meatbag-status · 1 year
The moral of the story is, I have been stuck on the Mr X/Tyrant fight for years and my family has stopped looking for me. I legit scream laughed (if that’s a thing) when Leon said “IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE?”
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euthoriaz · 1 year
Out of all the badass things Claire did, they chose this one in her profile video.
I see what you're doing here Capcom👀
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They know.
They know.
They know.
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bassforte · 1 year
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TFW You’re an Ace Attorney and/or Mega Man fan.
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talietikasero · 7 months
aight now i'll do ng+
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sminny-wew · 2 months
Idk if this is a super hot take or not, but given that Battle Network already has more of a completed story compared to other Mega Man series, I'd be perfectly content with never getting a new mainline MMBN game if we instead got a new animated adaptation that stuck closer to the game canon (and included Network Transmission, Battle Chip Challenge, and both mobile games) than NT Warrior did
I know the odds of Capcom even doing something like this are low but god dAMMIT I NEED TO HEAR THE WORDS "SAITO-NIISAN" SPOKEN OUT LOUD AGAIN PLEASE MY CROPS ARE DYING
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alex062e03 · 1 year
It's so fucking funny that capcom done the same thing with both PW:AA and Tgaa when they killed off the character we just started to sympathize with right off the bat (ignoring everything that happens afterwards with not-really-dead mentor and i-have-no-idea-the-fuck-is-the-deal-with-Kazuma-i-didn't-finish-tgaa-i-just-saw-fanarts-and-have -no-idea-what-will-happen)
No seriously, you start with "oh Mia is great, i really like her" and then they hit us with Turnabout Sisters. And then, when you start Tgaa and see Asougi, pattern recognition kicks in and you're like "Capcom, this better not go where i think it's going" and it happens anyway and all you can say is "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT CAPCOM"
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spidersonicbatl0 · 1 year
Debunked Tyrranux deviantart post “these jackasses actually copied the will u”
I’m a PlayStation fan, so when I find this post. I was speechless. This is so dumb it make the humans in helluva boss, look like dr doom. For context this is a response to PlayStation may 2023 state of play. Btw here a link to the post https://www.deviantart.com/tyrranux/journal/These-jackasses-actually-copied-the-Wii-U-964209907 (note: do not harass this person please)
Ok let begin
“One minute in and they're already sucking their own dicks. They really are the video game equivalent of Elon Musk.....” so making a flashing intro is sucking one dick. By that logic e3 show have flashing intro or reveal is sucking dick.
“Define irony, a video game all about eating the rich published by a company notorious for being comparable to Elon Musk as far as inflated ego, bitterness towards competition and general market share value....” even tho I never saw the show. The boys from what hear make funny/criticize consumerism, big company’s and company being diverse to get a quick dollar. And you know who own the boys tv series……Amazon.
“They fucking would if they could. Lord knows they did the same with FF7 and SF5....” to explain what she talking about. The YouTuber who is react to this say “yes chat this gta6”. But the thing is final fantasy 7 came out on the ps1, so making it a PlayStation exclusive for a time make sense. Same with the crash n sane trilogy. Also mega man start as Nintendo exclusive series, But capcom later made mega man x4 came out on the sega Saturn and PlayStation 1
“Soooooooo they aren't gonna shy away from the heavy dosage of anti fascist society themes that defines Starship Troopers as a story?” Detroit: become human: am I a joke to you
“Dammit that's a really good name for a game dev studio XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD9:40 - I was about to say this looked familiar..........so it's also gonna be on Xbox then?” You know Nintendo have show third party game in Nintendo direct before right?
“By the by this is also slated for Xbox and Nintendo Switch, I checked. And I only bring it up because, well, I didn't compare Sony to Elon Musk for nothin'.” 👆 say response as above
“Either that or their own Fortnite with black jack and hookers, that way they don't have to pay Epic Games to feature Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts characters in a competing title.” 🤦 epic games would actually have to pay money to square to use final fantasy. Heck square only own half of kingdom hearts, the other half is own by Disney.
“Because we're talking about a company so creatively bankrupt that they actually made a "remake" to Final Fantasy 7.” Re2 remake change the gameplay and story beats. But capcom call it a remake when it more of a reimagining of re2.
“Also how nice of Square to just hand Sony their own version of Splatoon on a silver platter so that Sony didn't have to make one themselves. Cue all the Sony ponies decrying Splatoon as dead and there being nothing to play on Nintendo.” 😟 not every PlayStation fan is a toxic fan. The same go for Xbox fans and Nintendo fans. Toxic fans like that are mock by non toxic fans. Like you Tyrranux
“Oh look it's that one game that's already overshadowed by FF7 Rebirth, setting it up for a descent into the pit of irrelevance. And it seems this is also a Playstation exclusive so it's double dead on arrival, if it was also on Xbox it might have stood a chance....” they a lot PlayStation exclusive ip that people remember fondly ape escape, jak and daxter, sly cooper, infamous, resistance, kill zone, ratchet and clank, twisted metal, midevil, little big planet and god of war. Also imagine being such toxic Xbox/Nintendo fangirl, you think that any ps exclusive is going to fail. It not like god of war 2018 is a considered the best game of all of time and won 2018 game of the year
“And I'm glad I'm not seeing yet even more Breath of the Wild but now more heavily sci fi. Wait isn't that just Horizon Zero Dawn? Yep XD” breath of the wild have gameplay different to horizon. Here they Wikipedia pages and at the gameplay section https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Breath_of_the_Wild
“Dude, this is Sony we're talking about, the bigger shock would be that it doesn't end on something stupid like that.”
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“Oh my God these morons really are just copying the Wii U! And lemme guess, this is gonna cost up to 500 dollars as well?! Jackasses.....” 1 the Wii U gimmick is that the game pad is use to do stuff on the tv. This doesn’t have that feature. 2 sega in the 90s made the game gear, it literally just an sega gameboy and Disney infinity and Lego dimensions are skylanders games, but with pre existing ip’s. 3 the Kinect
“Ah yes, the game I'm not even allowed to play because Sony, the selfish fucks, would rather continue testing the patience of Disney than finally part with the Spider Man movie licence. Skip.” Marvel approach Xbox on making a marvel game, but xbox say no. Marvel so when to sony pitch a marvel game, sony say yes and let insomniac games decide what character the game will be about. They pick spider man because the studio loves the character. If insomniac wanted to make a game based on daredevil it would ps4 exclusive. Plus Disney have a deal to use spider man in the mcu, so they no reason to buy the rights.
That was bad. Anyway I going to have rest now. Oh Tyrranux if you say I’m am Sony fanboy
Here a picture of my Nintendo switch with my games
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its-just-luci · 2 years
Chapter 22: Into the Void.
(David Bowie, Heroes)
Our thoughts and prayers are with the astronauts and their families. Alongside every family across this great nation, Nancy and I are pained to our core regarding the situation unfolding aboard Apollo 31. We here at the whitehouse, alongside those at NASA accept that failure is not an option. We will persist in the face of tragedy, and triumph in the face of hardship. We must do what we can to bring these brave men back home, and god willing we will succeed. We send our best regards to those two men on the moon, and we will soon be sending our best pilots. We will triumph, and steal victory from the jaws of defeat.
- Ronald Reagan, Apollo 31 Speech, 1977.
Lenoir returned home alone, and heartbroken. Despite being reassured by Scott and Lawrence that the two were safe, he remained hesitant to leave them. In the end, however, he followed orders; Mere hours before the liftoff of Apollo 31R, he splashed down in his capsule, alone. 2 weeks following the Apollo 31 accident, Gus Grissom and Richard Gordon sat atop the booster once designated for America’s next station, their mission proving far more urgent. The rocket pressurized its tanks, and chasing Apollo 31 before it, the launcher jumped off the pad.
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(Apollo 31R Liftoff)
Public Affairs Officer: Liftoff, we have a liftoff. A minute til midnight and we have liftoff of Apollo 31R!
Like a star in the night, the Saturn rose into the heavens, fading into nothing more than a spec of light on the horizon.
Grissom: We got stage sep-
Cooper: Ignition!
Capcom: Roger you staging Apollo R-
Grissom: Tell Dave and Rob their guardian angel’s on his way!
Capcom: One thing at a time babe.
The rocket continued onwards, eventually reaching orbit one last time. The S-IVB lit her engine once more, thrusting the astronauts alongside their Command Module and Lander to the moon. While the astronauts still had some time to wait before the cavalry arrived, they knew they were coming. For the first time in weeks, Scott and Lawrence had a message of hope, and shortly thereafter, they could see the hint of dawn on the horizon.
Scott: Oh, look Rob! Look!
Lawrence: I’m lookin-
Lawrence: Goddamn… ain't that something.
Scott: We’re gonna be okay man!
Scott: I think it’s important we go see that. Suit up-
Lawrence: But mission control-
Scott: I know what they said, but we have plenty of supplies. We’ve rationed well and we’re gonna be off this damn rock in a week's time, if not sooner. We should go enjoy it.)
Lawrence: If you say so-
Scott: I’m your commander, and that’s an order. Go get dressed.
Lawrence: aye-aye.
Scott: Me and Robby are gonna go on a short stroll outside the lander-
Capcom: Dave, you know the rules, as do I, it says only necessary EVA’s are permitt-
Scott: This is necessary dammit. We’ve been locked up in here for weeks, and we need some fresh air. I’ll be safe, and I won’t let the man break his arm. What all do you need to hear from me to give us the okay?!
Capcom: Uhhhhh… Just a sec, Dave.
Controller 1: Let em do it.
Controller 2: We’re doing good on rations, and if this is what we have to do to get the poor boys through this, so be it.
Kranz: Alright, all those in favor-
Capcom: Aye-
Controller 1: Aye-
Controller 2: Rodger.
Kranz: All those opposed?
Kranz: Nobody? That settles it. 
Capcom: Thankfully you got some nice mission controllers, 31. Go ahead.
Scott: Much appreciated, wasn’t asking permission though.
Capcom: I take it you two have already suited up?
Scott: We’re already outside.
Capcom: Oh for fu-... erm. Try and give us more warning than that in the future, 31.
Scott: Rodge.
Lawrence: Thanks commander, I agree this was absolutely necessary…
Scott: Look, would ya rather be in that tin can?
Lawrence: No thank you, I just wanna be off this rock.
Scott: Makes two of us buddy. Soon.
As Apollo 31R approached her perilune, she ignited her engines slowing into orbit around the moon. Grissom boarded the LM, leaving Cooper to pilot the command module. Try as they may, NASA never figured out how to fit four in the Lunar Module, so any rescue attempt would have to be flown solo, an impressive feat demanding a pilot with previous experience in the lander. In the years prior, Grissom had insisted he was ‘good to go’ for another shot at the moon, though following his command of Apollo 10, the chances were unlikely. By sheer coincidence, Grissom got his chance, and if it weren’t for the circumstances, he would be celebrating.
Now, however, was not the time for celebration. Now was the time for focus. The LM undocked, and Grissom went plunging into the darkness, Dipping over the horizon of the waning moon, Grissom lost sight of the earth. The LM Lit its engines and began its descent into the dark void below. Soon the descent rate picked up, and the sun loomed over the horizon. The lander continued its descent onwards and downwards towards the regolith below. 
Before long, Grissom spotted familiar terrain, he knew it was only a matter of time before Tsiolkovskiy could be seen through his window. He spotted it. Maybe it was out of knowledge that this would be his final flight, or maybe as an act of pride or redemption; Regardless of the reason, Gus Grissom took manual control of the lander, proving his capabilities as a pilot and bringing the lander down mere yards away from the Molab.
Scott: Holy hell is that the LM?
Capcom: Gus should be down any second now,
Scott: Yeah we can hear him! He’s sandblasting the damn rover!
Grissom: Contact light-
Grissom Engine disarmed, engine shutdown- okay Houston, I’m down!
Capcom 2: Roger, what's your distance? 
Grissom: 90.
Capcom 2: Come again?
Grissom: 90 yards.
Capcom 2: Gus!
Grissom: (Laughing) they’re fine, I can see their shocked faces through the window-
Capcom 2: You coulda killed someone-
Grissom: Well, I didn’t let’s get home you two!
Capcom: Handing this problem child off to you, Jack-
Capcom 2: Roger.
Grissom: The new Corvette’s here boys, hop in!
Scott: We’re coming, you better fly better than that when we go up-
Grissom: I think that was damn good flying as it is, I was pretty much on target.
Lawrence: As in you landed where you were supposed to, or you landed on top of your target?
The three astronauts laughed, and reunited in the LM within hours. Small quantities of soil samples and photographs were loaded onto the Lunar Module, and before long, they began their trip to lunar orbit. Though his stay on the moon was short, his legacy was long reaching, Gus Grissom had retrieved his two comrades from the lunar surface. They returned to the CSM, and then to the Earth. And while Gus was grounded from flights following the mission, the four men were given the presidential medal of freedom upon their arrival to Earth nonetheless.
With the end of one program, brought the start of many more. STS was scheduled to launch just 4 months after the return of Apollo 31’s crew, and with it, carry the United States into a new era of human spaceflight. Reagan called upon congress to expand the United States’ space powers by investing heavily into NASA’s NERVA program. He called for the creation of a new nuclear powered spacecraft in the coming decade, and the deployment of several such craft in earth orbit. While congress disapproved of the spacecraft’s development, money was allotted for the continued and expanded development of NERVA, including that of a pebble bed powered design, capable of greater thrust to weight capabilities, or so NASA hoped.
Apollo was finally complete, but its legacy lived on. The STS and Commercial Saturn IB, alongside rockets such as Delta II and the Centaur stage all traced certain degrees of their heritage to the Apollo program. It was truly the end of an era, an era with long lasting legacy.
“Apollo conveyed a confidence, energy, and breadth of vision that did capture the imagination of the world. It inspired an optimism about technology, an enthusiasm for the future. If we could fly to the moon, as so many have asked, what else were we capable of? We may have found that perspective just in time- Just as our technology threatens the habitability of our world. Whatever the reason we first mustered the Apollo Program, however mired it was in cold war nationalism and the instruments of death, the inescapable recognition of the unity and fragility of the Earth is its clear and luminous dividend- The unexpected, final gift of Apollo.”
- Carl Sagan ​ Writers Commentary | Part II Epilogue I want to go ahead and say thank you to the people who read COA, and express that when I started writing this in my Freshman year of college (dear god that was three years ago I need to like... go get an internship holy fuck) I never expected it to be this long, or grow in scope and reception like it has. As I publish this, I'm working on Part IV and I'm incredibly excited. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update, but mental health kinda be like that sometimes. I'm incredibly excited for you all to meet the Space Shuttles, and their successors. I won't give too much away, but I will be touching up the final edits on part III this month and probably next, and hopefully publishing it in more evenly-spaced chunks thereafter. Thank you so much for the interest, and allowing me to gain a new hobby and sense of respect for the genre. Here's to part III, the flight of the Space Shuttles, and the chaos and glory thereafter!
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Capcom knows what they're doing.
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Capcom knows what they're fucking doing.
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sanity-jester · 2 years
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Ex-fucking-Cuse me Capcom, please tell me you're using Ashley's outfit from RE 3.5. I will cry and scream and Die Son momentsvvv
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lxmitbreak · 3 years
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Ibuki, on the scene
Barely had any time to finish this 😮‍💨 I'll add a nice background to it eventually
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euthoriaz · 1 year
Resident Evil: Death Island takes place in 2015. On the series timeline, that places it around two years after Resident Evil 6, a year after the CGI film Resident Evil Vendetta, and two years before Resident Evil 7.
So, yeah the Claire and Rebecca that we're gonna see are the most recent appearances of them in Resident Evil timeline before all the Winters family incident.
I can't😭
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k8katdoodles · 5 years
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I've been playing a lot of the Resident Evil 2 remake so I doodled these real quick in hope of getting out of this art funk I've been stuck in.
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adriheavymetal · 5 years
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🙈🙈Fuck go back 😁🔫👊❤
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bangbangbolis-blog · 7 years
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Incase you guys want to use it for yourselves feel free!
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super-jump · 6 years
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When my dear brother sends me this.
ME :
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Source : http://gamesystemrequirements.com/game/devil-may-cry-5
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