#in which Virgil-mun says a little more than has before
sonatanotwo · 7 years
😰 (and you can't say Scott), 😦 , 😨
😰  - Anon Beatcha. XD
😨 -  how many roleplay blogs have you had active at once?
Gonna answer this one before the other. XD On Tumblr? 2... and sort of 3. Alan and Virgil... and TOS Virgil. I first took up Virgil on the side to sorta do some more prosey rp that the previous main Virgil-mun didn’t really feel up to, but yeah. Stuff happened. Basically. XDDD I still have my Alan account, but it’s fairly dormant now. lmao And TOS!Virgil is an occasional crack rp thing. It was more active, but the TOS group was short lived. He picks on John occasionally still. XDb
Now… back in the golden era of RP on Livejournal, oh gosh… on my main game I had like.. to the cap of 10… then several on the island rp… and couple others here and there… uh. TOO MANY. Which is why I did scale back progressively. 
And now I’m not journal rping at all right now. Which is very strange. (One these days I might try again… I miss some of my old muses and stuff. DW is a very different rp experience. Multifandom jamjars galore! It’s can be a blast with the right group.)
😦 - what has been your worst roleplay experience?
Man… it’s been a heck of a long time since I first alluded to it. I didn’t think I could talk about it then… but.. man, it’s been 9 months since that post, so… YOLO.
Tumblr RP has been an experience. And this is coming from someone who on lj/dw has seen some draaamaaaaaaa. I guess it’s no surprise it was Tumblr I stumbled into issues and had what was definitely my worst experience. Unfortunately, I don’t think I still can really tell the whole tale in this post today, but I think I can give the basic plot:
Once upon a time I caught someone trying to essentially sockpuppet. Things riled up publicly then they vanished, never to be seen again. Moral of the story? Don’t ever sockpuppet, guys. The End~
Y-yeah… This is a thing that happened. lol ^.^; Really, please, don’t ever try it, okay? You get caught sooner or later. Still want to try? Then, gosh, at least do it RIGHT then. XD Like, really, protip: Don’t im someone on a sub account minutes after you followed them with your personal, okay? XD
So yeah. Remember the worm? He’s still a very, very wise worm. His words apply in a lot of ways… It never hurts at all to be skeptical, especially if something feels off. And often? There’s a lot more to a situation than what’s at face value. …Especially in this place. Oh Tumblr.
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
HC: Impacting Humans
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I’m gonna start off this headcanon by stating that, despite how aloof or negative she may act. M(N)EWTWO DOES NOT 100% AUTOMATICALLY HATE ALL HUMANS SHE ENCOUNTERS. Sure she may seem more spiteful at certain individuals than others, but that likely will be prompted because her mind powers saw something about your human muse that she absolutely could not stand, like being a Rocket gang member or Pokemon hunter for example. In short she has a more “medium” distaste for humanity in general; feeling wary of them due to her past experiences along with our usual blunders but is unlikely to truly commit towards wiping out humanity similar to how og Mewtwo responded. This was mainly brought about thanks to some special people, and I am going to go into detail on just how world-changing they truly were to her below. 
First up is Natural Harmonia Gropius aka N, or rather the image of him. Explained in this post here, Psyche’s visions nearing her awakening consisted of memories of N as an infant. Seeing him made M16 Mewtwo experience her first sense of happiness, and endowed her with a certain eagerness to see world outside. She wasn’t even NEARLY as upset as her predecessor was with Amber, when being separated by him upon waking up, because unlike unfortunate tot forerunner knew, Psyche only had a non-living image to cling upon. Heck the main reason she even stayed with those scientists for as long as she did stemmed from their promises towards her getting to see him eventually. She still has this desire to meet him in person too and it’s mainly why she will be willing to approach any N, I role play with. Though I won’t force my headcanons on you guys, you N muns can just ignore it if you like.
Second is the people who at least ATTEMPTED to help her in Prologue to Awakening, Anna, Oscar and Unova’s anime champ Virgil. However we’re mainly going to be talking about Anna here. I truly believe that this little mountain girl was the first, living example of a human actually being truly innocent. In fact it’s part of the reason Newtwo saved her and her grandfather along Stoutland when they fell into ravine. That and she didn’t want to traumatize big-hearted Pokemon, by making him watch as those he actually felt attached towards fell to their deaths. Little girl’s living innocence felt new and fascinated Psyche, to some extent. Then when not only her, but Oscar and Virgil worked together with every Pocket Monster in the forest to GENUINELY try and help her, she was... a little shocked to say the least. Anna even went far as APOLOGIZING to Psyche, which was something she never received nor witnessed before that point. In short, though their attempt failed spectacularly the group at least proved to clone that not all humans possessed bad intentions. She even grew to like saccharine human children a bit more, because of it.
Last but certainly not least, we have Ash and the Unova gang [aka Iris and Cilan]! Ash in particular contributed IMMENSELY to lightening her view on humans, not simply because she discovered that he helped og Mewtwo out in Returns, but also because despite EVERYTHING he had been through at that point [dying five times, dealing with numerous criminal teams/villains, being beaten over and over again, helping out EVERY LEGENDARY AND MYTHICAL KNOWN IN EXISTENCE] he STILL kept and fulfilled his promise to the Genesect because it really mattered to him. Also don’t even get me started on his little speech here, cause I weep every time I think about it. Iris and Cilan also proved to be capable humans to an extent as well, specifically with successfully preventing her and Red from full on crash-landing. Plus their contrasting personalities with one another somewhat fascinated her as well. With all this under their belts, they became the first human beings Mewtwo would actually call her friends and I can promise you, she will never forget them even eons after their passing. 8′D
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