#i'm talking about buck and nixon
balladofthe101st · 5 months
you hate each other but there's only one foxhole?!?!
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speirslore · 9 months
band of brothers officers: dating hcs
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a/n: hello! this is my first post but ive been lurking in the bob fandom for a while & i'm soooo excited to finally join... i have a bunch of other ideas and drafts i want to post soon :) this includes the officers: winters, nixon, speirs, lipton, + buck, please lmk if anyone would be interested in more of the boys! i made it vague but the reader is implied to be a part of easy company in some capacity
[dick winters]
he is a very private person and shy... like his ears go bright red at the mere mention of your name which easy company takes full advantage of
you think it's incredibly sweet
it takes a while for him to have confidence when interacting with you in the beginning... he feels inexperienced and that you couldn’t possibly be interested in him
it's a slow burn for sureee
like men getting out of the hospital that come back to the company are immediately like "so are they finally together??"
there are bets on when and where it will finally happen
luz's theory is one of you has to confess when you all jump into berlin at the end of the war... the perfect hollywood ending
it ofc doesn't happen like that; it's a slow process of building trust, it's a mix of quality time and acts of service
the quality time can be hard to come by during the war but dick is determined to check in with you: small, reassuring smiles and touches, finding each other in crowded rooms
it's very private, he doesn't want to jeopardize either of your careers or reputations, but ofc lew knows the details (but the entire company basically knows?)
and lew is good at keeping secrets.. he's the intelligence officer ofc (as he constantly reminds the two of you)
a lot of wrapping his arms around you pulling your back to his chest, resting his chin on your head or shoulder
maybe even a quick smooch
kisses as rewards for him finishing all the action reports he has to do
omg then in austria... things definitely change... and it's easier to label what you have.. dick can finally relax (to some extent), and it starts to feel like more of a normal relationship
all the men are so happy for you like he's had 20+ wingmen this entire time <3
[lewis nixon]
another one that i think is definitely slow burn... but once he finds out he's getting divorced...
even before that, lew's humor always made you feel more comfortable and at ease
he has always gravitated towards you
definitely gets clingy
lovessss sleeping with you like insists that sleep is extremely important for a solider and he sleeps sooo well with you
it's literally impossible to escape his arms when you're sleeping... leg thrown over you, arms wrapped around you
the most comfortable you've ever been fr
the ungodly amount of sexual tension before you get together... oh god.. one time the officers are all playing poker; welsh and lipton just look at each other when lew's leg kicks yours under the table or you lean against his shoulder
like oh god... not again... they're telepathically planning their escape
all the tension, stares, touches, long talks you've had reach a boiling point as lew becomes more jaded by the war and he finds out abt the divorce
you instinctively want to take care of him and you're definitely worried about him... you have a lot of convos with dick trying to figure out the best way to approach and help lew
words of affirmation are very important to him... i think his initial instinct is gift giving but that's difficult with the war.. and he doesn't feel connected to that, it's just what he's always known
if he gets too drunk, you stay up monitoring him and you really don't mind and just knowing you're there for him makes him v emotional:
like you make him feel like there's hope and a future after the war... and he's been thinking that for a long time but finally says it laying on your chest with your hand running through his hair
you help him shave which eventually ends in making out (a lot of things you guys do devolve into that)
he's your poor little meow meow but in the best possible way
[ron speirs]
ngl the attraction was strong from the start and it didn't take long for you to fall for him... by england before your first drop you both already fell hard
everyone is in disbelief that the rumor is it's YOU that he's seeing
everyone thinks you're a total angel and then... speirs.. it's just tht absolutely none of the men can imagine him being soft or romantic
wants you all to himself... is very good about making free time to be with you
unintentionally hovers
and very subconsciously touchy
has to fight himself from grabbing your hand instinctively
like he can know where your platoon is, where you're dug in but still will make rounds just to have peace of mind and know you're okay
just like all the other rumors, ron doesn't really care about clarifying his relationship with you
oh but if he ever heard a man talking disparagingly about you... just one silent stare and the soldier wouldn't even look at you again
omg def the type to carry around a collection pictures.... those are his prized possessions fr
like a pocket in his uniform just full of very pretty (and private) pictures <3
there's a few wholesome ones too.. like when the two of you had a 48 hour pass to scotland... but others (most of them) not so much
and ofc if you ever need anything... like you need a new watch? he has one for you in a few hours
he truly does love gift giving...
i also think physical touch is a huge love language for him
+ i think like pillow talk, just late night talking with you letting him rant and get everything off of his mind is so cathartic for him
and he really appreciates feeling like you understand him and you want and are willing to listen
[carwood lipton]
definitely the wholesome mom and dad couple
usually, most definitely, attached at the hip
always has a hand on the small of your back, or shoulder, arm, etc, he likes the reassurance of small touches and knowing definitively that you're next to him
i have a very self indulgent headcanon that he likes whenever you kiss and thumb over the scar on his cheek <3 makes him feel less self conscious
okay so lip takes care of everyone else but who's taking care of him?!
guys will come to you bc they know carwood will listen to you if you're the one who tells him he has to rest and take it easy
omg.. and if you're married... he's always twisting and playing with his ring just to remind him of you
has multiple letters from you stuffed in one of his uniform's pocket
he has all of the words memorized by now but just physically holding them is so comforting
quality time and acts of service are HUGE for him
and alone time can be so hard to come by... but anything he can do to make your job and tasks easier... he will do
and vice versa ofc
everyone else watching like wow .. relationship goals fr
anytime he leaves and you're split up for a few days... you always have a dramatic reunion jumping into his arms
a lot of fantasizing about your future together... because it feels so close.. but also so far away
[buck compton]
fraternization rules?? what rules?
has absolutely no shame to be at the bar playing darts, hands all over your waist
and showing you off, dancinggg
just feeling a little silly and goofy... making out at the bar
and everyone is hyping you up
i think at the beginning of the war, your relationship is newer and fun... neither of you are really thinking about something serious
i think physical touch and words of affirmation are huge for him
as the war progresses, the thought and fear of losing you grows, especially after he saw so many of his men suffer/die
and he realizes how much he cares about you...
you comfort him after bastogne... a lot and even though it can be extremely melancholy, hearing you talking about your life pre war, and your life together in the future keeps him going
insisting to him that he'll have to show you california and ucla
writing to him constantly after he's taken off the line.. giving him updates on all the men
in austria, when he returns, watching him play baseball with the boys feels absolutely perfect
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
Easy Company HC's: Letters Home
A/n: I'm really rolling with these BofB headcanons! hope you enjoy :)
Characters included: Dick Winters, Lewis Nixon, Ronald Speirs, Carwood Lipton, Buck Compton, David Webster, Joe Liebgott
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Dick Winters
Writes frequent, short letters
Meticulously dates his letters and includes a blurb about the weather. January 12th, 1945. It’s snowing outside, dark and cold. 
Starts each letter with My dear y/n 
Always asks how you are, even though he’s the one fighting a damn war
Follows up on every little question or story you include in your letters. How was the bake sale? Did you ever hear how Louise Graham’s brother is doing after taking that shrapnel to the shoulder? Hope you were able to get someone out to look at the washing machine.
Ends his letters with classic but sentimental sign-offs, like Affectionately yours and All my love
Makes sure not to include anything in his letters that would worry you. Doesn’t necessarily lie or fake being happy, but just gently side steps that. 
Although every once in a while you get a longer letter where Dick’s handwriting is a little messier. You know it’s from writing fast, you can almost feel the pressure behind the penmarks. He opens up more in those letters, talks about losing too many good men and sometimes will say things that just absolutely break your heart, like sometimes I wonder how all of this is really going to end for the men who are over here fighting. 
Even in these letters, Dick never says “I” or “Me”, always writes about the men and the boys. You know - and so does he - that he’s including himself in those boys.
His next letter he always makes sure to reassure you. And it’s genuine, you can tell. He’ll say something like I have to put some of these heavier thoughts somewhere, and there’s nowhere I trust more than with you. 
When he comes home, you find a stack of letters you wrote to him tied up in a neat bundle and stashed in an inside pocket of his Ike jacket that he sewed in especially for that purpose. You could tell by the flimsy, near-ripped creases and dirty paper that he’d read each one about a hundred times over. Buried in the middle of the stack was the picture you’d given him before he’d left for training. On the back, he’d written simply your name, the date the photo was taken, and a short instruction: in event of my death, please send all personal effects to with your home address. It made you sob but you never told him you found it.
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GIF by mads-weasley
Lewis Nixon
Rarely writes. Actually drives you crazy with worry most of the time.
When he finally does, you can tell that he’s initially annoyed at having to put his thoughts down on paper. Letters start off with short, sarcastic sentences like nothing new here. Still fighting the war, in case you hadn’t heard. Enjoying German hospitality. 
But as the letters go on he relaxes into it and stops being so grouchy. 
Because he’s always grumpy at having to write (you should probably thank Dick for cajoling Lew into actually sitting down to write to you), he usually doesn’t write any sort of introduction or sweet address, just dives right into it.
His letters usually don’t say much, he just kind of rambles about how much he hates being away from you and how he can’t wait for the whole damn thing to be over. 
Sometimes he’ll write something so incredibly romantic it takes your breath away, like I’d fight a whole division of Panzers myself if I could just get one more sniff of your perfume. 
Those are the letters you save and reread to yourself over and over again when you’re waiting weeks for the next one.
Always signs off with something kind of sassy but also sweet?, like You know I love you or Keep our bed warm for me. 
Sometimes you feel like you can smell whiskey on the paper, which both worries you but also reminds you of Lew
When he finally gets home and you ask him about what he did with your letters, he kind of looks at you like you’ve gone crazy and says I read them of course, what else was I supposed to do with them? 
This hurts your feelings at first which of course he doesn’t understand, but after a few weeks you start to realize that he actually did read them and not only that he memorized their contents. Like he refers to your mother as “the Wicked Witch of Wichita” (something you called here after you wrote him a long rambling letter about how angry she made you at your sister’s bridal shower) and buys you a bouquet of daffodils because you wrote him a letter with a daffodil doodle in the margins of the page talking about the spring gardens. 
You realize that Lew shows his love in the little details, and it makes you appreciate him all the more.
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GIF by beautifulguycollector
Ronald Speirs
Ron’s letters read like military bulletins. 
Doing well despite the cold. 1st sgt sick with pneumonia. Think of you often.
Writes predictably once per week. Never misses a letter. Ever. 
You always write him long, lengthy, romantic letters. Sometimes even a little raunchy, if you’ve had some wine. After one particularly *ahem* suggestive letter, you feel ridiculous and say so the next time you write.
In typical Ron fashion, you get a short, to-the-point reply, but it still puts a smile on your face and a blush on your cheeks: Loved your letter. Keep writing. 
Towards the end of the war, Ron starts a countdown to when he expects to be coming home. Two months now, maybe less. Home for the Fourth of July. 
Also signs off with R.S. Which makes you laugh, as if you could forget who was writing to you.
Whenever your girlfriends find a letter from Ron (you keep them all in a shoebox in your closet), they tease you and ask how you can possibly be in love with someone so stiff and formal. To which you can only chuckle to yourself, because you know it’s just that they don’t understand that Ron doesn’t tell you he loves you, he shows you. Writing a letter every single week. Updating you on everything going on, even short updates, because he wants you to know how he’s doing. That’s Ronald Speirs’ love language.
Maybe three weeks before Ron comes home, you start getting boxes of (stolen?) German silver at your door. At first it freaks you out and makes you feel slimy for having lavish riches from an enemy country, so you don’t unpack the boxes and you just stack them up in the back bedroom. When Ron gets home and sees the boxes unopened and shut away, he immediately asks you what’s wrong. You stammer out an explanation and without blinking an eye, Ron loads them into his truck and takes them to the dump. 
(Later you convince him that a better use of those would be to donate them to the local orphanage, so off he goes in his truck to get the boxes back out of the dump and bring them to shelter.)
One night when you’re lying awake, head on Ron’s chest, talking idly about things that don’t matter, he interrupts you to ask Can you guess which letter I kept? 
You instantly blush, thinking of that risque letter you wrote him when you were halfway through your second bottle of white wine. He shakes his head and pulls a letter out of his nightstand and hands it to you. You don’t recognize it immediately, although you do see that it’s too short to be one of the naughtier correspondences. 
It’s too dark to read, so you ask him which letter. He says it’s the one you wrote to me for my birthday. 
You don’t remember that one and you tell him as much, so you ask him why he kept that one instead of some of the others. He looks down at you with a serious look in his eyes, a little surprised that you can’t figure it out. Then he tells you: it’s the first time you wrote that you loved me. 
The next day, you sneak a peek at the letter and realize he’s right. You signed it, I love you Ron. 
From then on, you make sure to tell him that every night before he falls asleep.
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Carwood Lipton
Formal, sweet letters. This man is a king of romancing by words.
Writes as often as he can, but you know that Lip needs peace and quiet for an entire evening to get one of those letters done (he probably definitely writes a draft or two before he gets it right). And let’s face it, Easy Company doesn’t have the luxury of many quiet evenings. 
Always, always, always starts his letters off with Dear (future) Mrs. Lipton, which you honestly think is hopelessly corny but it’s way too adorable to tell him so. And besides, you secretly love it.
He always reminisces about home in his letters. Tells you how much he misses the smell of your baking, the squeak of the front porch swing that you two would sit on and watch the sunset. 
He worries a lot about you and his family. He always asks you to look in on his mother if it’s not too much trouble. 
Lip doesn’t talk much about the war, in fact he hardly acknowledges it at all. And he never uses the term ‘war’ or ‘battle’. Instead, he says things like The boys over here are still committed to doing the job or Easy presses on.  
Lip’s letters get a little shorter and less soft after Bastogne. He starts including the names of the casualties in his company in the P.S. Even though you don’t know these men except by name - and some of them, not even that - you feel honored that he trusts you with their memories. 
Lip has saved your letters and all the pictures you sent to him - he loves pictures, and asks for an updated one of you almost every month - tucked in his foot locker and safely between the pages of his Bible so they don’t get creased or dirty. 
You also find that he’s kept stacks of letters from some of his men that died in the field. When you ask him what he plans to do with the letters, he gets a heartbreaking, far-off look in his eyes and says I reckon I’ll try to get them back to their families. 
You take on the burden of doing that, and you write to some of the families introducing yourself and introducing Lip and offering to forward them the letters.
All the replies you get back mention that their soldier talked about how good a leader and friend Lip was. Their replies bring tears to your eyes. For some reason, you don’t show the letters to Lip, although you do tell him about them. He never asks to read the letters, he just kisses you on your forehead and tells you that he’s never loved you more. 
Even after he’s home, he’ll still write you a letter from time to time, usually at Christmastime or for your birthday in the summer. His letters are always talking about his favorite memories with you, and there’s always a paragraph at the end where he talks about how in love with you he is. It’s borderline poetry and it makes you cry every single time.
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GIF by balladofthe101st
Buck Compton
Basically just writes a list of questions for you to answer in every letter.
Wants to know everything about what’s going on at home. Especially sports teams.
Doesn’t write frequently, so sometimes it’s hard to feel like there’s a conversation happening. 
But he always includes sweet little notes about how much he’s thinking of you and how he’s counting down the days until he can hold you again, so you’re not complaining. 
Not the most poetic writer. Always says what he thinks and feels though. Completely honest and open. 
Does not tell you anything about the war. Basically ignores the entire thing. 
Sometimes you think about asking him about that, but you figure that he’s not talking about it for a reason, so you follow suit.
Calls you baby in his letters. 
Doesn’t actually say ‘I love you’ in his letters, although says everything else. Miss you baby. Dream about you all the time. When I get home, I’m putting a ring on your finger. 
One time he writes that he woke up last night out of a dream and swore I could taste you and it makes your toes curl.
You save that letter, tuck it in your underwear drawer. 
Signs his letters very simply: Buck. Sometimes he’ll put something in like until next time or I’ll write soon. But usually nothing super romantic or sentimental.
Doesn’t save your letters, but that really doesn’t bother you too much because all you wrote in them was basically just rambling details that Buck requested about your boring day-to-day. 
Buck’s always better in person than in writing - he’s a quality time and physical touch kind of guy - but you know that your letters were his only lifeline to normal during the war, and you’re just happy to have him back at all. 
He does surprise you one night when it’s really quiet in the house and you’re sitting on the couch together, each reading a book. He suddenly turns to you and says You know baby girl, your letters saved my sanity over there. It’s the most he’s really ever said about the war, but it’s enough, and you kiss him so he knows that you get it.  
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GIF by balladofthe101st
David Webster
Unsurprisingly, Web is probably the best letter writer in all of Easy Company. 
He helps a lot of the other guys write letters home, especially if they’re trying to say something important. Web just has a knack for words unlike any other. 
He writes a lot of letters home, not just to you, but to the rest of his family, his siblings, some of his friends, and definitely his professors. 
So because you’re close with Web’s family, you do get to read a lot of his writing. 
His letters to you are different though. They’re darker and a little less polished. Sometimes, they frighten you a little bit. Web talks about things you’re not you really understand - like how pointless death is, how empty it makes him feel to see his friends get KIA, how he carries around guilt about surviving this long like an anchor. 
Refers to you exclusively in his letters by your first name, his writing is always serious and somber and drenched with heavy emotions, so pet names just really don’t fit the vibe.
He quotes poetry and literature quite a bit when he writes. It all feels a bit Gothic, but you’ve always known that Web has found clarity in the world through books, so you don’t begrudge him a little poetic license.
Signs his letters Yours in perpetuity, David K. Webster. 
Asks you to send books. Sometimes he asks for something specific, but other times he’s happy to get whatever you pick out for him. Your tastes are different from his; you prefer to choose shorter, gentle pieces about life in the British countryside or Western adventure novels. Web would prefer Wadsworth or Hemingway, but he figures it’s probably in his best interests to read things that don’t tackle dark themes. You always tuck a letter for him into the first few pages. 
He doesn’t save your letters, per se, although he does save every single book you send to him. When he gets home, he puts them all up on the bookshelf in his office. Even though they’re beat up and stained and not at all fitting with the rest of his collection, they’re front and center. 
Sometimes he takes a stab at sketching in his letters. He’s not bad, either. You try to encourage him to take lessons when he gets home, which he never does. He secretly loves how much you love his drawings though.
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GIF by yourspeirs
Joe Liebgott
You definitely like to re-read his letters… again and again…
Not every letter is a dirty one. But most are. Or at least have a dirty section in them. 
You don’t know how this man makes you feel wanted from halfway around the world, but somehow he does. Lord knows you love a lot about your Joey, but you didn’t realize how good he was with words until you found yourself practically stalking the mailman, hoping for another delivery from Joe.
Uses a lot of pet names in his letters. Baby girl, Doll, Princess are some of his favorites. Literally never calls you by your name.
Always signs off with Your Joey. 
Even when Joe is clearly in a dark place, his letters are saturated with how much he needs you and how he can’t stop thinking about all the ways he’s going to have you when he gets home. 
When your mother finds one of Joey’s letters to you, she throws an absolute shit fit and freaks out that you’re sleeping with someone before you’re married. It takes a long time for you to convince her that you haven’t slept with Joey yet, you’re just… really into dirty talking.
She kinda chills after that but still looks at you suspiciously every time you get a letter from him.
She never tells your dad though, which makes you think maybe she’s more supportive of your relationship with him than you realized.
After working up the courage, you write Joe a letter that is so sinful you actually doubt whether you should send it in the mail, it just feels so wrong.
When I say this man goes crazy for that letter, it is an understatement. He is out of his mind and immediately writes you a reply telling you so. Basically begs you for more.
Even though your letters back and forth with Joe are pretty raunchy, there’s also a sweetness to them. He’s always sure to mention that This ain’t just all talk, Doll. When you’re Mrs. Liebgott, you’re gonna see exactly what I’ve been writing about. Which you know is still pretty dirty, but hey, he’s basically proposing to you, right?
You are not the least bit surprised to know that he kept your naughtiest letters when he finally gets home.
But, Joseph Liebgott is a man of his word, and even though he is clearly dying to and you’re practically begging him to, he doesn’t make good on all those dirty promises until after you’re wearing his ring.
Much to your delight, you find that he is just as good with actions as he is with words.
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luminouslywriting · 20 days
Can I request a BOB headcanon where you haven't been sleeping well recently and the boys begin to notice that you're a bit sleep deprived, please?
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^^Gif is not mine and belongs to yourspeirs^^
A/N: Hello darling! This is a great request and I'm super excited to get this out to you guys! School started today, I got to wear my vintage 1955 lipstick that I ordered, and I'm chillin! So enjoy!
Dick Winters:
-Honestly, he probably clocks it before you even realize that the exhaustion is setting in. He's someone who pays close attention to the little things and is going to encourage you to get some rest.
-And yes, this may be given in the form of an order if you don't listen to him at first
-But if he also realizes that you're having a hard time sleeping, he's going to have a few good ol' home remedies for such a situation
-There's this wonderful tea that he makes (if the resources are available), and it absolutely helps you relax right before you go to sleep. He's also more than happy to talk to you about plans for the future as you try to fall asleep if that will help.
Lewis Nixon:
-Haha, he's not getting any good rest either. But worry not, he's got a great solution 👀
-Yes, it's literally just: "You're having trouble sleeping? I'm having trouble sleeping? The solution clearly is that we sleep together. But literally, just sleep."
-He's a chronic cuddler and this is a great way for you to get comfortable and relax. If not, he's also more than happy to look for alternative means
-Otherwise, get comfy as he doesn't like to let go until late morning haha
Ronald Speirs:
-Is probably too busy to notice?? At least at first. If it's to a point that he's noticing it, then it's probably a definite problem and he's definitely going to just give you an order to go to sleep.
-And yes, he'd go to your superior officers about it or even to the medics and order you to have a nap
-He's not above using his position to ensure that you get the proper rest that you need
-Speirs cares...it's just in his own way and that means that he's going to do whatever it takes to ensure that you're feeling better :)
Buck Compton:
-Someone who picks up on it pretty quickly and gently prods about it. He's got all sorts of stories that he remembers from his history and literature classes in college that he can tell you about while you're trying to fall asleep
-He's also pretty attentive to figuring out if it's a noise issue or a light issue and finding ways to block out sound or help with the light.
-He's going to check in and make sure that the sleep is getting better and this is something that continues well after the war
-He remembers the little things :)
Carwood Lipton:
-A mother hen about the entire thing—he's out here clocking immediately that you're exhausted and not looking too good. He's worrying incessantly.
-He's not going to overstep his boundaries...but he might kindly suggest that you speak to the medics or to a superior officer about catching a few hours of rest
-Will check back in with you to see if you were able to rest. If you were, then great. If not...then he's going to be pulling out all the stops and is going to come and lay by you until you fall asleep.
-Literally the sweetest man to go to if you're sleep deprived.
Joe Liebgott:
-Doesn't really realize that it's a problem until you're probably swaying on your feet
-It's at this point that he's going to gracefully guide you over to a cot or somewhere that you can nap and is going to sweet talk you into getting the rest that you need
-Wants to know why you didn't tell him that you haven't been sleeping well lately....he just wants you to be okay and well rested
-Also might bribe you with some slightly dirty promises haha
Donald Malarkey:
-Has clocked this a while ago and is just patiently waiting for you to realize that you need to get some rest. He's very respectful of boundaries and wants you to make your own decisions.
-Is not above stealing some chocolate to bribe you into taking a nap haha
-Absolutely the type to encourage you to count sheep or stars to try and help you fall asleep
-Also a very good cuddler to help people fall asleep
Eugene Roe:
-The sweetest bestest man for this situation??? Like, listen, he gets it. This is also someone who is sleep deprived. However, he worries way more about you and your health.
-Will pull medical rank to ensure that you get your nap
-Also more than willing to sneak you something to make sure that you fall asleep haha
-But more than anything, he's the type of man to tell you old Cajun tales in his soft voice to get you sleepy
Bill Guarnere:
-Literally will point blank tell you to go take a nap
-Then in a much softer and sweeter tone, will swing his arm around you, and ask if he can take a nap with you
-He's very invested in making sure that you're well rested and is the type of man to bribe with food and other means to ensure that you listen to what your body needs—and that's sleep
-Will talk your ear off about what it's going to be like when you're sleep deprived after the war and WHY you're going to be sleep deprived. I promise it's for a much dirtier reason lol.
Joe Toye:
-Acts as though he himself is tired and needs to take a nap. And point blank asks if you'll help him fall asleep.
-This technique is sneaky and though you might pick up on it, it's the thought that counts here
-He's out here ensuring that you don't feel like you're stressing him out by doing this—and making you feel as though you're helping him just as much as he's helping you
-Honestly, this man is a 10/10 in this situation
George Luz:
-Makes you laugh so hard that you cry out of exhaustion and then asks you if you're tired so that you have to admit it
-At which point he just takes your hand and declares that you're going to take a nap and he's going to watch your back for you
-It's all very sweet and very Luz of him tbh
-Holds your hand until you're asleep and presses a kiss to your forehead
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bleedingcoffee42 · 1 month
The only thing I'm taking away from all of these new files is that the men of Easy company gossiped like a bunch of highschoolers.
And I love it.
THEY DID. And it doesn't help that Ambrose has an agenda for the interviews which is A)Talk shit about Sobel B)Tell me about Mr. Mysterious Ron Spears and I'll cut you off if you actually liked him C)Was Lewis Nixon always drunk? D) fangirl over Webster and try to get the guy he was interviewing to agree with him.
AND Then there was the reunion where some guys got a 13 chapter preview and others didn't. THEN the reunion when the book came out which is implied to be like a book club gone nuclear. And all the letters to Ambrose apologizing on behalf of their friends which means it got back to Ambrose somehow the boys were pissed.
AND MY FAVORITE BULLSHIT is the ye old screenshot of private conversations circa 1990s which was Ambrose photocopying everything and sending it to Winters and Winters immediately coming out of the unsuspected sender's mailbox with a folding chair to set them straight, with documentation. Dick sent Lip a nasty letter. Hit General Matheson with a frickin 'Maybe you're old and your memory is shit here is the map to refresh your memory' and the poor West Pointer from Fox company who tried to step in and say Henry Jones was super loved by his men when he died and he didn't remember the patrols going like that only to have Dick slap back. It's wild.
I don't know how these guys survived this book.
And Nix IS the smartest man ever for just Noping out of this bullshit. And Sparky is honestly super polite about it even though Dick goes into harassment territory to get him to talk to Ambrose/Show up for the reunion/get interviewed. I honestly think Ron's wife left the phone off the hook when they went to Montana because her husband already had major heart surgery and was talking he was on death's doorstep and talking to Dick more than likely got him riled up and had him popping blood pressure pills like TicTacs.
I do want to go back in time and fight Ambrose on Lipton's lawn. Chalk it up to an affront on my professionalism for how he conducts interviews. Plus how everyone tried to protect Compton, Ambrose even goes in saying 'I'm not sure how I'm going to write this' and then goes about it in the worst possible way so that his mailbox is filled with Letters of 'YOU CAN NOT PUT THIS IN PRINT'.
But up until this time, up until Ambrose stepped in, they were already all creating these different narratives of how things went down. 30 ft away in one foxhole dudes were probably gossiping.
Buck Taylor was the last one I read who sends Dick a letter and the gist of it it "So..I am not dead like the rumors say. I didn't die in a plane crash in the Pacific. I was working for the CIA. I have no idea where anyone got that?" NO IDEA EITHER man.
It's wild. I'm loving it.
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lizisodd · 4 months
We Stand Alone Together documentary thoughts:
I know all the men from lots of stalking research, but my family doesn't, and this documentary doesn't list their names at the begining. (They're listed later, but still. I'm whispering "that's Popeye, no that's not 'our' Buck.")
I hope all the unused footage is in the WWII museum vault. Frankly, I don't trust HBO — where are our deleted scenes?!
I could listen to Babe tell stories for a million years.
IRL Lipton vs Malarkey vs Hashey: Best Hair competition.
Shifty still looks so (relatively) young!
Dick Winters, I wish I could have attended one of your speaking engagements. The man knows how to give a speech!
Moe Alley getting stuck upside down in the plane and Paul Rogers having to roll him out would have been great to see.
Compton: trench knife ✅, canteen ✅, 6 candy bars ✅.
Shifty admiring the soldiers who had to land on the beach. 🥰
Winters doing his own scouting at Brecourt — of course!
Winters getting emotional over Popeye apologizing for getting hit. 🥹 He loves those men so much!
Would have LOVED to see Guarnere's and Martin's tattoo adventure.
As much as I love Replacements and Crossroads, the documentary does a lot better job of explaining Market-Garden.
This doc does the impossible: makes me love Joe Toye even more.
Bill and Babe back in Bastogne could have been its own doc. And how great to see Bill, aged 80, moving so swiftly on his crutches in the woods.
BULL! Sister-in-law and I are very glad to see him, wish he was in more of the doc.
Lip getting teary remembering Guarnere getting hit. 😢 And then Malarkey not being able to talk about it! 😭😭😭
Lots of cheering for Easy's drunken exploits! 😆
I wonder what valuables Easy looted from the Eagle's Nest are going to find their way back to Germany once their grandkids and great-grandkids inherit them and realize some may have been originally looted from Jewish families. Shifty and McLung talking about the Rembrandts they passed over ...
So weird IRL!Winters kept the pistol from the German officer, but show!Winters let him keep it.
Winters made $75/week at Nixon Nitration, which is about $1,300 today. That's good money! I need to research what the average salary was in 1946.
Shifty's kids call him "Shifty" ... With a nickname that good, why use "Dad"?
Tipper! So glad you lived. Absolutely crazy your daughter is practically my age.
Fuck Marvel credit scenes, all movies should end with Babe singing over the credits.
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dtmsrpfcringe · 1 month
Oh! I'm dying to listen Anna lifeless voice, just like in Sandman. Anna can't act is just a fact, and she only get a job with some help, this time was Georgia
oh! I’m dying for you to shut the fuck up!!!
you do know she was an actor and model before Michael correct? She talks also about rewatching frost/nixon for a play and moved to New York from Sweden. Ten bucks says you saw a few episodes of staged and are now convinced you know everything! Oh goody! I love dealing with morons!!!
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OK!!!! I'm not going to put everything in here because I don't want this post to end up HUGE (EDIT: this post ended up massive anyway), so I'll talk about the main components and some stuff I like, and if people want me to go more in-depth and discuss other side characters I will.
Tagging people who commented on the original post in case y'all want to read @latibvles @fearlessjones
Herbert Sobel is the original captain of HMS Erebus - he is the Sir John Franklin figure, he's incompetent, and whilst many of his higher-ups know he is ultimately not suited to such an expedition, they let him lead anyway because they like him, and they hope he will finally get some glory amongst all his failure. However, perhaps his key flaw is his keen dislike for the captain of the HMS Terror, Richard Winters.
Ok, I KNOWWWW people are gonna think that Nixon would be a better fit for this role, because he arguably resembles Crozier much more, but WAIT. For those of you who haven't read the book, it is said that the HMS Erebus has absolutely NO alcohol in its stores because Franklin does not drink. If this is the case here too, and Lewis Nixon is stuck as Sobel's commander, this will send him insane over time. Nixon and Winters are very competent leaders, so for this AU to work I need to break them, and what better way than to weaken Nix from months of withdrawal at sea with Captain Fucking Sobel? Combine this with Winters refusal to indulge him with his own alcohol stores, and now there's a wedge driven between the two before they're even stranded.
But even so, Winters needs something that will impede his own leadership, and for him, I think that's his sense of responsibility for his men. Winters is always striving to find a solution that will cause the least amount of damage to his men - he wants them safe, and he doesn't care if they have to turn this ship around and head home to do it. But he can't. By the time they get stuck in the ice, there is no possible solution he can come up with that won't result in his men's suffering or even loss of life, and this leaves him jaded, wearing him down as the situation becomes even more dire and he has to watch more and more of his men killed by the cold, sickness, and the Tuunbaq. This will get to him, and it will impede his ability to think rationally.
Right, now for the Lieutenants. On HMS Terror, you have First Lieutenant Harry Welsh, Second Lieutenant Buck Compton, and Third Lieutenant Henry Jones. Whilst Welsh and Compton are very competent, much like their captain, Jones has risen through the ranks due to little more than wealth and connections. Whilst he could not purchase his commission, his family manage to pull the right strings, and now he's here with very little experience and absolutely NO respect from the men, already making way for the system of leadership to be undermined before things ever get serious.
On the HMS Erebus, Captain Sobel (And eventually Captain Nixon, once Sobel is killed) have First and Second Lieutenants Ronald Speirs and Carwood Lipton. These two are excellent in a crisis, and when the crew becomes despaired as Sobel's incompetency and Nixon's declining health as a result of his withdrawal, they are given the heavy burden of trying to raise morale and keep the men's trust as the situation grows ever more dire.
Chief Surgeon of the HMS Terror Eugene Roe has gotten a lotttt more than he bargained for with this expedition. Yes, he takes his job seriously, and yes, he came here to help people, but more than anything he just wanted to be a part of something real, to see the Passage with his own eyes and know he had helped to make a difference. But now his surgery is crammed with victims of the Tuunbaq and men displaying very unusual symptoms that he doesn't quite understand. He's losing sleep and he's losing hope, and he doesn't know quite how to cope with the knowledge that he isn't as good as he thought, and he truly cannot save these men.
Captain's Steward David Webster believes he's made for more than this. He's educated, no small feat when half the men on the Terror can scarcely even read, and he feels his skills are wasted running around after Captain Winters. But he comes from a high-ranking Naval family, and if he ever wants to make something of himself there's little option but to work his way through it unless he wants to be stuck doing this forever. As time passes, he begins to grow bitter at his position, which is why when Caulker Roy Cobb begins disparaging Winters' leadership, his words begin to make sense to Webster.
I've planned roles for all of the notable characters in BoB but I do not want to write a fucking novel on this post, so please let me know if you want to see more!
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ailendolin · 6 months
Yes! Absolutely about the humanitarian mission! After everything Buck had been through the first time he flies again it’s to bring help to people. And the same for Rosie after what he had just saw. It just lifted their spirits so much! And the adorable wonder and joy on Kenny’s face! Their smiles were great. Probably my favorite seen in the whole series.
And Doc Roe has always been my fave on BoB along with Winters. Bastogne is my most rewatched episode because of Gene. I think I like Winters for the same reason I like Buck. They have such shy and quiet demeanors(which I can personally relate too) but they are amazing leaders(which I cannot relate to! LOL!) And they both care so much about the people around them. Buck agreeing to escape just to keep Bucky from doing something even more dangerous. Winters trying to run out into the battle to lead Easy Company when the incompetent leader was getting so many of the people he still saw as his men killed. Was so relieved when he sent Spiers out to lead them and they had a good leader again.
Embarrassingly enough I’ve never seen the Pacific. As far as I know it’s never been available anywhere for free to watch it.
Again, thank you for taking the time to reply! I’ve really enjoyed talking to you! I don’t know if I will ever be brave enough to come off anon or interact more but it has been a pleasure discussing MOTA and BoB with you!
I'm still so glad they gave Ken that moment in the final episode! Ever since I've read that part in Crosby's book where he's talking about basically everyone who wanted to getting to fly by the end of the war, I was hoping they would use that to show us Ken flying. It was a beautiful way to bring his little character arc full circle.
I can definitely see the Winters and Buck parallels though I personally think BoB did a better job at setting up Winters & Nixon's friendship than MotA did with the Buckys. Then again, many things in MotA were rushed and all characters' relationships suffered from that (except Crosby and Sandra's, and I'll never understand why they devoted so much time to that when Jean 'I'll write my husband extra letters so he'll never have to go a day without one' Crosby was right there ...).
You should give The Pacific a try, anon! I know many people never really got into it because it was so different from BoB but personally, I think it's worth watching for the Peleliu arc alone. Those three episodes are absolutely incredible (and if you like Winters and Buck, wait till you meet Andy Haldane). I have to admit I struggled a lot with following the plot the first time I watched it because I had next to no knowledge about the PTO at the time. But rather than getting frustrated by that I took it as an incentive to learn about that part of the war - and for that reason alone it will always have a special place in my heart because it opened a whole new chapter of history for me. The show "suffers" from the same problems MotA does - time jumps, focusing on a handful of characters from different units rather than a whole group, battles being hard to distinguish from each other - but it's incredibly well made and definitely worth a watch.
I've been enjoying talking to you too, anon! Doesn't matter if you'll ever come off anon or not - the important thing is that you have a good time in fandom :)
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
Cast your mutuals as Easy Company >:)
Ooh, thank you Anon!! This is gonna be so fun!!
(I have a lot of mutuals so the cast list will be under the cut for the sake of convenience!)
(Also, I'm so sorry in advance if I forgot anybody!! My PTSD has really fucked up my memory so this was just off the top of my head💀)
In No Particular Order:
♥ Dick Winters ~ @iambasilgnome You are the most dedicated & on-top-of-things person I know & if anyone has the makings of our fearless leader, it'd be you! Not to mention, Dick is soooo much funnier than we give him credit for! (Was this also an excuse to write your URL? Yes, yes it was. 😆)
♥ Lewis Nixon ~ @lieutenant-speirs Snarky, self-destructive king fighting his demons & forging lifelong bonds of friendship along the way! Speaks for itself 🤌🏼
♥ Bill Guarnere~ @latibvles The chaos is unparalleled & you never fail to make everyone laugh but also, like Bill, you are extremely talented at what you do & great at bringing people together!! Also those specifically Northern vibes 🤌🏼
♥ Eugene Roe ~ @softguarnere You are the sweetest, most caring soul who is always there to lend a supportive ear & a helping hand, but you also won't hesitate to speak up when necessary!
♥ Babe Heffron ~ @mccall-muffin You are always so full of positivity & are absolutely hilarious! So full of love & loyalty, you make everyone feel like they're your best friend!
♥ Carwood Lipton ~ @holdingforgeneralhugs You are so warm & kind & such a vital part of the fandom but you consistently underestimate your own contributions!
♥ Ronald Speirs ~ @brassknucklespeirs You come off as intimidating at first but when you begin to open up, we get to see the heart of gold underneath!
♥ Don Malarkey ~ @indigo-luvers You're both talkative & sensitive, working through trauma, natural leaders who needs to take care of themself too!! It just made sense to me
♥ Skip Muck~ @bellewintersroe The natural choice as you're both exuberant, upbeat, & generous to a fault with a fantastic sense of humor!
♥ Skinny Sisk ~ @chaosklutz Dude was literally chaos incarnate & I respect that about both him & you for that 🤣🤌🏼
♥ Buck Compton ~ @hxad-ovxr-hxart You both attract friends super easily but also have a tendency to get drained bc you're a sensitive soul who cares a lot about what goes on around them!
♥ Shifty Powers ~ @aerokriegs So kindhearted & far too modest when it comes to your abilities!
♥ Smokey Gordon ~ @sleepisforcowards Both of y'all are sweet, funny, & extraordinarily creative! The vibes are immaculate tbh
♥ George Luz ~ @parajumpboots Literally so many fantastic memes cross my dash because of you, pls consider this my thank-you note 😆
♥ Harry Welsh ~ @wwhatev3r You are so kindhearted, down-to-earth & dedicated to those you care about but you're also absolutely Hilarious, primarily in a sarcastic way!
♥ David Webster ~ @vibing-away Literally so nice & I feel like you definitely have at least one (1) cool shark fact!
♥ Ralph Spina ~ @ourmiraclealigner So apparently Spina was only a Private when he became one of the medics so like you, dude had A LOT on his plate but still managed to make it all work somehow!
♥ Floyd Talbert ~ @auroralightsthesky Floyd is not only a sweetheart and super friendly but also a smut king & an animal lover so I see it!!🤌🏼
♥ Frank Perconte ~ @ax-elcfucker-blog Hilarious but also sweet, chaotic good vibes!!
♥ Johnny Martin ~ @rogue-durin-16 Literally such a cool person with a unique sense of humor! Too cool!
♥ Alton More ~ @multifandomlover01 You seem super cool & really nice but alas, I am Shy-ish & keep forgetting to introduce myself 💀
♥ Pat Christenson ~ @cody-helix02 You're both very artistically-gifted and creative; idk, I just see it!
Thank you so much for the Ask, Anon!! 💖
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Dispatches from GDC 2024 Day 1
Oh boy! Baby's first GDC! A short hike through beautiful San Francisco and I'm there, one of the greatest gatherings of designers, developers, engineers, and business experts in the games industry this side of the Pacific Ocean. I'm among my people, the next chapter of my professional life is about to begin.
Wait, no. This is still Yerba Buena Gardens and market center. I go out to the sky bridge and look out to my right, I can see the banners on the posts and people moving but where's ...?
That's Moscone* Center, in the opposite direction I was looking. It's a huge building, and that's just the South Hall. After collecting my badge (thank you to Valencia, who was working the booth) I am compelled to wander. I arrived too late in the morning to attend the 9:30AM sessions, I'm stuck in conference limbo until I can figure out where I want to be and when I want to be there. This must be why people plan their schedules out ahead of time.
Fast forward to 2:40PM and I'm finally attending my first session of my first GDC, "The Strange Within The Familiar How Once Human Designed Its Supernatural Open World" w/ presenter Peng "Victoria" Sun, here on behalf of Netease Games and Starry Studio. Once Human is an open world shooter, they're planning for a Q3 2024 release. Seems kind of strange to have a presentation on a game that doesn't have a release date yet, but hey: what do I know? Peng Sun's thesis is combining a mundane object with a supernatural quality is a good formula for producing content. Once Human originally had zombies as an entry level critter for players to take shots at, which Peng concedes is underwhelming. But give that zombie a theater spotlight for a head and suddenly we have the watcher. The monsters are really lovely, there's an undead plane that flaps its wings like a bird, there's a haunted bus that walks on big, ghoulish arms. I can't help but feel like this was an extended advertisement for the game, but who can blame them. Everybody's gotta make a buck.
Okay next talk, "Digital Thriving in a Post-Pandemic World: A Pro-Social Blueprint"; moderator Matt Lee, panelists Charly Harbord, PhD; Elizabeth Kilmer, PhD; Tim Nixon, not a PhD but I don't hold that against you Tim; Attila Szantner, who I'm pretty sure has a doctorate; and Kimberly Voll, who is also a Dr.. I wonder if they offer college credit for attending this session. Digital thriving is an important idea, facilitating virtual spaces where people can be their full, authentic selves. Dr. Kilmer points out this perspective on games as virtual habitats is great because instead of a bare minimum (well no one got death threats on our server this week so I call that a win!) it's a most positive outcome approach** to developing social games. What if we designed worlds that could help people be there best selves?
It's a great panel of very smart people, but eventually time is up. After an hour of talking about ways to make your game space a welcoming environment for everyone it's time for the post-talk off site. And what better social space than Tequila Mockingbird, a local bar.
I walk out of South Hall for the last time that day, torn between whether to go get drunk with GDC or head back to the hotel. The sun is going down, it's getting chilly, and I didn't pack a jacket. I do a web search for "flip a coin" and let google tell whether I should "Heads" back to the hotel or listen to more "Tails" at a tequila bar. The website tells me it's heads, so I start making the trek homeward. I don't really want to be out after dark.
Footnotes (feetnotes? anyway)
1 The "e" at the end is phonetic, you say it aloud
2 "Most positive outcome approach" is my phrasing, not Dr. Kilmer's. I think she put it much more eloquently.
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 2 years
Hey. You're the only person on here who I feel like I can talk about thus with, so I have a country music question for ya!
We know that Willie was really the first "outlaw" country artist because he basically gave the finger to Nashville and went on creating his music. But because outlaw country isn't a sound rather than a movement, would you consider Johnny Cash an outlaw? He may not have officially created the genre but he had been doing what he wanted for a long time (like relasing the native American ballads, singing Sunday morning coming down as written, and singing what is truth to Nixon ect). Then not to mention his later years whith the American recordings he straight up sang whatever he wanted on those albums.
So I guess I'm asking who do you consider to be the father of outlaw country, and would you consider Cash to be apart of that genre despite the fact that so much of his career followed the mainstream record producers?
I always love seeing your take on country music, and I have yet to see someone else on this app that knows as much about it as you do!
Oh, my favorite subject!
I’d say you can’t say there’s a father of outlaw country. This is going to get kind of long, so please bear with me.
The agreed upon history is that the term “outlaw” was coined by Hazel Smith — who worked at the studio Waylon frequented — to describe Waylon’s music. So i guess if you had to say there was a “first,” it’d be Waylon, if that’s what you go by. But I don’t think that’s a correct understanding of this movement either.
I refuse to refer to outlaw country as a “subgenre.” I flat out refuse. Because outlaw country is country music that’s made going “outside of the written law of Nashville,” if we’re using the definition from the lady who is believed to have coined the term. That means outlaws have always existed since the establishment of the industry and still exist to this day. And there are many ways to make music that fits that definition. The term simply wasn’t coined until the 70s.
Also I’m just gonna nix the idea right now that outlaw country should be defined sonically or lyrically. There was not one distinct sound, and the individual catalogs of Waylon and Willie are enough to prove that. But it can’t be defined lyrically either. Someone isn’t an outlaw for singing about outlaw behavior. Songs about jail go back to Jimmie Rodgers at the genesis of country music. Outlaw also isn’t defined by the lifestyle of an artist because that quite frankly has nothing to do with the music. We’re talking about music here. If we’re defining it by lifestyle, it not only misses the point, but also damn near everyone in Nashville in the 60s was an outlaw then.
What then happened after the term became popular was an explosive moment around the term and the term itself. “Outlaw” was a very apt and buzzy word to describe those bucking Nashville’s system. So Waylon capitalized on the term. He grew his hair out and started wearing western hats and vests and painted himself in the image of a western outlaw in pop culture. Willie did the same. And then they put out one of the most iconic albums in country music history: Wanted! The Outlaws. This album played off the images of a wanted poster for outlaws in the old west. And it worked. This album didnt “start” the outlaw movement, it just played into the movement and brought it to the mainstream of pop culture. Everything they did played into the image of “outlaw” to the point that they became synonymous with the term. I mean Waylon and Jessi were so committed to the western lore (her words, not mine) of their family that it was the reason behind them nicknaming their son Shooter.
So in popular consciousness, “outlaw country” usually means 70s Waylon, Willie, and those other artists closely associated with them during that time like Billie Jo Shaver or Johnny Paycheck or Tompall Glaser. So for sake of basic understanding, I usually refer to “the outlaws” as such artists. But I personally feel like that undermines what outlaw means, as defined earlier.
And since I mentioned Tompall Glaser, I should also mention that the 70s outlaw movement does not happen without him. He had the same story as Willie and Waylon — in the business for years but never was respected as an artist nor incredibly successful. While Willie gave the finger to Nashville by relocating to Texas, Tompall did it by starting his own studio and publishing company in Nashville. That studio is the one Waylon spent most of his time as an outlaw, and the building became a hub for other frustrated artists who were tired of Nashvilles rigid rules. He is very much a central figure in the outlaw movement.
All this is to say that I would say Johnny Cash is an outlaw at heart, but he’s not an Outlaw. He’s an outlaw if you go by the definition, but he’s not an outlaw if you go by the popular understanding. By the common understanding, cash came before then. While he was still around, his heyday wasn’t in the 70s. He was before that. He was an outlaw before the outlaw movement. But I’d say many people belong in that category, such as the Bakersfield boys. Though, many people do consider Merle to be an outlaw, but for the wrong reasons. Those reasons being everything I already nixed.
But Johnny cash is an interesting one because *controversial opinion alert* I have a hard time even classifying some of his music as country. I do for the sake of communication, and because some of his music definitely was country. But the man got his start at Sun Records in Memphis, which is where people like Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis got their start. And Sam Phillips was a very hands- on producer who kept cash in line with this new sound that worked. Cash had obvious country roots but with rock n roll sensibilities. Take all that and combine it with the fact they were crappy* musicians, Johnny cash developed a very distinct sound that had never been created before and honestly hasn’t been emulated since. Johnny Cash is impossible to pigeon hole into a genre. The music Johnny Cash played was simply Johnny Cash. He really is his own genre. But after he moved to Columbia, I would say his music was decidedly more country. And he definitely had the outlaw’s mindset during the 60s with his music. Plus, he already had a bit of notoriety as a “rebel” because of his early association with rockabilly. So I do feel like cash definitely has earned the title of an outlaw. He’s just not an ~ outlaw ~
Nashville needed a shake up. Johnny Cash did that. But he’s not the father of outlaw country. People were bucking the system before him. He just did it the most aggressively and successfully before the outlaw movement, after which it became cool and successful to be considered an outlaw. Many followed in those footsteps though until a whole wave of artists giving the finger to Nashville — which was growing ever poppier and ever materialistic by the day — and caused an entire movement that defined the 70s. And of those who existed during the wave of the movement, I’d give credit to Waylon or Tompall before I even do to Willie just because of where the storm of that movement came from.
*johnny cash and his band were notoriously bad musicians. Their sound came to be simply because they couldn’t play anything else. But this an example of a curse being a blessing, because the very simple yet distinctive style of picking is what made them so popular and made them so pleasant to listen to, but it never would’ve come if not by way of necessity.
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
Band of brothers headcannon ,somehow somebody told them u were cheating on them and they get super angry or depressed but then they discover it's not true, in a way or another.
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An angsty request? Nonny, I'm not sure if you know this, but I live in angst and pain and prefer writing this sort of stuff haha! So keep sending in the angsty headcanon requests, because I'm SO down! Requests are open!
Cut for length, light spice in some, angst under the cut, picking on Webster at least once for no reason haha:
Dick Winters:
-It's not necessarily that someone told him that you were cheating as much as it was implied through subtext and he does NOT deal well with that at all.
-But he's not super vocal about it??? Like, he's the type of man who would rather just talk to you about things than let rumors lie in wait and spiral.
-It doesn't stop him from worrying about if he's done something wrong to push you away until you're able to finally talk.
-And when you do talk, there's this massive relief that you were just getting another job and talking with a superior about it—nothing malicious or mean of the sort.
-Please just reassure this man that he's the love of your life. He's a fairly secure man, but this was rough emotionally and he never accused you of anything but that doesn't mean that he wasn't worried for a second there.
-It definitely becomes a laughing point in your relationship later on.
Lewis Nixon:
-Listen, this man has NOT had good luck when it comes to women or relationships in his lifetime. So when you're a little busier than normal and out longer than normal, he can't help but spiral.
-He takes these fears to some of his friends (not Winters though, because that man would tell him to screw his head on straight haha), and they somehow get it in his head that you're cheating on him
-Cue the downward spiral of drinking and being depresso-expresso yet again
-So when you come home and you've been working extra hours to get a surprise for him—because all you wanted to do was afford a dog on your own wages rather than Lew's money—and he's all emotional and upset—it's a rough situation
-Arguments are had and feelings are hurt. So when he sobers up and realizes that you were just trying to do something sweet for him, he's hurrying to apologize in a big grand romantic gesture sort of a way.
-Moral of the story? Don't surprise him, he'll assume something else is going on or start some sort of conspiracy theory about it haha
Ronald Speirs:
-Someone starts the rumors maliciously because they had a crush/feelings for you and it gets around pretty quickly....and the thing about the entire situation is that he's unfazed? -Like this is the man who people-watches and reads people really well. He's fairly certain that he'd know if you were cheating on him lol.
-That being said, when the rumors finally make their way over to YOU, you shut them down and go to talk to him.
-He's really patient and sweet about the entire thing—because of course he knows you weren't cheating on him, but you're apologizing because of the rumors and he's just wanting to be there for you because that's a rough reputation to have going around tbh.
-Speirs is so secure in the relationship and the way that you feel about him. If not for the declaration of love, then certainly for the way that you are screaming his name later that evening lol.
-Also definitely finds the root of the rumor and uses intimidation to make them back off—no more problems like that for you two ever again.
Buck Compton:
-He's shocked and baffled as to what he's hearing and he's going through everything in his mind trying to figure out where he went wrong. Has he upset you? Were you two not close? What happened anyway?
-He gets real quiet about things when he sees you next because he's trying to figure out how to express what he's feeling.
-And there's definitely some distance on his part and so when he finally comes to you and just asks about the entire thing, YOU'RE just as baffled as he is.
-So reassure him, give him cuddles, attention, verbal affirmation that he's the only man for you, and he'll be secure in no time at all
-But also, realize that it's now going to be a lingering fear of his that you'll leave him for someone else. So be on watch and on guard for any feelings like that re-emerging over time.
-Communication and showing love is going to be big in patching things up.
Carwood Lipton:
-Heart shattered and in disbelief the minute that he sees you hugging another man that he does not recognize.
-He doesn't necessarily want to confront you and have a nasty argument about it, but his jealousy is certainly spiking quite a bit. This leads to him pulling away from the relationship.
-And then the minute that you introduce him to your cousin who has been fighting down in the Pacific for the past few years?? It all clicks into place and he suddenly feels very silly.
-Shamefully admits this to you later when it's just you two alone. And he feels really bad that he even doubted your feelings and intentions.
-But tell him that he's the one, demand that he give you a family—all will be solved by morning haha
-It becomes a running joke in your family for years to come.
Joseph Liebgott:
-JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS—he knows that you have lots of guy friends and that you get along well with HIS friends. But let's be honest, it's probably Webster who suggests that maybe you're a little TOO close to some of his friends.
-And so the ugly side of his jealousy rears it's head and he's getting all possessive and kind of controlling in some ways
-Confronting him is going to be the simplest and easiest route to handle this entire situation
-It's going to be a few arguments later that he realizes that he's really messed up by accusing you of sleeping with one of his friends. But he does come to you and genuinely apologize for his words.
-Yes, this is something you and said friend are going to hold over his head for the rest of your relationship lol.
-And yes, Webster may have gotten punched by you for planting the idea in sweet Joe's head.
Donald Malarkey:
-Listen, this man pays no mind to rumors. But when the rumors involve you and another man? He tends to pay attention. He doesn't believe what he's hearing at all.
-Definitely runs to talk to you immediately about the rumors and isn't sure what to make of your reaction—shocked, of course.
-Your reassurances calm him down and a cuddle session immediately will help him feel much better
-He's definitely going to bring you flowers the next time that he sees you out of guilt lol
-Tries to be more confident in the relationship after that because you promised him that he's the only man for you
-Also attempts to quell rumors with his friends because he's fiercely defensive over you and your honor.
Eugene Roe:
-Soft man here is in love with you to the point of self-destruction, okay?? So when he comes to see you in the medic tent and finds another man kissing you, he's immediately hurt and heart is shattered.
-What he doesn't know is that that was a patient who just kissed you and you had to literally slap the man to get him off of you. So Gene here is in his feels and upset about things.
-When you come to see him and he doesn't really want to talk, you're so confused and he gets really emotional about the entire thing. It's a whole messy argument of you trying to explain what happened.
-And then of course after he's had some time to process the entire thing, he feels just awful for not listening to you or understanding the situation
-He comes to you with a really sincere and soft apology, possibly some chocolate in hand to help his case, and tells you how much you mean to him
-Is it the first time he admits that he loves you? Absolutely. And this certainly leads to the best makeout session of your life haha.
Bill Guarnere:
-Throws hands the minute that someone tells him you're cheating on him. He doesn't believe the rumors for one freakin' minute.
-So when you have to patch him up after some injuries and you're demanding to know why and he angrily explains that it's about you, it's a whole mess.
-You're sitting there trying to explain that you would NEVER, and he KNOWS that so he's just mad that someone would spread the rumors anyway
-This just leads to the two of you being more annoying with PDA haha
-And having a really noisy session of sex where you're both just being so vocal about your love for one another
-Yes, everyone knows that this just strengthened your relationship.
Joe Toye:
-He hears it around the guys in the base—the thing is?? It's an old rumor about some guy that you had kissed BEFORE you were with Joe.
-He gets real quiet and sullen about the entire thing, almost a pouty behavior that leaves you with your head spinning because where is all of THIS behavior coming from??
-It takes a few days of this behavior before he's ready to talk about it and then you're attempting to explain that it's an old flame and that your feelings are solely for Joe now
-In fact, seducing him might just be the move because then he's super smug about the entire thing.
-He might even go and talk to the ex to see if HE has any feelings for you left. And yes, some intimidation might be in order to get him to leave the rumors alone because you and Joe are together now.
-You warn him not to act all pouty like that again though—it was NOT it for you two haha
George Luz:
-Bamboozled, shocked, dismayed, all five stages of grief—but mostly in disbelief
-He's immediately going to shade the hell out of whoever was spreading the rumor even BEFORE he goes to talk to you about the entire thing
-Super down on himself and joking about how he's messed up the entire relationship because clearly you're cheating—and GIRL, you better shut that down NOW
-Please just give him a grand gesture of love yourself and shade him a little bit for even thinking like that??
-Honestly, if you say you're down for marriage, problem solved and this man will never bring it up again—except for maybe in the speeches at the wedding lol
-Is convinced you're even more beautiful when you're shading him for being stupid and believing rumors haha
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Hey! I'm sorry if you've already written something about this, but what about how the Easy Co. men would react to someone flirting with their significant other/crush? Thanks in advance! Hope you have a lovely day 😊❤
Richard Winters:
Richard is probably the most mature out of this entire situation. He knows at the end of the day you and his and you won’t be looking at anyone else. However, if the person flirting with you refuses to stop then he might just stop them one day by the arm, whispering in a sharp tone as they walk past each other, “If you like your position here, I suggest you start to keep yourself more in line.”
Lewis Nixon:
Nixon finds the situation absolutely hilarious. Please, you think she would want you? Take a hike pal. He doesn’t do anything cause honestly he doesn’t feel threatened. That is, until they start pointing out all the things wrong with Nix. Now you’ve rubbed him the wrong way. He would this person into a room alone and just put it simply, “Alright listen. Y/N loves me and I love them and you are not gonna be the person who ruins it no matter how much you try. So next I hear you running your mouth, I sock you in it.”
Carwood Lipton:
Sweet, sweet man. He says nothing. Partly because he’s a little nervous about it but also because he knows you’re not interested in anyone else. Lip does do little things though, like slip his hand into yours when their around, make sure he always keeps an eye on you when they try to slip in and talk to you, all little stuff. If you ask him about it, he’s a little embarrassed to admit he feels kinda threatened but once you reassure him he gets over it...doesn’t mean he stops his little warnings though.
Ronald Speirs:
WHO would even try this? We all know Speirs know of his rumors and he knows most of them aren’t true. But...if this person thought they were? That was fine with him. He puts on his toughest face when they are around, tries to be or look threatening and man does it work. When this person comes around, Speirs stands up real tall and wraps an arm around your shoulder. “Oh, who are you? I don’t believe I know your name.” If you call him out on it, he’ll totally deny it but he’s blushing.
Harry Welsh:
What a hoot!! Don’t they know you guys are practically married already? Like a minuscule little problem like them would ever cause a problem. He is not worried a single bit, in fact he teases you about it. “Oh look your admirer is coming over.” “Your boyfriend wants to say hi, I’ll go over here and let him believe he has a chance.” He thinks it’s so funny and you try not to laugh and punch his arm playfully. If you ever actually began to feel uncomfortable about this person then he confronts them, but super friendly, like a dad would honestly.
Denver 'Bull' Randleman:
Gets the giggles. In a way, think Ron Swanson. It’s cute, they think they can get in the way of you too. Anytime this person comes around and Bull is with you, he just cocks his head and smiles. Oooooh he can’t wait to see what they come up with. But how can someone not be intimidated by him? That’s because he really is a giant teddy bear. When this person refuses to give up though, the smile drops and he stands up straight. Ah, now he’s a grizzly bear. “Ya know, I’m getting a little tired of you.”
Joe Toye:
Won’t let it go on, not even for a second. The second a flirt happens, that eyebrow gets cocked and he confronts them before they can even THINK about trying it again. He is not someone who let’s things go. pull out the brass knuckles pls. They try one thing and suddenly a hand is curled around the collar of their shirt. “Back off or I knock you so hard you lose the ability to speak.”
George Luz:
He just bullies him honestly. Teases this person to no end. They will not get away with trying to flirt with you. He makes fun of them, calls them out on everything, all in playful manner....maybe. Honestly he doesn’t ever stop until you tell him to. He whines about it but takes what you say to heart. He pulls the person aside and puts it plain and simple, “Alright bud, this has been fun and everything but seriously. Lay off my girl, she’s not interested, and frankly neither am I.”
Eugene Roe:
Pouty boy, he notice it immediately and becomes very quiet. He will never mention it to this person but he does bring it up to you. You reassure him constantly and honestly it takes him a bit to believe you. He had a small thought in the back of his head that you would meet someone more suave and leave him behind. this is getting too sad moving on. You most likely are gonna have to be the one to tell this person off. Now if they don’t get the hint, Eugene is bound to snap. “Alright alright maN BACK OFF.”
Joseph Liebgott:
Not to be cliche....but he’s going in swinging. He’s not even gonna let him get the chance. Anyone even gives you e y e s and he is not letting it happen. “You watch yourself man, I’m not gonna take any shit especially from someone like you.” Easy to say, they will not be trying it again, unless they want another black eye and busted lip. Liebgott doesn’t mind dishing it out once more.
Lynn 'Buck' Compton:
Calls them out on it. They probably do it when he’s not around because man is Buck a firecracker. That also means he has ears, everywhere. He is well liked among the men so when they hear what this person is trying to do, of course it gets back to him. He doesn’t ever talk to them until they approach you yet again. This is his time. He strides up to you, wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you right against his side. “Well I heard you’ve been flirting with my darling but I just had to see it with my own eyes. And now that I have, I can assume it won’t happen again, am I right?”
Donald Malarkey:
Get’s with his boys Skip and Alex about it. They scope out the area. Honestly they seem like twelve year old boys playing ninjas. This person probably gets annoyed enough to stop to be honest. Anytime they try to talk to you, Skip is hiding behind a tree. Alex is peeping from his foxhole. Malarkey is eyeing him from across the way. It’s enough to get this person to back off and also not create a huge deal.
Warren 'Skip' Muck:
Pouty! He is the narrow eyes, pouty lips, glare at this person kinda man. He instantly feels threatened. You wouldn’t leave him of course but the fact that this person is even TRYING? Unacceptable. Period. He marches right up to him, “Hey man, that’s my girlfriend and you’re gonna back off alright? I don’t wanna deal with you and neither does she so just leave her alone...or else.” he baby
Alex Penkala:
Will not leave your side. He might seem like a little puppy but honestly, he doesn’t care. Whatever it takes to make this person get the hint. PDA is usually toned down between you two but when this person comes around? Guess what!! I wanna give you a thousand cheek kisses! Aww, I should hug you from behind and lean my chin on your shoulder the e n t i r e time you talk to this person. Easy to say, they get the picture.
Bill Guarnere:
Scoffs a bit, Hm. This is funny. Their trying to be funny right? They aren’t seriously trying this right? He literally laughs in their face. Now if they try it a g a in then it’s threatening time. Slams them into a wall, no real concern with how loud it is, whose in the room, if they get hurt. “I should break your face right this second but I’m feeling nice so take this as your warning and stay the hell back.”
Darrell 'Shifty' Powers:
He takes a gentle approach. He does confront them but in a friendly sort of way? He honestly doesn’t notice this person flirting with you, he only notices you. Shifty thinks that the guys are just friendly, you would have to be the one to bring it up. Once you do he’s like ‘Aw. Well I’ll take care of it for you.’ He talks them in the sense of like “Hey man, my girlfriend is a little uncomfortable around you and I love her alot so could you leave her alone?” If the dude is sensible, he’ll back off. If not, the boys who are protective over Shifty will take over.
Frank Perconte:
FIGHT HIM FIGHT HIM! He’s an angry little gremlin and he will not stop until he is in their face and spitting and yelling! It’s honestly kinda funny. don’t tell him that though. He would most likely hear about this person from you and storms off, he is gonna tell them off and he’s gonna do it now! This person would back off most likely because of how weirdly uncomfortable he is having this person poke him in the chest and jump up and down like a crazy person. But hey, whatever get’s the point across right?
Edward 'Babe' Heffron:
Babe catches wind of this from Bill and then takes time to watch this guy. He is calculated with it. If this person usually bothers you around a certain time or certain place, he cuts them off one day. “Oh hey guy, where ya headed? Off to meet my girlfriend?” It’s funny to see them freeze up. “Yeah I would quit now if I were you, or I could continue to bother you everywhere you go. Your choice.” And off he goes to meet with you and tell him all about his meeting.
Chuck Grant:
Takes it like a order or mission. Ah just something that has to be done and get out of the way. He pulls them into his office and just lays it all out, “Y/N is a very sweet woman and any man would be foolish to not find her beautiful however I don’t appreciate you vying for her attention. She won;t give it to you so, I think it best you just drop it now. Have a nice day.” It was quick and painless well for him at least, probably the most mature out of everyone.
Floyd Talbert:
So beyond cocky. He calls this person out in the mess hall, probably in front of all of his friends. “So I heard you are interested in my girl. News flash bud, she is smoking. Everyone is interested in her, but the funny thing is..” Then he leans in with a smirk on his face. “She’s only interested in me. She wouldn’t even glance your way. Run along.”
Johnny Martin:
That famous glare? Because 10x more evident. He watches from across the room and always makes sure this person knows he is watching. Now when they acknowledge that he is doing that and they STILL flirt with you? Well now he has to say something and man is it like spitting venom. He doesn’t yell or fight or anything he is just sharp toned and dead serious. “Drop it. I’m not gonna have this conversation again. Knock it off.”
David Webster:
Kinda shrugs it off? He doesn’t see it as a huge problem and probably won’t. If you know you’re not interested in this person and he knows that then just ignore it until this man gets the hint. That’s the way David primarily handles this decision.
Wayne 'Skinny' Sisk:
Smacks your butt everytime this person is in the room. Periodt. Done.
Donald Hoobler:
Confused puppy. This person is flirting with you?? But you’re dating him?? Do they know this?? Why do they not stop?? Kinda just walks over and goes, “Hey man, you’re flirting with my girl, well she’s dating me, if you didn’t know. I would really appreciate if you back off, thanks!” He’s just sweet. He’s too sweet, you c a n ‘ t stop him??
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himbowelsh · 4 years
(Sorry if you're not comfortable with this I'm fairly new to the fandom so pls ignore if you are) Headcanons that include the BoB guys falling in love, mannerisms and speech and such?
Richard Winters
keeps it to himself.  when dick is falling in love, neither god nor man would be able to tell, he plays his cards that close to the chest.
(or course, lewis nixon is neither god nor man, just somewhere in between. he figures it out in a second, and teases dick mercilessly.)
lots of lingering stares, gentle half-smiles, more patience than he would  ---  or possibly should  ---  have.  dick falling in love gradually becomes more and more tolerant of things he would disapprove of in anyone else.
the sort of person who just...  becomes so unbearably fond of someone that their flaws seem insignificant.  there’s nothing he can’t forgive, nothing they can’t work past together.  he loves everything about them, even their worst parts, at least a little bit.
basically he’s just normal dick, nothing has changed, except...  he’s a softer version of dick.  soft dick all over the place.
Lewis Nixon
he’s...  not very subtle about it, but in a very nix way.
his flirting is obvious.  like, it’s obvious to anyone looking in his direction.  he’s not subtle about it; and while he’s capable of being smooth, he’s also kind of earnest, devoting so much of his attention to his person of interest that he’s able to ignore everything else.
such as responsibilities.  when he’s supposed to be somewhere, and he’s not there, 100% chance nix is with his crush.  when he’s in love with someone, he just wants to be around them as long as they’ll tolerate him; he practically becomes their sardonic shadow.
lots of gifts.  like, things just appear in the person’s rooms, complete with a wry little note from nix.  he never makes a big deal out of it, but he compulsively buys his love interest things when the opportunity arises.
allows himself unexpected moments of sincerity  ---   like a mask slipping for just a moment, when his guards are all down and he’s able to be honest with the one person in the world he’s actually brave enough to reveal himself to.  
when nix loves someone, he slowly allows them to see the messiest parts of him  ---  because he knows he can’t hide them forever, and it’s easier for them to know from the get-out than to stop loving him down the line.
Carwood Lipton
so chill about it, you honestly wouldn’t be able to tell.
lip isn’t even a super private person like dick, he’s just...  able to fuction normally, even when his heart is doing a complete 360-degree flip over someone.  he treats them the same way he always has, doesn’t fawn over them of go out of his way...  he’s just regular old lip.
except for the lingering stares, and the fond smiles he doesn’t bother to suppress.  except for how he’s always got an eye on them, just...  making sure they’re alright whenever he’s around, in case they need something.  except for the fact that if they do need something, he’ll go out of his way  ---  maybe to an unreasonable degree  ---  to get it.  he’ll drive three towns over just to get them a specific ice cream brand they’re craving.
which is out of character for lip, but he’ll do it, because it’s them.  he’d go out of his way for any one of his friends, but wouldn’t move mountains except for this one person.  they’re special to him.  somehow, without him even realizing it, they mean everything to him.
Ron Speirs
well, he didn’t mean to catch these feelings, but now that they’re here he’s just going to have to murder everyone who’s ever looked at his partner wrong
no.  okay, ron...  ron does get a little overprotective at times.  he’s good at being in love, but falling in love is unpredictable.  it’s unsteady, it’s uncertain, anything could happen  ---  his protective instincts are triggered. so when he finds himself falling for someone, he keeps a constant eye on them.   they don’t ever need to worry as long as he’s around; they don’t need to be afraid of anything.  honestly, it can get a little too intense, if he lets it.
if ron recognizes he’s being too overbearing, he’ll back off.  pining from afar is also something he’s surprisingly good at.  gentle stares from across the room, half-smiles at things they say, wry comments meant for their ears alone.  if he can be comfortable in silence alongside them, it’s a big thing for him.
love letters.  this is a big thing.  ron’s not always great at expressing his feelings verbally, so he finds a real release through writing.  this really helps his love interest understand where he’s coming from, and get to know his heart clearly.  when ron bares his soul in prose, it’s difficult not to fall in love with him.
Harry Welsh
eager beaver.  like, he’ll bounce at the chance to do anything for them at any time.  oh, that bag looks heavy, he can get that!  he’s just gonna...  casually hold this door open, you know, like a gentleman.  paying for their own drinks?  oh no, don’t worry, he’s got it covered.
the worst part is, he thinks he’s slick.
can actually be the softest man in the world when he’s in love; he’ll absolutely dote on a partner.  
some of the guys here are actual disasters, they don’t know how to even admit it to themselves  ---  not harry.  when harry’s in love, the whole world gets to know it.  he’ll talk about how great they are to anyone who’ll listen; and if he and his partner are on the same page, he’ll tell them he loves them every chance he gets.  there’s never any question to how harry’s feeling, because he says it.
heart eyes for his partner at any and all times, even when they’re doing something as mundane as reading a book.
Buck Compton
he just glows whenever he’s around them.  it’s not something buck can help.  it’s like...  being in his partner’s presence gives him more energy, more vitality, the drive to do and be more.  he’s fueled by their attention and the desire to impress, to be worthy of them.
not reticent about his feelings.   he’ll freely admit them, but it won’t be, “yeah, i love them”; buck will go on about how much he admires them, talking people’s ears off about their abilities and virtues.  if buck falls in love with someone, he already holds them in the highest esteem, and honestly wants to be able to blab about how great they are.
people don’t give him credit for how emotional he can be; but once he’s fallen for someone, he opens up to them more and more.  it’s a challenge to reveal his vulnerabilities without being afraid, but as he grows to love them more, he trusts them too.
George Luz
if possible, he becomes even more luz-ish than normal.  like...  his regular personality is turned up to eleven.  he craves his love interests attention like a drowning man craves air, and he goes out of his way to seek it out.
lots of flirting, lots of teasing.   if they’re around, most of his jokes are directed towards them, like it’s a battle just to make them laugh.  it’s painfully obvious where his attention is.
yeah, he’s joking around a lot, and maybe flirting a bit too much to be casual, but...  he’s also looking out for them.  if they need help with something, he jumps at the chance to do it.  any favor, any time, george is ready.
he also likes to teach them things.  something as simple as a card game, or how to fix a broken sink  ---  it gives him the chance to show off his skills a little, try to impress them, prove he knows what the hell he’s talking about...  and just to be around them.  he eats up every second he gets to spend with them.
sometimes he gets flustered.  if they’re not in a relationship yet, and his love interest were to question him about his feelings, he wouldn’t know what to say; he’d run a hand through his already-messy hair, chuckling while averting his eyes, and try to brush the question off with a charming deflection.  it wouldn’t work.  he’s lots of things, but not subtle.
Joe Toye
joe toye is so capable of being soft around the people he loves that it’s frankly obscene.
he definitely becomes more protective of them.  like...  love is already an uncertain thing, he doesn’t want to lose it when they’ve barely just begun...  and he’s never forgive himself if something bad happened to them.  Protective Toye Mode is in full gear.
has infinitely more patience, and is able to let his guards down around them more.  he jokes around more, in his understated way.  he watches them when they’re too busy with work to look up, a proud smile on his face.  sometimes he can’t resist reaching out and touching them, surprising even himself.
he’s so soft, guys.  he just wants to be around them and take care of them  ---  honestly, he’d do anything for them if they let him.
Eugene Roe
honestly, he’s not sure where to start.
it doesn’t blindside him.  getting close to people doesn’t come easily to gene; it’s a slow process, and he’s aware ever step of the way that this person is steadily growing in importance to him. it takes him a little while to recognize it as love, but once he gets there...  yeah.
he’s cautious about it  ---  tries as hard as he can not to let it show.   being in love is kind of scary for him, actually.  he’d really need encouragement from the other person, and the feel comfortable around them.   he’d need to see there’s interest there, otherwise he might actually talk himself out of his own feelings.   (jesus christ, gene, why are you like this)
quietly so proud of them, and quick to praise.  his sweet little smile makes his love interest feel warm all over, and when his eyes go soft and unbearably fond like that...
gene’s love is a quiet thing, but it blossoms more every day.   it needs sunlight, nourishment, and kindness to grow.
Bill Guarnere
literally his partner’s hype man.  they are amazing and he wants the world to know it.
like, bill in love isn’t that different from regular bill, but he gets invested.  he becomes ride-or-die.  would murder someone for his partner without question and bury the body together as a sign of their love.
definitely a show-off.  yeah, his partner’s incredible, but he wants them to think he’s just as cool.  bill might get a bit more reckless in pursuit of their attention, push his own limits (and the limits of common sense) a bit more.  his love interest shouldn’t let him go too crazy, because he might end up losing another leg.  
he may still be regular ol’ guarnere, but wild bill ain’t cooking a four-course authentic italian dinner for just anybody.  bill’s romantic side starts coming out in spades.  he feels more compelled to take care of them, do stuff for them.  it gives him a sense of usefulness; he loves feeling needed by them.
Babe Heffron
cheesy pickup lines x1000.  the worst part is, he thinks they’re actually good.
babe’s actually functional when he’s falling in love with someone.  honestly, he enjoys the feeling.  falling in love’s a beautiful thing!  almost as beautiful as the person he loves!  let’s enjoy it while it lasts.
he’s not shy about flirting with them, but can actually act like a normal person, too.  he doesn’t get all tongue-tied and stuttery; he just loves talking to them, having conversations and spending time with them and sharing his own interests while learning their own.  eats up every bit of attention they give him.
lowkey wants to do so many things with them, but plays it cool.   invites them places, like out dancing, to his favorite restaurants, anywhere they might have a good time.  by sharing these memories with them, babe feels like he’s sharing parts of himself, too...  and god, it sure is fun to be in love.
Joseph Liebgott
what are these feelings and who put them there without his permission
lowkey, he’d choke on the love at first.  probably think it was indigestion or something, hope he’d get over it...  but the feeling would only grow, and slowly joe realizes he’s in over his head.  there’s no way out.  somehow, he’s fallen in love, and he wasn’t prepared damn it.
plays it cool.   he’s not in any hurry to admit his feelings; he knows, and that’s what matters most.  he’s not gonna confess to anything until he thinks there’s a strong chance they’ll reciprocate, so he just...  hangs out for a while.
somehow, when his love interest needs something, he’s there.  it’s like joe’s got a spidey sense for when they’re in trouble  ---  even if they just need help opening a damn jar of pickles  ---  because he’s at their side, ready to talk or fight, whatever’s needed.
doesn’t snap around them as much.  actually, he has moments when he’s downright...  soft.  it’s like all his harsh edges are being sanded down; he even lets his guards down sometimes and reveals flashes of emotional vulnerability, which he wouldn’t do for just anyone.  joe liebgott being soft  (when no one’s mortally injured)  is the #1 indication he’s caught the lovebug.
David Webster
he’s not...  unbearable about it.   it’s kind of cute, in a “romeo pining for juliet from the shadows outside her window” sort of way.
webster is very quiet about falling in love.  he...  watches a lot, just observing whenever he has the pleasure of being around them.  he notices all their habits, all their quirks, and can’t help finding them all endearing.  even if it’s habits he usually hates, like talking while chewing or mimicking someone badly...  he gets a little love-blind for a while.
won’t talk about his feelings to anyone, but will write them all down.  his journal reads like he’s a 7th grade girl with a crush.  sometimes he tries to get really poetic, and express the true nuance of his soul being drawn towards a kindred spirit, but he can’t formulate his thoughts as well in the moment.
they become his muse, at least; he can write better when thinking of them, and might even be bold enough to share some of his writing, just to see their reactions.
not about to write love poems himself, but he knows a few beautiful ones offhand, and will share them with his love interest  ---  a subtle way of confessing his feelings to them through proxy, and sharing something special between each other.
Floyd Talbert
tab’s flirty by nature, but when he falls in love with someone...  all that confidence slowly melts away.   he no longer has any desire to present a facade to them, because he’s not trying to woo anymore, he’s trying to love.
he becomes more straightforward and serious around them.  he’s still his normal self, but there’s an earnest sincerity that wasn’t there before.  he’s not making any attempts to impress them.  he is how he is, after all; if he loves them for themselves, they’ll have to love him the same way.
(he can’t breathe a genuine sigh of relief until he’s got affirmation that they do.)
no more super fun, casual dates.  now tab wants to go for long nature walks and talk about their emotions.   he wants to learn more about his partner, to see the parts of them they’re scared to reveal.   nature is also something important to him, and he wants to share that part with them.
floyd in love becomes...  a more genuine version of himself.
Donald Malarkey
a really nice guy, and not in a gross way.
don’s just...  a nice guy in general, but when he’s falling in love, he’s at peak sweetness.  he gets them gifts just for the fun of it, tries to write songs for them  (well, he does his best), and comes up with dates centered around all the things they love to do.  he’s uber considerate, and really sweet about it.
don’s honest with himself about his feelings, and he’s willing to be honest with anyone else as well.  far as he’s concerned, being in love isn’t anything to be ashamed of, especially not with someone so amazing.
the corny jokes will probably be turned up to the max, though, and they’ll be a lot of playful flirting just to see his partner’s reaction.  don dotes on them, but most importantly, he knows how to have fun when it comes to love.
Skip Muck
kind of a tease, but in the best way.  skip isn’t great at flirting when he really means it; there’s a difference between batting his eyes at someone across a dance hall and falling in love, and skip in love feels like he’s in over his head.
he’ll joke around with them a lot, but also kind of fall into a big-brother role  ---  looking out for them, helping them, showing them how to do things if they’ll let him.  
he feels comfortable acting this way, like he’s significant to them.   even if they don’t feel the same way, he enjoys having their attention on him for the moment, and cultivates it.
will definitely have cracks in his armor.  honestly, when he falls in love, he’s not that subtle about it.  suddenly, he can no longer make dirty jokes around them; he can’t pretend to flirt without blushing and tripping over his words; he catches himself watching them for too long, and idly humming love songs after they’ve just left the room.
god, he’s a wreck.   he feels like an idiot around them, and doesn’t know how to deal with it...  so eventually he’s just going to have to come right out and say it.
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Band of Brothers High school au part1
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Note:Also here's a pic of Speirs because he's my husbando
Richard "Dick" Winters
-Is a senior and yes he does know what college he wants to go to and yes he has his life figured out
-Swim team captain and yes he has a leatherman jacket but he doesn't usually wear it sadly
-I feel like he was on the golf team but realize he couldn't concentrate on his grades and he wanted to dedicate his entire time to swimming so he quit in his sophomore year
-Is an A+ student but he won't brag about it infact he stays after school to help students raise their grades up in classes they have trouble with
-Yes he is dating Lewis "secretly" but really no one's fooled like really who's going to believe you spend your entire off period in the bathroom like what
Lewis Nixon
-He does drink alcohol and yes he is 18 but who are you going to tell that cares enough to do something I mean his dad is the mayor
-Is a C- student I swear he's smarter it's just if people knew that he would constantly be getting texts asking for help and Lewis is to drunk to help or even care
-Yes he has the most up-to-date technology but he won't brag infact he breaks them any chance he gets like damn Lew calm down
-Yes he made the school have a Dog appreciation club and yes he is the president of it what are you gonna do about it
-Dick tells him to keep their Relationship a secret but Dick bro we're seniors who cares
Carwood Lipton
-Also is an A+ and yes he also helps the students after school heck I'll dare say even more than Dick
-Senior and yes he does have a car but please don't take advantage of him because if you ask him to drive you around he he will never tell you no
-Has never skipped class not even when Speirs asks him to yeah I know brave
-I feel like Lipton helps the librarians so much that they gave him an authorized key from the office to lock or unlock the library if necessary
-Yes he dates Speirs and yes he's even more "secretive" than Dick but like again we are not idiots Lip it's a small town we see you guys eating out at restaurants together
Ronald "Sparky" Speirs
-Is a Senior and is an A- student and doesn't mind if you ask him for help just don't do it in front of people ok he has a tough guy persona to uphold got it
-No debating about this but he wears a leather jacket and has a motorcycle that Lip disapproves of and refuses to ride
-He drinks and he smokes on and off school campus he doesn't care and he also skips class but the reason he hasn't been caught yet is because nobody can find where he is and when you do you better be good friends because he does not like his alone time to be interrupted
-Is actually a really nice guy and will kick any bullies ass he also is the one who has been putting up those mysterious anti bully posters but sshhh don't tell anyone
-I mean he doesn't care who knows about his relationship with Lip but he loves Lip so he won't tell anybody but if you find out about it he won't deny it
Lynn "Buck" Compton
-Is your all American Boy ok
-Plays football, flirts with the cheerleaders, has highschool parties, drinks, lifts weights, proudly wears a Leatherman jacket, and other jock stereotypes you can think about
-But he isn't an idiot ok he gets A's and like Speirs will kick a bully's ass if you tell him that you are getting harassed
-Is also a Senior and is not afraid to flaunt it like if someone a grade below him is talking smack he'll just pat their head and say something like be quiet youngster you haven't lived your life yet
-I'm a just say it if he's interested in you better be prepared to be sought after because when this guy like really loves someone he will do anything for them and I mean he will do anything even accept the fact that they don't love him like that so please be careful with his heart
Johnny Martin
-Is a Junior but for some reason is respected by all the Seniors even Speirs respects him I said respect not feared though so don't get it twisted
-Is a A student but is striving to be more so don't ask him to help you because the answer will be no however to get his help you would have to actually be like struggling I mean F- as your grade because then will he reluctantly help you
-Is dating Bull but it's so casual that if you didn't know and someone told you you wouldn't be surprised
-Yes he smokes and no he will not share but believe me when I say if he is jokingly flirting with you he will pretend like he's about to give you a cigarette but when you reach for it he'll blow smoke in your face and kiss your cheek
-Goes to the school's book club on Saturdays and everytime he is disappointed to see Webster show up
Denver "Bull" Randleman
-Is a B+ student and I mean he tries but he's to busy playing basketball to care
-Is another Junior the Seniors respect but this time there's a reason and it's because all the Seniors made a bet with a rival school cough cough The Pacific cough cough and the bet was who ever won the up coming basketball game will be given the title best school in town and will be allowed to claim the Salt and Pepper diner (yes John Mulaney reference) as their hangout spot and as you expected Bull had won that game for them earning him the nickname Bull actually for his amazing defence
-Does have a Leatherman jacket but unlike Dick is not afraid to wear it around and will be mad if you touch it or I wouldn't advise it though wear it at least not without his permission however he will graciously give/force the person he holds close enough to his heart to wear it wither it be Johnny or um reader
-instead of cigars he has weed and he gets it from George who by the way still refuses to tell him where he gets it from so it's a first come first serve kind of thing and he will be pissed if you make him miss his chance to get his bag of weed
-He has a truck that be loves more than Johnny and if you scratch it he will find out and he will kick your ass
Harry Welsh
-He's a Junior but he hangs around the Seniors cough Dick and Lew cough so much at first glance you wouldn't believe he was a Junior
-Ok their is a rumor going around school that he is the weed guru (which is true) however he won't say because then the police will get involved and he refuses to shut down his business like how else will he pamper kitty with gifts and still get to smoke weed at the same time
-For some damn reason he is an A+ student and yes he doesn't cheat like those are authentic grades he earned with his smarts yes I know surprising
-He used to run track but now he just sells weed and worships Kitty but if you think for a second he isn't fast then you better be careful because if you ever bet anything valuable and ask to race him you can kiss that item good bye real quick
-Did I mention he worships Kitty well then if talking to him you better be prepared to listen to him brag about Kitty all day and night because this man loves him some Kitty and he will kick anyone's ass if they flirt or insult her in front of him or behind his back
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