#i'm really going to have to drag my disabled ass into town and see if i can put something together. clown shoes abound
opalsiren · 1 year
i badly need new pyjamas but i need like a short sleeved t-shirt and long pants. but every pyjama set i see with a short sleeved tee has shorts, but long pants have long sleeved tops, or like a tank top. and the few t-shirt and long pants combos i've seen have cuffed hems which is a sensory ick for me in pyjamas and like 0 other clothing. god truly gives his strongest battles to his silliest soldiers
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Friendly Faces Everywhere
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Codename Dovahkiin Part 2
Now that the Stick of Truth RPG is over it's time for N.K. to face the normal everyday life of South Park.
She should have known nothing in South Park is ever normal!
Day to day the craziness of this supposed quiet little mountain town she has to combat now.
Thank god, she has Tammy, Wendy, her boys, and her Social Media/Magical Girl Powers on her side.
This gonna be a wild ride!
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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I put three episodes in one Chapter.
This shows how adding a new character can basically change the whole storyline.
Now happy reading.
P.S. I didn’t add Handicap because this was not a main character EP and like N.K. has not really contact with the disabled kids.
Chapter 3: Weird, weirder, South Park!
It’s after lunchtime at school and I’m with Tammy in the girl’s bathroom. Wendy, Bebe, and Red are also here with us.
I’m helping Tammy cover up a pimple, while our friends each take a turn to do the business the toilettes were built for.
All is normal and nice.
Of course, SOMEONE has to disturb it.
Fucking Eric Cartman enters our bathroom, zeroing at the stalls!
Before anyone can react or say something, I grip Cartman by his fat neck, ignoring his protests, and drag him out of the bathroom.
Out on the school floor, I throw him against the lockers.
“You stupid bitch!”, he curses at me.
I punch beside his face at the locker staring him down with my best death glare. He is shaking in fright.
“What the fuck was that?!”, I ask. “Why did you enter the girl’s bathroom?”
I give him this, at least, even if he is shitting his pants, he managed to press out: “I'm transginger.”
“Did you notice the bow?”
Cartman points at the little pink bow he has now on his wool hat.
“I'm not comfortable with the sex I was assigned at birth, so I'm exercising my right to identify with the gender of my choice.”
“Bullshit!”, I growl out and punch again beside his face. Cartman flitches. “That’s just a scheme of yours to use our bathroom, god knows why. You aren’t transgender, dickhead.”
“Don't give me any more issues than I already have, Douchebag!”, he has the balls to say to me.
Okay enough.
I grip him by his collar slamming him against the lockers. He winces in pain.
“Don’t pull this shit you fucking asshole! I don’t want to make me angry! Let my community in peace and don’t use it for your agenda!”, I hiss at him. “Stop this shit right now or I gonna beat you up! I will beat you up so much that the beatdown I gave you while we played the Stick of Truth was a nice massage! You understand me!”
I let go of him and he falls on his fat ass painfully.
I point at him.
“Don’t test me bitch!”
With that, I return back to the girl’s bathroom.
I should have known that Cartman is as stupid as he is stupor.
I get called into the principal’s office, where Cartman is already waiting there with his mom, crying in her arms. Principal Victoria and my parents are there too.
“Oh god, what lying story did he tell you!”, I ask annoyed into the room.
I can see from Principal Victoria’s look that she doesn’t buy Cartman theater either, but somehow he managed to convince his mom, and now we are here.
“Novella-Karin Campo!”, begins Papà. “Did you really threat Erica here to beat her up if she uses the girl bathroom?”
“That’s not Erica that’s still Cartman who has one of his schemes going on!”, I counter.
Cartman wails and hugs his mom tight.
“I told you she is a transgingerphobe!”
“I’m not and it’s called trangenderphobe, you ignorant piece of shit!”
“My daughter is part of the LGBTAQ+ community since she was a little girl.”, comes Mamma to my defense. At least her! “She never was transphobe, she always was there for her sisters and brother who struggle with their gender identity. This is ridiculous!”
“Mrs. Campo I understand you and your daughter, but I need to get to the bottom of this. Sadly.”, mumbles Principal Victoria the last part, but I heard her.
Yep, she is totally not buying Cartman bullshit too.
I don’t wanna have her job right now too.
“Also, Eric here-“
“-It’s Erica, goddammit, mom say something?!-“
“-Don’t get angry so fast hun, people need to learn your new name, I certainly do-“
“-Anyway as I was saying!”, starts Principal Victoria again. “Erica wanted to use the girl bathroom and you Novella-Karin dragged her out of it and threatened to beat her up if she tries this.”
I shrug my shoulders.
“I told a little boy, who takes advance of my transgender brothers and sisters, only the truth! I will not let him use them as an excuse to shit in the girl’s bathroom.”
“N.K.!”, growls my father in warning, but Mamma gives him a little hit on the head.
“Christiano Campo, you rather believe someone else than your own daughter?!”
Oho, Mamma used Papà full name. She is pissed at him. He realizes this too, while he rubs his hurting spot.
Papà stays still.
Yeah, that’s probably better.
“I see.”, says Principal Victoria. “Sadly there is no evidence that Erica is taking advance.”
“Not even that we talk here about Eric Cartman who is known to pull shit like that?!”, I call in disbelief in between.
“Novella-Karin I can understand you, I really do, but my hands are tied. For threatening Erica you get a whole month of detention.”
I stare at her in disbelief, while Cartman, the fat fuck, grins in triumph.
Oh just wait, I have still a triumph card!
“Okay if Cartman here really is transgender then he must have started hormon therapy.”, I point out. “There are surely doctor notes that support his claim. If not he is lying.”
I’m betting that he probably doesn’t know that you don’t need to be on hormone therapy to be considered transgender. I bet he only made a little research on the subject.
Turn out I’m right. It’s satisfying to see Cartman’s face fall. Didn’t think about that, heh, fatass?
It’s still for a few seconds till Cartman yells: “Motherfucker!”
In the end, Cartman gets two-week detention for entering the girl’s bathroom, and my detention is canceled since it was my right to kick him out.
Also, I think Principal Victoria has nothing against it if I really beat up Cartman.
Of course somehow the whole school hears about this and people celebrate me like a celebrity.
It’s an enormous ego boost.
Also, it shows how hated Cartman is.
All in all a good day’s work.
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The next days in South Park are again fucked up!
Somehow a drone took a video of Craig’s mom naked and from there on, neighborhood drones, police drones, and military drones flow around us.
Even my parents participated with a drone!
What really pissed me off besides that all our privacy was invaded, was that Mrs. Tucker got heat only because she doesn’t shave down under.
Again I made use of my Social-Media Powers to help to get rid of the problems.
#AllNaturelBeaty and #DownWithDrones were trending everywhere.
My first Hashtag did help Mrs. Tucker, but I learned something new about my powers. I have to be more specific with my Hashtags since the solution to taking out drones was to bring more drones in.
In the end, someone used a blow-up doll with a hairy vagina to lead all the drones away from the city.
The evening after that the whole city is having a fancy banquet and celebrating the supposed hero, Mrs. Tucker, and her bush.
I can just facepalm at this all, as also a mistrial sings a heroic song for her.
Why is South Park so sick?!
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Our school day starts pretty normally. I’m with Tammy at her locker, she is getting her books for our first lesson, as Jimmy walks up to us.
“G-Good morning, g-girls!”
“Hey, Jimmy!”
“What’s up, noble bard.”, I add playful.
“Not much. I just wanted to make sure you heard the fuh-fantastic news. There's a new Terrance & Phillip mobile game, and it's so amazing and incredibly fun.”
He shows us this fun game on his phone. I frown, while Tammy purses her lips.
I’m not much of a smartphone gamer and Tammy isn’t a fan of Terrance and Philip. I know shocking, I’m trying to get her to like them.
“That’s nice?”, Tammy says for us both.
“Isn’t it? And the most unbelievable part? It's totally free. You should download it to your phone right now. I mean, come. On. If it's free, why wouldn't you?”
“I don’t play mobile games, but sure, I could check it out.”, I tell Jimmy.
I mean it’s still Terrance and Philip.
“You betcha, pal.”
With that, he leaves us. We both look at each other and shrug our shoulders.
At recess, I try out the game, while Tammy watches me.
“This…is the biggest bullshit ever!”, I declare as I uninstall it.
That game wanted me to collect coins and then asked for real money to have more coins to rebuild Canada.
“I stay with my PlayStation game!”
“Aren’t DLC also kind of expansive? What’s the difference with this?”, Tammy wants to know.
“You didn’t say this! It’s a lot different. You get at last a whole new level and extra hours to play in it.”
We are walking around the school playground as we see Stan’s gang minus Stan and…huh I’m hearing right.
“Don’t tell me you guys tried also out the Terrance and Phillip mobile game?”, I call out to them.
“We did.”, responds Kyle and puts his phone away. “It’s so dumb.”
We all together agree to never play it again. I have a feeling this is a scheme even if it’s Terrance and Phillip.
But apparently, the one who wasn’t with us yesterday didn’t get the memo and even didn’t show up to school today.
Stan, I’m talking about Stan.
I’m with Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman to see after him. Tammy and Leo couldn’t come since Tammy has now karate training and Leo has to help his parents with something.
We enter Stan’s room.
He is playing the stupid mobile game in his bed all right.
“Ohhh hey guys.”, greets us, Stan.
“You... missed school today?”, reminds him, Kyle.
“Yeah, I just wasn't feelin' the best.”
I cross my arms and cock a hip out.
“But you feel well enough to play the Terrance and Phillip mobile game, Stanley?”
“Well yeah, I was sick in bed. What else was I gonna do?”
“Not playing and trying to get well?”
“N.K., I don’t think he is really sick.”, whispers Kenny.
“I know, I was just pointing it out.”, I whisper back.
“How much money did you micropay today, Stan?”, wants Cartman to know from him.
“Nothing! Dude, I bought like $10 worth of Canadough. But check it out, I unlocked the stadium in Toronto.”
Stan even smiles at us.
“You spent $10 and eight hours to unlock a stadium?”, summarize Kyle in disbelieve.
“You guys, is it that much dumber than video games you play?”
“I can’t believe I agree with Cartman, but yes. Even DLCs are more fun than that shit!”
“It's just something to kill some time. Like Jimmy said, it's a cool way to zone out.”
….Wait a second, Jimmy?!
“Waitwaitwait, Jimmy told you about this game?”, says Kyle.
“Jimmy told me about this game.”, informs Cartman.
“Kenny, N.K. who told you about this game?”
“Jimmy!”, we say together.
“Dude, what?!”
“The?!”, continues Cartman.
“Fuck?!”, end Kenny and I.
We decide to let Stan be and hunt Jimmy down. He needs a lot to explain to us. We find him, trying to sell the game to a kid.
As it turns out the Canadian government pays Jimmy to push the game to other kids and he accepts their money because he has debts with another freemium game.
What a fucked up circle of money-making.
On good thing is that Stan realizes he needs help and comes to us. While he and Jimmy talk, we other are in Kyle’s kitchen talking about what we could do to stop this all.
Well, Kyle tries to think of a plan, I just go to my many social media platforms and spread the hell out of it.
“Kyle, stop coming up with a grand plan I already put the word out!”, I tell him showing him my Twitter account. “"Terrance & Phillip hire pushers to make money off addicts." is already trending and gets millions of retweets.”
“I don’t like to say it but these social media powers of you are useful Douchebag.”
“Thanks, fatass, but your compliment doesn’t mean much to me.”
More we can’t do.
The boys decide to go play basketball, while I pick up Tammy from karate to hang out with her and our girl squad later.
We all are in Bebe’s room, talking and shit, as Bebe looks at her phone and tells us apparently Satan, yes that Satan, and the Canadian Satan had a face-off, and normal Satan won and Canada bans all freemium games.
This craziness of South Park spread apparently to the whole world.
Meh, I just lay down on her floor and continue reading my Demon Slayer manga to Heidi.
I’m starting to have no more fucks to give, so…whatever!
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
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So Mac has a huge revenge playing against us and part of it is he drags him out here twice to this building that's one just like this and it is also stuff a trial courthouse and it's also the stock exchange that's where they run things out of and he said it's nothing personal and I got all this stuff running against you and it's really meant for your father he said well it is taken personally and you are going to die and there's nothing you can do about it and started whimpering should I don't want to die for my plan I said your plan is to give you a life and what you're doing is so childish and asinine and in people's faces that actually kill people all the time I'm surprised you made it this far that's an asinine thing to say to someone as in you're walking down the road and you say something asinine to a real big guy is a gorgeous wife so he knocks your head off your body because you're being asinine granted corky helped you do it and all the s*** was kind of secret and repressed and covered but he really just turned it up and opened it up and told people I mean a little worse because this code is so cheesy and cheap and idiotic it expose yours what am I supposed to say every day of my life and I'm 53 or whatever it's a huge pain in the ass because of you and your idiots run around me like freaking Goldilocks for their panties on fire
Then my son our son said all that and then Mac Daddy slowly turns around and says to him you be quiet now said no it's your jackass you ruined your sister's life my grandma and they're ruining mind and you're messing up yours you have any concept of what you're doing it stops talking serious off into the distance and says I knew you would not understand. That's great then you know that I'm going to just kill you and yours that you're in America you stepped your feet here maybe not right now and this is how we handle things get my gun I got to get that idiot off my property it's extremely simple and you figured it out. He gets really mad and says I knew you wouldn't understand means that you're this obstinate American guy who won't understand. Right I understand it I comprehend it you're coming from living for thousands of years of the ruler from enforcing all sorts of rules and stuff and sucking off for everybody doing what you like I understand that you're preconditioned and you think that I'm going to do what you say cuz you think you're preconditionally in my life and I'm going to do what you want secretly or not I'm telling you is you know that I wouldn't take it the way you want it because I've been trying to be an American it sucks it sucks to you cuz that's what it is you're the one who did it and you knew I wouldn't take it she won put me on trial and also the b******* so your rain goes off that way that your body is right there. starting to get something your people didn't put up with it and you're the ones who started it we are the ones who started it and we're going to finish it and you're going to be all washed up because father was doing it and he had already started the war but my people did not want to tolerate you
Your group grew up here and we're used to living free and heavy airgas wasn't trained and training of military techniques maneuvers thinking all sorts of things that are very high level was afforded to us how could you expect us to just lay down and die for lumps of s*** like yourself you eat each other you're never friends with anyone you don't love anyone there's no real trust at all and it can't be gained you can't have a good day if someone paid you what's the point if you knew that I'm going to be in onstinate guy and you might get fragged you just keep doing it.
Turns around again this is shut up cuz I have absolutely no reason to I have what it takes and I have the backings and I don't have to he's not being all that stuff you tell me how to get rid of people like you all I want is an answer you know that I was going to kick your ass no you said that I would not understand it I'm saying English I understand it do you know that I understand your perspective.
He gets really mad and says no you don't you don't understand how I rule
Yes I do understand how you rule you will like a despot who's undercover and in the shadows he calls all sorts of crazy stuff that happened and you go around and you take the cup having people look at other things other than what they're supposed to and by having them hurt each other and hurt each other yourself and make it look like other people it's wicked complicated but I figured it out and have people are smarter than anything any curls anybody that was worth anything with demarison sucked ass and have all mine intact because my plan but you haven't figured out even though I stuffed it so far up your ass anyone would figure it out I'm telling you you're right I'm American I don't understand why you won't shut up and leave me alone I understand your perspective in your plan and why you're like you are you're preconditioned it's a week until I was big enough okay
Turns around looks you right in the eye and says I have the transcript already so I don't have the conversations in town and I say you're not right there either because the conversation can change and the final transcript probably something that you should have thought about before it looks as what are you talking about I said you think I won't understand what you're doing and I tell you that I do and I explain what you're doing and why and of course that wouldn't matter it has to do with ability to halt stop change the course of history etc with Force deadly lethal abundant absolute undeniable Force that's what I was talking to you you keep pestering me until I absolutely it's not enough publicly in front of the entire Earth shoved all of you in Germany into an oven and you would not stop harassing my people there on me
Turns around again says how dare you show me this you like a b**** you need to be b**** slapped every few seconds and you think you're going to win you look like a stupid animal because everyone's saying stop shut up stop what you're doing you're here in this planet you have no idea what the status is up there you're falling apart you're willing to drive right into a wall I'm saying is why I'm just slow down and get off me look at this a****** corky and he's a huge failure and he's why now I don't need to understand your whole plan but I do I don't need to understand you when I do and I understand him he doesn't want to die he has to fight he's still alive so he's going to do what he can it's haphazard it's half past it's lame but that's what he's doing but when you sit there and harass me I'm going to take huge bites on you because I grew up American So when you say it don't understand I say you're right I don't have an understanding with you I understand what you're doing and why I understand why you do it I understand what you're a relationship was like and all that other crap but you're never going to get me to have an understanding when you're overtly telling me to kick your f****** ass overly. So he says why don't you kill me and I said I understand the math. It's not that great anymore bud but holy s*** where you want me to get rid of you I don't do it properly and put a new brain in it just make it look the same stuff like they're not prepared to do that cuz I don't want to cram memories I'm trying to harm my people into you and that's what I'd be forced to do.
Turns around one more time and says shut up and say okay talk to you later bud
This is leaving he's saying all this swear is an EP test tells us to tell you and he's saying what is he talks as well it's over you don't understand the thing you say he doesn't save either it's just sitting there the same it's the same donkey donkey. You know so I understand what you're saying he knows what I'm doing I understand the plan no sign of counter it he believes his power and all sorts of things yeah he doesn't understand me when I say I've had enough.
Hahaha you've had enough I'm stuck home with you hahaha stupid phone you've had enough I've had enough years ago I'm 53 or whatever you can't put this kind of bird on me I'm full of power piss and vinegar you're never going to make it more you're going to stick your face and everybody's business and they're going to blow it off your clones are going to take over your job. I've had enough of your s*** it's making me cry in the years I said you're grinding the gears right away I haven't taught by psyops my people I've been tired but Olympus I know how to f*** you up I know how to mess up your mind and your brain and your time.
So he turns around he said I told you to shut up so don't worry we have a handle on it you f****** dick
He goes inside tries it feels tries again fails I said you don't think I understand that I'm pulling the trigger of yours too dear truly you we started doing a long time ago to diffuse you deep are you Mr dick foreigners do it too your woman do it your kids do it practically everybody does it have you figured that out I understand you see there's an understanding you try the trigger we disable it are you ever going to figure it out bja made you a nudist colony we can see all of you he keeps talking all the time he can't stop us he can't grab us he's counting on him being poor and not being poor when my poor people are surely not stupid like he is we're not going to run into a hole to see what's down in we're not going to look into the barrel of a gun like his f***** do when I can be suicidal instantly like his f***** do now you have an understanding of what's going on but you will never understand me apparently even though he helped train me
Turns around says it's had enough okay we'll drain you more I do know the drill. Turns around says he's just had enough and he's going home for the night I said God she'll golly I feel like I'm in first grade again and the teachers telling me how to do things and I already know cuz I was a lot smarter than her then and I'm a lot smarter than you now and you talk and talk but really you don't use the vocabulary correctly and you do not express yourself clearly and you do not rule over your realm anymore and you really didn't rule that much either you are some sort of obstinate angry pig you know what I'm saying do you understand
He turns around and says I'll get you this time as you can't get me I'm not physically here and I'm attacking you wherever you're trying to attack me in mind because that's how I depowered you is using your fresh mouth because Mr BobbIlyy over there Brian was having me do it.
And I keep telling you this stupid son of a b**** of yours is a great fulcrum
Turns around says it's time you're tired of it I'm making money I'm taking stuff I need stuff my plan is to drain you dry just like you did my personal life because you're a stupid son of a b**** you're a f****** moron just like Mike bronder if that's who you are you like this kid who's trying to tell me all the stuff I'm saying Mike but it's like 8:00 we're supposed to go to this thing and we don't have that and yes you're so absent-minded and self-absorbed that you don't really do anything anymore you know you like Gerald Ford in office the sit there staring at the wall you like that guy at Essex with the stamp Perry should I get you Stampy to stamp it
And by the way PJ is probably staring out the window having to be this complete prick who has to take it up the ass over and over because he says he's taking the stuff and he's taking some stuff but he's stupid can't go in a Greyhound bus and figure out that my scale is off he can't and he's in it all the time so he turns around and he says I still had enough but I can't figure out how you know it's extremely easy you weren't ever the stupid you are never able to do dumb things like this whole time and I see him influencing people to do it all the time and himself because he is a complete train wreck the woman think that they're wearing you down and they don't have any information about us I don't know why there's a hole that's like what 300 miles wide it's killing everybody they can't figure it's not normal so he goes like this you got to stop now I said no I don't you're annoying the s*** out of me it's b**** s*** Brian himself is a b**** and all of his idiot race it's like cover for them to try and waste you away and you think you've done it a few times and your women are dumber than a freaking s*** holy crap they're dumb people they go around throwing sugar down the throats his going wow and Brian no Ryan's dumber than anyone he's dumber than the chip a real chimp is smarter than him
I don't care if you've had enough you're sitting here with this place you want to bother me with and torture me with and I'm just simply telling you I understand that that's fine I have a normal human reaction that George Sr would have I just start killing your people and you so you can say what you want you little b**** but you can't tell me what to do anymore cuz you're freeing me do you understand that loser what I can do to you is I can take your life but I don't have to do it myself that's where slobs like you now your action Jackson running around Vegas when it's steaming with your idiot brother's blood I mean how much do you have to have rubbed into your face for you just to shut up and leave me alone for a day
I thought he turned around said you're going to have to give it all to me why don't you be more precise with your verbiage or you actually Dempsey trying to act like Brian
Toys r Us says I told you to shut up I don't care you can drop and drop a nuke on yourself where you are right now I don't have to say anything then I don't want to and I'm going to say what I want cuz you're making me a rate on purpose I utilize it against you puss wad.
Who the hell in your position wouldn't know you should know it's just a simple push you push me that's a great I have a few minutes it's not midnight yet I'm going to push you off the ledge a whole bunch you're going to come climbing right back up you're going to call all these people are going to slaughter in a different time having fun losing your army call me lose more of it it's coming up soon it's not too far ahead they say they're slaughtering you brian is having his jollies and the foreigners wanted to happen. There's a green light so he turns around says I told you to shut up I said stop calling me and harassing me and telling me to shut up like a little baby what you should do is stop calling and harassing if you want me to shut up instead might be a little watching your mouth watching your hands watching your signals and your code and your computer b******* and other things and they're intercepting at all and annihilating you because of you shut up shut up what's the matter with you you addicted you don't have any secret weaponry you got your a****** idiot s*** head there pushing you you won't do anything about it you think it's good for you just like I think it's good for me I'm not using theory and conjecture but f*** I don't know just send you what we're destroying no not really I mean every happens every day every day you turn around and salt and f*** around with me and I get rid of you everyday you turn around and tell me this and that when you want me to get mad and I destroy you but you're winning you're a loser there's no other explanation weirdo I mean young kid been putting up with you my whole life I'm destroying you I got a living on board with a plan that's working to eradicate your entire kind and you just want to turn around and make it happen it's more annoying than what you doing to people and what you did to the planet it's it's repulsive you're so f****** dumb it looks funny.
Turns around and says this I'm going to hand it to you you figured it out you want us to finish you off cuz that's what we do for a living here in egotarian land is what we are we grew up killing shitloads of you ourselves with a small Force because you're so f****** dumb and annoying now you want to make sure it happens that's how you do and you know what I take advantage of it I was trying to what were you trying to do take a s*** down your sister's throat every time something came up they have her hang the phone up a million times when you keep picking it up cuz you're some sort of f****** lunatic animal in a in a zoo that's what they do cuz they're bored scrawny s***
So he turns around he says now I'm pissed off I said that's fine now I'm going to run a bombing pattern on your idiots that we know where they are cuz he kept calling them moron I'm going to wipe them out I'm going to hit you stupid mother f*****
We started a massive bombing campaign and blasters and everything else we got huge amounts of rebel ships in certain wasting and toasting every single one of them capturing them all around him instead of saying I probably shouldn't push it I said I thought I told you to shut up so it's not saying this this is the wrong guy to push I said I told you to shut up and you won't shut up it's like you're this Dempsey guy with this retard big mouth what do I have to do cut your tongue out so he starts it again since I'm turning around and I'm saying this okay we're going to we're going to shoot you in the chest every time you turn around and say this I'm going to shoot Brian up there in the head they'll just keep coming it turns around says I can't help what I'm doing can you instead of course I can I have control over myself most of the time we'll see you surrounding me with millions of your idiots for insisting I get rid of them and you and they're called retarded people so getting rid of them now here but it takes time and you're not really putting a solid effort in they took over DC and have a massive attitude and it's not my problem that I can knock out the bigger threat first it really isn't it's yours take it or leave it pal stop having me say it every f****** day such a retard that your people don't care about retards cuz I said every day because this retard thinks he's going to win with those stupid s*** he's doing so many times around says you're exactly right yeah
So now Bombing corky cuz I'm mad at him.
It's not why I feel as soon it's because you two c********** the biggest assholes on the planet you'll leave people alone they can toast you we have to show you so we're going to show you we're going to kill everyone around you say that we can kill you hang them just to get you pissed off is what the doors do it because it's almost your time to leave and go on the pyramid suck your dick forever there's no dick at all even separated from your body now you're going to go up to Titan people think you did on purpose and you're going to kill all of your race and kind because you get captured in a pyramid and went up there and I want you to know what's going to happen to you because I know you can't do anything against the Predators alone and you keep calling on me to make more monsters
Turns around and says this I've had enough I don't care you won't back off me how am I supposed to stop and back off you if you don't back off me back your dumb f***** off me back yourself off me back your f****** retard kid off me or you get it up the ass with a farrier how explicit is it I can't tell you it or I may not now you went around in westborough like a million times that's perfect cuz Corky's going to repeat it forever I can't tell you that or I may not what I know is I can tell you that but you say is you may not
So he goes inside and starts calling again and still going to wipe these people out here and we're going to wipe those people out here like s*** out of her ass and we're going to flush and a wipe out a whole bunch of them that you're not mentioning and I'm going to wipe out the ones that you're thinking in your mind and having us tell like an idiot would anyone else you want us to get rid of I'm going to feel this town up with your dead f****** s*** heads I'm going to hang them from every single thing that we can hang him from so tomorrow you can get up and barf and all this other stuff you do when I make you sick and it's nothing I need you to back off me I'm not worried about waiting to fight
Turns around says I told you to shut up I said boy that's it I'm flying off the handle what can I take from you to shut your face should I have someone bite your face off that was certainly stop you from talking wouldn't it turns around says seriously I told you to shut up seriously I'm not your f****** laptop you don't hold me prisoner without you dying s*** for brains
By the way I'm going to put you in prison I'm going to use your body up and nail it heal it nail it heal it and I'll put you in prison over and over and over you can tell me to shut up when you're down to your last penny and at that point I'll be quiet cuz I can have you cut in half on a death star
No no it's your retards plan look how stupid you made me you make one move to the left and flinch and you double over and pain your kidneys are going to burst you're trying to faint to the left and your liver starts to harden like a rock it's all very easy for me to do but I can't do it without permission from Olympus so I have to trash your entire Army and you're the one that using your mouth to make sure it happens regardless of your idiot robots s*** which turns to crap and beats you up in front of everyone what I'm saying is your retard is doing it now saying he's your woman and s*** and your women know about it why don't you get off my case and stop having me kill you in your retard and fight your retard feels like this this is what I'm saying you told me to shut up are you a retard now Austin feels like this you want me to beat her and corky and say that I believe you're corky I already am feeding on corky turns around says it one more time I said well you know you can say stuff but you're going to waste all your energy and you're going to have to like pig out are you going to have to like spend tons of money on nothing just bothering me I don't care where you are I think is it too always set them up dingleberry you taught me that no you shut up you can't house me without losing your realm I think that's funny let me tell you something child molester you're a child molester let me tell you something else murderer those people are innocent and even useful and weren't harming you You're a murderer you're not worth anything let me tell you something else thief you started life out as a lousy thief because he didn't want to work for a living and let me tell you something else loser you're not a military person and you don't have the skills required to do your job as a leader because you're allows and a thief and a low life and something else cannibal you can't have any friends or people that depend on because nobody can trust you cuz you might eat them to be them is that ridiculous their bodies all they got they don't care about killing you I don't care about killing you either piece of s*** you're nobody that's what I'm thinking so I understand you you're coming from this rule the world by pushing people around causing death hurting people and that's what I've been doing to your race whenever you guys get up and eat I put you down you don't know anything about me practically we're there all those wars was super human strength and cages robots that were castles you start your s*** shut up shut up shut up then come over there and step on the whole village cuz it's just you idiots trying to take stuff from the next village do you understand the words coming out of my mouth leave me alone it's almost midnight it's time for me to go to sleep but you'd rather have me wake up and kill off like 700 million nonillion of your jackass specialists I wanted to do that. And balance out corky and frightens you come out of the Midwest just frying didn't even make it they're all gone just something you like about losing all this stuff cuz I'm just going to take all the funds you get.
You took away my family and I don't have any friends you know it's kind of like an act but you want me to sit here and s*** down your throat and stick Dynamite up your ass and that's what I'm doing I don't understand it you sound dumb this is what it says on your requisition come over here kick my ass into the dirt shove yourself there's no reason for me to shut up I'm going to f*** your cops up f****
Sister saying this this is all mumbo jumbo it turns around and he says it's all mumbo jumbo I said thank God you're stupid but we'll test and see if you're right looks up at me and says your voice is thoroughly trained she's worth nothing so thank God you believe that we have to get rid of you now where is all the other countries think that you're this a****** inciting me like you are now and take a nice deep look what happens and why it happens I'm trying to figure out why you're doing it I have a grasp of the solar system wicked cool really intense the gravity of Jupiter is so great and even your guys in suits can't take it for more than an hour so you have to use robots because your mouth moving right now they're understanding why Mr fagging
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