#i'm still debating just how canon divergent i wanna get
wildflowercryptid · 9 months
i've actually gotta sit down and write out the mjverse!indigo disk plot bc i probably am gonna change some things around, but my brain's too jumbled rn to just sort out ideas in my head.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Stell. You know I like me my Fanfics. I read a lot of them. You know. Like. You KNOW.
So. I've seen a... Well it's not a trend but its in a lot of Fics. Both canon divergent and straight up aus, where Tommy has this relationship talk with someone who fucked him over. I'm gonna concentrate on canon divergent fics as examples for this since this is more about that anyways.
So Tommy has his talk with either Tubbo or Wilbur or sometimes other, but Tubbo and Wilbur are definitely the most prominent, and at some point in that talk there may or may not be that moment where there are just no words anymore. No answers to questions like "why did you never visit me in exile? Why did you abandon me?" Or "why did you lie to me and then just leave me behind? Why were you so willing to hurt me?" And most importantly "do you actually love me? Do you actually care about me?"
And in then there's this great depressing silence that ends with a desperate "you're my best friend/brother...."
And I fucking love those Fics
And they usually have another really fucking amazing like... Focus point to that conversation? I guess? Some other really cool point they're leading to with this?
But I haven't really seen a fic where Tommy's answer to that was "yeah. So what?"
Because. So much of Dreams manipulation was just answering "I'm your friend/best friend" as an immediate debate ender. And I really really REALLY wanna read a fic where that conversation Tommy has with either Tubbo or Wilbur stirs the topic to "the status of relationship is irrelevant to your actions or emotions. It's just a Titel"
Like. Not even "if you're my best friend/brother then you wouldn't have done that" or anything like that. But a "yes. You are my best friend/brother. Now answer my question of if you really care about me and love me"
Because it's a... Topic (??????) I see a lot in Fics. Looming in the background but never really being addressed.
Like. In Tommy Fanfics relationship Titels are thrown around like they're an answer to questions so much. And I wanna be clear here that this isn't criticism. This isn't even a pet peeve of mine or anything. I enjoy it. It's how ppl think. It's how ppl in the dsmp CANON think.
But godddd I'm so fucking emotionally horny and needy for a fic to just talk about that.
To address how Tubbo and Wilbur should really think about how they even feel about Tommy. If they even actually care or love him. Without using "of course I do, he's my best friend/brother" as an immediate out of that introspection.
Because sometimes you don't. I don't think Wilbur really cared about Tommy at the end of pogtopia and I feel like in current canon he doesn't really either. Like. He cares about Tommy but he doesn't CARE about Tommy.
Do you get what I mean??
Hhhh this was a rant a long time coming
Oh I absolutely understand what you mean! And hhhh yeah, yeah that's something I would love to read. Maybe even love to write.
It's just such an interesting facet of those relationships to me, like, getting to the bottom of whether that care and love that once was undisputably there still is, or even if it's enough.
Because, like, for example with Wilbur I completely agree with you. I feel like Wilbur genuinely cared once. Now I think he cares more about Tommy as a constant in his life than he does about him as a person. And Hitting on 16 reinforced that for me.
And with Tubbo I feel like it's a relationship that fell apart. Maybe that care is still there somewhere but there is distance and detachment now. And sadly that's just how most friendships fall apart normally. At some point, when you clearly cannot be bothered to put in any effort to maintain a certain relationship, you have to admit that maybe you just don't care anymore. That maybe that friendship isn't worth it for you anymore. And I feel like on Tubbo's side that's where we're at.
And both of these could be really cool in a very sad way to explore.
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
A novel?! That's so cool!! Can't wait to see!! Life is kicking my ass right now so I haven't been able to read any fics :'( I'm a slow reader a d I like to take my time...but! Next week I'll be able to relax and one of my favorite ways of doing it is by reading fics!! I kind of got behind TLC but I'll be able to have a full marathon then :D
That’s the idea!
Tbh I’ve actually debated it for a while cuz like TLC is already so fucking canon divergent and I’ve basically written my own lore so extensive I’d need to make a powerpoint somedays.
Like really I’d just need to change a few names (Subcon Snatcher, Nyakuza, Moonjumper, DJ Grooves) and do a lil redesigning (Like Hattie probs will get more curly hair like Ru has, Ru’s leviathan form will be the Natural Leviathan form with a couple tweaks, Redesigning the cryptic, redesigning the Moonjumper design (tho Ive actually already redone Sena’s Twilight demon form so I’ll need to futz with Morgan and Marcus)
And I think it could be good to swap over!!
Plus if I do this once I finish the fanfiction I can rewrite and reorganize the plot because it’s changed soooo much. like rn I’m pretty on course for the rest of the fic and Know what i’m doing but earlier on I can changed a lot of details during the course of writing that I wanna kinda retailor. Plus I can go into more details in the earlier bits when I was getting back into the swing of writing!
Like it’ll be a lot of work I mean it’s a god damn monster
but I think I’d break it up and change it up to fit more in volumes---
so like volume one would be Hattie meeting snatcher and Snatcher’s adapting to life on land and would end when he’s in the swing/his feelings tart forming (so around sun festival/moon festival)
Volume two would be the section I’m currently in progress of posting with Him swapping from the “im a lonely grouchy eel” to “I’m a dad and I think Im in love” and his relationship with eclipse and would end probs around a big angst event coming up :3 (yeah look forward to that)
Volume 3 would be what I normally call “climax” whenever i bring it up in regards to TLC and it’s the part I’ve hinted a lot of what’s going to happen but I’ve been kinda tight lipped on other wise and would be the final volume with a potential epilogue for the story (and this is the part I’m currently typing for tlc and it’s had mouse screaming when she realized what was happening and that its finally happening cuz she and gin know what i have planned but not how it goes down)
Other things I’ve considered is a few ‘spin off’ books to go with the main 3 (also notice i kept it in 3s? I like 3.) Like the actual story of Hattie’s parents (probs expand it to be a solo novel), probs a like ‘lore’ book (think the gravity falls journals0 that explains the demons, religions and stuff I’ve created
And of course there’s a few other things I’d plan >u> but I’ll keep a lil hush (but a hint is it may involve ‘alternate realities’ tied to tlc) because this is all still a huge ‘maybe’ and will happen when the main fic is done and I have a lil more time on my hands/health improves (tho tbh past week I’ve been dealing with the fact one reason my hip was so fucked for like all of 2021 may have been MY FUCKING SHOES and I’m so mad at how much pain I was in for such a stupid thing)
if you can’t tell this isn’t like a sudden thought thing I’ve actually been thinking about this since... I want to say I’ve considered this since when I was posting the sun festival chapters!
ahhh I hope you enjoy!!! tbh I’m unsure if I’ll update this week and next or not. I have the chapters done and covers sketched but I’m so nervous posting these chapters blah (nothing bad in them. I think i’ve mentioned just. mental barriers and stuff I deal with. the next like 4 chapters are all kinda angst heavy but also plot heavy and mean a lot to me personally lol aka--- Eclipse’s werewolf reveal as well as the in canon reveal of her scar origins)
but i feel you on life kicking the ass, hope you can rest up!
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