#i'm pretty sure he's said i love you in cards before but wouldn't it be so much funnier if this were the first time dfghjkhdgjfkghdfh
celestialrealms · 1 year
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how is this so cute and yet objectively one of the funniest things he's ever done 😭
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yuukiiqwq · 5 months
Satoru Gojo was more than ready to propose to you. For you to be his pretty little wife. For you to take his last name. To see you walk down the aisle in a white dress. He has spent weeks picking out a ring for you. Weeks finding the perfect place to propose. Weeks just for this moment. He knows you'll say yes.
Today was the day he would propose. He had everything all set up and ready. The ring box is in his pocket. He just needs to come home to you and get you ready for the date. He had long made a promise to himself. He'll make you happy because you are the world to him.
He then felt a vibration in his pocket from his phone, immediately snapping him out of his thoughts. He opened his phone to see that Shoko had called him. He accepted the call and was about to ask Shoko what she needed before she interrupted him.
Satoru immediately freezes. Shoko had never called him by his first name. It was always Gojo.
"Come to my office," was the only thing Shoko said before ending the call. Her voice was shaking.
Dread filled Satoru's body. A chill was sent down his spine. Something was wrong, so he immediately teleported to Shoko's office. He was greeted with the sight of Shoko, his students, and you. The students' eyes red from crying. Shoko is unable to look him in the eyes. You covered in blood. Your curse energy completely diminished. Your lifeless body is on the table.
Oh. Oh.
"I'm sorry, sensei! It's all my fault!" Yuji apologies as he cries.
"She saved us." Nobara whispered as she continued to wipe her endless tears.
"We let our guard down." Megumi looks down. He was holding in his pain. "It's my fault. I was careless. They were wrong about–"
Satoru doesn't register the rest of Megumi's word. His ears were ringing, and his vision was blurring. A void in replacement of his heart. The ring in his pocket felt a lot heavier. He stares at your body before closing his eyes. He then turned toward his students with a smile.
"Hey, hey! It's alright, guys. It's not your fault. It was an accident! Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault at all. How about you guys take the next few days to relax! I'm sure this was very traumatic for you to lose a teacher in front of your eyes!"
"Gojo–" Megumi started, but he was pushed out the door with his friends before he could utter another word.
"Here, take my card and buy some stuff to help you take your mind off this, yeah? You guys need rest!" Satoru says as he closes the door. He's glad that he has his blindfold on so the students couldn't see the grief and pain in his eyes. He waited until he could no longer sense their curse energy before turning around towards you and Shoko.
"Shoko. Can you leave too? Just for a bit?" He asked. No. He pleaded. His voice was no higher than a whisper. He can't cry yet. Not in front of anyone but you. He's the strongest.
Shoko nodded and walked towards the door. "I'm sorry, Satoru. I tried to save her. I know today was suppose–" Shoko stopped before she finished the sentence. She bit the bottom of her lips before apologizing once more and then left.
Now, Satoru was left alone in the room with your lifeless body. He took off his blindfold and walked up to you. He held your once warm hand in his. He caressed your cheek as the tears that he was holding back finally fall down his face. He was going to propose to you today. You were supposed to be his wife. You were supposed to be with him until the day he died. But now... he would no longer see you. Your smile. Your laugh. You would no longer be smiling at him. In his arms. In his embrace. He wouldn't get to see your beautiful eyes open. Your voice. He wouldn't be able to hear your love for him. He won't be able to hear your "I love you, Satoru." You would no longer call his name. Oh, how he loved his name coming from your lips. It was supposed to be one of his happiest days. If he could only go back to yesterday. Where you were still in his arms, the two of you whispering your love to one another. Kisses being exchanged. Where you were still warm and alive. Where he can still stretch out his hand and reach you.
Fate loves taunting him with his loved ones. It loves to ruin him. To tear him apart. To rip his heart out and shred it to pieces because he's the strongest. So he'll always fail to protect the ones he loves. Fate is laughing at him because he is a joke. Fate is celebrating his grief. He has losted and fate has won again.
He doesn't know how much time has passed. Him next to your lifeless body, praying that you would just wake up. He wants to join you. Join you in the afterlife. To see you. To be with you. But he can't. He knows you'll never forgive him if he did. He still has his students to look after. A world to save. A revenge to sought after. He wiped his tears away because you would hate seeing him cry. He kissed you gently for the last time and whispered his eternal love towards you and a "I'll see you soon."
He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring. Your ring. He slipped it onto your ring finger and asked– "Will you marry me?"
A yes forever unspoken.
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roosterforme · 1 month
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 19 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: With an uncertain future, Bradley gets ready to leave for Virginia. But he works on a plan to make sure you understand just how much he will be thinking about you.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst, adult banter, desperate Bradley, 18+
Length: 5400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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Bradley felt sick to his stomach as soon as he saw the stationery set. At this point, the only thing on his mind was quitting his job so the two of you didn't have to be separated. The paper looked expensive; he would have loved to sit in his bunk and write line after line to you and your class, but he wouldn't be able to do that at all. 
"We can go back to being pen pals for a bit," you whispered, your hand coming to rest on his thigh, giving him a little squeeze. "I'll be refreshing my email inbox and waiting not so patiently for my mail to arrive. It'll be great. That's how I fell in love with you in the first place."
He felt guilty even though he had no control over the scenario. His heart hurt with loneliness already as he set the gift you gave him on the coffee table and buried his face in his hands. "Gorgeous. That's not gonna happen." He swallowed past the lump in his throat and turned to look at you out of the corner of his eye.
"I'm confused," you said, hand still on his leg. He covered your fingers with his rougher ones and pulled gently until you climbed onto his lap. 
"Oh, god," he groaned, giving you a kiss before linking his fingers with yours. "I love that set of note cards. I would have taken them with me everywhere during my free time, and I would have written to your class constantly. And you would have been the recipient of some rambling love notes to be sure." Your brow was still creased with concern as he said, "No outside communication. For seven weeks."
Your expression went slack as a single tear rolled down your cheek. "You're joking."
"I'm not."
Bradley held onto your fingers as you whispered, "This keeps getting worse," through more tears. Your broken voice made his chest ache as you leaned closer until your cheek was resting on his shoulder. "I could go ages without you in person, but if I can't talk to you at all... Bradley."
Nobody else ever loved him the way you did. He'd be miserable without your letters, emails, dirty pictures and pretty face over video calls, but he finally had someone who would miss him equally. 
"I know," he muttered, wrapping his arms around you. "It's seven weeks of nothing."
You were crying in earnest now as you clung to him. "Nothing," you sobbed. "I won't even know if I'm supposed to collect you in San Diego or Norfolk when your deployment ends. And I won't know where you're being stationed."
"Fuck," he gasped. "Gorgeous, when I tell you that nobody would have much cared where I ended up before I met you, I mean it." He kissed you as you snuggled tighter against him. "As soon as I find out what's going on, I'll let you know."
"Seriously," you murmured, voice shaky. "You better tell me as soon as possible if it's San Diego or Norfolk in my future."
Bradley didn't know what else to say besides, "I fucking love you." He smiled for the first time in what felt like weeks as he added, "Are you really going to fly out to Norfolk and collect me if they make me stay in Virginia?"
You pulled away from him, eyes puffy with a scandalized look on your face as you said, "Of course. What kind of girlfriend do you think I am?"
The kind he was going to upgrade to his wife.
When you finally stopped crying, you were on the verge of a migraine, but you felt a bit calmer. Bradley got up to gather together some Advil, a glass of water, and a small gift wrapped in hideous paper.
"Your early Christmas present," he said, handing it to you after you swallowed two pills for your headache. "Well, it's actually kind of another gift for me, when you really think about it." He dropped down onto the couch again with his arm slung around your shoulders, and unlike him, you tore into the paper. Inside was a leather journal with little hand painted airplanes all over it. "Will you write in it every day so I can read it when I see you again?"
When you opened it to the first page, he had written you a note.
Gorgeous, I miss you with my whole heart. I can't wait to read about all of your adventures when I get home to you. Love, Bradley
"Yes," you whispered, closing it again so you could wrap your arms around his waist. "It'll just be a bunch of pages of me telling you how I argued with Jayden about his sloppy handwriting and how I asked Nia a hundred times to return to her seat. But yes, I'll write in it every day for you."
"I will eat up every page."
After that, he kept you by his side for the rest of the night. Even when you tried to dig around in the refrigerator to see if there was any food left, he was grabbing for you and kissing you. "You have no food," you said with a laugh, turning to face him. "What are we eating for dinner?"
"Hadn't thought that far," he muttered against your lips. "Just want you."
You took his face in your hands and ran your thumb along his scars. "If you don't eat, you'll get cranky. And you've got aircraft carrier food in your future."
Bradley grimaced and muttered, "Cabbage rolls," as he reached for his phone. "Let's get pizza today. And then maybe I'll try to talk the hostess at Salvatore's into letting us get takeout tomorrow. Then Thai on Christmas."
"And then you'll be gone," you whispered, dreading it all over again. "It never gets any easier, does it?"
"You're stuck with me, Gorgeous," he said, voice tinged with the tiniest bit of apprehension.
"I am." You kissed him before you said, "Pizza sounds perfect. Then I can help you pack a little more."
The last thing Bradley wanted to do was finish packing his duffle, but every time you looked up at him, eyes full of emotion, he was struck by several things. One, you really were so good at folding up his uniform components, something he noticed a few days ago. Two, every minute or so, you wrapped your arms around him, which made leaving with uncertainty so much harder. And three, you were absolutely nothing like Vanessa. 
Last time when he packed to leave, he was treated to her incessant whining over the fact that he didn't want to take her out to dinner. She was always annoyed with him wanting a quiet night in. She was always annoyed by his job. It was so obvious that she never missed him or loved him the way you did as he watched you carefully fold one of his flight suits before tucking it in his bag. 
"Gorgeous," he murmured, and as soon as your gaze met his, you had your arms wrapped around him again.
"That's enough for the night," you whispered, voice thick with emotion as he kissed the top of your head. Your face was pressed against his chest, and he could hear you trying to keep yourself calm. And god, he hated doing this to both of you. 
"I agree," he replied, keeping you close while he tossed a few novels he'd been meaning to read in as well. He'd have plenty of time to read a whole stack.
You wiped your eyes on his shirt as you said, "Make sure you read at night and stay away from all the women."
Bradley tipped your chin up so you were looking at him again. "Surely you're not worried about that." You shook your head. "Good. But now that we're on the topic... be a good girl and don't talk to horny assholes."
You started laughing as you slipped out of his grasp, wiping at your tears as you said, "Never. Now let me add one more thing to your bag." As you disappeared from the bedroom, Bradley put his bag on the top of his dresser. If he had time, he would move some of his clothing around so you had room for your things when your lease was up. Otherwise you were going to have to fend for yourself in his house and just make decisions for him. If he just had more time with you, everything would be easier. The one promising thing would be returning in time for Valentine's Day and Career Day at your school. If he was allowed to come back to San Diego at all.
"Fuck," he groaned, hating this unsettled feeling that was expanding in his chest, but as soon as you walked back in, he started to feel better. Seven weeks without you was going to be painful when he had such a visceral reaction to your touch and your words.
"Just in case you feel like jotting down your own thoughts every day for me to read," you said before tucking the stationery kit in next to his uniforms. You slid a large envelope that looked like it was bursting at the seams inside as well and simply said, "Some more reading material for you," before pulling him toward the bed.
And that's when Bradley figured out just how to make you feel a little less alone when he was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
When you opened your eyes on Christmas Eve, you were already smiling. Your body was warm and tucked up against Bradley's, his big, heavy arm draped over you as he snored softly. You wanted to stay here and not move a muscle, because right now, everything was perfect. You could pretend like his duffle bag wasn't sitting on his dresser, mostly packed and ready to go. You could melt into the sweet ache deep inside from the hour he spent loving your body last night. You could close your eyes and go back to sleep.
Bradley's phone vibrated on his nightstand, and he groaned next to your ear. "Baby," he murmured, lips grazing your neck. "Don't get up yet."
You couldn't help but smile. "Your phone is vibrating. Not mine."
"Shit," he grunted, rolling away from you. Once he looked at his phone screen he seemed to wake up. "Nat's on her way to pick you up for girls' day."
"What are you talking about?"
You definitely hadn't planned a girls' day. Why would you want to miss out on any time with Bradley right now? You could have a day with Nat next week or next month when he was gone!
He had a little smile on his face as he pulled you close again for a kiss. "You better get dressed."
"Bradley! I'm not going out with Nat. You're leaving in two days!"
Naked and spectacular, he climbed out of bed and stretched. "Just for a bit. She wants to take you to get coffee, and if she tries to get me a Christmas present, I need you to make sure it doesn't suck." 
"You planned this," you said, annoyed as he reached for you, pulling you away from the bed where you could pretend there was no scary uncertainty in your future.
"Just trust me," he whispered, holding you close. "Besides, I need some time to sweet talk someone at Salvatore's into letting me order dinner to-go."
You could handle an hour or two with his best friend while you counted down the time you had left before his flight out of San Diego. "Fine, but I'm wearing your sweatshirt, and I'll be thinking about you the whole time."
Bradley sent you down the walkway with a kiss, and he waved from the front door in just his underwear as you climbed into his best friend's car. "I won't keep you out too long," Natasha promised with a smirk. "I can already tell you want to get back to him."
"Why did he plan this?" you asked, wanting the answers he wouldn't give you while trying not to be rude. "No offense, because I would love to spend an entire girls' day with you, but why today?"
She simply turned up the Christmas songs on the radio and headed toward Starbucks with a smile on her face. "I was thinking after coffee we could hit up the mall for a few minutes? I need to find something truly awful to get for Bradley. I'm thinking some pink running shorts to match mine. High visibility colors are very important when you're out running, and I just don't think he fully appreciates that."
You laughed. "If you buy them, he'll probably just wear them to try to embarrass you."
"I don't embarrass easily," she said smoothly with a devilish grin. "And dare I say you might like to pick out a little something that you could wear as a going away treat?"
"Wear?" you asked before you quite knew what she meant.
"Sure. I mean, I don't want to know any specifics about what the two of you get up to, because gross, but deployments are long and lonely, and you're definitely going to miss each other."
While Bradley had seen all of your cutest underwear at this point, you'd never worn anything that you bought specifically with him in mind. Your cheeks grew warm as you thought about it. Truthfully you didn't even own anything terribly sexy. 
"What would he even like?" you asked softly as she pulled into the Starbucks parking lot.
"On you?" she asked with a laugh. "Anything. Don't worry, we'll find something good."
When Natasha texted to inform him that you were on your way back to his house, Bradley quickly hid everything that had been out on his coffee table while he juggled his phone. The woman he was talking to on speakerphone wasn't falling for his lines at all.
"Listen," he told her, making sure there was no visible evidence of what he'd done in his living room. "I just really want tonight to be special for my girlfriend and I before I leave for my next deployment. Just one order of spaghetti and meatballs? That's all I'm asking."
There was a deep sigh followed by, "Be here promptly at 5:00 to pick it up. I'll take your credit card over the phone."
"Perfect," he replied with a smile, digging for his wallet. "The name is Bradley Bradshaw."
You walked in with shopping bags in your arms, and rushed toward him as he finished giving his credit card security code, and he pulled you in for a hug as he reassured the hostess from Salvatore's that he would be there at 5:00.
"Hi," he said, kissing you after he ended the call. "Did you have fun with Nat?
"So much fun," you told him with a smile. "We're going to try out a wine bar next week up in Oceanside." The idea of you hanging out with his friend while he was away made him feel calm, especially since Nat knew how important you were to him. "Also," you said, pressing your lips together nervously, "I think I'd like to sleep here for the rest of my winter break." Your volume dropped to a whisper. "I'm not sure if it will make me miss you more or less, but I want to be here if that's okay with you."
"I love that, Gorgeous," he replied easily. Hanging out with Natasha and then returning to his house where you belonged anyway felt right to him. "Knowing you're sleeping in my bed might result in some dirty notes from me," he said with a laugh as you bit your lip.
"Please," you whispered. "Yes. Write me dirty notes to read when you get back." Just when he was about to kiss you, he watched you bend and rummage around in a bag. "Also, this is your gift from Natasha." You handed him some bright pink fabric that he turned around in his hands, trying to figure out what it was. "And she told me to hold up the gift receipt for you."
When he finally figured out that it was a pair of ladies running shorts, he grimaced. "She's so annoying," he groaned, reaching for the gift receipt, but you quickly chuckled and tore it up. "What are you doing?"
"You're not allowed to return them." You dropped the bits of paper, and he tossed the shorts onto the couch.
"Whose side are you on here?" he asked, peppering your face with kisses. "Don't think for a second I won't just put a jock strap on and run in those shorts."
"I tried to tell her you would," you laughed as he scooped you up. "I kind of want to see it."
"Play your cards right," he murmured, grabbing his keys and taking you out to his Bronco. "Let's pick up dinner."
Your belly was full of spaghetti and meatballs when you managed to sneak away to the tiny laundry room and quickly hand wash your new bra and thong set while Bradley loaded the dishwasher. Nat assured you that he would enjoy this tiny thing, and you were trusting her here. You set both items aside to dry before walking back out to the kitchen.
"You don't have a Christmas tree," you remarked, wishing you'd picked one up today from one of the many parking lots trying to unload them at the last minute.
"I told you I don't really celebrate holidays."
"You're doing a great job of celebrating this one."
He washed his hands and tossed the towel aside. It was barely seven o'clock, but he asked, "You feel like calling it an early night?" You agreed, ready to feel his warmth along your entire body as you fell asleep.
You got undressed and climbed in bed, and he did the same. Bradley's hands were everywhere, but his lips were gentle on your neck and shoulder as he whispered your name. "I love you. It's going to kill me inside when I can't talk to my favorite pen pal. Last time, you had my heart pounding every time you sent me a new email."
Tears stung your eyes in the darkness; you'd done a pretty good job of holding it together all day, but this was going to be your undoing. "I promise, every time you think about me, I'll already be thinking about you, too."
Bradley's arm tightened around you, his thumb stroking your skin, soothing you along with his sweet words as you fell asleep.
When you woke up on Christmas Day, his body was still right behind yours where he belonged, but when you rolled over to look at his handsome face, you knew the hours were going to go by too quickly. "Morning, Gorgeous," he murmured, voice raspy from sleep as he cracked his eyes open. "Let's go see what Santa brought."
You didn't have any other gifts for him, unless you counted your new lingerie which you were saving for later after dinner. And the printer you bought so he could have some photos of you without his phone on the aircraft carrier. But when you got out to the living room, there was an envelope on the coffee table.
"What is it?" you asked cautiously as you picked it up. But your heart melted immediately. It was a gift card for the wine bar in Oceanside.
"There's enough on there for you and Nat to take a few trips up if you like the place."
"The two of you have been plotting, I see," you remarked, taking a deep breath before snuggling up against his chest. "But nothing will beat the horribly expensive bottle of wine I accidentally made you buy on our second date."
Deep laughter rumbled through Bradley's chest as he said, "The look on your face just made me love you more." You groaned thinking about it. "Come on, we've only got one day left and then seven weeks of nothing. Let's make French toast and have sex on the couch and eat Thai food and watch movies."
You wore his sweatshirt around all day, licked maple syrup from his lip and rode him until he was whining for you. The Thai noodles went perfectly with Home Alone. Then you took a shower together and deep conditioned his hair, dragging your nails along his scalp until his eyes closed.
"I'm going to miss this," he whispered after every single thing you did. When you toweled his hair dry, he looked at you with so much emotion. "I'm going to call you as soon as I know what's going on with the Pacific versus Atlantic Fleet. And either way, I'll try to be as patient as I possibly can, but I can't live without you, Baby."
"Shit. Even the way you say my name makes me ache."
"I want you here with me. I already hate this." A sob escaped your lips without warning. "I want you to come back for Career Day."
The words were barely out of your mouth before he said, "I will be here for Career Day no matter what. Disappointing you is bad enough, but I don't want the eighteen kiddos to miss out on spending the day with their favorite Naval officer."
You laughed. "You're not disappointing me, Bradley. This is just hard, because I love you so much."
If you couldn't see a future with him, this would have been easier. He set you down on the bathroom vanity, and you watched him carefully shave around his mustache, kissing you randomly so you had to wipe shaving cream from your nose, and then he started collecting his toiletries for his duffle bag. He was naked and perfect as you stayed huddled in your towel, wondering if you could even manage to pull off wearing the items that were surely dry now and draped over his laundry room sink.
"Where are you going?" he asked as you ducked past him toward the door.
"Meet me in bed."
You rushed down the hallway and threw your towel in the empty washing machine as you took a minute to touch the pretty lace fabric before sliding the thong up your legs. Next you hooked the bra in place, and it didn't matter if you didn't look perfect, because you felt good. And you wanted him to have this memory.
When you cautiously strolled into the bedroom, Bradley was still naked, laying on top of the bedding, looking at a small piece of paper. "I'm just double checking my packing list, and I..." His gaze shifted to your body, and you did a little turn for him. The paper drifted to the floor as he sat up, his hand coming to rest on his cock. "Come here."
Biting your lip, you did as you were told. Bradley's feet swung over the edge of the bed, coming to rest on the floor as his cock bobbed between his thick thighs. "Here I am," you whispered, standing between his knees with your hands on his shoulders. "Your going away gift."
One strong arm wrapped around you, and you squeaked as he pulled you flush against him. He kissed the rounded tops of your breasts above your new bra, one after the other before looking up at you. "What did I do to deserve this?" he rasped, his nose running along the lace as his fingers tangled in your thong.
Already so turned on, you tried to answer him twice before words came out. "I wanted to give you a proper send off. Something extra special." Then he kissed your furled nipples through the flimsy bra cups and you moaned, "Something to think about when you're lonely."
His fingers were digging into your butt as he grunted. His wide brown eyes were fixed on your face as he parted his lips and sucked on your breast, the black lace wet everywhere now. He was being a little rough, but it felt like he was worshipping you at the same time, and when his lip found your neck, he asked, "Is this little getup new?"
"I bought it yesterday," you gasped as his fingers slipped inside your thong, stroking your wet pussy. "Just for you."
Then you were on your back with your head on the pillow, Bradley's heavy cock resting against your thigh as he hovered over you. "Just for me, huh?" he grunted, biceps flexed as he fought to keep his breathing under control.
You nodded, running your toes up along his calf and thigh until your leg was hooked around his hip, ready to give him whatever he wanted. "Of course it's just for you. I'll wear it again when we meet back in the San Diego airport or in Norfolk. And I'll wear it when you're away and I'm touching myself."
"Fuck," he growled, pulling your panties to the side and running his cock through your wetness before pushing himself so deep inside you that it took your breath away. When you whimpered, his lips crashed against yours as his hands dug beneath you to unhook your bra. "Touch yourself right now." When the flimsy lace ended up on the floor while Bradley fucked you, he guided your right hand to his lips, kissing your fingertips before placing them on your breast. "I want to watch."
Bradley's pupils were wide, lips parted. When you looked down your body as his cock disappeared inside you over and over again, you felt even more turned on. When you ran your fingers along your nipple and up between your bouncing breasts, his eyes followed your every move. "Like this?" you asked, feeling bold as you added your left hand as well.
He gave you a harder thrust. "Exactly like that, Gorgeous. And what are you going to think about when you do?"
"My boyfriend," you managed before his mouth met yours in a deep kiss that only lasted a few seconds. "I'm going to think about my boyfriend. I'll miss you so much."
Bradley's hips slowed to a gentler pace as he listened to you gasping and panting beneath him. There was no way you'd miss him as much as he'd miss you. He closed his eyes and thought about returning home to your arms in seven weeks and heading back to work in the Pacific Fleet. He hoped you'd appreciate the little surprises he was leaving behind for you. More than anything he wanted you to think about tonight when you got yourself off.
His rough excitement at you in the new lingerie melted into something sweeter as he fucked you with long, languid strokes. Your lips were on his neck and collarbones as he whispered how much he loved you over and over. When you came, it escalated quickly, sudden and loud as he ran his thumb across your clip. He couldn't hold on after that, and he let your body hold him in place with soft squeezes as he caught his breath.
"I have one more thing for you to pack," you whispered, voice ragged as you ran your fingers through his hair.
"I really hope you fit in my duffle," he mused, and you laughed softly.
You kissed his ear and whispered, "I bought a small photo printer since you won't be able to use your phone." He shivered at your words. "You can print out a photo or two of us together... or maybe you want to take a new one right now to print out?"
"Jesus," he grunted, kissing your lips. "You're spoiling me." He reached for his phone on the nightstand and snapped a few pictures of your fucked out face and your body with his cock still buried deep. "I am very spoiled."
When you stood and plugged in the printer with lips puffy from his mustache in just your thong, he couldn't keep his hands off you. He had his photo gallery open on his phone and his arm around your waist as he selected the picture you sent him ages ago with the sun setting behind you. "This one is an absolute necessity. So is this one of us together. I don't think I should take any with me where you're naked, just to be safe," he mused, and you threw your arms around him.
"You'll just have to use your imagination," you told him as the photos printed.
"That'll be easy with this fresh in my mind," he murmured, looking down at your tits pressed to his chest. "I'll be thinking about you nonstop."
Bradley's hold on your body was unrelenting as he dropped the photos into his duffle and led you back to bed. It was getting late, and his flight to Virginia was early. You snuggled up on his chest with a soft smile on your lips. "I hope you do. I hope you think about me constantly and write me notes."
He kissed your forehead. "Not just you... your whole class. Have to keep them interested in aviation. But you're my favorite pen pal."
You laughed and buried your face against his neck, and he could feel your breathing grow a little more ragged as you whispered, "I love you so much. Just be safe. I don't really care if we have to figure out long distance or relocation as long as you're safe, Bradley."
That's how he fell asleep, wrapped up in your arms with your sweet sentiments in his ear. And the next morning, when his alarm went off, he welcomed your tears, because they made him feel like he was important to a woman for the first time in his life. You cried softly as you sat on his lap and went over his packing list with him one more time, and your cheeks were wet as you kissed him.
Bradley let you button up his khaki uniform shirt for him, your fingers shaking as you smoothed down the fabric along his chest. "Thank you, Gorgeous," he whispered, watching helplessly as your face crumbled into more tears.
When he drove the Bronco to the airport, your fingers were linked with his in the silence as the light from the rising sun hit the buildings downtown, promising to bring another perfect day to southern California. His hand tightened around yours, knowing he was going to be flying into so much uncertainty. His voice sounded strangled to his own ears as he parked at the curb under the signage for departing flights. "This is it. I'll text and call you as much as I can when I land before they lock me down, but this is it for seven weeks."
You crawled onto his lap, holding him tight as he kissed you, and now his tears mingled with yours. "I love you, Bradley," you promised, and he believed you as he held you in his arms and climbed down onto the pavement. He pulled his duffle from the backseat and dropped it to the curb as he held you against him, unwilling to leave before he told you a few more things.
"I'll keep myself safe, but you need to do the same. If you need something, you call Natasha right away, okay?" You nodded against him, your fingers digging into his shoulder blades. "My stuff is your stuff, so do whatever you want at the house and with my Bronco. And tell me you love me every day in the journal so I can read about it when I see you."
"I will," you sobbed as he finally set you down. "And I'll be waiting to hear you tell me if it's San Diego or Norfolk."
He swiped your tears away from your cheeks and kissed you one last time before he picked up his bag and headed for the door. When he turned back one last time, you were clutching his car keys and crying. "I love you, Gorgeous."
We'll see how they manage apart. I think she might do a bit better than Bradley will. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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theflowerrooms · 1 year
i have a request (hopefully for some smut) 🙈 youve met Eddie because he was your exs dealer! You want to cop on your own but your shy and don’t know what your doing!
you lost your V card to your ex, and he was a selfish asshole to you, and Eddie could always tell
PLEASEEE and thank You 🥰
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{to request} {Eddie’s masterlist} {main masterlist}
Treat you right
Eddie Munson x inexperienced!reader
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Summary: you buy weed and smoke it with Eddie for the first time, he doesn’t know you but he knows your ex. He knows how bad he was and he knows how good he could be for you.
Warnings: drug use, smut, cursing, pet names, penetrative sex, oral (f receiving), praise, Eddie’s super sweet but also super cocky, dacryphilia, marking, slight dubcon? they’re both high
Thank you so much for requesting baby <3 I loved writing this sm
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You exhaled shakily. Phone in one hand and a piece of paper with a number and Eddie’s last name written sloppily across it. You got lucky, your boyfriend- ex boyfriend Andrew left his dealer’s number on your bedside table. You’d met Eddie on multiple occasions, you really liked him. He was sweet, funny, respectful, incredibly charming. You reminded yourself that as you nervously dialled his number.
“Hello? Munson residence.” You heard his boyish voice from the other side of the line and already you were smiling to yourself.
“Hey Eddie, um, this is-” He cut you off. “I know who this is doll, I could never forget a voice as sweet as yours. What can I do for you?” He chimed and you giggled, blushing.
Andrew really sucked, he never spoke to you so sweet.
You chewed your lip as you tried to form a sentence in your head that wouldn't embarrass yourself. "Um- I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say. I'd really like to buy from you, please." You spoke, careful with your words so you wouldn't sound like a complete idiot.
"Awe- y'calling for Andrew?" He asked, as if it wasn't obvious enough that you didn't know what you were doing.
"No- no, um, we broke up a little while ago he uh..." You trailed off, you didn't wanna over share and annoy Eddie. "He left your number at my house and I figured, y'know, I wanna buy some weed- please." You tried and failed to hold in your nervous giggle, you couldn't hear him smiling on the other side of the line at how cute he found you.
"Alright doll, tell you what. Since it's your first time buying from me I'll give you a pretty big discount, just let me know when you're free... and you can meet me, hm?" He offered, voice grainy through the phone.
You nodded, "Sure! I'm free whenever, um, where do you want me to meet you?"
  The air was chillier than you'd expected, you suddenly regretted forgoing a jacket, and wearing a skirt. You tapped your nails softly against the picnic table where Eddie had asked to meet. You were a bit early, but you didn't mind waiting, and you definitely didn't want to leave him waiting, so you didn't mind sitting there.
  You shivered, and then startled, squeaking as Eddie came up behind you, quiet as ever, and placed his jacket over your shoulders. You blushed and he grinned, rounding the table to sit across from you.
  "Fancy seeing you here, sorry for spookin' you doll." His smile didn't leave his face. The metal of his lunchbox clanged as he put it between you two on the table before opening it. "So. Do you just want what I usually gave to you guys?" He asked, eyes kind and welcoming. You never understood the things you heard people say about Eddie, the things Andrew said about him behind his back.
  "Um..." You trailed off, blushing again. Of course because you always went with your ex to buy weed from Eddie, he'd assumed you smoked it with Andrew. "How- how much did Andrew get usually?"
  You tilted your head and he tilted his in return. "You didn't smoke with him?" He asked and you shook your head. "Have you smoked ever?" You shook your head again.
  "Andrew never let me smoke his stuff. Told me if I wanted to smoke with him I had to find my own dealer, get my own weed." You chewed your lip anxiously as you explained. "And the only people I knew who sell it are you and Tommy Hagan. I don't trust Tommy so..." Eddie nodded, following along as you spoke.
  "And you trust me?" He asked, a lilt of surprise in his tone. You nodded and he smiled. "Well. My van is parked just down that trail over there, let's get out of the cold, hm?"
  You laughed loudly as Eddie tried, and failed to blow rings with the smoke he exhaled from his joint. You'd never been high before now, and you were loving it. Eddie coached you through it, showed you how to take a hit off of the joint, held it to your lips as you took your first inhale, then rubbing your back through the coughing fit it induced. He even let you drink his water when your throat grew dry.
  Now you sat across from him in the back of his van leaning against the cool metal wall. Your laugh triggered Eddie's laugh and you both doubled over in an intense fit of giggles.
  "I never understood why Andrew laughed so much when he got high." You giggled through your words, you understood now.
  Eddie laughed in response. He coughed and reached out grabbing your ankle, "What uh- what happened with Andrew? Not that it's any of my business but uh- I don't know. I'm nosey." He laughed, straightening himself as he awaited your response.
  You chuckled bitterly under your breath at the thought of your break up. "He sucked at sharing his weed but um, he was great at sharing his time, and his attention... his dick." You snickered and grimaced, watching Eddie's face match yours.
  He scoffed and leaned his head against his shoulder. "That's awful. I'm sorry- what an idiot." He squeezed your ankle in his hand. "I don't see how he could ever hurt you like that... take you for granted like that." He sighed.
  His words had you blushing. "Yeah well, it's okay, I'm mostly over it.  I know that there are other guys out there- better guys." You made eye contact with Eddie for the first time that night, and suddenly the energy of the whole night changed.
  He nodded slowly, mouth just slightly agape. You'd noticed how pretty Eddie was long before you and Andrew broke up. It was silent for a moment, Eddie's hand moved from your ankle to your calf, long fingers wrapping around the underside of it, thumb stroking your skin. "Yeah... there are plenty of guys out there who'll treat you better. You deserve to be treated right." He proclaimed, tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. Your throat went dry.
  Your legs relaxed, inching apart, calf resting fully in his hand. "I wanna be treated right." Your voice sounded so small and shy. You'd blame it on the weed.
  Eddie's eyebrows rose slightly his pupils wide and eyes glossy. "Let me treat you right." His voice was both domineering and pleading all in one and it filled you with a blooming heat.
  You couldn't find your words, just nodding eagerly, desperately. He didn't hesitate to move onto his knees, leaning over you and gently pulling you to meet his lips by your chin. His lips were warm against yours, you basked in it.
  His tongue glided over your bottom lip, waiting for you to part your lips before he entered them. It was a beautiful contrast compared to how Andrew would just shove his tongue in your mouth before you were ready, or willing.
One of your hands rested on the back of Eddie's neck lightly, holding him close to you while your other hand gently stroked his jaw. His hands found refuge on your thighs, holding the backs of them gently as he maneuvered his way between them. He didn't grind against you or anything, just kissed you, with his thumbs dragging tenderly against the goosebump ridden skin of your legs that were pressing against his hips. He was only willing to go at your pace, which you appreciated.
  He kissed you until your hips bucked up slightly, panty-covered clit bumping against the bulge in his jeans. The whimper you let out encouraged him to push his hips down to meet yours, he could feel your heat through the denim between you two.
  With the feeling of him rubbing against you, your let your head fall back as you whined softly. The sweet sounds you let out had his cock throbbing, and he soon found himself mouthing at the sensitive skin at your neck. "It okay if I leave marks?" He asked, his voice was dark but his words were kind, and you knew he'd listen if you said no. You also knew that you'd let him do anything to you if he kept making you feel good like this.
  "Yes-" and like that, you could feel him pull the skin below your pulse point past his lips, sucking there softly until he released your skin from his mouth and peppered kisses around it.
  You sighed at the cool air on your slick skin, you sighed as he continued kissing down your neck, sucking another mark just above the collar of your shirt. You looked forward to seeing the bruises he'd leave behind.
  You could feel his breath against your collarbone, his hands moving from your thighs to your waist, thumb playing with the hem of your shirt. Before he could even ask you to, you pulled back from him and pulled your shirt off.
He let out a heavy exhale as his eyes fell on your chest, his fingers twitching beside you. “You can take it off.” You spoke shyly, referring to your lace bralette. Your cheeks burned as you felt Eddie’s hand glide up your back, it only took a few seconds before you felt the clasp open and he was helping you remove your bra.
As your bralette fell to the floor of floor of his van next to your shirt, you heard Eddie’s breath hitch. “You are so damn beautiful.” Your heart was racing at his words, racing at how sincere he sounded. You weren’t used to this kind of attention and you were thriving from it
Quickly, Eddie’s tongue found your chest, flicking over your right nipple before he closed his lips around it, sucking softly. His fingers found your other nipple, gently pinching and rolling it until it hardened. The new sensation had your back arching, pushing yourself against him more. Eddie loved the noises you were making because of him, for him.
Eddie’s mouth left a trail of kisses from your breast and down your stomach. His bottom lip pressed against the band of your skirt and he held the fabric between his fingers. “Can I take this off of you darling?” He asked as he tugged lightly. You nodded your head but he didn’t move, “Words, baby.” He encouraged you to speak.
“Yes, please.” Your voice wavered with both nervousness and excitement. The eager smile on his face before he pulled your skirt down had your heart racing and your cunt throbbing.
When he pulled your skirt down, your panties came unexpectedly with them, you weren’t sure if it was intentional or not but neither you nor Eddie were complaining. What you really didn’t expect, was the audible moan Eddie let out at the sight of your naked body.
You began to sit up slightly, assuming Eddie would want you to ride him, but before you could get up all the way, Eddie was already laying between your legs, hands on your thighs. “What are you doing?” You asked softly and he tilted his head in confusion, tearing his eyes away from your cunt to meet your gaze.
He pressed a sweet kiss to your thigh. “I wanna taste you, that okay?” He asked, his eyes were blown out with lust, cheeks flushed red from arousal; still you knew he wouldn’t go any further if you told him it wasn’t okay.
“Taste me?” You asked, you weren’t sure what he meant. He smirked kindly, another kiss to your thigh. You were grateful he didn’t make you feel embarrassed for not knowing what that meant.
He inched closer to you, you could feel his breath against your opening and it made you dizzy. “I wanna taste your sweet pussy darling, make you feel good. I want you to cum on my mouth sweetheart.” He rasped, laying his head against your thigh. “What? Andrew never use his mouth on you pretty girl?” He was joking, but was both disappointed and pleased when you nodded your head, confirming his statement. He was disappointed that a gorgeous girl like you hasn’t experienced that before, but he was beyond pleased that he would be the first one to get to taste you. If he played his cards right, he’d be the only one.
You spread your legs for Eddie and relaxed back, his large palm squeezed your thighs as he held them open and immediately caught your clit in his mouth, sucking it gently, flicking his tongue over it, forcing moan after moan from your lips.
Andrew had never gone down on you before, despite the fact that you’d gone down on him every time he’d ask or even just every time you felt like making him feel good. He’d never return the favour however. You didn’t spend much time thinking about that- or any time at all. All you we’re capable of focusing on was Eddie and how good he made you feel.
Eddie thrusted his hips against the ground, sucking harder on your clit and moaning against it. Your thighs shook against your hand and you couldn’t speak. You wanted to tell him how good you felt, you wanted to let him know how good he was doing, but all you could manage was to moan and whine as you felt your stomach get tight.
He moved his hand off of your thigh and pushed two fingers inside of you slowly. There was a small stretch, but it didn’t hurt, if anything it felt fantastic.
He wanted to fuck you tonight, and so he’d make sure you were ready to take him, he didn’t want you hurting. Simultaneously, he sucked on your clit and pushed his fingers repeatedly against your g-spot. He revelled in the sensation of you clenching down on his fingers. He looked up at you from between your legs, your stomach flexing and your eyebrows pinched together as you moaned, his cock leaked precum into his boxers.
“Eddie-” you yelped his name, hips jumping and pressing down against his mouth. You could feel an impending orgasm, and you anticipated it with excitement. You’d never had an orgasm given to you by someone else.
He could feel you getting closer, he moaned loudly against your clit and you moaned even louder than him, yelling his name as you came. Your thighs shook and your hands found purchase in his hair, tugging lightly as your eyes teared up from searing hot pleasure.
Eddie rubbed your clit slowly as you came down from your orgasm. He moved up, peppering kisses over your cheeks until you came back to yourself, giggling. “I wanna see you, please.” You whispered, tugging lightly at his shirt.
He nodded, “Anything for you.” He had a sing-song tone that made you smile, and you watched hungrily as he pulled his shirt off. You didn’t have much time to admire his toned body, pretty tattoos, you were distracted almost immediately by the sound of his belt buckle.
Soon, you and Eddie were both naked in the back of his van, the windows of which were already growing steamy.
He leaned back over you and kissed you sloppily, hips slotting between your legs once again, only this time no clothes were separating you. “You gonna let me take care of you baby? Show you what it’s like to get fucked by someone who knows how to make a girl feel as good as she deserves?” He nudged his nose against yours, you were growing dizzy with lust and need for him.
You threw your head back as you felt the weight of Eddie’s cock slide against your soaking wet cunt. “Yes, please- please fuck me Eddie.” He loved the way your voice shook.
Within seconds, his balls were pressed flush against you, cock deep inside, you swore you could feel him in your stomach. He was both thicker and longer than Andrew, not by much, but still the difference was enough to have you sputtering.
“Oh god-” You moaned loudly, nails digging into Eddie’s shoulders as he began to fuck you.
He only laughed softly, “Close, it’s actually Eddie.” He teased, kissing your jaw as he hiked your legs up to rest on his hips as he fucked you harder, perfectly hitting your g-spot with every thrust.
You reached down to rub your clit but Eddie knocked your hand away with his own, rubbing it for you. He grinned wickedly at your broken moan, cock throbbing inside you at the sight of the thick tears pouring down your face. “Poor girl, so sweet and messy. Ever been fucked like this before? Andrew fuck you this good?” He asked.
You could only shake your head and cry for a moment before you found your words. “Never- never been fucked this good. You’re- you’re so g-good, Eddie.” You moaned, cunt clamping down on his cock.
Each of you were both growing closer, your hands and legs shaking, Eddie’s hips stuttered and his thrusts grew sloppy. His head fell down to your shoulder and you rested your cheek against his hair. “Cum inside me, p-please.” You whimpered.
He moaned in response, his orgasm hitting him like a freight train. The feeling of him cumming inside you and playing with your clit had you arching your back and screaming his name.
You both rested in the back of his van for a while, just holding each other. Heavy breathing, sweat slicked skin, and gentle kisses. “Thank you.” You whispered.
“Thank you.” He answered immediately. “I’m sorry he didn’t take care of you the way you deserve.” He kissed you again.
After you both got dressed again, you grew shy, and Eddie only found it endearing pulling the smile from you that he desperately wanted to see. “I’ll give you a ride home doll, ‘n when you need, or want anything, you give me a call.”
Of course you agreed, thanked him. And as he drove you home and you stared at him with hearts in his eyes, you were so grateful for Andrew. Grateful for him leaving Eddie’s number at your house.
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yuvany · 9 days
𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄𝐍 and brainrot humor?
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OT7 ENHYPEN x fem!reader. . . CONTENT/ WARNING(S) : brain rot + comedy + skinship + petnames . . WORD COUNT : 765 . CHECK BOX !!
yu-note : had no idea how to use these terms correctly, but here it is! Got this idea when I heard someone yell 'SIGMA' on the train...
( reblogs + feedback always appreciated !! )
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He walks into your room, shifting your prior attention from the book to him. He stands there for a while as the two of you share a brief moment of eye contact. "Babe, do I have rizz?" It takes a while for you to comprehend the words he just said. "Rizz?" You echo, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, rizz. Do I have rizz?" Heeseung stands by the door and you are even more confused. "What is rizz, Hee? You sound crazy." You chuckle awkwardly, closing the book in your lap. "I bagged you, so I must’ve some rizz." He talks to himself, and you give up.
(rest of the memebers under the cut!)
He wouldn't, but if you used brainrot, he'd think a parasite made its way into your skull. You two were at an amusement park, and as you watched the dolphins jump and do tricks in the water and above, you can't help but to be astonished by the performance. "What did you think?" Jay asks, holding your hand while he guides you towards the exit. "That was so skibidi." You exclaimed, making Jay stop in his tracks. "Pardon me." He looks at you wide eyed as if you kidnapped someone. "Wasn't it great?" "Yes, sweetheart, it was, but what is 'skibidi'?" His eyebrows are knitted together and you laugh aloud at his expression.
You leaned against his shoulder as he scrolled through his social media feed, being met with clips aside of both your interests. You two watch a video of a guy singing and he opens the comment section. "Real sigma." A comment that Jake read, said. He burst out laughing with you following his lead. "Sigma as in the greek alphabet?" He manages to say through sharp breaths. "Look at this!" You spot another comment, and you two laugh at it together again. After calming down, you look at him and he repeats a comment causing you to turn into a fit of laughter that caused your stomach to ache.
"Erm, what the sigma." You blurt out, seeing the UNO cards that you received. "Sweet Girl, what are you saying?" He doesn't turn his gaze away from his cards, but the confusion is evident in his tone. "I don't know, but can we please reshuffle the cards." You sulk, and Sunghoon chuckles. "No way, I like my cards. Sorry, Honey." You can see how he enjoys this and groan, "what the freak." You stubbornly place your card and Sunghoon makes a comment. "I think you're starting to spend too much time with Jake, sweetie." "He's my brainrot buddie." You sigh. "I can be your brainrot buddy, babe."
"This new generation is doomed." Sunoo complains after seeing kids run around the streets while screaming words no one has heard before. "Unfortunate, isn't it?" He asks, his arms linking with yours. "I think it's quite fun as long as it's just jokes." You explained, hearing no response from Sunoo. "I love you, but we need to agree that this is hillarious, babe." You see the terror in his eyes as you chuckle. "No, but like, it is hillarious. I can imagine running around and screaming Sigma." It's silent, and you see Sunoo giving you the stink eye. "I'm starting to understand what an ick is now." "I was just kidding, sunsun, please!" You plead.
"Pretty girl, do you know what people mean by this?" He shows you his screen and you take a quick look before turning to him confused. "Baby, what's this?" Jungwon sinks into your lap and shrugs. "Not sure what skibidi toilet is." You pat his head, and pull up your phone to find out what it is. As you type, you hear Jungwon humming along the song on his feed. When you see the result of 'skibidi toilet' pop up and cover your mouth in shock at how ridiculous it looked before showing Jungwon who suddenly stopped singing. "Ok, what the flip."
Riki enters the kitchen and takes a seat beside you on the table. "What's up, baby?" You ask, noticing his change in demeanour. "I want to throw away my phone." He shakes his head as he holds it in place like it's gonna fall off after what he experienced. "Huh?" You are confused by this and your boyfriend pulls out his phone again and hands you it. "Take it away from be, please. I can't with these people saying 'very demure' all the time. "Oh? really?" You ask and he nods. "This behaviour is very demure." You say, and he groans. "Not demure, and not skibidi."
TAGLIST : @dollyhoon @itjengirl
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kayhi808 · 2 months
First Crush - 3
*Abby's sticker to Bucky*
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After work, the Avengers are relaxing in the common room or playing pool like Clint & Bucky. Hitting Bucky on the shoulder, "I heard lunch was entertaining", Sam enters the room with Nat.
Bucky glares a Nat. "What? I couldn't help it. It was so cute."
"Cute? Are we talking about Miss Abigail Rose?" Steve smirks at Bucky leaning up against the wall by the pool table.
"Who is Abigail Rose?" Clint cocks an eyebrow at Bucky.
Natasha leans in excited to tell the story, "Fury's new assistant got called in today and she had to bring her daughter to work with her. Just cute as can be. Sweet and precocious. She had stickers all over her shirt. How old was she?"
"Two? Three maybe?"
"Adorable! Made a beeline straight to Bucky." Bucky tries to concentrate on his shot while shaking his head but the tips of his ears are turning red.
Incredulously, "Wouldn't give me the time of day," Steve acts disgruntled & shocked.
Sam teases,"You weren't her type. She's into Cyborgs."
Steve laughs, "You're right because she loved the arm! The arm was so pretty. 'I loves it!' "
"Poor mom was so embarrassed. Abby didn't want to leave Buck's side. Finally before she left she peels off a sticker from her shirt and sticks it to his arm."
Sam nods, "It was the 2yr old version of giving someone your insta." They laughs at Bucky's expense and Buck rolls his eyes.
Most people are afraid of him. He doesn't need to threaten or say anything for people to stay away. He did not have that affect on Abby. She didn't fear him at all. She seeked him out. Her tiny body leaning against him. She didn't cringe at the feel of cold metal. Her little fingers traced the gold detail on his arm.
Nat grabs Buck's arm, "Aw, where's the sticker?" Turning it, this way and that. "You lost it," Nat frowns.
Bucky pulls out his ID card and shows them the back where he stashed Abby's sticker, joining in with their laughter. "They were cute."
Clint catches him, "They??"
"Uh uh, man. You said they."
Natasha smiles slyly, ready to play matchmaker. "Y/N is gorgeous!" Bucky shrugs yet nods staring at the sticker before shoving the card back in his pocket.
Some days are such a struggle. You never would have thought you'd be a widow with a baby to raise by yourself. Abby's father was a pilot in the Air Force. That's what attracted you to begin with. The image of a sexy daring fighter pilot. Things Jason did or talked about were so exciting. He was an adrenaline junkie for sure. Which is fun for a boyfriend, but not the best for a husband & father.
Now, its just you and Abby fending for yourselves. This job with the Avengers was heaven sent. It was so hard to make ends meet but now that you're with the Avengers, a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You'll be able to give Abby a better life. Yet, sometimes just the day-to-day chores overwhelm you.
You finished getting yourself ready for work and started tackling the task of getting Abby ready for daycare. You brush Abby's hair trying to get it into a ponytail. Don't know why you go through the effort, because it's just going to fall out by midday after playing and naptime. "Mama?"
"Today is school day?"
"Yes. You get to go to daycare and see Ms. Grace and all your friends."
"Remember the man with the pretty arm?" She tries to turn around to face you and you have to face her forward so you can get the ponytail up.
"Yes, I do."
"Me, too." You nod, knowing where this is heading already. "Mama?"
"Mr S'gent don't go daycare."
"No, he doesn't. He's a grown-up. He goes to work." Finishing her hair, you carry her back to the room to put on her shoes.
Rolling your eyes, "Yes?"
"I'm not a grows up."
Sitting her on the bed you kneel before her to put on her socks & shoes, "Grown-up. No. You are my baby."
"Abby Rose!" Making wide eyes at her, "You are making Mama crazy." Abby laughs and pats your head.
"Yesssss, Abby. What?"
She places her little hands on each of your cheeks, "Cans I go to work with yous?" She gives you the most angelic smile. You growl, picking her up & throwing her over your shoulder. She screams and giggles. "Mama!!!"
Bringing her down, to prop her on your hip, grabbing her backpack & your bag to make the trek to her daycare which luckily is only a couple blocks away. "You need to go to daycare."
"But...but...I wants to be with yous," she pouts.
"But...but...NO. You don't want to be with me. You want to see Sargent Barnes." She throws her head back and laughs with a cackle. You shake your head at her. Excuse me, Lil Miss! Who's child is this??
"Abbyyyy." You laugh but sober up, "I'm sorry, baby, but no. You need to go to school."
"But...but...what if he forgets me."
"He will never forget you. He has your sticker. He has your drawing."
She puts her thumb in her mouth & nods her head, but she looks sad. She rests her head on your shoulder for the rest of the walk to daycare.
Next Chapter
@waywardhunter95 @wintrsoldrluvr @rebeccapineapple @ordelixx @onceithough @crazyunsexycool @thezombieprostitute
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zegrasdrysdale · 5 months
matthew knies smut — losing ur v card to him
[ helping hand ] m. knies
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paring : Matthew Knies x fem!reader
summary : Matthew helps his best friend out after she asks him to take her virginity
warning(s) : smut ! loss of virginity, virgin!reader, light dirty talk, slight hair pulling (blink and you'll miss it tbh) oral (f receiving), fingering, p in v, protected sex, use of pet names during sex (pretty girl, baby, etc.), multiple orgasms
author’s note : felt like writing something cute so i decided to tackle this request and make it as cute as i could. this is my first time writing for kniesy so if it’s bad then pls tell me lol
Being a 20-year-old virgin sucks. Every time she tries to hook up with a guy, she blurts out that she’s “never done this before” and it scares him away. Needless to say, she is getting very tired of being a virgin. She's loves sex, but she's never gone all the way with a guy.
Tonight was just another reminder that she's never been fucked. She thought that after her date, he'd take her back to his apartment and she'd finally lose her virginity. Then he said that his mom was going to be home soon just as things started getting heated, right after she had said that she's never gone all the way.
It's a tiring pattern.
She's frustrated, and frustration means stomping up to her longtime best friend's Toronto apartment a little before eleven. She pounds her fist on Matthew's door then waits. There are light footsteps behind the door before it's pulled open.
Matthew looks like he just woke up, and she feels bad. His Toronto hockey shirt is a little wrinkled and he's wearing sweats. His hair is a complete disaster. "Did I wake you?" she questions.
He yawns, but shakes his head no. "I was just closing my eyes," he tells her. "I thought you were out on a date or something. Why are you here?"
"You'll never guess what happened," she sighs as she walks past him into his apartment. "I did it again."
Matthew laughs and shuts the door behind her. "You need to stop," he comments. "You're never going to lose it if you keep telling guys that you haven't gone all the way. You're twenty."
"I know!" she groans as she plops down onto his couch. "It's like a get scared or something and it just comes out. I wish I could just get it over with and then it won't come out."
He sits beside her and she looks up at him. "Don't rush it," he tells her. "It's not all that anyway. Just wait until you find someone you trust and genuinely like."
A light bulb flicks on in her head. She sits up and turns her body to face Matthew. "Will you?"
"Will I what?"
"Sleep with me so I'm not a virgin anymore," she finishes. He raises his eyebrows and looks like he's about to object. "I mean, I trust you with everything I have. You're my best friend. You're not bad looking. I've known you for years, Matthew. I'd be okay if you did this for me. It wouldn't change anything with us."
Matthew thinks about it. She knows by the way he sighs and runs his fingers through his messy hair. "You're sure about this?" he questions. "Because I don't want to do this then-"
She rolls his eyes in frustration and cups his jaw. She pulls him into a kiss, and it surprises her when she feels her heart beat out of her chest when her lips meet his. Even Matthew is thrown off by the kiss. He immediately pulls back. She drops her hands to her lap.
"I'm not going to regret it, Matt," she tells him as her eyes meet his. Have his eyes always been this pretty and blue? She's never been this close to see how blue they are. "I promise. It might bring us closer as friends if we do this. I'm not going to stop being your friend because you slept with me."
He still doesn't seem very convinced. "This is going to change us," he tells her. "No matter what. I just want both of us to be ready for that."
With a nod, her eyes flicker down to his lips for a second before returning to his eyes. "I know," she replies. "Just ... please. I'll never ask you for anything ever again if you do this for me."
Matthew searches her face for any signs that she doesn't want this. He won't find any. If she's going to lose her virginity to anyone, she wouldn't mind losing it to her best friend. She wants this.
He doesn't say "okay" or anything like that. All he does is grab her chin between his thumb and pointer finger. "If this is what you really want then I'll do it," he says to her, voice slightly higher than a whisper.
"I really want this," she confirms. "Seriously."
His eyes drop to her lips before he leans in and gently presses his lips to hers, and her eyes flutter shut. Her heart beats out of her chest with how soft and gently he kisses her.
The kisses don't immediately turn heated and needy. Matthew makes sure of that. When they do though, she climbs onto his lap in the red minidress that she's wearing. She straddles his thighs and wraps her arms loosely around his neck. Matthew's hands drop to the bare skin on her thighs.
Her heels clatter to the carpeted floor beneath them with a thud. Her fingers find a home and curl in his locks. She tugs gently and a soft noise comes from Matthew. She smiles into the kiss that follows and tucks this piece of information away for later.
She traps his bottom lip between her teeth and pulls back. She watches it snap back into place. Matthew looks up at her and she sees that his eyes have darkened a bit. There's a dark fire between them and she can tell he's trying to hold himself back.
"Pretend it's not me," she tells him as her hands drag down his neck and chest until they come to a rest on his torso. She play with the hem of his t-shirt. "I can tell, Matt. You're holding back because it's me."
Matthew shakes his head. "I'm holding back because I want to do this right," he replies. "It's not because it's you. I want to make sure that it's perfect for you."
"Then don't hold back," she whispers to him as she attaches her lips to his jaw right under his ear. "It'll be perfect no matter what."
A shaky sigh passes Matthew's kiss-bruised lips. He kisses the swell of her ear and she keeps working at his jaw.
Before she realizes what's happening, Matthew slides his hands to the back of her thighs and stands up. She wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. "It's insane how easily you were able to just pick me up like that," she comments.
"I work out everyday," Matthew replies as he makes his way down the hallway to his bedroom. "Sometimes twice a day. I lay hits on grown men that weigh as much as I do or heavier for a living. I hope that I can lift someone up that is nearly a foot shorter than me and weighs less than what I bench."
She can't contain the giggle that rises in her throat as he crosses the threshold into his room. "That's kind of hot of you, Matt," she admits. "I mean, I don't know how you're single when you bench more than I weigh."
He kicks the door shut behind him and gently sets her down so she's flat on her feet. She sees the flush in his cheeks despite the dimly lit room. She smiles and gets on her tiptoes to instigate another kiss. Matthew has to lean down to kiss her because of the heigh difference between them. His hands rest on her cheeks and she rests against the door.
They stand there for what feels like an eternity. She's almost certain that the lace panties she has on under the dress are ruined. She hasn't be able to stop thinking about Matthew's fingers on her thighs while they were in the couch, not to mention the fact that he was able to pick her up with almost no effort.
Her fingers curl around the hem of his t-shirt and she pulls at it. "Off," she mumbles against his lips. "Matt, please. Off."
The kiss breaks and Matthew reaches down to pull the fabric over his head. Her eyes rake his body and it's very obvious that he works out every day. Her fingers trace his abs and she bites her bottom lip.
Okay, maybe he's more attractive than she's let herself admit. She's never really allowed herself to look at him like this. She's never let herself admire him like this.
Matthew hooks his fingers under the very thin straps that sit on her shoulders. She looks up at him and notices how focused he is on his actions. He pulls the straps off her shoulders and lets the dress fall so it pools at her ankles. She's in her strapless bra and matching panties. She notices Matthew's eyes drink her in.
She puts her hands on his chest and gently pushes him in the direction of his bed. She kicks the dress off so she can follow him. As soon as Matthew sits back on the bed, she crawls onto his lap. Her knees bracket his thighs. She leans in and ravishes his mouth with hers. One of his hands finds its way to her curls and he holds the back of her head so she can’t break the heated kiss.
Without realizing she does it, she rolls her hips against his. He hums and his other hand comes down on her bare waist.
A surge of confidence overcomes her and she reaches behind her. She unhooks her bra and lets the red lace fall between them. She tosses it somewhere at the same time Matthew breaks the kiss.
Her entire body shakes with nerves.
It’s just Matthew. They’ve been friends since his first year at Minnesota. Best friends since his sophomore year. She visited him earlier in the season and fell in love with Canada so she moved into an apartment down the street from him.
She can do this.
Matthew lifts her head up and says, “I’ve got you. Okay? I have you. Whatever you want.”
“I want you,” she tells him. “Please. I need you.”
He moves back on the bed and flips them over so he hovers over her. Her curls create a halo around her head. Matthew thumbs her swollen lips and trails it down over her chin, over her chest, between her breasts, and down her stomach until his fingers rest at the waistband of her panties. Goosebumps follow his fingers down her upper body.
She can feel the bulge in his pants so she bucks her hips up to grind her clothed core against the bulge. “Shit,” he gasps. “You can’t just do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’ll come before either of us are ready.”
She lets out a light laugh. “We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” she teases.
“Shut up,” he mumbles before shutting her up himself with a deep kiss. She smiles and hooks her fingers into the waistband of his sweatpants.
She pushes his sweatpants down and over his ass. He helps her out and kicks them off.
When she tries to put her hand in his boxers, Matthew stops her. He breaks the kiss and shakes his head. “If we’re doing this, we’re doing it right. I’m going to make sure you feel good and make sure you’re comfortable, okay?” he says to her.
“Okay,” she replies, voice barely above a whisper.
With her permission, Matthew hooks his fingers in the waistband of her panties and slowly pulls the thin fabric off her body. He tosses them to the floor and she lets her knees fall open.
Matthew attaches his lips to her jaw, then slowly trails his lips down her body. He makes a quick stop when he gets to her breasts. He gives each one a little attention and she lets out a soft noise. She bites her lip to keep from making any embarrassing noises.
He lies on his stomach and throws her legs over his broad shoulders. She watches as he presses soft kisses to her leg trailing from her inner knee and up her inner thigh. He stops right before he gets to her core.
“Already so wet for me,” he comments. She nods and grabs a pillow to rest her head on so she doesn’t get a crick in her neck.
That’s when Matthew slides a finger through her soaked folds. A whine passes her lips and she looks down at him with her eyes. He teases her entrance and she gasps, “I- Matthew. Don’t tease please. Do something.”
“Didn’t think you were a begger, pretty girl,” he replies. She shoots him a glare and he laughs.
She’s about to say something to him when he wraps his lips around her clit. “Oh my- fuck” is what comes out of her mouth instead. Matthew hums and sends vibrations through her entire body. He slowly pushes a finger into her and her back arches off the bed.
Matthew’s free hand slides up her body and cups one of her tits. She didn’t pick Matthew to be a boob guy, but today is full of surprises.
Soft pants pass her lips as Matthew keeps using his mouth and fingers to bring her closer to an orgasm. He adds a second finger and her hands fly to his hair. Her breathing has gotten extremely labored and soft noises consistently pass her lips.
He’s so careful with his movements, so precise. He knows what he’s doing, and she’s not at all surprised that he does. She didn’t realize just how much he knew. Despite never actually hooking up before, it’s like he knows her entire body and what she likes.
Once a third finger is inside of her, Matthew curls his fingers in a “come here” motion. She gasps and a knot forms in the pit of her stomach. “Matt,” she groans. “I- Matthew.”
“Let me hear you,” he tells her. “Wanna hear you when you come on my fingers. Can you do do that for me?”
She nods and hums. “Yeah,” she breathes out.
“Go ahead, pretty girl,” Matthew says. “Come for me. I can feel how close you are.”
His lips are back on her clit and she’s coming seconds later.
Her back arches off the mattress as her walls clench around his fingers. Her body turns into jelly as he fingers her through what’s probably the strongest orgasm she’s ever had. She swears she blacks out.
Her breathing is extremely labored as Matthew withdraws his fingers. She whimpers at the loss and watches him crawl up her body when her vision comes back. He smiles when he sees how out of it she probably looks.
Matthew peppers her cheek with soft kisses as she comes to.
“You okay?” he asks. “Can you do one more?”
“Mhm,” she hums. “Want you inside me, Matt. Please. I need you.”
He captures her lips in a soft kiss and she groans when she tastes herself on his lips.
It’s a very quick kiss. Matthew reaches over into his bedside drawer and pulls out a tiny foil package. He puts it between his teeth as he pushes his boxers off his body. She bites her lip as Matthew’s dick pops out of the confines of the boxers.
She accidentally saw his dick one time before now, and it looked nothing like it does right now. “Jesus, Matt,” she gasps. “Is it gonna fit?”
Matthew laughs and slides the condom onto his dick. “I promise it’ll fit,” he tells her.
He hover over her between her legs. The tip of his dick lines up with her entrance and she shakes. Her heart races in her chest and she stares up at the pretty boy above her. “Slow,” she tells him. “Okay? I don’t know-”
“Tell me if you need me to stop or if it hurts,” he interrupts. “I’ll move at your pace, okay? I have you.”
She nods. “Go.”
Matthew slowly pushes into her. She gasps as the unfamiliar stretch and grasps onto his biceps. The deeper he goes, the more it hurts. She pushes through though and pain eventually turns into pleasure.
He moves so slow though that it’s almost painful. She wants him to ruin her but she wants to be able to walk in the morning. Whatever that will look like.
She reaches up and slides her hair into Matthew’s hair. His eyes lock with her as he bottoms out in her. Her lips are pressed in a line. “Okay?” he asks.
With a nod, she says, “I’m okay. Give me a second. You’re fucking big, Matt. Damn.”
He laughs. “That’s not my fault,” he replies. “Most women I hook up with like it.”
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it, asshole,” she retorts. “I said I needed a second.”
Matthew laughs again and she pulls him down into a kiss to shut him up. He licks into her mouth and she groans.
Feeling ready, she rolls her hips. One of Matthew’s hands rests on her waist and he meets her movements.
It’s slow, but it feels good. He slowly but deeply thrusts into her. She moans into Matthew’s mouth and he swallows every noise. Her hands slide from his hair to his back. She gently digs her nails into his skin.
He speeds his movements up a bit and she throws her head back against the pillows. “Fuck,” she gasps. “God. Matt.”
“Okay, baby?” he asks. “Good to keep going?”
She nods. “Like you mean it,” she pants. Matthew’s smile reaches his ears.
Matthew throws one of her legs over his shoulder and is able to move deeper into her at the new angle. She cries out his name and he attaches his lips to her neck. He’s covering her entire body at this point. It’s not only his dick that’s big. Matthew himself is a bigger guy.
He slows his movements but continues to bury his cock in her. The knot forms again in the pit of her stomach.
“Matt, I-”
“Me too,” he interrupts. “This is about you. I’m not gonna come until you come on my cock, pretty girl.”
She feels tears in her eyes as she tries to keep herself from coming. It feels too good and she doesn’t want it to end yet.
Especially since this is probably the first and last time she gets this from Matthew. She wants it to last.
Matthew slides a hand between them and as soon as his fingers find her clit again, she comes.
His name is on her lips as he fucks her through what is definitely the strongest orgasm of her life. Her entire body shudders as she comes. Her vision goes white for a hot second and she completely melts against the mattress beneath her. Her legs fall to the bed.
He comes into the condom before he pulls out of her. They’re both panting messes as he ties off the condom and throws it out. She very lazily crawls under the covers and Matthew joins her.
There’s a comfortable silence between them as they both recover from their highs. She finally gains feeling back in all her extremities and looks over at him.
“Thank you,” she weakly says.
“Doing that for me. It was fun. I enjoyed it.”
Matthew sits up in bed and leans back against the headboard just as she went to curl up next to him. “I should’ve said something before we did that,” he admits to her.
She sits up and holds the blankets under her arms to keep herself covered. “What?”
He bites his kiss-bruised bottom lip for a second. “I have feelings for you,” he confesses. “Genuine feelings for you and I feel guilty for saying yes before telling you that.”
A day full of surprises.
She’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel the same. There is a reason she asked him of all her friends to do this for her. She’s always known he was attractive, a genuine guy and an incredible hockey player.
She’s damn lucky that Matthew agreed to have sex with her.
Matthew looks terrified. She smiles and drops her head to his shoulder. “You should see the look on your face,” she laughs.
“I’m being serious,” he tells her.
“I know,” she replies. Her chin rests on his shoulder. “I like you too. Why do you think I asked you to do this and not someone else?”
He blinks. “I thought you were just tired of being a twenty year old virgin,” he flatly states.
“There was that but I wanted it to be you,” she admits. “I guess I was just shooting my shot.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Matthew laughs.
She crawls onto his lap and lays on him. “When do I get one of those cool jackets the wives and girlfriends have?”
“You want one?”
“I do,” she tells him as she looks up at him. “Is that okay? If I got one?”
Matthew smiles and nods. “I’ll get you one.”
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donutz · 7 months
Dogday x reader Valentines Day special[1♡8]
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—☆You are a smiling critter in this, if u want to know which one(but don't know what animal or insect to pick) you could start out as a sheep!
What did they do in the morning on Valentines?
— He woke up pretty early to set the gifts near you, or just spending extra time on them to make sure they were perfect
— He wanted to wake you up too, but he wanted you to get your rest
— He also spent some extra time going over your favorite things just in case he forgot
What did they do for you?
— Spent a bunch of time on your gifts
— He set a secret area so he can give you your gifts
— When you were waking up, he tried to have you as awake as you can be
— He wants you to see everything!
What did they get you?
— Your favorite things!
— Your interests
— He gave you this paper heart that Bubba Bubbaphant taught him
— A card mainly colored with your favorite colors, even if your favorite color is black, plus he included some of his favorite colors
— A heart shaped box full of not just chocolates, but your favorite candies!
— He always catches you sneaking candy, so that’s how he knows
— Of course, a bouquet of flowers, ranging from red, orange, and yellow colored ones
What did you give them?
— A bone with your scent(in this your scent is sugar cookie)
— A bow that’s in a shape of a bone
— A sticker that also has your scent
— The biggest bouquet ever, it’s bigger than Dogday’s, because Bobby Bearhug thought it’d be a great idea
— Cuddles, ear scratches, hugs, and some lovely kisses <3
Did they do anything special? (Extra hugs, kisses, changing their routine etc.)
— He gave you more hugs than he regularly does
— He woke up extra early
— Planned everything out the weekend Valentine’s Day is in
— Decorated his dog house(it’s on Mob Entertainment’s Instagram if you wanna see it)
What activities did you both do?
— Did a little watching tv date
— You both taught the lesson for today, it was about Valentine's day
Did they seem brighter today?
— Yes, it's somehow possible
— His tail was wagging almost all day, and every time he saw you
Anything new about their appearance?
— He did have a little orange bow on his ear
— For the date he dressed in a suit, it was adorable, he was so happy too
How many times did they say I love you?
— Almost every time he saw you, it was because he didn't want to annoy you with those words
— Yes, you said it back every time(You better have, I'm watching you)
Did they ask to be your Valentines, or did they ask if you could be their Valentines? There’s a difference!
— He asked if you could be his Valentines
— “Or if you want me to be your Valentines— that's fine!!”
— It's your choice
What did they do the night before Valentine's Day?
— Made extra details in his gifts
— Made sure nothing would go wrong the day after(he was hoping, a lot.)
— Almost stayed up, but he knew that you'd know he did, so he went to sleep after a bit, just for your sake
Were they shy asking to be your Valentines or when they asked if you could be their Valentines?
— He wasn't shy at all!
— I wouldn't say he was confident, but he was quite bright! As the dog he is
— Biggest smile on his face, and he knew that you'd say yes(hopefully)
Did they add anything extra to their areas(their little homes)? Or their activities?
— He had a big picture of you and then made an outline of a red heart around your face
— Not in the weird creepy way he just loves you
— He spread some rose petals across his floor too
What did they do when it was time to sleep?
— Thought a little bit more about the gifts and made sure to check over them in the morning
— Was trying so hard not to worry too much, plus he was going to go over it in the morning!
— It was fine!
— It will be fine.
Question♡ Did you get anything for Valentine’s Day? If so, what was it? If not, here's your long awaited gift^_^(the fanfic u probably just read)
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sluts4matt · 5 months
please please please im begging you with my whole heart to write a fluffy chris sickfic one where y/n gets a cold and he takes care of her for the whole day im on my hands and knees atp 🫶🏼
no smut please im just craving comfort atm but wtv you want sweets
i love you to the stars baby 💗🫵🏼
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pairing: chris sturniolo x columbian!reader
summary: you had been sick the past two days, both of those days your boyfriend has been right by your side.
warnings: a cougar-panther joke, fluff.
word count: 894
authors note: i'm sorry forgive me anon 🙏 i'm so shit at getting through request but i'm trying i swear. p.s this is kinda short but i wrote it during one of my breaks
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you grabbed a tissue from the box next to you, blowing your nose for what seemed like the thousandth time that day. "are you sure you don't need anything?" chris mutters from next to you, carding his fingers through your hair.
"i'm sure, just lay here with me," you mumble, nuzzling into his chest further. you had felt like absolute shit, your fever being over 102 degrees. you turned your face, sneezing into your arm before going back to nuzzling your face in his chest.
"bless you," he murmured, picking a movie for the two of you. "i'm gonna doordash some food," he stated as you felt his body shift as he moved to grab his phone.
"mkay," you whispered, closing your eyes and listening to his heartbeat.
"do you want anything specific?" he asks causing you to shrug.
"nah, just whatever," you mutter, letting out a soft sigh as he places a kiss on the top of your head.
"you feeling any better, love?" he asks, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "no," you frown, watching his fingers click on his phone screen. "kanes?" he asks, looking over at you.
you nod your head, knowing he already knew your order and you wouldn't have to tell him. "okay, baby," he coos, kissing your head again. "i'm ordering it now," he mumbles.
"can you not get me fries this time? i don't want them," you state, and he nods his head. "that's fine," he smiles.
he places the order, setting his phone down. "thirty minutes," he states, embracing you with his arms.
you felt your body melt into them, "i love your hugs," you whisper, "i love you," he mumbles back.
you smile, nuzzling into his chest once more. you feel his hands slide up your back, rubbing at your tense shoulders as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. "you're so pretty," he states, a grin tugging on his lips.
"thank you," you mumble, heat going to your cheeks. you tilt your head slightly as he messages your shoulders making the boy grin.
he leans down, pressing soft kisses to the top of your shoulder as he messages. "i love you, so much," he murmurs.
you let out a hum, your eyes fluttering shut as he pressed kisses to your skin. his kisses slowly moved up your shoulder, and he placed one kiss behind your ear before going back down.
"get some rest," he says, and you let out a soft hum, letting your eyes flutter shut.
you didn't know how long it was, but soon you were being gently shaken awake by chris, "y/n," he said quietly, "foods here," he said and you looked over at the boy.
he was smiling at you, his eyes shining with love and affection, "what?" you mutter sleepily, rubbing your eyes.
"the foods here," he repeated, and you nod your head, "mkay," you say, slowly sitting up. he places the bag in between you two as he climbs back into bed.
"chicken nuggets," he says, handing you the box then ranch. "and a strawberry lemonade," he finished, handing you the cold beverage. you take a small drink, wincing as it stings going down your throat.
"are you okay?" he asks, rubbing your back. you nod your head, "sick," you remind jokingly.
he nods his head, a small chuckle leaving his lips. the two of you start to eat, you had barely eaten all day, so the food tasted delicious.
"gracias guapo," you smile, looking at chris. he nods his head with a smile, "of course ma," he smiles, putting on a car's movie for the two of you to watch.
you smile at your boyfriend, "i love you," you state, "you're the best," you kiss his cheek.
"i love you too," he chuckles, taking a sip of his pepsi. he takes a bite out of his chicken sandwich, looking over at you.
"you look like you're pondering your thoughts," he chuckles, nudging your leg with his own.
"would you love me if i were a spider?" you asks. chris had heard the question a million times so him rolling his eyes didn't surprise you in the slightest even if it had brought a pout to your lips.
"i've told you this, yes, you'd be my pet," he states, "but what if i were like... a black widow.. or.. or a bird eating spider," you state, a cough leaving your lungs.
"just make sure i keep a better eye on you so you don't get loose," he laughs. "i would still love you and you'd be my pet," he says before biting into his sandwich once again.
you grin, nodding your head. "okay," you state. "what's your favorite potato?" he asks, causing you to giggle. "you already know this," you shake your head, "but mashed."
"child," he states, "cougar," you fire back, making him huff. chris had been a year older so it was an ongoing joke that he was a cougar and you were a panther.
"oh hush," he states, playfully shoving your face away.
after a while, the food had digested and the movie was almost over. "do you see yourself with me in a year?" chris asks, drawing circles into your hips.
"and many more to come," you mumble, letting out a hum as he continued to rub.
"that's good," he smiles, "mhm."
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tag list:
@hysteria-things @tillies33ssss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @sturniolossss @freshsturns @etvar12 @sstvrnioloo @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloa @chrryclouds @sturniolohoe @sturniolowhore @imwetforyourmom @novasturniolo03 @spencerstits @junovrsmp4 @breeloveschris @skyslondon @stars4chratt @monkeyscientist22 @sophssturn @hearts4chriss @l5ka @strombolilovr @raysmayhem-72
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asimpforthe80s · 7 months
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Happy Late Valentines
Starring: Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: slight angst. Smut!! Cunnulingus. P in V (unprotected). Breeding kink? Daddy kink?
Valentines Day. A day Eddie had despised for years. He never got anything, which is obvious knowing what his most known title is in the town. But you, on the other hand. You were quite popular despite hanging out with Eddie 'the freak' Munson, almost daily.
It was conveniently HellFire night on Valentines, and right before the campaign started, you were all showing off everything you had gotten. Everything from cards to chocolates.
Everyone was smiling and showing off expet the man himself, sitting on his throne almost frowning.
"So, what'd you get, Eddie?" You giggled, not noticing how saddened and frustrated he looked. "What do you think?!" He scowled, arms crossed on his chest.
"I didn't get shit. I'm just sitting my ass here, like always watching you get everything."
He said, leaning back in his throne and looking at you a bit, expecting sympathy. Everyone went silent, and as he expected, you looked at him with sympathy and shame. Ashamed of how you had shown off your cards and chocolates.
"God damn. I hate this stupid day." He muttered, turning his head to the other side, feeling pretty upset.
He didn't talk again for a bit, just sitting with a cold stare at the wall. "Sorry, Eddie.." you muttered. Dustin swallowed and decided to say something. "Should we get on with the campaign now?" He asked.
"Yeah-yeah- sure. We have nothing else to do, anyways." He said, sounding a bit annoyed with himself.
"God, sorry. Yeah. We should start. We got a lot to do today. Just- nevermind. I'm okay. Let's just do this campaign."
The eight of you nodded and waited for Eddie to start the new D&D campaign he had praised himself for the entire week. Eddie took a deep breath and looked at all of you, nodding.
"So, everyone's ready? All here?"
He asked, sounding enthusiastic, a way to distract himself from Valentines Day. "Yeah." You said, after counting all of Eddie's so-called 'sheep'.
"Okay, cool, cool. So." He rubbed his hands together, a large grin on his face, though his mood from before still kind of lingered.
"As you finally got out from the cave, you were all standing in a green field-..."
You were up all night crafting something for Eddie. It had to be good. It had to be perfect. You told yourself as you sat up by your desk gluing and painting.
You made a homemade heart-shaped box and painted the logo for HellFire in the middle of it. Then, filled it with chocolates and a small jar. Inside the jar there were small, midevial looking letters where you had written all the things you like about him. After hours of painting and writing, you put the last thing inside the box. A love letter.
All the while, you'd have a big smile on your face thinking of how happy Eddie will be. You were sure that he'd love your present, who knows? Maybe he might finally look at you as more than a friend. You couldn't wait to give it to him. You thought he'd probably appreciate some sweet gesture like that in the morning.
After a few more last touches, you called it done. You sat the box on your nightstand so you knew you wouldn't forget it tomorrow morning.
After a little bit of insomnia, you finally fell asleep, excited for the next morning, and finally getting to give Eddie the present you've worked on for hours.
You wake up with the biggest smile on your face, remembering the present right away. You quickly get dressed, wanting to go and hand him the box as soon as possible.
You grab some breakfast on the way, hoping you get to him fast enough. You barely finished eating before rushing out to your car and driving across the town to get to Eddie's trailer. When you got there and knocked on the door, your anxiety kicked in. What if he didn't like the box? What if he thought you did it because no one else did? What if he didn't like you like that?
Those thoughts and more kept rushing through your head, heart beating fast in anticipation for what might happen.
After a while, you heard some shuffling through the trailer. The door opened after a bit, and Eddie stood on the other side. He looked exhausted. You hadn't even thought about how early it was. All the thoughts disappeared from your head, however, as the look on his face turned to surprise as he saw you.
"Hey, Eddie.." You chuckled nervously, holding the box out to him. He looked down at the box curiously. A smile then crept onto his face and he took it from you.
"For me?" He said, a bit curious and surprised. "For- for you, yeah.." you said nervously, scared of how he'd react to your love letter. "Thank you." He said a bit stunned, and then he looked down at the box again before back at you.
"It's early, um, mind if I open it later?" He said, looking tired and a little bit out of it still.
Your heart ached with anxiety and slight pain. "Y-yeah, sure." You mumbled. "Thanks." He said before yawning wide, and his eyes began to flutter shut.
After a quick goodbye, he closed the door, leaving you to walk to your car and drive home upset. A small bit of hope still lingering, hoping that he'll actually look at it later. But Eddie was forgetful when it came to things like this. You probably wasted an entire night on making that box just for Eddie to never open it.
When it got to evening, that last bit of hope that he'd open the box began to disappear. You felt bad that you wasted all that time on it, wishing that he would actually look at it. But he didn't, and he probably didn't care much anyway.
You sighed and decided to call him.The phone rang a bit before Eddie picked up.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked after you said hello. "I know you've forgotten and this is kinda fucking important, so go open that box I gave you.. if you get surprised or something, live with that, I've got too much anxiety right now to deal with that." You said before hurriedly hanging up.
Eddie looked down at his phone, quite surprised at your sudden aggression. He didn't expect that at all.
Feeling a but hesitant, he walked into his room and over to the nightstand. He picked up the box and looked over at it for a moment before he finally opened it, careful and slow, expecting what the surprise might be.
He stared at the contents of the box as his eyes widened and he froze, not really sure what to feel.
The love letter, the chocolates, and the little surprises caught him by surprise, and he didn't really know what to do in the moment.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything, he took a deep breath and closed the box, stilThe emotions just hit him like a truck.
He suddenly looked overwhelmed by everything, all the things you went through just for him.
Eddie just stood frozen, thinking at how much you really do love him, even with all the crap he puts you through.
As tears welled up in his eyes, a feeling of guilt washed over him. He couldn't believe that you had gone this far for someone like him, for him.
Eddie couldn't hold back, and the tears began to fall. The sudden rush of realization that you truly love him hit him hard, and he just bawled his eyes out, unable to control the emotions.
In that moment of weakness as he cried into his hands, he couldn't help but wonder, "Why me?"
After a bit, Eddie managed to calm himself. He still had tears on his face as he wiped with them with his sleeve.
Finally, he pulled himself together and looked at the open box again.
He picked up the jar and pulled out the love letter to finally read it.The love letter really struck him in the heart.
He could actually feel that love pouring out of it, like there was nothing else on earth that mattered more than you felt for him.
Eddie felt his eyes well up yet again, it was a bit embarrassing.
"To: Eddie.
For once in my life, I don’t have to try to be happy. When I’m with you, it just happens. Your Lips? I kiss that. Your body? I hug that. My smile? You cause that. Your heart? I want that. In a sea of people, my eyes will always be searching for you. I’m so confused. I don’t know what to do. All I know is I wanna be with you. You make me smile whenever you're around. I could just sit and watch you without making a sound. I could talk to you for hours about nothing at all. You make me feel so comfortable into your arms, I wish I could crawl. I miss you when you’re gone. I miss you when you’re near. If we are together, we will have nothing to fear. So I guess I’m finally telling you I’m being real and true. Not only do I like you, I’m completely head over heels in love with you."
The love letter just overwhelmed him more and more.
He couldn't believe that after all this time thinking he was just a freak and that no one could like him, that this was his reality.
He could hardly hold back his tears of joy as he read the entire thing.
"God damn, this is it. She finally said it. She really likes me." He thought, happy tears flowing down his cheeks. As he finished the letter, he finally looked at all the contents in the box, his emotions still overflowing.
"Damn..." He muttered to himself, just overwhelmed with joy now that he really knew how she felt. He really couldn't believe that she could like him like this, he almost felt like he didn't deserve it.
His tears of joy started to dry up and he wiped all the tears with his sleeve, finally starting to calm down as he looked at the box again.
"She really went through all this for me..." He thought to himself, staring at the jar and the chocolates. He looked back over at the love letter again, feeling his heart flutter.
This was the happiest he felt in so long.
Finally, after this long time, someone really likes him.
"And- and here I thought being a freak, I'd just be alone for the rest of my life... She really... She really likes me..." He whispered to himself, smiling wide and his heart beating so fast. He set the box down and leaned against the nightstand and just took a moment to breathe.
This was the best he'd felt in years. Someone really liked him! What a feeling! He never thought that would happen, he really didn't think he was good enough for that.
But now, things seemed possible... The feeling was so overwhelming for him, he couldn't think straight. All these emotions just rushed the moment he saw the letter.
He felt like crying all over again, but he didn't wanna cry anymore.
He grabbed his phone, thinking about finally texting you and telling you all the things you mean to him. Just to thank you, or at least try. As he finally opened the text box and typed up the message, he stared at the screen.
He didn't know how to fully put it into words, but he had to try right?
He typed up the message slowly and sent it off to you.
He set the phone down and waited in anticipation to see how you'd react once you got it. After just a few minutes, his phone started ringing.
"Hm?" He said, looking at his phone.
He picked it up and checked the caller id, noticing it was you.
"Hey, um, what's up?" He said, his heart beating fast all over again, nervous of how you'd react. "Hey.. so, uh... my gift wasn't a bad idea, huh?" You chuckled nervously.
"Bad idea?" His voice sounded shocked for a moment as he laughed lightly too.
"It's literally the best thing I've ever received in my life." He said, truly meaning it.
"There's just so much to say to you, I don't even think you will fully understand just how much you mean to me." He added, still looking at the texts he sent you.
"Can I come over?" You asked nervously. In your head, you'd go to his place, and you'd cuddle all night while watching movies on the thick TV in his living room.
Eddie went silent for a moment, thinking about everything and what you asked.
He took a deep breath, thinking, "Oh God, oh God, OH GOD! She wants to come over! What do I do?!"
"Uhm... Yeah, I..." He stuttered, not sure how to finish his sentence. "Thanks." You giggled and hung up once more, immediately putting on some comfy but pretty clothes and rushing to your car, again.
Eddie quickly sat there in his bed staring at the phone, processing everything.
"Oh god, she's coming over. She- she wants to come over! Oh God, oh God!!"
He got himself out of the bed quickly, frantically putting on some clothes to look presentable when she gets here. He took some breath mints and sprayed himself with cologne a few times.
"Oh god, what should I do when she gets here?! How do I act?" He paced around the room now, just waiting nervously for her. He would check his phone every few seconds, thinking about her on the way over and how he's going to act when she gets here.
"Should I be calm? Should I be excited? What does one even do in this situation!? What do I talk about? I have to be so goddamn careful." He berated himself as he paced around the room, his anxiety kicking in.
He took yet another deep breath, checking the time. She should be here soon. He was sweating profusely now from his nervousness, and he was getting annoyed with himself.
Okay, Eddie. Calm, calm, calm...
After a few minutes, the doorbell rang.
He froze immediately from his pacing, thinking of nothing but the fact she was actually here.
He walked to the door and opened it with shaky hands and a big smile.
"Hey, uhm, h-hi." He said, not sure how to handle this, but he was glad you were actually here. "Hi.." you answered, just as nervous. His heart was racing, not knowing what to say. Should he invite you in, or should he just talk to you here?
"W-wanna come inside?" He asked, not wanting to sound rude by not inviting you in.
"Y-yeah.." you chuckled and stepped inside. Eddie immediately shut the door behind you.
"Oh um- follow me." He said as he began to walk towards the living room, letting you follow. She was actually here, and the thought is still a bit surreal to him. You followed him, sitting down very close to him.
"So- uhm, I just wanted to say..." His voice was shaky, it felt like he didn't have full control over the things he wanted to say to you.
"Thank you, for everything. For coming here and... And liking me like this, and for actually being here." He stuttered, feeling his emotions getting the better of him. You built up some confidence and decided that this was enough awkwardness. So you kissed him.
The kiss took him completely off guard and he froze with wide eyes for a second, but he quickly relaxed when the kiss continued.
His breath caught, and he held his hands to the side of you, gently caressing the back of your neck.
He was still very much surprised, but he couldn't resist your lips. You smiled against his lips. But the way his hands were moving over you made you feel sensitive to his touch. His hands began to move up and down your back. He couldn't help but caress your body as his lips stayed tightly pressed to yours. The kiss lasted long enough that he could really get lost in the emotion, and the feeling that someone really liked him like this was almost unreal to him.
When you pulled away, there was a string of saliva connecting you and heavy breaths filling the room. His breath was shaky and his face red from the kiss.
"That was..." He said softly, but he didn't finish the sentence.
He leaned back a bit and stared into your eyes, not breaking eye contact. And then he leaned forward again a bit for another kiss. Your eyes fluttered shut as he kissed you again. You moaned softly against his lips as they connected once more. His lips pressed to yours with a bit more force as he moved forward into you.
His hands moved to your waist now as he pulled you in closer. His breathing got heavy, and he kept kissing you as he took over.
You laid down against the sofa, and Eddie followed. Putting almost all his weight on you as he kept your lips on his. He did lay his entire weight onto you as he kissed you, you being pinned beneath him as he couldn't stop. The kiss felt like it went on forever, but he still wanted more.
His lips and his tongue moved in unison with each other, the heat rising between the two of you as his hands moved back to your neck.
You moaned softly against his lips as the intensity of the kiss grew. Your clothes were on the floor within just five minutes of making out.
Eddie leaned down and pressed a few kisses to your neck, causing you to shudder and let out a delightful purr. One that stirs not just the pit of his guts but in his boxers, too.
He presses two more kisses to your neck, open-mouthed, wet, and claiming he sucks hickeys into two sensitive spots. The hickeys made your eyes slightly roll back, and you let out not only another purr but a gasp of his name.
He has a feeling he knows what you want, but he's not ready to give it to you yet.
He moves from your neck, trilingual kisses down your right shoulder, tongue lathing against your skin before peppering more kisses. Kisses in paths down your brests until it's time to give both of them individual attention. A tweak of a nipple to the right one, a scrape of the teeth to the left one. He loves the way you respond. The way you gasp and moan his name like a chant.
Eddie continues his path downwards with one last kiss against each of your tits. His path leaves you breathless.
You grow inpatient as he takes his time, pressing kisses down your stomach and to the place you need him the most. "Eddie," you whispered. Voice full of need.
"What's the word, sweetheart? You know what to say if you want it.." Eddie groaned.
You sigh and bite your bottom lip gently. You don't want to give in to him so easily. Your eyes meet his brown ones, and you breathe out the one word he wants to hear. "Please."
The word "please" sent him over the edge.
Every muscle in his body was tense and his breath was still shaken. The sound of that single word was enough to make him lose the last bit of composure he had.
He looked down at you, his eyes full of desire and want for all of you. Eddie dipped down to your soaking cunt, first gathering your slick on his fingers and sucking them clean. Then he started eating you out like a starved man. His tongue lapping up all your slick and swirling your sensitive bud. You had heard that Eddie was good at this, but not that he had sex skills of a God.
You moaned and writhed under him, eyes rolled back and mouth slightly agape. Gasping, whimpering, and moaning as he ate you out. His tongue dipped into your entrance and started lapping up everything he could get to before pulling out and pushing two fingers inside instead.
As his fingers pumped in and out of your cunt, he sucked and toyed with your clit until you were gasping that you were gonna cum. "That's it.. fucking soak my face, baby." Eddie groaned and went back to sucking your bud.
Doing exactly as he said, you came all over his face with a breathless moan. He pulled his fingers out and sucked off your nectar like it was a necessity.
Eddie ridded himself of his boxers. Saying he was big was an understatement. He was *huge*. The biggest you'd seen.
He inspected your pussy for just a few seconds before deciding to gently slide into you. Bottoming out with a groan.
"This what you wanted, princess?" He grabbed your jaw and squeezed slightly. "Already too fucked out to answer? That's okay, I got you."
You barely nodded as he dipped his head down and caught one of your nipples in your mouth, biting a little harshly on the bud. "Ngh, Eddie.." Arching your back, pushing your chest further into his face, he pulled off with a pop.
"What, too much?" He said in a mocking tone. "Jus' want you.." Your hands grabbed at his chest and shoulders. "But I'm right here, sweetheart?" He looked confused.
You shook your head and wrapped your legs around his waist, pushing him impossibly deeper into your cunt. "Fuck.. just need me, hm? I can do that.."
He began to roll his hips, your pussy sucking him in with each push. His face hovered over yours, studying your pinched brows and puffy, kiss bitten lips parting softly. He kissed your cheek and then the other. Any other teasing comments died on his tongue once his eyes roved over you, halting his movements momentarily so he could speak clearly. "Love you, sweets."
You smiled at that. “I love you too, Eds.” You giggled as he held your cheek and began peppering kisses across your face. “Valentine's day got you all mushy, huh baby?” Eddie grinned and kept his hips moving ever so slightly. "Mmmh.. guess so.." you muttered.
He started picking up his thrusts, hitting that perfect spot inside you every time, making both of you moan out. "You close, baby? You gonna cum f'me?" He asked with a few grunts.
“More…” you whined out.“Oh, now she wants more.” He chuckled, gaze turning a little more dark as he said it. “Mmhmmm… need more.” You choked out as he moved out of you just for a moment to get a better angle.
He quickly sat up, pushing both of your knees to your chest, his thick cock pushed back into your tight cunt. In one swift motion, giving you no time to think. “That's it… mmm… she's gripping now. C’mon baby. Soak my cock.”
With the new angle, he set a brutal pace, as broken moans rang out with the sounds of your soaked pussy being pounded into oblivion. He reached up, placing his thumb between your lips, as you quickly sucked it into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the digit. "That's it.. get it nice 'n wet for Daddy." He groaned.
“Be a good girl. Come for daddy and I'll fill this pussy full. Let everyone know you let the freak wreck your tight little cunt.” He growled into your ear.
You hummed as he brought his thumb down to your clit. Immediately pushing harsh circles to your swollen nub.
“Oh fuck, Eddie!” His words straight to your aching core.Your orgasm hits with a blinding force, those fireworks burst behind your eyes as your pussy strangles his cock.
He lets out a low growl as his balls tighten for his impending release. His cock twitches as it paints your walls with thick, white ropes.
He put your legs down and laid his full weight on top of you once more. The both of you were catching your breath as you laid there in awe of what had just happened.
"Happy late Valentine's.." you breathed, stroking his long, brown curls.
"Happy late Valentine's Day..." He smiled at you, looking at you from his head laying on your chest, feeling the heat in his face fade just a little bit and his breathing finally slowing down.
He felt his muscles relax as he lay his ear on your chest, his hand moving down to touch your thigh. He finally felt happy that he could be like this with you now.
"I love you." He said softly, his hand moving closer to your hips, but you never really felt it as you were still laying there after the intense session you just had.
"Love you too.." you said, kissing his cheek. He smiled, his eyes closed now as he felt his body relax.
He thought to himself for a moment, now the feeling of happiness and love kicking in with the dopamine running in his brain.
He sighed happily and nuzzled a bit into your chest, the feeling of just laying here with you was more than enough to make him feel content and loved.
Tag list: @reidsbtch @rogueddie
Thanks for helping me.
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titan-senpai · 6 months
hiii! i read your valentino smut, and i hate him with every bone in my body, but i absolutely loved it. i was maybe hoping you could do some husk smut? i love him sm and i feel like he doesnt get enough love 😭 thankss so much and stay safe <3
𝐀𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐜𝐤. 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐤 𝐱 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
[ Inspired by the song : Greedy, OR3O ft. Swiblet ]
Let's say before he made a deal with Alastor he owned the most famous casino in Hell . And Y/N being a gambler in their past lives decides to visit the place. placing risky bets adrenalin flying. catches a certain cat's eyes, what they didn't know they slept with the most famous casino owner...
Warning; Cursing, Intoxitaded, influenced by alcohol, alcohol use, NSFW, Smut, gambling [GN Reader!]
More of my Hazbin/Helluva content? Check it out here!
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Walking in the so-called 'Most famous casino of Hell' as I showed the guard outside my reservation on my phone as he nodded letting me in. taking a look around the casino it looked like any normal casino? "Would you like a drink dear.." a waiter said i nodded as he gave me a drink on flame. "is it your first time here?" he asked looking how i was looking around. "yeah i guess, i haven't gotten time to come here.." I sighed. "We'll be in luck because the casino has no end here! Live your life to the fullest here my dear.." he smiled before waving goodbye as i smiled walking to a poker table.
Taking a seat as the person behind the game handed everyone cards. "Let's begin.." Succubi said, as I picked up my cards looking at them. Seeing it was a low hand. One said "Bet" as the person set 10 poker chips. "Call,"the other woman said. I thought for a second, "Actually.. Raise you to 30.." I said with a smirk as I placed my chips. "I'll raise it to 300.."The woman said in full confidence.. "Fold.."the man said next to me. "I play by my own rules..Call you to.."I smirked.. "A soul." I smirked as she gave me a fear look in the eye "Not any soul.. My own one." I looked her dead in the eyes. "Fo-o-l-d.."She said, trembling. I laughed as I felt the adrenaline kick in as I placed my cards on the table. as the succubi gave me their chips. I smiled as I asked the waiter to get me a drink.
Hearing footsteps behind me as a certain person walked to me wearing a suit taking a seat next to me, "That was quite an impressive young one.."He smiled as he ordered the waiter. "You want something to drink dear? My treat?" I smiled, "I'm good, I'm waiting for my drink." He fixed his tie "Those are cheap drinks.. I've got the good stuff. '' I didn't care at this point. I wanted to have some fun anyway so I nodded as he placed an order.
An hour passed by as I was a bit tipsy and so was he. "Woa.. careful doll.. Wouldn't want your pretty/handsome/Gorgeous face to get hurt.." without thinking i kissed him as he held my face. I didn't know how long that kiss was but he pulled away. "Let's take this upstairs?" he signald people as they led us through the crowd to an elevator. I stood there as he scanned a gold card and clicked the gold button going all the way to floor 666.
He held me as the doors opened revealing a gorgeous penthouse with a painting of him. "Woaaahh" I smiled looking around as he helped me to his bedroom as i took a seat on the bed. his lips connecting with mine both desperate for each others touch, "R u sure you want this darlin?" He smiled taking off his blazer and undershirt. "Yes.."I moaned as he attached his lips on my neck as he took my clothes off. Soon he took his boxers off revealing his Grey cock with white freckles leaking with pre-cum my insides desprate for him just by looking at it. pushing his cock inside as I let out a pornographic moan. "Holy Shit-.." Husk said as he grunted in my shoulders. slowly pushing his entire cock inside as my face showed pure bliss. finally it was at his base. "Oh my... you're taking my like a champ.." he smiled as he pulled out not fully just keeping his tip inside as i finally could breath before i could react i felt him push it in with power letting out a moan pushing my head on the pillow. The air out my lungs knocked right out as he sped up my eyes rolling even further now as I had my first orgasm, my hands reaching for him as he bent down still pounding it in me as my arms started to cling onto his back, my nails scratching him. "Right there!"I cried as he grunted going faster soon his movements became sloppy and started slowing down. "Where do you want me.." he said looking at me with a tired look. "inside.. inside please.." I whimpered. as he sped up reaching his own orgasm as he painted my insides white. his head going back from the pure bliss as i reached my own after he came my eyes shutting as my body shook.
pulling out as white liquid dripped out of me. Standing up as he got me a cup of water. sitting up taking the cup drinking water as he sat next to me. "Thank you for this.." He smiled laying back down. gulping down the water. "No thank you.. I've never got your name sir?"
"It's Husk, it's a pleasure meeting you."
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Far, Far Away
Pairing: Librarian!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You take a chance and give Bucky a call. Word Count: Almost 1.7k Warnings: Fluff, flirting, slightly embarrassing moment ( 😂 ), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?) A/N: Follow up to Once Upon a Time. For you @11thstreetvigilante . ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Edit by Nix, divider by the talented @firefly-graphics, and banner by yours truly. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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It would be a week before you saw Bucky again.
You told your friends about the handsome hero who stepped in to defend you on the subway. The man with the steel blue eyes. Your friends responded with a resounding “aww” when you showed them the line of the poem on the back of his card, with the exception of your friend Tina. Raising an eyebrow as she sipped her wine, she asked what the catch was.
"There is no catch," you stated.
"There's always a catch," Tina argued.
Ever the pessimist. Or is she a realist?
"He said I could help volunteer at the library when I asked if I could repay him."
"See? There's the catch. Free labor," she said, triumphantly finishing her glass.
"That's what volunteer work is," you joked, running your thumb along his name before Nicole snatched the card from your hand. "Hey!"
"Hold on. Let's look him up," she said, glancing at the card before she typed on her phone. You took it back and carefully tucked it away when her eyes widened seconds later. "Holy. Shit. Is this him?"
The image of Bucky standing by a bookshelf with a book filled the screen as she held her phone up. Your mouth went dry from the quick glance, so you nodded in reply. That was your hero.
"You met this guy on the subway?" she asked, passing her phone around for everyone to see. You were pretty sure Kim whimpered. "How do I not meet guys like this on the subway?!"
Even Tina looked impressed.
For a moment.
"I still think there's a catch," she said.
"There’s no catch. He could've easily told me to contact the library. He didn't have to give me his card or recite the poem. So this means he wants to see me again. Right?"
You hated how your voice wobbled on the last word. Bucky was a stranger and he may have already forgotten about your encounter. You hoped that wasn't the case.
Why did it matter so much to you?
"I think he wants to see you again, but also wants to leave the ball in your court after you had to deal with a creep," Kim said, giving you an encouraging smile. She knew you were a bit lonely, even if you wouldn't admit it. "You should call him and set up a time to volunteer."
“I could email him,” you pointed out.
“Not as personal,” Nicole dismissed with her hand. “Plus you get to hear his voice this way.”
Tina's gaze softened when you toyed with the glass in front of you. You knew that she, like your other friends, wanted you to be happy. "Give it a day then call him. If anything, maybe he'll dick you down the way you need."
“Yes, for the love of everything holy, you haven’t been laid in months. Do it for us,” Nicole added, making you laugh.
You took their advice and waited a day.
Thankfully no one was around to see you pace across the floor when you called. What was it about talking on the phone that made your palms tingle? You had no reason to be nervous. It was just a phone call to one the most gorgeous, chivilarous men you had the pleasure of encountering.
"Abraham Library. This is Bucky."
The infliction in his tone was all business, but he managed to make professionalism sound sexy.
You were so distracted by his voice you forgot you had to talk.
"Hi, Bucky. Sorry," you smiled, praying you weren't speaking too loud when you gave him your name again. "We met on the subway?"
Please, remember me.
"Hi," his voice warmed considerably, making your palms tingle again for a different reason. "How are you?"
"I'm good," you answered. People asked you that every day, but it felt like he wanted to know. "How are you?"
"Not too bad. Better now. I- Well, I was hoping you'd call."
"You were?" you bit your lip to keep from grinning.
"Yeah. Been listening for the phone all day," he admitted with a small chuckle.
He did want me to call. He was waiting for me. Ha! Take that, Tina.
He cleared his throat, making you wonder if the admission embarrassed him or if he remembered he was working. "What can I do for you?"
I can give you a list of the things you can do to me.
"I was wondering if you still needed volunteers? I'd love to help out."
"Yeah. Of course. We could always use more volunteers. Let me check the calendar."
The silence should've been uncomfortable as you waited, but you didn't mind it.
What you didn't expect to hear next was a groan. A deep groan. One for the sexiest sounds you ever heard. How you didn't whimper in response when you took a seat was impressive.
"Is everything okay?" you asked when you found your voice.
"Yeah. I just forgot to mention that volunteers have to fill out an application," he explained, his voice quieter than it was before. Almost sheepish. "The approval process is quick, but I'm usually better about stating that upfront. I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologize. I filled out the application before I called," you said.
"You did?"
"Yep," you smiled and swung your head toward your monitor. You still had the "application submitted" page up. "So no apologies."
Bucky sighed, the sound just as seductive as his groan as you heard typing in the background.
God, phone sex with him would probably make me collapse.
"Got it. It's right here. That's great." You heard more typing and you had to stop yourself from imagining what else those fingers of his could do. "We have a children's reading this Saturday. The session is from 10-10:30, but I could use some help setting up a few minutes before and maybe a bit after in case any of the kids want to stay longer."
"Saturday is great," you smiled, looking forward to seeing him again so soon. "I can be there at 9:45, if that works."
"That works for me. I'll get the application approved and you should be all set. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"No, I think that's it," you said, pushing your chair back so you could spin around.
It was a silly, happy victory twirl.
You stopped spinning immediately at that single word.
It was the same disappointed tone he had when you got to the restaurant and had to part ways.
But why would he be disappointed? I'm volunteering with him. Wait. He said he was listening for the phone all day. Does he really want to just talk to me?
He cleared his throat again. "If you need anything before Saturday, let me know."
"Wait! One more thing?" you blurted out before he could hang up.
"Yeah?" he asked hopefully.
You inhaled and exhaled once. Twice. You could do this.
"When you're done working Saturday, would you like to get lunch or dinner with me?" you asked as your stomach did an impressive round of somersaults.
You almost ended the call, not wanting to hear if he rejected you.
"I'd love to," he replied.
Your brain temporarily stopped functioning before his answer registered.
He said "yes"!
"Great! Um. Pizza?" you suggested.
Yes, use small words. That's good.
"I know a place right around the corner from the library. Best pizza in the city. You'll love it."
"I can't wait. See you Saturday?"
"It's a date," he smiled.
You set your phone down and waited a second before you spun around in your chair again. The excited shriek you let out was enough to fill your apartment. "He said 'yes'! It's a date! He's-"
A muffled chuckle from your desk made you stop short. Your stomach dropped when you saw the glow from your phone screen. The call was still going.
No. No! Fuck!
You straightened your back and picked up the device with as much dignity as you could. With all the blood rushing to your face, you were surprised you didn't pass out. Should you play it off as a joke? Ignore it?
"Um, are you still there?"
Maybe by some miracle he hung up.
"I am." He sounded like he was trying to hide his laughter. He did work in a quiet place after all.
"What exactly did you hear?" you asked because you were apparently a masochist who wanted to feel the pain again.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he said casually. Too casually. "So, are you excited about Saturday?"
"You heard me, didn't you?" you accused as his quiet laughter crept back up.
God, the guy who recited poetry to me heard me shriek like a banshee. Is there a level worse than mortifying? Did Tina jinx me somehow?
"Why didn't you hang up?"
"Because neither of us said goodbye," he said, his voice quiet and casual again. "I didn't want to be rude."
Of course.
"To answer your question, yes, I'm looking forward to Saturday," you said evenly in the hopes you didn't sound embarrassed.
"So am I. Only reason I didn't yell is because I'm at work."
"You're just saying that," you smiled. It was nice that he tried to help you save face.
"I'm not. Honest. And, let's be serious, if those are the sounds you make just from the thought of a date with me…"
You managed not to embarrass yourself again when his voice deepened, but your cheeks got hot and you also wondered what other sounds he'd pull out of you. "Why don't you get back to work and maybe we can discuss that more on Saturday? After library hours."
"Or during."
"But I am hanging up now if you feel like screaming again."
He's smirking. I know he is.
"I'm hanging up, too. Bye," you giggled, pressing end this time so you could cover your face and groan.
The mortifying moment aside, which he seemed to find endearing, you somehow got yourself a date. The next part of your fairytale. You just wished Saturday wasn't so far, far away.
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We have a date! Let's see how they're doing in A Real Prince Charming. Love and thanks! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ KoFi
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 28 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You finally have a wedding dress and a hopeful plan for the future. But when Molly caves and tells you what's been bothering her, you desperately wish she would take your advice.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing, pregnancy, mentions of abortion
Length: 4600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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Work was insanely busy, and the month of August really started to get away from you. It was getting precariously close to September, and you really needed to buy a wedding dress. There wouldn't even be time to get anything altered at this point, and you winced as you thought about what that might mean.
Your weekends and evenings had been consumed with activities. Bradley's baseball games, visits to the park, rainy days scouring the flea market for baseball cards. Honestly, you couldn't remember ever being happier, and you made sure you told Bradley that all the time. 
"We don't need to have an actual wedding," you whispered when you couldn't stop yawning, curled up in bed with Bradley. "We can just visit the justice of the peace."
He pushed you onto your back and smothered your entire face in kisses. "No way, Kitten. I'm not doing what Danny did. Besides, I want to have a wedding."
You wrapped your arms and legs around him as he kissed your paw print charm. "I guess I better buy a dress then."
"I don't care if you get married in this," he rasped, tugging on the old shirt you were wearing. "But we're having the wedding."
You rolled your eyes hard. "Since I'm absolutely not wearing this, I guess I'll keep my plans to go dress shopping with Molly in the morning."
"You do that, Kitten. And I'll take Ev and Bob out for breakfast at that place you hate that everyone else likes."
"The place with the sticky floor?" you asked, grimacing.
"I'm pretty sure it's just sticky from maple syrup."
"Keep telling yourself that, Coach. That place is gross."
He snorted and rolled back onto his side with you. "Let's get some sleep. I'm fucking beat. I love you."
You were asleep within minutes. And then as things usually went on the weekends, Everett was in your room, waking both of you up, complaining he was hungry first thing in the morning.
Bradley groaned and pulled him up into bed. "If you go back to sleep for another hour, I'll take you out for chocolate chip waffles, okay?"
"Yay! I love that place!" Everett cheered before quieting down and snuggling into the pillows next to Bradley. You kissed his forehead and then Bradley's and then slipped out of bed to take a shower. They could do their own thing for breakfast, but you and Molly would be having a mimosa lunch after you bought some dresses. And nobody was going to tell you no.
You ended up leaving for the dress boutique the same time Bradley and Ev left for breakfast, but when you got to the shop, Molly wasn't there yet. "Typical," you muttered, texting her to let her know you'd meet her inside. 
After fifteen minutes, you felt completely overwhelmed. There were so many options, and you just wanted something simple. All of the fabric was starting to feel the same under your fingertips, and nothing looked quite right. Honestly, Molly was so much better at this stuff than you were. Maybe she forgot about the plan? You started to panic without her here. Perhaps you could see if Nat was free. 
Just as you turned, ready to dash back out to your car, Molly walked in. "There you are," you sighed in relief, but then you gasped. "What's wrong? You look terrible."
"Nothing," she muttered. But her skin looked dull, and she was wearing an outfit you would have never imagined she'd leave the house in. Was she wearing one of Bob's undershirts? She was barely meeting your eyes now. "Did you pick one out yet?" Even her voice sounded lifeless. She was usually so expressive.
"No," you said carefully. "I was waiting for you. I can't do this kind of thing without your help."
"Okay," she replied as she started to grab a few dresses off the racks and handed them to you. 
You took them all in your arms and said, "Molly, just tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong," she snapped. "Try those on. I'll be in one of the chairs."
Unsure about what to do, you just did as you were told. But something was wrong, and you thought about texting Bradley or Bob from inside the dressing room. But you didn't want to upset her further. So you pulled on the first dress she had given you, and you were shocked. It was beautiful, it fit you well, and it wasn't too fancy for the wedding location.  
"Molly, you're a genius," you said as you opened the door. 
She just nodded at you from her seat with a small smile. "You look very pretty. Try on another one."
"Okay," you told her, watching as she rubbed her hands over her face. She looked like she was about to cry. You quickly changed into a second dress which was also pretty great, and you walked out a second time to find that she actually was crying now. 
"Molly, please," you begged, bending down to try to wipe her tears away, but she just shook her head and quickly stood up, avoiding your reach. "Talk to me." You followed her across the store, down a row of dresses, and you could hear her sobbing as she rushed away from you.
Once she reached the back corner, she had nowhere else to go. When she turned to face you, she looked like she was in agony. Tears were dripping down her face and she shook her head. "I fucked up," she sobbed miserably. "I fucked up so bad."
"Molly," you gasped, reaching for her. This time she tripped forward into your arms, and you held her against the fabric of the wedding dress you were wearing. "It's okay to talk to me about it." You rubbed her back as thought after horrible thought popped up in your mind. Was it something to do with Bob? With work? You'd never, ever seen her this upset before. 
But now she couldn't even talk. She was just crying and shaking in your arms. You kissed the top of her head and held her, glaring at anyone who tried to come back this far in the aisle until they turned back. And eventually, she pulled away from you a few inches, and she let you wipe some of her tears away.
You didn't push her to say anything. You knew better than that. You just held her face in your hands and waited.
She took a deep, ragged breath and let it out slowly. Her voice was a soft, trembling whisper as she said, "I'm pregnant."
Your lips parted wordlessly before you closed them again. She was obviously very upset about this fact, so you weren't sure what to say. But you eventually settled on, "What did Bob say when you told him? He's upset?" You couldn't actually imagine Bob being upset with Molly about anything, but you supposed it was possible.
She shook her head in a jerky motion. She sounded so small as she said, "I haven't told him."
"Molly," you sighed, pulling her in for another tight hug. "How long have you known?"
"About a week," she gasped, pressing her tear streaked face to your neck. She'd kept this inside for a week. You were honestly shocked. "I suspected it for a little while at least. I didn't think it was actually possible at first." She was hiccupping between words. "I just thought my cycle was off. But then I took a test the other day. And then I took a lot more tests."
There were so many questions you wanted to ask. How far along was she? When was she going to tell Bob? "Molly, were you using birth control?"
"Of course!" she keened. "I'm not stupid! I work in healthcare!"
"I know, I know," you soothed, rubbing her back. "I was just checking." After you got pregnant with Everett, you'd made her promise to be safe.
"But I switched from one pill to a different one," she whispered. "I did everything I was supposed to fucking do! How could I have let this happen?"
"Shh," you whispered. She was sobbing again. "Does Bob not want to have kids with you?"
She pulled away from you and threw her hands up in the air. "How the hell am I supposed to even know that?!" she asked, loud and sarcastic. "I've only known him for like four months! We have never, not even once, never talked about having kids together! I know he likes them. He loves Ev and Piper, but that's different."
You nodded, reaching for her hands and stroking her knuckles with your thumbs. "Molly, you have to tell him."
"No," she said vehemently. "No way. I'm so mad at myself. I don't want him to look at me differently now. I told him I was on birth control. I promised him there was nothing to worry about." Silent tears were streaming down her cheeks, almost like they were never going to stop. "I can't tell him. But he knows something's wrong. He thinks I'm going to leave him, and honestly, maybe I should."
"Don't say that," you whispered. "Don't say that about Bob."
"Exactly!" she said, pointing at you in anger. "That's exactly it! You don't even worry about me anymore, because I'm with Bob! I finally got my shit together. I'm finally dating a good guy. A stable one who actually loves me! He loves me! Or he did. I can't believe I fucked this up. It was perfect!"
She sank to the floor at your feet and cried, burying her face in what you were now certain was Bob's undershirt. You tried to sit down next to her, but you had to fold the dress a little awkwardly. And then a sales clerk came over. 
"Excuse me, but you can't just crawl around the floor in one of our dresses. And you shouldn't be crying near them either."
You took a deep breath to reply, but Molly was already saying, "Fuck off, lady. Your goddamn dress will be just fine, okay?" 
As the woman bustled away, looking completely scandalized, you turned back to your sister. Her gaze looked steely now as she licked her lips. Her voice was calmer as she said, "I'm not going to tell him. I'm going to pretend to go away for a couple days, get an abortion, and then never mention any of this again."
"Molly." You were shaking your head. "You can't. That's not fair to Bob. You need to tell him about this."
"So I can end up like you?" she said, and her words struck you mute. "No, I know, and I'm sorry, but there's not always going to be a Bradley waiting at the end of the tunnel, okay? You got lucky. Everett is the perfect kid. And somehow you upgraded from Danny to something much better. But I'll never get this lucky again. I'll never, ever find something better than Bob. And I don't even know if I can be a mom. Because I've seen you do it, and it's actually fucking impossible, okay?" She was crying and laying on the floor, inhaling the scent of the undershirt. "It's either leave Bob or get an abortion and never tell him. And I know I can't bring myself to leave him."
Bradley was sopping up a plate full of syrup with a pancake when Bob finally caved. "Molly's seems unhappy."
"What makes you say that?" Bradley asked cautiously, glancing at Everett playing a game on his phone. He thought back to that night at the Hard Deck a few weeks ago when everyone had been in a great mood. Molly and Bob had sex in the bathroom. He'd heard Molly tell Bob she loved him. 
"She's been acting strange for the past few weeks. I can't get her to talk to me." Bob's face looked helpless as he said, "I just want to make her happy, but I don't think I actually know how. She's gotta be planning to move out."
"No," Bradley said. Truly, this didn't make sense to him. "It has to be something else? Work?"
Bob just shrugged. "I wish I knew." He looked like he was in pain as he reached for his wallet, but Bradley handed his credit card to the waiter.
"It's my turn," he insisted. "I think you should head home and talk to Molly now. I bet they're done shopping and getting margaritas or whatever they're doing."
"Mimosas," Bob whispered. "Molly likes mimosas."
"Right," Bradley agreed. "Let's just skip the batting cages, and you can get home and talk to her since I'm sure they must be done with mimosas."
Bob just nodded and barely managed to say goodbye as he walked back to his truck.
"What's wrong with Uncle Bob?" Everett asked on the way home. Bradley winced.
"Not sure, kiddo. But I bet he'll sort it out soon."
Bradley was actually a little surprised that you were home when he and Everett got there. "Did you pick a dress?" he asked, wrapping you up in a hug. 
"Yeah," you mumbled, frowning up at him, and Bradley wondered if this had to do with Molly.
He kissed your forehead and said, "Hey, Ev. Remember our plans for the Phillies room upstairs?"
"Why don't you get the measuring tape out of the closet and start measuring the room. I'll be up in a minute."
Bradley watched him dash up the stairs with a smile on his face, and then he turned back to you. "What's wrong with Molly?"
You pressed your lips together and whispered, "She's pregnant."
"Oh," he grunted. "Bob seems to be under the impression that she's going to leave him."
"I mean..." you said with a shrug. 
"She wouldn't leave him. He's perfect for her. Oh fuck... she didn't tell him yet!"
You shook your head and looked like you were going to cry. "She's so upset, Bradley. It was unplanned. She thinks she destroyed her relationship, and she doesn't intend to tell him at all."
"She has to," he said, shaking his head. "They'll be fine. Bob loves kids." He paused before asking, "Were they using birth control? Yours seems pretty sturdy, maybe she should have been on that one."
"Bradley," you said, rolling your eyes as he rubbed your tummy. "I told her to tell Bob, but I don't know that she will."
"Fuck," he whispered. "What do we do?"
"Just wait," you responded softly. "She said she'd never get as lucky as me. She said she'd never find someone else as good as Bob later. She said she doesn't think she can be a mom. And I think I fucked that up for her, because she saw me do it all by myself for so long." Now you were crying, and Everett was shouting for him. "Just go up with Ev. I'll be on the deck."
You pushed him away and went to sit outside while you cried, and Bradley didn't know what else to do, so he just went upstairs. 
You ended up buying the wedding dress that you were wearing when you sat on the floor of the bridal shop. The sales team was so obnoxious, and you were honestly afraid Molly was going to scream at them, so you just bought it and left. Good thing you liked it, because it was yours now. You were looking in the mirror in your bedroom, trying to zip it up when Molly called.
"You okay?" you asked when you answered the phone. 
"Yeah," she replied. It had been a few days since the dress shopping fiasco, and you'd been checking on her constantly. She hadn't told you much. You weren't even sure if she'd had a conversation with Bob. Frankly, you weren't sure about the status of her pregnancy.
"You wanna come over?" you asked her. "I have ice cream hidden in the freezer."
She laughed. "You always have ice cream hidden in the freezer. But I can't. Bob and I are going out for dinner, and I have to work at six tomorrow morning."
A dinner date with her boyfriend? That sounded promising. You kept your voice upbeat. "Where are you going for dinner?"
"I wanted sushi, of course, but we're going out for Italian instead."
"And Bob's okay?" you asked. You kind of missed the days of tee ball practices and games when you'd see him more often. Of course you could just call him, but you wanted to hear it from Molly.
Her response was soft, and she still didn't quite sound like her usual self, but it was a far cry better than seeing her on the floor in the bridal shop. "Yeah. I actually just wanted to ask you if it's okay if I wear a plain navy blue dress for your wedding. I can text you a picture of it."
Your heart started beating faster. Your wedding was close, and your sister seemed at least marginally interested in it. "Molly, you can wear anything you want. You don't need to send me a picture."
But the message already came through. It was a cute, form fitting dress with little cap sleeves. "It's perfect! Get it! You'll look adorable."
"It's just that it's stretchy, and I'm already feeling bloated, so I want to get something that I know will be okay."
Your eyes went wide as you looked in the mirror. "That's great, Molly. You'll look perfect no matter what. And Bob can wear anything."
She chuckled. "I think he's planning on matching Bradley and Ev, but I'm not supposed to tell you that."
You felt a little better as you ended the call. 
"Kitten?" Bradley shouted as he walked up the stairs. 
"Shit," you muttered, trying to unzip your dress. "Don't come in here!" you yelled.
"What's wrong?" he asked as you practically slammed the bedroom door in his face. 
"I'm wearing my wedding dress!" You tried to jiggle the zipper, but it wasn't budging. You took a deep breath and held it, holding it in, but that didn't help either. "The zipper is stuck!"
"Open the door. I'll keep my eyes closed."
You let him in, and he stumbled toward you until you took his hand and placed it on the zipper at the side of your dress. He eased it down slowly and without issue, never even cracking an eye open. "This is not how I imagined you taking this dress off of me," you whispered before kissing his cheek.
He smiled softly, but he said, "Once I'm able to look at you, we need to talk."
"About what?" you asked slowly, realizing he looked a little frustrated in spite of his closed eyes. "The Phillies room? I said you two can do whatever you want in there."
You could actually hear Everett sorting through Bradley's tubs of baseball cards right now. "No, not about the Phillies room. Meet me downstairs."
Then he was gone, and your dress was hanging awkwardly off your body. You changed and headed downstairs to find Bradley sitting on the couch with his legs splayed wide and his hands on his thighs. 
"What's up?" you asked him, slowly making your way through the living room. His face was nearly expressionless, but you could still tell he was upset. 
Bradley cocked his head to the side. "Is Danny giving you a hard time?"
You just shrugged. "What makes you ask that?"
"I saw that huge packet of information from your lawyer on the kitchen counter. You need to talk to me about this." His voice was harsh, like you'd never heard it before. "Be honest with me, Kitten. If we're getting married, if Ev is going to be my stepson," he said, gesturing upstairs with his hand, "then you need to let me know what's going on here!"
"I'm sorry," you whispered. "He's not... giving me a hard time. Well, I guess he kind of is." You sighed and sank down onto the couch. "He's been served with papers. He has a few months to comply, so I just know he's going to take as much time as he can before paying me a cent of child support. And the worst part is, I'll have to wait until Ev is a legal adult before I can have his birth certificate amended." 
Bradley looked pensive, scratching the corner of his mustache with narrowed eyes. "I'm sorry, Kitten. I wish there was something more I can do. You already asked your lawyer if there's anything I can do after we get married?"
You didn't want to keep the truth from him any longer, but you just simply said, "I'll let you know, Coach. We'll figure it out." Really, you weren't sure if you would better benefit from having Danny out of your lives completely or getting child support from him. 
When Bradley tugged on your arm and stretched out on the couch, you started to smile. "Come here," he whispered, gently pulling you on top of him. "You know you don't deserve all the runaround, right?" He kissed you and wrapped his hands around around your waist, letting his palms rest on your lower back. "And Ev doesn't deserve anything Danny does."
"I know," you replied, pushing your hands up through his hair. "But we're making out pretty well these days. Got ourselves an upgrade." Your lips met his neck in a soft kiss that had him tightening his grip on you. 
He glanced toward the stairs. "Kitten," he whispered, his tone a warning that made you feel warm all over. When he met your eyes he was shaking his head. "I wanna take you to bed, but I need to get to practice."
"Mmm," you hummed, letting your eyes drift closed as he kissed you. "Later then. When you're all sweaty and hot."
"You're killing me," he grunted, standing with you in his arms, pressed against his body. He kissed your forehead and said, "I'll go see what Ev is up to before I head to practice. Bob told me he's skipping it tonight. Not sure what that's all about."
"He's taking Molly out to dinner."
"That's.... good?" he said, but it sounded more like a question.
"I hope so," you whispered. It felt strange to know that your sister wasn't going to be coming to you immediately with all of her problems now. Because it sounded like a decision had been made. You just hoped that Bob could handle her and all of her glorious personality. 
"I'll check on Ev and then get going. I told him he can organize my baseball cards however he wants. But between you and me, I hid most of the really valuable ones under our bed."
"Good call," you told him with a laugh. 
Once he had gone to practice, you went upstairs to work on the boys' Phillies room with your son. While you had nixed painting the entire room red for fear of it looking like a bloody crime scene, you did let them hang up some baseball decals. Everett had apparently hung up some more Phillies posters without help, because they were very crooked, but the room was actually coming together. 
"Mom! Look!" he said, holding up a red and white pennant that said BRADLEY and looked like it was from the '80s. "Can you help me hang this up? I don't think Dad even knew it was in here with his baseball cards!"
Your breath caught like it always did when he called Bradley his dad, and it took you a minute to pull yourself together. "Yeah," you replied with a nod. "I'll help you. Let's put it up next to the door."
"And maybe I can make one with both our names out of poster board. I'm getting pretty good at making signs and stuff."
"You really are, Ev," you told him as he taped the pennant into place. 
"Do you think we can all dress as baseball players for Halloween this year? Are you getting married before or after Halloween? I keep forgetting. Do you think Aunt Molly would dress as the Phanatic? I think she'd probably be better at it than you. No offense. But we could go trick or treating with them, because then there would be more people to help hold all the candy I get. Dad will dress as a baseball player and hold my candy if I ask him to. I'm pretty sure."
"Oh, Ev," you said, hugging him as tears filled your eyes. "We can do whatever you want, okay?"
He let you hug him for a few seconds before he wiggled his way free and asked, "Why are you crying? You haven't been crying as much."
It was because you didn't want to have to think about Danny. You didn't want him to try to pull some stunt in a few years or withhold child support and make you chase him down. He was the type who would make you waste a bunch of time and money just because he could. He would make your life miserable now because he always blamed you for ruining his life with Everett. 
"I'm sorry," you gasped. "I'm sorry I'm crying." You pulled him in closer again. You knew. You were sure. You would better benefit from having Danny out of your lives completely. And Bradley was the easiest way to get this weight off your chest, because whenever you thought about Danny, it made your body ache. You wanted to be able to stop thinking about him. About the way he had hurt Everett. About the way the law had been designed in such a way that guaranteed he'd be able to continue to hurt Everett in the future.
"Did I make you sad?" Everett asked softly. "We can be magicians or pirates for Halloween instead if you want."
"Oh my god, Ev," you gasped. "No, you didn't make me sad. I love you." You knelt down on the floor in front of him and kissed his cheeks. "I was just thinking about your biological dad, Danny."
Everett's expression turned to one of fear as he said, "I don't want to see him."
"You won't," you promised, pushing his hair back and kissing his forehead. All the child support in the world wouldn't matter. You didn't need it. Your son was absolutely terrified of Danny, and some money wasn't going to make up for that.
Everett seemed to accept your answer as he nodded, but he still looked concerned. "We don't even need him now."
"We never did," you agreed with a small smile. You had overheard Bradley tell Bob back in June that he would like to adopt Everett. Maybe you should just go ahead and ask him to. Maybe you should just tell him the truth: he could help remove Danny from your lives one hundred percent. "Ev, do you know what it would mean if Bradley adopted you?"
He nodded, his brow creased in slight confusion. "I think so."
"Let's talk about it, so we know it makes sense. And you can tell me if it sounds like something you might want. And then we can talk to Bradley about it. But it'll be our little secret for now."
I hope Molly and Bob have come to a decision they are both comfortable with. More of that will be posted in The Curveball. Next up for Coach and Kitten....the wedding! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32
Don't forget to check out Bob and Molly in The Curveball!
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jackhues · 10 months
3 + 1 - sidney crosby
notes: i hope you guys like this, first fic for 'it's the most wonderful time of the year', had lots of fun making this!!
likes are good, reblogs are better <3
part of naqia's end of the year celly!
gif not mine
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i. (1994)
you'd known sidney your entire life. one of the first memories you had with him was fighting him for the last hockey stick in the store.
well, it wasn't the last hockey stick. but it was the last one of all the types you used to play. it just so happened to be the only one sidney used.
after a game of rock, paper, scissors (you won), sidney got mad and demanded a best of three. maybe it was the defiant look in his eyes at only seven years old, but you decided he could have the stick.
"are you sure?" he asked, now looking hesitant about taking the stick.
you nodded, "i'm sure. they'll get one of the sticks i use in a few days. you can have this one. i'll just steal my brother's stick until then."
sidney grinned, "thanks, y/n."
you smiled back at him, feeling the start of a friendship. you'd lived near him your entire life, but you'd only begun talking to him because of hockey.
"just don't forget to send me a card when you go to one of your tourneys," you told him.
you and sidney laughed over that, before heading back home with your parents. it was after this day that you began to say hi to each other in the halls of school, that you decided to pair up for projects, that you became friends.
over the two months it took until christmas morning, you forgot about what you'd told him. but sidney didn't forget his promise.
and it was on december twenty fifth, that you received a post card in the mail from some place in quebec. a seven year old sidney had tried his best to make the letters look pretty, writing on the side, 'merry christmas, and thanks for the hockey stick, y/n. it helped me win!'
you peered in the envelope, finding a picture of sidney hoisting his giant hockey trophy. you smiled at that.
even though he was so far away, it felt like you were celebrating christmas together.
ii. (2004)
'sidney patrick crosby, you have got to be kidding me! you have a huge hotel, you're in finland, and you've got some of the best people with you. and yet, you're saying you wished you were here playing pond with the rest of us? you're crazy. anyways, make sure you score a goal or something, and have lots of fun! honestly, not scoring is fine if you have fun. good luck at the world juniors! i'll be cheering you on from back home :))'
you signed off the letter, sealing it and placing it to the side to deliver later.
at seventeen years old, sidney had become the only under-18 player at this year's world junior tournament for team canada. it was a thing to celebrate, but sidney was upset he would be missing the town's annual christmas pond hockey game.
you and him had played together on the same team for the last nine years, winning every time. this was the first time he wouldn't be here to help your team defend the title.
but that was okay, you thought as you packed up your christmas gear and made your way to the pond.
because sidney was going to play on your t.v. tomorrow, at the national level. it was his first time playing for canada, and you knew he was excited for that.
he just wasn't a fan of missing the small things.
it was why he'd began sending you letters and post cards as he moved around for tournaments and hockey games. they were cute souvenirs, and you didn't mind sending him a letter back.
you just wished he could've been here to celebrate christmas with the rest of you.
iii. (2009 - pretend ft was invented a year earlier)
"merry christmas, love."
you smiled, "merry christmas sid."
sidney adjusted his phone, fixing the facetime so you could see him better. you laughed as he struggled for a minute, finally getting a proper angle.
"don't move!" you said. "there, perfect. now your entire face is on my screen."
he laughed as he shook his head to himself.
the two of you had been friends for thirteen years before he worked up the courage to ask you out. and for the last two years of your relationship had been amazing. there were ups, like seeing him win the stanley cup, and there were downs, like seeing him take some uncalled for hits.
but you were happy. and so was sid.
the two of you had planned to celebrate christmas together in pittsburgh, until a family emergency had you coming back to nova scotia last minute.
everything turned out fine, but it was just too late to get a ticket back to pittsburgh.
even so, you and sid had found a way to work around that.
the two of you spent most of the day on the phone with each other, talking and laughing together. it wasn't what either of you had planned, but you made it enjoyable.
it was a great christmas.
iv. (2012)
"sidney, will you get down here already?"
"i'm coming, i'm coming," he called from upstairs.
you sighed, waiting for your husband to get up and get downstairs. christmas morning was the one morning you were happy to get out of bed, but it was also the one morning sid wanted to sleep in.
sam, sidney's dog, came down the stairs, curling around by the christmas tree as he waited for sid with you.
a few minutes passed before sidney made his way downstairs, eyes half closed but a sleepy smile plastered on his face to greet you.
"good morning, love," he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "merry christmas."
"merry christmas," you smiled, pressed a kiss to his jaw. "we eating breakfast first or presents first?"
"mmm, breakfast," sid decided.
"i knew you were going to say that," you laughed, pulling him along to the kitchen.
you'd already prepared breakfast before he came down. some eggs, sausage and bread. it was a good way to pass the time as you waited for sid to get downstairs.
the two of you took your seats, laughing as you ate breakfast and discussed how far you'd gone in life together.
"you almost tripped on the ice," he reminded you.
"no one told me i had to go out on the ice after you guys won," you argued. "i was so excited over you guys winning the stanley cup, i didn't even notice i was being ushered to the ice until i took my first step."
sid laughed as the two of you slowly made your way to the living room.
"here, open my present first," he said, rummaging under the tree to pull out a long, rectangular box.
the two of you had started the tradition of opening all of your sentimental gifts before the other cute ones. and even though you wanted to go first this year, you supposed it was alright if sid got this one.
you unwrapped the box, pulling out a familiar hockey stick. one that you'd given sidney eighteen years ago.
"oh my god," you muttered, tears building up in your eyes.
"i found it in my parent's garage last summer," he shrugged a little. "i remembered how badly you wanted it. and even though it's too small now, i thought you'd like the memory."
"i love it," you grinned, wiping the corners of your eyes. "it's absolutely perfect. i'm putting this up next to that picture of you holding up the trophy."
sid laughed at your response, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"you can do whatever you like with it."
you put the stick to the side, your hands slightly shaky as you grabbed another, much smaller, box. "here. now open my present."
sid took the box from your hands, unwrapping it and opening it. he stared at the contents of the box, unable to form a sentence as he looked between the box and you.
"you -- this -- seriously?" his eyes shined as he stared at you.
you nodded, feeling the tears build up yourself. "we're having a baby."
sid laughed, pulling you in for a hug. "oh my god, this is amazing. a baby, you and me."
the two of you held each other that day, celebrating christmas together.
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7-wonders · 11 months
It's Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus!
Summary: It's Halloweekend, and you've got a couple of parties to attend! Morpheus, who missed out on the development of Halloween into the holiday it is today, is very curious about what your plans are.
Word count: 1.8k
And now, a note from the author: Ahhh Claire actually managed to write something! I loved coming up with and writing this; I was giggling the entire time. As always, if you enjoyed, likes, comments, and reblogs (but especially the last two!) make my world go round. If you didn't like it, also let me know! I'm always down to hear constructive feedback/criticism—it's how we become better writers.
Though reader is wearing a skirt, the gender of reader is not specified! If you're non-binary or a guy and you wouldn't mind dressing up in a skirt for a group costume, I hope you enjoy this fic too!
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It’s not often that Dream of the Endless visits you in your realm, instead of vice versa. While he had met you in the Waking, he had never been entirely comfortable there. That feeling, that wrongness, only increased tenfold after his imprisonment at the hands of Roderick Burgess. No, Morpheus is not overly fond of the Waking.
Tonight, however, he’s here, and you have a pretty good inkling as to why. 
Though Morpheus would never admit it, hearing you talk helps to calm him down when he’s feeling stressed (another thing he would never admit to: stress). After a frustrating day of holding court—one of his least favorite things to do, but one that was integral to the functioning of his realm—you decided that telling him about your plans for the week would be a bland enough topic where he would not have to actually listen to your words, but simply your voice. Your plan seemed to be working; you could feel his body relaxing in your arms, and you had never been more relieved to hear the absentminded hums of someone who was only half-listening to a conversation.
At some point, you mentioned that you were excited about the Halloween parties that you would be attending. That got his attention, drawing him out of the reverie that your voice and your fingers carding through his hair had lulled him into. He shifted in your hold, his black pools of stars looking up at you curiously.
“All Hallows’ Eve is not for another week though, yes?” he asked.
“Yeah, but it’s during the week this year, which means everybody celebrates the weekend before.”
“Why not celebrate on the day itself? Traditionally, Samhain is a very important holiday.”
Now the miscommunication made sense in your mind. It was only natural that he still thought of the holiday as what it was before 1916. “Oh! Halloween has evolved a lot, especially in the past hundred years. It doesn’t really resemble the Samhain of old.”
He still looks a little confused but nods. “How interesting. So you will also be participating in these…festivities early?”
“Festivities” was a good way to put it, and you decided to just leave it at that. How the hell else were you supposed to explain to your eons-old, all-powerful boyfriend that the Halloween of today is about wearing a fun/sexy costume, doing spooky activities like haunted houses or watching scary movies, and partying?
“Yep!” you said. “I have plans with friends; we’re going to wear our costumes and go celebrate with others.”
“What will your costume be?”
“I’m not quite sure yet. I have a couple of different ones, so I’ll probably decide the day of.”
That interest in modern Halloween, specifically how you celebrate Halloween, is why you’re not really all that surprised when you hear him call your name from the other side of the bathroom door while you’re taking a shower.
“In here, my love!” You just barely have to raise your voice, knowing that he’ll still hear you above the sound of water raining down. The bathroom door opens, and you stick your head out of the shower curtain. You very happily accept the kiss that he offers you. “Hi.”
“Hello.” His voice, deep and as smooth as dark chocolate, rumbles through your ears in a way that you’ll never tire of. It’s impossible to resist giving him one more kiss (can you be blamed?), so you give in to the temptation.
“Give me five minutes and then I’ll be done, okay?”
Though it’s very reluctant, he does part from you. It takes you a little less than that to finish with your shower, and you open the door again so that you can at least be in the same space as Morpheus while you hurriedly put some makeup on (thankfully your costume doesn’t require anything drastic beyond what you normally wear). He’s sitting patiently on your bed, eyes already trained on you as you move through your getting-ready routine.
“What are you doing here?” you ask, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye. “You almost never visit me in the Waking.” 
You’re teasing him, since, as previously mentioned, you know exactly why he’s here. Naturally, Morpheus doesn’t catch on. “I wished to see you off before your Hallowe’en celebration.”
“That’s sweet of you!” To the bedroom you go, where your costume sits waiting atop your dresser. “I’m just about ready to go, I only need to finish putting my costume on.” 
Morpheus’s face grows flushed at the easy compliment you give him (you don’t think he’s ever been called ‘sweet’) and you laugh quietly before disappearing back through the bathroom with costume in tow.
A couple of months ago, two of your friends decided that being the Powerpuff Girls was the move for this Halloween and roped you into the idea. One of your friends, a natural blonde, claimed Bubbles before the idea could even fully be discussed. Your other friend was very excited to be a bearded Blossom and wear a giant bow on his head. This left Buttercup for you to dress up as, not that you were complaining.
Now, you’re sliding into a green crop top and a matching green skirt, this piece being made out of a shiny material. All three of your skirts are the same fabric (and definitely shorter than what’s considered decent), with the shirts being dealer’s choice. You finish your outfit off with black tights and a black headband—Bubbles is also wearing black tights, while Blossom will be sporting black knee-highs. All in all, it’s a pretty simple costume, but sometimes, that’s what the best costumes are.
You emerge from the bathroom once more and do a little twirl for Morpheus, whose eyes immediately light up. “This is very much a pop culture reference, so I’m not expecting you to understand the costume. Still, I think it turned out pretty good!”
Morpheus is not a man—the anthropomorphic personification of the collective unconscious, the Lord of Dreams and Ruler of the Nightmare Realm, simply chooses this as his favored form. Still, he is a man-shaped being, and like all man-shaped beings, he goes a little wild for the object of his affection in a short skirt.
“You will be wearing this in public?” he asks, standing up and approaching you.
Morpheus has lived for as long as beings have been able to dream. He quite literally lived through the Beginning when Adam and Eve didn’t know what clothes were, as well as a number of empires for whom clothing was merely a suggestion. The affront he’s showing at the clothes you’re wearing must be some sort of code for “this is my partner wearing something I consider sexy and I’m feeling possessive about other people seeing them.” That he looks at you as though you’re wearing the barest scraps of clothing and not dressing up as a cartoon superhero has you feeling mighty powerful.
You’d be lying if you said that didn’t turn you on a little bit.
“This is tame compared to what a lot of other people wear,” you inform him.
Morpheus does not look as though he’s listening. No, he’s focused on your body rather than your words. One hand rests on your waist to pull you closer to him, and the other hand comes to rest on your upper thigh where the skirt ends. He rubs the skirt between his thumb and index finger as though he’s testing the fabric. 
“Am I correct in assuming that costumes are no longer worn to disguise the wearer from errant spirits?”
“Yes, you’re correct.” Right now though, explaining the traditions of Halloween is not important to you. You need some validation, and stat. “But do you like it?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Thank you,” you say smugly, smacking his hand as he tries to slip it higher under your skirt. “Not tonight. I have to meet up with the gang soon!”
“Might I make a suggestion?” 
You nod. No matter how outlandish the suggestion, you’d listen to him make it, and you’d probably take it into strong consideration.
Morpheus places a delicate kiss on your jaw before he trails his lips to your ear. “Forget about your friends and stay with me for the evening,” he whispers seductively.
Oh, but that is tempting. You can already imagine the way in which Morpheus would remove your costume, the feeling of his hands on your body as he makes you forget about anything outside of you and him and the pleasure you bring each other. From the darkened look he gives you, he’s already picked up on these daydreams, and he’s in total agreement of that order of events. 
Unfortunately, your brain, that traitorous organ, reminds you of why you shouldn’t be absconding to the Dreaming with your lover.
You sigh in frustration at the logic and lean your forehead against his. “I would, but I’ve had these plans for a couple of weeks now, and I really am looking forward to them.”
Though it very obviously pains Morpheus to say it, he does agree. “Yes, I suppose it would be…rude to abandon them.”
“I should probably go,” you say begrudgingly, pulling away from him and focusing intently on gathering what you’ll need so that you don’t give in to your desire.
Morpheus watches as you whirl around the room, muttering the name of each item as you grab them. Your phone is annoyingly elusive, and you think you’ll just have to go without it until it’s dangled in front of you by your Dreamlord. Gratefully, you take it from him.
“Thank you,” you say sheepishly. That’s the last of your belongings, but you feel like you can stall just a bit longer. He’s heard about your plans, but you haven’t heard of his. “What will you do while I’m gone?”
“Wait for you to return to my embrace once more,” he teases.
“Please try to do something instead of moping the whole time.”
“I do not mope!”
You give him a look, one that says you see right through this charade. “Yes. You do. I’m sure there’s a new book you’ll want to read. Maybe ask Lucienne what she’s been working on, or start creating a new nightmare?”
“Are you not going to be late?” Morpheus deflects. It makes you laugh, but he is right, so you do a once-over of your room to make sure you’re not missing anything and kiss him briefly.
“Bye. I love you.”
“I love you as well, my starlight. You remember how to call for me should you run into trouble?” Of course you do: write down his name and speak it. It’s cute of him to act like he won’t try to have Matthew follow you, though.
You can’t help but smile at the sweet gesture. “Yes, I remember. I’ll be fine, okay?”
He nods, satisfied. “I shall see you later, then.”
You’re able to sneak in one more kiss before he’s off and you’re heading to your front door, already counting down the hours until your night of partying is over. Who knew dressing up like a Powerpuff Girl could get someone so hot and heavy?
If Morpheus thinks that’s attractive, just wait until he sees the angel costume you’re wearing tomorrow.
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fishanks · 2 months
ᝰ.ᐟ How OP men would confess
⤷ featuring : monster trio, law, shanks .
⤷ no warnings, I'm a child of God xx
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• in his mind you're already a couple.
• someone will ask him if he has a partner and he's like "yeah! She's right there!" and points right at you
• if you get confused he's also confused, like you didn't know?
• nami would jump in like "um Luffy you can't just force people to date you" and he's like "oi ___, were together right?!" and gives you such a sure look that it makes you genuinely believe that you guys are already together
• I don't believe this man knows you have to actually communicate, like, if he feels something he'll immediately say it so he doesn't get why you'd keep stuff away y'know?
• held at gun point
• he's locked in a room with the whole crew just glaring at him
• and when he wouldn't do it, they had Luffy bring it up while arguing about who has to wake him up before dinner "___ you should go because he said he liked you or something so he'll take it best from you" and you're all on the floor laughing
• "you can't just believe everything Luffy tells you!" He tried protesting so much. "No zoro, Luffy is the worst liar!"
• he would just stare at the roof for 5 minutes before really quickly saying "be my girlfriend?" With a pout and wouldn't meet your eyes for the next week
• 2 minutes into meeting you
• but when he's actually serious?? Ooohhh you're in for a treat.
• a candle lit dinner on the most romantic island, had nami dress you up, brooke singing in the background, chopper and ussop are playing around with some lights and throwing rose petals on you, and robin's just watching from above while smirking (he'd shoo them after you're all sat)
• at least 100 poems ready for you, picked out all your favorite flowers to put in a pot on the table and around you, the candles are your favorite scent, he's even wearing the outfit you like the most on him
• "my elegant sweet lovely breath taking lady, will you take such an average man such as myself to be your partner for life? The one who always protects you and cooks for you?"
• in a life or death situation
• he tried so many times but his throat just gets stuck
• probably stares at you in the most random times ever and if you ask him if he's ok in his mind he's thinking "alright this is my chance" and ends up asking something like "why are your eyebrows so far apart today?"
• you were fighting one of the strongest opponents you've ever had one day, and got stabbed in the chest by one of the enemies you were fighting off, falling to the floor in pain when he suddenly yells "___ MY GIRLFRIEND ISNT ALLOWED TO DIE" and you're suddenly on your feet again
• after the mission is over you tried to bring it up but he just brushed you off like "yeah what about it?"
• while he's drunk ass fuck
• was probably playing a card game with the crew and lucky decided to make a bet that whoever lost would have to do something that the crew agreed on (they all ganged up on shanks)
• after the crew told him he had to confess to you he was like "bet" and just threw a random ass banquet as an excuse to get drunk and started following you that whole day hoping a man would try to flirt with you so that he would come and save you
• "hey pretty girl, you alone?" "No she's with her boyfriend" he'd say while pointing at himself and you'd go along with it because you thought it was his way of protecting you, but after the creep went away he turned to you and casually added "no fr though, I'm your boyfriend from now on"
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