#i'm so sad that i'm not gonna get an S trophy or whatever
meatbag-status · 1 year
The moral of the story is, I have been stuck on the Mr X/Tyrant fight for years and my family has stopped looking for me. I legit scream laughed (if that’s a thing) when Leon said “IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE?”
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eggos-world · 4 years
Complainers (A MHA fanfic)
Midorya x Fem! Reader
(A/N : So this is my first fanfic EVER and I've really been into MHA for a while now and I LOVED reading all the fanfics, and I saw this particular ask to a blog if the reader had a writing quirk and how would Midorya and two other characters would react (I am so sorry I forgot the blog who wrote that) but I wanted to put my spin on it and make the reader be into slam poetry and let their tongue be their weapon. This particular poem is by Rudy Fransisco!! Not my original poem!! Hope y'all enjoy!)
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When you write, it's like the whole world around you finally goes silent. You live out the daydreams in your own head feeling the words on the page a safe space. This was your quirk. Even if it didn't seem as great to be in combat fighting villains, at least it's something to fight your inner demons. That to you was enough.
Midorya was well use to the song and dance of getting you to snap out of your world when the bell rings, apologizing in advance. In truth he hates breaking your concentration, he knows full well that he hates the feeling being separated from writing his notes. But he knew you would sit there for hours on end just writing in your book, even if you finish it all in one go you wouldn't notice that you were writing on the desk. (And yes he had to get you out of there and insisted to clean it up for you). Even after all of this he still admired your quirk no less.
The bell had rung for lunch and everyone stood up and packed their books away and walked out one by one. You feel a tap on your shoulder not a minute later, and a familiar soft spoken voice breaks you from your concentration. " Hey, Y/N, I-Its time for lunch" He says with a smile and you close your book and packed it into your bag, walking with him side by side to the lunchroom.
"So what was today's story in your book?" He asked with a smile looking to you.
"Not a story today, I've been into poetry for a while. So I figured I might try something different. " You say smiling back.
"Woah, I didn't know you were into poetry. That seems really cool! What was it about? "
You were always so surprised that he was interested in your work. Since it was such a personal thing to you and you haven't really shown off your work due to self consciousness, he was always very supportive even from the beginning. Later on you realized that he also loved writing. That was one of the many things that formed a great friendship between you both, besides from your love of heroes and nerding out with each other of course!. You both carried out your conversation while getting your lunches. Sitting down on the table along with everyone else smiling and joking you all causally eat your meals. You pull out your notebook, sliding it over to Midorya to take a look after you promised him too. He smiles and opens to the bookmarked paged, but a soon as he does a hand flashes and snatches the book out of his hands.
"Please tell me you don't think your sorry excuse of a quirk would get you into the top ten!" Bakugou loudly exclaiming with a smug look.
Well shit.
While he was chuckling you were about to stand and get it back, but Midorya beat you to it trying to pry it off of his hands, but Bakugou only lifts it up higher. "What's your deal nerd? Trying to stick up for your little girlfriend?" He says chuckling louder.
"S-she's not my girlfriend kachan! Give back her book! It's not yours!" Midorya says with a blush forming on his face. But Bakugou shoves him away and faces you.
"What makes you think that writing fairytale lands and princesses would make you pro hero? That's not going to save you from the real world. What's going to happen if a villain comes in and starts destroying everything around you? You're gonna write him a love story with a happily ever after!? Give me a break! " He says with a laugh.
"Kachan! You need to stop this" Midorya says stepping back up to him. "Not everyone's quirk is perfect!"
"Heh! If you really think she could handle the world on her own-" He says before holding out the book "Let's give her a chance to prove me wrong! "
And just like that, your notebook, your work your safe haven was blown up to flames. Bits of burnt paper flown into the air, your book quickly into ashes. You didn't notice midorya quickly moving to get his water and put the fire out, your eyes was fixated on Bakugou. A smirk had formed on his face that made your heart sink into your stomach. A lump forming within your chest as you fought the urge to cry. He moved his arms and raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to make the next move. But you felt a hand around your arm.
"Y/N, you don't need this now. Let's just go-"
"No... " You say stepping up to Bakugou. Taking one last look at your destroyed book you turn your head back to him. "It's a shame, because the poem I was just writing... Was about you. " You say with a sad smile and a nod. He blinks back in surprise, his smirk growing larger than before. "That's not a good thing.. " You later say. Even though it was still in the works, even if you didnt get to finish it you felt your tongue burn. An unfamiliar sensation forming in your mouth. Usually you would feel it within your hand as you write, a soft glow transferring onto the words you'd write on the page. But now that feeling had made it's way from your throat and to your mouth.
And it's telling you to speak the fuck up.
You took a breath, looked him deep in the eye and let your mouth took the wheel.
"The following are true stories.
May 26th 2003 Aron Ralston was hiking, a boulder fell on his right hand. He waited four days, then amputated his arm with a pocket knife.
On New Year’s Eve, a woman was bungee jumping in Zimbabwe. The cord broke, she then fell into a river and had to swim back to land in crocodile infested waters with a broken collarbone.
Claire Champlin was smashed in the face by a five pound watermelon being propelled by a slingshot.
Matthew Brobst was hit by a javelin.
David Striegl was punched in the mouth. By a kangaroo.
The most amazing part about these stories is when asked about the experience they all smiled, shrugged, and said “I guess things could have been worse.”
So go ahead.
Tell me that you’re having a bad day.
Tell me about the traffic. Tell me about your boss. Tell me about the job you’ve been trying to quit for the past four years. Tell me the morning is just a town house burning to the ground and the snooze button is a fire extinguisher. Tell me the alarm clock stole the keys to your smile, drove it into 7:00 AM, and the crash totaled your happiness.
Tell me! Tell me!
Tell me, how blessed are we to have tragedies so small it can fit on the tips of our tongues?
You see, when Evan lost his legs he was speechless. When my cousin was assaulted, she didn’t speak for forty eight hours. When my uncle was murdered, we had to send out a search party to find my father’s voice.
Most people have no idea that tragedy and silence have the exact same address!
When your day is a museum of disappointments hanging from events that were outside of your control, when you find yourself flailing in an ocean of “Why is this happening to me?”, when it feels like your guardian angel put in his two week notice two months ago and just decided not to tell you, when it feels like God is just a babysitter that’s always on the phone, when you get punched in the esophagus by a fistful of life, remember that every year two million people die of dehydration so it doesn’t matter if the glass is half full or half empty, there’s water in the cup.
Drink it, and stop FUCKING complaining.
Muscle is created by repeatedly lifting things that have been designed to weigh us down. So when your shoulders feel heavy, stand up straight and lift your chin – call it exercise. When the world crumbles around you, you have to look at the wreckage and then build a new one out of the pieces that are still here.
Remember, you are still here.
The human heart beats approximately four thousand times per hour.
Each pulse, each throb, each palpitation is a trophy engraved with the words “You are still alive”...
You are still alive...
Act like it."
When you felt the sensation cool from your lips and the tip of your tongue, Bakugou's eyes were wide. His smirk had fallen. Silence filled around you, even from Midorya. Everyone has seen and heard the whole thing. Just as you were about to walk back to your table to grab your things and leave, you hear a slow clap. Then another. Then another. You turn your head to see everyone clapping and cheering. You smile a little. Bakugou steps back and walks off with a smack of his teeth.
"Tch, whatever weirdo.. " He mumbles under his breath.
You walked over to Midorya smiling and he quickly gives you a hug. "That was amazing! The way you kept firing words at kachan was incredible! I never seen him so speechless like that! " He pulls away with a smile and a blush.
"Oh hehe! It was nothing really" You say forming a blush yourself, looking away shyly.
"I'm really sorry about your notebook though. I could buy you another one and bring it to you tomorrow! "
"Oh no it's okay! I have extras at my house-"
"Nope! It's my treat." He smiles and the bell rings again, making everyone pack up and ready for the next class. Midorya grabs his bag and hands you yours. Making your way back into the building he stops you for a second. "Hey, speaking of treat, d-do you think we could both head out f-for some ice cream after school? " He says with a heavier blush and fiddles with his tie. He always did looked cute when he blushed. You smile and giggle a bit.
"I would love to.. "
(Woah hey! First fanfic done! Hope you all enjoyed that!! 🤣💕)
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 years
this is pretty late but I'm wondering: What made you hate Nier Automata after Route A? I'm curious 'cause I usually hear folks say that Route B fleshes out the world and events of Automata, and that the real story doesn't start until Route C
Uhhhhhggggggg tbh I pushed it so far outta my mind I chose to forget about it (and DRV3, sadly ZTD is still in my head....probably cause I only played a little so it wasn’t like I had to retain more than I needed to). I don’t wanna think about it so I’ll try to keep it short.
I dunno, I thought the world was empty and repetitive, there wasn’t much to do, the routes were too short. 2B and 9S were boring as all hell after awhile (I like the O people and our robot buddies better as well as some side characters). Speaking of side characters they didn’t really flesh them out, they’re just freaking there. I was hoping they’d flesh out even 2B or 9S more but they didn’t. 9S was a whiny little baby (which only bothered me by the time I got to Route C I think). The humans not being real was easy to call, even if you hadn’t played the other games. I don’t like how I had to collect a bunch of side items for the game to expand on and explain shit to me. 
A2 was the only main character I actually liked (around Route B I started to dislike the game, but held out for this route cause I knew I got to play her.....and then I found out I had to play as 9S too ahhhrrrggghh), probably cause she was an angry baby and she interested me when I first saw her (HATED how they don’t go into her more in the other routes). And cause she reminds me of Kaine (who was the first character of Nier I was introduced to and was def my kind of character, haven’t played regular Nier yet), probably cause apparently it is hinted she is based of Kaine (tho if that’s the case why isn’t she voiced by Laura Bailey????).
Also Adam and Eve were the most interesting villains of the game and we just kill them off half way through. Not a fan of that (one of the reasons I refuse to watch any more Luke Cage cause of what they did in Season 1, even tho I actually finished that whole season I should’ve stopped half way through tbh). 
I think I was suppose to feel bad for the robots, but as soon as I as I saw them in the desert (when Adam/Eve were born or whatever) I actually got a feeling of such squick that I didn’t care I just wanted them dead and gone. I did like the ones in Pascal’s village, but it didn’t make up for the desert scene. So when they all died I was like “oh man I hope A2′s not sad cause I think she’s gonna be sad” rather than feel sad for the robots or Pascal. 
I just hated the writing in general, just felt.....lacking substance I guess (it’s been awhile tbh so don’t @ me on the writing cause I don’t care for this game at all, I’m refusing to acknowledge its existence any further). Tbh as an introduction to Yoko Taro, it really made me get off on the wrong foot and makes me hate him as a writer. But I will keep my mind open as I go backwards into Nier PS3 and Drakengard or whatever. Cause maybe it was just Automata that pissed me off (it didn’t piss me off during route A, it was more “Ok I know there are other routes, maybe there’s more!” and while I didn’t love the game it was just....fine....and then it went downhill)
(btw while I don’t wanna hear any defense or just anything on Automata, you can tell me stuff about Nier PS3 and Drakengard cause I will give those a fair shot, I just don’t wanna indulge in anymore Automata as much as I can.....and I don’t want to salty up the fandom with my salt, thus I stay away and everyone is happy! :D
of course if Automata 2 comes out....and there’s a trophy list.....what can I say I’m a trophy whore who will play games I don’t like just for the plat but that’s neither here nor there nor is it new news XP and I probs won’t talk about it much anyway other than if I thought it was better than 1 or not but even then I dunno)
So yeah sorry for my salt, I try not to talk about things I hate on here, except for P5....cause I can’t escape P5 (cause P5 is special as it’s part of a video game universe I love thus I must indulge in it so I know more about the universe even if I don’t want to cause I don’t like the game and thus I’m in a catch 22 orz)....but I can escape Automata and DRV3 and ZTD....and so I do. 
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