#i'm so close to yeet myself out of the window
oceanwithinsblog · 11 months
i will never process the ponds' ending (plot wise). m0ff4t you better sleep with one eye open
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ofstormsandfire · 11 months
thank you for being lesbian on main, i barely know who the pretty bloodbourne lady is but now i know that she is very pretty and good with a sword
you're very welcome! she is indeed very pretty and very good with a sword, and I cannot recommend watching her pre-fight cutscene more. also she has a special attack (called a visceral attack ingame I thiiink) where she hugs you as she kills you.
apparently (I did not know this until ao3 comments enlightened me to it) if you are playing a guy and she kills you with that attack she just drops you. if you are playing a girl she holds you close and lies you down gently.
she's so cool, I love her, and I want her to get nice things! tricky in canon, but since when have I ever let that stop me lol.
(might as well take the opportunity to plug myself, while I'm at it. I spent the last couple weeks working on this fic where maria does get nice things, I slightly yeet canon out the window at a certain point, and lesbians sure do die but they get better because this is a soulsborne fic. if anyone is at all interested :P)
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withleeknow · 1 month
BWHAHAH have I seen that video- [ofc i have. multiple times. it's saved somewhere. the way he waited for her to hold his hand.] a really (un)important update: the peach-strawberry sorbet hair? it's grown on me sm it's acc on par w/ his hot-girl-redhair e.g. tinyurl.com/ycxezc6r the caption is so real (like I read it and thought, ah yes, this was written by/for jen/🍙) + his pseudo-aussie accent- good lord
lmao what sort of r:u album update was that- this was you are stupidly endearing, you noob 🥺😭 onigiri to the rescue: the ebay listing's here and the jay option is still in stock! ❤️‍🔥🐈‍⬛ tinyurl.com/mr3jmud8 [side note: shipping was free + to the UK, took <2 weeks w/ full door-to-door tracking - not sponsored, just a very happy onigiri + yo we'll have matching albums 🥺🧸]
oooh my friend recently bought the same chloe + it smells ✨️ divine ✨️ lmao the fainting's relatable bc i'm in my penhaligon's/aesop phase rn and I need an intervention bc I recently sampled armani's thé yulong + I can't stop thinking abt her 🫡
i haven't caught up with skz's jjam promos but what the hell is this gif-worthy clip: tinyurl.com/yc77n2ps the wavy hair? the accessories? the smirk? f-me he's insane. speaking of- the snippet. is that supposed to tide me over? on a flipping cliffhanger? he stays. tell me he stays over. istg jen you've created a monster out of me.
in honour of your discovery of blonde 🐈‍⬛, my fyp also gave me this masterpiece vm.tiktok.com/ZGecE7sDR/
made the mistake of opening that video on my big monitor at work and almost had a heart attack. the red hair will always be supreme to me but this peach era is a close second methinks... i fear i might be falling down another heeseung rabbit hole aksdksjfhds
i swear the employees there must've thought i was a weirdo bc i was holding the album and squinting to spy the non-existent dashes and then going to stand in front of the fan by the door to crosscheck with the instruction video on my phone (it was hot as balls and the store has awful ventilation) lmao. i ended up just getting the inceptio ver !! pulls under the cut !! i think i’ll def get a jay ver as well when i go to asia in 3 months just bc it’d be cheaper there 🤣
ohhh penhaligon’s packaging 😭 if you’re looking for an intervention you’ve come to the wrong place bc i am an enabler you should get one, no time like the present 💕 thé yulong !! i’m excited to try her heheheh guess we know what i’ll be on the hunt for on my lunch break tomorrow lol
i am personally victimized by this. i think this is the one of the worst things he’s ever done to me. the pretty curls with the smirk !!! i’m going to yeet myself out the window bye. honestly everything that has to do with ate era!mimo is giving this vibe lmao i can’t explain it 🤣
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speaking of wt, does he stay? what’s the occasion? would she let himssst? 🤭
did i know that i probably shouldn’t open this video at werk either after the first one? yes. did i open it anyway? also yes. i’ve got one foot in each rabbit hole and idek which one to fall into anymore. this is looking like another love triangle
anywhomst, ze pulls !! i did not know what i’d be getting with this album at all and ngl right after i left the store i said out loud to myself “what am i doing with an enhypen album” but when i got home and opened her up, this woman was left speechless !! SHE’S BEAUTIFUL 😭 it’s so cute i LOVE this concept 😭 the photobook is one of the prettiest ones i’ve ever seen 😭 the stickers are so adorable i had to put them on my new tissue box !!! the pc’s and the postcard 😭 ADORABLE i love her sm
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hyenadon · 1 year
physical abuse cw:
Maybe perhaps part of the reason I went no-contact w my ENTIRE nuclear family and not just my bioparents is bc none of them seem to have any sense of imagination. Like. They cannot imagine a world in which parents do not hit kids. They think it's normal, acceptable, even useful. And they also imagine that my mom never hit me. They think i'm exaggeratting or lying. I'm not lying. I'm not exaggerating. My mom hit me. And they think I deserved it.
I remember being like. 10-12 years old and being laid facedown on my bed and my mom whipping me with a vaccuum cord. And there are too many other things. How she dragged me by the hair into her car that one time. How she slapped me and called me a cunt on my 18th bday.
last time I was on tumblr I talked a lot about how awful of a person my biomom is and I just. I can't express it enough. She is so incredibly awful. I am excited for her death. She hits children, she hits dogs, she is incapable of caring for herself and makes her dogshit husband (my dad) do all the cooking and cleaning and shopping. scum of the earth. scum.
imo there is one excuse for hitting or yanking a child or dog, and that's when they are placing themselves in physical danger. When Koda leans out my 3rd floor window, i immediately yank her out of the window and scream at her "NO. NO. NO. NO. NO." she's just a dog she doesn't really understand that leaning out of a 3rd floor window might cause her pain or death, so i simply have to just grab her back leg, yeet her, and scream.
and if a kid is like...about to run into traffic then I am going to yank them and yell "DONT DO THAT". I don't think I could bring myself to *hit* a kid. But the physical action of pulling someone close to you, close to safety, that is still scary and, in my experience, physically painful.
(that sentence is a poem start or poem middle, and belongs with the momma giraffe poem)
Overall though, my biomom never yanked me away from traffic, or pulled me away from tall heights that would hurt me. Even that time I tried to run away while she was teaching me to drive...I told her I had my phone, wallet, and keys on me. I could find my way home, if I needed to run away. But she still dragged me into her car by my hair. And she still hit me. She didn't do it for my safety.
She just hit me.
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nikatyler · 3 years
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skyrohyucks · 3 years
Fake dating Dream:
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Have to plan out everything before going out.
Probably end up becoming best friends lol
"What am I supposed to do now?!"
Y'all hate each other.
Probably fake dating because you accidentally broke his nose and you had to be related to check up on him- 
Y'all end up becoming best buddies 
"No offense- actually full offense- I wanna yeet myself off the window everytime you speak"
You're the clueless one here
I feel like he already knows what he has to do 🤚
End up as buddies or actually start dating-
"If I can't call you babe, wtf should I call you?"
Sometimes you forget y'all actually fake dating-
Y'all end up dating I'm sure- 
"I'm beginning to think you don't hate me as much as you say"
Agreed to this thing only because you offered to do his homework-
End up becoming bffs ✊
"You're not even my type" "Psst I'm the embodiment of your type"
Chill ASF-
Like Jeno, doesn't need to be told what to do
I'm sure y'all end up becoming best buddies
"Ewww I ain't holding your hand they sweaty as fuvk" 
Y'all become really close to the point you end up ranting everything to him and now he's your moral support buddy.
Besties 🤞
"So that's why you don't talk about your family"
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shadowofahope · 3 years
NOT Gonna Happen
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Warnings: Swearing? One bad word near the end.
Premise: Fight or Flight. Meet BTS or run away from BTS?
“Uh guys…. She’s rolling away.” Yoongi points to you and your attempt to escape the room. Hands grab your ankles to halt your getaway. “I hate all of you.” You groan up at Yeonjun, who still had hold of you. You give up, letting out a deep sight, wishing the ground would open from under you.
Authors notes: My honest to all the kpop gods, reaction to meeting these boys. YEET!
This is also a response to people constantly asking me, what would you do if you met BTS?
ALSO this is heavily un-edited. I'm really tired and I'm trying to write 3.5 stories at once! Wooooh, wish me luck!
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Today marks your 8th week working at BigHit, currently working with TxT on their new album and the chaos that always followed them. Walking down a hallway with one of the backup dancers you had become quick friends with, you felt at home in this monumental building. You are comfortable here, everyone making you feel at home.
“Pleasssssse” Sung-ho begs again. Hands on your shoulders, shaking you gently as he walks behind you. “You have to come.”
“I really don’t think that’s a good idea.” You whine back, swinging your staff badge back and forth on your neck. “You know I don’t want to meet them.
He tugs on your shoulders lightly forcing you to halt. Jumping in front of you, palms pressed together, eyes closed he starts begging.
“You promised you would come to one practice. Just this one. Please Please Please-”
Huffing in frustration, you screw up your nose. He silently waits for you to give in, as he knows you will eventually.
“Just this one.” You finally give in.
“Yaaay!” He cheers, jumping to your side.
In all the comotion you don’t notice the footsteps approaching you two from down a connecting hallway. Shrugging your friend off, you’re about to round the corner when you hear it. Instantly freezing.
“I think it’ll be safer to go over the choreo with the dancer one more time.”
“I agree, the timing still seems a little off. We should take a look at the schedules.”
Your friend smiles and turns to the voice that called him, turning his back to you.
“Hello, Taehyung. Jimin. Hoseok.” Sung-ho greets cheerfully.
“Do you have time to come with us to discuss the schedules for practice?” Jimin asks politely.
“Of course, I was just on my way to grab a snack with -” He starts to explain, turning to where you once stood. Hand hanging in the air, he’s dumbfounded.
“With-?” Hoseok questions.
“Apparently myself.” He turns back to the boys. How had you disappeared so quickly and to where?
He chuckled awkwardly at the idols, cursing you for putting him in this embarrassing situation.
They mirror back his awkward laugh, excusing themselves as they continue on down the hallway.
Your friend stands there for almost two full minutes, trying to figure out what in the hell just happened. He hears a rattle coming from the small storage room near him.
The door swings open.
“You did not just-“ He’s wheezing, trying to catch his breath.
“Don’t talk to me” You walk out of the storage room, in reality it’s more of a tiny linen closet. Upon hearing the idols voices, In sheer blind panic, you threw yourself into the closet and shut the door behind you.
Walking past your still wheezing friend, you push him playfully before continuing on towards the lounge. His loud cackles bouncing around you all the way there.
You are sitting in a waiting room with TXT. You’ve made yourself comfortable on one of the couches facing away from the door across the large room, angled towards the wall full over mirrors for makeup and hair. Scrolling through your phone, while Kai and Taehyun talk about something animatedly behind you. You can see them every once in a while, flailing their arms, mimicking wild gestures.
You three had chosen to stay back while the other three needed to ‘stretch’ their legs and find something to drink. So when the door opens you don’t look up, expecting it to be the missing members. Your body lurches forward at the reflection in the mirror, panic spreading.
“Hyung!” Kai exclaims excitedly, bounding over to the 2 members of BTS that have entered the room. “What are you doing here?”
“Hello, we were looking for Jungkook. Have you seen him?” Namjoon asks, looking around the room.
“No, he hasn’t been through here.” Taehyun chirps next to his bandmate.
“Ok, I’ll try calling him again. '' Jin responds, pulling out his phone from his back pocket.
“What are you guys doing here?” Namjoon questions the younger idols.
“Oh, we are working on a concept for one of the singles off our album. Our producer -” Kai motions to the couch that you were on. Now being completely empty. Your slouching form gone, the room appeared empty as well. “Who apparently is gone now, was here helping us.”
Jin and Namjoon shared a skeptical glance at each other. Kai rubs the back of his head as he looks at his beandmember, giving him a confused tilt to his head, to which he gets a shrug in response.
“That’s the newer producer right?” Jin questions.
“Uh yea, that’s her.” Taehyun confirms, still utterly confused by your houdini act.
“We’ve heard a lot of great things about her, from all over, but we still havent seen her.” Namjoon concluded by nodding his head, in thought.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll meet her soon. It’s bound to happen.” Kai reassures.
The duos bid each other goodbye, BTS leaving the room and TXT walking back towards the empty couch.
“How did she-where did she-?” Unable to fully ask his question, Taehyun looks around the room again.
Kai rounds the side of the couch, noticing a hood under the coffee table.
“Noona?” He tries to hide his laugh but fails miserably.
You lift your head from the floor, removing your hood, peering up from underneath the coffee table at the younger. You glare at him, crawling out as he falls back onto his butt laughing, Taehyun joining him on the floor. Both now convulsing with uncontrollable laughter.
Flopping angrily back onto the couch in your previous position, you ignore their incessant chattering and laughing. Recounting you hiding again and again. Even when the other members returned and they explained everything that happened while they were gone, you chose to angrily scroll on your phone until their pestering and teasing died down.
Pacing back and forth in a secluded lounge area, you waited with all of the members of txt. You were waiting to hear back from the execs about your concept ideas. The boys had worked extremely hard to come up with a fully thought out concept, you had backed their ideas the whole way as they presented them to the higher staff. Now you waited, anxiously.
Drumming your hands together while pacing you chewed on your bottom lip nervously. Each member stationed on the couch, lounger ottoman, facing you. Legs bouncing in anticipation, knuckles cracking you stopped in front of the large window, facing them, the outside world behind you.
“Look guys, regardless of what happens you did amazing.” You smile at them. “And I’m unbelievably proud of you. All of you.”
Breaking them out of their stoppers, they look up at your faces glowing, pride swelling in their chests.
“Soobin-ah?” A deep voice calls from somewhere unknown, and you freeze.
The members of TXT jump up from their seats, whirling around in time to see all the members of bts walking around the balcony area over to them.
“Taehyung-hyung,” Soobin greets politely. “How are you all doing today.?”
“Good, we just finished rehearsals.” Taehyung explains, once they were standing just on the other side of the couch to him. “Have you guys heard anything yet? We saw the concept art, we really liked it!”
“Nothing yet. We were actually just waiting. Noona was just trying to-” Soobin attempts to explain, motioning behind him to you. Seeing the skeptical looks on their faces, he turned his head to see nothing. You had completely vanished. With furniture and a structural wall surrounding you, there was no place you possibly could be hiding.
Confusion evident on his face as he looks over at Yeonjun. Eyes silently asking him where you had gone, the older only shook his head, eyes just as wide, he shrugged in response.
“Right, the elusive producer we keep hearing about but never seeing.” Yoongi responds comically. “Maybe she isn’t real? But a ghost!”
Spooking Jin and Hoseok alike, they give him an alarmed glare.
“No, we promise she’s real.” Soobin persuades, his voice coming out in almost a plea.
Trying to affirm your existence to their Hyungs, Gyu becomes overwhelmingly curious. He walks over to the spot you had been standing, a deep frown settled on his features.
He does a full 360, in an attempt to understand where you could have gone. Upon turning around he notices something. Stifling a laugh and breaking into a full blown smile, he subtly waves Kai over, when they make eye contact. Kai nonchalantly makes his way over to him, Gyu mumbles something to him and he looks in the direction that Gyu was nodding. Trying to hide his own laugh, the two youngest members stand snickering, waiting for the members of BTS to walk away before exposing you to the group.
Once the groups bid each other goodbye, they both break out into hysterical laughter.
“What guys?” Yeonjun jumps at the unexpected hollering. But neither boy can speak, too consumed by laughter they both point to the semi open window.
“She didn’t” Taehyun launches himself over the ottoman in front of him rushing to the window. Soobin and Yeonjun right behind him. The three of them look out to see your figure hopping down from the last branch of the tree outside.
With lightning speed and zero hesitation, you had climbed out of the already opened window on the second floor. Stepped from the ledge onto a tree that's long, thick branches were supporting itself against the building. Then walked to the center of the large tree and climbed your way down.
Mass hysteria broke out between the 5 members.
“That’s it. We have to make her meet them.” Soobin exclaims, wiping a tear that fell down his cheek.
“Guys, I think I have a plan.” Yeonjun smirks. So they all huddled around to listen.
Today was supposed to be your day off. But upon receiving a text from Soobin, saying they needed you there urgently for their concept proposal, you raced straight there. So there you were standing in the hall talking to an exec in a black oversized pullover hoodie and workout leggings. Today was about comfort over professionalism, well it was supposed to be.
But when you had finished your pleasant chat with the exec, he started apologizing profusely about something he couldn’t say. Trying to hide his chuckle, his eyes dart over your shoulder. Before you could press him about his comments, you were spun around and hoisted off of your feet. Draped over a shoulder like a sack of potatoes. In alarm you manage to struggle enough to see your kidnapper, Yeonjun.
“What are you dooooooiiiinnnng?” You whine, struggling more.
He says nothing, but turns down the hallway to the dance practice rooms.
“Put me down shrek.” You quote. Wiggling even harder to escape the ironclad grip on you.
“There’s no point Noona, just accept it.” A sweet cheerful voice, butts in, shoes coming into view as you tilt your head up to look.
“Really Kai, they have you in on this too?” You slump in defeat. “Fine, but don’t you dare fart.”
Your capture lets out a chuckle before entering the dance room. The other three members you can kind of see. Or at least their shoes. Your hood keeps flopping down and making it hard to tell.
“Guys seriously, why are you-” You begin as blood starts rushing to your head. Making you slightly dizzy.
“Hello Hyungs.” Yeonjun greets politely. Panic rising, you tilt your head to the side to look into the wall mirror, there you see all 7 members of BTS sitting on the floor, along with the other members of TXT standing around you. “This is Y/N-Noona, the real, not a ghost, producer.”
Realization hits you like a ton of bricks, as snickers and muffled laughs resonate behind you.
“Yeonjun…..” Your voice is a little shaky. “You did not just introduce me to BTS ass FIRST?!”
Everyone in the room breaks into rounds of full belly laughter as you are hoisted back over the shoulder, feet planted on the floor.
Turning shyly to the side, you make eye contact with each member of BTS. Your legs crumble beneath you, muttering ‘I could have lived my whole life without this’ angrily. You lay on the ground face down, hood over your head as more laughter ensues.
“You had to meet them at some point, even backwards!” Gyu exclaims between heaves of laughter, clutching his stomach .
Waving your hand blindly towards the members of TXT you bark “That’s it! We are no longer friends. Done, Forever, never again!”
Apologies begin to flow toward you but you ignore them. Eventually you ignore any comment that comes your way, still plastered to the floor, the 12 men begin to talk about other things. Completely unaware of you.
...Or so you thought….
“Uh guys…. She’s rolling away.” Yoongi points to you and your attempt to escape the room. Hands grab your ankles to halt your getaway.
“I hate all of you.” You groan up at Yeonjun, who still had hold of you. You give up, letting out a deep sight, wishing the ground would open from under you.
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devilrosola · 2 years
pairing SinEn ( because I have too xD )
Also characters, Sharrkan pls ( because he is too adorable to not to involve him ) 😉
hooo boy...yeh...
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when of if I started shipping it. Probably when we RPed? No, it was probably thanks to that one doujin. 
my thoughts: They can be equal. {Granted Sin has 7 djinn while Kouen has 3, but no one else has had more than these two, so it's as close as canon lets us get. And Sin is a King while Kouen is a Prince, but still seen as king by his people} Point is, Sinbad was this great indomitable perfect mary sue character and then comes along someone that could stand his ground against him. If they ever got over their differences and work towards the same goals together like World Peace, they could be a real power couple.
What makes me happy about them: Fighting over Ja'far ahem I mean, witty banters as they try to be diplomatic. I like how in that one doujin they were in both positions at different times
What makes me sad about them: They don’t get along
things done in fanfic that annoys me: There's fanfics about them? Other than mine I guess where one completely domineers over the other.
things I look for in fanfic: Equality
My kinks: Djinn equips? Now Zepar & Agares equips together would just be cute and innocent but think about Valefor & Asaroth fire and ice dynamics here! And I'm sure Kouen is breathtaking in Phenex equip
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  For Sinbad-- myself, um how much can I diverge from the canon for this answer since he expressly said he had no intention of being tied down? Well...give him a big slice of humble pie and then we can talk. (and really, there’s most sin ships I’m be okay with) How about Yunan so he can whap Sin with his fishing-pole-wand whenever Sin does something stupid? For Kouen-- Ja’far, Muu, Yamuraiha, OCs, again I’m generally open Once saw a fic with him and Spartos, and another with him and either Spartos or Mystras. I can’t quite remember and I can’t find the fic.
My happily ever after for them: I haven’t gotten that far... >.>;;;
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character:  Sorry, Imma be honest with you. I hate him. If he wasn't so full of himself that'd be a different story. Little shy SnB Sharr before taking Masrur's advice would have been more bearable. Sure I found him hot when I first saw him, but he lost me as soon as he showed his ego.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:  No one XD Although his love-at-first-site crush with Yam was cute back when they were little
My non-romantic OTP for this character:  Haven’t thought about it. He’s not exactly close with his brother. I guess him and Pisti making trouble together? *Ja’far yeets them out the window*
My unpopular opinion about this character:  I’ll take his brother over him.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Wish he didn’t misinterpret Masrur’s advice of being like Sin (give her compliments vs womanize and drink) I know I know Magi came first and that was made later to explain his current personality. I wish he’d realize that insulting Yam is NOT the way to win her heart.
my het ship: Sharrkan with an OC’s sister (but then she breaks his heart bc she doesn’t want to commit--good news for Yam though?)
my fem/slash ship: ig Masrur/Sharrkan is a popular one? You want me to say SharrHa though don’t ya? 😏
my OTP: I suppose mini SharrYam in an AU where he’s gets over his awkwardness?
my OT3: Oh hmmmmm....now we’re talking... (other than that Sin/Mas/Sharr doujin nothing is coming to mind though)
my cross over ship: Haven’t thought about it
my kink: Have him tied up?
a head cannon fact: Belly buttons still bother him? Even with how rampant they’re shown off in Sindria.
my gender bend: Now the confidence would look good on her
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hithisisleon · 3 years
Hey I'm coming back from the dead as Leon The White to talk about the best part of the Resident Evil showcase : Resident Evil coming to Dead By Daylight !
Yes yes we all saw the trailer, we can't wait to attach that sweet Umbrella Corp charm to our survivors and our killer's hooks but I want to talk to you about the possibilites regarding Survivors, Killer and Map !
Yes I know we all have our preferences as to who we would like to see introduced as survivors and since it's a special occasion, Resident Evil's 25th Anniversary, we'll probably get 2 survivors like the Stranger Things DLC ( which can also mean that we could get other characters skins on top of said characters like Heather Mason getting Alessa Gillespie, Cybil Bennett and Lisa Garland skins ).
Our number one pick is the most obvious, at the end of the showcase, Matthieu Côté delivers this line :
Look, you have two choices here : kill or be killed. It's your call !
Does it sounds familiar ? I hope it does because it's coming directly from this :
So it's safe to assume that our number one character is going to be Claire Redfield !
As for number two, they'll probably pick a male character and huh... Yeah yeah you know what I mean, it's going to be Leon Kennedy.
It makes perfect sense : he's the other part of the duo from Resident Evil 2, the most popular old school RE, and the main protagonist of Resident Evil 4, the game who revolutionized the gaming industry and which brought fresh air to the franchise.
Another reason why it makes perfect sense for this duo to be in this game is that around the same time we will get Infinite Darkness, which features Leon and Claire ! Perfect promotion.
Also don't lie, if they get alternate costumes, you're going to love to play as Leon in his RE4 outfit with the jacket and Claire in her Let Me Live outfit... And the Cleon shippers will be happy.
As for those who would have prefered others like Jill or Chris, or even Rebecca and Billy why not, I'm sure they will be available as Legendary Skins.
Now this one is a particuliar case, and I'm thinking the same thing regarding the map.
They can go the way they did with the Silent Hill chapter and pick something different from the best games : Midwich Elementary School from Silent Hill 1 for the map, Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2 as the killer and Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 as the survivor.
If we go by popularity it would be either Mr.X or Nemesis ( No I'm not counting Lady Dumitrescu because the game isn't out yet and don't lie, her popularity is 100% due to how horny on main you freaks are )
Mr.X will have to be punching survivors as his main attack but as for his secondary I dunno... Maybe mutated Mr.X instead so he could do more damage ? And that way you could have the classic Tyrant from RE1 as a skin ?
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As for his Mori it'll probably be a head grab and him crushing your head or he might impale you with his mutated hand/claw before tossing you aside.
( Also you know his chase music is going to be modded into "X gonna give it to ya" )
Nemesis will punch and/or use tentacles to whip you good or catch you, either way he's going to do some damage and you know you will shit your pants when you hear him scream "STAAAAAAAAAARS !" from a distance.
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His mori will probably be an oldie but goldie and by that I mean he will grab survivors like Brad and tentacle-throat them to death.
The characters I want for killers here are just ideas I came up with and whom I know will probably not get picked but it's worth mentioning them because you'll agree that they would make great killers.
1/ Nosferatu ( Code Veronica X )
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I don't think I have to remind you the fucking bone chilling screams he make when you see him for the first time as Claire in Code Veronica, nor how creepy is his theme during the boss fight ?
Now imagine that in a game where he chase you around with a new rendition of his theme and his tentacles swinging around and attacking you while the others hear him screaming at you in the distance.
Not to forget he could also poison you with the spores he just released so like The Plague he could make you go around the map to find a way to cleanse yourself and here we could see blue herbs being used !
His mori could be one of the death animations from his boss fight in Code Veronica where he brings Claire close to him and impale her with his big tentacle before giving her the "This bitch empty, YEET" treatment.
2/ Alexia Ashford ( Code Veronica X )
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Oh boy look at that, another character from Code Veronica, who would have guessed ? ( It's in my TOP 3 RE games so my bad )
Alright Alexia has always been one of my favorites bosses from the Resident Evil series and I think she's honestly one of the best, her design is nasty, her mutations are disgusting and her orchestral theme is just GORGEOUS ( "Ironic" Palpatine said )
Imagine her normal attack being bitchslaps like she gives to Wesker in Code Veronica, nice right ? But for her secondary attack like in the game she throw her blood in a direction and trace a fire line with it, something that can work in DBD since Pyramid Head does something similar with his great knife.
Her mori will probably be her summoning those tentacles from the ground to impale you or grab your leg and smash you on the ground on repeat until you die, or if we stay classic, she can grab you by the throat and light you on fire, burning you alive.
As I said earlier during the killer part, they might follow the Silent Hill chapter formula, picking one bit of each game so here are some neat locations to pick from.
1/ The Spencer Mansion
a) The Mansion
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It's just too iconic.
b) The Arklay Lab
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I will shit myself if I see a Tyrant coming at me while I'm on a gen.
2/ Raccoon City
a) The streets of Raccoon City
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You think you can hide but he will find you.
b) The RPD
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Nothing better than exploring the corridors of the RPD and seeing a licker passing by a window while trying to sneak around to avoid the killer right ?
3/Rockfort Island
a) Prison Camp
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Perfect for the sadistic pleasures of the Entity !
b) Private Residence
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I really want to hear another rendition of "The Suspended Doll" when I join the map 👉👈 ... Special mentions to other maps that I can't show because tumblr doesn't allow more than 10 pics :
RE1 Guardhouse, RE2 Lab, RE3 Clock tower, RE Outbreak Jack's Bar, RE Code Veronica Antartica Mansion, RE4 Village, RE4 Castle, RE4 Island
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fishnets-fingers · 3 years
His cheeks redden with embarrassment.- das weird... das suspicious..
“Yeah, if you told me if golden showers was a kink of yours, I’d say bye Felicia and yeet myself out of the window real quick.”- lmaoooo
You know I’ve never done that before,” he admits shyly.- AWWWWH
“Dude! I called you over to get dicked down,” she states, slight pout forming on her lips.- I freaking love her xD
“You sure you’re okay?” He asks, staring at her to double check.- just believe her already man!
“Stop,” she says, looking at her sheets, unable to look into his eyes. “It’s the truth, dickhead.”- PLEASE💀💀💀
Better be safe than sorry right?”- right.
She falls forward on the mattress,- face down, arse up in the air...
Harry: No problem 🤤 Really like you btw. Layla: really like you too!- MY HEART-
“Why have I been driving you around since the day I met you?”- *no words bro*
I’ll get you your creemee- Let's see how.
he’s never got flowers from anyone before, and when Layla got him those at the farmer’s market he was sure he was going to melt into a puddle.- marry her, mate, marry her.
I’ve even got us two tickets to go see the reunion concert of My Chemical Romance-” “Shut the fuck up! It sold out in like ten minutes!” She swats his arm.- no cause literally... A REUNION CONCERT'S TICKETS!!!!
“This reminds me of something,” Harry says. “That scene from Jennifer’s Body where Megan Fox goes for a swim after ripping open and feeding on the insides of that jock?” “Way to ruin the moment- agreed.
Think back to how you practically melted in the morning when I told you I picked this lilac puffer jacket because it matched your trousers you wore during the picnic.” She reasons with him. Harry smiles. She leans over to attack his face with kisses, making him giggle as she kisses all over cheek. “Now, tell me, please,” she says, forehead against his. “Nope, still ruined the moment,” he mutters, kissing her lips.- Literally feels like warm sunshine during winters.
Layla was over the moon when they got there, it was a tiny hobbit hole replica, with a lush garden filled with wildflowers dotting bright colours in the green grass. A cobbled stone pathway led them to a circular teal door that invited them into a very cozy, rustic hobbit hole replica. It had all the modern amenities with all the old word fantasy charm. There were fairy lights, a massive fireplace, and a giant king sized bed. There was so much open space around them, all they could see were tall trees and mountains, a small pond, a tub in the garden - that Harry was fully intending to use.- *bows*
“Do you believe in aliens?”- duh, obviously.
“What do you think happens when we die?”- Okay, so I heard somewhere that when one is dying, their whole life flashes in front of their eyes... idon'tknowifit'strue..
Love. It was love. He was in love with her. His heart soars. “Layla?” He says softly. “Hmm?” “I love you.” Her eyes spring open. “What?” She says, sitting upright, twisting around to face him. “I love you, Layla Sathish.” He tells her, cupping her cheeks. “Harry, I-I don’t know what to say.” He presses his forehead to hers, looking into her eyes. “You don’t have to say anything. I don’t expect you to say it back to me, unless you feel it too. Take your time. Just know that I love you. Completely.” Layla blinks back the film of tears in her eyes, she threads her hands in his hair and closes the distance between their lips, in a passionate kiss.- DO NOT TOUCH ME, I'M SENSITIVE
“I ran into Nandhini Aunty a couple of days ago,” Vasanth starts.- good luck.
“We’re not your parents.” Vasanth reminds her. “The next time he comes over, ask him to stay for breakfast and leave at an acceptable time.” Layla’s eyes widen and fly to her uncle and aunt’s face. She wasn’t expecting that.- ....same pinch
“I’ll make sure to visit. Layla, I have a favour to ask,” she says hesitantly. “Anything.” “Harry’s come down with quite a bad cold. His wheezing has also not subsided. He’s very adamant that he’s fine. He’s always been stubborn when it came to getting nebulised, he’d refused since he was a kid. It was always a battle. He basically pushed me out of the house to get to work. Can you just check on him?” “Of course!” She says immediately. “He didn’t even tell me he was sick.” She tells Anne. “I’m not surprised.”- Harry was relatable here......
x - - - x
once again, LOVED IT!!!! you have absolutely no idea how much you're teaching me with your fics mam, like jokes aside, seriously!
EVERYTIME I finish reading a part, I'm just sitting like, 'where the fuck even am I, right now'. They are just SO CONSUMING + they help me escape for a while.
Hope have/had a great day, mah-ma-maya <333
That was quick, Aprajitha!!! I don’t know how you do it honestly!
I’m so glad you liked the new part. I’m not happy with it but I think my favourite thing to write was Layla’s sit down with her Uncle and Aunt. I love how Abi had to keep her husband from shouting at her and reassure Layla at the same time. They are going to be great parents for sure. I really wanted to write about the next generation of brown people take on a sensible approach to parenting sans all the brown toxicity. So, I really hope that turned out well.
The I love you was also not planned at all. I was listening to White Ferrari (all hail Blond and Frank Ocean) and when the outro came on, all I could could think of is Harry telling Layla that he loves her. I don’t know if Layla’s there yet. I think she needs to love herself before accepting that someone who is not related to her or not forced to hang out with her (like in school or work), chooses to spend time with her enough to fall in love it her.
Thank you for the feedback babe! You make me want to write every day. 😘
Creemee Maple Supremacy!
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mmnemi · 4 years
comics rant pt. 1
I told myself that I wasn't going to rant about that dumpster of comic but here I'm.
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I read the first part of The promise and boy it was something (terrible).
First of all, fuck you bryke.
Second, how horrendous is that, atla a show where 'found family' is a big part of it, the gaang just throw zuko aside the moment he steps up as fire lord. They left a seventeen yo boy alone. as. a. ruler. The whole gaang and iroh left him alone, handed him to the opposition (that wanted him dead).
everyone is so ooc that it hurts. They hear "zuko is bad now" and automatically jump on the "he must be stopped" train without, you know, talking to him, who, supposedly, is their close friend.
zuko asking aang to kill him
I don't think that is ooc. Zuko was free of ozai, yes, but he was not 100% okay and his time on the throne didn't help at all. I think is realistic to zuko ask aang, or someone who he trust and was with him at the moment, to stop/kill him if he starts to "turn into ozai" BUT I only think that this would happen if he was in the middle of a breakdown or something of the sort, and (differently from the canon) he'd get support and help, his friends and uncle would be there for him and support him.
It's ooc of him to ask aang to do it at that moment. They were celebrating and drinking tea, and he was clearly in peace and happy, serving tea to his friends and being a teenager. By the night he just go all serious and tell aang to promise to kill him in case he 'steps out of line' (🙄🙄) and aang, who was against killing ozai The Genocidal, agrees, but only after katara, his sweetie, tells him too.
(I'll left katara for the next part bc I Have Words for it)
zuko and the colonies
oh boy, this is where you know that the writes are white american dudes. They made zuko (and katara, an indigenous woman) who said 'fuck you ozai and this imperialist shit' and yeeted the man into a
.Colonization defensor.
That's right. Zuko spent THREE SEASONS learning how the FN fucked the world just for bryke grab and throw it by the window in this comics. The "colonialism is good" is just... disgusting.
"FN people and EK people were living together and having intercultural families, that's good!" NO. Every colonization is forced and I can assure you these mixed families were not formed out of love.
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hiduprakyat · 3 years
okay so it's 6.30pm here, and my mum wanted me to go jogging. Because I feel like shit today I decided that I'm not going to do something that makes me want to yank my lungs out so I can breathe. So I say no I'm not going jogging. She says yeah you either go jogging now, go alone at midnight or I'll take away your laptop. It should be mentioned that I have literally no connection to the outside world other than my laptop and all my writing is in here. So she gets mad and asks why I'm not going. Because I'm not about to tell her that I feel like yeeting myself out of the window I say I want to draw things. Not that I'm exactly lying. Then she says if I don't go she's telling my dad to take my laptop away at 7. And then she closes the fucking door. Like. What even. I don't even know what my dad's gonna do. Is he going to listen to her? Is he going to take it away like he smashed my phone? Is he going to at least be a little bit reasonable? I don't even know. I just want to sleep forever
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crowsent · 5 years
Can you explain the color switch technique for theater more clearly? I'm going to audition for our high school play and I want a reliable way to act without having to relive my worst memories.
dunno when exactly you sent this anon, but i hope i havent responded too late.
SO. the colour switch technique. dunno if its an official name or whatever BUT its essentially used in theatre or really in any other scenario where you have to lie or assume an emotion that you’re not currently feeling. essentially, you have to play a role. but since you said youre auditioning for a play, we focusin on the theatre aspect of it.
the most common thing i see or hear people do when they need to play an emotion that they just aren’t feeling at that moment, is to think of a personal event in their lives that elicits that specific emotion. it WILL work, or at the very least, elicit a strong emotion that pushes you to make your scene more believable and more alive. now thats great if the memory or event is a happy one. thinking of the first time you ever held your baby sibling, or that time you had your first kiss, or that day your parents surprised you with a new car. genuine happiness, or the memory of genuine happiness can work wonders to make a scene look and feel organic.
but if the emotion is negative, its going to absolutely DECIMATE your mental health.
no matter how much you think that ‘its just for a scene’ or that it wont actually affect you when youre off the stage, using the “relive memory to recreate emotion” method can and will fuck your mental health sideways with a chainsaw. its BAD for you to constantly think of painful or sad memories. there’s rehearsals, the actual performance, and worse, memories of the play itself. associating the memory of a tragic accident or a bad fight to a scene of a play youre participating in IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU.
i did theatre back in highschool. my depression at that stage was also. uh. particularly bad. so the whole “relive traumatic memories to experience pain so you can act better” is TERRIBLE advise. dont listen to anyone who tells you to do it. it WILL negatively impact your mental health AND your memories of the play, and may even discourage you from participating in future plays yourself.
but you still need to find a way to channel those emotions.
in comes colour switch theory. or technique. whatever its called. my theatre directors were GODDESSES. they recommended this technique to EVERYONE and it WORKS.
the trick is to associate a particular colour with a particular emotion, or even facial expression. when you need to keep a stoic face, you picture the colour in your mind and chant it in your head over and over to not break character. when you need to be sad, just repeat the colour you chose for sadness over and over to get yourself in the mindset WITHOUT hurting your mental health. for me, some of the colours i chose were:
blue- sadness/loneliness
red- anger
black- nothingness
grey- fear
there are more, but lets focus on these four. blue is my favourite colour. but thinking of the colour blue it doesnt automatically make me sad, so i can still enjoy it when im off stage. to channel the emotion of sadness or loneliness that i tied with the colour blue, i think of sadness from inside out and her blue motif. i think of the blue colour commonly depicted for tears. i think of cold and i think of a single person all alone, curled up in a blue room, crying.
just talking about this made my body curl up when i was writing that paragraph. i am shaking, and i feel sad, but when i stopped thinking about that imagery, it stopped. because its not a painful or traumatic memory for me, i can just yeet the blue emotion imagery away from me when i dont want it. you cant do that with personal memories and thats what makes the colour switching strategy so good. you can act better but you dont have to hurt yourself to do it.
think of it as constructing a bubble in your head, or a room you go to when you need to feel something. for anger, i think of a red room. i think of that red emoji with the brows scrunched up and the teeth gnashed together. i think of being so angry you lose words. i think of being red-faced because you just cant control it. conveniently, anger from inside out is also red, so i can think of him too. i think of fire in my veins, hot and ready to explode with nowhere to go but loud, violent screaming. and as im writing this, i can picture myself on a stage just shouting at whoeever has done my character wrong.
same goes for black and grey. black is just when i need to keep a straight face. when i need to be stoic or unimpressed. and its just a black room. nothingness. i sometimes picture that black room in real life when i have to not laugh at something funny if the timing is inappropriate, or when i have to keep a strong facade when i want to cry. i picture that room of nothingness and my mind goes blank. and i can keep a stoic face. the grey room is fog and shadows just in the corner of my eye. its something closing in that i cant see because of all the grey swirling around me. i dont know if im alone. i dont know if i am safe because i can only see a foggy room.
all in all, mentally travelling to a room in your mind created for the express purpose of eliciting a specific emotion is better than just retraumatising yourself. and its really simple to create these rooms. you dont even have to use the same colours i did.
maybe you have more trouble with expressing lovey dovery emotions. you can make red your love room. think of red flowers on valentines day, the red heart decals you see on store windows, the red box of chocolate youd give to a lover. red is passion, red is life, and you can associate things like that with your red room if you want. its like a venn diagram. things you associate with red on the left, things you associate with the emotion on the right, and the things they have in common can be used to construct the imagery of the emotion colour switch room.
then you can just chant red red red in your mind and you think of the blush on the fair maidens cheek as her knight comes to rescue her. you can think of a scarlet dress dazzling everyone in the room, but the wearer only has eyes for one man. you can think of lipstick stain against a collar.
you can associate any emotion with any colour. my process was:
pick a colour
pick an emotion/facial expression
picture a small room in your mind
fill that room with things or imagery that match your emotion or expression
be as specific or as generic as you want
you can have a green room dedicated to irritation or envy or just the loose feeling that youre not completely happy. the reasoning can be just bc you thought of the phrase “green with envy” and thought itd be neat. green can be a mother experiencing the joy of holding her child for the first time because green=nature=nurturing=mother.
establish a connection with that colour. fill out your room and create the keyword to get in. im very unoriginal so my keyword was just chanting the colour name over and over in my head. if i say blue enough times i get sad, even if i dont picture the room bc my mind has formed a link to that state of being. and i can break away without much trouble bc the connection is just on the surface.
colour switch is hair chalk. reliving memories is hair dye. at the end of the day, both of them colour hair. but you can wipe off the hair chalk w relative ease but a thorough hair dye that produces vibrant colours cant easily be removed, even when you want to switch to a different colour, or maybe even lose the dye completely.
i would recommend picking an emotion or expression that youre not good at portraying, but dont struggle with as much for your first room. i am not good at expressing sadness, but im worst at expressing upset or anger. so when i first started my colour switch mindset room, i started with sadness. it helps me express an emotion that im not particularly good at expressing, while still being relatively easy for me to get the hang of. maybe try for the second or third worst emotion you express, build a room to channel that emotion, and establish your connection.
make it a well-tread path, essentially. first few times are gon be difficult, but the more you do it, the easier it gets. all i need now to fake-cry is picturing the blue room, saying blue a bunch of times, and making a face. then i cry. completely fake and not damaging to my health.
i hope this makes sense for you. if it doesnt, feel free to send in an ask with more detailed questions abt the parts youre confused about or anything else. same goes for anyone who happens to read this that has an interest in theatre. id rather answer a dozen asks of the same question than have any of yall do something so harmful to your mental health. if anything was at all confusing, please feel free to tell me and ill gladly clarify some more. stay safe and take care of yourselves. and to the anon who asked, i hope your play goes well
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catnerdenby · 2 years
I am giving up
Wonder what this is?
A declaration!
I give up trying to understand what the fuck I am.
From now on I refer to myself as meromantic.
Now, what is meromantic?
It's a sexuality I made up to match whatever the hell this situation is *points to myself*
I am tired of trying to understand myself and am constantly feeling pressured to identify as something. So I'm yeeting all this crap out of the window.
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I am just myself!
I have given up on other labels.
I just am
Just exist
I don't belong anywhere
I am interested in whoever I like, however I like and I don't have to pressure myself to figure it out.
The LGBTQA+ community is mostly supportive and normally doesn't pressure one to figure this stuff out, but I hate telling someone that I'm bi only to realise on the same day that I actually might be pan.
It's annoying to me and I feel like I was lying.
Mesexuality isn't a part of anything, it's a person as an individual. We all could be mesexuals/meromantics if we decided to be. It's one sexuality, yet it's also all of them.
As I said, mesexuality shapes to whatever I am.
I'm this gray space, I'm the dark matter, I become what I desire, yet I am nothing
You can't put me in a box, or several boxes, I'm gas, I don't have a shape, I am whatever the hell I am. I just leak out, even if you close the box.
I hope you get what I mean. The earthly things such as labels don't apply to me no more. I still am interested in girls, boys, and all in between, am not interested in sexual acts and yet to find romantic interests, but I let go of my labels and just fly up like a balloon and float around with the wind
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