#i'm still having a blast tho ❤️
elluvians · 2 months
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Fuck Around And Find Out cost me an hour of gameplay today lmao. I ended up fighting an enemy during the night and it spawned undead. Also it was near a goblin place and later some harpies and wolves joined the fight too. All of my Pawns died so I had to run away but since it was night I couldn't see anything so I was eventually being chased by another horde of random monsters and creatures which eventually killed me ☺️
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regal-bones · 7 months
hello !! i loves pride fighters so much, its very pretty and the dialogue is really fun :D i'm not very good at these types of games (alas, i am currently bad at dodging😔) but im still having a blast !! i love the characters <333 cant believe yall made it in just 5-6 days !!
i was wondering tho, would it be ok to make pride fighter ocs with other identities ? :> i kinda wanna make an ace pilot y'see !! :D (idk if id actually end up getting the energy but. i am ideaing lol)
totally ok if not tho !! its yalls game after all !!
PLEASE DO PLEASE DO!!!!!!!! Some ppl in the team are already makin OCs!! Also if you wanna make OCs of the flags we have in game go for it !
As for the Ace flag - that is one we want to implement! We’re gonna revisit the project next year and getting more flags in is a priority. The ace flag will be PATROCLUS, piloted by Alexi!
Thank you so so much ❤️ and make sure to keep up to date with the most current version! We’re making balance changes to make it a lil more forgiving, as well as adding in some more dialogue!
Last thing , if you make OCs, I want to see them more than I need oxygen pls and thank u
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liquorisce · 1 month
I'm doing great!!! just got done with exams here to inhale every single fic in my bookmarks I ain't studying for shit😭 so glad you're OK tho the way you disappear on us like the avatar had me worried and OMG PREIST AU YAY!!!
EXAMS OVER YAY!!!! absolutely the time to treat yourself have a blast ❤️😘
and lmfao — disappear like the avatar 😂😂 — bestie i’m not goin anywhere actually for a long long time. like even if i stop writing em or whatever ill still be on this blog and yall will know what im up to whether you like it or not lol! this is my space no matter what interest i have ❤️
and yes!!! the idea is to have a long ass one shot by the end of this month!!!
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panzershrike-pretz · 2 months
Hello Pretz! Hope you’re doing well 💙
🎶💯🔱🌈🎄🍎❤️🧡🖤 for the OC ask game for any OC you’d like to talk about!!
HI LOUUUU!!! Holy cow this is a lot :0 I LOVE IT KEKEKEKEKEKEK I chose Pansy because I'm in a Pansy mood uwu
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murder woman✨️
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Pansy likes to listen to music as she works! She's really fond of rock and metal, though she can't escape the 2000's white girl music listener allegations... (she appreciates Katy Perry and Taylor Swift, ok???)
I can't quite take off the image of her dismembering someone while blasting California Gurls on her headphones-
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
1. Pansy knows up to 7 languages! She's able to speak English, French, Spanish, Russian, Greek, German and Portuguese! (I obviously won't ever write her speaking anything other than english and portuguese, tho :3 not risking any mistakes)
2. Although she knows she's a terrible being, she has some boundaries that she will rarely cross. Pansy doesn't mindlessly torture kids nor friends, she won't kill someone she knows enough (by attaching a face, name and history to someone, she loses the hability to torture/kill them without a heavy conscience) and won't kill animals unless, at the worst case scenario, in self-defense.
3. She was a Witch before meeting Regulus and turning into a Wight! She was hometaught by her grandma, who once was an extremely talented Witch, but she lost her power after turning into a Wight. Shess may not have a wand anymore, but she has a gun which is pretty much the same-
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
No, actually! She comes from a very old, traditional and rich family where she was expected to be a proper lady, so while her brothers went to play on the lake, she was forced to stay at home learning how to properly behave.
She wanted to learn how to swim, but life got in the way and, well, not everything are fields of flowers-
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
Pansy is a cis bisexual that goes by she/her!
At the moment, she's in a kind of situation between Regulus, Drabek and Nicola. Just bouncing between them- (consensual workplace relationships except the work is to dominate the world 💞)
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday?
Pansy doesn't celebrate any holidays anymore, due to Regulus strict laws and sheer hate of the gods.
In private, she kind of prays to the War Gods, Esmae and Sindresh'al, but she refrains from pertaking in rituals or holidays of anykind in any God's name.
As a kid, her favorite was the Night of Dragons, celebrated at the end of March, honoring the demi-goddess Artemis Drakeborne! The Night of Dragons is when women come together to dance around a burning pit at night, singing songs and reciting stories and tales about dragons of all kinds, to gain Artemis' blessing and protection. Usually they spend the whole night doing those rituals, burning herbs and enjoying a feast of wine and raw meat.
Lambs and fish are sacrificed and burned in the pits, in a belief that it'll protect the women and their families from any possible dragon attack. Legends say that the dragons smell the burned creatures in the women's fur and spare them and their family, as a show of gratitude.
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
Pansy was born in Hampshire's countryside, near North Wessex, at the Grave's Manor, in England. She spent most of her life there, until she convinced her parents to send her to study abroad in Belgium - where she was convinced to join Regulus cause and became one of his most loyal followers.
She hates her birthplace with a burning passion, as she thinks her family and position in politics restrained her from having the life of her dreams as a dragon expert.
Now she just lives wherever she is needed for her missions, since Wights are able to blend in anywhere. She never spends more than two weeks in the same place.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc's positive traits?
1. Pansy is a woman of her word. If she swears something, she'll go to any lenghts to keep it up. A promise is a promise, no matter if good or bad.
2. She learns very easily and that's the reason Regulus sends her to the most missions. She's able to blend in really nicely by imitating the accents and way of speaking or acting of any place in any point in time, as long as she knows the language.
3. She has a lot of confidence in herself and that's what keeps her going.
🧡 ORANGE HEART — does your oc tend to prioritize family or friends?
And then friends.
The only family member she'd never hurt is her youngest brother, Alexander, who she loves very much, even if Regulus thinks he's a waste of a boy-
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
Yes, she has. A lot.
Pansy's main job is to kidnap peculiars for the illegal trade (or to collect their souls) and to eliminate whoever mildly inconveniences Regulus.
She's pretty known between black market dealers and authorities alike. She's built a name for herself and a fame that preceeds her, which mean she had to kill, injury, torture and betray a lot of people in her wake.
She has never knowingly broken anyone's heart tho- if anything, she was the one who was left broken hearted by ex-lovers in the past.
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captains-price · 1 year
Hello, dropping by after a long time apologies for that 🥹 I hope you're doing well, is it getting cold out where you live? We get really warm and sunny afternoons and then super chilly nights and mornings so I'm always struggling lol.
It's so nice to have something to watch with family members, love that you and your mom connect on that. Me and my elder sister also make sure to always Stranger Things together whenever a new season arrives!
I enjoy anything by Mike Flanagan too honestly, I think one of the first movies I watched of his was Oculus and that's still such a favourite of mine. I recently binged The Midnight Club and it was a fun watch too. Though my all-time favourite horror show is in my native language and it aired in early 2000s 😅
Now onto some ~important~ questions! 😉
Top 3 Anime Characters?
Top 3 Anime scenes/moments?
Top 3 Anime OPs/EDs?
★ Animanga Secret Santa ★
It is getting chilly where I live! We haven’t gotten any snow in my town yet but I went with my sister and a few other people to the mountains to cut down a Christmas tree and there was a lot of snow up there!
I’m so glad that you and your sister have something you can watch together, and I also love Oculus! Definitely one of my favorites by him 😁
Those are really good questions and I really had to think about them for a bit! I’m gonna put them under a read more tho so it doesn’t take up too much space.
Top 3 characters
Iida Tenya
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He’s my baby boy! I love how sincere and excitable he is, and that he’s such a stickler for rules while also being a huge dork lol the Hero Killer Stain arc is one of my favorites because I love how it showcases what he was going through and his growth ❤️
Kotetsu Kaburagi
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Another baby boy of mine(but he’s actually an adult man). He’s such a likable protagonist and unlike a lot of other main characters in anime who are teenagers, he’s a fully grown adult who has to deal with getting older and I loved that storyline! I also love his relationship with his daughter!
Maka Albarn
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I’m a bit biased because Soul Eater is what got me into anime in the first place but Maka is another great protagonist! She’s so cool, skilled, smart, funny, and compassionate, I love her a lot! Also, like with Kotetsu, I love her relationship with her dad!
Top 3 scenes
The opening scene of Soul Eater! Again, I’m probably a bit biased here but this was THE scene that got me hooked on anime so of course I had to include it! The design of Jack the Ripper is so creepy yet intriguing, the fight scene is incredibly cool, and I love the way it introduces Maka and Soul so that they explain the premise of the show.
Rescuing Bakugou! I don’t know how to explain it, but I love some good teamwork, so seeing them work so well together even though their powers are so different got me so excited! And the amount of times I go back and watch the moment Kirishima calls for him and Bakugou blasts himself to him is unreal lol
And Reiner and Bertholdt revealing themselves as titans! This scene actually got spoiled for me so I knew they were titans the whole time(and I always think seeing this scene for the first time with no prior knowledge must be crazy) but the reveal was still done so well that even I was on the edge of my seat! It’s so good!
Top 3 openings(hope it’s okay that I did openings and endings, I just got a lot of feelings about them lol)
The first opening from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood! This one’s such a classic, I love the soft singing right before the quick paced change in tempo and how it mixes action scenes with softer moments. Definitely a favorite!
The Kiznaiver opening! I love the song and I love the way it showcases each of the characters and their personality, and actually doesn’t put the protagonist at the front and center unlike most other animes.
And the second opening from Soul Eater! All of the openings from Soul Eater are really good(including the ones from the repeat show, which I adore) and I had a hard time choosing between them but this is the first opening where I tried to learn the words so I wanted to include it!
Top 3 endings
Kyoukai no Kanata’s ending, which is my absolute favorite ending ever 😩 the song is beautiful, the animation is gorgeous, and the imagery is simply stunning, everything about it is just *chefs kiss*
Golden Kamuy! It’s probably simpler compared to Kyoukai no Kanata but I love the song and I love the way it has the lineup of characters leading up to the gold that’s connecting them all in the first place
And finally, Jujutsu Kaisen! I love the upbeat tempo of the song, the different ways the characters dance, and especially the style of it! Could never skip it when it came up!
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soonsluv · 2 years
rainie, babyyy, hello!!!
hope you've been well since we last time spoke 💖 any plans for the weekend??
I'll spend Saturday doing some really needed cleaning around the house </3 and then on sunday i have plans to have a board games and pizza night with my friends
And about that jun fic!! I couldn't find it 😭😭 I read it a long time ago in the tags and dumbass me lost it :(( BUT if you're in the mood for a jun fic to try it out (lmao the wording of this seems funny to me fkdndk like offering an appetizer idk) i recently read this one. Not only it's beautifully written, it also captures the tall goofy boy essence perfeclty! No pressure tho, it's ok if you don't feel like reading it 💞
As always, love you and hope things have been well 🎀🌷
(Also.. 👀 did you really narrow it down to one crush or are the other 2 still in the run? Hehe - sorry on advance if I'm overstepping with this question!!)
- 😺 anon
hi sweet gato!
i’ve been well, thank you for checking<3 i have to work tomorrow and sunday will just be me laying in my bed all day trying to recover from my shift(my job isn’t that bad, im just a big baby)
OMDSSSS!!! game nights are so much fun, you’re gonna have a blast w your friends, enjoy it dear!!
thank you for the recommendation, i’ll try to read it this weekend, maybe it’ll spark something in me like that other fic did for you👀
it’s so sweet of you to pay attention to my silly ramblings about my crushes and no you’re not overstepping🥹 no. 1 is on vacation so i’m not gonna see him for a while, no. 2 lives a far away so i don’t think it was going anywhere anyway BUT no. 3??? i’m gonna be seeing him a bunch of times so he’s at the top of the list rn🤭
i love you too, take good care of yourself for me❤️
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Hi, I have a request.
I was thinking kid, killer and sanji with an s/o who while talking about her past she tells them how she used to harm herself bc she felt ugly and her friends were mean to her. She doesn’t do that anymore, she got rid of those friends and tries to love herself (even tho most of the days all she sees in the mirror is a ugly person) and the scars are barely visible now. Is still a sensitive topic to talk about since she doesn’t like to be seen as vulnerable but she trusts them enough to tell them. She is afraid of judgement but knows they won’t judge her.
Thanks a lot and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Of course, my love!! Please know, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but despite whatever scars you might have, you are still beautiful and wanted in this world. I love you so much and I hope one day you feel the same way about yourself❤️❤️
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Eustass “Captain” Kid
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Despite soft not being in this man’s dictionary, he knows when it’s time to be serious and listen to you. He might struggle and be antsy, but he means well, he just isn’t used to being the comforter. 
Will do his very best to be understanding and considerate, as you are weak and vulnerable in this moment and are expressing needing him, as much as he wishes he didn’t have to be so soft.
In his brain he honestly doesn’t care, not that he doesn’t care about you, but about the rude people and the scars. They aren’t in your life anymore and if they were, it wouldn’t last. 
Might say “oh” or “damn”, but it’s not you, it’s just him trying to function and poor mechanical man just can’t. He cares about you and loves you, but damn he hates soft moments.
Will suggest you two get funky so he can show his love in his own way, you don’t mind that do you?
“Massacre Soldier” Killer
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Killer is probably the best to understand how scars can affect a person. He has his own and despite his cool and calm nature, when things get intimate, he gets self-conscious
Even if it’s the smallest scar, he knows what it’s a reminder of and will do his best to reassure you that you mean the world to him. He’s a pirate yes, but he still has a heart that you own.
When you first tell him, he's quiet and lets you speak, expressing yourself as you try to find your words. To him, your past doesn’t matter, but he also wants you to feel comfortable talking to him, so if this helps, so be it.
An understanding boy who won’t bring up your past or use it against you, he loves you and wants you to trust him completely, he likes when you can rely on him!
Keeps it a secret (especially Kid-) so no one else could use it against you or disrupt your trust in him. What you say will die with him in the ground. 
Vinsmoke Sanji
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Another understanding bab! He has his own dark past that he doesn’t like to open up about. Hell it took 2+ years before his crew learned about his past, I doubt he will just be upfront with things.
So, seeing you confess to him your more darker history will not only build your trust with him, but his own trust with you. 
Don’t be surprised if he randomly tells you his past. By telling him yours first, you gain the right to know in his opinion and it’s been itching to spill out.
Another one who will take your past to the grave with him. He gets it, he really does. He would hate to have his trust ruined and something he finds difficult to talk about be blasted for the whole world to see. 
Will hold your hand as you talk, using his thumb to rub circles across your knuckles. He’s a physical touch lover, so he wants you to feel his love while you talk. Will wipe the tears as they fall and kiss you once you finish talking. 
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tottymatsuno · 3 years
Ik we all agree that my irl annoyance to lovers au is funny but what if he were still sweet even tho he finds me cringe? I contain multitudes and an oxymoron.
What I'm saying is it'd be so so funny if Todomatsu asked me on date to the petting zoo like he did with the cashier in s3e5 and he saw how ridic my animal phobias are.
Todomatsu: *holding my hand* What do you wanna see first today?
Me: Idk, I've never been to a place like this before! 😊😊😊
Todomatsu: You don't get out much, do you? 😒
Me: No, I guess not. *resists urge to traumadump* Anyways what kinda animals do petting zoos have?
Todomatsu: Hmm, well this one doesn't have as many like the more popular zoos but it was harder to get tickets for them. There's just the regular boring animals like goats -
Me: 😰
Todomatsu: You don't like goats?
Me: I'm scared of them...
Todomatsu: Okay then we don't have to see them. They have deer (😖) hmm, maybe not judging by that expression. There's also chickens (😱) no? I think we could pet some bunnies? You like bunnies don't you, you said they're cute? (they bite) What are you planning on doing to the rabbits to make them bite? There's also guinea pigs (they're too big!!) what do you mean they're too big? Wait nvm save that thought. There's some... Uh, sheep too ig? (💖) alright we'll see the sheep.
Me: Sheep are so cute, I love them! I do think bunny rabbits are cute too but they bite, and mice are cute too but scary. As long as you feed them for me everything will turn out just fine!
Todomatsu: You're so weird 💖
Me: *swinging his hand happily* I'm normal, you're the one with five clones and not a single funny bone between the six of ya. 💖
Todomatsu: It's too early in the day to lie so boldly. *reads the map* Alright, we can hang out with the animals until lunch and then we'll eat at a nearby cafe. That sound good? *leads me thru the zoo*
Me: Yeah! *we get closer to the petting area and I become visibly scared* Todomatsu...??? The beasts are walking among the people.
Todomatsu: Oh you're right. The feed is over there so wait here and I'll get some.
Me: *stands perfectly with my eyes shut still outside of the area bc I'm terrified* 😖
Todomatsu: Okay, I got some treats! And look, isn't this bunny the cutest little thing? *holds up bunny*
Me:.................... *delayed reaction* Cheese and crackers!!!!!! It's gonna bite you, put it down!
Todomatsu: It's not gonna bite, let's go inside now. Don't worry, I'll protect you from all the scary animals.
Me: 🥺 ok but if one of those guys get too close you need to destroy this zoo for me.
Todomatsu: I'm not going to do that but okay.
Me: *screams every 0.000009 seconds because I'm scared of the chickens, bunnies, guinea pigs, sheep, goats, and everything there*
Todomatsu: *exhausted by the end of the date* Sorry for inviting you out here 😑. Next time just tell me if you don't like the sound of a date that way we can have fun. 🙄 This was a terrible idea, but at least I know better now. 😞
Me: Oh I had a blast!! 💞 The bunnies were sooo cute, and the sheepie weepies omg ❤️. And that widdol pony, and even the baby goats were so sweet!!! 😍 Ahhh I really had a great time!! 💖 You are so nice, Todomatsu! I'm super happy we came here today! 😘 Let's go watch a movie at home now! 🥰
Todomatsu: You were scared the whole time! You didn't stop running and hiding behind me, what are you talking about?! What's with the history revision???
Me: Sometimes how much we love is what scares us the most.
Todomatsu: You're full of it!
Me: You're a dick, I'll have you know I can love what I fear. I had a turtle named Jimmy I loved, feared and respected.
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maiverie · 2 years
DJSHSKAHD YN IS SO COMICALLY DRAMATIC I FEEL BAD FOR HER BUT I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING 😭 also heeseung is a lil SHIT oh my god what the fuck. i'm still a simp tho 🤧
PLSSS HE'S LEGIT A SATAN INCARNATE KSDFKSD BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READINGGGG im also forever simping idgaf he could legit run me over with a car and id still propose 📢
ANYWAYYY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LEAVING A MESSAGEEEE PLSSS it's always a blast hearing from u guys 😭❤️ have the best day/night ever!!! <3333
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catcze · 2 years
Oh I'm fine, thank you! I'm on my spring break and I help my family with preparations for Easter, tho I didn't get Ayato and on pity 84 Jean came to me :c
I hope you have great time too, even if your proffesors don't understand the idea of rest and relax. Don't worry too much about your studies and remember to take care of yourself!
With love, Honey anon ❤️
OOOO omg, I hope you’re enjoying your break so far !! I’ve,, sorta taken my break into my own hands rn and I’ve decided to submit everything late, so I’ve been having a blast, too HAHHA
Aaaa but hopefully you get Ayato soon :(( babes, I would totallyyy trade ur Jean for an Ayato in a heartbeat if I could 😭 Hopefully you can still get him?? If you’re still trying? Idk there’s still a few days so!!! You might get lucky, yk??
Take care of yourself too, honey !! 💞💞
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