#actual human child azula
pizzaboat · 1 month
This whole Azula being born lucky and Zuko being lucky to be born... Azula would have to be "lucky". If she was "normal" like Zuko, she would be dead
At 13, Zuko was a child you couldn't justify duelling, a boy who needed protection and was deserving of compassion.
At 14, Azula is a soldier. A fire bending weapon who is none of the things that Zuko was, because she wears makeup, is sharp tongued, and fights in a ruthless way that's conducive to her environment
All the things she does in the show are insane. Her physical feats and the expectations set on her by Ozai. You're not just born that good. You train, and you train hard, and if you're talented, that training won't kill you, and you won't buckle under the pressure
She was literally a kid with no choice but to be better at war than all the adults around her. Ozai expected her to be his right-hand man or nothing at all
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phoukanamedpookie · 1 month
hot take from me: I don't think Azula needs a redemption arc. I think she needs help, therapy, and care.
But saying that a child who was abused and who yes did bad things need to be redeemed or to redeem themselves leaves such a bad taste in my mouth.
What children do when they are trying to survive abuse and are in survival mode can not really be judged as good/bad dichotomy.
Because that child is not existing in world of good/bad, they are not making choices in regards in this moral thing to do, the good thing, the right thing vs not.
They are living in a world of will this help survive this moment yes or no. Even if they don't realize.
Azula should and can apologize for hurting people, but she doesn't need to be redeemed.
And in turn the adults in Azula's life should be apologizing to her and be trying to right by her. Ursa and Iroh failed her and did not protect her.
Azula and Zuko were both abused and abandoned by both their parents in diffrent ways.
Zuko at least had Iroh to help him, to guide him, and to step in as a parental figure. He also had some positive memories associated with their mother.
This is not to say one's abuse is worse or better than the other because that is not how abuse and trauma works. It is simply point out that Zuko thankfully had a support system, a safety net where Azula had none.
That lack of a support system is very damaging. Azula is some who has been hurt and who is realistically deals with a lot of fear even if she puts up this fearless aura about her.
She like Zuko has trauma. She like Zuke deserves understanding and compassion.
She like Aang, Toph, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko is a child too.
Also, lemme dig up that post I made about Azula just starting to gain a yetzer tov because she was literally too young to have one before.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 months
Azula's mommy issues how it does (and doesn't) affect her personality and theoretical redemption
Ah, Ursa and how she ties into a possible Azula redemption. I recommend you get a snack and some water, because this answer is gonna be a long one XD
Before we even get to the dynamic between these two characters and how it informed Azula's actions, let's remember THE main thing that is responsible for Azula being the way she is: Indoctrination.
Her nation had been waging war against the rest of the world for 100 hundred years. Azula is 14. For 86 years her family had been telling everyone, including themselves, that the war was just, it was for the good of the world and of the Fire Nation, it was "sharing their glory", it was just them taking over land that was rightfully theirs because of "divine right to rule" (something Azula herself says to Lu Fang when she's taking over Ba Sing Se).
We see children cheering for a puppet version of Fire Lord Ozai in a festival, as he defeats an "evil" Earth Kingdom general. We are explicitly shown that Fire Nation schools lie about things like the Air Nomads, a pacifist culture, having an ARMY that Sozin's men attacked, framing it more as a mutual conflict between equals in which the Fire Nation won, instead of a sudden attack against an entire group of people that were just minding their business.
We see IROH write a letter about how he hopes his family can see Ba Sing Se IF THEY DON'T HAVE TO BURN IT TO THE GROUND to conquer it - and not only do Zuko and Azula both laugh, URSA is also laughing.
Azula was raised to believe her nation had every right to do all the attrocities it commited. And just like Zuko, she is still a teenager, not an adult like her dad, uncle or mom - and while they had less excuse than the Fire Siblings for not knowing any better since they were already grown, they do still have more excuse than Azulon and especially Sozin, since they were ALSO raised to believe that stuff was perfectly normal.
Even if Ursa had been a perfect mom, Azula would likely still be a villain, though maybe less bitter and insecure over feeling unworthy of love (but that would not disappear completely, since Ozai was still an abusive dad that very clearly expected perfection from his children at all times, which is way too much pressure to put on anyone, let alone on two kids. And since she was his favorite, she'd obviously try to copy him, so she wouldn't end up like Zuko, so her more cruel, ruthless side would also be very present).
HOWEVER, that does not change the fact that Ursa's flawed parenting had a deep impact on her daughter.
For starters, even the creators/showrunners and writers of the show have said Zuko is her favorite child - and a parent playing favorites is NEVER good, even if they don't downright abuse the one they don't like as much. And for a kid that is in an abusive home, seeing her brother be treated as completely worthless because he is not the favorite, it isn't that hard to understand how Azula concluded that, if her mom didn't like her as much as she liked Zuko, it's because she didn't like her AT ALL. Add in Ursa's concern over Ozai's influence over Azula and how it's shaping her personality, plus the fact that she said "What's wrong with that child?" WITH AZULA IN THE ROOM, and we have the source of her belief her mom didn't just dislike her, but also saw her as monster.
Because yeah, let's not forget Azula had TWO parents. Two parents that clearly wanted very different things from their children. Ursa was cool with all the imperialism stuff, but she was horrified at the thought of the family being at war with itself, fighting for the crown. She was a bad guy, but she had standards. Meanwhile Ozai was clearly on team "stab everyone in the back to get what you want, then rule by fear." Once her mom was out of the picture, Azula naturally felt like her dad had essentially proven his method was better, since he ended up getting everything he wanted (though Azula does question that in the finale, when she imagines Ursa of all people trying to make her see trying to use fear to force people into supporting/loving her would only further isolate her, showing some part of her DID internalize a point of view that did not align with Ozai's).
But even before Ursa was forced to disappear from her daughter's life, she was already failing to connect with her, but not solely because of Ozai. Think about it. We see lots of scenes of Ursa spending time just with Zuko, and some of her with both of her kids - but never do we get even a single scene just between her and Azula.
When Zuko immitates Azula's bad behavior (because he thought it was cool and funny) and throws bread (not a rock like the fandom insists, BREAD) at the turtleducks, Ursa is visibly shocked and distressed, but she EXPLAINS to Zuko why what he did was wrong (it hurt the baby turtleduck, and thus made the mother mad) in a VERY light-hearted way that he clearly remembers fondly. When Azula says things about Azulon being likely to die soon or Iroh being pathetic, Ursa is shocked and distressed - and either just says "Azula, we don't speak like that" or a very angry "Young lady, not another word" but without ever trying to explain to her why what she did was wrong.
Meanwhile, ZUKO actually says things like "How would you like it if Lu Ten wanted dad to die?" or explaining that Iroh gave up on conquering Ba Sing Se out of grief for his only child. Those two scenes were the CLOSEST Azula got to having someone actually try to explain things to her in a way she could understand - but obviously she's not gonna take her brother as seriously as she would an adult, and Zuko has his own stuff to deal with so he can't step up and be a replacement parent to her like Iroh was to him (and considering how young he was at the time, expecting him to do so would be unreasonable - hell, he likely didn't even notice just how badly Azula needed help until she had her breakdown).
Things get worse if we take the comics as canon (which I don't, but I know a lot of people do). On that version of the story, Ursa goes from "Making effort, but screwed up along the way" to "Neglectful/abusive piece of shit that should have her kids taken away."
Comics!Ursa's idea fo "quality time with her kids" involves talking solely to Zuko and ignoring Azula, instead of interacting with both of them. She doesn't encourage them to spend time with each other like she did in the show. When she is banished, she visits both her kids - but only wakes Zuko up. He gets a sweet farewell so he always gets to remember that, no matter what happened, his mom loved him and did not want to leave him. Azula doesn't get a single word, and is left to believe her mom didn't even bother with her.
Worse of all, Ursa CHOOSES TO FORGET HER OWN KIDS. After she had explicitly said she does not believe they are truly safe living with Ozai. After she explicitly said to Zuko "Never forget who you are." Not to mention, she writes a letter with the fake claim that Zuko is actually NOT Ozai's kid - because she knows he will read it and get mad. She risked putting her son in danger just to piss off her husband. That's what she did to the kid she LIKED. How low would she go if the kid in danger was the kid she didn't care for? Oh, wait the comics answer that too. She never bothered asking ANYTHING about what had happened to her all those years (nor to the kid with a scar on his face, mind you), showed more empathy towards her when she COULDN'T remember who she was (and even then it was just a "If I really am your mom, I'm sorry I didn't love you enough." That's it. That's all Azula gets), and she doesn't do ANYTHING about Azula running away. No asking Zuko or someone else to find her, no crying about losing her again, no indication that she is worried about her safety even though she is all alone and mentally unstable.
The comics really did Azula dirty, and I HATE Ursa in it. It reached the point of "I don't want these two to make up, I want Azula to give a whole speech about how much her mom sucks, just like Zuko did with Ozai" because that's what she deserves. Show!Ursa made mistakes, Comics!Ursa IS a mistake. The sympathy for Azula despite her bad actions grows significantly on that version of the story, because how the fuck can we speak her to not be so mad at the world after all that?
But at last, we need to make an important distinction clear here: It doesn't matter if we are talking about the comics or the show, if we like or dislike Azula, if we do or don't want her to be redeemed, the simple fact still is that she WAS screwed over her entire life, her troubled relationship with her mom had a deep and longlasting impact on her mental health, and there was no way in hell she would have EVER been an innocent little angel that is 100% against everything her evil father does. It's just impossible considering her backstory.
And there is a very clear double-standard in how people talk about the idea of a redeemed Azula VS the reality of a redeemed Zuko. Both start with the premise of "This bad guy has understandable, sympathetic reasons to do bad things, since they were indoctrinated from birth and had a terrible family life", both include the character having to see how their actions are hurting them AND others (including those they care about, Zuko's "victim" being Iroh, while Azula's are Mai and Ty Lee. Plus, they've both hurt each other in some ways, some more deliberate than others), and both culminate with the character turning their life around, confronting those who wronged them, and finding a support system for themselves.
Yet one is treated as revolutionary despite not being the first redemption arc ever (nor the only redemption arc in the story itself), nor being perfectly written (because perfect writting doesn't exist), while the other is labelled as lazy, out of character, or "making excuses" for bad people just because they had a tough life (like Azula is an actual person). There is no thematic or moral difference between redeeming Zuko and redeeming Azula, especially in a show that says "EVERYONE has the potential for great good and great evil" and ends with Zuko telling his abuser he hopes he'll also have a change of heart someday, even if he is not sticking around to witness or actively try to make it happen.
Redeeming Azula is no different than redeeming Zuko. It's perfectly fine to want to just one of these things instead of both, but it is NOT a superior choice in anyway, and it's very hypocritical of the same fandom that criticizes the idea of a redeemed Azula because "mommy issues isn't a good enough reson" when they can't stop praising the redemption arc that has "the villain had daddy issues" as it's core premisse. Personal preference is one thing. Being a dick about it is another.
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hellengomes · 2 years
Azula without makeup/lipstick
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blinday · 2 years
Fanon Azula vs Canon Azula
Azula: Well, I'm intrigued. What is this about after all-
Fanon crazy!Azula: *shoots lightning next to Canon!Azula while mannicly laughing* Haha! I almost got you, mother!
Azula: excuse you?
Erhaz's canadian!Azula: Oh, sorry about this. Gosh, this is so embarassing. She's not okay, sorry about this. *turns to crazy!azula* now come here, it's okay! It's okay, mother isn't here see? She's not here!
Yang's Azula: *wrapped up in asylum clothes and in a wheelchair humming some creepy version of children's songs*
Fanon Evil!Azula: This is so pathetic. I would pity you if I had any actual feeling. Did you see Zuzu, that insufferable pig whom I hate with all my non existent heart?
Azula: ...I choose not to be offended by this.
Fanon powerlust!Azula: Didn't see him, but if I had, would've tried to kill him again. He stole that throne from me, the bastard!
Azula: Now that's just unrealistic. I've never on my right mind purposefuly tried to actually assassinate him. Only as a prank when we were kids. Isn't there any version of me with a somewhat okay relationship with my brother?
Zucest Azula: I'm here. Zuzu and I are good.
Azula: Oh thank spirits-
Zucest Azula: We're in very, very good terms, actually... excelent terms I'd say...
Azula: okay that's enough for me bye.
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sirijanu-redux · 1 year
Azula Redemption Arc
She counted them one more time, cheap perforated paper catching on her hands. One hundred and fifty. Yes, that was enough, it had to be enough.
Azula, conquerer of all who stood before her, approached the man at the counter. The sign said children between four and fifteen were eligible, and she had played every game fairly and with great determination to earn her prize.
Wordlessly, she set the spoils on top of the glass, and pointed. The attendant looked at her, and then at the item she had chosen.
"Are you certain? That will cost all of your tickets," the attendant said. Azula doubled down.
"I want to redeem these meaningless tokens for this wooden turtleduck. I like the paint on it." A pause, before she dealt the killing blow: "This is the redemption counter, is it not?"
A few minutes later, Azula left the pavilion, cradling her hard-won toy in her arms. Perhaps some kind of arced blade would be the best sent for her new friend. A measly price, one hundred and fifty tickets for a fine turtleduck friend.
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aangarchy · 2 months
Netflix atla live action review ep 4-6
So, they completely ruined Bumi. Spoiler warning.
The more episodes pass by the more confused i get with the choices that were made. I wrote down commentary for the episodes and the thing that i wrote down the most was "why does this happen?". The writing is incredibly confusing and messy, feels too rushed in some spaces and too slow in others. There's just... so much going on and so little at the same time. They brought in elements that in the OG don't get introduced until later in s1, s2, the comics, or even the legend of Korra. The reason these things get introduced so early here is not clear at all, because they don't serve any purpose other than to be an obstacle to Aang, Sokka and Katara on their way to the North.
Mai and Ty Lee are.. there. They get introduced earlier but they don't serve any purpose at the moment other than stand around, watch Azula train, ask questions so that Azula can give us the answers the viewer needs. My guess is they only got introduced for the audience who watched the OG to go "oh we know them!". We get the secret tunnel story earlier too, but it has absolutely nothing to do with love. Somehow "love is brightest in the dark" now correlates to the badgermoles being able to sense a human's emotion. It's a waste of a storyline, doesn't teach us anything about love, gives us Omashu lore which is useless bc neither Sokka nor Katara actually use love to escape the tunnels. Also Oma and Shu are lesbians now, but you only know that bc they changed Shu's pronouns. Wow, so progressive! We have lesbians in the story now! Boy do i feel represented as a sapphic!
We get Koh early on as well, but his entire gig got changed. Now suddenly he doesn't steal faces but he "feeds", and hunts using the fog of lost souls (which is tlok lore mind you) as a tool to trap humans. We introduce the mother of faces (comic book lore!), or rather pendant of her that Koh owns. There's no reason for her to exist in this story though other than to be an easter egg to everyone who read the search (Not even the majority of the fandom!) and to offer a solution to this problem we've created, which is Koh capturing our friends in order to eat them and us not being able to convince him into letting them go. There's no feeling of dread in the Koh scenes at all because the whole problem of not showing emotion is just not a thing now. No suspense, no fear, just a weird cgi clown face worm. The worm doesn't even menacingly circle around Aang to invoke a feeling of being surrounded, it just sits there. I also just don't understand why Koh is here already bc now who is going to give us information about Tui and La?
This decision also creates a problem that Hei Bai's story just isn't about Hei Bai anymore. We get fed a few lines from a talking fox about how the forest spirit got hurt, but there's really no solution? Aang buries a pinecone in front of the statue and tells him not to give up hope but he didn't even really need to do that, because Hei Bai wasn't the one kidnapping villagers! It was Koh. Why did we appease Hei Bai if Koh was the real villain? Hei Bai/Koh's story leads us to Roku, but Roku is completely useless. All he does is undermine Kyoshi's advice to Aang, tell Aang about the mother of faces pendant so he can appease Koh, and then we leave. I knew in advance Roku wasn't going to warn Aang about the comet here bc Albert Kim already told us working with a deadline like that with child actors is just impossible. But with Roku suddenly not being Aang's main Avatar guide he just gets nothing to do. There's no suspense in this part of the story either, bc the time limit of the winter solstice isn't a thing here at all. Aang also ends up flying over Fire Nation borders without issue, and gets led right into the sanctuary without the puzzle of figuring out how to open the door, and without the problem of Zhao's soldiers waiting for him when he comes out. It creates this issue of there not being any excitement, at least for me. I genuinely am getting a bit bored with the show, which was never an issue with the OG for me. There's a reason all of this extra material didn't get introduced until later on. There's too many characters and they all get too little time to really do anything useful, they're not fleshed out, the stories aren't thought through and it ends up getting very confusing and boring. I'm genuinely curious for the perspective of people who have never watched the OG cartoon, bc i wonder if they're even able to follow along without prior knowledge of this universe.
Bumi is just... not Bumi. They completely changed his character to be this bitter old senile man that resents Aang for abandoning the world. This doesn't make any sense because in this version of the story Bumi shouldn't know that Aang is the Avatar at all, because Aang was told right before he disappeared! So why does Bumi immediately know that Aang is the Avatar, and why does Aang immediately recognize him? Also the original point of Bumi's tests is to get Aang to approach fights and puzzles from a different angle, so he can learn versatility as the Avatar. But here the tests are just happening because Bumi is mad at Aang for leaving and wants to get back at him for being gone so long. He says some lines about Aang having to learn to make hard choices and you can't rely on your friends, but Aang ends up proving him wrong in the end! What is even the point of Bumi's part in the story now, except for him just being another obstacle on the way to the North Pole?
There's a lot of instances where I feel like the bond between characters gets completely lost. We barely spend any time with the side characters like the mechanist, Teo, Jet and the freedom fighters, and the people in the spirit village. It makes some scenes feel very out of place. These storylines all happen at once, and they don't get their individual moments to shine. We have no room to feel betrayed by Jet or Sai, because we barely got to know them to begin with. Jet and Sai only spend time with One member of the gaang each, but when their betrayals come to light the rest of the group acts devastated, as if it was their dear friend. Sokka also gets really mad about the Jet thing, but he only met Jet once when he smuggled them into Omashu, and Jet didn't even tell Sokka his name. He said it afterwards when Katara met him again. It makes absolutely no sense why Sokka is yelling at Katara for trusting Jet only bc she finds him attractive, when Sokka wasn't even there during all of that!
The sense of family between the gaang that we get from the original also just doesn't happen here. Especially because these characters so far have spent more time apart than together. Aang constantly gets separated from Sokka and Katara, leaving no room for them to bond. We get Katara and Sokka bonding, but they shouldn't need those types of scenes because they're already siblings (which isn't very clear in the show either btw!). I ended up forgetting that Sokka and Katara were trapped by Koh, bc we spend so much time away from them (a whole episode, which is now an hour!).
I have little to no criticism for the Blue Spirit story. Want to guess why that is? Bc they left it pretty much untouched. We even get a little bit of an extra scene, with Zuko and Aang talking while Zuko recovers after getting hurt during the escape. I liked this choice, especially bc it highlights how conflicted Zuko is.
This is where we get Zuko's backstory. I have one question here: why did they make Ozai more sensible and less ruthless? Was that a Daniel Dae Kim decision? Bc it feels like a Daniel Dae Kim thing to do. They're very on the nose with the way Ozai is abusing Zuko and Azula, but then they turn around and make this man visit Zuko after he burned him and praise Zuko about finding the Avatar. I understand that they did this to show how Ozai uses Zuko's accomplishments in order to push Azula, but even if it were to do that: the original Ozai would NEVER. The problem here as well is that they don't let the viewers draw any conclusions themselves anymore. They're holding the viewer's hand through the whole thing, leaving no room for nuance or doubt.
I just finished episode 7 and 8 and I have Things To Say. None of which are good. Writing it down is challenging so it might take a day or two.
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Was thinking about the tendency of fandom to retcon and backtrack particularly when gunning for a character's redemption, and how that indicates to each individual person that whatever they feel the need to retcon and 'make better' somehow is really just an indication of what they feel, however discreetly, constitutes "irredeemable behaviour".
Specifically in regards to people liking a 'softer more human' reaction of Azula seeing Zuko get burned in NATLA compared to the original show, and how that may set up subsequently more of a redemption arc for her. Which just feels like code for "an abused child being happy that her brother has, in her eyes, permanently lost their father's favour and thus secured her spot as always being at the top could not ever potentially be redeemed," and that people have to retain a certain amount of 'normal' responses in order to be worthy of growth and change in the eyes of the masses, I guess.
Which you do you. Personally I like it when characters are just Worse and that also doesn't mean they can't potentially change, climb, and even (gasp) regret and feel shame over the old happiness and glee they used to feel, because now they know what actual, secure happiness feels like
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oneatlatime · 3 months
The Crossroads of Destiny
Strap in folks it's finally finale time!
I'm getting a bad feeling from the 'previously on' segment.
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*gasp* Song's bird horse!?!?!
Toph gets some serious speed with that earth tongue walking.
Ty Lee's flattery gets less and less subtle. I get the feeling that a lot of Azula's more worrying tendencies could have been curtailed if someone had stuck her on stage as a child.
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Is Zuko taller?
The cuts between these scenes are getting ridiculous. Some of these scenes are maybe 15 seconds long.
Zuko knows what's up. He and Iroh have teamed up on that particular fire breathing party trick before.
"It's time I face Azula." Buddy. No.
"You're so dramatic." POT. KETTLE. BLACK.
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The last time Iroh and the Aang Gang teamed up, it was also against Azula. She has a way of uniting enemies.
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The longer I stare at this the more I giggle.
"Good inside him isn't enough. Why don't you come back when it's outside him too, ok?" Congratulations to Sokka for articulating one of the fundamental human truths. Intentions can go take a hike when all that's visible are actions.
I love that! Iroh says he brought someone along in a tone that very much implies that he asked for help from a friend! Then you go outside and see he kidnapped a dude! And then they just leave him there!
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I see your fake meditation. No one as rotten inside as this guy actually meditates properly.
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The Dai Li be like
Katara? Why are you ripping into Zuko? Why is Season one bitchy Katara back? I don't want season 1 bitchy Katara to come back.
"No offence." "None taken." Iroh loves his nephew, but Iroh knows his nephew.
The one time Iroh's advice is explicitly solicited is the one time his advice is corny crap. That sucks.
Ba Sing Se is a tel? That's neat.
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Hey Toph? Now would be a great time for that new metal bending trick of yours.
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Avatar inadvertently validating my fear of subway grates.
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I know this is life or death serious and all, but isn't the Sokka and Ty Lee dynamic cute?
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This episode's thesis statement boils down to "what happens when you cancel arts programs and theatre kids don't get a chance to monologue in controlled conditions."
Honest question: Is Azula actually so deluded to believe that Divine Right of Kings crap she just spouted, or is she saying what the Dai Li needs to hear to side with her? Usually I think everything out of Azula's mouth is a calculated statement for manipulating others, but the way the show framed that monologue makes me think she actually believes what she's saying.
This conversation between Katara and Zuko, aside from showing that Katara is as capable as Sokka at sticking her foot in her mouth, is actually showing Zuko's growth well. So many of the things that he waves away with an "it's ok" are things that would have made him explode back in season one. It's about time he redefined that scar of his too.
"Aang! I knew you'd come!" "Uncle! The fuck?" Zuko truly has a way with words.
Hey Iroh maybe save your heart to heart until after you've exited the prison?
Wait so this episode is named after Zuko's arc? It's Zuko's destiny this finale is dealing with? Poor Aang's not even the main character in his eponymous show's season finale? Dang.
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What was I saying about waiting to chat until you're outside the prison?
So every word out of Azula's mouth here is definitely a lie. She doesn't need Zuko at all. She's got a whole army and already has possession of the throne. What does she need with someone she considers to be an inferior firebender?
Father's love? That guy who burns off faces? The audacity.
"You are free to choose." Is it really freedom of choice if choosing the answer Azula doesn't want to hear ends with Zuko in a crystal cage?
Gotta say I'm intrigued by how quiet Zuko's being for this whole episode. Compare it to the volume of his confrontation with Azula at the Spa place at the beginning of the season.
This is so awful. This is so skin crawly. This is so going to end badly.
Toph can turn doors into ping pong balls. I like that. And what does she need Sokka scouting for Dai Li agents for? She can sense people for miles.
I love the line read on the "I'm not leaving without Bosco!" But does this guy really think he's in a position to make demands, after all the stuff he's ruined in the last, what, two days?
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This is a cool move. Full body air bitchslap.
Katara cut her hair! That's kind of like what she did to Pakku with the ice disks.
How has no one been knocked out yet? Everyone in this fight should have at least 5 concussions by now.
I don't know what to make of it, but when Zuko says "I have changed" he sounds more calm and confident than he has all season.
I love the dynamic between Sokka & Toph and Mai & Ty Lee. Everyone involved knows they're second string and no one's really that invested. So they're all kind of chill.
I don't know what's going on in this fight, but Zuko is far too talented and Katara and Aang are both going down too easily.
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And this right here is why this fight is only going to end badly for Aang. As soon as Azula's tired of playing, she'll call in reinforcements. Aang doesn't have those.
I hate Azula so much, which means I'm very annoyed to say that she and Zuko actually make a good fighting team. Did they practice drills together or something back in the day? They way they tag out and back in, and exchange fights, flows so well.
Crap ok
She nerfed him in the power up sequence! That's not allowed!
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So help me god if the writers hook these two up after pulling this crap I will riot.
Iroh could have been helpful if he'd been there earlier. Guess it takes a while to break out of crystals. Although I do like the detail that he stops fighting as soon as Aang and Katara are out & safe.
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I was wondering why the magic water was randomly brought up earlier after disappearing for the entire season. I figured it had been lost in the desert with the rest of the stuff on Appa's saddle.
I'm so sorry, but the way Aang's arrow flashes once to confirm that Katara's saved him makes him look like an external USB device confirming successful connection.
I'm loving how immediate the regret from Zuko is. Proof that he has learned over the last two seasons.
"The Earth Kingdom... has fallen." AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT? This King rubs me the wrong way. Consistently.
I'm fascinated by the fact that they managed to securely transport a bear on Appa's back.
Final Thoughts
Poor Aang has been demoted to secondary character in his own show. This finale was all Fire Nation.
Well done Azula. No matter which way you look at it, she won. If Azula was the main character, this episode would be the crowning glory series finale.
Sokka and Toph spent the whole episode running around putting out fires, only for five more to spring up in their place. I honestly don't know how they and Appa reconnected with the rest of the Gaang to fly out at the end. There's this feeling the whole episode of being consistently one too many steps behind, and I think it's most obvious in their incessant side quests.
Poor Katara went through about seventy billion emotions this episode. I take back my anger at her bitchiness. She deserved a vent session, although I don't think Zuko quite deserved to be the recipient of it. But he took it well.
Congratulations to Zuko for falling backwards into the only right choice for all the wrong reasons. This episode was only going to end with Azula victorious. She recruited an army and successfully executed a coup without breaking a sweat - that is not a level of enemy that Aang and friends has ever faced before, and not one they can realistically win against. Like with Long Feng, this is not a threat you can hit. You can't bend at ideologies and loyalties.
Zuko was going to end this episode siding with the Fire Nation as a free man, or in Fire Nation custody. This way, someone with an actual semi-functioning conscience now has access to the upper levels of the Fire Nation. This could be really interesting.
To be clear, I fully believe that Zuko chose to side with Azula because he swallowed her offer hook, line & sinker. For the guy who invented "Azula always lies" he sure does fall for her lies a lot, especially when she's saying exactly what he wants to hear. I believe Zuko believed her about getting his honour back bla bla bla, chose to follow her because of that belief, and has already realised at least some of what she said was lies by the end of the episode. Which is promising! It looks like there's potential for a Zuko mole next season!
I'm worried for Iroh. Firelords who burn their children's faces off with no shame don't strike me as the type to shy away from executing their brothers.
The Aang fakeout death at the end was not remotely believable unfortunately, mostly because kids' cartoons don't ever pull a Psycho and kill the nominal main character half way through. It probably would have freaked me out if I'd seen this episode as a kid though.
Azula hitting Aang during his power up sequence was inspired. A very well done subversion of expectations, which finally validates my frustrations with the concept of power up sequences in general. Few things bug me more than the mooks politely waiting their turn while the good guy does a quick wardrobe change.
So... is the war over? The Earth Kingdom's fallen, the Southern Water Tribe have been functionally out of the game for a while now. There's only the Northern Water Tribe left, which are only still standing because of a Hail Mary that I very much doubt Aang can pull off twice. So is next season's focus going to be defending the Northern Water Tribe from a final Fire Nation push? I think that's the only place that isn't conquered by the Fire Nation in name at least. On the bright side, this means the Gaang won't be returning to Ba Sing Se. Good riddance. I hate that place.
I've never seen a show with a finale that focuses so intensely on the conflict of someone other than the main character. I don't really know what to make of this episode. I think I liked the one before it better. To be clear, everything that happened made sense - characters were in character, events unfolded as expected (if you handwave an elite force of earthbenders preferring a 14 year old over their seasoned leader), but something about this episode is just a bit boring to me. Maybe they telegraphed it too hard in the previous episodes? I don't know. I'll have to chew on this one a bit.
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pizzaboat · 1 month
I'm just so caught up on it
The narrative compassion towards Zuko "how could you ever justify a duel with a child?"
But the apathy towards Azula "she's crazy and she needs to go down."
She was one year older than he was when he was burned. Doing more than he was at that age. Being groomed and no doubt psychologically messed by Ozai
Being at the mercy of your father and being at his side while others are at the mercy of him all blends together in Azula's case
Because you best believe she's in deep shit the second she's anything less than his perfect little 14 year old general
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phoukanamedpookie · 2 months
Seriously, why is Azula held to a higher standard than adults?
I genuinely wanna know.
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hello-nichya-here · 7 months
https://www.tumblr.com/sokkastyles/726117959345586176/yall-really-need-to-stop-calling-azula-a-child thoughts??
OF COURSE this fucker is spewing out abuse apologism. I am not surprised in the slightest.
"Child soldiers are poor kids with nowhere else to go and end up in a military camp. Azula is a princess"
That is the most COMMON situation. It's not the only one. Azula is the princess of an imperialist nation that we adds indoctrination to EVERYTHING, and she clearly has military training, AND WAS IN ACTUAL BATTLES, ACTING AS A SOLDIER EVEN THOUGHT SHE'S A CHILD!
"She's more powerful than most of the adults anyway"
Zuko beat adults in fights. Does that mean Ozai literally disfiguring him was just business as usual and not a father physically abusing his son? Fuck off! This is literally the "Why would Azula LET herself be abused" as if abuse is ever something that people just "let" happen to themselves, instead of being a result of many factors that put them in bad situations.
"It would not apply to a fantasy character that can bend elements"
Again, does 13-year-old Zuko being disfigured by his father not count as abuse just because people in real life can't create fire out of nothing? Do the 100 years of war and genocide the Fire Nation has been responsible for no longer "count" because they used firebending? Do we have to ignore literally EVERYTHING ELSE about the situation that is mirroring a real-life thing and focus only on the only difference? And ONLY when it involves Azula?
Does NO ONE in this fandom understand that they can dislike Azula or prefer her as a villain without having to pretend she isn't a victim of neglect, abuse and literal indoctrination?
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hellengomes · 9 months
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I edited Azula's design (from The Day Of Black Sun: Part 2) to look a little closer to how it was in season 2
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Have you noted that no one from Azula's family was shown to express love and affection towards her?
That is mostly true. Ozai's affection is clearly conditional (and full on manipulation at worse, like we see in the finale), Ursa canonically favors Zuko to the point that we never see her spending any alone time with Azula like she did with Zuko, and while Iroh gave her a toy like he did to Zuko the toy in question was so OBVIOUSLY wrong for a kid like Azula that it's comical AND show's he did not really know his niece at all.
But there is a constant exception.
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Zuko's relationship with Azula is complicated. He clearly admires her strength and power, but he hates how she uses it. She lied to him many times, was seen apparently cheering Ozai on during the Agni Kai, tried to have him imprisoned and even said she'd celebrate being an only child - and then allows him to come home as a hero after Ba Sing Se, even though SHE had the control of the Dai Li and was not yet aware Aang could have survived, meaning she had nothing to gain from it.
And when she lets him know that if he's caught talking to Iroh people might think he is a traitor too, and explicitly says "Believe it or not, I'm actually looking out for you" Zuko drops his innitial suspicion that she wanted something and that's why she was helping him.
On The Beach, he just follows her when she say their old family home is depressing and they shouldn't waste their time there. When she's asking him who she is angry at, she mentions herself and Zuko explicitly says that is not the case.
He doesn't trust her and know she has a tendency to mock or full on lie to him... yet when he wants to know about Fire Lord Sozin he asks her about it, and lets it slide when she mocks him by saying he should make sure the royal painter got his good side - for a character as quick to anger as Zuko, that is a big deal. In Nightmares and Daydreams he also goes to her to find out if he'll be allowed at the war meeting.
More importantly:
1 - Iroh's infamous "She's crazy and needs to go down" line was only said because ZUKO, without anyone putting that idea in his head before, suddenly went "I know what you're going to say. She's my sister and I should be trying to get along with her"
2 - Zuko only jumped into the fight in Ba Sing Se when Azula was being cornered by Aang and Katara.
3 - Zuko looked genuinely shocked and even distressed when she was falling off that cliff. He just sounded so shaken saying "She's... not gonna make it..."
4 - In the writer's own words, Zuko felt no hate but only pity when seeing her breakdown. Katara tried to comfort him because, canonically, even though Zuko and Azula are enemies, this was never what he wanted because he still sees her as family. That's why the Last Agni Kai's music is not the epic you'd expect from a battle, but a tragic one.
5 - Aaron Ehasz, the lead writter for the show, probably the person with the most influence after Bryke, has REPEATEDLY said that he always felt Azula should have gotten a redemption arc, Zuko being an Iroh figure to give her advice and be the only one still by her side when all else was seemingly lost to her forever.
Even the comics (most of which I HATE, mainly because Azula's storyline checks nearly every box for "the mentally ill are inherently evil/less human, so it's fine if literally every other person on the planet mistreats them") didn't fully abandon their complex dynamic.
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Zuko is not a perfect sibling, and for a long chunk of the story he seemed too focused on his own issues for Azula to ever be a factor in his mind (aside from the moments in which she was a potential/explict threat), but he DOES still feel a sense of obligation towards her, to the point that it made him do something no one else in their family had done before or since - actually look at Azula. Not the prodigious daughter/perfect weapon, or the problem child that is difficult to handle, or the pontentially deadly enemy that was in the way, but Azula.
His 14-year-old sister that got on his nerves a lot, was far from the kindest person alive, and that he had a ton of issues with, but that he could never fully hate or even be indifferent to. Because she's family. Because he remembers a happier time in which the gap between them didn't seem so big. Because if things had been slightly different he could have been her. Because he went from wanting to be her to seeing just how miserable her life ended up being - especially compared to the one he now had - and feeling deeply sorry for her.
Now if you guys excuse me, I'm gonna go cry in the corner. Have some wholesome/bittersweet fanart if you wanna cry too.
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blinday · 2 years
Everyone talks like Azula was an out of line kid, but really, if that's out of line you'd consider my little sister a psychopath. She's actually my little aunt. Yeah, aunt. Long story short, she came live with us, my grandpa sobered up and her mom is legally not allowed to be near her.
Context aside, she beat up my dog so much the poor thing couldn't walk for a week. She's been abusing it ever since arriving our home, as well as my cats ever since they were kittens. She constantly steals and lies about the smallest things, even when there would be no trouble for telling what she is asked. She used to manipulate us when we didn't know better, and to this day she can look me in the eye and deny something she clearly did. Dude, she used to force vomit to get away with stuff because she noticed no one would put her in time out if she was ill, and only stopped because last time she tried my dad gave her a scare.
She comes from an abusive/neglectful background wich contributes to her many problematic behaviours. She has shown egotistical and narcissistic behaviours, and lacks the basic concept of empathy. I can't even tell if she has any of it because she is so good in faking.
So yeah. Azula was a chill kid compared to my lil sis and I'm still trying. Fuck you Iroh.
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Group A, Round 1, Poll 4:
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Propaganda under the cut
Personal gain and because she was gaslit herself.
100% pure girlboss. So good at lying and manipulating that the magic human lie detector can’t figure her out. Gatekeeps her father’s “love” from her brother
Azula was considered a prodigy in firebending at a young age. And she manipulates and plots to get what she wants.
They (gas)lit stuff on fire, gatekeeped the avatar from the Fire Nation, and girlbossed all the way into insanity
Akane Kurashiki
Zero Escape spoilers! Akane Kurashiki is dead. Died in an incinerator as a child. But she's right here, isn't she? She's talking about mummies and the Titanic and I'm holding her in my arms. But also she's Zero, mastermind who trapped us here and threatened our lives. That guy literally just exploded. But Akane couldn't have done that, she's so sweet and she's so scared. Also she's dead? But wait, she's right here, and she has a fever again.
lied to a group of ppl including her childhood bestie so they'd enter a death game she planned, she's so funny. also later planned another death game to save the earth etc
GASLIGHT: - Lies to everyone and pretends to just be an innocent quirky girl when in reality, she is the mastermind behind the situation everyone has been put in. - Pretends to be sad and concerned when the bastard who almost killed her pretends to do a heroic sacrifice to get everyone's sympathy. - Pretends she's put bombs inside everyone's stomachs. Really, she only put bombs inside the people she wants revenge on. - Pretends that she and her brother aren't related. - Erases her fiancé's memories and makes him forget he proposed to her so she can go to the moon and stop the outbreak of an apocalyptic virus without him getting in the way. - Puts herself into a schrodinger's cat situation where she's both living and dead until you decide what door to walk through. - Manipulates her way into a Mars mission program. - Makes a guy think he is 45 years younger than he actually is. - Pretends she is going to stab two people to force them back in time. - Manipulates a child into participating in his father's research so he can act as a spare if necessary. GATEKEEP: - A psychic who gains near omniscience in some circumstances, but refuses to explain snything unless it suits her plans. - Says ""Only God decides who lives and dies!"" But she kills several people. Perhaps only God and Akane Kurahiki decide who lives and dies. Or maybe they're the same person? - Manipulates a woman into breaking up with a man so she can kidnap him and bring him to the moon. - Refuses to let her boyfriend meet her when it doesn't suit her plans. - Kidnaps two women and puts them into a coma for 45 years. GIRLBOSS: - Very willing to kill to achieve her goals or get revenge. - Queen of random trivia. Will info dump about her interests whenever it suits her (including when she is trapped in a freezer with two people). - If anyone touches a hair on her boyfriend's head she will not hesitate to cut them down with a chainsaw. - Stages not one but two mass kidnappings and killing games (that we know of). - Great at multitasking, she manged to save her own life and dispose of the people who almost killed her at the same time. - Uses her knowledge of the future to manipulate the stock market and become super rich. If that doesn't scream girlboss I don't know what does. - Starts her own organisation to fight cult leaders and save the world. - Has two nemeses, the CEO of a pharmaceutical company, whose life she completely destroys and a >100 year old cult leader. - Co-runs a moonbase where she has command of AIs and robots.
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