Damien?
Sylvia: "Somewhere disappointing Jesus."
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Not Like Other Autistic People
I'm autistic, but I don't share the same views as other autistic people
I'm okay with there being a cure for autism, just as long as it's for those who want it
But a true cure
Not one of those "cures" like bleach enemas
I think I'd be the same without autism
To me, my autism is a small part of me
My autism is not my personality or my identity
I don't care if you light it up blue or red
Though, blue is such a boring colour
I don't think ABA therapy is abusive, as long as it's not suppressing all stims or forcing you to be "normal"
I mean, even neurotypicals can be weird
I'm autistic, but I have no feelings towards Autism Speaks
I'm autistic and I'm okay with the puzzle piece symbol
Whether you say I'm autistic or I have autism, I don't really care
Yes, I know I don't speak for other autistic people
But I'm not like other autistic people because I don't think the same
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atomicse · 5 years
I’m a complete ignorant asshole so bear with me. In Euphoria, does Rue know that Jules is trans? If yes, it is commendable that she doesn’t care that Jules has a dck. I wouldn’t be able to have that kind of girlfriend, and I’m aware that makes me awful.
rue does know jules is trans.
look bro, i’m not an expert on this, but i will tell you something, you don’t have to be attracted to trans folk, they’re not asking you to be, i don’t think it’s wrong to not like dick or whatever, just be mindful of what you say and respect their identities. having preferences is not a bad thing, just don’t invalidate them and their existence, okay?
(if anyone is more informed and wants to give me and this anon some insight, you’re very welcome)
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infinitiesofbooks · 6 years
Klance the entire season : dead, bye, Allurance is canon
Sheith the entire season: well they won't make it canon, but they are probably going to be both single at the end so we can imagine anything
Klance 10min before the end of the entire show: well Allura is dead so now they are both single we can imagine anything
Sheith the last freaking scene of the entire show : Shiro is married.
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so like why is it always “she’s fem and she’s butch” can we just have a lesbian relationship that isn’t divided into a more masculine and a more feminine side? doesn’t that just defeat the idea of a homosexual relationship?
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btsgaysinluv · 6 years
WARNING: Politics and my opinion
Please take in what I’m about to say with an open mind. Please respect my opinion as I will respect yours. Please do not bash me or hate me over my opinion. Understand that I am not bashing anyone and I am not against or for President Trump, and this is merely what I believe. If you don’t like political conversations or the President, you’re welcome to just scroll past and not read this. You’re also welcome to unfollow me (not that I want you to, I love my followers) if it makes you upset. That’s just because you can. Thank you. Now normally I don’t talk about politics because I dislike the arguments that follow and the insults that I receive in turn for defending or offending either President Trump or the person I’m talking to. However, I trust that I can speak here without getting attacked.. well.. not really, but I hope. I honestly.. don’t see why we can call President Trump an ignorant man when all we do is insult and listen to the media, what other people ‘heard’ or say, news articles, and celebrities without doing research for ourselves. Has anyone ever honestly went and done the research before repeating what they’ve heard? And I’m not talking about web articles that people put together. I’m talking about just pure FACTS. Overlooking the opinions and connotations of the writer, is difficult but essential to understanding what really is happening. While I agree, that our President speaks rather crudely and says things that could be worded better and is kind of.. well, stupid when it comes to making speeches and reaching the public. I disagree with what the people of America do. Now, I assume most of you didn’t read the reasons or watch the video on WHY the US left the UN human rights council. Here’s the thing, our country used to pay to protect other countries, while those countries did not pay for our protection. There was little to no benefits. Our economy is low, and I could understand why that would be one of the reasons why. The UN, also was not doing its job. Withdrawing may have been the better decision in all honesty. I also don’t think most of you know that the camps and tent cities have been going on for many years prior to the President. So, if anything - he’s simply enforcing the law. When did we forget to criticize President Obama for this? Ah right, we just didn’t know. All we knew about was the headline but not the details. The cold, real details. Another thing, some say that President is dragging the economy and that unemployment rates rose. And that’s where we’re wrong again.
Unemployment rates in the United States are currently at 3.9%.
Meanwhile, in October 2009, they were at 10% and prior to April 2018, were either in the 4 to 5 % rate. While it is a small decrease, it is still a decrease, which all in all, means progress, or am I wrong?
Our President does speak and act rashly, but when have we ever watched the full clips and not a shortened version someone posted online? He words things harshly, but sometimes it’s what we need to hear. What we need to know. Which leads into another few points I have to make, not only regarding the President, but the people.
We always claim that we shouldn’t be brainwashed by the media or believe everything you read/see on the Internet, but isn’t that just what we do? Doesn’t that make us ignorant as well? We fight and we argue and we hate and disrespect our President, but we do not know the full and honest truth. We don’t research and read with open eyes. We read for the opinions of the media. But the media is the people. And the majority always wins. We, who always claimed to be what we hate so much, do everything that we didn’t want for the world. What we don’t want for the world.
Aren’t we just as bad?
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jimishoney · 6 years
um so i’m about to say something that kind of? a lot of people? don’t agree with and that’s fine, i’m all for people kindly disagreeing with others but just pls don’t rip my head off lol
the whole kpop vs bts thing is going around twitter again and i completely understand where people are coming from when they say that bts aren’t the only people who have opened up the gates into the western world and it is frustrating that some armys act like bts is the only good kpop group out there (especially as someone who stans a lot of great groups), but i’m tired of people blatantly disregarding that bts did have a major hand in spreading the popularity of kpop. they’ve broken record after record and they deserve to be recognized for that, you don’t have to bring up senior groups every time someone calls bts “groundbreaking”. you can say that bts didn’t pave the way but you have to admit that they made it easier to drive on that road
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gamfcowboy-archived · 6 years
Not all trans men have vaginas, and not all women do either, so I have a question: Would McCree be attracted to a trans man who had had bottom surgery, or a trans woman who hadn't?
He honestly doesn’t care about trans vs not trans, pronouns or whatever. He will use whatever pronoun the person prefers, he’ll be friends with them because of who they are.
But in this specific case, he is not sexually attracted to vaginas. Period. Whether they belong to a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter. It’s the vagina, the hole, natural or created, that has him skeevy and grossed out.
Platonically, he’ll love anyone. He’ll even date men with vaginas, do all the things that couples might do EXCEPT sex. It’d be a platonic relationship all the way.
So by that notion, he would be attracted to a trans man who’s had surgery or a trans woman who has not, yes. It’s the dick. The dick is what he likes. He doesn’t care what else is going on around there, because chances are he likes the person for who they are already.
Which means, I guess, his sexual preference is ‘Dick’. Almost everything else is negotiable. ))
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beefedleafed · 7 years
someone: this movie was Horrible!! there was no plot, the characters didn't make any sense, and it's impossible to figure out!!!!! 0/10 WORST MOVIE!! me: *puts it onto my list of things to watch*
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thelastheraldmage · 7 years
God: dude. It's cool. Imma send a thing. It'll kill all the first borns of people who don't put blood on their door. Someone, probably: I don't understand how that will help. Innocent people are gonna die... God: ITS FINE. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. I'LL JUST- Someone: THATS NOT HELPING. God: -has already killed a bunch of people- it's fine.
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hobjoon · 7 years
"you guys" ...wow....you know, I bought the album. I've been streaming spring day several times a day. I've been streaming not today too. but you know? the people who are upset that jin got no screen time? we wouldn't feel like this if he'd been treated fairly to begin with. so thanks. us guys will keep working on it. you can relax.
I’m not trying to single you out. You guys as in everyone who are saying that the album lost its meaning or sucks now because so and so have no lines. Idk why you’re stating it like I don’t care about Jin or something. Obviously, we’re all upset. Same thing with Hoseok in Spring Day. But this isn't the first time. I just don’t want you guys, yes you guys, bringing down the whole album which you are doing by saying that it now seems bitter cause it doesn’t match with the album title.
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littlelionngirl · 8 years
Idc if you think abortion is murder or not or if you think it's right or not because no matter what you believe it doesn't give you the power to tell someone else what they can do with their body and make the best choice for them it's just not your place and it never will be
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