#er not specifically about this but if anyone has qs or concerns or anything?
sonatanotwo · 7 years
😰 (and you can't say Scott), 😦 , 😨
😰  - Anon Beatcha. XD
😨 -  how many roleplay blogs have you had active at once?
Gonna answer this one before the other. XD On Tumblr? 2... and sort of 3. Alan and Virgil... and TOS Virgil. I first took up Virgil on the side to sorta do some more prosey rp that the previous main Virgil-mun didn’t really feel up to, but yeah. Stuff happened. Basically. XDDD I still have my Alan account, but it’s fairly dormant now. lmao And TOS!Virgil is an occasional crack rp thing. It was more active, but the TOS group was short lived. He picks on John occasionally still. XDb
Now… back in the golden era of RP on Livejournal, oh gosh… on my main game I had like.. to the cap of 10… then several on the island rp… and couple others here and there… uh. TOO MANY. Which is why I did scale back progressively. 
And now I’m not journal rping at all right now. Which is very strange. (One these days I might try again… I miss some of my old muses and stuff. DW is a very different rp experience. Multifandom jamjars galore! It’s can be a blast with the right group.)
😦 - what has been your worst roleplay experience?
Man… it’s been a heck of a long time since I first alluded to it. I didn’t think I could talk about it then… but.. man, it’s been 9 months since that post, so… YOLO.
Tumblr RP has been an experience. And this is coming from someone who on lj/dw has seen some draaamaaaaaaa. I guess it’s no surprise it was Tumblr I stumbled into issues and had what was definitely my worst experience. Unfortunately, I don’t think I still can really tell the whole tale in this post today, but I think I can give the basic plot:
Once upon a time I caught someone trying to essentially sockpuppet. Things riled up publicly then they vanished, never to be seen again. Moral of the story? Don’t ever sockpuppet, guys. The End~
Y-yeah… This is a thing that happened. lol ^.^; Really, please, don’t ever try it, okay? You get caught sooner or later. Still want to try? Then, gosh, at least do it RIGHT then. XD Like, really, protip: Don’t im someone on a sub account minutes after you followed them with your personal, okay? XD
So yeah. Remember the worm? He’s still a very, very wise worm. His words apply in a lot of ways… It never hurts at all to be skeptical, especially if something feels off. And often? There’s a lot more to a situation than what’s at face value. …Especially in this place. Oh Tumblr.
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shultzing · 6 years
Twelve days later guyssss. My mind is still spinning and I still haven’t figured out what to make of all of this. I keep on realizing that every time I try to talk to anyone about him I’m just like OMG I LIKE HIM SO MUCH GUYS HE’S SO CUTE I’M DYING I’M GONNA MARRY HIM and I never say anything substantive about why on earth i’m talking crazy talk and using the M word w/ a guy i just met. I just get really fucking overwhelmed and can’t think of anything except dumb shit, like his laugh. But I’m also thinking about like, if this relationship does turn out to be of any importance at all, I’m going to want to remember these early days, you know? So yeah, I’m going to talk about what I’ve learned about James in the past two whirlwind weeks.
he is such a giver. He’s always looking for ways to help. From volunteering 4 days a week, to giving away his personal belongings to friends in worse positions, to identifying needs and making plans for how to meet them...the other day we realized we were both independently plotting how to get a bike for our friend, S. Like, we had both been thinking about her/concerned about her to the point where we had each started trying to identify how we could get a bike for her.
he is so patient. whether it’s people being pissy with him at FNB bc they feel jealous/threatened or it’s his family members who have disappointed him in unforgiveable ways that he stills finds the energy to be invested in or just inept co-workers, he always has a sense of humor and very sincere, un-condescending empathy. He doesn’t take it personally, he sees opportunities in every challenge, and he laughs a lot.
he is like made. to. care. Like he’s a ridiculously nurturing person and falls into that role so naturally all of the time. He pays attention to signals, he listens, and he offers to help in any way he can. for example, something so simple/minor but so him was last night coming over and thinking to ask me specific Qs like, “what have you eaten today? when did you eat?” and when he learned I’d only eaten once, making suggestions of things he could get me based off of stuff he remembered me mentioning before, asking what my favorite orders were, when I declined and made leftovers instead (am not trying to take advantage of him, ok!!) he was like eat. more. you need to eat more, you have to work in the morning, finish your food. He’s around all of the time (always on my schedule, always coming to me) and the other night he was spending the night (fyi, we haven’t had sex yet but that’s noyb/another story for another time) and like if I wake up in the night for any reason he always wakes up too like, “what do you need? you need some water? how can i help you fall asleep?” He was laughing last night about how to get me to fall asleep faster (I had to be up at 5 this morning for work but wasn’t tired,) and he get’s real stern and is like, “Quit fucking around and go the fuck to sleep.” The cutest bully ever. For our first date, he offered to drive to me and pick me up to take me to a restaurant that was 5 minutes from his house but 30 minutes from my house. So like, turning his 5 minute drive into an hour and 5 minutes even though I HAVE A CAR just bc he is that much of a sweetheart.
we have the best conversations. I couldn’t be happier with them. I think we both prioritize the same things in life (family, community, self-improvement, meeting goals, laughter) and so we naturally connect on what to talk about and how to talk. We laugh like constantly. Every conversation is something to laugh about. And he’s so colorful and animated so all of his stories, anecdotes, analyses are just so entertaining to listen to. We’ve talked about seriously painful stuff, we’ve talked about deeper/more controversial stuff, and we’ve talked a whole lot of shit about how crazy life is. We even had the conversation I’ve been dreading this whole time, the, “I am a socialist and you are a capitalist” conversation that I thought might be a dealbreaker or at least get tense. Nope. It was lovely. Honest, funny, blunt, open, warm. He asks endless thoughtful questions. He pays attention to all of the effort i put into living well and being a good person/good to him, and he hypes me up constantly, like CONSTANTLY telling me how grateful he is to get to know me, how much he appreciates xyz traits I have, etc. 
He is the best possible company i could imagine. Like he is hilarious but also insanely kind but also super tenacious/assertive/stubborn. He’s mischievous and focused and always full of ideas of things he wants to do, places to go, activities to explore, and he’s always so enthusiastic and optimistic and warm. 
He is such a gentleman! Such good manners/self control, so trustworthy, so safe and respectful and understanding.
He’s such a softie. I sent him a cute text yesterday and he sent back that he read it twelve times, teared up, screen-capped it and sent it to his mom, who apparently also cried. I guess it runs in the family. Apparently that screen cap got me promoted from her saying, “Take it a day at a time, James,” to “she sounds like a keeper.” so, good deal. 
All of his lost-boy childhood stories knock me out. And then all of his stories about how he pulled his life back together and turned himself into who he his now also knock me out. I’m in awe of all of it. I asked him to send me a pic of the time he had his skull cracked/eye socket broken/rib broken from the weeks before he got clean and i just. stare at it and. it is the strangest fucking feeling.
His pet names KILL ME. I had no idea i was a sucker for that shit! first of all, he’s born and raised in Hampden and legit casually calls people Hon all the time, so like. Precious and amazing. But his other names? So cuteeee. Like when he’s pretending to be mad at me it’s, “Calm your tits, woman!” or “Woman, are you trying to kill me?” but if he’s telling me what to do then I’m kiddo? Most of the time he calls me babe (”Do you mind if I call you babe? That’s how I think of you in my mind.) but there are probably like 5 others that he’ll throw in now and then. 
Not to be gross or anything but he’s also so sexy and playful, he makes me feel like I weigh 5 pounds bc he really throws/pushes me around a LOT but WOW am i into it. that’s all i’ll say about that here though.
He’s a pray-er! I didn’t know how endearing that would be to me, but he often says things like, “i was praying about it and...” or will tell me he’s praying for me. He said the other day he had been praying that God would give him a sign that he was on the right path and he said that’s when God put me in his life and named me Angela so that it couldn’t be more obvious that he was supposed to take it as a sign. Crazy talk? Obviously. And obviously I told him, if he asked God to give him a sign about what path he should be on and then started volunteering at a socialist organization and dating a socialist woman, what kind of sign did he think he was getting? 
He’s a readerrrrrrr he actually reads books for fun and seems like he knows a little something about every topic on earth. He also used to write and got 3/4 through writing a book when he was a young adult.
Ok so hopefully that makes my whole predicament seem a little bit more understandable? Like yeah, we have been dating for less than two weeks and yet yes, we are already in a labeled/monogamous relationship and yeah i have seen him 5 out of the last 6 days (sometimes 2x a day if i’m lucky!) but like i am sooooo happy with him and he is so happy too and we are both just like enjoying the fuck out of every possible second and like recognizing how bizarre and magical it is to have something this good just fall into our laps out of the blue and trying to accept it and enjoy it for what it is? /
“Do you want to do couples yoga with me sometime?
“Depends, are you gonna make fun of how weak I am?”
“First of all... I’m going to make fun of you any way.”
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