#i'm trying to practice the 'characters don't immediately talk about what's bothering them' thing because I do that a lot
jankwritten · 2 years
(this announcement brought to you by: Nico refuses to say what's actually bothering him and Jason is paying the price for it.)
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syrups-fanfic-cafe · 2 years
hello!! hope you are having a good day or night. can i request headcanons for hazbin hotel? maybe the reader has wings and they find out about it? you can pick the characters! thank you! - 💫 anon
Of course! I decided to go with just Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, and Angel Dust, but if there's other characters you want me to do, you can always come back and request for headcanons with them too! Also, i interpreted the "Finding out the reader has wings" as the reader was deliberately trying to keep them a secret, and they just so happened to find out ^^', so let me know if you had something else for that in mind! Also, sorry if they're a bit out of character, I'm kinda rusty when it comes to HH characters - Mod Syrup
Various Hazbin Hotel Characters finding out that the reader has wings!
Charlie Morningstar
Charlie was definitely surprised when she found out you had wings. Like, yeah, a lot of demons had wings, but that still wasn't common aside from bird demons, as wings don't exactly even have a practical use in hell, other than to just make you look cool
She's definitely confused as to why you hid them, but wouldn't ever make you tell her why. She did ask a few times here and there, but never pushed for an answer. She want you to tell her whenever you felt the time was right.
Despite her confusion, She'd promise not to tell anybody about your wings if you didn't want anybody to know about them. In fact, she'd probably take extra care to make sure nobody finds out about them without you wanting to.
Of course, Charlie isn't entirely flawless, she may accidentally slip up here or there, but immediately catch herself or correct herself mid-sentence. So far no one has actually thought much of it, but you still worry that she's gonna end up spilling at some point.
She is, also overly worried about the care and health of your wings with you hiding them so often. Do they get enough exercise? Are you preening them regularly? Do you need anything specific to take care of them? You literally have to tell her on a daily basis that your taking care of them just fine.
"Are you sure you don't need any help? I promise I'm fine with helping you preen them in the spots you can't-" "Charlie, I swear, I can handle it perfectly fine myself"
Vaggie wasn't all too surprised to find out you had wings. At least that's how she acted, in fact, you seemed to make a bigger deal out of it than her.
"Calm down, what's the big deal anyways? It's not like you're the only demon in hell with wings!"
You tell her that you don't want to talk about it, but that she also can't tell anybody else about it. You make her swear on her afterlife that she won't tell anybody. Let me tell you, If she didn't have any questions before, she definitely has a few now. 
She doesn't exactly ask those questions though, at least not right now. You didn't even explain to her why you hid the wings, she knew she probably wouldn't get anything else out of you, so she just didn't bother asking in the first place.
She's actually pretty good at keeping it a secret, you would've thought she had forgotten about it if it wasn't for the fact that Vaggie isn't all that forgetful.
One of the things that confirms her memory about this is that she'll occasionally bring them up, not anything private, just if you ever need help with them you can ask her, or if you need any specific bedding to sleep with them, etc etc.
"So, are the wings treating you well darling?" "W h a t"
You don't even know when he found out about them, or how he found out about them, he just, suddenly started bringing them up to you at random points, completely unprovoked. Needless to say, it nearly gave you a panic attack the first time. The worst part is he genuinely wasn't surprised or anything, and you don't know if its because he had known about them from the start, or if its just because he's spent a long time in hell, and your probably not the first demon he's seen to hide their wings
He reassured you that he of course hasn't told anybody about your wings, and won't be asking about anything about you hiding them.
He does however ask about their well-being frequently. He never offers to actually help out with taking care up them, he doesn't know a thing about wing care. It seems like he more or less tries to trick you into rambling about them for no reason, maybe he's hoping you'll end up telling him why you hid them in the first place if you just start rambling
He does however seem genuinely concerned about how healthy they are. You couldn't possibly be getting the proper exercise for them when hiding them all the time, and won't they start hurting and cramping if you keep them in one position for so long?
Angel Dust
He was immediately intrigued by them, much to your dismay. he seemed to ask about the wings frequently, he's even tried to bribe you to get you to say something about them. He almost seemed annoyed at the fact you WOULDN'T talk about them.
He eventually opted to use it as a way to make you do things for him, nothing major, just running to the store for him or buying him drugs when he didn't feel like doing it himself.
"Awe, you sure you don't wanna go get it for me? It'd be such a shame if your little secret got out~" "Don't you fucking dare-"
To be fair, you weren't surprised he started using it as blackmail, he's in hell for a reason. The main problem is that you can never tell if he's bluffing or not, he doesn't seem like the type to spread secrets, but you don't really want to take the risk of him not bluffing, so you just cave and do whatever he needs you to do.
He does kinda feel bad about blackmailing you, so he occasionally does get you things to make up for it, nothing expensive, but maybe just some small treats here or there, just to make up for making you think he would actually tell people about your wings.
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Yooo askbox open :]
Could I get a Castlevania matchup, one female and one male character? I am fine with poly, and also the more background characters :]
I'm a bisexual guy. Once I'm past my initial `terrified of everything' and 'extremely withdrawn' phase of anxiety, I'm very energetic (though not very loud) and flirty. l love all fields of science, especially mathematics and physics. Very nerdy/ geeky, and I also paint and practice
l have a very impulsive and ADHD -type of humor, though it always takes me a moment to recognize any word-play. I'm very much a thrill-seeker, and things that tend to make other's squeamish don't bother me in the slightest. I suppose for the sake of the series, gore and acts of sadism don't really phase me, at least, to the extent that I am a spectator.
A/N: Okay for you, my Flirty, ADHD-Humor Anon, I think your best Castlevania matches would be Godbrand (Male) and Greta (Female)! [Note: The writer of this ask dmed me specifically to say they were fine with more minor/background characters, just in case you were wondering how I ended up choosing these two for them.]
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Godbrand, believe it or not, would be a great match for you! He is very energetic, and flirty when he wants to be. Well, he tries to be flirty, but more often than not he comes off as kind of an ass, but that’s just part of his charm!
As a Viking and a sailor, Godbrand has a particular interest in science, mostly astronomy, and geography, but he enjoys listening to all the knowledge you’re willing to share about mathematics and physics. Despite what you may think, Godbrand is rather intelligent. He may be brash and lack tact, but he does pay attention to the emotions and behaviors of others. Every once in a while his arrogance gets in the way, but for a vampire, he’s rather attuned to the mental state of those around him. 
I think he’d pick up on your impulsive tendencies and ADHD-type humor fairly quickly, although that may not be a good thing, as he can be rather impulsive himself lol. The both of you are thrill seekers, so neither one of you is there to act as the stubborn voice of reason in all the escapades the two of you get up to. It drives all the others crazy, but neither you nor Godbrand pay them any mind. 
Godbrand loves to show off all his combat skills to you, and he is so glad you don’t run away screaming when he demonstrates how he takes down a five-man human army all by his lonesome. He wants to show just how strong and capable he is as a mate, and this is his way of doing so. (It’s kinda sexy if we’re being honest lol.)
Godbrand will ask you to bear witness to his prowess, and then paint him something that captures his essence. You’re gonna need A LOT of red paint for such a scene. 
As an INTJ you balance out his ESTP. You tend to be on the introverted intellectual side where he’s all about the immediate action. You are a great value to him, especially in how you can talk over his ideas, and help him think about them in a more nuanced way. You’re impulsive as well, but also an analyst at your core, so you are all for cheering him on: it’s just that you want him to go forward most successfully. 
Who knows? The two of you together might have even changed the course of S2. Godbrand would want to act on Dracula’s noncommittal attitude, and you’d be the perfect partner to talk out a well-thought-out plan with. Instead of brashly confronting Isaac with his half-cooked idea of betrayal, perhaps the two of you as a team could have spoken to Dracula, and see if you could change his viewpoint on erasing all the humans and vampires of the world. 
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Greta is also a great choice as a partner for you because she’s smart and no-nonsense, but also wise enough to appreciate the energy and zest you have for life! 
Greta is quite understanding in your, as you called it, ‘terrified-of-everything’ phase of anxiety. In a world full of creatures who are constantly trying to kill you, who in the hells wouldn’t be? So many of her people live with the same anxiety and fear, and as their leader, she feels responsible for reassuring them all will be well. She knows what you need to hear to calm down, and she understands this is something you need to undergo to take any next steps.
She is drawn to your energy, and how flirty you are. She, being the self-assured woman she is, flirts right back. Your fire is a welcome addition to her otherwise very realistic, sort of strict outlook on life. 
She’s a leader, she needs control. She manages everyone, and it’s a difficult job. To make things easier rules and orders that are put in place. You on the other hand are impulsive, and rowdy at times. You challenge the stubborn rule-follower in her and push her to be more spontaneous and to accept the things she cannot control or change. This is also very much in line with your MBTI types, with you an INTJ, and her an ESTJ. 
You’re similar enough to have a great understanding of one another, but just opposite enough to push a little where they pull. Greta challenges you to stay grounded, and to think ten steps ahead, to consider the logical consequences of potential actions. 
She appreciates your love for science. Science is the future after all, and her people will need all the knowledge they can get if they are to advance their lifestyles and survive. 
The fact that both of you enjoy a good thrill is great and very much necessary in this universe. She understands you’re not keen on combat, but not everyone is. She’s just very grateful you aren’t constantly breaking down or throwing up when you catch a glimpse of her spearing a night creature through the middle. It would be very disheartening for her to protect the love of her life and be met with only fear and disgust. 
The other trait you share is that both of you are freakishly nonchalant at times. Night Creatures? Eh. Attempted murder? Eh. Vampires? Eh. It’s all just another Tuesday for you, and so long as you have each other, you figure the both of you will end up just fine.
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mymistakewriting · 5 months
Eddie & Shannon Diaz
This post is going to ruffle some feathers, I'm sure. I would like to state that any comments I make here are based off observations surrounding the interactions we do see between the two from the show. I am not bashing any characters, as always, and if you don't like my content or opinions, there's a block button available to you, please use it.
That said, this one comes with some content warnings. Please proceed with caution. The relationship between Eddie and Shannon is a toxic one. If you don't think you can handle reading about something like that, maybe skip this post.
First things first: their relationship was toxic, but it was toxic both ways. Neither of them are in the clear for their behaviors by far. It was not a healthy relationship in the slightest.
Eddie and Shannon are described by the show as high school sweethearts. It's heavily implied by behavior that Eddie's family DOES NOT like Shannon. And I do think that plays a major role in things. I don't think it was a 'they dislike her because they had a kid too young', I think it was that he started seeing her in high school BECAUSE he knew his parents would hate her. His relationship with his parents is an abusive one, of course he'd do something to upset them and get a kick out of it. That man's demi-romantic ass didn't know what he was doing, he was just in it to bother his folks and have some sex like any normal, Catholic teenage boy would want.
Obviously, it's confirmed that they didn't plan for Chris. Eddie said himself that he wasn't ready to marry Shannon when they did get married even though he loved her - and yeah, that tracks. I'd put good money on his parents forcing them to get married as soon as they found out Shannon was pregnant, it's an unfortunately common practice here in the Southern United States even to this day (I have immediate family that can vouch for this because it happened to them).
Which leads me to this: Yes, Eddie definitely signed up for a second tour in part because he wasn't ready to face what it meant to be a father. But I do think that part of him signed up for a second tour because he knew that the money would help. It took three jobs to replace the income from being an active-duty combat medic and he was still barely holding it together, it wasn't a decision made just because of fear. He really was trying to provide, but the only way he'd ever seen it done was by all but abandoning the family thanks to his father.
Which brings me to the fights. It's no secret that Eddie and Shannon fought a lot. And neither of them are saints, by far, not where those fights are concerned. Eddie definitely said some shit that he shouldn't have in those fights to hurt her (a la "you're exhausting" in lawsuit arc level shouldn't have said shit). That said, what caught my attention initially is how Eddie reacts to things in those fights. Because every time they're fighting and Shannon whirls around to face him or moves just a little too fast, he sinks in on himself like he's trying to guard himself, suggesting that he'd taken a few hits.
I don't think it was a full on battered boyfriend situation, but I do think Shannon got handsy in her high emotions a few times - and a kid who grew up abused in any way holds onto those instances, making them react more. But nothing else I could think of explains the way he sinks down and folds in. It's a habit that carries over even after Shannon's death.
I'd like to repeat: they're both in the wrong. Their relationship was toxic on both fronts. I don't think anyone ever found out how bad those fights could get. And I don't think Eddie will ever talk about it now that she's dead.
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quietbluejay · 4 months
Lion Son of the Forest
Iiii've been putting off talking about this one because I didn't like it. I think there's a lot that's good about it, but, the reason I brought up some of my issues with Master of the Maelstrom when they didn't bug me that much then, was that they were a lot more present here and did bother me in Son of the Forest.
I think Brooks is a superb short story writer, but that he's got issues with adapting the short story approach in terms of plot structure to novels, so the novels really read as long short stories.
Anyways. As always, it's just my take.
apparently sometimes you can Just Say No To Chaos For Ten Thousand Years and not be especially strong willed gw have consistency or draw 20 this guy doesn't seem to be getting tempted at all meanwhile his boyfriend is a chaos sorcerer
like the other guy, zabriel, it makes sense, he hasn't been doing anything w.r.t. the warp he's just been running around as a fugitive for 400 years so it makes sense also on a side note REALLY not a fan of how it switches tense and person between POV scenes
me: there should be more renegades who don't turn to chaos this book: has that me: no not like this i…i don't know why i'm not liking it am i just salty because it's not one of my favourite factions? maybe i'm just in a bad mood ….i think i've put my finger on what bothers me about Brooks' writing when he's not a bad writer! i think he's more technically proficient than mcneill or abnett tbh, in a lot of ways but it's…he's writing tie in books for the game that's what these are primarily that's the perspective they're written from which is why they don't have thematic consistency with the other writers maybe not quite the right term but it's like, and i kind of hate using this as an example, but it's like trying to mesh together Sins of the Wreckers and Barber's writing (Transformers, I will elaborate on this for anyone who is curious)
…okay enough meta, I am now understanding why people say Lion is autistic-coded i will also say this, Lion is definitely more of, hm, how to put it more morally upright than Guilliman
like this should be everything i want, it's got forgiveness, renegades, protecting the little people as a first priority…why is it leaving me cold?
i think also because it's standing in stark contrast to the themes of the Ahriman trilogy, or Black Legion it just feels unfair? the whole thing is predicated on there being no good choices but then here it's like "yeah actually these guys went and somehow became unambiguous good guys offscreen problem with chaos what problem with chaos their main issue is being hunted by their loyalist brothers" despite them also starting out from the base state as the "final solution" legion
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i will say i do very much vibe with this in theory
okay so like, i will be fair part of the reason most of these guys managed to avoid chaos was because they time travelled to the future and skipped most of the intervening years
im finally getting some resonance here
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okay that's a hook
like the whole situation with the Fallen is "stuck as traitors due to tragic misunderstanding" which i mean, that's astraeos but these guy get lucky enough to land in places offscreen where they can become people's protectors? also again, i don't think it really follows from what i saw of the dark angels in 30k but im not a dark angels expert lol and I've only seen a bit of them it just doesn't feel earned
also lion's character arc happened offscreen
i think i'm probably going to have to reread this book in a different mood and see how i feel then
lion has gifted kid syndrome as i suspect all the primarchs do note from future bluejay, as I read this like a month before AE: lol, though I meant it a different way for Perturabo none of them ever had to practice anything so finding something he can't do immediately is very troublesome to deal with lol -_- ahriman: my existence feels pointless and the only thing that keeps me going is the hope that i will be able to make things right zabriel: have you tried meditating it worked for me
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this is who Lion is! and now he's changed to this offscreen:
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one heck of a nap
also we have our second forehead kiss the subtextual relationship here is probably the most blatant space marine romance i've seen so far like even more so than loken/mersadie oh hey actual acknowledgement that how the imperium treats mutants make them super easily turn to chaos apparently lion can also no-sell magic attacks somehow lol
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like the whole tragedy of Guilliman in Dark Imperium is that he is unable to recognize that he's repeating the past and hasn't learned but this kind of seems to be going in the direction of "it's fine as long as he's pointed in the right direction"?
lion is having a two paragraph struggle about "is the emperor actually a god" guilliman divinity wrestling speedrun
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like that sounds contrary to what chaos energies actually do but okay mmm, still not a fan of mercy kills especially in this context which is redemption equals death
wait wait lion is being worshipped as a god even if he's not a fan lion: better me than the alternative maybe that's what turned him into a good guy okay this is kind of cool lion is fighting all his brothers i think structurally this should have been at the beginning, though but the book isn't quite over so maybe im wrong expansion: fighting all his brothers and they're poking into his weak spots
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>kurze appears out of the shadows >says something cutting >refuses to elaborate >leaves
okay this is fun
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like okay i do get that it's not exactly super realistic to expect lion to go "the emperor's entire methodology was completely flawed" but also given the tone of this whole thing i kind of expected it if we were to have any kind of good resolution here
lion: have any of you tried not being doomed by the narrative?
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Not a bad way to end it though!
I'll come back to this after I've read Unremembered Empire, maybe, and re-evaluate.
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fadedstarsfms · 3 months
Bianca Stone Intro
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FULL NAME: Bianca Stone SPECIES: Witch AGE: 51 DATE OF BIRTH: June 20, 1973 GENDER IDENTITY: Cis Woman NEIGHBORHOOD: Cherry Heights OCCUPATION: Owner of Video Vortex POSITIVE TRAITS: Passionate, Empathetic, Friendly NEGATIVE TRAITS: Disorganized, Defensive, Impulsive LENGTH OF TIME IN RAVEN’S PEAK: ~30 years FACE CLAIM: Melanie Lynskey
TRIGGER WARNING: drinking tw, infidelity tw Bianca grew up to a family of dedicated witches, all her life she was told that her magic should be first and foremost.  So she tried to be a dedicated student and learned from her family and their coven.  She loved her family and siblings and would do anything for them, but she never thought that one species was better than the other and made sure to tell her younger siblings that their parents were wrong in that sense.  So when her younger sister Kara started rebelling more and more against the family, Bianca was always encouraging of her and even showed her that leaving could be done.   Bianca went to college in Boston and didn't realize just how much she would love a new scenery.  The city had everything she never had and it was there that she truly found herself.  And the love of her life. She and Vermillion met in college and Bianca never believed in love at first sight until she saw him and it was like she was hit with a love spell.  The two fell in love fast and hard but Bianca had to admit she missed the small town life.  So when she heard about Raven's Peak she knew immediately she wanted to move there to experience the mix of species and knew she had to tell Vermillion what she was and why she wanted to move there.  To her surprise he didn't bat an eye and even wanted to move with her.  And a year later they were married and life seemed perfect. Though to this day Bianca holds some regret on bringing her family to the town because one day she got a call that her husband was attacked.  It seemed like everything was okay, he was going to recover, but Bianca worried that what attacked him was more than just a dog like everyone originally thought.  Her fears only got worse as he stopped bothering coming home and was out on a bender doing god knows what.  But when he did finally come home and promise to do better did they finally start working together to build a better marriage and help him through the curse that was now a part of their life.  They thought everything was better and fixed until one day a knock on their door brought them a son that Vermillion had from one of his night outs.  Sure the reminder of his infidelity stung but there was no way Bianca wasn't going to accept Banks into her life and she promised from that day on that she was going to be a mother to him as well as their other children.   Once things seemed to be doing better Bianca was back in touch with her younger sister Kara and told her about the town, promising that it was nothing like what their parents taught them and it could be a place for her to settle down as well.  But soon Kara was attacked as well and Bianca felt guilty once more, thinking she should have done a better job protecting her.  Now she promises to protect her family both by blood and anyone she practically adopts by any means necessary.
Mom Friend - Bianca is the biggest mom friend there is, let her try to lowkey adopt you ngl
Frequent Fliers - Love movies? Look no further than a cute plot, please talk to her about movies even if you don't give her your money afterwards
Employees - If you work here she'd love you and consider you family
Literally anything! Bianca has been here for about 30ish years or so, she's practically the ambassador of Raven's Peak she's so friendly I'm not joking (unless you want a silly rivalry because she can also be petty at times)
A Case of You by Joni Mitchell
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Tiny Dancer by Elton John
Harvest Moon by Neil Young
River by Leon Bridges
99 Luftballoons by Nena
Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles
Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys
Vienna by Billy Joel
Somebody Like Me by St. Vincent
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ananad1 · 2 years
More SGE Movie Thoughts
So one whole person asked for more of my thoughts on SGE and since my Midterms are now over I can give them....
This time around I watched the movie with someone who had not seen it yet, but had read the books (my dad, yes he was coerced into reading them but that is beside the point).
I think that the amount of time between Agatha and Sophie going back to Gavaldon and Sophie coming back to life was way too long. It takes away from them immediately disappearing in front of all the other students and no one, especially Tedros, getting to say goodbye. Tedros had plenty of time to try and convince them, or at least Agatha, to stay. He just stood there not doing anything until they were gone and then was all upset. Like sir you had a chance too bad so sad now.
Some one else mentioned this and I 100% agree that having the girls continue to have magic in Gavaldon makes it too confusing in terms of how they figure out something is wrong in the future.
In the book we do not see anything else at the school, or Gavaldon for that matter, which is important because in the second book the girls learn that right after they left everyone tried to go back to their schools and the girls were thrown out of Evil and the boys were thrown out if Good. In the movie we see them all together at the end and there is no noticeable shift in the castles.
Th blue forest remained being called the blue forest, but it wasn't remotely blue, which is not an impossible task, but if they weren't even gonna bother why not change the name to 'the practice forest' or something similar.
I'm still mad that the Nevers never got to even go into the forest or do any forest group type thing.
I brought up the blood magic being unnecessary before, but some other people have talked about how they didn't like it in the books or barely remembered it in the books (4,5,6) and it was important for those books, but in the movie it helped to establish a Sophie (girl) is only evil because Rafal (man) is controlling her or convincing her to do these things for him. Which is a problem that is often run into with evil women in movies and shows.
I still don't understand how they cut Sader, I have to bring him up again because my dad reminded me that in the new prequel that came out this year, his family plays a major role. Without him nothing makes sense, he predicted Sophie and The fall of the barrier between the worlds and so much more. Without his help, guidance, and general existence so many characters would be left in the dark. He was also like the only teacher Agatha originally liked.
Chaddick was also never pointed out by name, he has credits on IMDB so I know which one he is, but he is supposed to be Tedros' best friend and he is majorly important in books 4, 5, and 6 wether you like what happened with him or not (which I though it was an interesting parallel to the girls and I actually liked it fight me).
On a good note the actor for Reaper was wonderful and even though they did not include the scene of him running out of birds to behead so he goes after Sophie, he was great.
Again someone else brought up how different Tristan looked, honestly the first time around when Gregor dropped his sword at the beginning I assumed it was Tristan. I'm not sure of there is a second movie if they can pull of the Tristan/Yara switch and how well they would do it if they try.
I know I said the beginning School Master fight was fine, but the more I think about it the more I realized that in the books it is described as a war and way longer than a sparing match gone wrong. Also they never officially mark Rafal as dead and in the books everyone know one of the brothers is dead, but not who actually died.
I will never not be mad about them giving Lesso Evelyn Saders in love with Rafal trait, it just makes me so upset. Also on the note of Lesso if she is from Gavaldon and seems to have only ever been at the school, how are they going to explain Aric if they do another movie, cause if she's in love with Rafal I don't see that happening. Aric is like important for every book after though.
I'm sure I can come up with more, but this is what I've got for right now.
@atrenchcoatfilledwithbeees Since you are the one who asked I'm tagging you in this, but let me know if you want me to take you off.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
I'm like 70% sure I sent the wlw dominated fandoms ask and was just feeling like being on anon that day (if I wasn't and just nearly submitted something super similar I'm so sorry original anon) the main fandoms I was thinking of were
The Owl House: Another anon suggested that so I won't bother with too much. Canon wlw ship and canon nblw ship, it took a while for me to even see a mlw or mlm ship come into the picture.
Revue Starlight: Absolute favorite anime/franchise, no I don't understand it 100% because you usually won't immediately. It was what I was really thinking of there. It has exactly one super explicit lesbian there (Mahiru, local winner of exactly one really big lesbian tournament I found on Twitter who stood alongside Hatsune Miku as the ultimate lesbian) and several wlw ships so heavily implied that they are pretty much canon. You also get your pick from the big ships (not noting Mahiru ones. Sorry girl), so you can choose between the childhood friends who act like they're broken up 50% of the time and like they've been taking for years the other 50%, the girls who look like the healthiest happiest practically married couple until you get to the eventual problems (mostly in the movie, despite the many mental problems one of the components of the ship has), the two rivals who were the only couple happy by the end of the movie and the focused on couple of two childhood friends who decided to define their lives around a play which is a tragedy and just met after years apart. Also it's one of the only fandoms where a really big ship I see (Mahikaren) is a poly ship so there's that. There's also two movies (one's a recap), stageplays, a mobile game which only 50% of the players like (the big suggestion regarding it is to just find videos of the stories/read them because there is some really brilliant writing there and another super explicit lesbian in the form of Rui and many more very heavily implied ones) and more.
Gundam Witch: This isn't the actual title just shortened. Anyways this series is a good entry to the Gundam series as a whole but works as a stand-alone series. The main character and the next most focused on one are both canonically sapphic and in love and I care about them. I'm trying to make this shorter than the Revue explanation since I just really love that series so much but this fandom also has other wlw ships which have popped up and generally is just great for wlw content.
Bandori: It's a gacha mobile rhythm game but we all have our flaws (and I really love the rhythm parts and all of the super good music. Like I need to clarify that I was only talking about the gacha as a flaw because I know it's the one bit which may not be loved. That's one one thing I left about the Revue mobile game too. gacha unfortunately is very good for ongoing stories). Very few men exist here, the ones who do are related to main characters usually and are outside of their age range and the characters are all very very sapphic. Plus there's exactly one super canon ship (Parechu) where one of the characters involved has an arc heavily relating to the lesbian experience (and who also writes what is basically a love song for her gf considering all of the lyrics. Basically what I'm saying is that they're super in love), more with canon crushes on girls, and generally there's a lot of wlw fanwork in the series due to how sapphic all of these girls are. and I love the writing very much.
There are others but these are the ones constantly in my head. If I can think of any more I might send in another ask, and I'm also happily looking through the other wlw dominated fandoms I see because I'm always looking for media which is sapphic inside and outside of canon
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years
Fighting Games is a genre that I have always loved because they allow for unique player expression like no other genre. You get a wide selection of characters to choose from hailing from various different countries and practicing different styles of martial arts or even wielding melee weapons.
We've been lucky to have gotten tons of different games to choose from, and I have personally singled out the nine most vital franchises to the genre; the pillars of the fighting game community, if you will. Unfortunately, I only get ten options per poll, so games like Killer Instinct, Marvel vs. Capcom or Injustice have been left out. But that's why the tenth option has been left free of choice, as I'm sure that some of you will have the most obscure niche options in mind and will immediately comment "why is X not here" so there.
I'm also not deliberately ignoring Super Smash Bros., I just have traditional fighting games in mind and it's kinda not. But it's very much still a fighting game.
I'm also specifically talking about series of games and not one offs so that's why no Skullgirls and so on.
Anyway, at the end of the day vote for whatever you like, just don't bust my balls about "excluding" your fave 🤣
Really wish I could add:
A. More options
B. Images to the options to make them look prettier.
But overall I think polls have been a great addition. Good job @staff 👍😁👏
Here's a few general thoughts
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I have a weird relationship with Mortal Kombat. My earliest memory of it must be some older kids next to my grandma's house playing MK4 and letting me watch them play for a while. Then I definitely remember the PS2 era games' covers and the video store, the dragon logo is so cool, but I never actually bothered to pick any of them. Until I got the 2011 game when I had a PS3. I liked it a lot, I kinda liked the story but I never understood the normies obsession with it? And here's a hot take; NRS stories are not that good, certainly not any better than any other fighting game like Tekken or SoulCalibur. The only key difference is that they have relatively good writing, while the rest of the major game, which are mostly Japanese, have cringey anime dialogue that absolutely does not fit the dramatic NRS storytelling everyone has been trying to copy post 2011. I wish they would straight up drop it and go back to having a decent, eight-level minimum arcade mode with character endings and stop trying to do what NRS does, because it's not that great to begin with. Anyway, I have since developed a love-hate relationship with it. I got both X and 11, and while both are objectively good games, with 11 FINALLY even making the characters look not ugly for the first time ever, but I think I've kind of moved on from MK. I don't have any attachment to the overall plot, I only mostly care about Mileena, Kitana and co., I mostly prefer 3D fighting games in general and I'm not that good at it so... Yeah. Still a fan series though, both the Reboot Trilogy as well as the, mostly underappreciated, PS2 trilogy.
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I was born in 1997 and arcades weren't really a thing in Greece? I remember only having seen a Tekken 5 cabinet at a bowling alley in my entire life, so I never got to experience the "birth" of fighting games with Street Fighter, and Street Fighter itself was almost completely absent from the PS2, save for a few Alpha and SFII rereleases I think. So I finally got to play Street Fighter during the later years of it's fourth iteration when I got Ultra Street Fighter IV for the PS3. I was VERY frustrated at the beginning like, I was used to Tekken, DOA and SoulCalibur style gameplay, all of which are 3D but also combo-heavy games. Street Fighter was not that at all and I thought this made it a bad game. But I decided to give it a second chance with Street Fighter V. SFV is, perhaps notoriously, more simplified in both it's inputs as well as it's overall difficulty, so it helped me appreciate the series a lot more. Most of the characters no longer look ugly too (heavy emphasis on MOST) so that helped too. What's more, I can now actually play IV a lot better, and I even had money to spare to get Super Turbo II HD and Third Strike for the PS3, though I do struggle a bit with those too still, Third Strike in particular. Street Fighter X Tekken is also my guilty pleasure, don't @me. My only real issue is that I seem to be mostly interested in the "less regular" characters in the series like Elena or Poison or Laura which means that I have to find a new main in every single game and... I really don't care for most of the cast, especially the ones who seem to be featured on most of the games and never skip an entry.
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I've been playing Tekken since I was 8 or 9 years old and got Tekken 5, the first fighting game I ever owned and I've been obsessed ever since. I love the gameplay because I feel like the four-limb system feels so natural, you know? If you press the X button you get a left kick, if you press the Δ button you get a right punch. It's so simple. Nina Williams is probably my favourite video game character ever, after Lara Croft, and I just really the series as a whole. It's also the only game I feel confident enough to play online atm.
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For some reason I was always vaguely aware of The King of Fighters existence since around 2010-2011 but I never felt the desire to play it? Mai was added in Dead or Alive 5 however and I absolutely loved her. I played so much as her. But as far as picking up her own games... Well... KOFXIV looked like shit and I'd heard that XIII, and KOF in general, was very difficult so that was a bit off-putting. After falling out of love with MK however, I had to feel the gap. And along came KOFXV! I was still not completely sold, but I had money to spare and I got the game and I now love the series so much? Definitely my favourite 2D fighting game series. I wasted so many years gatekeeping myself out of playing the games but, honestly, while I sometimes buy things on impulse, the money I can spend on games is a very specific and limited amount so I always try to actually buy things that I will actually play and enjoy. XV is fun, but it turns out the "ugly" KOFXIV and the difficult XIII are even more fun! Shout-out to KOF for having an amazing cast of characters too. Even with Tekken which has been with me since childhood there are TONS of characters I straight up hate or just don't care about. KOF has over 90 characters and the ones I actually hate are probably fewer than Tekken's. This is certainly not a quantity over quality case (the yearly release for the first decade of the series was insane though, I don't know why they thought that was a good idea)
SoulCalibur is another series I loved since childhood but this one I didn't personally own until my late teens. A friend's uncle had a Dreamcast however, and when he would visit him in the summer he would bring it over and we would play SoulCalibur a lot! I have several reservations about Namco basing the series entire marketing on "who's the guest this time?" and later on the character creation. The sole focus should be on the characters themselves, because SoulCalibur has the most detailed and complex backstories in fighting games. Period. But because SoulCalibur has devolved into an overglorified character creator and the guests get the only media focus the game is gonna get during its promotional period, I feel like the brand itself has lost its mainstream appeal. SoulCalibur I is one of the best fighting games, and it has zero guests and no customization, other than being able to choose different weapons for each character. Have your guests by all means, I personally had tons of fun with Ezio and 2B, and Haohmaru even peaked my curiosity for Samurai Shodown, and customization can be fun too, but don't make it your main selling point. It has evidently not been working as well as Namco wants it to. Tekken and Mortal Kombat have guests and customization too, but they're not the games main selling point, they only help bring in additional fans.
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Dead or Alive is the booby pervy game, sure, but it's also a great fighting game? The fast-paced gameplay is extremely fun and satisfying, most of the cast is actually pretty interesting, despite the sexy outfits and bikinis and beach volleyball, and whenever there's a new DOA in the market it it will always be the best-looking fighting game available at the time. There's no contest. I had tons of fun playing DOA2 as a kid and I had tons of fun playing DOA5 as an adult, because since DOA became Xbox-exclusive for a while, I never actually owned DOA3 or DOA4. I wish I could have had more fun with DOA6 too but the game is just... Soulless, and that's a shame. The fact that both DOA and SoulCalibur are unlikely to get sequels any time soon is also very heartbreaking.
I was way past my anime phase when I became aware of Guilty Gear's existence, so I was at first hesitant of checking it out. However, a chain of events led me to eventually get Rev 2. See, Haohmaru was a guest on SoulCalibur VI, and Baiken was a guest in Samurai Shodown and I guess you see where I'm going with is. This is why guests should absolutely not go away, but it is much better they remain actual (fighting) video game characters first and foremost and not stupid horror movie characters that haven't been relevant for decades (fuck every single MK12 guest, but especially RoboCop) Rev 2 is so much fun. It's still hard however, so I'm not yet ready to fully embrace Guilty Gear, but Strive looks more and more appealing each day is all I'm saying. Jack' O and I-No may have helped.
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Virtua Fighter forever revolutionized the genre by moving things for the first time in the third dimension. I only had a VF4 demo as a kid and I was creeped out by having to fight Shun Di, a drunken old creepy guy, in a dark cave on a raft as Sarah so I never touched the series again until 5. The game is really fun and I will forever be grateful for it because it eventually lead to Tekken and DOA's creation, but while MK having a "good" story mode does not automatically make it a good game, Virtua Fighter having NO story mode, not even arcade endings, doesn't help it's case all that much either.
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I've been contemplating trying out BlazBlue lately, Rachel, Taokaka and especially miss Litchi look really promising, but I'm trying to let the thought mature in my mind first rather than making an impulse purchase. I haven't played enough of any of its installments to have an opinion on it, but I know tons of people love it so it must have a few things going on for it, right?
Shout-out again to Samurai Shodown, I love the "fencing" aspect of its gameplay, but I'm just not as invested to it's cast as I am in KOF's yet. I've also always wanted to try out Darkstalkers but Capcom seems to be hellbent on wanting to make this franchise DIE. I don't understand why they don't at least start adding it's cast in Street Fighter as "permanent guests", in the same spirit as Final Fight characters keep on coming back. Morrigan is too good a character to be left to rot. I'd also love to try Killer Instinct, but it's another Xbox exclusive so RIP. Finally, I do own the first Injustice, but American comic book super heroes have always been morbidly boring to me (except Spiderman and Batman & co.) so, consequently, both Injustice and Marvel vs. Capcom are of no interest to me at all.
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prettycdds · 9 months
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{{ Ok, I have a cold, and I swear I will get to my older threads but for now let's talk Asha lol
This is one of those characters where I'm like-- Am I restructuring her/making her canon divergent or is this just how she was actually meant to be like, but what I'm going to do is look at the roots of her character and build her up from there and just see where she lands.
Here are her roots and what I extrapolate from them...
Her father was a philosopher and astronomer. She was closest to her father, a real daddy's girl, before he passed away. In turn, she knows how to read star charts, could point out the name of any constellation, and could find her way back home by looking at the night sky. The night sky is a motif of her's in this way. King Magnifico also seems to know who her father is. Now, ofc its very possible he's just unusually good at remembering random citizens, but to me that implies that the father came into contact with the king enough for him to have fond memories of him. Now I imagine their relationship to be this-- they once ( or maybe multiple times ) discussed philosophy but had their disagreements, though amicably so. You can kinda tell by the way Magnifico recalls him-- fondly but a tiny bit dismissive. " oh you, always looking at the stars for answers " kind of tone. But overall, the father still thought highly of the king, and so he sort of relayed to his daughter an incomplete and more perfect picture of him ( though the father himself sort of had a suspicion the king was less than perfect ) which would cause Asha to idolize the king.
Asha thought very highly of the king. She's practically a superfan of the king, even. She owns multiple books about him, has enamel pins of the kingdom's rose insignia, and this eventually allows her to become a literal tourist guide whose primary job is basically to talk up how fantastic he is and show national pride. If she's willing to do this we can assume she's happily and enthusiastically a very big fan of Magnifico ( even if she's one of the only female characters that doesn't express attraction to him lmao ) The books she owns of him implies she likely assumed she knew everything there was to know about him, which is why she was so shocked to find that none of his published stories mention the tragic past he later reveals to her.
She wanted to be the king's apprentice. Now this one is a vague character motivation in the movie, and that... bothers me. So we'll flesh it out and say yes, she did indeed want sincerely to be the king's apprentice, as an extension of her "fan of the king" core trait and... stay with me-- her love for animation. We know she is literally a cartoonist who does a sort of archaic animation with her notebook. What if that is an extension of her desire to learn magic, the desire to make things move that wouldn't, "the illusion of life" as Disney puts it. In a city where magic is outlawed, this was the only way she knew how to "practice magic" with the hope of one day being the king's apprentice. Because that law puts people in a weird position where they have to apply for a job they know nothing about.
She wanted her grandfather's wish granted. This is the part of her that I was never very fond of because the way they conveyed this trait of her's made her come across as oddly... selfish? And they don't really frame it as heroic as she could be with a slight change. They make a point of having her grumpy friend point out that becoming an apprentice, right at this moment, could easily be seen as her trying to game the system for the sake of getting wishes and she just... doesn't convincingly deny that's what she's doing. ( which is a little snakey for a disney princess-type girl, ngl! ) And then, after having this heartbreaking talk with the king and he trusts her enough to show her the wishes, she immediately decides to ask him for a royal favor before she even gets the job. In which, Magnifico looks kind of hurt and mentions most people at least wait months to ask and-- honestly, it just made her look really awful in my opinion. We're going to keep this core trait, but emphasize her desire to be the king's apprentice and a more generalized respect for the wishes of all her people overall, and have her more-so ask WHY the grandfather's wish wasn't granted, giving the king the benefit of the doubt that there was a good reason it wasn't, and that maybe she could discuss it and change his mind. So now, her mistake wasn't demanding a wish, her mistake was assuming the king was someone who could be calmly reasoned with, and it comes across more like a burning curiosity about how the wishes are handled rather than a sudden selfish demand for preferential treatment. Reflecting better her existing core trait of respecting the king and her kingdom. ( It doesn't make sense to me that she wouldn't gather from context clues that some people just don't get their wishes granted. Surely she would guess this based on the population / wish granting ratio lol ) And then they can still argue over what's best for people and all that-- I just think this slight reframing makes more sense. It also helps to emphasize that her primary goal was sincerely to be the apprentice.
Her general personality ... will probably be tweaked just a little. I always found it odd that she is somehow both a tour guide that interacts with people regularly and also severely socially awkward. But here's the thing-- is she socially awkward? Or was she just extremely nervous that day about meeting the king? I would probably depict that as more of an outlier for her instead of how she usually is. I would describe her core personality as... strongly and abrasively opinionated, maybe even a little hard-headed, naturally prone to disobeying authority ( not just because of the king but how she sneaks around and goes against her parents on just about... everything lol ), but deeply empathetic ( and a people person for that matter, she can endear a crowd ) and optimistic. Maybe even optimistic to a fault. She seems to believe that by default most-- if not all-- people are good with good intentions based on how she says " The people of Rosas are good people " which is... a kind of naive assumption lol. But also one additional detail-- she seems to know multiple languages! You can hear her say hello in multiple languages before giving her tour. That, combined with her astronomy knowledge and animation, likely implies she's a quick learner as well !
And that's all I can think of right now !! }}
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mmmcheetos · 11 months
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2bw85cjBOzhXwMflMumwe4?si=b4fa8ff4dc1049a6 - idk if i've ever shared the jinxue story playlist with you so here!! (yes ik there is a disturbing amount of fnaf songs, i'm on tumblr, what did you expect?)
If i may be so bold, I'd like to elaborate on the song choice 'Main Character'! It's Jin Yuran 1.0 and the song is him sloooowwwwlllyyyyy descending into insanity while trying to keep positive because he's the beaming eldest son made of sun rays. However, the bridge is when he properly loses it, and i've assigned little lyrics to people in my head so forgive me briefly while i explain it to you like a goddamn film script: Lai Yingxue: "Judge me by what my cover shows/" (practically emotionless on the outside and this is how everyone percieves him) "author becomes beyond reproach/" (Because of his disposition, he's talked ill off) "you don't know the prose or is the spine is still intact" (No one ever actually bothers to get to know him, his thoughts and feelings are ignored due to his demeanour, a book never read because the words look too long)
JYR's Dad: "...The Royak We/demand a standard of loyalty/in order to be reverent, lick the emperor's new boots" (Forcing the guoshi all to listen and obey and basically suck up to him, at risk of their loved one's lives)
Mai Guiying: "The court's fool got the guillotine" (1, his head was cut off, 2, he is the 'fool' of the court, naive and trusting but too scared to actually seek help until, eventually, he goes to the wrong person)
all guoshi: "we all do what we need to to get through/" (them taking their anger out on the children, slowly becoming cruel and bitter as being held hostage in a gilded cage put on display makes them slowly begin to lose any care they had for being in the moral right, just desperate for catharsis) JYR, in the immediate following lyric: "But I ain't done a fucking thing to you!" (He's an innocent bystander who was caught as a ransom in a war he didn't know existed - he never hurt anyone until he broke)
Also JYR, fast forwarding a few lines: "I mean, imagine if antagonists lacked any evil scheme!" (This one is a scene in my head of emporer JYR holding a hostage LYX's face, screaming desperately into a blank expression - the impact of the line comes from the irony: LYX was no antagonist, he didn't have an evil scheme. He and his friends lashed out and it hurt the wrong person. JYR was never part of the equation but he was the one who ended the game by destroying it. His descent to madness was an accident, not deliberate, but he cannot see it any other way because he simply doesnt know. In his decimated mind, LYX is a man of no love, empathy or kindness; he is a true villain)
Yikes, i just went english student-ish on you my apologies-
anyways, enjoy my thoughts!!!
au contraire there is not enough fnaf songs (i am on tumblr too my friend). there are so many bangers in this playlist tho love to see it
also don't apologise !!! i loved reading through this (especially after a ridiculous amount of math, i think i'm descending into insanity)
i'm now thinking about what you said ("while trying to keep positive because he's the beaming eldest son made of sun rays.") and how "i'm the main character, you have to like me" applies to jyr bc he's he prince! he's trying so hard to impress his tutors! and yet, they all hate him and make him suffer. and his second chance at life is a chance for him to be that likable, o.p. main character. idk tho i am not the english student here i have lost the ability to analyse texts
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phoukanamedpookie · 2 years
What can be gleaned about Azula in those moments when her mask slips?
One of the most fascinating things about Azula is that underneath her carefully maintained persona of perfection and invincibility lies a real human being.
So let's talk about that person under the façade.
But first, I have a favor to ask.
As we delve into this, can we focus on Azula? Can we not turn this exploration into blaming or pointing fingers at Zuko, Ursa, Iroh, Ozai, Bryke, or Gene Yang? While it's undeniable that the people in Azula's life have shaped who she is, I don't like making everything that Azula is entirely about them. She's a rich, layered, complex character in her own right, and I want to put my energy into that. By the same token, we have no control over what the showrunners and writers do, so I'd rather focus on the treasure of a character we have in Azula than in their shortcomings as storytellers and worldbuilders.
With that in mind, I'll get started.
There's a moment in the comics—yeah yeah boo hiss—there's an interaction Azula has with "Noriko" (Ursa who's been facebended and memorybended) that's very intriguing because it offers a sliver of what's going on beneath the surface with Azula. I'm not going to rehash the plot of The Search, but let's zero in on this part right here.
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There's a lot of meaning packed into these two frames, but let's unpack what they reveal about Azula that we haven't been privy to before.
So, in the first frame, "Noriko" has just watched this kid she just met earlier that day (as far as she knows) break into her home, terrorize her family, threaten her life, and rave at her about plotting against her. And the thing that "Noriko" immediately understands is that Azula is an unloved child.
I'm not talking about a lack of warm, fuzzy feelings, OK? That's love as a noun. I'm talking about love as a verb. "Noriko" instantly recognizes that Azula was not nurtured, guided, and protected the way she needed and needs to be. Azula is a child who was not cared for properly.
Now, what's really interesting is how Azula reacts. Based on popular fandom takes about her, you'd think she'd brush it off or sling fire and insults at "Noriko." But that's not what happens. This tiny gesture of genuine care from someone who's practically a stranger brings Azula up short, stops her in her tracks, and utterly breaks her resolve to harm "Noriko." Despite Azula's capacity for cruelty and violence on full display in this scene, she instantly turns away from her murderous resolve the second she receives this infinitesimal gesture. It's nowhere near enough to make up for what she lacked growing up, yet it has such a powerful effect on how she behaves.
This suggests an answer to one of the perplexing questions about Azula: How do you get through to her? It's so simple. The answer is love. It wouldn't take a grand gesture. What "Noriko" does here is so, so small and simple. That's literally all it would take. And it's so, so sad that no one has bothered to try.
What about you? What are some moments that make you realize that there's more to Azula?
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dumbikawa · 3 years
Taking Care of the HQ Boys
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GN!Reader | Fluff | Warnings: None
Characters: Suna, Kuroo, Iwaizumi
A/n: I’m such a simp for these boys it’s insane
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It took Suna a while to get used to the way you never held back when it came to taking care of him. One night, after a particularly rough practice, he’d sluggishly entered the apartment and practically collapsed on top of where you were laying on the couch. Wordlessly, you positioned yourself so that he was resting on your lap with both his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. It was comfortably silent as you ran your fingers through his hair that was still slightly damp from showering at the gym and in no time at all he was softly snoring.
He'd never admit it aloud, but he loved when you took care of him in little ways like that. From the start, he had always insisted on being the big spoon, obsessed with the way your body perfectly molded against his and the satisfaction of knowing you felt safe in his arms. Ever since that night, though, it became a regular thing for you to see him standing, looking at you like a pouty child, from the corner of your eye waiting for you to take the hint that he wanted you to cuddle him. You'd simply open your arms for him to crawl into without even having to look up from your phone.
Today was no exception.
Suna can feel the physical exhaustion down to his bones as he allows the cool water to wash away the sweat and grime he collected over the course of practice. Mentally he feels the same; completely drained in every sense of the word. He can’t even find the energy to thoroughly dry his hair, opting to quickly rub it with a towel before making his way to the bedroom and collapsing on the bed.
“Rin!” you gently scold, placing the book you’d been reading beside you on the bed. “You’re going to ruin your pillow.”
“I don’t care,” he mumbles, eyes remaining shut as he lets out a content sigh. He did care, actually, but his decision was already made and now that he was in bed there was no way he was getting up. He truly meant that, but when he feels you tugging at his hand for him to get up he begrudgingly obliges.
You’re holding your hair dryer and gesturing for him to sit on the floor. It doesn’t seem wise to disobey when you look so determined, so he slides off the bed, giving you full access to his sopping mess of hair.
His eyes flutter closed as the warmth from the hairdryer and the way your fingers are skillfully brushing through his hair begins to pull him towards sleep. Not to mention, in this position he has the perfect opportunity to use your thigh as a pillow and he makes a mental note to have you dry his hair more often. But, sadly, the flow of warm air shuts off and your voice pulls him back to the present.
“C’mon you big baby,” you laugh, watching him groan and throw himself back up on the bed. He shimmies under the covers, but refuses to place his head back on the damp pillow. Instead, he stares at you with sleepy eyes until you’ve positioned yourself so that you can sit comfortably and open your arms for him.
His arms automatically snake around your waist as he buries his head in your side.
“Do I do enough to take care of you?” he asks softly, turning to look up at you with a vulnerability that he doesn't often display so openly.
“Of course, Rin,” you hum, tracing your fingers down his exposed back. He still seems unsure as he pushes his face against your shirt, but his shoulders relax slightly. “I mean it. I like taking care of you, okay? There’s nothing to repay if that’s what you’re worried about.” 
Your reassurance falls on deaf ears, though, as you feel his breathing even out and his grip on you loosening.
“I love you, baby,” you whisper, grabbing your book from where you’d set it earlier and relishing in the quiet as you continued to absentmindedly draw designs against Suna's warm skin. 
Kuroo closes the apartment door quietly, finally letting his shoulders droop with exhaustion now that he's inside. He slips his bag noiselessly onto the ground and flicks his watch up to check the time. It was well past midnight by the time he actually clocked out of work and, although he wants nothing more than a dual welcome home/goodnight kiss from you, he hopes you’re sound asleep by now.
However, much to his surprise, you’re curled up on the couch with a book and a warm cup of tea, so enthralled in whatever you’re reading that you don't hear him approach. There’s a strong possibility you aren’t even aware of what time it is, completely lost in another world. He tests this theory by walking behind the couch and wrapping his arms around you, chuckling at the way you jump at the sudden contact.
“Welcome home!” you beam once you recover from the small scare. You press a quick kiss to his upturned lips before he walks around to the front so that he can relieve a proper hug.
“Thank you, babe,” he murmurs against your lips, not wanting to pull away from your warmth just yet. “Why aren’t you asleep?”
“I wanted to wait for you and then I got to this really good part in my book and just...lost track of what time it was.” The way your eyes light up sends a wave of admiration shooting straight through Kuroo’s heart. “How was work? Why did you have to stay so late?”
Kuroo begins walking you through his hectic day, quickly turning the discussion into an irritated rant about having to fix other people’s mistakes and figuring out schedules for upcoming projects. You listen thoughtfully as you migrate towards the kitchen, your boyfriend trailing closely behind.
Soon, there was a cup of hot tea in his hands and the two of you are positioned on the couch with your legs thrown over his lap as he gently massages your calves.
Your eyes never leave his as he talks, nodding along and asking questions every now and then. He didn’t need nor want any sort of advice or words of wisdom. Simply having you listen to him was enough to have him feeling ten times lighter by the time he reached the bottom of his cup.
“Do you want more?” you ask, beginning to stand up. Kuroo doesn’t answer, instead leaning forward and hooking his arm around your waist so that you fall back into his arms.
“More of you, yes,” he says, smiling into your hair. He can practically feel the way your eyes roll as you let out an exasperated groan at his cheesy comment, but the hint of a blush making its way to your cheeks betrays you.
You make the first move to get up, offering a hand out to him. His hand engulfs yours as you pull him towards the bedroom. The bed has new sheets and the laundry is sitting in a basket freshly washed and ready to be folded. A wave of guilt crashes into him, knowing that you also worked today and must’ve come home afterwards and cleaned up.
“Baby, you should’ve gotten some rest,” Kuroo sighs, gesturing to the laundry and neatly made  bed. "I'm certain it was my turn to do the laundry.”
“Yeah, but when you told me you had to work late I figured I’d knock out some chores since I had the time. It’s not like it’s a big deal, Tetsu.” 
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” The words have barely left his lips before he's throwing the covers over the two of you and shutting off the lights. His arms wrap around your middle as he pulls you close to him, relishing in your small giggles. It doesn't take long for you to drift to sleep while Kuroo places soft kisses against your exposed shoulders. He soon follows, matching his breathing with yours and immediately winding down, but until his brain finally shuts off from exhaustion he's thinking of all the ways he's going to show you just how much he appreciates everything you do.
Iwaizumi watches as you begin cooking dinner for the two of you as a quiet pop song plays off your phone. His work day was less than stellar, to put it simply, but watching you dance around the kitchen has already earned the frown from his face and has him smiling like a damn fool.
“Haji!” you exclaim, suddenly noticing the lurking figure from the corner of your eye. He steps out from his hiding place, an amused yet sheepish look on his face as he notices your flustered expression. “Why were you just standing there? Come here and give me a kiss, idiot.” He raises his hands in surrender as he does what you say, letting his lips linger on yours for a moment longer than usual and wrapping his arms around your waist to draw you closer to him.
“Hey, doll,” he murmurs against your skin, resting his face into the crook of your neck. You pull back slightly, ignoring his childlike protests as you do so.
“Are you okay?” you question, eyeing him up and down. Iwaizumi is sure he could get lost in your beautiful eyes that are currently filled with concern. You know him too well, he thinks, as you give him a knowing look. It was still difficult for him to open up about things, especially small things that had bothered him throughout the day. There wasn't a real reason to talk about all the irritating parts of the day because he knows he can handle them himself, or so he claims.
“Y/n, it’s nothing,” he reassures, kissing your nose in an attempt to further prove he’s not bothered. “It was just a very long day, but now I’m back here with you and I couldn’t be happier.” His smooth talking makes it impossible for you to stay mad, but you surely try.
“Alright, well, you know you can talk about it even if it’s ‘nothing.’ In the meantime, stay here and watch the food for a moment while I run you a bath.” Iwaizumi is quick to object, but you’ve already sauntered out of the room and he can hear the faint sound of running water.
It truly did feel nice to be taken care of, he thinks fleetingly as he sinks into the warm water, but it's difficult for him to fully relax when he can hear you bustling around the kitchen. He waits in the bath for a little longer so that you won't bite his head off for how quick he was before changing  into a pair of sweatpants and a comfortable shirt. The sounds of you beginning to set the table echoes down the hallway and he finds himself hoping you'll at least let him help with that.
“You lasted longer in there than I thought," you tease as your boyfriend appears back at your side. "Now go sit down." He opens his mouth to argue, but one look and he finds himself moving towards the table, wondering why you were so intent on doing everything.
“At least let me do the dishes,” he practically pleads, watching you with an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude as you bring the warm food over to the table.
“Or, hear me out, we leave the dishes to deal with tomorrow and spend the rest of the night watching movies cuddled up on the couch." He narrows his eyes as he searches through his brain, trying to remember if he'd forgotten an anniversary or birthday because he surely didn't feel as if he deserved this.
As if reading his mind once again you reach out and hold his hand, gently rubbing your thumb in circles against his skin.
"Can't you just let me take care of you? You're constantly going above and beyond for me, so I just thought I'd try and return the favor." Iwaizumi feels his face heat up as you place a kiss against his knuckles like he always does to you. It did feel nice, but he enjoys taking care of you. He never even thinks twice about it. 
"Alright, alright. In that case, you can do the dishes tonight and maybe also get some desert." He can feel your eyes boring into him as if to say, 'Don't push it.' A smile breaks out on his face as he begins digging into the meal you prepared, peppering you with compliments until his plate is clean.
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escapetodreamworld · 3 years
I’ll protect you. Angie x fem!reader
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Request: Can you write a one shot where reader saves Angie from the Collins? Requested by anon.
Words 4,259
Warnings: Angst Hurt/Comfort Character's we don’t care about die.
Thank you to the groupchat, we really do share a mind sometimes, you'll know what I'm talking about. There's also i little nod at the end about something we talked about.
A special thank you @arewecoolio who helped me a lot with this story. Thank you for hyping me up when I thought this was going to be a terrible fic, thank for giving me tips to help it run more smoothly. Ily.
You didn't even think twice when your powerful hearing picked up on her cries. You pushed yourself off your knees where you were scrubbing the tile floors, and sprinted as fast as you could through the manor. You finally reached the servants quarters, and didn't bother knocking on her door, barging right in. What you see makes your heartbreak and anger rise and burn in your throat.
Angelique’s curled into a ball sitting on the floor in between her bed and dresser. Tears rolling down her face, as a big bruise forms on her cheek, dried stream of her blood running from her lip down her chin.
You enter her room, closing the door behind you, you take a few steps towards Angelique before stopping. You drop to your knees and crawl the last couple feet towards her, stopping a foot away. Angelique hasn't acknowledged your presents, so you're careful not to touch her, you don't want to scare her.
"Angelique." You say softly, trying to get her attention. She continues to stare ahead, straight through you. "Angie, please, talk to me." You try again, voice cracking. You used your nickname for her, hoping it will snap her out of her trance.
She continues to stare at nothing, after a few moments of silence she speaks, so quiet that someone with normal hearing would have had a hard time understanding it.
"Master Collins caught me staring at Barnabas"
"Is that why you got that bruise? Because you stared at his son." You ask, your voice so low it comes out more as a growl. Angelique nods. "Angie, you can't keep doing this, the man is going to get you killed." You explain, hoping she finally listens to you. She doesn't.
"I just need to get his parents out of the way, then we can be together." She says, completely ignoring what you said. She stands up eruptly, moving through her room, grabbing a spell book from her hiding place. she turns back to you, her bruise and dried blood gone from her face. "Cover for me?" She asks.
You want to say "No way!" Tell her he's not worth it, tell her she's not thinking clearly. But you don't, you just nod your head. She grins and leaves the room, leaving you completely alone. Just like every other time she ditches you for Barnabas. You used to be inseparable, always following each other around, well you followed Angelique around. But there wasn't a day you weren't together. 
At least until Barnabas Collins started showing interest in Angelique, after that, they were always sneaking around, doing things that could get Angie beaten if anyone found out. And you had to just sit there, praying the day they get caught would never come. A small part of yourself, hopes they do get caught, because then Angie would have to stop seeing him, and spend time with you again. You hate that part of yourself.
You admitted to yourself a long time ago that your feelings for Angie went way beyond friendship. Many times you catch yourself watching Angie while she watches Barnabas. Wishing she'd look at you like that. That intense stare, following wherever he goes.
It makes your blood boil knowing he doesn't love her, he only uses her, and Angie is to blind with love to see it. If they ever got caught, nothing would happen to him, he would go about his life like nothing happened, never sparing Angelique another thought.
And his parents, they would see that Angelique disappeared, you'd never see her again. And it would be all his fault, all because he was a man whore. The time that they get caught will come sooner or later. Angelique's right, his parents have to go. It's the only way she'll be safe. You can't wait for Angie to find a way, it could take days, weeks even, and the chances of getting caught are higher every day. You have to help her, you can't stand the thought of never seeing her again.
You sit there, on Angie's floor, trying to think of ways to ensure Angie's safety. There's only one thing that comes to mind, and you hate it, it disgusts you, makes you feel ill, but it's the only way, you'll have to kill them yourself, tonight. during the full moon.
Rising from the floor, you leave to find master Collins and lady Collins. It's getting dark, and the full moon is starting to rise. And every night master and lady Collins take an evening stroll. Everything's coming together perfectly. You would never do what you're about to do, but it's for Angie, you tell yourself. You hide in the trees near the manor, all you have to do is wait. And try not to chicken out.
 The moon finally reaches peak position, you realize with dread. You step further into the shadows, letting the transformation take its hold on you. You've learned not to fight it, it only hurts if you do. After a few moments it's done, your legs and feet are longer and you're covered in hair.
A noise alerts you to two people approaching. the Collins on their walk, You  crouch down to not alert their dog, and wait for them to get closer. Oddly before they can get close enough, a giant seahorse gargoyle falls onto them, killing them. You stand there, shocked before realizing Angelique must have found a way of getting rid of them. You run further into the wood, knowing the sound that statue made will make a servant or two investigate.
By the morning when you transform back into your human form, everyone knows of master and lady Collins passing. On your way to bed you're practically tackled by Angelique, she throws her arms around you. You're surprised but hug her back, when she finally pulls away she drags you into her room. 
"Where were you last night? I came to your room last night to tell you something important but you weren't there." Angelique asks. Worried.
"Oh, I was out again, you know, watching the stars and full moon. I fell asleep out there again." You lie. You're a terrible liar but you know how to distract Angie so she forgets about it. "What did you have to tell me?" You ask quickly when it looked like Angelique was going to comment on your lie.
It works. Angie forgets, she immediately starts grinning. "I did it, I killed them." She whispers, so proud of what she's accomplished.
"I thought you might've had something to do with that accident." You say, even though you knew she had everything to do with it. Her grin gets wider.
"This means Barnabas and I can be together." She says, excitedly. Your heart drops, you forgot why she wanted them gone, so she could continue sleeping with Barnabas. Your heartbreaks, you don't hear what Angie's saying, it all sounds underwater to you. But you do notice that she starts to leave, practically skipping to the door. She turns around to say something else to you before she leaves.
"Oh, and (y/n), maybe don't fall asleep outdoors anymore. There could be werewolves." She says, jokingly. Before smiling and leaving you alone in her room once again. Her joke ringing in your ears, you never told her what you were. You didn't want her to know, the thought of her ever seeing you in that ugly form disgusts you. You feel bad for hiding it, but it's for the best.
Despite two of the Collins dying, everything continues on like normal, do your chores, then do whatever you want as long as you're not in the Collins family's way. Of course, it's only Barnabas now. Which means more freedom, but it comes at a price, that price for you is you never see Angie, and when you do all she does is complain that Barnabas isn't spending time with her. You want to be annoyed, but at least you're seeing her when she's complaining.
That's how it goes for weeks, only seeing her when she complains to you about Barnabas not sleeping with her. You're getting mad about it, all she does is tell you how she threw herself at him again and he just sends her away. But today is different.
She storms into your room while you're reading, she's angry, something about seeing Barnabas with some girl. How they were kissing and confessing their love for each other, you know Barnabas told Angie he didn't love her, you can see how mad Angie is. It makes you angry, but not for the reason she wants.
"Maybe you should just let him be happy, he clearly loves this girl." You snap, you couldn't hold it in anymore. All that anger is finally coming out.
"Excuse me! I tell you he's cheating on me and your suggestion if I let him!" Angelique yells, her anger now focusing on you. You don't care, you're going to say what needs to be said anyways.
"He's not cheating on you! He was never courting you! He was just using you, and you let him!" You yelled, frustrated. Why couldn't she just see that he doesn't love her.
"Whose side are you on?" She asks, angrily. You growl and grit out "yours" "are you sure? Cause it sounds like you don't care about me." She says, and that weakens you. Your shoulders slump, and you try your best to take deep breaths, releasing all your anger.
Once you've calmed down you address her. "I'm sorry Angie, I do care about you. It's just, miss you, i never see you anymore." You say sadly, look down at your hands, hoping she accepts your apology. 
You hear her sigh, and feel her hand on your face, lifting your head up  to look at her. Once you look at her she rubs her thumb over your cheek. You close your eyes, relaxing into her touch. "I am sorry too, you must have felt abandoned. I promise not to do it again. I just need to figure out how to get rid of this whore that's trying to take Barnabas away from me." She says, still rubbing circles in your cheek. 
"I don't know Ang, push her off a cliff." You say, not really thinking about it, still caught up in the feeling and her warm hand on your face. But when she stops drawing patterns in your face, you open your eyes. Angelique has a wicked grin on her face, you've never seen her like this before, it scares you.
"You're a genius, my dear." She says, and you blush at the praise and pet name. But before you can say anything, she's withdrawing her hands and walks away. Once again leaving you. You sit there, staring at the door, you can't believe it happened again. She left you again, after promising. You close your door and cry.
You don't leave your room for two days, And no one checks on you. You know you'll have to leave your room before tonight, you can't risk changing into a werewolf while in the manor. But you stay in bed till you know you can't wait any longer, finally you sneak out, towards the servants staircase. But when you hear people on the stairwell, you quickly decide you don't want to see anyone and get asked questions, so you turn on your heels, heading for the main stairwell. 
You hear a commotion from below, it sounds like a man shouting. You peer over the railing, listening to what was happening. You can't see anyone but you can hear them. 
"You're a wretched woman, you're vile and evil, you killed the woman I love, you cursed me to be this monster, and you have the audacity to try and place your lips upon me!" You hear Barnabas shout, and he finally comes onto view. You're shocked by what you see, Barnabas is paler than you've ever thought possible, his fingernails are longer and sharper, almost like yours when you change. And the most terrifying part about him, he's covered in blood. "What did you do Angie?" You whisper to yourself.
You see Angelique following after him, a frown on her face, she grabs Barnabas's arm, spinning him to look at her. "Don't you see, I did this for us. So we could finally be together." She says, touching his face. Just like she did with you. A growl tries to escape your throat, you clasp your hands over your mouth. You realize in horror that you stayed too long, that the moon has risen. Backing away from the railing you hunch over, transforming, you try to stop it, hold it off just a little longer, but it's too strong.
Suddenly you hear a crash coming from below. Rushing back to the railing you see Angelique crumbled on the floor, on the complete opposite side of the room, from where she stood earlier. Barnabas slowly approaches, glaring down at Angelique, it's clear what happened, Barnabas threw her off of himself.
Barnabas lifts Angie up by her throat, you can see her struggling to breathe. And the next thing you know you're running full speed towards the two of them, slamming into Barnabas. You and him go tumbling to the floor, you hear Angie drop to the floor behind you, coughing and gasping for air.
You and Barnabas get up quickly, he stares at you in shock, you glare back. Your tense, ready to attack, "(y/n)? What has this witch done to you?" Barnabas asks, looking you over, deeply concerned about the state you're in. He reaches out to touch You, you growl and he pulls back. You can hear the coughing subside behind you, then a strained voice. 
"(Y/n)?" Angelique says, shock clear in her voice, despite how rough it was. You send Barnabas another glare before turning to Angelique, dropping to your knees before her. 
"Angie, are you alright?" You ask, carefully reaching to touch the bruising on her neck. You ignore Angie's eyes burning into your face, and focus on searching her for broken bones.
You touch her wrist, feeling for breaks. Angelique clasps her hand around your wrist, not painful, just enough to get your attention. you look at her, and you wish you could look away. "Why didn't you tell me?" her eyes bore into you so intensely, almost searching your very soul for the information she wants.
"I, I didn't want you to see me like this." You say, finally breaking eye contact. Staring at her bruises instead, until the familiar feeling of her hand on your cheek pulls you back in.
"I could have helped you." She says sadly, eyes showing the hurt she feels. You shake your head, pulling her hand away. "No spell can fix me Angie, you know that." You tell her, crying. Saddened by her concern for you. Stepping away from her, you turn back to Barnabas.
Barnabas was still standing there, watching your interaction. You send him another glare as you slowly advance on him. You can see the concern in his eyes, concern for his safety. He starts talking, rambling about what Angie did, how she deserves to burn for her crimes. You strike, your back hand to his face sends him into the wall. You ignore the gasp you hear coming from Angelique. You advance on him again, this time, once he gets back up, the fear in his eyes is gone, replaced with hate and determination.
He charges at you, and you're in a fight of teeth and claws, both trying to rip the other apart. You'll be damned if he's the survivor of the battle, you'll be the one winning this, even if it means Angelique never looks at you again, at least she'll be safe. 
Barnabas throws a nasty punch to your stomach and in your moment of weakness, he grabs you, throwing you across the room. You hit the floor, sliding, you use your claws on the tile to slow you down, the sound is terrible but it stops you from hitting the wall behind you. Your back up, running at Barnabas, he charges you too, you leap up, striking in from the air. The blow causes him to be knocked over. You are on him, hands wrapped under his neck, trying to get it to break. He shoves you off, pushing you away a few feet, you run back towards him, only to get kicked. Thrown into the statue pillar, a sickening crack is heard and you're not sure if it came from you of the statue, too disoriented to tell.
 You struggle to your feet when you hear Barnabas approaching, but he's next to you before you can, lifting you into the air by your throat. You struggle, trying to pry his hands away with your own, kicking him. You know the kicks hurt but he stays strong, choking you out. "I'm sorry about this (y/n)" he says, remorsefully, squeezing tighter. It's become very hard to see, you really just want to close your eyes. You can barely make out the scream coming from somewhere in the room.
Suddenly you drop to the floor, pain shooting through your knees from the impact, you gasp for air, struggling to inhale any. Your vision slowly comes back, you're able to see Barnabas, floating in mid air struggling to get out of the invisible hold he's in. You continue taking deep breaths, focusing your very limited vision on Barnabas, worried he'll drop at any second.
You flinch when you feel someone touch you, you jerk away from the touch, only to be pulled back into it. The smell of vanilla, and the unmistakable stench of magic hit your nose, you relax into it. Welcoming the touch you've been pulled into. You finally take your eyes off Barnabas, and focus on Angie. Taking in the tears on her cheeks, and the slight quiver of her lip.
"You idiot, you almost got killed, why should you do something so stupid?" Angelique asks, furiously. But you can see the concern all over her face. You smile, sheepishly. "You're welcome." Angie didn't like that answer, not one bit. Glaring at you, her way of saying "Don't joke." You stop smiling, You clear your throat, wincing in pain when you do. Angelique frowns, moving her hand over your throat, barely grazing it, you flinch when you feel it, causing her to pull back slightly.
Angelique carefully moves her hand back towards you, keeping eye contact. You don't flinch when she touches you this time, your neck feels tingly, then the pain in your throat is gone. "Now, tell me why you thought fighting a vampire was a good idea." Angie says, sternly. removing her hand from your throat.
"He hurt you, I couldn't stand by and watch him choke you to death." You explain to her, causing Angie to sigh.  "So you thought you'd kill him. Sweetie, that's not like you." Angie says, running her hand through your messy hair, you wince when she touches a spot on the back of your head, both of you realizing you must have hit it, Angelique starts healing it. "I would do it for you, I would have killed his parents that night if you didn't beat me to it." You say, revealing that information caused Angelique to frown.
"You were going to kill Barnabas's parents for me? Why would you do something like that for me?" Angie asks, her brows scrunching in confusion. "Why are you so willing to hurt people or get hurt for me?" She questioned, and you realize this is the best opportunity to tell her.
"I would do anything for you, I love you." You tell Angelique, looking at every little detail on her face, memorizing it. When you meet her eyes you shiver, she's looking at you the way she does Barnabas, that intense possessive stare, the look you always wished was directed at you. You can help looking at her lips, Angie notices, her lips forming into a smirk.
She uses the hand still holding the back of your head to slowly pull your head towards hers, you're so excited, you're about to kiss the girl you've been dreaming about. But before you can press your lips to hers, you remember something and pull back. It confuses Angelique, but you quickly explain.
"My teeth are a lot sharper in this form, I could hurt you." You tell her, showing her your sharpened teeth. She looks at them and laughs. "I'll be careful." She says, leaning back into. You pull back again. "That's great but I might forget and cut you. Maybe we should wait till the sun rises?" You say, glancing towards the window. Angie pouts but nods, understanding your concern.
"Thank gods, I didn't want to see that disgusting display" you hear Barnabas growl. Angie's and your heads snap up to Barnabas, glaring daggers. You growl back but Angie acts quick, Barnabas is slammed into the ground, the tile shattering upon his impact. He's then thrown into the wall opposite the two of you, and finally he's positioned again in the spot he was hanging from earlier, his unconscious body above you.
Your eyes are brought back to Angie by the always familiar hand on your cheek, you lean against her hand, a content sigh leaving your lips. Angie smiles at you. "I love you." She whispers, kissing your cheek, very close to your lips. You're so happy, but one fear looms over you, along with his body.
"What are you going to do about Barnabas?" You ask Angie, you're deeply worried about her response. Her soft smile turns into a wicked grin, the same one you witnessed after telling her to push that girl off a cliff, it's worries you but gives you hope at the same time.
"I think the town's people would be very interested in knowing about our local vampire." She says, eyes wild. She grins at you then sneers at Barnabas's body.
The plan was simple. Angie tells the town's people about Barnabas, leads the angry mob to the manor, and you stay hidden so no one sees you, and she'll be back to you by sunrise. So far it's went well, they came for Barnabas dragging him out of the house, you've been hiding in Angie's spell room, the one place no one can find, unless Angie wants them to find it. The sun is almost risen, you'll turn back soon, but Angie isn't here yet. You're worried, what if Barnabas told everyone she was a witch and they believed him, what if he broke free and killed her. What if she just doesn't want to come back to you.
You've paced the room for what feels like forever, worrying yourself into a panic. You're about to sneak upstairs to see if there's any sign of Angie when you hear footsteps echo down the stone steps. The latch on the door clicks open and the door swings open, Angie strides in, a smirk plastered on her face. She closes the door behind her with a flick of her wrist. 
"I'm sorry, those idiots wanted to try stoning him first, they didn't realize it would work, finally, they decided to bury him deep in the woods in a chained up coffin." She explains, washing the dirt from her hands in a wash bowl. "I marked the place he was buried, just to make sure we remember and so no one can unearth him." She continues saying.
You've listened silently, just content on watching her. You're so relieved she's back, safe, not one scorch mark on her. She turns around, catching you staring, she smirks and winks at you. You blush at being caught. Angelique stalks towards you, like she's hunting her prey. As she reaches you the sunlight shines through the window, basking the room in a golden color, all you can think about is how beautiful the color makes Angie look. But her grin makes you know she's thinking something very different.
Angie reaches out, grabbing your skirts pulling you closer to her, you gasp at the feeling of her body pressing against yours. Angie leans in to whisper something in your ear. "As cute as you look in the other form, this one's my favorite." She says, then kisses below your ear.
You gasp, both at the feeling of her lips and breathe on your ear and because you forgot what the sunrise meant. You're human again. You pull back so you can see Angie's face, and you can tell she can't hold off anymore. You lean forward, and Angie surges forwards meeting your lips, it doesn't take long for a whimper to leave your lips, but Angie swallows it, pressing further into you.
It's bliss, pure bliss, you've never been happier than in this moment, and you know, it'll feel like this for a very long time to come. You'll do anything to keep Angie happy, and in the following centuries, you do just that. Sure Angie is happy with you, your relationship hasn't lost any if it's intensity or love. But you're in love with a devious little witch, and she thinks it's fun to mess with the Collins family, she even asks you to help sometimes, so when she begs and seduces you into going to bite the Collins kid. You do it.
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tommybaholland · 3 years
may I have some hcs for how noya, suga, suna, and maybe??? tsuki (I didn't see him in your list of characters you currently write for, so I wasn't sure if you would write for him if I requested him, so I understand if you don't) react to their s/o who's in a sports team (in high school if possible unless you prefer to age them up I understand!) too (I'm not specifying/choosing so other readers can feel included!) injuring their knee during practice, but not taking it seriously and they just limp around everywhere instead of going to the doctor or trying to do something to feel better. I went too hard on badminton practice yesterday and I literally cannot bend, or put weight on my knee right now so I'm just limping around cause I'm too scared to ask my mom if she can take me to the hospital sjjjdjshs. Don't be like me pls🧍‍♀️as someone who's injured several muscles over 2 times I am begging to take this seriously if you ever get injured, I hope you're taking care of yourself!! :))
when their s/o tries to hide an injury
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featuring: nishinoya, sugawara, and suna
yes, unfortunately, i don’t write for tsukki right now, but here are the other three :) i’ll let the writing do the talking, but take it easy and i hope you feel better soon! 
he’s probably the least observant and that doesn’t mean he can’t take a hint when something’s wrong with you
but he usually doesn’t find out about it until after something happens 
you two have quite the playful relationship and are no strangers to playing fighting or jumping onto each other
one day at school, he snuck up behind you to hop onto your back as he often did 
and normally you wouldn’t mind and can handle it because he’s as light as a feather 
but today your back didn’t take it so well as you let out a strained gasped at feeling his weight put pressure onto it 
“hey, my beautiful, sweet, gorgeous-- hey, are you okay? did i hurt you?”
you knew you were going to have to have this conversation with him eventually but of course, you were too late
you wince as you try to stand up straight again, explaining that your back was already hurting from practice
“oh, well, then you should probably go see the nurse. can’t have you hurting, gorgeous.”
you promise him that it’s okay and you probably just need to stretch it out later
he hesitantly accepts your answer, but worries about you all-day long
it makes him usually quiet 
so he decides that he can’t let you tolerate your pain
on your way to the gym after school for practice, you find him waiting outside 
“you can’t practice today, babe.”
you actually get a little annoyed at him for trying to tell you what you can and can’t do
“oh, you’re fine? okay, then-- oops, i dropped my pen. can you pick it up for me? it’s closer to you.”
you knew where this was going 
but your back said otherwise and you barely hinged forward before it felt like someone was literally stabbing you in the back
“see? you can barely bend over. i’m taking you to the nurse or a doctor or something so you can get better.”
he grabs your hand and starts leading you away when you stop and ask him about your practice and volleyball
“i talked to the coach before you got here and they agree with me. i can miss one day of practice. the rest of them would probably do the same for their s/o and besides most of them still suck at receiving so they can practice that and serving at the same time!”
you still don’t look convinced so he brings you closer to him by tugging lightly on the bottom of your school uniform
“don’t worry, beautiful. i got it all sorted out, okay?” 
you finally nod and he seals his promise with a small kiss 
“listen, you’re my strong, beautiful, gorgeous, smart s/o and i love you! i’ll try to pay more attention to you but i need you to let me know when you’re hurting..”
he couldn’t let you get away with a small scolding bc his oblivious ass loves you too much 
he observes but tries not to make a big deal out of it or bring it up in a confrontational way 
you had a slight limp on the way to school and on the way home with him after both of your practices finished
he invited you over to hang out for a bit before your curfew and he notices that you struggled a little to sit down next to him on his bed like you were in pain
“sugar, are you alright?” he asked, his hand rubbing across your back
you tell him you’re fine
“okay...are you sure? i’m pretty sure you’ve been limping this entire day and just now it looked like it hurt to sit down.”
you admit that your hip has been bothering you ever since practice the day before and you thought it would just get better over time 
“well, how bad is the pain?”
it’s not too bad, you think
he has you lay down and he tries to examine you a bit himself
“does it hurt when i lift your leg like this?”
he slowly tries to lift it to a ninety-degree angle but a sharp pain shoots right into your hip 
you wince and tense up at the pain 
he frowns as he immediately puts your leg down, “it’s only your hip, right? your knee doesn’t hurt or anything?”
you shake your head, still tense from the pain that it’s causing you 
he lays down next to you, rubbing a soothing hand up and down you arm, “aww, i’m sorry it hurts so much, sweetness, but-- wait, you didn’t go to practice like this did you?  
well, the karma was certainly hitting
he sighs, “babe, why would you-- never mind, i think you need to go see the doctor.”
that’s when the tears start to fall
he pulls you into his arms upon seeing your tears, “i know you don’t wanna go, sweetheart, but you need to get this checked out. i just hate seeing you in so much pain and they can help you feel better.” 
you hate the doctor
it just makes you just feel like more of a helpless burden 
“you’re not a burden, sugar. this looks serious and you shouldn’t be in so much pain. i don’t think we should let it go any longer so let’s get you bundled up in some of my sweatpants and that one sweater you like. i’ll take you and be there for you the entire time, okay?” 
gives you a few reassuring kisses and lets you lay there with him for a bit longer before you get ready to go
he would never let his sweet s/o suffer and always stays true to his word 
and you bet that he’ll be there when you’re confined to bed rest, making sure you’re not overexerting yourself so he can see your beautiful smile again
he’s the most observant out of these three and won’t hesitate to ask about it
he didn’t see you much during the day at school but he walked you home almost every day after practice and usually ended up staying for dinner
so he always had that to look forward to
he was surprised when he got a glance of you outside the gym earlier than normal 
and he really got curious when he saw how off-balanced and wobbly you seemed
you waited outside for him, not wanting to interrupt practice 
you had skipped your own practice that day, seeing that nobody knew you had hurt your knee 
but you knew suna would find out eventually so you were just trying to figure out what to tell him 
“hey, so when were you going to tell me that you’re hurt?”
he was so quiet and stealthy that you didn’t even notice him standing there with all his stuff, ready to leave for the day
he was never less than confrontational
“and don’t try to hide it from me, babe. i can see the limp in your step.”
your knee has been hurting since practice the other day and it wasn’t getting any better
“i see. have you tried icing it or anything?”
the habitual blank expression in his face had turned downward as you shook your head
“baby, how many times do i have to tell you? you can’t just let things like this go. it’s not good for you.” 
you tell him not to tell your parents or make you go to the doctor because it doesn’t hurt that bad
“of course. i can’t make you do anything, but let’s at least try putting some ice on it and elevating it first, okay?” 
you agree and then he tries to pick you up, insisting on carrying you all the way home 
“babe, i can do it. i’ve got a strong core, remember?”
you’re still refusing him like, ‘pls chill, i’m not dying’
“okay, but hold onto me when you need. and here, do you want to wear this? it’s a bit cold out.”
he gives you his team jacket to wear 
you begin walking and you realize you’re more unsteady than you thought
he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side, and has you wrap an arm around his shoulders so he can steady you a little more
once you get to his house, he gets you all set up in his bed with ice and your leg propped up on a few pillows 
then he makes sure you’re all cozy with plenty of blankets and him snuggled up beside you
he doesn’t look like it but he loves to dote on you even when you’re being stubborn <3
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hold on haikyuu night!! there’s more if you want to request..
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pocket-lilies · 3 years
Oikawa as a boyfriend! | hcs
Hello, lovelies! So, I'm trying to turn my friend into an Oikawa simp, therefore I made these! They MIGHT be a little ooc since I don't know his character FULLY, but from what I understand this is what he could be like. Roast me if I'm wrong - Pocket
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❥ Oikawa as a boyfriend
Well, congratulations on snagging this dude as your mans! He’s not all bad! Oikawa is constantly surrounded by all sorts of pretty people and he chooses you above them all.
Of course, Tooru was the one who asked you out first. He wasn’t super confident, actually, he was quite the opposite. Tooru had already lost a partner due to his unending devotion to volleyball. He was scared it would drive you away too. Yet here you are, proving him wrong!
Oikawa doesn’t care about PDA. I mean, if it were up to him, he’d be all over you BUT it solely depends on you. You don’t like PDA? That’s fine, he won’t do anything. Only wanna hold hands? That’s fine, just grab his hand whenever? Can’t handle any PDA? That’s fine too! Just let him know how close he can stand. Your comfort comes above all.
Oikawa ADORES cuddles. Who doesn’t wanna just be wrapped up with the one they love like all day long? But, he can understand if that’s not your thing. Can’t cuddle for more than 15 minutes? That’s fine! He’ll cherish every minute of it that he can. Cuddle positions depend on the day. When he’s had a good day, he doesn’t have a particular position. However, when he has a bad day, he loves to just bury his face in your chest while you play with his hair. Don’t mind the drops of tears on your shirt-
Oikawa’s worries depend on the situation. For example, he’s not worried about someone stealing you from him. First off, he’s THE Tooru Oikawa. Second, you’re loyal asf so he’s not gonna be worried if you hang out with your guy friends. He’s not one to use hickies as a statement… but if you have one on you and it’s visible… he won’t feel too bad. He would tone it down, however, if it’s something that you don’t like. Does he worry about you kinda just getting stolen one day? A little. He doesn’t like it when you walk home at night. Like… he’s gonna worry! Have you seen the news?! It’s all BAD NEWS! He uh… he followed you one time. It’s because you told him you were fine walking home by yourself but it was getting dark and so he decided to follow you and scared the crap out of you. Ever since you let him walk/drive you home. Mainly so HE can feel better.
Tooru doesn’t like it when you get into fights. Not like against your guy friends, but like if someone is bothering you. Be it a guy or a girl or pal who’s just kinda irking you. If you’re angry, he’ll step right in and try to diffuse the situation any way he can. He doesn’t want you getting into a fight (no matter how badly you want to). Now if you’re gonna pull a Tsukishima and just destroy them with words, that’s fine. He’ll stand right behind you and laugh at them. But you can’t throw hands.
Tooru’s very attentive to your emotions. Like he’ll know the second you’re upset. One time, you were watching his practice after a rather bad day. Tooru was talking to Iwaizumi about a strategy when he looked over at you. You were looking down but he immediately knew you were upset. He apologized and excused himself, grabbing your things, and taking you away. He took you for a walk at the park before taking you home. He had to take a quick shower, but after that, he spent the ENTIRE day doing anything and everything he could to make you laugh.
Tooru will often buy your favorite snacks but in pairs. Whenever you’re down or just need a little motivation, he’ll give you one of them. If you want more or need a little more happiness/motivation, he’ll give you the other one. He’ll never keep them for himself and eat them. He’ll also just give you one of them just to brighten your day. Not only that, but all of his hoodies are fair game. You like them? Take them. He loves it when you wear his clothes, so the last thing he’ll do is stop you.
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