#i've already cried twice writing this fic it's awful!
sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
me: i love rodney mckay he's such a good character and he deserves so much better than what the writers did for him
me writing fan fiction about him: hmm what if i make him experience the worst trauma ever and also make him feel directly responsible for it haha what if
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OK here I am again with some fics.
Imagine that Azul falls for an s/o that's basically like a goddess/God. They're beautiful, kind, intelligent, powerful, etc. And he's been pining from afar since he meet them when both of them were children but he isn't brave enough to tell them his feelings and the tweels promised Azul to not tell them Azul's feelings. At one point after Azul comes back from his overbolt they grab him (how brides are held) takes him to his room and give him a nice massage after a relaxing bath where they took care of him. And before he falls asleep (with s/o hugging him close to their chest so he can hear their heartbeat) they say in a whisper "I've always loved you Azul. My beloved octopus" and tehy kiss before falling asleep.
I don’t want to be harsh, but I’m sorry, I’m going to be honest when I say this: this idea isn’t appealing in many ways.
First off, the MC themselves. I think this is a problem in general because people love to use a Mary Sue (I believe Gary Stue is the male variant? Please correct me, and if there is a gender neutral type, feel free to tell me too!) type of MC, which gets boring and admittedly frustrating because it’s not a relatable story. So the MC is like a god/goddess, but they’re not a god/goddess. Even the gods/goddesses of multiple mythologies aren’t perfect at all (if they were, you wouldn’t see Zeus screwing around with 1299444839392 women just because he’s h word or Aphrodite losing her shit just because people think there’s someone way more beautiful than her). So what flaws do they have? They have to have something that makes them more interesting than “oh they’re so beautiful, so kind, etc.” None of us are perfect at all. We have our own flaws and our own struggles that we are battling with. If the main character is perfect from the beginning, what is the point of a story? A story is meant to detail a conflict, after all, and a Mary Sue MC won’t be able to move that plot forward.
Secondly, Azul’s reaction to the MC. The way this was phrased tells me that Azul and the MC only met once or twice as children, until they meet again in NRC. If that’s the case, well admittedly I can’t say much since we don’t know how child Azul was like, aside from the fact he cried a lot, he wasn’t very skilled in many things, and he was a glutton. But we do see that by the time Jade and Floyd meet him, Azul was already harsh against anyone who approached him because it’s a form of self-defense against any bullies. Most likely, he’ll react that way to the MC because why is someone approaching him with kindness? What if they’re going to betray him later on?
Thirdly, just a nitpicky thing, the tweels are pretty likely going to blurt out to the MC that Azul likes them. 😂 Listen, they literally went, “Aw Azul, are you going to be a crybaby again” after his overblot even if they promised him not to say anything. They go by their own whims, especially Floyd. If they think you knowing will be amusing, then they will tell you.
Lastly, and this is a personal gripe that I have, I’m not fond of MCs or OCs that are involved with the childhood life of either Azul, Jade, or Floyd. Octavinelle is a well-loved dorm for the reason that the three share such a fun dynamic. Inserting an MC in their childhood life changes such a dynamic, and it ruins what the canon story has created for those three. Having an MC enter their lives in NRC is okay because it’s the present day, and we don’t know what will happen in future chapters. But their childhood days already occurred prior to the game’s events, and changing those childhood days by inserting another character tampers with the canon lore. I personally love to leave such lore untouched because of how amazing it is, so I do have strong opinions on this.
As a comforting idea for yourself, feel free to write it down, no one’s stopping you~! But if you think of putting it out there, it’s not going to get much traction because it’s not a very interesting plot. 😅
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