#i'm still hearing abt gay things and being like holy fuck
go-to-the-mirror · 5 months
ohhh started being abnormal about welcome to night vale on a meta level
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sashannarcy · 3 years
Your thoughts on “I wanna be someone better. Someone that deserves you” ? 🎤🎤🎤
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AHA. here we fucking go.
I plan on making an entire standalone post for Turning Point, but like! obviously the "I wanna be someone better. someone that deserves you" line deserves it's own thing because HOLYYYY SHIT SASHANNE REAL <3
first: Sasha Gaybright.
SECONDLY! holy fuck! holy shit! I can't believe this is smth we got to see Sash say out loud! and by that I mean. well. I'm not surprised that Sasha wants to change themself so as to stop hurting Anne (I honestly saw it coming from a mile away LMAO), but I'm just fucking THRILLED that the writers made it so fucking blatant instead of continuing that like. heavy subtext route that we were given in the end of s2. and it's about goddamn time too bc Sasha Waybright is a yearning BITCH and I was like. DESPERATELY needing to hear her say some lines out loud that were just clear and absolute yearning for Anne Boonchuy AND GUESS WHAT? WE FUCKING GOT THOSE LINES.
but anyway. I will stop gloating over the sheer victory we got this weekend and instead say that Sasha wanting to be someone that Anne deserves, someone that's worthy of Anne's attention, is very symbolic of all their motivations in the past season or so coming together at once. we know that she’s been doing everything in what SHE thinks is in the trio’s best interests, but she also is like. aware that what she’s doing isn’t quite right morally. at the end of s2, though, they don’t stop themself from following through on their betrayal, bc they’re still in that mindset of expecting things to go smoothly. but OBVIOUSLY Anne yelling at them abt how they’re a horrible person affected them DEEPLY, or else the second Sashanne duel AND the events of Turning Point simply wouldn’t have happened.
I mean, take the difference of pre-True Colors and post-True Colors. in The Dinner Sasha definitely makes it clear that they’re resistant to changing their own behavior bc. they literally say “I know you want me to change who I am, but I don’t know if I can. I like who I am.” and then in Turning Point, they talk of wanting to be a better person for Anne specifically. that’s the brilliant thing abt Turning Point: it’s named that way to show that yes, Sash is finally turning their behavior around, but it’s also named that way bc one specific person acted as the catalyst for this character development, and that someone is one (1) Anne Boonchuy. what it took was for Sasha to realize that no, Anne isn’t on board w the way they’re acting, and to realize that Anne’s opinion of them (outwardly) is that they’re a bad person, which obviously makes them fucking upset! I mean. just look at the fucking difference between the two scenes bc the change in Sash’s emotional reactions is incredible:
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I cannot stress how much Anne must matter to Sasha for them to be willing to change the entire way they act and to fucking accept Anne’s criticism of them without becoming totally defensive and self-destructive and closed off. bc that’s what we saw happen in Reunion, right? the moment Anne tried to criticize their actions, they tried. to die. but now, it’s like.. GOD. they LOVE Anne they hold her in such high regard they just want to have her respect again bc being without it is ripping them apart. and so they finally come to the conclusion that they’re going to change who they are FOR her, to protect HER emotions, to stop HER from hurting. it’s so important that they’re not doing it for themself bc it literally just showcases how fucking devoted they are to Anne and they always have been, Turning Point is just like an episode of proof for that. and THAT’S why, for a Sashanne enjoyer such as myself, it is SOOOO fucking validating.
so yeah. the “someone that deserves you” line is cathartic as FUCK and definitely a sort of climax for Sasha’s arc so far, and I cannot wait to see how her arc proceeds from here. I hope it’s healing I hope Sash can grow and I sure fucking hope it’s gay <3
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revivebook · 3 years
did my long ask from last night go through? cause if not I'm going to be a little sad that my comparison of u and fall has been lost to the void <//3
(if it didn't its no worries I'm writing another soft thing for today for u! :D)
- soft anon
You are absolutely fucking amazing I care you So Bad what the fuck i MISSED U. I wasn’t able to reply to you for a while because of stuff in ebcord, and then the stuff yesterday stressing me out to the point where I wanted to mostly take a half day away orz but oml your asks were one of the main things that stopped me from taking a longer one you have No Idea of your power
Okokok I’m only showing this ask of yours since I’ve decided I’m going to hoard the Beeg ones you sent like some kind of dragon So Prepare For Vagueness. Our asks only no one else gets to see
(it’s still going to be fuckoff levels of long bc I want to talk abt All the things u sent and I am so very sorry u do not have to respond especially in a specific way i just have so much to say constantly all of the time)
but softy softy softy softy oh my god fuckin. I know when you sent your first ask it was during a Different flood but we have gotten so much content over the last few days I am still in shock bc of it. I know in the last chunk of time, there’s been Discussions but literally nothing will sway me of the opinion that these bitches are Gay gay
ALSO SHOUTOUT TO YOUR NEAR IDENTITY REVEAL YOU RANBOO KINNIE. First 5 mil subs then 3 mil?? Whats Next Hmm the bar keeps getting lower smh my head
Andohohohmygoddd oh my god the. The Pumpkins,, this is so soft why do you live up to your name so well I SOB?? AND. I LOVE GREEN AND ORANGE SO MUCH. I’ve said before on here that green is deffo my favorite color, and I’ve loved orange for AGESSSS its just?? So Nice???? Hearing that I have those vibes is the best vibe check I have ever gotten you are,, far too sweet???
AND AND. THE SCENARIO,,,, I was born in the autumn, and even though I say my favorite season is whatever season is currently happening because I just like all of them So Much, I’d wager that fall is consistently the one I find myself like... wanting to Be In the most. And you have Absolutely nailed down why here ohhh my god oh my god oh my god th. I do not have any of the words necessary to tell my feelings abt this but Holy Shit are you a writer or something you are SO GOOD at illustrating your points i am So. clenches fist. holy god
AND UR OTHER BIG ASK. CRIES. I was so tempted to spam the dash replying I am withholding from all but you instead. Fuckin,, the same sort of stuff you wrote about me reminding you of different kinds of laughter. I am going to Yell So Much I will ABSOLUTELY look forward to getting to hear you laugh n knowing it is You holyfuckingshit
AND I ALSO FEEL THAT SMSMSM i Adore listening to peoples laughs it sparks so much joy it’s insane?? It’s one of the things I look forward to the most by Far when I meet to people I am just,, human beings are so epic sometimes I love it here
M slightly exhausted so the end of my reply is Lackluster and I am so sorry orz but just. You are so wonderful and epic and cool and and and. o(-( i care you So Bad you better have had the best few days ever dammit you don’t deserve anything less stay safe ok???
—love, ram
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