#YOLO!!!11!! :D
12/100 days of getting my life back together
Sunday, 14 July, 2024
I woke up at 7:30 something today! i took melatonin yesterday before sleep and it really helped. insane. my boyfriend was kind of advising me against the pack we ended up buying because he said those same ones gave him a headache back then, but i decided to yolo it anyway, and im so glad i did :D
the whiteboard at the start of the day:
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and todays experiment with colors on my eyes makes me feel like a fairy crying glitter, lol
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i did some yoga in the morning, HAD A NORMAL BREAKFAST, took the vitamins and im ready to rock the world HEHEHE
in the minimum tasks for today:
DB9 at least 30 slides
10:45 - 11:35 SE6 1-19/27
12:02 -12:30 finished SE6
then I was like oh. I'm going to take a break because I feel really tired and unmotivated. then I was like well maybe I should study something of my own interest. I ended up doing this until 13:24. help
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the thing is, I feel really tired, but I guess I'm going to try my best not to fall asleep and laze around, because maybe it's just how it is, since I'm only in the first moments of recovering my sleep schedule.
15:35 - 16:00 DB9 1-12/100 16:06 - 16:35 DB9 12-17/100 17:15 - 18:09 DB9, started looking at our code, that needs saving
so, um, funny news - i am in trouble. i thought i had time until next week, turns out the deadline is tomorrow. so tonight and next day i will be screwing up my sleeping schedule again (after just barely getting it together) in order to get this assignment done and to have the pass to be able to take the exam. i need to fix some problems in our code and i, uh. i am not really happy about it, but there is nothing we can do. we must persist. i am going to go take a shower now and then get to work. wish me luck
20:03 - 20:46 i mixed the problem that was causing me the most headache. my mom called me literally right after i finished it
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hornystiel · 5 months
tagged by @thisisapaige thank youu 💙
20 Questions for Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 6 (i'm new to posting my stuff there)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 33,807
3. What fandoms do you write for? Spn, tho back in the day i wrote weird ass crossover things for some games + comics + films and manga lmao. and none of those were in english
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
dressing down, shotgunning gone right, a couple of firsts, dancing moves, chipped coin
5. Do you respond to comments? i try to respond to all of them, even if with just a thank you, and i cherish them all very much
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? umm for now it's dancing moves i guess? because it's very open and they're nowhere near done resolving their issues
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? a couple of firsts. they will be fine and they will have a lot of sex :3
8. Do you get hate on fics? not that i know of? i mean in the comments everybody is very nice :')
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? WELL. the thing is. i only read and write fics with smut because yolo carpe diem and i love smut and i think when it's well written it adds A LOT to the characters. or i just want to read steamy stuff for my own benefit hehe. anyway yes i write it and it can be anything really, but usually it's on the verge of desperate and they're very obsessed with each other. i'm also a monsterfucker and love wing kink so that too. aaand i like writing d/s dynamics <3
10. Do you write crossovers? in my earlier days - yes, i've written a couple but it's just some bits somewhere in my folders and only one person besides me saw them. in spn fandom i'm not really interested in it
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of and i don't think i'm that popular lmao
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? as of now - nope
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no and i honestly don't think i'll be able to because i'm too protective and too 'it should be my way and style and nothing else' person so i'd be a nightmare to co-write with
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? destiel (duh) and mckirk (so many years have passed and yet they still hold a place in my heart)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? idk i have hope that i will be able to finish them all eventually. but probably the 'Skating Gays' fic because i can't focus enough to do a proper research on all figure skating shit and i don't want to write it half blindly and also in my head it's like at least 40k long and it intimidates me because i usually write much shorter stuff
16. What are your writing strengths? dialogues and smut (or i hope so at least)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? can't stay motivated and focused to write Big Works and probs the whole 'what's around the characters' descriptions
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i'm bilingual myself with knowledge of bits and pieces in other languages and it doesn't bother me even if it's in a language i don't know, it can even be left without any footnotes if the meaning of this bit is for the audience/another character to fail to understand the character speaking. other than that i can read the translated text and be okay
19. First fandom you wrote for? hmm. hard to remember but if we're digging deep enough it was probably tsubasa reservoir chronicle
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? i love all of them? i put my whole pussy in all of them and i enjoy them after. but IF i have to choose...dancing moves and dressing down probably. still. HARD
tagging @jactingjoices @hauntedpearl @angelcasendgame 💜
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harrysonlyangel777 · 5 months
hiiiiiii void 🐈‍⬛
i’m well aware this may go unheard, but here goes!
i’m looking for someone to roleplay with (duhhh), preferably someone who can write as harry styles! i do 1d based ships but could potentially be talked into an oc plot if you write as harry. i will only roleplay on telegram!
i’ve been roleplaying on/off for about 12 years now (my ass did not need to be on omegle at 11 but yolo) and am now getting back into it!! since i am now above 20, i won’t rp with anyone who isn’t also older than 20 🦕 third person writing only, no ** & i do include nsfw scenes— if that’s not your cup of tea, let me know!
as for what i like/don’t like in plots, here goes;
1. likes: band plots, au’s, ones based off movies/shows, some supernatural ideas (we can discuss further!!), enemies to lovers, slow burn… really anything but what’s mentioned next :D i am open to including sensitive topics such as substance use, illnesses, mental health issues. i’ll do mpreg too if the plot calls for it!
2. dislikes: a/b/o
that’s about it from me, so if you have any questions, feel free to reach out! if you do want to start something, send me your user and i’ll reach out to ya!
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demonecelestiale · 11 months
mutual 1: ho da rimettere in ordine tutta la cazzo di casa dio che stufa hey questi conigli da dove sbucano
mutual 2: meow ;3
mutual 3: fa freddo qua porco d- appena la becco mi sente
mutual 4: c'è una rana che mi insegue?????? hello???? sono neurodivergente e minorenne?????
mutual 5: sto qua mi ha invitato a pattinare ma chi cazzo sa pattinare boooh
mutual 6: dicono di non guardare le eclissi a occhi nudi ma a me purtroppo
mutual 7: ho appena fottuto un pesce dall'acquario locale #yolo
mutual 8: girl help ho solo mangiato una ciliegia perché mi sono risvegliata in un prato in culonia?
mutual 9: might fuck around e mangiare questa mela che vuoi che succeda
mutual 10: notice me senpai :(((((((((((((
mutual 11: it's me myself and i baby #coquette #girlblogging #princess #justgirlythings
mutual 12: mi hanno buttato in mezzo ai lupi e ne sono uscita capobranco
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sonatanotwo · 7 years
😰 (and you can't say Scott), 😦 , 😨
😰  - Anon Beatcha. XD
😨 -  how many roleplay blogs have you had active at once?
Gonna answer this one before the other. XD On Tumblr? 2... and sort of 3. Alan and Virgil... and TOS Virgil. I first took up Virgil on the side to sorta do some more prosey rp that the previous main Virgil-mun didn’t really feel up to, but yeah. Stuff happened. Basically. XDDD I still have my Alan account, but it’s fairly dormant now. lmao And TOS!Virgil is an occasional crack rp thing. It was more active, but the TOS group was short lived. He picks on John occasionally still. XDb
Now… back in the golden era of RP on Livejournal, oh gosh… on my main game I had like.. to the cap of 10… then several on the island rp… and couple others here and there… uh. TOO MANY. Which is why I did scale back progressively. 
And now I’m not journal rping at all right now. Which is very strange. (One these days I might try again… I miss some of my old muses and stuff. DW is a very different rp experience. Multifandom jamjars galore! It’s can be a blast with the right group.)
😦 - what has been your worst roleplay experience?
Man… it’s been a heck of a long time since I first alluded to it. I didn’t think I could talk about it then… but.. man, it’s been 9 months since that post, so… YOLO.
Tumblr RP has been an experience. And this is coming from someone who on lj/dw has seen some draaamaaaaaaa. I guess it’s no surprise it was Tumblr I stumbled into issues and had what was definitely my worst experience. Unfortunately, I don’t think I still can really tell the whole tale in this post today, but I think I can give the basic plot:
Once upon a time I caught someone trying to essentially sockpuppet. Things riled up publicly then they vanished, never to be seen again. Moral of the story? Don’t ever sockpuppet, guys. The End~
Y-yeah… This is a thing that happened. lol ^.^; Really, please, don’t ever try it, okay? You get caught sooner or later. Still want to try? Then, gosh, at least do it RIGHT then. XD Like, really, protip: Don’t im someone on a sub account minutes after you followed them with your personal, okay? XD
So yeah. Remember the worm? He’s still a very, very wise worm. His words apply in a lot of ways… It never hurts at all to be skeptical, especially if something feels off. And often? There’s a lot more to a situation than what’s at face value. …Especially in this place. Oh Tumblr.
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yeongwonie · 3 years
STUPID CUPID! — park sunghoon
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SYNOPSIS. alone on valentine's day, you decide to sign up for the student council's fundraiser: a matchmaking survey, hoping to at least get a few laughs out of the whole ordeal. little do you know, park sunghoon (your archenemy since junior high) has the same idea. but it's fine! your student body president, kim sunoo, would never tamper with the matching system, right?
PAIRING. park sunghoon x f!reader
TAGS. enemies to lovers, matchmaking
WARNINGS. cursing, i'm not funny, slow burn, minimal d!ck jokes (+ more specific warnings will be added to each chapter!)
FT. enhypen, txt's soobin and hueningkai, itzy's ryujin and chaeryeong
STATUS. completed! (02/20-06/04)
NOTE. first smau hehe i'm excited!! timestamps and dates are accurate to the story but u don't have to pay attention to them! send an ask to be tagged :)
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00 — prologue (0.4k)
profiles pt. 1 | profiles pt. 2
01 — we need money
02 — you're what?
03 — hey soulmate
04 — just got whiplash
05 — (no one believes u!!!!)
06 — "future gf"
07 — sunghoon sympathizer
08 — like a pokemon
09 — happy anniversary (+ 1.5k)
10 — nervous aura
11 — at the end of my rope
12 — On my way! (+ 0.8k)
13 — he almost felt bad!
14 — sunoo senses
15 — hypothetically
16 — jake's detective era
17 — top secret confidential
18 — freaking tf out
19 — deep breaths, jungwon
20 — the anti-sunghoon militia
21 — making promises
22 — all (wo)men do is lie
23 — google, why can't i sleep?
24 — a weird coincidence (+ 0.9k)
25 — women's history year
26 — sunghoon redemption arc?
27 — i 85% forgive you
28 — dance battle!
29 — rehearsal (+ 1.4k)
30 — stage one: denial
31 — love is such a strong word
32 — this is all metaphorical
33 — like it was (+ 1.2k)
34 — seafood luvrs
35 — nobody nobody nobody
36 — unsolicited advice
37 — what you wanted (+ 1.9k)
38 — dark and mysterious
39 — mental fortitude
40 — hey sunghoon
41 — fluffy white dog contest
42 — the friend zone
43 — double meanings
44 — hey past self!
45 — act surprised
46 — i think you should yolo it
47 — platonic lunch date (+ 1.2k)
48 — one of the oomfs
49 — we don't work together (+ 0.8k)
50 — stupid cupid! (+ 1.1k)
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kalincka · 2 years
1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 16, 21, 22, 23, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 35, 39, 41, 43, 45, 51, 53, 57, 62 (fic of your choosing), 69 (nice), 70, 74, 75, 78, 79 ! 💕
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike? Ça dépend, ça peut m'arriver d'ouvrir immédiatement mon ordi dès que j'ai un bout de dialogue qui me vient, mais la plupart du temps je passe beaucoup de temps à fixer le vide en exploitant mon idée pour avoir une vague idée de ce que je peux en faire ✌ the true writing experience
3. Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself? Si mes idées sont drôles, oui. Si elles sont tristes, oui. Si elles sont nulles, oui. Je suis juste incapable de fermer ma gueule
5. How many wips do you have? What fandom/pairings are they for? 💀 beaucoup troooop. Petite liste non-exhaustive :
Il me reste 2 chapitres à écrire avant de finir la publication de L'enfant au renard
WIP VDF, Henrisiteur
WIP VDF, Henrisiteur (aussi) (un peu moins drôle cette fois)
WIP VDF, sur le film à venir et Judith (oui)
WIP AC Unity, sur Arno barista dans un coffee shop qui commence à en avoir ras la casquette du Corse qui ne sait pas commander un café
WIP AC Odyssey, sur Kassandra & Barnabas my beloveds mais aussi sur Barnabas/Herodotos my beloveds
WIP Assassin's Creed, sur Kassandra & Basim en train de se partager le bâton d'Hermès comme une manette de Playstation
WIP Koh-Lanta (do not fucking ask)
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip. Alice est effectivement la seule à voir un fantôme et oui, le fantôme est rousse
11. Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around? Je suis littéralement incapable de mélanger des scènes, quand j'écris je suis systématiquement chronologique (sauf dans les cas où la première scène – généralement l'idée première de la fic – se passe à un instant T dans la chronologie globale, mais dans ce cas je continue d'écrire jusqu'à la fin puis je reprends pour écrire le début !)
16. Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop? Avant le Covid, c'était souvent les trois. Maintenant, j'écris beaucoup beaucoup plus sur ordi et sur téléphone 👩‍💻 en mode le clavier qui chauffe ratatata
21. Do you prefer writing chaptered fics or one-shots? J'ai plus l'habitude d'écrire et de lire des OS (surtout que maintenant, j'ai moins de temps à consacrer à lire des trucs longs). Mais les fics à chapitres sont très funs à écrire une fois qu'on se sent sûr d'aller au bout ! (ce qui n'est pas mon cas puisque j'écris toujours au fil de l'eau, mais ça mon lectorat ne le sait pas quand je poste)
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles? À moins d'être frappée par la grâce je ne trouve JAMAIS de titre pour mes fics, donc je suis forcée d'y penser à la fin.
Comment je cherche mes titres ? Jeux de mots. Littéralement tous mes titres de fics sont des jeux de mots. Péter un câble ? Jeu de mots. Le chant du signe ? Jeu de mots. Aux grands hommes les grands remèdes ? JEU. DE. MOTS.
23. Is writing the beginning, middle or end of the story easiest? Hardest? Le plus facile c'est pas le début, le milieu ou la fin, c'est les dialogues. Par contre écrire une fin c'est l'enfer
29. What's something about your writing that you're proud of? Je pense que je suis très drôle
31. Do you use a beta reader/editor? non 🏌‍♀️
32. Do you take fic requests? Why or why not? Ça m'arrive de poster des listes de prompts en demandant à ce qu'on m'envoie un fandom/des personnages mais je suis toujours ouverte aux requests ! Demandez-moi ! Je suis gentille et moyennement déjantée
33. Is there a specific word count that you hold yourself to/enjoy writing the most? Jamais ! Dans cette maison le maître mot est : yolo
36. What fic are you proudest of? TROOOP DUR 😭 J'ai honte d'aucun de mes textes. Actuellement, peut-être Le chant du signe est l'acomplissement dont je suis le plus fière ? Probablement parce que j'ai adoré l'écrire, la relire, et que je suis infiniment heureuse de voir qu'elle a plu aux autres autant qu'à moi, parce que retranscrire l'esprit BD à l'écran n'était pas si facile que ça mais je trouve que je m'en suis très bien sortie :D
35. What's your favorite fic you've posted? Péter un câble sans hésiter. Je me suis éclatée à l'écrire, c'est sur des personnages que j'adore, c'est de l'humour, c'est Henry-centric, c'est ma première fic à chapitres sur ao3 🥰 Et Judith est dedans 🥰🥰🥰
39. What's your most self-indulgent wip? Moi quand j'écris n'importe quoi sur Vidocq
41. Who's your favorite character you've written? Vidocq AC Unity je t'adore, je t'ai presque inventé une personnalité à partir de tes 30 secondes de screentime, je te chéris, je te fais tourner à 360° dans ma tête comme dans un micro-ondes
43. Is there a trope or idea that you'd really like to write but haven't yet? Oui, le réincarnation trope avec Kassandra immortelle qui retrouve tous les gens qu'elle aime. Cela m'obsède
45. What genre/trope do you tend to write the most? Le hurt/comfort. Je m'en gave comme d'une poignée de popcorn au cinéma
51. Does what you like to write differ from what you like to read? Pas vraiment, souvent les deux sont très similaires 👊 je vis pour le hurt/comfort avec une pointe d'humour et d'aromantisme
53. What is the most-used tag on your ao3? Parfois, une image vaut plus que des mots
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57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics? Le plus gros foreshadowing que j'ai jamais écrit c'est le tabouret qui craque dans les premiers chapitres de Péter un câble quand Renard s'asseoit dessus et qui cède enfin dans le chapitre 9. C'est tout
62. In [insert fic of your choice], what inspired the idea for the plot? Je vais choisir Et enfin, le perfectionnement de l'Homme, parce que ça c'est passé très exactement comme ça :
Moi : Imagine si Arno Dorian forçait le marquis de Sade à prendre les contrepoids qu'il utilise pour se propulser sur les toits de Paris. Comment ça se passerait ?
@moodydisorder, hochant la tête : De façon horny
Ainsi l'une de mes collabs préférées vit le jour. Amen 🙏
70. Are you subscribed to any writer on ao3? Je viens de regarder et non... Je rôde simplement sur la page d'accueil des fandoms et je cherche, inlassablement
75. Is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn't expect? Mon ciel n'est pas bleu (c'est une averse violente) : je pensais que c'était trop introspectif/poétique/whatever, du coup ça m'a surprise que des gens me laissent des commentaires aussi gentils dessus 🥺
78. What motivates you during the writing process? La musique que j'ai dans les oreilles à ce moment-là... PZK, you fanfiction life saver 🙏
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share? ÉCLATEZ-VOUS !!! On s'en fout du reste. Si ça vous plaît à vous c'est tout ce qui compte, le cringe est mort, si vous souriez devant votre écran en écrivant vous avez tout bon. On s'en fout du niveau de qualité, de si vous avez écrit 500 mots ou 50 000, on s'en fout de si vous avez fait prépa littéraire ou si vous avez gagné des concours de nouvelle, on. s'en. fout. Je crois que le truc qui me casse le plus les pieds c'est l'élitisme dans un fandom, qui n'a pas besoin d'un Victor Hugo mais d'idées intéressantes et ce qui fait qu'une idée est intéressante c'est quand on lit la passion de son auteur-ice. Donc : éclatez-vous, c'est comme ça qu'on progresse en plus ❤ (mais aérez vos paragraphes quand même)
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yunopouts · 3 years
ship your mutuals with a member of nct and explain why you’d ship them with them 💚💚💚
OKAY SO I DON'T TALK TO SOME OF MY MOOTS BUT HERE ARE SOME OF THE FEW THAT I'VE HAD A CONVO OR TWO WITH. i'm doing this based off of how i see them and their personalities (my moots and the neos bc some of you are minors and that is predatory... so!) also, moots.... if you don't get your bias don't get mad at me. this is my professional oPINION!!11!!111!1!11111!1Q!11 (because i am indeed a spiritual match maker) these are obviously all to be taken lightly, these are jokes don't eat me alive for calling the neos or my moots h-or-knee
[ @nakamotocore ] ie + renjun: i feel like ie can either be super sweet or about to sh00t you in the toe, and i think that renjun can best match that energy, we've seen it when jaemin was smacking jun's ass and we've seen it when i was being a menace in ie's asks :D
[ @imagineinnie ] el + yuta: el and yuta are both always in the mood to fuck. they are always complimenting you[mark], winking at you[mark], flirting, you name it- so that is why... because they're both people that like to fuck around. you are welcome. (this is a joke)
[ @jisungismymom ] simi + yangyang: they're always horny. that's it. "i just want you to make it clap" on deez nuts. those are the type of jokes the both make, i bet you 10000$ (kidding i've never heard simi say that i just wanted to put that in there)
[ @jaemintcookies-main ] nic + jisung: the sweetest people on earth. nic is literally the cutest person ever she's so sweet i love her. same thing for jisung- very lovable, very adorable- nothing but love for nic and jwi
[ @dreamyjun ] mae + ten: mae is also one of the sweetest people BUT they will eat you if you say anything bad about the neo pets, especially the wayv children. almost got my ass smacked by them the first day we became moots cause i didn't mention rapu
[ @doieclayed ] lele + jaem: lele can be really energetic and i feel like the perfect balance is jaemin cause he would be able to match their level or calm them the fuck down. also both very cute and very fluffy kids i love both (yes they are both older than me but they are my children)
[ @04023s ] jo + sungchan: jo and sungchan are both very outgoing, and make people feel really comfortable around them- also they both have a great sense of humor so like... yolo. also, my babies. they're so precious and i love them to death.
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minieggukie · 3 years
challenge: 30 questions tag
apparently someone is on a tag game roll so here i am also rolling 
(it’s @gimbapchefs​)
+ the lovely @jiminslight @jkjms
1. name/nickname: kristine/kris
2. star sign: leo
3. height: 5'3/160cm because we use metric here ok 
4. birthday: aug 12, 1996
5. favorite band: I WONDER WHO THAT COULD BE
6. time: 6.18a.m. and I’M STILL AWAKE DAMN IT
7. favorite solo artist: chungha
8. song stuck in your head: highlight - not the end 
9. last movie you watched: the croods 2 lmaooo
10. free space! memories 2020 when
11. last show: trying and failing to finish ep 1 of 千秋 (thousand autumns)
12. when i created this blog: 2021!!
13. what i post: bts, reblogs other stuff very rarely
14. last thing i googled: DISCORD BDAY BOT DOWN?? 
15. other blogs: i mean @rawrkats is still there but i don’t use it anymore 
16. do i get asks? NOT ENOUGH
17. why i chose my url? JIKOOK (calico + cooky)
18. following: 119
19. followers: im gonna reach a milestone give or take 50 followers yeah
20. average hours of sleep: weekdays, 4-6hrs. weekends, YOLO. 
21. lucky number: 7! 
22. instruments: tried and failed to learn the guitar because i cannot commit. and it hurts my fingers??
23. what am i wearing? black shirt, shorts. im bout to sleep yo
24. dream job: anything that’s more time flexible 
25. favorite food: i eat everything
26. tea or coffee: coffee (iced)
27. nationality: malaysian
28. favorite song: of all time?! i don’t have one D: instead let me tell you ONE of my fav bts songs: pied piper
29. last book i read: what’s a book?
30. top three fictional universes i would like to live in: ✨ BTS UNIVERSE ✨, 2. whatever universe that bt21 is in, 3. ....hogwarts? idk
I DID IT. now to let other people suffer (jk i love you all): @loversmore @rosebowl @userjiminie @kerasines @jungkooksglasses @pjmsdior @parkandblues @taehkims @euphhorias + others who want to overshare 
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summahsunlight · 4 years
Worth the Risk, Part 11
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Rating: Mature(18+only)
Word Count: 1825
Pairing: Army Pilot!Poe Dameron x Nurse!Reader (1940s AU)
Summary: It’s the 1940s, Army pilot and Captain Poe Dameron is flying on missions for the United States Army in Europe.  After being shot down off the coast of France, Poe wakes up in an Army hospital in England, to find you, a nurse, taking care of him. Throughout the process of his recovery, Poe finds himself falling for you, and even though you, for the most part, maintain a professional relationship with him–you’re falling for him as well. Both of you know the risks of falling in love during a war, but then again, both of you have never cared much for being cautious.
Warnings: Angst, swearing
Taglist: @fanfic-addict-98​, @thescarletknight2014​, @blushingwueen​, @americasass-romanoff​, @ginger-swag-rapunzel​, @spider-starry​, @totelpoedameron, @captain-america5​, @liadamerondjarin​, @m1rkw00dpr1ncess​, @paintballkid711​, @justanotherblonde23​
This took me so long to find my muse for again! But here is the next park, it’s pretty heavy on the angst.  The taglist is still open if you’d like to be added! Just let me know🥰 I hope this was worth the wait❤️
It was dark when you woke up. You could smell motor oil, fresh rain, and blood.  It took a few seconds, but you finally recalled what happened--the sniper taking out the driver of your Jeep, the crash--the sniper’s boots.
Shaking, you managed to crawl out of the passenger side of the over turned Jeep, slipping and sliding in the mud. The sniper must have thought you dead too--or decided to leave you for dead--either way, you were lucky. It only would have taken one shot from his rifle to kill you. 
You didn’t know how far from base you actually were or if anyone actually knew you were missing. Poe will know.  
It was obvious that some time had passed since the crash, but you weren’t sure how much time had passed since the crash or how long you had been unconscious. Even without having a formal examination by a doctor, you were pretty certain that you had a concussion. Your vision was slightly blurry, you felt dizzy, but you couldn’t stay out in the French countryside for the night. There could still be other enemy soldiers lurking around that wouldn’t hesitate to kill you. 
But when you got to the road, you discovered you had a problem--in the dark you didn’t know what direction to go in.  Your chest tightened in panic, you felt absolutely alone, and headlights were approaching you on the wet, muddy country road.
Swallowing a sob, you managed to crawl behind a large tree and hide behind it, waiting for the car to pass. It didn’t pass. Instead it came to a stop near by. Panic surged within you. What if they found you? What would happen to you? Would you be killed on the spot? Taken away and used to sexually please the enemy until they had no more use for you? Thrown into one their awful camps?
“Lieutenant?” a voice questioned into the dark. 
The deep voice was familiar to you, however, the panic had overtaken your body and you had convinced yourself that your mind was playing tricks on you.  It was not someone you knew out looking for you, it was the Nazi sniper coming back, coming back to kill you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you muffled your sobs in your knees. 
Poe! Scrambling on your hands and knees, you crawled out of your hiding spot, gasping his name. 
Immediately he was by your side, as was Iolo, and together the two men helped you out of the ditch you had hidden in.  Poe took your face between his hands and gently swiped the tears the away. “Shh, sweetheart, it’s okay; you’re okay. Arana and I are going to take you back to the base, have the doctor look at you. Fuck, darling, you had me so worried.”
You wanted to apologize but the only sounds that came out of your mouth were gulping sobs. Poe and Iolo carefully helped you to your feet, each man eyeing you in the moonlight and the little light provided by the headlights of their jeep--checking to see how serious your injuries were.  When your jeep didn't arrive to bring supplies to Doctor Skywalker he called into base concerned for you and the driver. 
No one on base seemed to have the time--or the urgency--to go look for a driver and nurse, so Poe and Iolo had gotten permission from their superior to leave the base and go look for you. 
“Easy, sweetheart,” Poe said, gently guiding you to the seat. 
“Everything hurts,” you whimpered as he sat next to you.
“I know, darling. Let’s go Arana.”
“Poe, I want to go to sleep. Can I just go to sleep now?”
His hands gripped your shoulders and he gently nudged you as the Jeep sped along the French countryside road. “No, Y/N! You cannot go to sleep. I know you’re tired... but you need to stay awake, okay?”
You wanted to follow his wishes but you were so damn tired. “Please, Poe, please, just for a few minutes. I’m so tired...”
Poe was begging you to stay awake, but you just couldn’t. As the Jeep pulled into base, everything else faded away around you into blackness.
“Dameron, you gotta sleep,” Iolo admonished him days later.
“I have slept,” Poe argued.
“What? In that chair by her bed?”
“Sleep is sleep.”
Arana glared at him. He’d been concerned when Poe didn’t turn up at the barracks for the third night in a row--one of the younger pilots who the squad had nicknamed Yolo, had said he saw Poe by your hospital bed. Sure enough, that’s where Arana had found him. “She’d yell at you if she knew you were sleeping in a chair.”
Poe ran a hand over his face, feeling the five o’clock shadow. He really needed to shave and shower but he did not want to leave you. It was an entirely irrational thought but he was afraid that if he walked away you would never wake up. “I’ll sleep back in my bunk once she’s awake.”
Sighing, Arana shook his head. “Poe, you heard Doctor Skywalker--she might never wake up. Christ, there have been rumors that they’re arranging her transport back to the States so she can die at home with her family. I know it has to fucking hurt, but ya gotta let her go.”
“No!” Poe shouted, jumping to his feet. He shoved Arana back, tears in his eyes. “She’s going to wake up! She’s not dying! I won’t... I won’t let her!”
“There are some things out of control, Captain,” Arana said, softly, thinking about Snap’s dying shortly after their flight on D-Day. “Try to think about what she would want. Would she want to die here, without her family at her side? Would she want die alone?”
Poe gritted his teeth. “She’s not dying.”
Arana sighed, once again. It was pointless to argue with him. “I’m going back to the bunks.”
“Fine. I’m staying here.”
“Try to sleep, Dameron. Heard  we gotta fly soon.”
He wasn’t paying attention; Poe had turned his back on his friend and sat back down next to your bed not bothering to say good-bye to Arana as he left. Taking your hand in his own, Poe brought it to his lips. “Please, sweetheart, please wake up. I’ve lost so many people that I love and care about because of this fucking war--I can’t lose you too.”
Your eyes stayed closed and your chest rose with steady breaths. Poe let his head drop. Doctor Skywalker was optimistic that you would make a full recovery, however, he was also a realist--there were people that suffered these types of injuries that just didn’t wake up. “I never told you--about my mom--about how I got that ring you’re wearing. She... II was eight when she died; she left the ring with my dad with instructions to give it to me when I was old enough.”
Swallowing his tears, Poe looked at you again, using his free hand to brush your hair back away from your face. “She died alone in a room just like this; my dad was busy on the ranch and didn’t get there in time. I was at school. There was no one there to hold her hand, no one there to say it was okay to let go--sometimes I catch myself thinking about how she was feeling in that moment. Was she sad? Was she angry that my dad wasn’t there? Or...was she relieved?Often...I think about this after someone I serve with is killed...” 
Poe pushed thoughts of Snap away.  His death still had been the hardest. If he were to lose you... No. You’re not losing her. She’s not dying. Letting the tears fall freely down his cheeks, he choked back a sob. “I knew what I was signing up for, I knew it wouldn’t be easy... I knew that I would watch good people give their lives for something they believed in so strongly... I don’t know how much...how much more I can take... if I lose you...”
He couldn’t speak anymore, overcome with so many emotions. Perhaps Arana was right--he did need to sleep in his bunk. Poe dropped his head beside you, the familiar sleeping position he had taken up for the last several days. All he could think about was if he went out on a mission and came back and you were gone...
...and then he felt fingers lightly carding through his hair. Poe raised his head to see your eyes half-open, glancing at him. His heart leapt into his throat as he leaned forward and pressed soft kisses to your forehead. “Hey you.”
“How long...how long was I unconscious?” you whispered.
“Few days,” Poe replied, relief washing through his eyes. 
“What...what happened?”
“Your driver was shot; you suffered a concussion in the accident.”
“How...how did I get here?”
“Arana and I found you.”
Your eyes filled with tears. “I don’t remember. Why don’t I remember, Poe?”
Poe hushed you and stroked your hair. “Doctor Skywalker said you could have some short term memory loss. Darling, it’s okay. You’re okay. You’re here...we’re together...everything is going to be fine now.” He got off the chair and positioned himself on the bed with you, wrapping you safely into his arms. 
Snuggling against him, you took comfort in the warm familiarity of being in his arms. “Poe,” you sighed, “can you tell me more about your mom?”
“You... you heard that?” Poe asked, shocked. “I didn’t think...I didn’t think you’d be able to hear me.”
“Yes, I heard you.. I’d like to hear more about her,” you replied, imagining what his mother must have looked like. “She sounds like she was important to you and your dad.”
His fingers idly stroked your soft skin. “She was,” Poe whispered, “I was only a kid when she died, but I remember how much it effected my dad--he drank a lot more, never laughed or smiled. We almost lost the ranch if it weren't for some good family friends helping to bail my dad out.”
You pictured the Dameron’s ranch in your mind. To you it was peaceful there, quiet. “What was your mother’s name?”
“It’s beautiful.”
“So was she.”
“Would she have liked me?” you questioned, anxiously.
“She would have loved you,” Poe assured you. 
You wished you could have met Shara; you were thinking about this when Poe shifted on the bed and started to move.
Carefully, he dislodged himself from around you and got off the cot. Leaning down he pressed his lips to yours. “I’m going to find the doctor, let him know you’re awake. And then go punch Arana.”
Shocked, your eyes flew wide open. “What? Why?”
Poe smiled at you, crafty. “He had the audacity to tell me to let you go.”
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blossomsimss · 3 years
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jenthebug · 4 years
Tagged by @plantsandpeanutbutter to answer some ???’s!
1. Nickname: There is a handful of coworkers from two jobs ago who call me by my last name. (The other Jen had seniority)
2. Zodiac: Virgo...and hey @plantsandpeanutbutter, I’m a twin too 😊
3. Height: 5’3″
4. Hogwarts: Ravenclaw. Like when I walk in on the first day, the sorting hat’s all like, “Hey see that mousy little girl with the crappy Wizard Bargain Center robes? Ravenclaw.”
5. Last thing I googled: Margarita recipes 😍
6. Song stuck in my head: Knock Knock by Twice
7. Number of followers: 1651? No way. I know they’re not all active.
8. Amount of sleep: 6 hours. Stayed up until midnight last night watching a Pump It Up showcase on SGDQ.
9. Lucky number: 9
10. Dream Job: I don’t really have one. Independently wealthy stay-at-home cancer patient?
11. What am I wearing?: Green dress with flowers.
12. Favorite Beverage: Coffee with a splash of half and half.
13. My aesthetic: A corgi sniffing a sunflower, bright green happy flowering plants, the sun sinking into the sea, neon and sparkling city lights, a perfect plate of sushi...things that are alive and happy and clean, that follow the rhythms of the earth, that are bright, energetic, comforting, and uplifting.
14. Favorite authors: Mary Roach, Mark Vanhoenacker, Douglas Coupland, Richard Estep (Yeah I added an S to this question. HASHTAG YOLO)
15. Sleeping position: Flat on my stomach. But that’s not good for my neck, so I reserve it when I need to get to sleep almost immediately.
16. Favorite animal sound: A cat purring
17. Something random: I'm gonna mix up some margaritas tonight. :D
I’ll tag: @fatmaninalittlesuit @gingermuscles @bravingfailure and whoever else wants to play
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dcrewatch · 5 years
Detective Conan Rewatch: Openings 46-50
Openings 46-50 Appreciation Post
Oh snap, time for another round of 5 openings!
Opening 46: "Everything OK!!"
Favorite screencap:
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Shin’ichi: “Duck season!”
Ran: “Rabbit season!”
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Aw, cute.
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Shin’ichi: “What do you mean, ‘Sherlock Holmes is stupid’, unicorn!?”
Ran: “For the last time, Shin'ichi, I AM NOT A UNICORN!”
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Shin’ichi: “That thing has gotta be a unicorn horn. It’s got to be...”
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Ran: “Maybe I was too harsh. It’s just...Maurice Leblanc’s characters I feel are better. ...Not that I’m partial ‘cause of my name or anything...”
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Ah yes. Waffle and...crape. My favorite. =w=;;
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Conan: “Yeah! Of course I’m in this opening too!”
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Conan: “YOLO!”
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For those wondering what Ran’s message is: “Let’s go see the sea!” (”海を見に行こう”/”Umi o mi ni ikou”)
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Man this song was catchy, and the animation was pretty cute!
Opening 47: "Countdown"
Favorite screencap:
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Conan: “I mean...I knew I was a walking god of death, but come on? Explosions? Isn’t that a bit much?”
Aw jeez. Animation staff putting me through "name that case” hell. (And this is why this post took forever.) I was able to identify 87 out of 91 pictures. Here goes:
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Episode 772-773: Shin’ichi Kudo’s Aquarium Case
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Episode 2: The Company President’s Daughter Kidnapping Case
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Episode 763-764: Conan and Heiji, Code of Love
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Episode 406-408: Conan and Heiji’s Reasoning Magic
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Episode 279-280: The Hooligan’s Labyrinth
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Episode 772-773: Shin’ichi Kudo’s Aquarium Case
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Episode 1: The Roller Coaster Murder Case
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Episode 770-771: The Tense Tea Party
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Episode 425: Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out
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Episode 323-324: Heiji Hattori’s Desperate Situation!
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Episode 11: The Moonlight Sonata Murder Case
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Episode 343-344: The Convenience Store Trap
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Episode 425: Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out
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Episode 497: The Clash of Red and Black
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Episode 176-178: Reunion with the Black Organization
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Episode 279-280: The Hooligan’s Labyrinth
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Episode 490: Heiji Hattori vs. Shin’ichi Kudo: Deduction Battle on the Ski Slope
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Episode 779: The Scarlet Prologue
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Episode 48-49: The Diplomat Murder Case
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Episode 2: The Company President’s Daughter Kidnapping Case
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Episode 490: Heiji Hattori vs. Shin’ichi Kudo: Deduction Battle on the Ski Slope
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Episode 43: Conan Edogawa Kidnapping Case
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Episode 76: Conan vs. Kaitou Kid
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Episode 763-764: Conan and Heiji, Code of Love
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Episode 523: What She Truly Wants to Ask
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Episode 2: The Company President’s Daughter Kidnapping Case
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Episode 345: Confrontation with the Black Organization: Two Mysteries on a Night with a Full Moon
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Episode 425: Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out
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Episode 836-837: The Unfriendly Girls Band
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Episode 1: The Roller Coaster Murder Case
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Episode 772-773: Shin’ichi Kudo’s Aquarium Case
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Episode 836-837: The Unfriendly Girls Band
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Episode 1: The Roller Coaster Murder Case
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Episode 11: The Moonlight Sonata Murder Case
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Episode 406-408: Conan and Heiji’s Reasoning Magic
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Episode 830-832: The Cottage Surrounded By Zombies
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Episode 652-655: The Design of Poison and Mirage
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Episode 1: The Roller Coaster Murder Case
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Episode 770-771: The Tense Tea Party
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Episode 646-647: Deduction Showdown at the Haunted Hotel
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Episode 1: The Roller Coaster Murder Case
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Episode 345: Confrontation with the Black Organization: Two Mysteries on a Night with a Full Moon
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Episode 307-308: On the Trail of a Silent Witness
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Episode 646-647: Deduction Showdown at the Haunted Hotel
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Episode 1: The Roller Coaster Murder Case
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Episode 763-764: Conan and Heiji, Code of Love
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Episode 11: The Moonlight Sonata Murder Case
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Episode 836-837: The Unfriendly Girls Band
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Episode 836-837: The Unfriendly Girls Band
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Episode 1: The Roller Coaster Murder Case
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Episode 76: Conan vs. Kaitou Kid
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Episode 457-458: Sonoko’s Red Handkerchief
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Episode 827-828: Ramen So Good, It’s to Die For 2
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Episode 780: The Scarlet Pursuit
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Episode 575-576: The Alibi of the Black Dress
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Episode 425: Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out
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Episode 646-647: Deduction Showdown at the Haunted Hotel
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Episode 345: Confrontation with the Black Organization: Two Mysteries on a Night with a Full Moon
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Episode 219: The Gathering of the Detectives! Shin’ichi Kudo vs Kaitou Kid
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Episode 810-812: The Darkness of the Prefectural Police
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Episode 345: Confrontation with the Black Organization: Two Mysteries on a Night with a Full Moon
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Episode 345: Confrontation with the Black Organization: Two Mysteries on a Night with a Full Moon
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Episode ??? (too lazy to continue trying to identify...)
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Episode 191: The Desperate Revival ~The Black Knight~
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Episode 457-458: Sonoko’s Red Handkerchief
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Episode 48-49: The Diplomat Murder Case
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Episode 780: The Scarlet Pursuit
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Episode 2: The Company President’s Daughter Kidnapping Case
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Episode 191: The Desperate Revival ~The Black Knight~
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Episode 808-809: The Kamaitachi Inn
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Episode 406-408: Conan and Heiji’s Reasoning Magic
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Episode 222-224: And Then There Were No Mermaids
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Episode 425: Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out
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Episode 1: The Roller Coaster Murder Case
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Episode 48-49: The Diplomat Murder Case
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Episode 77-78: The Distinguished Family’s Consecutive Accidental Death Case
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Episode 830-832: The Cottage Surrounded By Zombies
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Episode 1: The Roller Coaster Murder Case
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Episode 345: Confrontation with the Black Organization: Two Mysteries on a Night with a Full Moon
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Episode 222-224: And Then There Were No Mermaids
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Episode 827-828: Ramen So Good, It’s to Die For 2
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Episode 772-773: Shin’ichi Kudo’s Aquarium Case
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Episode 286-288: Shin’ichi Kudo’s New York Case
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Episode 425: Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out
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Episode 810-812: The Darkness of the Prefectural Police
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Episode ??? (too lazy to continue trying to identify...)
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Episode ??? (too lazy to continue trying to identify...)
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Episode 581: The Red Shaking Target
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Episode ??? (too lazy to continue trying to identify...)
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Episode 1: The Roller Coaster Murder Case
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Episode 651: Conan vs. Heiji, Deduction Battle Between the Detectives of the East and West
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Well I see the animation staff is having fun with imagining how a final showdown might go.
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Conan: “You can tell I mean business by how serious my face is!”
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Agasa: “Don’t mind me! Just uh...not stealing books to sell on eBay...nope, no siree.”
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Mitsuhiko: “I told you the forecast said rain!”
Genta: “I like to live dangerously!”
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Haibara: “Sure hope my friends remembered their umbrellas...”
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Kazuha: ‘I could get used to this...’
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Shiratori: “You ever think we should stop standing around looking cool and go do stuff?”
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Kaitou Kid: “Man I’m cool.”
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Organization Member: “Whoa, that was sick!”
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Ran: “Shin’ichi, help!”
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Potential Rum suspects.
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Conan: “Ran! Use your legs!”
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Conan: “LIKE THIS!”
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Ran: “Oh, right!”
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Pretty interesting “what if” scenario.
Opening 48: "Timeline"
Favorite screencap:
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*-Oingo Boingo’s “Weird Science” intensifies-*
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Hooray, more case identification. This time figuring out the odd translations of titles of the cases on the books in the background. Books listed are from left to right, top to bottom. Obviously too small to see in my screencaps, but if you watch the opening for yourself, you’ll see what I mean. :D;
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763-764: Conan and Heiji's Code of Love
701-704: The Jet-Black Mystery Train
491-504: Clash of Red and Black
457-458: Sonoko's Red Handkerchief
425: Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out
394-396: Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion
385-387: The Dissonance of the Stradivarius
238-239: The 3 "K"s of Osaka Case
50: The Library Murder Case
18: A June Bride Murder Case
174: The Twenty Year Old Murderous Intent: The Symphony Serial Murder Case
166-168: Tottori Spider Mansion Demon
153-154: Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story
385-387: The Dissonance of the Stradivarius (yes, again in the same shot)
129: The Girl from the Black Organization and the University Professor Murder Case
76: Conan vs. Kaitou Kid
68-70: The Night Baron Murder Case
50: The Library Murder Case (yup, again)
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London flashbacks...
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Ran’s message she sent to Shin’ichi is basically asking about the upcoming school trip.
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Here’s another round...
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400: Ran's Suspicions
472-473: Shin'ichi Kudo's Childhood Adventure
490: Heiji Hattori vs. Shin'ichi Kudo: Deduction Battle on the Ski Slope
507-508: The Blind Spot in the Karaoke Box
511: Deduction Showdown! Shin'ichi vs. Subaru Okiya
781: The Scarlet Intersection
780: The Scarlet Pursuit
129: The Girl from the Black Organization and the University Professor Murder Case
162: The Locked Room in the Sky: Shin'ichi Kudo's First Case
266-268: The Truth Behind Valentine's
284-285: Chinatown Deja Vu in the Rain
219: The Gathering of the Detectives! Shin'ichi Kudo vs. Kaitou Kid
345: Head-to-Head Match with the Black Organization: A Dual Mystery on a Full Moon Night
286-288: Shin'ichi Kudo's New York Case
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Ran: “...Nope. Holding my phone determinedly does nothing to improve the reception. Stupid cell phone company...”
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Looks like more messages asking relating to the upcoming school trip.
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Here’s more...
230-231: The Mysterious Passenger
238-239: The 3 "K"s of Osaka Case
304: The Trembling Police Headquarters: 12 Million Hostages
385-387: The Dissonance of the Stradivarius
394-396: Big Adventure in the Eccentric Mansion
400: Ran's Suspicions
425: Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out
457-458: Sonoko's Red Handkerchief
491-504: Clash of Red and Black
18: A June Bride Murder Case
153-154: Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story
166-168: Tottori Spider Mansion Demon
174: The Twenty Year Old Murderous Intent: The Symphony Serial Murder Case
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Back to the London flashback...
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I’m not bothering identifying more. =w=; Books on Conan’s left are segments of the Scarlet Arc, and the others are too much in shadow to read completely.
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Okay, one more identification because it’s the story that enables Shin’ichi to join up on the school trip: 925-926: The Heartfelt Strap.
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Conan: “Conan...SMASH!!!”
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*-Doctor Who theme intensifies-*
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Ran: “Did...”
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Ran: “Did you just stick a a 10 point landing?”
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I see what you did there animators. Clever.
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Yup, this too, showing the three sides to Amuro. Cleveerrrr...
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Yeah, don’t worry Haibara. My brain’s fried too.
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Overall, decent!
Opening 49: "Barairo no Jinsei"
Favorite screencap:
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*-“Halleluiah” chorus intensifies-*
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Nothing really to say new about this one! This one’s just flashy despite not really having any new character animation to speak of; just bits from the school trip arc.
Opening 50: "ANSWER"
Favorite screencap:
When your anime has gone on forever and the person making this blog post wants to reference a now old meme.
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Gin: “For our next trick we shall now give a performance of Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’!”
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Conan: “I knew it. They’re wizards.”
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Oh hey, it’s that Itakura guy from Episode 307-308.
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Haibara with Mary...who may or may not be related?
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Lots of Rum arc relevant things...
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Carasuma now showing in the background...ominous.
Next Episode: Episode 946
Previous Episode: Episode 945
76 notes · View notes
consacro · 5 years
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Can be used to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME: Siyon
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I have keratoconus in my left eye, so even with glasses/contacts it’s really hard for me to see anything on that side (Funfact, this is why I don’t do fancy text formats with my posts)
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Oh..shit man idk I tend to like the celebrities that are more androgynous
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: beans. Anything beans. The only beans I’ll eat is red bean paste buns
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: I’m gonna plead the fifth here, chief
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: I live vicariously through my ships
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE:  g o d. I’d tell myself to hit the “Fucking yolo” phase sooner than after graduating
12. FAVORITE BOOK: Manga series 07-ghost
I’d love to keep a mews with raptors (owls/eagles/falcons) one of my favorite birds is still the gyrfalcon
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: UM FUCK. OKAY. GOD DAMNIT RIVER WHY IS THIS IN HERE UHHH Masamune x Yukimura (sengoku basara) Munechika x Kogitsunemaru (Touken Ranbu) Red x Green Oak (pokemon/pokespe) UMMM Kuroo x Bokuto (Haikyuu) Gilgamesh x Ozymandias (Fate)
15. PIE OR CAKE: ice cream cake, specifically carvel cake
16. FAVORITE SCENT:  Vanillaaaa
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: To see all my bitch ass online friends
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: ambivert, though fairly extroverted when it comes to online
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: I startle easily, but don’t actually get scared (i.e. fear) very much
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android. I fucking hate smartphones tho man. so much extra work
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Switch and Steam, current game roster is Shield, Monster Hunter World, Warframe, will be Borderlands 3 when that comes out too
23. DREAM JOB: I have no fucking idea
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Get a ranch style house with a shed/workshop, get basic bitch house for my brother because he’s a minimalist, get the two snakes I’ve been wanting forever, the tattoo I’ve been wanting forever, tbh fund all of my friends, probably. Move a couple of them in with me so they’re free of toxic bullshit, the fun stuff.
I just want to be financially stable, man.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Haikyuu is the most recent one I recall, and DMMD lol
Tagged by: @frozenriver​
Tagging @son-of-skarmory​ @ex-rockxtgrunt​ @redtoomuchintoit​ @swordsandfeathers​ @unmaskedchimera​ @ketzerhund​ @mercenaryrocket​
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piracytheorist · 5 years
I got tagged by @mochacake2016. Thank you! :D
Pick 5 shows then answer the following questions. Dont cheat. Tag 10 or more people
1. Once Upon a Time 2. Avatar: the Last Airbender 3. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 4. iZombie 5. The Handmaid's Tale
1. Who is your favorite character in 2?
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I actually like all the characters in this show, they were all so nicely developed that I couldn’t help it. But Zuko was a perfection combination of a tragic past, a jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold trope and the fucking best redemption arc I ever did see. So I was pretty much a goner for this dude.
2. Who is your least favorite character in one?
If you’d asked me that a year or so ago, my answer would have been a different one... but now I’d go with Rumpelstiltskin, merely because of my overall feelings about how his story ended (and how the focus needed for that resolution stole precious screentime from other storylines, yes I’m still bitter). But I’m happy I’ve gotten over my hate both for him and any other character I’ve hated in that show. That was a very toxic feeling that I wish I’d never felt, especially for the amount of time I felt it.
3. What is your favorite episode of 4?
Oh, lol, that’s hard. I actually really liked the pilot? But the fact that I bingewatched seasons 1-4 and then 5 on its own, combined with the fact that I was frustrated with some writing choices give me a hard time choosing one specific episode.
4. What is your favorite season of 5?
Hmm so at first I wrote the current one (third) just out of the feeling of vindication I got from recent events, but overall I realized it dragged on. A lot. Especially the episode set in DC... lots of moments that were clearly there only for the torture pr0n.
5. Who is your favorite couple in 3?
Darryl and White Josh T_T and the development of the last episode I watched shook me so hard T_T
6. Who is your favorite couple in 2?
I mean... I don’t ship them, but I’m adamant in my belief that Katara ending up with Zuko would’ve been a much better choice from all perspectives. So yeah, Zutara. But Sokka and Suki were cute too.
7. What is your favorite episode of 1?
7x14 “The Girl in the Tower”. 
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It’s been one year and I’m still not loving Alice any more than I love Killian, but she’s still in second place and this episode is one of the best written episodes of the whole show. 7x07 falls close second because despite its problems the lullaby scene still makes me wanna roll in a blanket and cry.
8. What is your favorite episode of 5?
... actually, I’d go with the one where we see how Luke survived being shot and managed to cross to Canada. It’s the first episode we don’t get to see a shit ton of women suffering, and my whumper side finally woke up and appreciated seeing a guy (regardless that he wasn’t very high up on the potential whumpees list) stumbling around the freezing cold with a bullet wound in his gut. But seeing the Waterfords being arrested wasn’t that bad, either.
9. What is your favorite season of 2?
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How does one choose from three impeccably written seasons?
I guess the third one, since it’s the one we saw the climax and conclusion of Zuko’s redemption arc and see him join the Gaang.
10. How long have you watched 1?
I bingewatched the first season a bit before season 2 came out, and after that I watched the show every week. I only watched specific scenes from s6 (I’ve actually only watched two or three episodes in their entirety) and specific episodes and scenes from s7. I still rewatch some scenes once in a while, but not with the fervor I did back during the hiatuses between seasons and half-seasons.
11. How did you become interested in 3?
Netflix recommended it and I’m so happy it did. I had heard about it being a musical with good humor and self-knowledge, but I hadn’t expected it to be that good and exactly what I liked.
12. Who is your favorite actor in 4?
Rahul Kohli. 
13. Which do your prefer, 1, 2 or 5?
Let’s see, lazy writing with one (1) character that I happened to get addicted to, the best writing ever from any perspective (aside from that one) or derpressing torture pr0n?
I’m actually... I love Killian Jones despite all the flaws in the writing of him and his surroundings, and I’d dare say more than I love AtLA. 
So yeah. Even though I’m not proud, I choose OUaT.
14. Which shows have you seen more episodes? 1 or 3?
Well, 1. Even with skipping most of s6 and some of s7, it’s still more, especially if you count the rewatchings.
15. If you could be anyone from 4 who would you be?
I’d love to be Ravi, firstly because he’s dope and secondly, call me crazy, but I’d actually love to... “experience” those monthlies he had. Like, live like a zombie for a few days a month then go back to being a human. Considering how, if you ate the right brains, it seemed that being a zombie was a pretty tolerable experience, and even better if you ate some good brain. I’d much rather have zombie monthlies than period, that’s for sure.
16. Would a cross over between 3 and 4 work? 
Totally. And if they combined CEG’s humor with iZombie s5′s humor, I would probably die from humor overdose. Plus I can already see someone singing happily about being (or not being) a zombie, with Romero zombies dancing around, as they do.
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strange couple. 
You mean a crackship that no one has thought of?
Ruby and Cruella, lol. The conflict of interests alone...
18. Overall which show has the better storyline 3 or 5? 
Eh I feel like THT dragged on a bit and could have reached the point it’s at now much faster. And I can’t find it in my heart to say anything negative about CEG, truly, so I choose 3.
19. Which has the better theme music? 2 or 4?
I feel bad choosing iZombie for this one... but it’s just that I liked its theme music a lot. AtLA had a great soundtrack in general, but its theme music would fall second here, sorry D:
I’m not gonna tag anyone because YOLO, I’m tagging everyone. You see this, tag! You’re it, go on and do it :P
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dreammutual-remade · 6 years
best friends to lovers!lucas
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request: ok ur SO FUNNY when i was reading ur hyunjin scenario i almost pissed my pants istg ur fckin hilarious !! and could you do like a best friends to lovers type trope with lucas from nct? love ur writing and please go nuts my guy <3 <3 - @nctro​
word count: 3.7k
a/n: djfhgkhdj thank u sO MUCH everyone who compliments me on here makes me blush dhbfkhsbdk anywhom I actually enjoyed writing this so much mainly because I love big dumb boys and Lucas is one of those !!!! I hope u like it bby<3
warnings ?: cursing and brief mentions of underage drinking 
okie doke babe
l e t s d i v e i n
let’s set the scene fellas
you’re in like the second grade right
boys are: disgusting and mean
but this is when you meet your bestie !!!!!
lucas was a new kid all the way from china and he was , the only boy you’d ever found cute
(i mean y’all have seen those baby pics oh my gOD HE WAS SO CUTE)
and when the teacher introduced him he was obviously a bubbly kid but none of the others in your class seemed to warm up to him
later when you all are at recess he keeps trying to join the boys but they won’t let him because as previously stated
he looks so so sad and lonely and you’re a Sweet Baby Girl so you go up to him and ask if he wants to play w/ u :)))
he’s so excited !!!! hooray !!!!!!!!!!
you guys play house and BAM
your friendship lasts all through elementary school !!
even in fourth grade when you guys were in different classes he would come find you at recess and your moms would arrange play dates :))))
middle school was,
middle school
we don’t talk abt that
all you need to know is that it was embarrassing
and yeehaw we’ve made it thotties aLL THE WAY TO SENIOR YEAR
let’s do a brief summary of 9th-11th grade
9th grade:
lucas is taller than you but only by a little and his voice breaks every other sentence
his ears are still too big for his body :(
you are a late bloomer and still look 12 but you’re , TRYING YOUR BEST
you guys have about half of your classes together but remain really close since you eat lunch together and hang out after school too
lucas attempts to join the basketball team
he . doesn’t make it and is v upset so you have to come over and comfort your Pitiful Man Baby
he cries a little and ouchie yOUR HEART hurts
but then he’s like u never saw that THOT
and so you are forced into silence rip
10th grade:
lucas FINALLY gets his permit halfway through the year because he fuckinh forgot to do it last year and you’re TERRIFIED but it’s fine
you’re starting to look more like a female and less like a fetus congrats !!!!!
lucas has now grown to almost 6 feet tall what the FUCK BRO
he grew at least 6 inches over the summer and you don’t really notice until one day you’re like uhhh excuse me since when are you half a foot taller than me
and this boy LORDS his height over you
purposefully places things where you can’t reach it so he can be like
*tips fedora* m’lady , are u in need of assistance
after this you have perfected the art of pinching his arm til he screeches
also his voice has gotten sooooo so so deep
like okay darth vader CHILL OUT
with all this height though he is even clumsier than before
it’s like he forgets he’s now a giant 15 yr old
he’s always covered in scratches and bruises so you’ve taken to carrying disney princess bandaids
they’re disney princess because you thought it would embarrass him and encourage him not to get hurt but
he loves them so it didn’t work rip
he tries out for the basketball team again and genuinely makes it based on height alone
i mean the boy can barely dribble but ??? he can learn i guess
he calls you when he makes it and screams for 45 seconds straight
you don’t know wtf goin on so you’re like oh mY GOD ARE U OKAY
and he’s like yES BITCH I MADE THE TEAM
and then you scream for 45 seconds
next time you see him in person you tackle him with a hug and he lifts you up and spins you around because wow !!!!! so happy !!!!
11th grade:
ah, yes
the year of PARTYING
you always go to parties together and switch who’s dd each time
eventually more friends start coming with you so that you can both get drunk tho ayy
but for the first couple times it’s either drunk lucas half draped on you as you drag him home or sober lucas carrying your lightweight ass to the car
he’s a real one so he won’t say anything about the time you were really drunk and got separated from him so you stood on a table and screamed his name til he came and snatched you down lmao
lucas has reached full height as well so he’s like, so much bigger than you
also he’s gotten so much better at basketball and is practically the star of the team
you go to every game and cheer as loud as you can bc that’s your BOY
puberty is Complete for you and you look female and everything!!!! go off queen 
lucas is now on Protective Mode since you’re really cute and a very agreeable drunk and under no circumstances will he allow you to be taken advantage of
NOT on my watch- lucas
alright we’re gonna make senior year the present timeline bc
lucas is officially more popular than you
he actually sticks around because he’s The Best
okay also this guy just keeps getting larger
like he got all tall but THEN
he was doing basketball so much and just genuinely enjoyed doing sports in general that our boy was thicc with two(2) got damn c’s
you don’t notice that much until he gets into a habit of throwing you over his shoulder whenever you won’t pay attention to him
and it’s , unnerving how easily he does it
he’s started wearing shirts that show off his, eh hem, assets
long story short he’s hot as fuck and even you see him and you’re like DAYUM
also every female in your school is. ALL OVER HIM
it’s hard to walk next to him in the halls because people genuinely shove you out of the way to get next to him
at first you just kind of let it happen and he didn’t notice the first few times
that made u hella emo :(((((
but now he INSISTS upon holding your hand and dragging you behind him through the crowds
you highkey blush the whole time and everyone is all ArE yOu GuYs DaTiNg ?!/&:&:$
lucas is like NO.
you start overthinking things because ??? would it really be so bad to be dating you jeez
you’re not terribly ugly or anything ???
at least you don’t think so
oh my god he thinks you’re ugly and annoying and he hates you
self hatred commence in 3,2,....... someone play the icarly theme song
you lowkey start distancing yourself and he himself is busy busy bee so
you start seeing less of each other :/
and you miss him soooo so much (this is your own doing BITCH) but it doesn’t even seem like he misses you at all wtf
he’s just having a great time w/ his basketball boy(friend)s and everyone loves him and you’ve been hashtag left behind :(
he really didn’t mean to he just !!!! has so much going on aaaa
and like in his absence you start realizing a lot of things
like how much you actually liked his cringey ass flirting
you would always smack him every time he was like “oh sorry, just got lost in ur eyes what did u say :3”
you miss his hugs because they were really rEALLY GOOD
he tucks you under his chin and squishes you or he’ll just wrap his arms around and pick you up
your feet just ???? dangle
you miss when he would show up at your house at like 11 with a bunch of shitty foreign films and force you to watch them with him
you miss when you both would fall asleep in a pile on the couch and he would wake up and carry you to bed
because he’s an angel THATS WHY
you miss everything about him and you just are so upset that he doesn’t pay that much attention to you
it gets WORSE when you notice some other girl hanging out with him
and she’s prettier than you and apparently good enough for his attention when you aren’t and you’re just so full of
what’s the word
go listen to jealousy by monsta x
but obviously you’re not going to acknowledge that because what’s a good friends to lovers story without a hearty helping of denial
he still tries to hang out with you so you guys do see each other in class and at least a couple weekends out of the month but :(((
it’s nowhere near how close you were
it all comes to a head when one day you’re walking in the hall and it’s hella crowded
way worse than usual
and in the center of the crowd is
you guessed it :’-)
our boy yukhei
and he just asked this girl to the winter formal and she’s nodding and smiling and hugging him and he’s smiling too and you
gotta go
your eyes are already starting to water and you start skirting around the edges of the crowd to get to a bathroom
one of your other friends jeno who also plays with lucas on the team sees you and smiles and lifts his hand
but it immediately shifts into a frown when he sees your face
he reaches out to grab your wrist and asks if you’re okay and what’s wrong
you just bring your other hand up to sloppily wipe at your watery eyes and whisper that it’s nothing
the hand he’s got in his grasp has started to shake and he looks really worried so he tugs you around the corner until he doesn’t see anyone around
and he turns to look you in the eyes all Serious
“alright. spill”
and you just
he panics and hesitantly puts an arm around your shoulders to pat your back
you just press your forehead into his shoulder and cry
it’s a short cry though because although we are dramatic out here we aren’t doing The Absolute Most
you pull away and wipe your eyes and take a few deep breaths before you apologize
jeno smiles sadly and pats your head and says it’s okay and that he hopes it helped
you stand there for 37 seconds exactly in silence
jenos been counting
and then you let the cat out of the bag
you adMIT FINALLY !!!!!
that you are really in love with your bff/sort of ex-bff and you’re really jealous and sad because he doesn’t even CARE about you anymore
at first jeno is quiet but then he starts laughing
and he won’t stop
and you’re like if you keep going i’m going to cry again please i’m so sensitive
and he shuts up immediately and is like o_o
but then he grips you by your shoulders and is like hEY
“guess what”
“god jeno i am really not in the mood”
“no for real guess what the fuck is up”
“what is up ???? what is up you asshole ???”
“yukhei is in love with you too”
you scoff and roll your eyes
“this is a really lame attempt to make me feel better”
“no really i’m not even lying i swear he talks about you all the time in the locker room and he literally thinks you’re an angel”
“okay but its platonic as hell like obviously we love each other after all these years but he doesn’t like ME in the way i like HIM”
“how do you know??”
“how do YOU know ?????”
“,,,,,, you got me there”
you pat his shoulder and you’re like listen i really appreciate you trying to make me feel better but it’s time for me to accept my fate
now you and lucas still text semi regularly and send each other memes and stuff
but you just, cut him off because you physically can’t move on if you interact with him at all you LOVE this boy
he def notices and texts you a few times like
y/n ??? hello? is your phone broken?
but when you stop waving back at him in the hallways and actively avoiding him he realizes you’re not talking to him
and this poor boy cannot for the life of him figure out why
he doesn’t UNDERSTAND
god he’s dumb but we still stan
he figures you want him to leave you alone so he just stares at your forlornly from afar
this just pisses you off bc like wtf nOW YOURE GONNA PAY ATTENTION TO ME ??????
a couple weeks pass and it’s time for winter formal
you’ve been dragged here by jeno who is SURE that something important is gonna happen tonight and lucas is gonna Fix Everything
yeah OKAY
you may not want to go but you wouldn’t be caught DEAD not stunting on these hoes
you show up looking absolutely SPICY
you know you had to do it to em
jeno forcefully pulls you into the doors of the gymnasium and then disappears after he threatens you with an
“i told chenle not to let you leave”
and you turn to look at chenle who is SGA and helping with the dance and he gives you an “i’m watching you” hand motion
god this is ridiculous
you sigh and go find some of your other friends
you hate to admit this but. you actually had a little fun
and then of course
a slow song was played
and the dj is all yo everyone find you a honey it’s time to slow it down for a bit
you go to walk off the dance floor or find jeno or do SOMETHING other than stand around looking awkward surrounded by couples
but someone has snatched your hand up yo wtf
it’s LUCAS
and you just look at him with confusion
“dance with me, please. just this once,,,”
and you’re like hmmm pls don’t make me do this
but he hits you with Them Puppy Dog Eyes and you’re a goner
so you let him pull you close and hold you against his chest and rest his chin on the top of your head
you lift up on your toes so you can talk in his ear
“where’s your date?”
“dancing with her girlfriend”
“um. what”
“she’s not super duper out yet so i’m being her beard for the night. it was mainly to get her parents off her back”
“oh. huh”
“plus i missed you :(((( you disappeared”
your hands tighten in the fabric of his button up bc you’re like aw FUCK
you just shake your head and rest it back on his chest and close your eyes to enjoy it while you can
as much as you want to be convinced that things can go back to the way they were now
they cANNOT because you still love him and he still just thinks of you as a friend
maybe not even a best friend anymore :(
his GIANT warm hands slide across your waist to press you forward by the small of your back
at this point you are pressed together basically head to toe
and you can’t tell for sure but , you think he kissed the top of your head ???
maybe you were freakin hallucinating though since you’re losing oxygen fast due to his close proximity
the song ends and you slowly stop swaying and pull apart while everyone gets back to being wild
“can we.. go talk outside”
this sentence strikes FEAR in your heart but you take his proffered hand as he leads you outside
it’s cold as hell so you’re already wound up tight and wrapping your arms around yourself to keep warm
he notices quickly and wraps his jacket around you before turning to face outward towards the road
it’s quiet other than the muffled music from inside and crickets and other night noises
he opens his mouth to say something but you just blurt out
“i like you!!!!”
and he whips around to face you and you just. keep talking
“it’s oKAY i know you don’t like me back like that and i would never be mad at you about that i didn’t distance myself from you bc of that!!!! i just had to because it was hurting me to be around you and see you be with other girls and i really wanted to move on so that we could get back to being best friends if you even wanted that i just !!! IT JUST HAPPENED OKAy i’m sO SORRY AND I ComPLetely understand if you never want to speak to me again”
and he’s just staring at you and panting
why is he out of breath he’s just been standing there
you’re getting super duper nervous because he hasn’t said aNYTHING and it’s been at least a minute
and then he just goes
“you… like .. me ???”
and you’re like ugh YES you dumbass have you even met yourself you’re so cute and sweet and such a goofy boy and you’re way too nice to me and also HOT so like. you were asking for it
and he immediately swings you into his arms and gives you a big sloppy kiss on the cheek and buries his face in your shoulder and squeals
this man. SQUEALS
and you giggle because it’s tickling your neck hey stop that
and he’s laughing that loud ass cackle of his so you’re laughing too i mean have y’all heard that shit
also he’s hugging you almost just like he used to with your feet dangling off the ground
and he pulls back to set you down but then
AND KISSES YOU  ??!/&8:$:$:92&
b i t c h
he’s so gentle and is patient when you kind of freeze at first, pulling away and pressing his lips very gently to the corner of your mouth before going Back In
and even though he’s given you NO EXPLANATION FOR THIS you kiss him back because this may be a one time only opportunity and you will NOT be wasting it 
he goes very slow and sweet and right before he pulls away he presses a cute lil smooch to your bottom lip and presses his forehead against yours
“what was that for?”
“oh yeah, i forgot to tell you!! i’m in love with you”
“oh hEY me too ??!!?!&/&”
and you’re both pressed together and giggling
“hey, you wanna ditch and go get some ice cream”
so he lets his date know and you text jeno
and you’re off
he holds your hand the whole way there and when he parks he spRINTs around the car so he can open it for you
you each get an ice cream cone and sit next to each other at a picnic table and just talk and catch up with each other since you haven’t been talkin :/
one of your hands is laced with his and your head is leaned on his shoulder and he’s like hEY watch it this is my favorite shirt
and he flexes his arm with your head on it and you’re like god dAMN that’s a bicep
and he’s like ayy lmao arent u glad ur dating a greek demi god  🤪🤪
and you smack HIM
“i cant believe you just declared us as dating in the same sentence as calling yourself a greek demigod”
“are we ,,,, not dating”
“i mean personally, i haven’t gotten asked on a date yet. hmmmm, have you? :-)”
and he sighs dramatically before wrapping an arm around your waist and leaving a somewhat sticky kiss on your temple from the ice cream
he leans down to your ear
“hey so there’s this girl and her name is y/n and she’s so beautiful and funny and i love her so much do you think she would go on a date with me ? :3”
“hmmm well i guess so,,, she could give you a chance…..”
you hold a straight face for less than 5 seconds before you get all blushy and smiley and he squeals at you
and grabs your face with his hands since he literally dEVOURED that ice cream cone
he presses a kiss to the tip of your nose and then to your lips and says against them,
another kiss
“for me?~”
and he goes in for another but you’re like oKAY okay i’ll date you you giant pain in my ass
and he’s like :-(((((((
and you’re like aw i’m sorry you’re MY giant pain in the butt
he seems pretty satisfied with that and after you finish your ice cream cone he is already at the door waiting with the door open
“if you dARE say m’lady i will walk home”
“of course ,,,,,,,,, m’lady”
he grabs your hand and pulls you back toward him to keep you from leaving and presses a kiss to your forehead and ruffles your hair a little
before he kindly and gently shoves you into the car
he drives home with one hand on the wheel while you mess with the fingers of his other hand because wow
that shit is amazing he’s got some big ole beautiful hands
when you arrive he walks you to your door and
this mf presses you against it and presses an absolutely SINFUL kiss onto your lips before turning around and heading back to his car
“bye, baby!! i’ll see u tmrw at school :-)))))”
and first of all: KKDKDNDKDJ
second: he called you baby it’s officially over for you bitch
you wave back blankly because what the hell just happened and then you go inside
you press yourself against the door after you close it behind you and press your hands into your warm cheeks
and woooo bOY what have you gotten yourself into
a supportive and caring boyfriend who LOVES YOU THATS WHAT !!!!!!!!
okay goodbye i really love wong yukhei xuxi lucas whatever the fuck his name is
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