#i'm so annoyed at my mousepad right now
autumnrory · 10 months
i really could lose my mind rn bc i have had issues with my internet connection for like two months mostly being disconnected when i first get on or when i wake up the laptop and i have to go through it with the router and then restart my computer and it happens every single day usually about twice i think and i knew my dad had bought a new router around the same time but i didn't even know if it was for the house or the office but if it was for the house he hasn't done anything with it lol but i didn't know if he was having any connection issues so i figured it was my problem but didn't understand why
anyway my mousepad froze up again (why it has done this since i got this laptop is BEYOND me but it makes me insane) so i checked for driver updates since that USUALLY thought not always fixes it and one of the updates needed said something about the network and it was released right around the time i started having issues and obvs i can't know until the next day or two if the internet is resolved (though at least the mousepad is - for the moment) but i'm just like oh my god i have been so annoyed every single day bc i get settled in just to find the internet not working and have to go downstairs to fix it and now i'm just like. was the solution right there. would this have not been an issue if it just automatically updated and WHY doesn't it automatically update or tell me an update is needed like this support thing is all connected to my laptop when i have a problem and check for updates so why doesn't it ACT like it's connected and do what it's supposed to do for me
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neonponders · 2 years
🥶 (also would love it if you walk about candle play too 👀)
🥶 — Have they ever experimented with ice cubes? + candles
Less voluntary experimenting and more Steve complained too much during a summer day and got a cup of ice poured into his shorts.
Steve complains enough about his dick falling off from "Sprite frost bite" and Billy relents to give him a blow job...
At first it's hilarious because Steve does taste like Sprite. But then Billy becomes strangely fascinated by the feeling of Steve's skin warming underneath his lips. He wanders everywhere, from the points of Steve's hip bones, to the tops of his thighs. His dick doesn't even warm up from Billy's mouth; just passing touches and his hot breath.
When Billy finds a small ice cube lingering in the folds of Steve's shorts, he shocks the hell out of Steve by holding it to the tip of his cockhead with his mouth.
All things considered, they had a great time. Steve did cool off, but between Billy's arbitrary wiles and Steve knee-ing Billy in the chest, they both agree that ice-play is just too dangerous for them.
(I'm so sorry, because my brain went into a dark, canon place for candles.)
Mind Flayer likes it cold, right? So after Billy survives, he becomes a bit too interested in heat sources. His government-prescribed shrink worries he's self-harming because of the burns on his hands - especially on his left arm. Like he's trying to burn those black veins out of his body.
Steve has the same shrink because Russian chemicals and head injuries mean that he needs medication sometimes. His eyes have trouble focusing on hard days, which mean he can't drive and by some sort of irony, Billy still can.
So after a year, Steve notices during a hot summer day that Billy is resting his left arm on the cooking metal roof of his car. His skin is hot pink on both sides, seared and broiled from the metal and overhead sun.
Steve asks their shrink if that kind of thing is normal or just a "Billy thing."
"He's been eccentric as long as I've known him, so I can't really tell the difference."
The shrink smiles sadly. "Billy is a very sweet person. His more eccentric qualities are defensive maneuvers. Not against you. Against...a lot of things, mostly in his own mind."
Well Steve Service Top Worrier Harrington doesn't like that.
[I accidentally back-spaced AS SOON as this was done, and lost half of this ficlet orz so I’m sorry for the half-assed finish.]
• long story short, Steve gets Billy some weed candles.
• they go to the quarry and hotbox in Billy’s repaired Camaro. It’s romantic because it’s all candle-lit and stuff.
• Billy starts playing with the flame of a candle and Steve takes his hand hostage, putting it on his leg.
• Billy says that the pocket warmers are one-time use, so he has a bunch of hackey sacks now.
• They start having regular dates at the quarry, hotboxing in the car, and Billy gets more scrapes (and hickeys) from playing with the “hackey sacks” than burning himself now.
• Munson gets a small fortune from making weed candles.
Ask Game here ~
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