#i'm trying to present my otome obsession
scummy-writes · 2 months
Types of Gilbert & Various Hcs
I enjoy thinking about my favorite characters on a daily basis, if my brain allows for it. This generally leads to different versions of my favorite characters forming in order to explore AUs and other 'what if' scenarios. For Gilbert specifically, it's a scale of Normal Gilbert, More Obsessed Gilbert, and Fucked Up Gilbert. I said months ago I'd like to make a list compiling some different versions of Gilbert I think about, and share some Hcs with each type. People seemed interested, so I've decided to make a post for each version and just periodically update over time. This is all just for fun, so leave me alone if you dislike/disagree with stuff on this list. Otherwise, I'm happy to chat about them!
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This post will focus on:
╰❧ Normal/default/'canon' Gilbert
This list will dive into spoilers, as well as some minor NSFW topics and topics of self harm.This is the type of Gilbert I write in The Beast's Torment, Gilbert in the Bath, This Is Love, Dousing Pervasion, and similar works. In my mind, this is what we see in canon content, but interspersed with personal hcs that I enjoy. I also use some versions of this Gilbert for when I discuss Gilbert/mc/Silvio, Gilbert/Silvio, Chevbert, Gilbert/Roderic.
➺ Some contamination ocd. I don't think its a fully blown thing, however in one eng event, where him and Mc go to that bar, and he ends up kicking a table away to show a hidden door, he has an odd moment where he goes to grab Mc and then jerks his hand back due to it being dirty from when he fought with a dude there.
Its a small odd moment, which showcased an issue with getting her 'dirty' in more than the physical sense. I believe that he has issues with this even further into their relationship, where if hes had to dispose of some troubling nobles, he will refuse to touch her until he's in clean clothes/bathed. I don't know if this would extend to him sometimes avoiding her in general, due to his own issues with being a monster. I think his love for her would trump over that.
It's an odd thing because, going through his route loosely, this isn't present but there doesn't seem to be many moments where it Could be present. He's more focused on trying to deduce how corrupted she may already be, as well as deducing other factors for his 'final judgement' wish.
➺ I like to think that writing was an escape for him with life in general as a child, but it kickstarted heavily the more he learned about Mc. Then, the writing became centered around wanting to leave a series behind for her, whether she knew he wrote it or not, with the hopes that she would find courage in how the protaganist sticks to her ideals and never seems to give up hope. (I believe thats what it's loosely about, anyway)
It would be a final comforting thought he would mock himself for, if he had chosen to die without meeting her.
➺ has trouble sleeping the first few nights theyre officially a couple and sharing a bed. Occasionally does later on too but not as bad. Sinks into touch more, leans against mc more. He's not used to relying on someone such as her, and trust is a fickle thing in Obsidian. It wouldn't really be a concious action, either, and he would have to ease himself into it even when he wants to do this.
➺ When first intimate, he has bouts of getting very quiet and focusing more on Mc's reactions to xyz scenario. Not always in sexually intimate settings, but would be more noticeable during them. He'd want to etch everything he could in his mind, stemming from the mild obsession and idolization with her. (i will call it 'mild' since he still seems to control himself regarding it, it could be so much worse in comparison to other obessed otome characters)
➺ selfharms. In particular, I don't believe it's typically with a weapon of sorts, but I believe that he has had random moments of fits regarding him becoming more and kore of a beast. It lessens over time, especially when he gets into a relationship, but I believe it still happens for years. It's tied to his trauma, tied to thinking how his mother and albert would be disappointed in him or disgusted, and tied to his own feelings trying to come out.
Specifically, I think he will sometimes starve himself, or physically hurt himself by scratching himself up with his nails. He doesn't like anyone to see it or address it if they see it, but unfortunately Mc would see it and it would prompt a few discussions, which would be... difficult... because he hates addressing it.
➺ in terms of nsfw, vaguely (since this is a smth that is consistently always being added onto, its harder to have a firm and solid set list for me). Switch & bi. I feel like he loves topping mc for various reasons, and he has a penchant for wanting to try out anything she may want to do even if he's not 100% fully into it, and trying out various things in general, because of his obsession skewing a bit towards wanting to be her first in multiple, multiple, ways that in return make him feel that they are more intertwined. (That is not specific just to sex).
He makes comments about not liking just passive submissive women, and I believe this may be tied to personal preferences but also just due to the role he plays as a villain. He *wants* the willing nature of the participant. He wants it clear that they want him back. Otherwise I feel that it could lead to him having a nagging suspicion that they feel coerced into it, when that's....not what he wants. I think this is also why he makes comments about wanting mc to dom at times (even though cybird will never have her do so...), because the very blatant and clear display of want turns him on and makes him feel, well, wanted for Him and not an object to be feared by someone he loves. (I think this is why he also seems to fluster a bit when mc does things like bite him or teases a sensitive spot). Yet due to trust issues he has trouble relinquishing control fully.
He would be a powerbottom fyi
It's been proved he is just also a little gross. Trying to drink from her glass where her lips were, even outside of a relationship. Licking his thumb to taste her saliva/crumbs left on her lips. Smaller moments like that where you realize he's a lil gross (appreciative). I do believe this still ties into obsession, at the end, however.
Last updated: 07202024
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
hi shav can you tell me about some of your favorite villainess mangas with villainesses that go HO HO HO and do the hand pose and i will try to see if i can read them for free on the internet
HI AURELIA!!!!! OF COURSE I WILL (and even put the site where you can read them! <3)
I present to you my absolute favourite and the reason why i made that post: I favor the villainess!!
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SO CUTE<3333 This one is about a reincarnated heroine that just loves the villainess and they are so cute and <3333 aaahhh!!!!! I love them so much their dynamic is everything!!! 'I loooovee you!!!' 'and I utterly hate you!!!' 'sure!! Hehehe'
Claire is very aware that her personality puts people off so she's very confused on what Rei sees on her. Little does she know that Rei is a tsundere expert!! I love them so much gfs for real
This one was a reccomendation from duckie my beloved!! THIS IS SUCH A GOOD MANGA!! RLY MADE ME INSANE. Endo and Kobayashi are two highschoolers that do live commentaries as a hobby! And one day, one character from the game they like, start to hear their commentary as if they were the gods from that game. It's a rly cute funny and VERYVERYVERY SHOUJOO. Similar to Claire, Lise is a tsundere! But she's more sweet and gets flustered more easily, she is more of a misunderstood villainess + self steem issues again, also she's super pretty
Some others that I recently read but are not really the hohoho villainess:
This one is a reincarnated villainess that is obsessed with farming exp, she became the strongest in the game so that they cant defeat her at the end, she is more of a kuudere with strange tastes and very passive personality but it was still a nice read <3 i love girls with black silky hair!
THIS ONE IS SOOOO PROMISING!!! THE PLOT IS EVERYTHING!!!!!! Reincarnated villainess again but at a very young age!! Very previous from the game's plot. She normally has nightmares about the kind of person she should be (totally evil, the villainess was Evil, cold and manipulative) so she, year by year surrounds herself of people that love her but that could take her life easily if given the chance. Its a rly heartwarming manga with a cool plot, every 5-6 chapters there's a little timeskip of the kids <33
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Sadly it's on hiatus rn because of the artist's health :((
Also i know you said manga but you should check out the villainess anime of this season! 'I'm the villainess so I'm taming the final boss' It's a banger, one of my favourites for sure! It also has a manga but the manga only covers like the first 4-5 episodes of the anime
The anime is so good tho!! But the artstyle of the manga is pretty good too!
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lethesomething · 6 years
The IkeRev Libido Scale
So this is something I've noticed playing and replaying Ray's route in Ikemen Revolution: there's no sex. (I think, I haven't unlocked all his side stories yet). Compared to someone like Lancelot, for instance, Ray is very composed at all times and a relationship with him appears to be more of the stable, comfy kind.
And I quite like that. Cybird makes adult otomes, so NSFW scenes are expected, but it's nice to have routes with their own personality and flavour. Especially since that flavour is consistent, even into the events. An older game like Ikemen Sengoku (which I also very much adore) bases the content of event stories largely on whether or not routes are out for that character. So if MC has 'canonically' become a couple with a dude, there will be hotter scenes than if she isn't (this means that even in his premium birthday stories I can't get into Mitsuhide's fundoshi *frustrated wailing* ).
But the events in IkeRev just go by the personality of the character. Which leads me to the libido scale. Some characters just have more of a sex drive than others, just like in real life. And because I'm a Scientist (note: I'm not), I wanted to chart that.
Now obviously this is not a definitive scale. IkeRev is new, there's not that many routes out and I'm basing myself mostly on the free routes and event stories (and it’s really hard to get those high score ones, you guys). We may yet learn of the hidden depths of Blanc (I'm fairly sure he's kinky AF), but for now, here's my interpretation.
 Ikemen Revolution, by apparent sex drive
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Lancelot: The King of Hearts is a needy boi. Disregarding how I may feel about certain events in his route (that one spell was not cool, bro), Lancelot is one hell of a lover. It takes time to tear down his walls but once the dam has burst, so to speak, it's really burst. Both in events and in his route, you'll find a fair amount of NSFW.
Loki: His route isn't out yet, but from events and his general cameos it seems clear that this is a guy who is a little clingy, and very into heavy petting.
Jonah: I'll admit that I haven't played his route but what I've read of him so far has a certain… petulant sensuality to it. It's hard to explain. He's surprisingly playful and canonically hedonistic, so it seems clear that if MC is one of his pleasures, he'll indulge.
Edgar: Another one of those 'gotta keep it all in' people whose desires are slowly eating away at them from the inside. Once a relationship is established, his stories assume there's a fair amount of catching up on human interaction. Also non-stop friendly teasing.
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Seth: This bro basically glomps you on a regular basis in a platonic way. Imagine what he'll be like once you're in a route with him. Mildly androgynous, overtly affectionate and canonically some kind of double edged sword, Seth definitely has libido.
Sirius: Ahh, the warm wise one who is extremely aware of MC and all she's feeling. His route is coming out soon (yay!), but his side stories so far have definite hints at NSFW. I'm going out on a limb and assuming his libido is fairly decent, but he's trying to be a gentleman, ya know.
Blanc: I suspect, as mentioned, that he has this incredible sexy side (he's a Rabbit, guys), but so far he just constantly flirts. Non-stop.
Fenrir: Despite what it looks like, Fenrir is a very proper boi. Waits until after the confessions of eternal love to start getting busy. Pretty chill, all things considered.
Kyle: What little content we have of him is fairly suggestive. Being a doctor, he automatically also sees a lot of bodies, and the whole 'permanent hangover' thing is probably not helping, but there's some fire there.
Oliver: What we know of Oliver shows him as having a very (VERY) sharp tongue and a tortured spirit. Couple that with the fact that he's the worst kind of tsun, and I'm seeing a lot of buried needs. I'm guessing that he'll get utterly desperate at some point in his eventual route (though even knowing that his shape changes for day or night or something, the whole idea of him still kinda squicks me out).
Luka: This is 'the innocent one'. I'm assuming he's supposed to be the youngest of all the dudes and his event stories are of the ultimate slow burn  'too shy to even look at you but so so in love' variety.
Harr: There is very, Very little content for Harr, *gross sobs*, but what there is, shows a similar kind of slow burn shyness as Luka. This man makes you god damn flower crowns while blushing, ffs.
Zero: Zero is the kind of sweetheart who will casually sit next to you watching the sunset without so much as trying to hold your hand. Very polite. Probably has enough going on in his life that he doesn't need the added complexity of an otherworldly romance.
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Ray: This guy is a tease. I'm trying to think of a scene where he so much as kisses MC. This isn't to say that his scenes are not sweet (he's one of my faves), but he's just very chill. Definitely not shy about touching MC, but not feeling the need to drag her off to his bedroom, either.
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simplyotometrash · 3 years
So I love Jumin Han and Lucifer, and it's easy to see that they share a LOT of traits with one another. What if MC played Mystic Messenger in the Obey Me universe and vice versa? And because of that, Jumin/Luci discover that MC definitely has a type, which would probably explain why MC was so quick to try and get flirty. If that makes any sense? (゚ω゚;; ) I'd love to see reactions from both men if you feel inspired to write it.
You know what, this is a fascinating concept! Jumin and Lucifer are very similar in the traits they share. I'll give this a whirl!
MC Plays Obey Me/Mystic Messenger
You hummed as you logged into your favorite mobile otome game. You loved those kinds of games, they were fun to play and read. Playing them started out as a gambit, trying something new to find a hobby, and you became a bit obsessed. You tried pretty much every single otome game you could download (and play for free). That was saying a lot.
There were always lots of different types of characters to choose from. You, however, always went for a very specific type. One that was present in every single game. Mature, serious, more on the stoic side. The kind of character who didn't mess around. Those characters were your favorite.
You giggled and began reading what was on your screen. A phone call from him, your favorite character. Ah, hearing those voiced lines was like music to your ears! You always made time to log into your game to listen to the calls as soon as you got the notification for them. You never missed a call or a chat.
"MC? What are you doing?
"I'm playing a game! It's an otome game, which is a kind of dating sim. A dating simulator."
"Why play a dating game when you're dating someone already," your boyfriend asked, tilting his head to the side.
"Come on, they're just fun games! Look here, I'll show you my favorite character!"
He had heard of these "dating sims" before.
Levi played them a lot and talked about them constantly.
Never would he have thought that his human would play the same games.
But he caved and leaned down to take a look at your phone.
"See? This is Jumin Han, the heir of the major company. He's calm, serious, with a hidden soft side!"
Wait a damn minute.
"You know, he's a lot like you!"
That's why that description sounded so familiar to him. You had described him similarly.
So, your favorite character was just a fantasy version of him?
"I see. He even has black hair. He dresses well."
You had to contain your laughter, though he could see your body shaking while you did.
"So is this why you were so keen to get close to me? Because I remind you of your favorite character?"
"Whaaat? No, no! That isn't it, Luci! Okay, you do match my favorite character type, but I wanted to get to know you for you! You being just like my favorite character was an added bonus..."
You saw the faintest of smirks on his face.
"You're teasing me! So you're not upset that I play this game or anything?"
"Don't be foolish. It's merely a game. I'm real. I trump a fictional character any day of the week."
He peered at your phone in interest.
Jumin knew you played these dating games. You played them often while the two of you lounged around together.
You guys often did that and did your own things individually. He had seen your games before.
He hadn't seen this character though.
"I like the way he dresses. I think I could do without the coat just draped over his shoulders."
You laughed and shrugged a bit.
"This is Lucifer. He's the oldest brother and he's actually a lot like you. He tends to be more serious and stuff, but he can be really sweet when you get to know him!"
"Ah, so your video game boyfriend is just like me, is he?"
"I...I guess so." You were flushed, your skin felt quite hot.
"Now I get it. You have a favorite type of character. Did you flirt with me because of that?"
"No! I mean, yeah I was drawn to you because of your personality at first, but I'm not dating you because you remind me of fictional characters! I didn't even start playing this until after we...why are you laughing?"
He failed at concealing his laughter, one hand on your head while the other covered his mouth.
"I'm merely teasing you, my love. I'm flattered that my personality type is your favorite."
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madamelokiofasgard · 6 years
I'm back ???
So….i've been absent…..most of the year for….so many reasons.   In fact I have spent most of my browsing time on Pinterest when I go to any sort of platform, where I can look at cool things but avoid discourse which I needed a huge break from.
Am I back permanently?  Who's to say? (Juhn Mulaney voice)
In my absence from Tumblr, I have been mostly writing random things and being completely obsessed with Otome games (dating games).  That's how my free time has gone in my Hiatus:  Reading, Writing, Otome, Critical Role and all their side projects because I….don't watch TV anymore, I catch what's on Netflix if I really feel like watching a show or some Amazon Prime things through my friend.  Mostly Twitch streams are what I watch.  Otherwise it's a big Nah from me.
I left mostly out of stress and getting involved in other things and I let my queue fall by the wayside and empty.   I'm going to try to pick it back up again.  At least enough to keep things in my queue.   I'm still….stressed.  Different stress this time, this stress is just...end of year sort of stress related to money which is a theme every year.  
I fucking hate the holidays, they are a pain in my ass.  Thanksgiving is an unnecessary headache that I know is supposed to be about being thankful and family, but it's just STRESS for me and i'm not having any part of it this year due to an unforeseen expense so for money reasons and general Holiday nonsense, it is not being celebrated by me this year.  And Xmas?  It's always a headache.  Moreso because of the unforeseen expense so it's another strain idk and it will be a small xmas this year barring some miracle.   We should be getting a certain small refund from our mortgage which will help ease some of it but it's not here yet.  So right now i'm just….UGH.
But that's the general mood I have towards the holidays so.  Halloween is great but then it just feels all downhill from there.
Otherwise I….try to avoid media as often as I can because…i just...Fuck That Guy...it's just a headache anytime he opens his mouth.  I catch the gist on Twitter, to catch up on news but I have to honestly avoid most fucking talk for my own sanity.  
That said….i miss having a place to Vent and it's kind of build up.  So I want to get re-involved in shit, talk to people again.  I miss everyone….but people have probably changed their names so many times idk where most everyone is.  Old Roski fam, if you're around, hit me up.  Everyone really.  I've missed everyone so much and now i'm going to try to be more present or at least check in more and fill my queue back up.
Anyway, that's the catch up.  Probably need to do some redecorating of my tumblr now…yeah wow this was from before Molly's death in CR….i need to do some work
I do want to watch the new DW but….i haven't been able to access it yet and I have to wait to possibly see it on amazon prime stuff because my bestie is the one I watch with and it's her account.
Anyway, rambling, i'll stop now.
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