#i'm sorta a odd mix of zen and amused?
sonatanotwo · 7 years
😰 (and you can't say Scott), 😦 , 😨
😰  - Anon Beatcha. XD
😨 -  how many roleplay blogs have you had active at once?
Gonna answer this one before the other. XD On Tumblr? 2... and sort of 3. Alan and Virgil... and TOS Virgil. I first took up Virgil on the side to sorta do some more prosey rp that the previous main Virgil-mun didn’t really feel up to, but yeah. Stuff happened. Basically. XDDD I still have my Alan account, but it’s fairly dormant now. lmao And TOS!Virgil is an occasional crack rp thing. It was more active, but the TOS group was short lived. He picks on John occasionally still. XDb
Now… back in the golden era of RP on Livejournal, oh gosh… on my main game I had like.. to the cap of 10… then several on the island rp… and couple others here and there… uh. TOO MANY. Which is why I did scale back progressively. 
And now I’m not journal rping at all right now. Which is very strange. (One these days I might try again… I miss some of my old muses and stuff. DW is a very different rp experience. Multifandom jamjars galore! It’s can be a blast with the right group.)
😦 - what has been your worst roleplay experience?
Man… it’s been a heck of a long time since I first alluded to it. I didn’t think I could talk about it then… but.. man, it’s been 9 months since that post, so… YOLO.
Tumblr RP has been an experience. And this is coming from someone who on lj/dw has seen some draaamaaaaaaa. I guess it’s no surprise it was Tumblr I stumbled into issues and had what was definitely my worst experience. Unfortunately, I don’t think I still can really tell the whole tale in this post today, but I think I can give the basic plot:
Once upon a time I caught someone trying to essentially sockpuppet. Things riled up publicly then they vanished, never to be seen again. Moral of the story? Don’t ever sockpuppet, guys. The End~
Y-yeah… This is a thing that happened. lol ^.^; Really, please, don’t ever try it, okay? You get caught sooner or later. Still want to try? Then, gosh, at least do it RIGHT then. XD Like, really, protip: Don’t im someone on a sub account minutes after you followed them with your personal, okay? XD
So yeah. Remember the worm? He’s still a very, very wise worm. His words apply in a lot of ways… It never hurts at all to be skeptical, especially if something feels off. And often? There’s a lot more to a situation than what’s at face value. …Especially in this place. Oh Tumblr.
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