#i'm so so excited about this folks and this is just my FIRST FORAY into REAL LIFE BEAN ITEMS
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They're HERE they're REAL and you can BUY THEM FROM ME!!
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raccoonfallsharder · 9 months
Hi! I just wanted to say I've been reading through Window Across the Galaxy - inching forward but reading it - and the way you write Rocket is so damn good. Though maybe I'm biased to hell and back because that is also exactly how I pictured pre-vol. 1 Rocket, haha.
The switching perspectives offer so much. I love how much they are misunderstanding each other.
Your work is inspiring me to want to work on my own wip OC fic. I've only just finished reading chapter 2 but I'm so hooked on Jolie and Rocket's tale. I love all these little snippets we get about her and her career as an artist/appraiser/restorer is so interesting.
A few questions, I know there are a lot of little references to the comics here and there, some I recognize from my own forays into reading those, and when I don't, I look it up because honestly, you add so much flavor and life to the worlds you write that I feel the need to know more. For the stuff that isn't a reference or at least a direct reference (as in a product from a known planet), how do you decide on names and other specifics? I personally long to do that in my writing but struggle with thinking things sound believable.
My other question is do you have any tips for writing Rocket? I know technically he hasn't said anything yet where I am in the story - semantics really, lol - but even through his thought process it sounds so much like him.
friend. sunshine. dewdrop. every time i see a comment or message or ask from you, i get giddy as a six-month-old puppy. you are SO kind and generous and I appreciate your words & support SO much
i’m gonna (try to) answer your questions behind the cut because I am a wordy bitch. also these questions are hard because i don’t often think about HOW my brain works so i will do my best.
but first i wanna say that i am SO excited & honored to have encouraged you to work on your own oc fic! if you end up posting here pleeease tag me ♡ and if not that’s okay too. when i started Window i thought it was going to be just for me and honestly it freed me up to do whatever the fuck i wanted, at my own pace, and that is part of what has kept it fun for me.
so in terms of the shit I just make up (Glortho’s Equation, Spartaxian sugardrops, various fruits and foods and soap and recycling-compressors and other general NONSENSE). this is a layered process.
Almost everything I make up, I try to root in a canonical environment/planet, and I want it to make sense for the characters to HAVE it.
so eg, recycling-compressors came about because, like, they just need a practical way to store or get rid of trash. Are they jettisoning it into space every cycle? Dropping it on a landfill planet? Rocket’s comics-canon disdain for Earth + mentions of intergalactic human lifeform rights policies that Earth doesn’t honor leads me to belief that MOST space-folk embrace more sustainable practices. could be a recycling planet, but i didn’t want them needing to travel there every eight rotations or whatever so i decided having a compressor would allow them to have longer gaps between unloading. but like, you could do ANYTHING. maybe most intergalactic packaging is made from products that can be burnt as a clean universal fuel or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
similarly i wanted my best raccoon boy to have access to fish. but since he’s a broke-ass bounty hunter 90% of the time, it’s gotta be something inexpensive/accessible (or stealable) - which means it’s probably a cheap export from a planet with a lot of water. Hello, Morag (and the resulting Moraggian moonfish). Sometimes I’ll reference something already canonical in connection to something I fuckin made up just to increase the sense that all these things interplay with each other (zargnut-crusted moonfish sold by a street vendor on conjunction).
Sometimes I do the opposite. I try to imagine what a product from a planet would look like. eg Indigarran beeswax. I thought, what would Indigar export? It’s this gorgeous planet with a cathedral/palace/place of devotion made of glass. if i - an aesthetique lol - had a glass cathedral, I’d want that shit lit up with candles. Can you imagine how gorgeous that would be? Glimmering everywhere. That’s how i spent too much time dreaming up Indigarran beeswax ceremonial candles for a throwaway line somewhere deep in Window I think ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also figure because of Kree imperialism in this region of the galaxy, a lot of shit is probably Xandaran. Relatedly if it’s a product associated with wealth, I’ll use Xandar or Spartax (also Atraxia but I think I made that planet up lol). I’ll use Asgard occasionally too but less often because it’s supposed to be at the other end of the galaxy. So if I’m referencing a luxury item, it USUALLY comes from one of these places.
For writing Rocket. I think @aliasrocket recently wrote something about this and I agree with like, every flawless thing they said. I listen to a lot of Rocket clips. I try to hear each spoken line in my head in his voice. Some verbs will end in a hard -ing, and some in a soft hanging -in’. I might also use a conjunction (even if it’s not a “usual” conjunction). Sometimes I use something like a liaison in French (I don’t know if there’s a word for it in English, but I basically smush two words together). Moreover, I’ll go back through Rocket’s dialogue on reread and just make sure I don’t go more than like 1-3 sentences without some kind of word-softening. Some examples:
“What’re you laughin’ at me for?”
“Why d’you wanna do that?”
In third-person narration from Rocket’s perspective (non-dialogue) i still try to use these sporadically, but nowhere near as often because I am trying to separate narrative voice from speaking voice just a little.
I also try to consider rocket’s frame of reference for everything from his perspective. What does he know about because he’s seen it? Heard of it? How did he see or hear it? did he learn about it from a fellow prisoner in the Kyln? Someone he did a job for in Conjunction? An alien refugee on earth? Iron Man? Did he steal it? Make it? Buy it? Was it given to him and by whom and why? How trustworthy is his source? How trustworthy does he think they are?
OKAY. wow if you made it to the end of this novel you are IMPRESSIVE and I hope it was at least a little helpful. if you have any other questions I will be flattered and happy to answer them and I’ll try to less fuckin wordy. ♡
you are a gem & a blessing & I hope your fanfic-writing brings you JOY
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lonelyhooves · 1 year
A Quick PSA
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Hey guys!
2022 was a hectic year, and 2023 is looking to be stressful in a whole different way. We're doing our best to get the ball rolling again (we love this story!) but it's difficult when we both keep having to take commission work just to keep the lights on.
While we can't really ask for money to support Lonely Hooves specifically, I'm pretty sure we can get away with panhandling other ways, so if you're interested in supporting us (and able - you need to eat too), here's what we've got going on elsewhere:
Kazzie runs character adopts! She does ponies a lot, but has started dabbling with anthros. You can keep up with her present offerings on her ych.art site (there's a couple running right now! They're very cute!)
Meanwhile, Sera (me! hi!) is running an 18+ Patreon where you can get access to a lot of goodies for a couple bucks a month. There's a couple sporadically updated comic things here, but it's mostly pin-ups at the moment, with the exception of my first proper foray into non-comics writing in... quite a long time! If you like the storytelling of Lonely Hooves and don't mind an original setting where things get pretty spicy on a regular basis, the first couple chapters of Witches' Thralls are already live over there, and I'd love to hear what folks think! There's also Hare Moon, an 18+ MLP smutfic comic where Angel turns into some sort of raging werebunny and needs certain needs addressed. Some of that's public, but half of it isn't, and you can find that over here too! And just, like, so many boobies. (Seriously! Over 18 only!!)
I also take commissions but am pretty bogged down at this exact moment. Kaz can do pony ref sheets and all sorts of things though, and her turn-around makes me jealous as hell. your best bet to get in touch with us about that kind of thing is probably the community Discord, but even if you're not there to throw money at the screen we'd love to have you! We don't bite, usually! Unless... you're into that?? 😳
Okay! That's enough of that for now!
The next page is already sketched, and I'm very excited to finally be sharing this next scene with you all! I hope you all enjoy Muse becoming a bit less of an enigma!
See you soon!
Z (Sera)
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You know, I get some questions often enough that I think I'll just start posting the answers.
Let's start with a classic: "How did you get into hypnosis?"
The short answer? I like brains! That and lots and lots of reading.
The long answer? Well...
It was a long time ago. I can't recall exactly what all happened in what order: there was bad television, of course: cartoon hypnosis and movie mind control. X-2? Telepathy. Matrix 2? Who remembers the scene with the cake? I could list bits of media that are fun with kink glasses for awhile, but you've probably already heard of most of them anyway.
I was curious outside of that, though. There were also encyclopedia artcles about the mind and a grab-bag of probably-mostly-nonsense you could find in books and on the internet about meditation, altered states of consciousness, psychoactives, brainwashing, cults, ritualistic spirituality, BDSM, MKUltra conspiracy theories... whatever. If you can name it, I probably read about it. It's alarmingly easy (or, at least, it was for me) to find your way back to mind control from philosophy, religion, any kind of "why?" question you might go about exploring while you're young and don't know anything.
This was back in pre-video days of the internet and - honestly - I think it was mostly easier to find sources on obscure stuff in the days before youtube and AI generated clutter. I can't really say how much of what I read stuck, but I definitely spent some of my days sat around trying to figure out meditation or getting my awareness out of my head experimentally. It's kind of wild to think back on that, honestly. I can still remember a nice out-of-body experience against a lone oak trea out in a pasture. The dirt around it was always fine and powdery because the horses would clomp and roll by it, and it made the loveliest spot to lay and daydream in a summer heat.
But I digress -
I also worked my way through the EMCSA: first by looking for keywords and themes I liked, then alphabetically - compiling reading lists based on whether or not a given sypnosis caught my eye. Ya boy has read a lot of smut. Hypnosmut - like all art - is mostly rubbish, but you'll find some writers that give wonderfully educational descriptions of hypnosis. That and a few scraps from outdated, untrustworthy papers by Names of hypnosis past and a couple of ill-advised, late-teenaged forays into power exchange and I ended up playing with brainwashing, imagery, and... yeah. I had the tools and opportunity to experiment with some kind of mental play that was hypnokink or hypnokink-adjacent. I can safely say I've been doing this shit since before I was old enough to vote.
Now, nobody should be reading this who's under 18, but just in case you are:
- I cannot stress this enough: do not be like me. I got into a lot of trouble that wasn't good for me and I would've been better off in a lot of ways if this hadn't been the route I'd taken.
- You shouldn't be reading this. This blog is 18+ for a reason. Feck off.
Eventually, like so many of us, I found my way to some shady corners of the internet and made an ass out of myself in ways that - while new and exciting to me-from-the-past - are fairly standard for newbie hypnokinksters. (I'm still out there, btw: Out on the internet, Being an asshat. I don't use this name, though. This Flying Purple People Programmer business is my first foray into not using my usual name.)
When I started out in these spaces I set out to get hypnotised by a bunch of different people because - well - what better way to learn different approaches then to see them firsthand? This taught me a lot about different techniques and - perhaps more critically - what it was like to be hypnotised by a shitty hypnotist. I don't recommend that second bit, but it probably did a good job of encouraging me not to be a dick. I've run into a lot of community folks over the years, but not in a very loud way. That's not uncommon in the hypnocommunuty, by the way: if you've been around for any length of time, a lot of people are floating around who will know who you are and remember you from this event or that website. It's a small world.
Looking back on it as if I had a thesis when I started writing, I think that the best thing I picked up in my adventure was the idea that we don't know what we're doing, really, and that our ways of experiencing things are both wildly diverse and not quite knowable. Hypnosis is a big fuzzy mess in a range of human experiences and hypnokink might not actually have all that much to do with hypnosis. We can be meditating or conditioned or daydreaming or a million other things in the course of our play and often times "hypnosis" is just an aesthetic we dress it up in. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
So. There's me rambling about me. Hopefully that saves me going on for a thousand words next time somebody asks me that question hoping for a gentle conversation starter.
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autumnslance · 1 year
(@driftward) Let's see. Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks, for.. ✨, 💫,🎀,🎀,🎀,💌
Someday I am making a prompt list and there'll be no numbers or letters or symbols, just the questions so folks who aren't menaces have to put the full text in the Ask.
Anyroad. Scheduling maintenance on our local bot later. For now:
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Fics like "When Everything Changes" and "Where the Skies Are Safe" are works I'm quite fond of, but are hard to sell to fandom readers either here or on Ao3; they're from the perspective of my OCs as small children, and very few people want to read kid fic.
But a chunk of my literature studies were in YA and Kid Lit, as I originally was dual-majoring an Education degree, and I've always found getting into a child's (or pet's) mindsets and perspectives to be an interesting exercise as a writer, and finding what new info it can reveal that an adult POV won't notice or would see differently.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Any and all of them, but incoherent screeching is always fun, as are rambles about what someone liked, maybe even the why if they can articulate it (if not, that's cool, just copy-pastes of favorite lines with keysmash responses are great too).
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
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-I am a decent mimic; I can copy a style and voice patterns pretty well, enough to make what I'm writing read or "sound" like the style I'm playing in. The attempt in many of my works to feel like quest text or the official stories on the Lodestone is intentional, and I feel good when I get comments on it cuz that's the goal.
-I can drop some evocative, pithy lines to make one giggle and/or break one's heart.
-My constant replaying and revisiting the text, and talking to/reading about others' canon-centric takes on characters and situations, means my NPC characterizations tend to be good. Which is good practice for making my own OCs distinct people that fit into the world well.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
(Again, with the caveat I've been in a bit of a slump break since BSotP, here's a bit of more the Thancred in the First fic I don't...think? I've shared? If I have, what of it! Below the cut cuz someone asked multiple questions so this got long.)
“So can you build it?” Thancred asked.
The blacksmith looked over his crude drawings and the schematics pulled from the Tower’s archives, as well as the detailed descriptions Thancred had painstakingly written with Gridick’s aid. “I think so; enough to get a prototype working, and then we can go from there.”
Thancred nodded. “Do let me know,” he said, offering his coins for the initial deposit.
It had been several months since that first disastrous patrol. Thancred had been on a few other patrols since, as well as forays into the forest on his own. The more common wildlife wasn’t much of a problem, but the sin eaters, when stumbled across, left him feeling as if his simple blades were no longer adequate.
So he had delved into the Tower’s archives, seeking out weapon schematics. The Exarch couldn’t say which time period the Tower had come from when summoned to the First, but Thancred figured it had to be later than his own, since the Tower was still in Mor Dhona from his perspective.
Days of searching had found not only equivalent Allagan plans, but also a few Garlean and even proper Bozjan examples for the sort of gunblade he wanted. The weapon would still allow him his speed and dexterity, but also was far more defensive, for himself and others.
The only trouble was going to be the cartridges, as Thancred could not imbue them himself. That was a bridge to cross later; for now, he would see if the Mean’s artisans could even create a workable gunblade.
He made his way across the Crystarium toward the markets before returning to his apartment. He wanted to stop by the city’s single barber.
Thancred still wasn’t the best at shaving daily; his schedule was still too easily thrown off, he was often in the field, and frankly it wasn’t much of a concern. His hair was getting far too long and ragged, though, enough that something had to be done.
In another moon, he would count a year on the First, though the mirror still showed only a day had passed on the Source, which was the smallest of comforts. He helped the Exarch search the Tower’s archives as the man tried various spells and counter-effects to send Thancred’s soul back to his body, but to no avail.
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laur-rants · 2 years
seeing your markiposting for ISWM has finally given me that kick to go binge the other series as well and I'm VERY EXCITED, BUT! is there a certain order to watch them in, are there any guides for how to proceed through them (if that makes sense)?
Hi! I would love to! I'm taking a break from work to eat some dinner, so I thought I would sit down and see if I can't help you out the best I can. I took myself through all of Mark's creative ventures on my own, and successfully took a friend through too, in a way that I think makes everything best make sense. Now there's a couple of ways to go about it that I can give you: there's the chronological order of events, and also what I call the 'Lore Route' which is to say, this is the best way to watch everything and have it more easily click mentally.
NOTE: Just as an aside before we start, you CAN start with Space, right now, if you want to. It's not really directly linked to anything .... at this time. Anyone can enjoy Space, and they should! It's really great! But I think to get the full effect of not only Mark's characters, but how far he has come as a creator in his own right, the other endeavors should be appreciated first.
And if you do choose to watch all the stuff below first, TAKE YOUR TIME. You have plenty of time. Space part 2 doesn't release until May 2nd. So if anything is long, take a break! come back to it. No need to consume it in a day, you got time, baby.
Here's my preferred method of watching (pertinent to Space) Markiplier's Cinematic Universe:
-A Date with Markiplier (12 endings) -- I have people start with this because it gives you a taste of what Mark... does. This was his first foray into the first person interactive experience, where the Viewer is, actually, a character and a starring role in his stories. It shows where he's been, and how far he's come since then. It's also just, silly and fun and a little spooky. It's very Mark. It's a good thing to dip the toes into.
-A Heist with Markiplier (31 endings, not all are important, but they are fun and there are plenty of guides out there) -- Heist is a LOT of fun. It's what I watched first and it actually plummetted me down the pipeline because I was like 'WOW! Mark has all this thought out really well! And what is that referencing? And this? I want to know' and wow I really learned! Heist was, at the time, Mark's Magnum Opus (I think Space is actually that now). It's really well made, he's very proud of it, and through dedicated tracking of routes, I finished it in about a day. I would tell someone to take their time, and back track slowly, and you'll find the endings that are important. Also a tried true clue in any of his interactives is to look at the video length. and choose that way haha. But yeah! Good luck~
-Who Killed Markiplier 1-4 -- THIS IS WHERE IT ALL ACTUALLY BEGINS. All the story, all the characters... even yours! Who Killed Markiplier is older, and I dont think Mark had perfected his story-telling skills at the time, so things at the end may be a bit jumbled. It's okay. Typically look no further than the youtube comments on the 4th vid. Or ask me! I know it pretty well whats going on by this point, I can steer folks in the right direction. The point is, the community has had years to piece it together, so its mostly all sorted out.
-Wilford 'MotherLoving' Warfstache -- Direct follow-up to Who Killed Markiplier, and is conveniently in the WKM playlist. This is personally one of my favorite things Mark has ever done; I rewatch it on occasion for inspiration. Also the acting is just... chef's kiss. Phenomenal. Definitely worth it, if only for Mick Lauer and feels.
-Damien -- This is an animated piece that Mark got a game studio to help him with! It also takes place right after WKM, and around the same 'time' as Wilford Motherloving Warfstache. It covers his character Damien, who I personally have a very very large soft spot for. You could even say he's my favorite. uwu
-The Warfstache Automated Interview Automaton -- This is a very short interactive dealing with Warfstache creating an automaton to conduct his interviews with, because he cant' be everywhere at once. My biggest advice; just pick the longer videos until you get to the end, otherwise the only other option is death. At the end, choose either ending you prefer. It's here because it's feelsy.
[Some fun extras that arent required also include]
-Warfstache Interviews Markiplier
-Markiplier TV
-WHY KILLED MARKIPLIER? (Damien animated short explained)
And I think that's everything.
That's a little more convoluted because in Mark's universe time is.... weird? And things sometimes happen simultaneously, or in the future, or in the past, or the past is happening during the future... basically time is meaningless.... sometimes. Here is what I think is the best guesstimation of the chronological order of things.
1. Who Killed Markiplier
2. Wilford 'Motherloving' Warfstache
3. Damien
4. Markiplier TV (yes this is real i swear)
5. The WAIA
6. A Heist with Markiplier
7. A Date with Markiplier
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I personally don't recommend the 'chronological' route because everything is kind of confusing that way, but it's there if you wanna do it! I just think Mark's work is best enjoyed from both a story perspective and a creative one, so my route seems to be the best for both worlds. Sometimes, things are not meant to be seen chronologically (and i dont think Mark's stuff is), but people like being chronological so for you guys out there, THERE YOU GO.
I personally, as a creator the same age as Mark, I have a lot of respect for the work he does, and what he chooses to do with his time, his money, and has surrounded himself with a solid team who goes along with his crazy ideas and in doing so, they are making something insanely great. Obviously feel free to enjoy his silly gaming or review videos or whatever else he puts out, but his creative projects should 100% in my opinion not be overlooked, because it's him bringing his stories to life and doing what he actually is passionate about and cares about, and he then offers these ambitious creations to everyone ~*~FOR FREEEE~*~. Which is more than a lot of people can say these days and more than we deserve.
Anyway that's enough of that. Enjoy the videos, have fun, and if you have any questions let me knoooow~! I'll..... do my best to answer, haha, but honestly there are fans out there way more well-read than I am. I think.
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jbird-the-manwich · 4 years
which magic model do you prefer to use? (spirit, energy, psychological, information, or meta)
Honestly it's a spectrum I've bounced across for much of my life. When I was growing up, everything even somewhat related to magic or divination I ever heard about was purely folklore, folk witchcraft, and folk magic of a heavily protestant bent (I'm the kid of an Appalachian water witch/cunning person, and yes, they do still exist, just rarely within full view) so it was about like you'd expect, the spirit model wasn't so much one model of many, so much as just "the way it is whether we like it or not", so my earliest exposure was to the spirit model, along with numerous, numerous lectures about the dangers and breadth of the spirit world.
Experiencing what parts of the Appalachian traditions my family maintained, I got a little obsessed and tried to go looking for more material - and as a Lil teen witch all I could get ahold of was texts on the energy model and Llewellyns almost uniquely Llewellyny neo-Wiccan elementally-focused mish mash between the spirit model and energy models, so my first few years were spent absorbing as much material about "really real witchcraft" of this variety as I could get ahold of, which lead into a brief foray into "High Magic" of the goetic current only lasting about six months, being a teenager, evocation was exciting as a concept but far too much work in practice, so i fell back onto my haunches of superstition and folkcraft coupled with what functional spells I'd found in my admittedly very shitty books. For years I didn't really think much about the foundations of magic as a practice in general and pretty much just considered it a nifty thing that I could do if I had to. Eventually I started reading about chaos magic, got heavy into the abstract meta ass "nothing is ultimately true all things are permitted" style of seat of your pants practice for awhile, even tried an emoji spell or two, tried to get my head around the New Witchcraft of the internet, played with the energy model espoused by most new agers and the vibration model espoused by the REALLY new agers, and was dissatisfied with both the work involved of visualizing things and the functional, but kind of bland and unsatisfying results I was getting, coupled with the absolute idiocy of other practitioners insisting wishful thinking was as good as actual results.
So I went back to back basics in my mid-to-late 20s, reading about historical witches, trial records, what have you, which eventually lead me into Traditional Witchcraft, I. E The Devil, the writings of Gemma Gary, Chumbley, the Two Nigels, etc, and found I was actually most comfortable there, as despite the grimoire speak and absolutely mysterious choices of wording, it's pretty much the other side of the same coin I grew up with, so much of my journey with magic and back into witchcraft was meta AF, and these days I'm pretty well comfortable and sat upon the spirit model, and you can pry it from my cold dead hands.
One of these days, I'm going to do a post about the actual definition of Traditional Witchcraft as a current of practice, because most of social media seems to think it's just a title you adopt to get followers on Instagram and sound more authoritative while continuing to just pull glitterbending psychodrama forth from the depths of one's rectum rather than a current of traditions predicated not only on a very specific definition of what makes a witch a witch, but also on its very own fairly cut-and-dry and interpretation of the spirit model, but that's a different rant for a different evening.
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chanlyeya · 7 years
I'm a huge fan of your Black Rune fic, and Tomorrow was hilarious. You've mentioned having some original works; any chance you might be willing to share some? ^^
OMG Nonnie! That is so sweet of you (ɲ˃ ˈ̫̮ ˂ɳ) ~ෆ I’m so glad you enjoy my little forays into self indulgent fics, but I’m even more honoured about the questions on my original works :;(∩´﹏`∩);:
As @foolish-identity can tell you, I have a looooot of them, and they are all relatively complex, so I’ll put this under a read more:
There are a few I have hidden away somewhere on my laptop, but there are five major ones I’ve been working on that are much more fleshed out then the others. And they are loooooong.
One I refer to as the “indulgence series”, as, should I ever finish it and get it published, I will separate it into seven separate books, all named after a sin—it follows the story of my boy Cadence, in a world where what are basically demons exist, and he gets taken in by a Nightwalker—what people who hunt them down are referred to as. Cadence himself doesn’t become a Nightwalker, but due to certain aspects of him, he finds himself in the centre of a huge conflict. I don’t want to go to into detail, because than I may as well write you an essay, but I’m excited about this for a couple of reasons—a) Cadence is autistic, but that is not the important part of his personality. I wanted to provide some more representation with autism, and it fits with his character; b) all the main “relationships” are inter-generational—the four main characters are each several years apart from one another, but are all close like brothers. (And by several years I mean; Cadence, who is the youngest, is 15—Breckinridge, who is the eldest, is 52); and c) Cadence is an unreliable narrator, which I adore—in fact, Noct in BR is practice for Cadence’s POV, low key revealing things the reader doesn’t even think to register ;D
The next is one I like to call Iconoclast, and is the opposite of Indulgence in that while all main characters in Indulgence are male; all main characters in Thief are female. This one is in a world where, thanks to a mutation generations ago, have people separated between the Marked and Unmarked. This one is full of superpowers and morally ambiguous choices—a Marked literally has a mark on their body (hence the very creative name), and have superpowers, though everyone has their own unique one. Due to this disparity in power, there is a huge rift between the Marked, who consider themselves “superior” and the Unmarked, who consider themselves “pure humans”. Needless to say; things get ugly. The main character is Jean—someone who is Marked but doesn’t have any powers, so she’s got the worst of both worlds (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧ Eventually, it’s discovered that SHE does have a power—and that is to siphon the powers of anyone she kills. It becomes a big moral debate for her, as she has the ability to save the world, but will have to kill others to do so, as some perverse form of sacrifice. I’m excited for this one for a) the socio-political exploration between the two factions; b) the all female who are each their own badass in their own way (girl power ftw!); and c) the moral ambiguity Jean will have to wade through.
Next we have one with no magic, but is more of a political intrigue; nature vs nurture type story, I like to call Tumbling Into Obscurity. It follows Nergui—who became Empire after the death of his best friend and beloved would-be Emperor; Eximius (Indie was given her name as a homage to my original works…and because I like it). Due to the way everything worked out (the emperor is chosen based on the old ottoman way—a competition until there’s only one left standing. Eximius was going to become the first emperor who got into power by convincing his opponents to drop out rather than kill anyone—Nergui was the last one in the competition, and Eximius died just before he dropped out), the general populace hates him, thinking he’s behind the death of Eximius (who was basically their messiah-like figure), he’s been distanced from his family, because he believes THEY killed him, and in general he’s just been isolated; but he still works towards fulfilling Eximius’ dreams of improving the living conditions of the regular folk and all that jazz. Then, it turns out Eximius DIDNT actually die—but what he went through in the few decades since he disappeared had completely changed him, and Nergui figures it out when he catches him attempting to assassinate him. He’s been so twisted, in fact, he doesn’t even remember BEING Eximius, and is adamant that he is Izel, an entirely different person. This one I’m looking forward to for a) political intrigue—I love that shit so much; b) the duality of Eximius and Izel—whether are not they are even the same person; and c) Nerguis own struggle over whether he is doing the right thing looking for the old Eximius in Izel, or whether it would be better to accept him as he is now. (Nergui and Eximius/Izel may or may not be a couple too—I haven’t yet decided ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
I call the next Temerarious, but it’s really just a placeholder name. This one is a sci-fi post apocalyptic story where a highly contagious, currently untreatable disease has infected the world, which basically turns people into wendigos. Unlike most “zombie apocalypses”, the world is not overrun by them—but the entire world is basically under martial law; and the “zombies” in question are conscious of everything they do—it’s just, they get hungrier the more they eat and eventually it becomes bad enough that they would eat ANYTHING, including loved ones, to try and sate it. On top of everything, the world’s environment has gone to shit—it is uninhabitable unless you live in the “domes” they’ve created around cities and designated agriculture area—and the only way between places is underground where everything is strictly monitored to catch the strain at the smallest level—even if it does have a 73% false positive rate, at least it hasn’t had a false negative. So, as you can imagine, should one area get infected, it can spread easily enough to forsake an entire city, so all districts are built to be put in a lockdown on any moment—and if you’re not infected but on the wrong side of the walls when they go up, you’re screwed xD. There’s a group of people who, for some reason (learning why is part of the plot), don’t get the negative side effects of the disease, but they’re still carriers, so, they’ve created a society known as the Underground, and those people work as Sweepers—it is their job to head into contaminated areas and wipe out any infected there, since they’re the only ones so can come into contact and not contract the disease. The entire plot is revolving these guys and their attempts to cure this disease ^^. Why am I excited for this one? While, a) the stigma and strain of being the good guy—Sweepers risk their lives for the rest of humanity, but are shunned because they’re carriers of this disease and they can spread it just as easily as the infected; b) the relationships between the characters!—due to them being carriers, they are basically isolated from all but a select few, and the complexity of the many different aspects between their relationships in a limited space; and c) the ambiguity of the enemy. The enemy is a disease and misinformation, so it will require a different approach to solving it.
And lastly, what will be my magnum opus, I refer to as Beyond the Gates. I just…I can’t even summarize this, it’s a blend of nearly everything I love, and while I loooooooove talking about BTG, it’ll take forever to even start explaining the concept of the plot, so I’ll just skip to what I’m excited about. A) THE WORLD!—I’ve been building the world for BTG for nearly a decade now, and OMG and am I excited to write in this world as it’s so complex~; b) THE CHARACTERS: I’ve spent just as long fleshing out these characters as I have the world—the cast is HUGE, but each character is distinct and plays their role in the over arching story; and c) just….the plot. It is full of twists, intrigue, betrayal, death, identity crises, choices….GAH! Just….everything I want in a book but haven’t been able to find; I want to MAKE it!
Anyways; these are my main ones—I don’t want to go too in detail either, because I aim to actually get these published one day, and if I do, I would like for them NOT to be easily accessed online prior to their release ␟␏(ɲ˃ ˈ̫̮ ˂ɳ)␟␏ෆ
Thank you sooooooo much for the ask; I looooooooove talking about my original works and original characters! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧
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