#i'm still answering asks so feel free to send any if you're curious! im just spacing them out
alicenpai · 2 years
For the art asks - 2 and 14?
hi anon !!
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
characters facing left for sure (I'm right handed). but because of this I think I do try a lot harder at right-facing faces, and most of the time those may end up looking nicer! haha
14. Any favorite motifs
I wish I drew more of my favourite visual motifs more, actually. so if you're surprised by the below I wouldn't blame you LOL because I feel like. I wish I drew from my heart more! I sometimes think my art is really boring if I can be brutally honest. gotta take more risks!
I like a lot of genres of media so understandably my art is all over. people have said this is a great quality, others have trouble pinpointing certain traits about my art, or my interests? and I wish that the things I love were more clear. honestly I feel more like the latter part of a "jack of all trades, master of none" but more like. a little court jester with my jingle hat. in 2023 I'd like to be happier with my art, and draw things that are more interesting/emotional/personal to me! 🏃‍♀️💨
- I love gothic/victorian motifs a lot! overly ornate frames (like haunted portraits), mirrors, flowers, complex drapery, and yes, we can't talk about gothic without the macabre stuff that was present in victorian culture too. sorry for being an edgy 2000s kid but I love skeletons in art... and characters sitting in coffins? chef kiss. Just like. the precarious balance of life and death in art is so genuinely interesting. I once saw in a Waldemar Januszczak art history doc that artists are so unapologetically obsessed with this dark stuff hahaha... 🤧👍 media that come to mind are Ib, Pandora Hearts, Black Butler. non anime media like Dracula, Portrait of Dorian Gray, Sherlock Holmes.
- Theatre/Shakespearean motifs as well. curtains, wooden props, stage sets. Opera, classical Greek theatre, ballet, pantomime, the circus. Shakespearean in the way that the characters are very passionate yet oh so tragic. Like. just in general playing on the idea that stories are plays, and the characters are mere puppets in someone's fabrication. thus things like puppets and clown-type characters in plays are fascinating too. things like, characters as the automatons in automaton clocks are so cool. I also LOVE the concept of dolls, however dolls are? quite frankly? terrifying irl. inspirations: Princess Tutu, lots of tragic stage play themes also present in Jun Mochizuki's work in Pandora Hearts and Vanitas no Carte, Rozen Maiden for the dolls thing.
- storybook themes. European fairy tale illustrations, anything whimsical and old fashioned. Witch Hat Atelier comes to mind, Princess Tutu again, also The Girl from the Other Side.
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Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui, Pandora Hearts by Jun Mochizuki
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Pandora Hearts by Jun Mochizuki
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Heinrich Lefler, Austrian artist. "Der Gevatter Tod", "Godfather Death"
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A Russian version of the Swedish folk tale The Wonderful Adventures of Nils, if you know who the artist is please let me know! artist is found - Oleg Vassiliev!
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Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama
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burning-sol · 2 years
Heyoo, im just a lil curious as to what you have against twt ppl. I'm starting to realize that u guys just don't want us here and I have no clue what our app usage means to you. I was directed here after expressing my anger at being told to fuck off and that I was shit for having been in the twt community. Just want your thoughts since you've proclaimed yourself the be the officiant for chasing us away.
To be clear I'm the "officiant of chasing people away" because within the past few days I have have made some truly enlightening posts that all Twitter people should see. And that should make them be so disgusted by this site that they never come back. This is to say I am jokingly the officiant of chasing people away.
But if you want an actual answer, nobody here actually like DESPISES twt users. If that were the case we wouldn't be creating posts that welcome new users and explain the site to them or greeting new users in their asks!! It's hard to word but we don't take issue with the people, just the environment of the jrwitwt community. Basically, just a difference in vibe.
It's very hard to explain but. Honestly? It's stuff like your reblog that makes it hard for us not to be a LITTLE taunting towards jrwitwt. You barely interacted with this community AT ALL and picked out a take, that wasn't even really a take about twitter in a way that matters, and decided to make a rant 10x longer than the original post complaining about how we hate twitter. Whereas if you'd just held off on that opinion then you might have gotten FAR more context on our situation. Or you could have easily gotten an answer if you'd just sent a polite ask in the FIRST place, opening yourself up to an actual discussion rather than jumping to such an aggressive conclusion.
When you typed, "just calm down bro," it was LAUGHABLE to read for the sheer fact you produced a problem where there didn't have to be any. You made a member of our community anxious and upset and for what? And for what?
I would talk more abt this but I think this is the main point that matters right now. And I would apologise for my less sympathic wording, but I think you're mature enough to understand why that's difficult for me to do with the current context.
If you still want to give jrwiblr a chance, then feel free to lurk and maybe get to know it better before you start to chit chat again. But if you're this attached to the jrwitwt community then you can easily just. Stay there? Like. You don't have to move here. If you don't like our takes then stay on twitter. You don't have to make a fuss abt it. Just say, "this community isn't for me" and move on.
Edit: checked your posts. sorry if this seems like another pile on, you must be getting overwhelmed. take some time away from the platform: drink, rest, eat. so long as you understand what's going on in this community now and promise not to make a take like that again, send any person that bothers you from now on to me. there no reason for this to drag on if you understand what you've done and are aiming to improve.
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formula-fun · 11 months
i was writing this ask and honestly don't remember if i sent it or not so sorry in advance 😭✋️ i disagree with the previous anon, the problem isnt people focusing on the miscarriage, i think, personally, that people just really like the universe and want to see more, and since things about this story could be spoilers, they ask the hypotheticals (the baby, the pregnancy). At least thats the way i see it. Im equally curious about charles courting max and about max slowly but surely seeing charles as a safe space to kind of get away from everything (🥰) as i am about the baby, but i imagine that would be spoilers and wouldnt ask because maybe you would find it annoying seeing as its going to be in the next chapter. I am really excited about this story, because, like you said, it is a very clear that it's about a growing relationship and your writing and analysis are so so so good. You get us on our toes and dont treat them one dimensionally, I think its very easy to write Max as headstrong and Charles as sweet but you show another side to it (like real people are lol often not one just one thing). Its good tho that you spoke up about anyways so that we know what to focus on. I am curious tho because i wouldnt want to intrude: what are the kind of things that we can send in abt this story without being too invasive? Like I saw some people talking about ivf and you said we should wait and see sooooo maybe not that? Lol 😝
Hope youre having a great day!
Hiiii!!! I'm having a study day, so thank you for giving me a reason to take a break dfjskdfksjdfkdsj I think you're absolutely right, I don't think people mean anything by it and I don't hold it against anyone! It would be nice to not ONLY get asks that are about that, but I'm not upset about it or anything!
Thank you, this is all really sweet <3 and please don't ever worry about annoying me! The only things that annoy me are people telling me what to write, asking nonstop when the update will be or critiquing my work when I didn't ask for it. Anything else is fair game! If you ask something and I don't answer because it'll be in the next chapter I'm never annoyed, I just know you'll have an answer really soon so I don't want to spoil it. It's also helpful sometimes to know what questions people have because it tells me what people are paying attention to and what I need to focus on. So never never annoying! I'm also ridiculously easy to tempt into giving spoilers, it's really sad. If i get a question and don't answer because it's a spoiler but then someone asks me the same thing a second time? I'm probably just spoiling it, because I'm horrible at keeping secrets. So dont worry about it dfjkdfjks don't worry about being invasive either. i literally can't think of a question someone could ask me about this fic that i would consider invasive
(2) Also, previous anon here, but a whole different topic, if its off limits, feel free not to answer. I really like how you capture two people loving each other and not always agreeing but always understanding if that makes any sense?? Like charles probably doesnt like jo but he keeps out of it because he knows max instead of trying to push them apart. I think most people writing a story would go "oh charles should protect max from jo and not let them see each other" but its much more complicated than that, its his father figure still and they dont only have bad moments. The same thing with charles x ferrari. I see a lot of fics where max pushes charles to go to red bull and sure, thats fun to read, but max understanding the deep attachment charles has to ferrari is much nicer. He knows its not only about a wdc, its about charles' father, jules, his relationship with the team etc. Tell me if im wrong but thats just what i observed
thanks!! you're absolutely right <3 that idea is really important to me, that you can't control the people who you love and they don't belong to you. charles knows max loves his dad on his own terms and it's not up to him to get between them, but he can offer Max somewhere soft to land if he ever decides to cut his dad off. and max really just wants to see charles succeed, so if charles' dream is to win with Ferrari then Max wants that too. (and also personally I want that gjfghjgfhjgf) they don't always understand each other's actions, but they can at least do their best to understand each other's feelings, and that's a good way to make a strong supportive relationship. We hope
thanks so much for the ask, you're really kind!! <33 hope you're doing well
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kxisuke · 2 years
Hellooooo!! ヽ(”`▽´)ノ
Btw im just bought like 500 fonts for 40 cents so im gonna overuse them 😋💕
I‘ve been binge reading your fics just now and i remembered that you actually know i exist
Making me blush frfr (〃´ノω`〃)
Also how are you? (´υ`)
Are you okay? How‘s your mental health going?? Do you drink enough? What have you been doing lately?? 💗
Well.. these are just a few questions of mine
If these are too personal, no need to answer them (๑ơ ₃ ơ)♥
I‘ve been curious and i actually ask everyone this cause i love pets (*’∀’人)♥
Do you have any pets??
I have a cat named Tofu, she‘s old but still cute (*´▽`*)
She‘s a Siberian cat and i love her sm 💞💞
I hope you‘re atleast alright ♡ॢ₍⸍⸌̣ʷ̣̫⸍̣⸌₎
Have a good day/night :33 💞
omg hi!!! missed you a lot, love <3 it's been a while, but i'm doing pretty good! mental health is alright (it always could be better lmao) i am trying to drink lots of water every day and so far it's going pretty well, but i should probably work on eating a little more than i do at the moment 😅 how are you doing???
i haven't been up to much lately, just working a lot and then playing genshin in my free time :p you gotta love adulting 😉
i don't have any pets, though i do wish i had a cat or a dog....
but tofu???? that's a ridiculously cute name 🥰🥰 i'm sure she's the best cat ever~
i really hope you're doing well, and thank you for the message!! hearing from you always makes me feel so awesome you're so adorable :3
have a good day/night as well! sending you my love~ ♡
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taintjisung · 5 years
[08:18] seunglix
kinks: phone sex, innocence
words: 1798
top: felix
seungmin: can i ask a question?
that didn't make felix anxious at all. he sucked in a deep breath, and slowly to avoid typos, wrote his response.
felix: of course, go ahead
seungmin opened the message immediately, but was typing for almost ten minutes, and felix closed the app, not wanting to leave him on read for a bit if the question was too hard. he called his friend, jeongin, and the two waited together as the message finally came through.
seungmin: okay i don't want this to sound weird but like how does it work? im new to this whole guy thing idk not like relationships or waitwait no you know what i mean like how would we yknow AH i made zero sense
felix couldn't help himself. reading the message, he started laughing, startling a curious jeongin who was eager to hear the response.
felix: sex?😂
seungmin: yes hsjkds
felix: you've never watched porn?
seungmin: porn is illegal in korea...
felix: o h
felix: is it illegal if i send you a video?
seungmin: WAIT SHIT WHAT
felix: porn, seungmin.
seungmin: oh my god i thought you meant NVM
felix: i mean, would you rather that? that's not illegal, we're both adults... and we have been dating quite a while too
seungmin: oh my god wait
felix: cute
seungmin: I'M NOT CUTE SHUT UP
felix: you're a virgin huh:( probably never kissed anyone before:( so cute:(
felix: why should i? i bet you like it
seungmin: and what aBOUT it
"uh, in..." felix chuckled as he opened the message. "i might have to hang up for a bit."
"leave me out of it," he responded quickly, closing the call. poor kid caught on immediately, turning bright red as felix laughed at the three beeps that sounded before the call app closed.
felix: have you ever been cared for before baby? has anyone ever laid you down and pleasured you, not made you move a muscle until you came?
seungmin: i've never cum at all
felix: do you want me to teach you?
seungmin: yes, sir.
a shiver ran down felix’s spine. shit, he could feel his pants tightening around him at the honourific; he had no idea he liked it before.
felix: why don't you call me so you can use both hands baby?
now it was seungmin’s turn to let goosebumps grow in his skin as he sucked in a deep breath, heading to his bedroom. he shared it with his friend, minho, but the boy was out with his friends. he had plenty of time.
seungmin: okay
incoming call from hyung💕
answer decline
"hey, baby," felix let his smile grow, keeping his voice low and soft for the virgin.
"hey," seungmin responded calmly, though his heart was absolutely racing as he bit his lip. this was the first time felix was hearing his voice, and it thrilled him.
"do me a favour and wash your hands first, okay?" felix requested gently. "and bring back a cup of water. trust me on this."
seungmin nodded though the boy couldn't see, and obeyed his request, locking the door once he reentered the room and dimming the lights. gently he laid down, waiting patiently for more instruction.
"i want you to slowly undress. make sure you feel every bit of your skin as you take your shirt off. then your trousers... but not your pants until I say so, okay?"
seungmin hummed in response, and trying to follow his orders gently slid his hands up his tummy, closing his eyes as he reached around his back, pulling the fabric off over his head as if in slow motion. he dropped it to the floor beside him, and his hands resumed on his stomach, this time moving downward, underneath the hem of his sweatpants. they generously roamed his newly exposed skin as he pushed the two apart, and in no time he was almost naked in his bed.
"done," he hummed, hands now dormant on his waist, keeping his naked skin warm in the cool conditioned air around him.
"think about me between your legs," felix told quietly, starting to touch himself, too. "and grab your bulge. don’t take your pants off just yet, just enjoy the pressure. imagine your hand as mine."
seungmin nodded softly, leaning into his hand as his fingers curled around his throbbing length, begging to be set free. it almost ached, and felix could tell as he let out a thick moan.
"hm... take it out now."
seungmin could cum just from felix’s demanding tone. He did as he was told, and the heat that transferred between his touching skin sent a shock through him. he was so sensitive; it was his first time, and the smallest stimulation had his knees weak, voice straining with moan after moan.
"give it a few slow strokes. then you can take your pants off."
seungmin was almost scared to listen, but he did, and once he was completely naked he could see that with how hard he was, there was no going back.
"are you on your back? lean against your pillows and bring your knees up."
"okay," he sighed, shifting his position as he laid the phone beside him. “okay."
"you’re okay," felix cooed. "i’m gonna make you feel really good, okay? all you have to do is relax and listen. now, take your other hand and put two fingers in your mouth."
seungmin hummed as he did so to let the younger know he was listening, and fulfilled orders of how exactly he was to do it.
"do you know how anal works, love?" felix followed up gently, and seungmin hummed quietly as a blush spread across his cheeks. "i want you to do that. prep yourself. one finger at a time, keep your hands slippery and wet. remember to take it easy and slow, be careful. you’re treating yourself."
felix was patient as seungmin nervously tested his boundaries, letting his fingertip massage the skin around his entrance before slowly pushing it in, gasping at how cold his hands were and how tight his body was, making it hard to get past his entrance.
"it’s okay, baby," the gentle words went straight to his dick, and seungmin couldn't deny he loved to be treated. taken care of. "you’re doing amazing. such a good boy for lixie, hm?"
seungmin let the praise soothe him as he slowly stroked himself, letting the pleasure override the pain of a second finger already.
"slow down, slow down," felix commanded. "don’t rush your first time, okay?”
"okay," seungmin sighed, but stuck to one finger, slowly massaging the inside of himself, letting it start to feel good.
"when you're ready, start looking for a pressure point, okay? when you hit it, it's gonna feel really good. but you have to be patient and relaxed."
fuck, that sounded exciting. seungmin didn't want to be patient anymore as he pushed in another finger, his hand in further, looking for it.
"where?" he panted, bucking his hips into his hands.
"gentle. slow," the elder reminded. "everyone is different, so don't get upset if yours is hard to find. mine is maybe... five and a half centimetres in? directly straight up. go until you can't go anymore without turning and it should be right there."
"wow, so informative. i feel like i’m getting directions to mcdonald's," seungmin joked, making felix laugh softly and he couldn't help but smile at the sound. god, felix’s laugh was so... beautiful. like music to his ears. he really was in love with this boy.
seungmin hummed softly as he gently pushed his hand in further, almost up to his second knuckle. he pulled away, then thrusted back in, using the momentum to push it further. his groan of discomfort quickly turned into a moan of pleasure as he found the spot, legs turning to jelly as his brain switched off, hand pulling out only to slam back in.
"hey, hey, slow down, baby. i know it feels good but you don't want to cum so soon, do you?"
"for you," seungmin panted, and in his tone felix could tell he was already braindead from the pleasure, moaning loudly as he moved his body with his arm.
"so deep in your headspace already..." felix tutted with a smirk on his face. "just for me, hm?"
"just for you, fuck, for you, just for you,” seungmin repeated, not even caring when his climax began to chase him; he sped both his hands, chasing it right back as he babbled nonsense, wanting so badly to grab onto something, anything, but hands preoccupied he squeezed his thighs together.
"fuck, felix," he cried, making the elder shiver at the utter sound that just came out of his mouth.
"cum for me, baby boy," felix groaned, speeding up as well and rocking his hips into his hand. fuck, this was better than any porn he'd ever watched, and he didn't even get visuals. yet.
seungmin rammed his hand forward harder, completely slamming into his prostate and forcing hot cum to shoot out of his head so strongly some hit his lips as he arched his back up. he didn't stop just yet, knowing the sounds he was making was getting the younger off as well. with that in mind, he let himself get louder, more desperate as he practically milked himself dry, whimpering at his touch.
he mistook the ceiling lights for stars as he cried felix’s name, grabbing onto the blankets beneath him as his body writhed and curled in pure ecstacy.
a slutty smile covered his face as he heard the same sounds of pleasure fall from felix’s lips as well, signifying he'd satisfied him just right.
"ugh, fuck," the boy hummed. "you’re so fucking amazing."
"aren’t i?” seungmin giggled, and shit, the things it was doing to felix.
finally seungmin stopped moving, pausing for a moment before falling limp with a heavy sigh. the last bit of cum was still leaking from his head, and his entire body felt good, craving to meet his boyfriend now more than ever, wanting the real thing. he could tell that felix was thinking the same as he chased his own high.
“god, when we meet,” he vocalised. “you’re gonna have to show me what positions you like, you can do anything to me,” he breathed.
“anything?” felix repeated. “can i tie you up and put marks all over you?”
“please,” he whined in response, not realising the things could be sexual but getting a thrill from the thought. “so i can’t move and let everyone know i belong to you.”
“when we meet, i’m gonna make you moan my name so loud they won’t have to see the bruises to know, they’ll hear you that night.” he groaned as he continued to get himself off, imagining all the things he could do to his boyfriend; “fuck, min, i’m gonna cum,”
“cum for me, baby, just like i did for you,”
felix was rather vocal as he obliged, humming lowly in ecstacy as he came into his hand, seungmin basking in the sound of his voice.
“you’re so fucking good, baby,” felix sighed. “come to me when you’re horny, i wanna hear your moans all the time, i wanna make you feel good,”
“i will, i will,” he promised, but as he opened his mouth to speak again the front door closed. “shit,” he suddenly scrambled to grab his clothes off the floor, not bothering for bottoms as he pulled on a sweater and pants. “minho is home, i gotta go,”
felix started laughing at the idea of the boy being walked in on as he bid him a loving goodbye, still thinking about seungmin long after hanging up.
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