#i'm sorry that fic i said would come out at the end of 2022 isn't ready yet
canariie · 1 year
Canariie! I don't entirely remember how (erm, or when) we first met (though I'm sure it was mutual participation in HitsuHina events) but I wanted to let you know I've had such a good time getting to know you better over 2022. I value having Writing Friends so much, and I love the way you talk about your stories--what you were going for, what inspired you, how the process went. Thank you so much for all of your support as well. <3
You mentioned in an AO3 comment that you loved the way HitsuHina fandom was building off one another and creating this hivelike fannish ecosystem together and I am 100% with you on that; it is my favorite, favorite thing. Looking forward to more/better/wackier in 2023! You are awesome! :)
Aww thank you Whipple for this kind message! It truly had made my day! Such a lovely surprise but something that I have gone back to reread again and again!
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I have immensely appreciated getting to know you over 2022 in writing and interacting with other writers in the Bleach fandom but especially in our Hitsuhina corner :) Your writing has honestly inspired me in my own ideas and prompts that I have so many little plot snippets in my phone that excites me to explore and expand on the universe that you so eloquently write of! I think the way you capture the Bleach universe is so fresh and nuanced and adds a whole level of depth to what we already know :)
It has been extremely gratifying to see how we riff off each other from @rays-of-fire-and-ice coordinating events and her detailed headcanons of key moments missing from manga; to @alexiethymia's ability to analyze even the briefest of manga panels and create headcanons that just add so much more depth to canon material; @rainfestive's impeccable skill to convey gentleness and intimacy in her lovely drawings. And like you said, we are truly carving our own corner in the Kubo world and I absolutely love how the ideas we individually write to just even the smallest comment finds itself in other people's work--which just makes participating in the fandom so much more enjoyable! It's really become a special place <3
To be completely honest, I've taken a slight break from tumblr (not completely!) just because the end of last year with all my writing slightly burnt myself out! I didn't get to rest as much as I needed so it feels a little difficult to start writing again. But I assure you, that I will be back with some fics and I promise I'll open requests to celebrate my 100th reblog milestone!
Thank you again!
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nyanggk · 1 year
hey guys! I know I've been ia for most of the year til now but it has been brought to my attention that an anon is spreading false accusations about me.
around a month ago or so, a rude anon sent me an ask. they were screaming in my inbox calling me names and telling me to delete 20 days before heaven.
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(I blocked them but tumblr bugged and these 2 asks stayed in my notifs however they are not in my ask box anymore. i can't show u the whole ask for obv reasons. obv reason being that I blocked it as I didn't think they would come stalking me a month later)
as you all know, I've been under fire because of immature and unreasonable anons before so I've made it a point to block any anon ask that seemed like hate speech— regardless of what they're saying. I didn't answer them because they were being rude and I believe that I have already addressed this matter MONTHS ago.
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this comment is an example. posted aug 6, 2022 a few days or a week after 20 days before heaven was posted.
i thought it ended there, however, just a few days ago while i was on vacation, i recieved a tumblr dm from the kflixnet admins. turns out, they have sent asks to the kflixnet admins telling them to reach out to me, tell me to delete the fic and/or kick me out of the network. good thing that kflixnet admins sent me a dm first so we were able to resolve the situation. I'm not sure what they did next to the ask (if they ignored it, answered it, etc)
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though they've said that they want to address this matter privately— stated in their message towards the kflixnet admins, they have been sending immature asks towards my moots. though it is censored, it is clearly me they are talking about based off of the amount of letters and the k at the end.
once again, I'm thankful because none of my moots (as far as I know) believe this bs and didn't even bother answering
officially, I want to reiterate that I do not know about honor in the rains story. I have never had a wattpad account back then aside from a few months ago when genie (end-hypen) recommended me a jungwon fic on wattpad and read it, however besides that, I have not used wattpad at all and I did not plagiarise honor in the rain's in 27 days.
i gave the story a quick read and did notice similarities, however, besides death giving mc the chance to revive someone— which in itself is a common plot in regards to time traveling stories, my story stems out from that.
I hope you realize that not everyone lives the same life you do. people can not have a wattpad account and can be unaware of what you're saying so don't come screaming rude bullshit in my dms claiming that I plagiarised something and expect me to respond to you. note, I'm not saying I didn't hear abt wattpad back then, all I'm saying is that I've never dl-ed it (had to explain because God forbid you ppl twist my words again and start assuming)
though I've read the story, I'm not sorry to say but I will not be putting an "inspired by" or "based off of" in my notes because that would be lying, nor am I going to delete this fic because honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you people. deleting a fic isn't the answer to anything.
examples are; (1) in that story, the fem lead and male lead didn't know eo initially and tbh, she had absolutely no reason to save him and go through all that trouble for someone she didnt even no aside for the reason that she can save a life, while mine already had mutual pining.
(2) they (in 24 days) actually went through 24 days with eo while trying to convince him that killing himself isn't the answer. mine was more about the butterfly effect and how a simple kindness/concern shown towards others can make a huge impact on how their lives steer. heeseung was supposed to confess to reader but got stopped due to bullying and his life spiraled downwards. the bullying mixed with his personal problems were what drove him to initially take his life on his birthday.
(3) there's no monster trying to harm them— though they thought that there was.
(4) heeseung doesn't work at some cafe run by his parents, (5) he's not emo, (6) and he's certainly in love with the fem lead from the get go. if you read the story then you would've known.
please leave me and my moots the fuck alone. you make tumblr a worse platform than twitter.
sorry for the notif but I'll be tagging some of my moots to help spread the issue and to also let them know what's happening in the case that someone also sent them an ask in regards to this situation
@end-hyphen @forjongseong @bruh-changbin @chiyuv @1800-jaeyun @enha-cafe @enha-doodles @donghoonie-3 @evermorehoon @heetro @jayked @mimikittysblog @palajae @rikismiel @svnoohe4rts
ik it's prolly been a hot while since I've talked to u guys and I'm sorry that this had to be one of the first things u see by me in a long while 🙏
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
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I posted 2,320 times in 2022
1,336 posts created (58%)
984 posts reblogged (42%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,966 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#x male reader - 120 posts
#ask - 117 posts
#legacies ask - 110 posts
#fic - 103 posts
#men - 100 posts
#911 ask - 65 posts
#headcanons - 58 posts
#stargirl ask - 52 posts
#nancy drew ask - 50 posts
#911 lone star ask - 49 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#not my grandfather who i havent spoken to in 3 years showing up unannounced with a misgendering birthday gift
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jason Todd x gn reader (WFA edition) - meeting the family
710 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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Happy pride 🌈
714 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Yeiiii Im so glad you are taking request
I was wondering if you could write a maddy perez x male reader where maddy is scared of saying no to sex and ends really fluffy?
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Maddy liked you, of course she did or else she wouldn't be making out with you right now but something felt off. 
You were on your bed, her shirt gone with one hand on her bare waist and the other cupping her through her bra.
Her body reacted positively to your touch but she didn't seem quite as into it as you would hope.
"Maddy," you say pulling away from her lips. 
"What's wrong?" She questions.
"I should be asking you that," you say. 
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, you just seem… less into this than I am," you state. 
"Y/N I want to fuck," she tells you.
"This isn't just about getting laid, I want you to want this as much as I do," you say, placing your hand on her cheek and rubbing your thumb to comfort her. 
Maddy's never said no to sex before, if she tried the guy would make up some excuse as to why it wasn't fair to them to stop. 
It was always, "but my dick is so hard it hurts" or "we're already half naked so why not just go all the way" or her least favorite "you spent all night teasing me and now you're really going to leave me high and dry?"
She had a great time on your date tonight and you were such a nice guy she thought sex was the only way to show you that even though she didn't necessarily feel like having sex in this moment.
"I don't want you to be mad," she says shyly. 
"Maddy, I won't be mad I promise," you assure her.
"Okay…I don't want have sex tonight," she confesses. 
You kiss her sweetly and smile at her, "it's okay, we can watch a movie instead." 
You find her shirt and hand it to her, she puts it back on slowly, still hesitant.
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" She asks. 
"Absolutely," you say, looking for your laptop and booting it up. 
You put a movie on and cuddle with Maddy, her head on your chest while you hold her close. 
"Thank you Y/N," she says with a sigh of relief.
"Don't thank me, I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't say no in the first place," you say kissing the top of her head. 
The movie plays and Maddy feels more comfortable with you than she ever has with a guy before. 
740 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
instead of nate and cassie fucking in the bathroom it’s male reader and maddy. male reader is cassie and lexis little bit older brother. maybe nate is the one banging on the door and they could care less and still make the most of it. and they both leave the bathroom not trying to hide it. thanks this is a request
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"Fuck yes baby fuck me just like that," Maddy moans as you rail her on top of the bathroom sink. 
Her dress is tugged up around her thighs, your hand palming at her chest as the mirror gets foggy. 
You and Maddy had regulary hooked up over the years whenever her and Nate were 'on a break' so you already knew exactly how she liked to get fucked. 
While you you were home from college on winter break your sister Cassie invited you to come to a new year's party with her and Lexi, you had heard Maddy and Nate broke up for good this time and once you saw her in that dress you wanted her. 
Maddy's nails are scratching at the back of your neck and you're kissing her jaw as she's sighing and gasping in the best way. 
There's a banging on the door with a familiar voice yelling through it. 
"Whoever is in there get the fuck out!" Nate shouts. 
You and Maddy grin not giving a damn so you grab hold of her waist and start thrusting even faster. 
"I'm fucking serious, if you don't get out I'm gonna kick your ass!" Nate continues to yell and bang on the door. 
"Oh fuck I'm gonna cum," Maddy groans as she's nearing the edge. 
Her hands grasp at your shirt and her pussy clenches around your cock as she reaches her climax. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she's moaning loudly purposely wanting Nate to hear her ride out her orgasm. 
As an extra fuck you to Nate you pull out of Maddy, stepping over to the toilet and cumming all over it which makes Maddy laugh. 
"Oh my God you're an evil genius," she giggles jumping off the counter, kissing you deeply. 
You get yourselves back in order and casually walk out of the bathroom. 
Nate is fuming and gets even more mad when he realizes it was you and Maddy in there the whole time. 
Maddy winks at Nate as you guys head back to the party while you have a huge smirk on your face from the group of other people in the hallway in shock because Nate Jacobs just saw his ex post hook up with another guy. 
Nate angrily enters the bathroom, slamming the door behind him and smelling sex in the air, he's mumbling to himself until he sees what you left behind on the toilet specifically for him. 
"What the fuck?!" You hear him yell and it was the best night Maddy had in months.  
1,066 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I don’t know if you’re still taking requests, but if you are could you do Maddy Perez with an s/o who is 100% a giver, like he will happily spend hours between her legs without expecting anything in return
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● if there's one thing Maddy loves its a guy who will go down on a girl without being asked 
● and the first time you did so for her she knew she would be keeping you around
● you can expertly make her cum only using your tongue 
● but when you're fingers are deep inside her and you're sucking on her clit Maddy is in heaven 
● and there are plenty of toys you use for her pleasure 
● your tongue will be lavishing her while you have a vibrator on her clit
● or if she is in the mood for penetration you have a dildo pumping inside her while you work her clit with your mouth 
● you have a rabbit vibrator for when you want to give her chest attention 
● there have been times you made her cum without even having to touch her pussy when you are playing with her tits
● Maddy brags to all her friends how amazing you are at oral 
● her panties get soaked just talking about your head between her legs 
● one day some guys overheard her and in the locker room after gym cracked that you were a little bitch for Maddy 
● "what kind of pussy doesn't have his girl on her knees to suck his dick" 
● "what kind of man doesn't put his woman's needs ahead of his own? Maybe that's why you can't get a girlfriend Daniel because you're too selfish and by the way, being called a pussy isn't an insult when you know how beautiful they are and the ecstasy you feel when a girl is cumming because of you" 
● all the guys are quiet after that
● when you and Maddy have either one of your houses to yourselves you spend literal hours between her legs 
● your parents will come home and your bedsheets are in the wash 
● "what happened to your sheets?" 
● "nothing just felt like having some clean sheets" 
● Maddy usually offers to suck you off in return but most of the time you decline
● "babe I just made you cum four times in a row, rest and let me get you some water"
● you and Maddy will watch porn of girls getting their pussy ate
● and Maddy is dripping by the time you take her clothes off 
● you have her screaming your name all because of your tongue 
1,178 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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not-krys · 2 years
WIP Wednesday: Fictober 2022 Previews
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Back again for my fourth year of Fictober!
The prompts came out a little late this year, so I've decided to not use betas this year as I don't have the time to work on these and then send them off to my usual preview readers, so this year's fictober is gonna look a little rough.
Down below are previews of what I've written on at least two of my fics this year, the first being my yearly Mitsuhide fic. The second is gonna be my return to Comte angst after having a bit of burnout at the end of fictober last year.
Regular warnings apply, raw text, not edited. CW for pregnancy mentions in both sections and implied complications in Comte's section.
You turned further away, feeling your ears burn. Mitsuhide poked you again.
"Come now, Little Mouse, these oranges I worked so hard to pick for you will rot at this rate."
You tense, feeling the craving for the sweet tanginess of oranges come over you so suddenly. True, you had told him you liked oranges before, but the craving coming over you was intense.
"[Name]," Mitsuhide said more firmly, the sound of a round fruit rolling on a plate catching your attention.
He had his thumb placed at the top of the orange, the rind giving easily to quick, gentle pressure. He put half a piece to his mouth, bit down and the juice dribbled down his chin. You swallowed, hard.
"But… you can't taste anything-"
"It's wet," he said simply, licking his lips sensually. "Cool on the tongue. Little sticky if I had to give it one flaw."
He finished off his little piece, licking the remaining juice from his fingers, making sure to look you in the eye while doing so.
"You know that I would anything for her… for them…" Comte brushed her damp bangs out of her eyes, closed in an uneasy sleep.
"Even risking turning her?" Leonardo said pointedly, glaring at his old friend.
"Blanc and Rouge aren't doing as well as we had hoped. It has to be a pureblood's essence."
"And what happens if you lose both of them? What then?"
"We have to try something, Leonardo. I can't stand to see her in pain, not for a minute longer."
Leonardo glared, staring down the other vampire, his teeth grinding together.
"Fine… but we're using a sterilized knife. No need to get your teeth involved."
Comte smiled, tired, but relieved.
"Thank you, mon ami."
"I'll go ask Sebas for a sharp one." Leonardo turned with the speed only a pureblood could manage, his coat tails trailing behind him.
Comte turned his attention back to his cherie on the bed, pale but still breathing. His kissed her fevered forehead, brushing back more of her sweat-dampened hair. His other hand trailed down her side, to her swelled abdomen covered by the thin sheet. He pressed his hand into her, feeling a tiny heart beneath his hand against what he could only assume was his child's back.
"So strong." Comte said tenderly, his smile soft despite his fatigue. "The union of a human and a pureblood."
His eyes turned back to his love, his smile turning to a frown.
"I'm sorry, ma cherie." he said, sadly, "this… all of this… none of us knew that this was even possible. For purebloods and humans to be able to reproduce together… and now you're suffering because of it…"
His hand trembled in her hair.
"If I could take away your suffering, all of it… you know that I would. But it's becoming harder and harder to find viable options. I thought that the Rouge would help as it's the closest to the real thing, but even that is starting to fail."
His breath shuddered, struggling to keep his voice even as he spoke to her.
"If nothing else works… if my blood isn't enough…
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camaro-and-smokes · 1 year
✨🌈💝💥💌 (fic writer asks <3)
Hi! Sorry I didn't answer sooner, it was our moving day. I hope I never have to move anywhere again 😂 The exact same words I said 17 years ago thinking that yes, this house is the final one. Right 🙄
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
I have several of these in different fandoms but let's just stick to ST fandom here. I love writing all my fics but some are closer to heart than others. I had serious fun writing A Fair Deal. It's one of the few fics I've written that isn't explicit or even mature and it has humor. I'm not normally comfortable writing comedy but with this it wasn't too hard. It would be nice if it got more eyeballs because it's a total feel good piece.
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I wrote the last chapter for August for weeks. I started with it already when I began writing the fic itself. It had to be super heavy angst and I poured my heart in it. I cried for weeks because it was heart wrenching and I kinda tore my own heart into pieces every day I wrote it. But damn it's good! I don't think I've ever written such good angst since 😁
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I don't usually think what kind of response I'd like to have other than I hope people like what I write or at least don't hate it. What I do get is sometimes I think that a fic is really good and I'm really satisfied with the end result and then it gets hardly any hits for some reason. One like this is May I Feel I wrote for Harringrove Holiday Exchange 2022.
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
Because I can, I choose one I've written for Harringrove, the ones with less kudos are in another by now dead fandom. It's again May I Feel. More than just a fic it's a kind of a study of how feelings can grow and how to describe them a bit differently. I loved writing it.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I'm writing my first Mungrove fic and the fact that it's Mungrove and not Harringrove is something I'm excited about myself. Because as a writer I'm always happy if I can shake myself a bit out of the mold I get stuck on.
In it Billy asks Eddie to go see Dio with him but it doesn't exactly go as planned. But in a kinda good way, eventually. In my mind there are so many possibilities for Eddie to draw out something else in Billy than what Steve does and I hope I can put it to words somehow. I'll leave it at that for now 😁
Thanks for asking 💜 I love these!
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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aelaer · 2 years
Hey dear, do you still play the ask game? If you don’t mind, here’s 🎁💡💘? Thank you so much for your answer!!!
From this post.
This one actually reminded me that it existed and I finally had a couple hours of energy to answer them yayyyy.
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff? I can write both, so long as neither is romantic in nature ahahahah. I don't know if either is easier or harder in nature--it more depends on my mood? I think it's harder to write a contained plot with fluff that isn't wildly OOC with the characters I write. It's definitely possible, and done quite well by some authors, but I think it can be harder. There's more angsty situations presented in canon and by the nature of their personalities.
💡How many WIPs do you currently have? Oh boy. So I am *not* counting the ones in the LOTR fandom that have remained untouched for like, a decade, haha. RIP LOTR. With the MCU... *sigh*
Ones that have a lot of content for them (one-shots are over 50% done, multi-chaptered fics have at least 20k written): 4 pieces
One-shots that have a scene written for them that I'm still planning to finish and publish: 2 pieces
Multi-chaptered fics that are unlikely to ever be finished/published due to being crossovers that I was way too ambitious about: 2 pieces
One-shots that have outlines that I still plan on completing: 3 pieces (these are all prompt fics requested in 2019 and 2020... I'm so sorry... the asker likely isn't even in the fandom anymore, lmao)
One-shots that are remaining prompt asks that have nothing planned yet: 2 pieces (including the new 2022 one from blossom, I'm so sorry, lord know when I'll get to it with this current schedule)
Floating snippets that are just ideas with no set plot to them, and thus may never be published beyond this blog: 3 pieces. Snippets really.
So 6-16 depending on what you count as a WIP.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share? I posted two of the snippets in the other asks. Here's one from a one-shot that's like 90% done, I just need to figure out how I want to end it (which is harder than I'd like -- endings can be rough for me. Will probably need to ask my beta for her ideas because it hasn't gone anywhere for 2 years >.<)
It was during one passing group, just as he was about to give his excuses, that Wong learned that the kid had super-hearing. A rather unfortunate time to discover such a fact.
And once Peter learned the news, it was just a matter of a few texts before every Avenger knew.
"We'd like to help out," Tony said, being the first to call Wong. Wong had given his number to a couple Avengers on the off-chance Stephen was wounded while working with them. He hadn't expected his number to be used in this fashion.
"Us sorcerers handle our own affairs," was Wong's gruff reply. "Besides, aren't you supposed to be retired?"
"Special occasion."
Wong said, "We're fine," and hung up before Tony could retort, then sighed. Stephen would be displeased if Iron Man ended up dying after all the work he did to save him in the multiple future fiasco. He was just happy Stephen managed to get to 16 million (and severely lower the amount of time it took to get everyone who left back), but that was another topic altogether.
Then Tony gave out Wong's number to the others.
"It really would be no trouble," Steve said. "We consider all of you our allies after Thanos."
"You're supposed to be retired, too," was Wong's exasperated retort.
A pause. "Well, I did pass on the mantle of Captain America to Sam, sure, but that doesn't mean I don't go out in the field here and there. Just less public."
Wong hung up on him, too.
"We really would like to see him safe," was Bruce's call.
Bruce was a little harder to hang up on; he had been visiting the New York Sanctum frequently for meditation purposes, to better understand and work with the other side of his personality and come to some sort of balance with it. According to Stephen, Bruce had achieved something like this on his own in other futures, but he was certain the resources at Kamar-Taj could help him achieve this faster and with potentially better results.
Still, Bruce Banner was not a sorcerer. "I appreciate the offer, Doctor Banner, but this is a matter for our order," he told him, then hung up before the other could retort.
"It's pretty slow right now; you'd be doing everyone a favor in letting us help," Natasha admitted when she called.
Wong pulled the phone away from his face to sigh; if it weren't for the very slim chance of Stephen potentially calling him, he would have turned off the damn thing. "Weren't you supposed to retire from field work, too?"
"People like me never retire," she answered. "Think on it, Wong."
He grimaced and hung up.
"You have to let us help!" was Peter's plea. Peter had been barred from the Sanctum until the issue was settled—Wong knew that Stephen wouldn't want the kid involved—but apparently Tony Stark was more than happy to give Peter Parker his phone number, as well.
"Stephen would want you to stay out of this," he told the kid without ceremony, and hung up on him, too, though he felt a little bad doing it.
This was getting ridiculous. The other Masters had decided the Avengers shouldn't be involved, but if they had to endure what Wong was enduring, maybe they'd change their minds. Besides, the extra eyes wouldn't be a bad thing to have, at least in Wong's opinion. 
By the time a sixth call from an Avenger in under an hour occurred, Wong was ready. He positioned himself in the Masters' strategy room as they discussed leads and next steps, then let the phone ring beside the others.
They caved in less than two hours.
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poeticmoonspirit · 2 years
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I posted 571 times in 2022
That's 230 more posts than 2021!
89 posts created (16%)
482 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 112 of my posts in 2022
#zutara - 41 posts
#zutara month 2022 - 17 posts
#zuko - 12 posts
#anon asks - 12 posts
#katara - 12 posts
#pro zutara - 8 posts
#zutara week 2022 - 8 posts
#fanfiction - 8 posts
#jet - 8 posts
#jetara - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 86 characters
#when i continue writing my jetara fic im gonna picture jet like this during flashbacks
My Top Posts in 2022:
Why does everyone say "I wish zutara was canon" lmao have you seen the creators and their writing?? We've got everything we need in fanfics and art—hell, even AMVs! Canon is overrated!
Zutara exists in every way that matters.
96 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
LMFAOOOOO why are they so mad?!?!
Imagine going on AO3 and looking for a fic for a ship that you don't even like at 6 in the morning. Talk about dedication! I love my fans <3
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Anyways! I'm going to continue minding my business and writing my stories✍🏾
103 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
I've talked about this on twitter, but the way canon shippers defend their ships with their whole chest is hilarious. You're that defensive because zutara is mentioned? Why? You HAVE canon, you have EVERYTHING, yet you still care about what we ship? It's giving insecurity to be honest. It's been fifteen years and you'd think they'd get it through their heads that zutara fans don't give a flying FUCK about what's canon.
Why would we when our fan content is better than anything Bryke would put out? LMAOOO
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109 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
These Things I've Done
"Katara, you're not a monster. You'll never be a monster."
She shook her head angrily, unable to contain herself any longer. "No, I don't think you understand, Aang. I decided to end that man's life today. I did that. Not Zuko, not Sokka, me. And if you can't handle that then you can just kindly fuck off!"
Aang sputtered, "You don't mean that—"
She let out a bitter chuckle, "Oh, I think I do," She stepped closer to the airbender so that they were face to face, toe to toe, "And I won't repeat it."
He was breathing harder now, his eyes wide, unable to believe what she was saying. She was perfect. Katara was always perfect. So innocent and kind. So why was he seeing her so differently now? Why was she acting this way?
"Katara, I think Zuko has corrupted you somehow. This isn't like you—"
She clenched her jaw, pressing her finger into his chest, "Oh, no no no—we are not doing this again. You and I? We are not the same. We've never been the same! You can't tell me how to live my life just because you don't agree with it! I ended that man's life because he killed my mother! I was owed that! And I'll be damned if I let anyone else tell me otherwise!"
"And if you think for a second that I am gonna let you slander my best friend then you've got another thing coming! Zuko was there for me, he's always been there for me! So why won't you? Why can't you support me on the one thing that would give me closure?"
"Katara, the monks always say to—"
"I don't care what the monks said, Aang! I am not a monk! I am Katara from the Southern Water Tribe. I am not you! Why don't you understand that?"
"I'm sorry, Aang," She gulped, swallowing the lump in her throat, "But if you're going to shame me for killing my mother's murderer then I don't think we can be friends anymore."
Part II Part III Part IIII Part V Part VI
182 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"zk is mostly katara-centric" first off, so what? And secondly, we love them both equally. Katara gets more hate than any of the other characters. As a brown girl, she can't get too emotional. She can't bloodbend because then she'll be "evil", and she can't be nuanced or too complex.
Outside of zks and the occasional Katara stan, who else is gonna ride and die for her character?? Casual fans who don't even remember what happened in the show?? Antis?? Just shut up already, you sound like a broken record.
186 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
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