#i'm still perplexed by
originalartblog · 2 years
Is dazai canonically a Canada Goose cause as a humble Canadian I can assure you they are vicious and the devil's incarnate
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parasitoidism · 3 months
im literally so baffled as to what might have happened to my dsrk saves i found someone who had a similar problem but they were like make sure you have pcsx2 in program files or else this will happen! but i do. so i literally don't know.
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fubbytime · 6 months
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new friend!
All things considered, they arrived in better condition than i thought and faster (Canada to U.S.A. shipping)(why did they go from one side of canada to the other to the side of the us farthest from me. to me. was there nothing closer?) So far just some battery box corrosion, also i nicknamed them "mr grumpy and stinky fub senior" due to having an issue with one side of their mouth not closing, having a birthday of Jan 4th, 1999 (almost 25!), and coming with a peculiar smell I'm pretty sure is coming from the motor. Currently this little guy is getting a nice, long bath (the 3rd bath)(VERY stinky n still dirty) and I'm working on getting the corrosion out (so far my isopropyl alcohol isn't helping much). Very excited to do the naming and gender reveal ritual once I fix the battery box! I almost hesitated to share them so early since they need to be in their best condition for the ritual and i KNOW i can get them working. Also doing a push start just in case so I'll know for a fact what's wrong when the batteries go in. Wanna be on the safe side and troubleshoot to prevent. SO excited cannot wait to see what I can do for them.
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karofsky · 1 month
man I have so many intricate thoughts and feelings and I'd like to think I'm pretty smart and generally aware of the world but I feel like the last few months this brain fog has really just made a mess of the Brain To Mouth pipeline and I feel like I can never quite get what I want to across. I'm just constantly fighting my brain but the connection isn't there and I keep losing threads and it's so frustrating. Just constantly dead air and backtracking and rewording and making up for social missteps and just generally feeling like my brain is not my own. Unfortunate.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 9 months
I'm thinking of fully releasing what's left of Descant today.......
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khaotunq · 11 months
..................well then
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sullina · 7 months
so do people who don't have rhythm, when they hear a song, do they think that the notes are played just whenever (in regards to both timing and pitch) or do they know that there's a more or less predictable pattern to it, that when you have a melody consisting of exactly one note at a time, that a skilled enough musician can add more notes to it to make it sound fuller (less lonely) and (often) better?
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no-one-hears-me · 9 months
I'm too old to be teething
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copperexception · 9 months
letting you know the person you reblogged a poll from (swaglet)
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is a radfem (I took a glance after seeing the red and yeah >.<)
Oh. Thank you for letting me know.
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mossmx · 10 months
I showed my therapist 2 of my kinkalot arts and I was explaining how rating works (using colours bc it's easier to compare to tv ratings) and she was like "I hope you gave it a red rating" XD
SORRY I USED MATURE NOT EXPLICIT FOR FULL XDDDD we online people are a different breed XD
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sidewalk-scrawls · 2 years
Might need to start reading cjizzy fics specifically because it scratches my particular itch for an Izzy pairing where they’ve both known each other for a long time a la blackhands, and also, the character contrast between Calico Jack and Izzy is delicious
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huntersapprentice · 11 months
ogh the new dash look seems to be from an update. which I don’t think I have yet (and from the things I’ve seen of it, no thanks please)
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thewritehag · 1 year
I've said it before and I'll say it again
Nuckelavee, kelpie, and unicorns are proof Scotland knows something about horses that they're not saying directly. Maybe they can't.
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vibzy · 1 year
worst feeling in the world is having an emotional conversation with someone & having to take a pause to try & come up with the words to express what’s happening & they start scrolling thru their phone
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so grateful for 2008 forums where people are trying to make sense of OoT's weird storyline honestly 🙏
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
Anybody fancy a starter? Just smack that like button and I'll try and come up with something or we could plot via IM!
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