#raccoonfallsharder asks
raccoonfallsharder · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to say I've been reading through Window Across the Galaxy - inching forward but reading it - and the way you write Rocket is so damn good. Though maybe I'm biased to hell and back because that is also exactly how I pictured pre-vol. 1 Rocket, haha.
The switching perspectives offer so much. I love how much they are misunderstanding each other.
Your work is inspiring me to want to work on my own wip OC fic. I've only just finished reading chapter 2 but I'm so hooked on Jolie and Rocket's tale. I love all these little snippets we get about her and her career as an artist/appraiser/restorer is so interesting.
A few questions, I know there are a lot of little references to the comics here and there, some I recognize from my own forays into reading those, and when I don't, I look it up because honestly, you add so much flavor and life to the worlds you write that I feel the need to know more. For the stuff that isn't a reference or at least a direct reference (as in a product from a known planet), how do you decide on names and other specifics? I personally long to do that in my writing but struggle with thinking things sound believable.
My other question is do you have any tips for writing Rocket? I know technically he hasn't said anything yet where I am in the story - semantics really, lol - but even through his thought process it sounds so much like him.
friend. sunshine. dewdrop. every time i see a comment or message or ask from you, i get giddy as a six-month-old puppy. you are SO kind and generous and I appreciate your words & support SO much
i’m gonna (try to) answer your questions behind the cut because I am a wordy bitch. also these questions are hard because i don’t often think about HOW my brain works so i will do my best.
but first i wanna say that i am SO excited & honored to have encouraged you to work on your own oc fic! if you end up posting here pleeease tag me ♡ and if not that’s okay too. when i started Window i thought it was going to be just for me and honestly it freed me up to do whatever the fuck i wanted, at my own pace, and that is part of what has kept it fun for me.
so in terms of the shit I just make up (Glortho’s Equation, Spartaxian sugardrops, various fruits and foods and soap and recycling-compressors and other general NONSENSE). this is a layered process.
Almost everything I make up, I try to root in a canonical environment/planet, and I want it to make sense for the characters to HAVE it.
so eg, recycling-compressors came about because, like, they just need a practical way to store or get rid of trash. Are they jettisoning it into space every cycle? Dropping it on a landfill planet? Rocket’s comics-canon disdain for Earth + mentions of intergalactic human lifeform rights policies that Earth doesn’t honor leads me to belief that MOST space-folk embrace more sustainable practices. could be a recycling planet, but i didn’t want them needing to travel there every eight rotations or whatever so i decided having a compressor would allow them to have longer gaps between unloading. but like, you could do ANYTHING. maybe most intergalactic packaging is made from products that can be burnt as a clean universal fuel or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
similarly i wanted my best raccoon boy to have access to fish. but since he’s a broke-ass bounty hunter 90% of the time, it’s gotta be something inexpensive/accessible (or stealable) - which means it’s probably a cheap export from a planet with a lot of water. Hello, Morag (and the resulting Moraggian moonfish). Sometimes I’ll reference something already canonical in connection to something I fuckin made up just to increase the sense that all these things interplay with each other (zargnut-crusted moonfish sold by a street vendor on conjunction).
Sometimes I do the opposite. I try to imagine what a product from a planet would look like. eg Indigarran beeswax. I thought, what would Indigar export? It’s this gorgeous planet with a cathedral/palace/place of devotion made of glass. if i - an aesthetique lol - had a glass cathedral, I’d want that shit lit up with candles. Can you imagine how gorgeous that would be? Glimmering everywhere. That’s how i spent too much time dreaming up Indigarran beeswax ceremonial candles for a throwaway line somewhere deep in Window I think ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also figure because of Kree imperialism in this region of the galaxy, a lot of shit is probably Xandaran. Relatedly if it’s a product associated with wealth, I’ll use Xandar or Spartax (also Atraxia but I think I made that planet up lol). I’ll use Asgard occasionally too but less often because it’s supposed to be at the other end of the galaxy. So if I’m referencing a luxury item, it USUALLY comes from one of these places.
For writing Rocket. I think @aliasrocket recently wrote something about this and I agree with like, every flawless thing they said. I listen to a lot of Rocket clips. I try to hear each spoken line in my head in his voice. Some verbs will end in a hard -ing, and some in a soft hanging -in’. I might also use a conjunction (even if it’s not a “usual” conjunction). Sometimes I use something like a liaison in French (I don’t know if there’s a word for it in English, but I basically smush two words together). Moreover, I’ll go back through Rocket’s dialogue on reread and just make sure I don’t go more than like 1-3 sentences without some kind of word-softening. Some examples:
“What’re you laughin’ at me for?”
“Why d’you wanna do that?”
In third-person narration from Rocket’s perspective (non-dialogue) i still try to use these sporadically, but nowhere near as often because I am trying to separate narrative voice from speaking voice just a little.
I also try to consider rocket’s frame of reference for everything from his perspective. What does he know about because he’s seen it? Heard of it? How did he see or hear it? did he learn about it from a fellow prisoner in the Kyln? Someone he did a job for in Conjunction? An alien refugee on earth? Iron Man? Did he steal it? Make it? Buy it? Was it given to him and by whom and why? How trustworthy is his source? How trustworthy does he think they are?
OKAY. wow if you made it to the end of this novel you are IMPRESSIVE and I hope it was at least a little helpful. if you have any other questions I will be flattered and happy to answer them and I’ll try to less fuckin wordy. ♡
you are a gem & a blessing & I hope your fanfic-writing brings you JOY
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Random little things about Ember
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- because she is a glass dragon, she has the ability to see through any pane of glass/mirror, thus she can see into alternate dimensions
- she loves pineapple
- she has a natural talent for glass blowing
- she despises how humans depict dragons as bad guys
- she has a knack for ice skating
- one of her coping mechanisms is harmonizing with the engines of whatever ship she happens to be on (think the audio on TikTok where she harmonizes with her fan)
- she thinks that everyone should try scale berries at least once (an iridescent fruit on Savath that looks like a dragon egg. It has a flavor similar to a strawberry, only more savory)
Feel free to ask anything you want about her! 🤗
@rxin3akamallory @pretty-chips @glow-autumz @evolvingchaoswitch @raccoonfallsharder @criticalcrit @thejudgyboiao3 @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr
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guardian-angel12 · 20 days
Experiment: The Ravager Code
Chapter Four Updated
A Weapon? A Child.
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"You ain't gotta be afraid of nothing no more. Not anyone and least of all yourself. You understand?"
"Why not..?"
"Because we're gonna keep you safe. I'm gonna keep you safe."
"I—I don't know what I did..." she whimpered, shaking her head. 
"We'll figure that out, but don't be afraid. You're safe now. I promised you that and I meant it."
"But—" She shook her head a little, looking down then back up. "You're not going to get rid of me?"
Her eyes looked so young when she asked it, her voice feeling so much like a child's. Scared and just needing that reassurance. 
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Tagging @raccoonfallsharder one, because you inspired the post design and two, in case you’d like to be notified of the updates. If not, let me know and I won’t tag again. No problem.
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evolvingchaoswitch · 1 year
Rocketober: Day 2 Free
This mission was supposed to be easy, Lady Hellbender wanted a sample of pollen from some plant in the middle of a backwater planet to help with the care of one of her many monsters. Job was so easy that it only needed two people to complete it , there was a vote taken leaving Rocket and You to take the mission using the pod. There was a little issue with landing. Rocket had been insistent that You used the opportunity to practice your landing skills with the pod and it didn’t go well. The communication system got messed up allowing You to leave a message for your crewmates but not send anything else back until you returned back to the pod, and the trek from the pod to where the plant was meant to be would take over a day to reach. So three days of just You and Rocket talking which wasn’t always Rocket’s strong suit so it was silent for large chunks of the mission.
“What does this plant's pheromones do anyway, Rocket?”
Rocket looked up from the plant that he was collecting samples from, the pollen glowed a glowing violet hue, and seemed to be as delicate as powdered sugar. It was your job to keep the flower petals open while Rocket got what he needed to appease Lady Hellbender for the Guardians to get their payout.
“Something with the reproductive system for one of Lady Hellbenders pets, she wants to try to bring the species back”
There was no way that you were currently helping to handle an aphrodisiac with the guy you found incredibly attractive that you had no idea how to talk to bring up that fact to him. You took a breath to calm down, you were only freaking out because you saw the sex pollen used in so many of those dirty comics and stories you preferred to masturbate to. Masturbation was only on your mind at all because you were on the week that you were ovulating which made you so horny you could hardly stand it.  None of that mattered because that’s not what was going to happen, that would be crazy right?
Both of you would find out too late that Rocket had a crack in his ventilation system and was steadily breathing the pheromone in at its most potent source.
Was the last thing Rocket had said before something about him changed, he started to become more frantic clawing at his clothing in an attempt to pull it off and You were about to ask what was wrong then you caught his eyes.
And it wasn’t a hard leap in logic to figure out who the meal was going to be, so you ran as fast as you could towards the pod and hopefully safety till your crewmate could get his head on straight.
You ended up sliding into a cave to hide from Rocket after confirming that no other nasty beasties hid within, and even if there was hopefully fighting the creature would get Rocket to cool off a bit.
You came crashing to the ground as your suit malfunctioned, Rocket even in his frenzied state was able to manipulate the tech he had made even at a distance.
You looked up at Rocket’s whiskey eyes glowing from the mouth of the cave, sniffing at the air before settling his gaze at you and allowing a feral wanton smirk spread across his maw as he saw his prize.
As Rocket crawled towards You, you knew that you weren’t going to get any freedom from this cave anytime soon.
@glow-autumz @raccoonfallsharder @funkydancingdinosaur @rebel-21
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rxin3akamallory · 1 year
I think about this one scene from TMNT: Mutant Mayhem sometimes because it’s so silly and I made a realization,
Teen Quill: Where are we going exactly?
Kraglin: Oh, see that building over there? That’s not it. HEHEHHEHEHEH, no-
Also can I just say Quill, Kraglin and my self insert Magril are the siblings EVER!!
Like Kraglin’s the laid back big brother, Magril is the stubborn but protective middle sister and Quill’s the goofy fun-loving younger brother.
I swear I feel like some nights on the Ravager ship, they’d be in their bunk, silently laying awake in their beds because they can’t sleep and then one of them asks the most OUT OF POCKET, STUPIDEST question known to man.
Like it would go:
Kraglin: Hey, guys? You think if I stretched my tongue far enough, it could touch my eye?
Quill: *bursts into laughter*
Magril: What??? No, the flark kind of question is that?
Kraglin: I don’t know, I’m just curious. I can already do it with my nose, I could probably do it. Look! *tries to demonstrate.*
Quill: Okay, one; ew! Don’t show us!
Magril: And two it’s not even possible, unless you were like an Obelisk or something.
Kraglin: No, believe me I can do it, watch!
Quill: *laughs* No, you weirdo!
Magril: *giggles* Screw this, I’m going to bed.
☆彡 @raccoonfallsharder | @twigglestblog | @bakaotakulife
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 year
Heyyy! I just noticed you had a large spacing between your paragraphs in ao3 and I have something to help you fix that.
Here I linked a doc that can process your fic thru html coding so you don’t have to switch to rich text on ao3 and get the double spacings.
There’s instructions in the doc already but dm me if you need any help with this, and don’t forget to check that your works are on html when you copy and paste the script into ao3.
This is also for anyone else who’s getting weird double spacings on their ao3 fics!! <3
(btw, I’m reading through sweatshirt girl and I love your work <3)
thank you for this! Hoping to post a new chapter of Blackmail Material Monday or Tuesday (if I can refine the chapter’s end) so I will definitely try this. ♡♡♡ thanks for looking out darlin!
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raccoonfallsharder · 1 year
Just wanted to drop by to tell you I really love your work <3
nonnie. you are so sweet. thank you for liking them and thank you for taking the time to let me know - this is such a cozy quilt of a comment to find at the end of a weekend && i appreciate you
(ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣ ͜ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣ ˶ )♡
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thirteens-lucky-tardis · 10 months
I had a dream last night about Loki. Now, listen, I'm not into Loki like some are. I like him as a character, but I don't have a crush on him, HOWEVER...
I came up with an idea...
And another OC...
I'm still working on her backstory for her, but here's an introduction to her ♡
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Meet Kelda, daughter of the Norse goddess Ēostre. She is similar to her mother in the sense that she is a goddess of spring, but Kelda is also a goddess of flowers and animals. She is depicted with strawberry blonde hair, jade green eyes, freckles, and she always has a flower crown. She is very gentle, sweet, kind, optimistic, cheerful, and loving. She grew up on Asgard with Thor and Loki and was always seen around the palace. Kelda and Loki had a strong bond, but once Loki found out he was a Frost Giant, he feared hurting her because frost can harm plants and flowers. She has no idea who her father is, but hopes to find out eventually. Loki does everything for Kelda, even if it's not necessarily a good thing. For her, he would take over the universe. For years, they dance around their feelings, not sure if the other one likes them.
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Ig, if you're curious, ask me questions about Kelda or about these two
That's all for now 🫢
@rxin3akamallory @pretty-chips @glow-autumz @evolvingchaoswitch @raccoonfallsharder
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guardian-angel12 · 6 days
Experiment: The Ravager Code
Chapter five updated
Purpose and Promise
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She didn't want to just be someone who simply dwelt here, she wanted to be apart of it... wanted to contribute. Even if she would rather be at Yondu or Kraglin's sides, exploring the ship and just listening to them, she would be covered in oil and sweaty from working in the hangar every day if it meant they were pleased with it. 
After all... they had saved her life. 
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Taglist: @raccoonfallsharder
Ask to be tagged
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The Moon Will Sing
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What If... Ember met Rocket in the High Evolutionary's lab?
The lab was always so cold and dark... so dreary... yet every night, Rocket heard a soft humming in the distance, the sound carrying through the hallways and reaching his ears. Most of the time, Lylla, Teefs, and Floor slept through it, but Rocket was content with listening to the sound, wondering where it came from.
"Hey, Lylla?" Rocket whispered one night, the soft singing still carrying through the corridors.
"Yes, Rocket?" came Lylla's gentle voice, careful not to wake Teefs and Floor.
"That singing... where is it coming from?"
Lylla was silent for a moment before speaking up. "I don't know... the scientists only refer to whoever it is as 'Project Draco'." Rocket looked up at the ceiling through the bars of his cage, feeling horrible that such a wonderful voice was resorted to only a project name... like he was one to talk. Until very recently, he was known as 89P13... he made a promise to himself that he would find the source of that singing one day.
And that day came sooner than he thought. The High Evolutionary allowed Rocket only a few minutes of a free roam. He took this opportunity and followed the voice that carried such lovely singing. He scurried through the hallways before coming up on a cage door built into the wall. A literal cell. He crept closer and peered into the darkness.
"Hello?" Rocket asked in a whisper. Moments later, the singing stopped, and the shadow in the corner turned to look at him, eyes glowing green. Cautiously, the figure made its way to the cage door on all fours. Once they came into the faint light streaming through the bars, he saw it was a young girl with pale blue hair and, of course, those bright green eyes. Pearlescent horns protruded from her head, and a matching pair of dragon wings came from her back, along with a tail that swept the floor in a curious manner. There were several patches of her skin decorated in pearlescent white scales.
"What are you?" Rocket asked in awe, smiling slightly as his tail twitched. The girls tail copied his, and she tilted her head curiously.
"Em-Ember..." the girl said softly, pointing to herself. It was obvious that she hadn't had much social interaction in her life.
"Your name is Ember? I'm Rocket." he smiled. Ember smiled, too, revealing fangs that softly glinted in the light. "I like the songs you keep singing."
"Thank you..." Ember said softly. She reached her hand through the cage bars, revealing that she had sharp claws. Rocket slightly backed away, a bit afraid. Ember looked guilty and pulled her hand back, feeling bad that she scared him.
"Oh... I'm sorry, I just... wasn't expecting that..." Rocket apologized. He stepped closer to the cell and gave a reassuring smile. Ember slowly reached out her hand once again and gently caressed his head, smiling gently.
"Soft..." Rocket couldn't help but chitter as she touched his fur, feeling the comfort he longed to feel for so long. Ember giggled softly at his noises and smiled.
"Do you want to be friends?" Rocket asked softly.
"Yes. I would like that very much," replied Ember.
I hope you enjoyed this little blurb I came up with. I'm tempted to write more with this AU thing, so maybe keep an eye out for that 🤭
@rxin3akamallory @pretty-chips @glow-autumz @evolvingchaoswitch @raccoonfallsharder
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raccoonfallsharder · 8 months
oh my god! so i kept on telling myself that i’ll read window across the galaxy whenever i find time (haven’t really done that yet T_T it feels like i have all the time in the world and yet not enough) and i come to do my daily check of raccoonfallsharder to find out IT’S FINISHING SOON?! you work at the SPEED OF LIGHT (which is a compliment ❤️‍🩹 i am a snail and i wish i wasn’t.) but hopefully i can start binge reading WATG soon, the excerpts i’ve seen look amazing (which isn’t shocking coming from you. everything you write is a masterpiece!)
all of this to be said, i hope you’re doing okay. i know you write the Rocket Reminders for others but i hope you apply them to yourself as well. you deserve amazing things And More!
okay first of all you do a DAILY CHECK of my blog?? 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 i mean that has to be an exaggeration but it’s still the sweetest fucken thing ive ever heard?? this seriously has made my whole shitty week better (hello tuesday morning, ive peaked). this whole ask is just so sweet and caring and kind. i might be tearing up in my office. thank you. i am carrying your words with me everywhere i go today, like armor ♡
secondly window will be here waiting for you whenever you’re ready babydoll. it’s not going anywhere (also you don’t gotta binge it! it’s perfectly fine to take bitesized chomps)
thirdly snails are incredibly important. they’re recyclers and pollinators and they are very cute when drinking water. there is nothing wrong with taking time, and fanfic writing should be enjoyable — not something to punish or pressure yourself about. 6 out of 10 experts agree that in all likelihood, trying to rush something like this is just a result of capitalism convincing you of the lie that “productivity” (whatever that is) is the most important thing. the other 4/10 say that you would have more time to create if it weren’t for capitalism in the first place, so it’s still not your fault. anyway the point is please keep being a lovely perfect snail going at your own lovely perfect pace and don’t be too hard on yourself
finally here’s an extra window excerpt (the very beginning) just for you ♡♡♡ may your day be full of soft and happy moments, you gorgeous winter sunrise, and may you feel loved & cared for every second
The Eclector is dark and, despite the raucous laughter and fighting of the crew, every footfall on the gridded catwalks seems to echo. It smells like rust and oil and old metal, and sometimes sweat, and there’s generally very little that is pleasant about it.
But Kraglin Obfonteri had sent word that the Yondu clan had recently overtaken a Xandaran luxury liner. Among its treasures, there had been a pretty vast art collection, and Jolie is a reliable assessor and - for some of the more common mediums, as well as a few blindingly unique ones - a restorer. It’s not the first time she’s contracted her services out to a Ravager crew. Hell, it’s not even the first time she’s worked with the Yondu Clan. She crosses paths with them at least once every fifteen cycles or so.
So here she is, following some hulking brute named Taserface and dodging when pirates on the catwalk above decide to spit over the side.
What a way to spend my morning, she thinks. There better be something worthwhile in this pile of junk.
They finally leave the belly of the ship and Taserface leads her through a network of cargo holds and corridors, trying to make very awkward conversation and occasionally leering at her. Jolie is a consummate professional, though, and she’s dealt with a lot of creeps. She keeps a polite smile on her lips and a dead look in her eyes. She’d been hoping today’s escort would be the aforementioned Kraglin, or maybe fellow-Terran Peter Quill. Pete’s been family since Jolie met him - almost seven years ago - even if they don’t usually see each other more than once every few cycles at most. He’s a handful of years older than her, but his relative optimism still makes her feel like he’s a sweet, annoying little brother. Frankly, it pulls some heartstrings, because Jolie has baggage where younger siblings are concerned.
Kraglin, on the other hand, is a remarkably endearing moron, and Jolie kind of adores him, the same way she adores particularly stupid cats.
Unfortunately, Jolie gathers that Pete has apparently disappeared in his M-Ship without a word - much to the irritation of the rest of the Yondu clan - and Obfonteri is offsite on orders from the captain, engaging in some kind of criminal activity or another. So here she is, stuck with a guy who could’ve picked any name in the galaxy and settled on Taserface.
Each chamber the pirate guides her through is packed with stolen goods, and she keeps her eyes open in case there’s some incredible artistic masterpiece that has somehow escaped the haul he’s currently taking her to examine. No luck so far, and Taserface is pulling ahead of her, trying to impress her by droning on about some recent brawl he’s been in. She zones out of the conversation, only smiling placidly and nodding vacantly when he glances back at her.
They pass another corridor, this one even more abandoned, and enter yet another chamber. More goods are stacked all around, a disorganized horde of stolen treasures: casks of silverwine from Vanaheim, crates of shimmering pearls from Morag, pleasure-bots from Contraxia. At the far end, she sees what looks like the corner of a cage.
Her eyes narrow, and her head tilts.
That’s unusual.
Normally, bounties are housed in the caged cells lining the main corridors just off the belly of the ship - not hidden, and not mixed in with the loot. As they draw closer, Jolie can just make out a shadow shifting inside - something the size of a kid.
Her blood runs cold.
She’d heard Yondu and his crew had already been exiled from the loose coalition of Ravager clans due to trafficking children, but she’d thought they’d stopped doing that years ago, when Pete had come on board. Is that why this cage is hidden way out here?
They draw closer, and she catches a glimpse of fur moving behind the rusted bars. Out here in space, that doesn’t mean anything in particular: it could still be a child. Her stomach becomes a stone in her gut, and she knows she's not leaving this stupid fucking ship without knowing what's going on, and making sure everything is okay. She’s got enough units on her that she can probably afford one or two kids, maybe a few if she needs to - a bribe more than a purchase, she thinks, and a mean fucking talking-to for Yondu Udonta. But if he's making some kind of a habit out of this, she’s going to need a lot more resources than she currently has available to her.
And maybe he’s not. She's trying very hard not to jump to conclusions, because to be honest - despite his reputation - Yondu really doesn’t seem like the type to continue engaging in this shit. And she kind of likes him, like the grumpy old uncle she's never had.
Taserface keeps heading straight across the chamber to the other door, boasting and blathering, but Jolie’s drawn to the cage. Smoothly - never breaking stride - she veers to the left, and her tour guide doesn't even notice.
The metal box is about three feet tall, sitting on top of a knee-high crate scrawled with the words “sovereign porn” in Kree - lovely, Jolie thinks drily - and there’s definitely a lifeform inside. She leans in just a bit, and catches a flash of bright eyes and teeth and - she thinks that’s a ringed tail, and a mask.
That can’t be right.
Her eyes scan him again, and yeah: the caged creature looks almost like a raccoon from back home, but he’s standing upright on his hindlegs and…yep, he is most certainly wearing pants.
The lifeform rears back: teeth bared in a vicious, silent snarl, ears flat against his skull. In this position, she can see some kind of metal has been embedded in his chest. The fur around it - and in a few other places - has long since stopped growing due to scarring, and the flesh around the metal itself looks painfully inflamed. Her heart slams into her sternum and her stomach drops.
“Oh, love,” she breathes out, unthinking. “What did they do to you?”
The raccoon tilts his head to one side, eyes bright with biting intelligence, and she could swear he’s practically sneering. He opens his mouth and for all the world, she almost thinks he’s going to answer her.
Taserface interrupts any miraculous revelations with his too-loud, too-boastful voice, suddenly behind her, leaning too close. “T’was the High Evolutionary Hisself what cut the critter up and stitched it back together. Replaced some of its bones with new ones and made it walk like it’s tryin’ to be a man.”
She straightens and stares up at him, and the asshole chuckles, like it’s funny.
Jolie makes a noise in her throat before she can stop it. “Nope. Don’t like that.”
She turns back, still eyeballing the creature on the other side of the rusty bars. It’s shadowy in there, but she’d guess he’s maybe three-feet tall with change. And if he is a raccoon - and he sure does look like one - he’s probably already plotting his escape.
She gnaws on her lower lip. “And where are you all taking him now?”
Taserface looks at her like she’s an idiot. Maybe she is.
“Back t’ HalfWorld an’ the High Evolutionary, a’course.”
Her head snaps around to face him so quickly that something in her neck audibly cracks, sending a hot flare of pain up the back of her skull. She ignores it. “So they can torture him some more?”
Taserface shrugs and glowers and spits dismissively. “It'll be two hunnert-thousand units.”
Jolie sucks in a breath through her teeth. That’s more than…well, that’s more than a few children.
She looks at the rusted bars, and back to her brute of a tour guide, and sighs heavily. Slowly, she turns back to the cage, swaying toward the bars so she can peer in at eye-level. She’s immediately face-to-face with the creature. His ears are still pressed flat against his head, fur bristling, and he’s gazing back, clearly suspicious and probably - justifiably - feeling more than a little bit mean. She’s suddenly certain that if she got close enough, he’d take out her eyes.
There’s no helping herself, is there? Goddamn, she’s an idiot. One corner of her mouth twists up in exhausted resignation and she sighs.
“Welp,” she says solemnly to the raccoon with a polite nod, “fuck me, my dude.”
Swiftly, she stands back up, turning to Taserface and flattening her palms together in front of her with a soft clap. Her fingers lace together and she presses her knuckles to her lips in half a prayer. She’s not going to think about the consequences too much. Not till later, anyway. She’s going to move through these next moments in a flurry, a manufactured whirlwind: partly so she doesn’t second-guess herself, and partly to keep Taserface from applying too much critical thinking to anything she’s about to say.
She imagines that second part should be easy.
“It looks like it’s Udonta’s lucky day, because I happen to have two-hundred-and-thirty thousand units on hand, and I’ve always wanted a raccoon.”
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Simple things with Rocket and Ember
- While on a visit to Earth, Ember discovered a few new shows (mostly suggested by Peter Parker), and was rather intrigued by the How To Train Your Dragon movies (since she is a dragon). She found the movies fascinating, and Rocket noticed this, so he made her a necklace that had Toothless on it. It wasn't very good, but he made it himself and that's the important part.
- Ember was introduced to the band Imagine Dragons (again with the dragon theme), and related to the song Next To Me because she feels like she keeps letting everyone, especially Rocket, down. One day, he simply lays beside her on her bedroom floor, and they listen to the song, not saying a word, but Ember knows that Rocket never thought she let him down.
- One thing that Ember really loved is sunflowers, so Rocket always goes to outstanding lengths to get her sunflowers, and always makes sure she has some at all times.
- One headcanon I like is that Rocket loves to paint, so I like to incorporate that into my works. Ember has no idea Rocket likes to paint until she comes back from a small mission and finds one of the walls in her bedroom painted to look like Starry Night, with sunflowers at the bottom, of course. She is so completely in awe that she just sits on the floor and stares at the wall. Rocket joins her not long after and she gives him the best hug ever and thanks him for everything.
- Ember bought a lava lamp and has it placed on a desk in her room. When she's not around, Rocket is always in her room, staring at the lava lamp, completely entranced by the magic this little lamp contains. Ember finds out that he does this but doesn't mention anything because she thinks it's cute.
- When Ember isn't around, Rocket always has something of hers around because it smells like her. He doesn't mean to do this in a creepy way, but in more of an affectionate way. Ember has no clue he does this, but one morning, he comes out of his room in one of her shirts, and she asks him about it. He's embarrassed but explains that it brings him comfort. After that, he always finds a new shirt of hers in his room.
Not a very long post, but I hope you liked it 🫶
@rxin3akamallory @pretty-chips @glow-autumz @evolvingchaoswitch @raccoonfallsharder
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raccoonfallsharder · 10 months
guess what, it’s chip anon. IM IN SUCH A GOOD MOOD
i have an update on the last thing i sent to u — all is resolved ! like i said before , i’m on the aromantic spectrum so it’s very rare for me to get crushes - so when my friend heard i got a crush , she was just trying to be supportive , but also didn’t know what to do . ty for ur advice too , because i did use it ! <3
putting that aside , i have chips again !! i also found myself time to watch gotg today (finally) so today has been fulfilling . also like , i haven’t read ur fanfictions / fanfic in general in a hot MINUTE cuz i’ve been busy . but now i got free time and i’m going to spend my time reading ur fics and eating chips . pretty relaxing if u ask me
sorry for the long ass ramble again , it’s probably obvious but i have adhd and i also have a huge problem with ranting LOLL
have a good day tumblr user raccoonfallsharder u are what keeps my rocket hyperfixation standing
my crispy golden little chip!!! it makes me so happy to know that you are so happy right now! i am so glad things worked out with your friend. i feel like sometimes friendships can become even stronger after something like this -- like you know each other better, and you know you can safely talk through your feelings and understand each other. i'm so glad for you ♡ this seriously makes my heart so fuckin happy ♡♡
i am so grateful we live in a world and a time where you have been able to have chips, watch gotg, and catch up on some highly-questionable reading lol
your "rants" and "rambles" are never a problem for me so come back any time, lil chip nonnie ♡♡♡ and may the rest of your day be full of tasty chips & happiness & good reads in sunbeams
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evolvingchaoswitch · 11 months
Rocketober: Day 18 Fight
Every time he’d return from a fight, Rocket swore that he would soon hear of a fight Avery had been in almost as if they were trying to keep up with some form of imaginary tally. He asked them if they were after the fourth fight he patched the hands up after.
“No just trying to protect my community in a sea of Chaos”
After the snap, people had gotten worse and while he was fighting threats in space, Avery was on the ground stopping homophobes from taking their aggression out on their community. The bar functioned as a community center trying to direct people to whatever help they could, and not a damn person asked them to; Rocket admired that in Avery.
Rocket had held those hands enough times over the first year that he was able to fashion a set of metal knuckles with some added features to help keep the hands a little less swollen.
It had bothered him how much he wanted to lay soft kisses against the eggplant bruises marred with scarlet slashes on Avery’s hands.
It bothered him more how much he wanted to hold them when they weren’t injured.
It bothered him most that neither of the two sentences above were true.
@raccoonfallsharder @glow-autumz @rebel-21 @quietanarchist
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