#and ronon and john (and rodney) blame rodney
sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
me: i love rodney mckay he's such a good character and he deserves so much better than what the writers did for him
me writing fan fiction about him: hmm what if i make him experience the worst trauma ever and also make him feel directly responsible for it haha what if
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Stargate-Atlantis S4: E4 Doppelganger
Man, I don't know how much more pain I can take. This episode really shows how dark things are for Sheppard inside his own heart.
Keller says that they have had sequential dreams, all with Sheppard being a significant negative presence. Is that how he sees himself? That he's a danger to all his friends?
Teyla hugs John. She also tells him he doesn't have to go into Rodney's dreams. I think she knows he blames himself, but Sheppard is not about to put anyone else at risk for something he started.
John goes into Rodney's dream, tries to save him. Thinks he got him killed. Another friend dead because of him.
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He faces himself and can't win. He's defeated and down. Then Rodney comes. He comes to save Sheppard. He doesn't leave him behind. But oh, the hollow of the empty Gateroom that is Sheppard's subconscious. Just made me so sad.
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That last scene is so different from the table scene where they're all laughing with McKay. They're all bruised, scarred, broken, but they're together. John's not alone, not in an empty room. They're all together.
This might actually be the second hardest episode after Sunday. It hit me much harder this time around compared to the first time.
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trainofcommand · 1 year
Wonder what's going on over at the Stargate Kink Meme? We've got fills and we've got prompts!
First, links to a few fills:
Held, by anonymous: Cam/Vala, nc-17, bdsm, edging, praise kink, leather kink. Holy smokes, this fill is hot hot hot. I may be biased, because it was my (anonymous) prompt, but dang, this fill is amazing.
Untitled, by @chaos-monkeyy: Mature, Evan Lorne/Atlantis, tech-tentacles, Dubcon but like light-hearted dubcon. Okay, this was also my prompt, a sample one, and I'm excited that it got filled. It's fun and Lorne definitely has a good time.
Untitled, by anonymous: Ass Worship, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, E, mild restraint. Looking for a little worship of Rodney McKay's round ass? This one's for you.
There are more fills over there too!
Now onto a smattering of prompts:
Rodney/Carson, medical kink: Rodney gets hard during a routine medical check-up (including prostate exam). Carson is into it.
Elizabeth/Teyla - vampire au, blood drinking: Love the Wraith as energy vampires. Love a good old-fashioned bloody regular vampire AU as well. + Any other vampire tropes you love as well.
Sam/Cam/Daniel, Double penetration: Sam takes them front and back, and they all have a very good time.
Vala/Teal'c - Undercover in a Bar: Vala and Teal'c, undercover in a bar offworld, suddenly they discover they have not been invited to an auction of stolen goods, but are in the middle of an orgy, and there's only one way out.
Weir/anyone - Post-Lifeline: How do you cope after you've lost everything and everyone you've loved? Random pickups. It's Ladies Night at the edge of the universe.
Sheppard/McKay, noncon and aftermath: Give me literally anything where Rodney noncons John. Episode tag to "Irresistible"? Aliens made Rodney do it? dark!Rodney? Deliberate? A misunderstanding? Anything! + for self-victim blaming, + for Teyla, Ronon, or Ford finding out despite John trying to hide how upset he is.
All this and more over at the first prompt post!
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dedkake · 1 year
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they don't talk about it | .5k, t, multi
in which john is working on asking for what he needs.
teyla: pinned | ronon: calculated | rodney: empty | john: closer
+ Teyla
The windows of the gym cast the room in a soft orange glow. Teyla watches the way the light dances over John’s skin, the way it catches in the sweat beading on his throat when he swallows, mesmerized by the way he shivers when she presses harder with her bantos.
“Teyla,” John says, pressing his head back against her thigh where she has him pinned. “Please.”
It takes a moment to register, her brain syrup-slow. She leans down and kisses him, his sigh just as soft as the light blanketing the room.
She’s never heard him ask for anything before.
+ Ronon
“It’s our day off,” Sheppard says from Ronon’s bed. “Relax.”
“I’m not good at that.” Maybe he used to be, but he isn’t that man anymore.
Sheppard sighs, leaning back against the pillows. “Well, consider it an order.”
There’s something calculated in that, in the way Sheppard’s sprawled out across his bed, one knee drawn up—the way he’s not quite looking at Ronon.
“Is that why you’re here?” Ronon asks, careful as he rests a hand on Sheppard’s knee, presses it down, open. “You need help relaxing?”
Sheppard smirks, something sharp and challenging. “See? I knew you’d get it.”
+ Rodney
“What time is it?” John asks when Rodney gets up.
“Late.” Rodney barely glances at his watch as he searches for his clothes in the dark. John asks him questions all the time—stupid, nagging, ridiculous questions that throw Rodney off just as often as they snap him out of a panic. He really can’t be blamed for not getting it at first.
“Late,” John repeats, somewhere between groggy and sarcastic. His hand curls into the empty space Rodney’s left on the bed, twisting into the sheets.
Sinking back into bed, Rodney says, “You could just ask me to stay.”
+ John
No one says anything. Not directly. They don’t have to.
Sometimes Teyla’s fingers brush over Ronon’s neck or tangle with Rodney’s. Sometimes John finds Rodney’s shirt in Ronon’s bed, or one of his pens in Teyla’s quarters. Sometimes Ronon says things like Teyla really wore me out this morning or murmurs in John’s ear, Bet you love it when McKay does that.
They don’t talk about it. Of course they don’t.
It’s under John’s skin—an itch he can’t scratch. He wants to hold Teyla close, and Ronon too. He wants to pull on Rodney’s lost shirt and wear it all day when he finds it. He wants to say, Yeah, she wore me out, too. And Rodney last night. Everything is there on the tip of his tongue, and every day John’s closer to saying it.
But they don’t talk about it, and that’s John’s fault the same as it’s his responsibility to fix it.
He won’t make it an order and he can’t badger Rodney into doing it for him. He doesn’t know how to ask or which words to use, because—
“I know we don’t talk about it,” John says, finally, because it’s time for a change.
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halestrom · 2 years
For the WIP game can you tell us about the Brady Bunch one??
This is my super post canon, John and Rodney are single dads who fall in love fic. And its post canon and John's back on Earth and he sort of lost contact with the rest of AR-1 bc the international rates such, but he has a chance to go back to Atlantis and he does. And it's a lot about second chances and learning to give up the past and accept the future for what ti is and be happy.
a lil' snippet.
John was going to punch whoever kept knocking at the door long after it was considered polite. He had just gotten Liz to sleep and the last thing he needed was for her to wake back up. She wouldn’t sleep at all that night if she didn’t get her afternoon nap in.
“Where the fuck do you get…” John started to say as he ripped the door open, the words dying on tongue as he registered Rodney standing there. “Rodney?”
Rodney was thinner, his hair was receding but aside from that he looked the same, especially dressed in cargo pants and a horribly patterned blue shirt over some blue shirt which had something printed on it that John couldn’t make out.
“Um…hi? Sorry,” Rodney said, with a grimace. “I know I should’ve called but then I realized I didn’t have your number and I’m only on…town for a little bit? So uh, I hitched a ride and I wanted to make sure you weren’t asleep and stuff.”
“No just…it’s time for Liz’s nap,” John said, still not sure if he was the one dreaming right then.
“Liz?” Rodney asked, frowning.
John felt a pang of sadness that his once best friend didn’t know, but it had been five years since he had left Atlantis and he knew that some of the blame was on him as well.
“Oh uh…my daughter,” John said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Whoever said the terrible twos stayed in the two’s was wrong and I want words.”
Rodney’s face went through a series of complicated emotions before he nodded once. “Oh uh…congratulations. Belatedly, I suppose if she’s out of her twos,” he said, shaking his head and jerking his thumb over his shoulder. “I…we…no one knew you had a kid? Sorry? I’m just going to…go.”
It was painful, the awkwardness between them but John had never forgotten Rodney, or Teyla, Ronon or any of the others on Atlantis and despite the chasm between them he still missed them all.
His hand darted out before he could stop himself and snagged Rodney’s sleeve. “No uh…she’s asleep. Stay for a beer? We can drink outside?”
Rodney stilled before he nodded his head. “Sure, one beer. That’s about all I can tolerate these days.”
John smiled. “About the same here,” he said, stepping to the side and letting Rodney pass, well aware of the mess his living room was after he and Liz had spent the morning playing cops and lizards. “Just through here,” he said, closing the locking the door.
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ao3feed-mcshep · 2 years
Snakes, Ladders, Repeat
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9NqR7M1
by WonkyElk
Rodney blamed John for the whole thing.
Or ‘The perils of Games Night’
Words: 2404, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex
Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Established Relationship, POV Rodney McKay, Team Bonding
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9NqR7M1
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atlantis-scribe · 3 years
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MCSHEP AUs - What Dreams May Come (1998)
Rodney McKay and John Sheppard have built for themselves a good life: a beautiful house near the sea, two clever children, and a commitment to share love, dreams, and all sorts of exciting adventures together.
But all of this is turned upside down when their kids, Ian and Marie, die in a car crash that John blames himself for, leading Rodney to struggle with his grief and the need to keep his husband, their marriage, and what’s left of their world from falling apart.
It takes a long and difficult process, but they eventually learn to heal, only for Rodney to die in another freak accident four years later. He leaves the world of the living in a confusing haze of wonderful things unlike anything he’s ever seen.
Rodney wakes up in his own version of nirvana, a place very much like his home and filled with everything that’s ever been important to him, along with a catalog of every cherished memory and all his dreams incarnate. He also meets new friends both strange and familiar: Ronon, who carries with him a dagger similar to the one in the cover of Ian’s favorite storybook, and Teyla, the woman with a magical voice whose smile reminds Rodney of Marie.
Yet even in paradise, things can’t be perfect when he’s all alone. Rodney soon learns that his husband, too, has passed away. Though unlike him, John took his own life and is now trapped in a nightmare of his own making, a cage made of darkness and sorrow that is fed by John’s grief over losing his entire family. 
Against the laws of the afterlife, Rodney, together with Ronon and Teyla, embarks on a journey across heaven and hell to get to John, something no soul has ever attempted before.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 2 months
Hello my lovely! 😊 I've popped back in with another ask of my random atlantis thoughts as I'm going through my rewatch
Idk if it's ever said outright, but I'm pretty sure Teyla is the first friend John's ever had who's been pregnant. Like, he DOES NOT know what to do with her and he's overly protective (which is very sweet but clearly irritating for Teyla)
Bro is TERRIFIED because she's his family! And her baby is his family!! Especially considering the guilt he feels about losing Elizabeth and Carson, of course he's going to be fiercely protective of her!!😭
Sidenote: Ronon found her exercising and she was worried that she wouldn't be able to "keep up" with the rest of the team once the baby was born if she didn't and his response was literally "Who says you have to keep up?" that just 🥺 Literally saying they're going to take care of her no matter what. They're so family I can't 😭😭
john sheppard is afraid of clowns, iratus bugs, and pregnant women and that is fucking canon to me. that man would rather SCALE THE FUCKING TOWER than be around a pregnant woman and i for one think that's fucking hilarious
ALSO i know it was like. Huge Asshole Energy when john grounded teyla from missions but like. all i can think about is how john places the responsibility to keep his team safe 100% on his own shoulders, and i FULLY believe that his team (which is strongest for AR-1 but obviously extends to the whole city) includes the athosians, and by this point they've gone missing, and i really do think john believes he's to blame for it. i think johns harsh reaction was purely fear based- teyla's baby, who very well could end up being the Last Athosian, is at risk because they got shot by stunners. not only is john feeling the guilt from teyla getting stunned, but he now thinks he's putting her baby at risk. of course he freaks out!!!!!! he JUST found out about torren and in the same breath finds out he might've led teyla into a situation where she could lose her baby???????? anyways this was a lot to say yes john 100% sees teyla and torren as family and is SO overprotective of both of them.
also i'm literally never over teyla and ronon's friendship, i LOVE how ronon pivots between beating the shit out of teyla because he knows she'll give it as good as she gets and being the softest most tender soul with her. like the scene where they find out and he holds her hand and congratulates her and asks about kanan 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 IM GONNA SOB AT WORK THEYRE SO god i fucking love teyla and ronon's friendship it's SO fucking good
also you didn't mention this but i'm incapable of talking about teyla's pregnancy without commenting on how obsessed i am with the fact that rodney is the one who delivered her baby. like. i just. it's everything to me i genuinely think it's my favourite thing to happen in the entire show it was the BEST possible decision for the writers to make and i love it it's my favourite thing and i like to think rodney has a special bond with torren bc of it
thank you for the team feels they're Everything
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Stargate-Atlantis S5: E3 Broken Ties
Sheppard retaining self-control when talking to Woolsey and asking for permission to go off world was great. The room not opening for Woolsey is his payback. Lol. Atlantis is toying with the man.
Another Sheppard/McKay mirroring. McKay comes into the mess hall and doesn't even feel like eating because he's worried about Ronon. He sees Sheppard who also isn't eating because he's worried about Ronon.
Sheppard does good when he refuses to let Teyla blame him for her indecision. He can't wait on missions every time to see if she does or doesn't want to go.
(Total personal note: while I'm glad they show Teyla hesitating to rejoin the team, I wish they'd actually had her not join, but take up a position that let her be with her son. I think it would have been her doing the more important work. There are other ways to serve other than combat. Think of the power if she had focused on raising a son to take over the leadership of her people, maybe Atlantis, and defend the Galaxy. What a gift that would have been.)
Sheppard: this is about a desperate guy willing to do anything to save his buddy?
Woolsey: how can you be so sure?
Sheppard: because I've been there.
Ronon takes Sheppard out with one blow. Poor Tyer knowing Ronon's "betrayal" is his fault. Rodney being Rodney and worrying over the whole situation. Sheppard being Sheppard and repeating that they're going to get Ronon back.
The team gathered and worried about Ronon is perfect. Ronon saying Sheppard's name first when he wakes sane and drug free. Rodney joyfully screaming, "he's back!"
Um, at the end, when they're debriefing with Woolsey, down at the side of the shot, John face is hysterical when he drinks some coffee. What even was that???
I love Woolsey "relaxed".
The ultimate beauty of this episode is the Wraith telling Tyre it's not too late to be forgiven. Tyre rejects Wraith's forgiveness to earn Ronon's forgiveness. Then Sheppard told Ronon Tyre was a real friend and gave him Tyre's sword. Just beautiful.
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cassiope25 · 3 years
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Rodney's reaction in "The Shrine" when he heard that his miraculous cure would only last one single day...
Rodney: You've gotta be kidding me! (He stares at Jennifer.) How could you let them do this to me!
Jeannie: Don't blame her. She didn't even wanna do this.
Rodney: Well, then, whose brilliant idea was it?
Ronon: Mine.
John: We all thought it was a good thing.
Rodney: How could this possibly be a good thing?! Look, I got past the humiliation; I've said my goodbyes.
Jeannie: Meredith, I'm sorry this happened to you, but I'm not sorry that I got this chance. Please just try to see this as an opportunity and not ...
Rodney (through gritted teeth): ... a torture?
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dedkake · 2 years
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I posted 8,808 times in 2022
That's 1,422 more posts than 2021!
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#post trinity more like rodney mckay's mission to show up for john sheppard 24/7 without being asked
My Top Posts in 2022:
do you ever just remember that it's john's biggest fear that rodney dies and it’s his fault and everyone knows and blames him (and he’s going to lose his friends over this too) and also his boss comes at him and says the situation has compromised him and he's fired. he's afraid that losing rodney will mean losing atlantis and i caNNOT
102 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
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always getting in trouble | a somewhat silly mcshep reclist
Exotic Species by 30toseoul | <1k, t
It wasn't that Rodney enjoyed how things regularly jumped up and tried to kill him in the Pegasus Galaxy.
Queer readings of Tolstoy in the Pegasus Galaxy by SquaresAreNotCircles | 1k, t
Rodney’s mouth is wide and wet and hot. His hands are broad and agile and surprisingly strong, and it’s a scorching shivery shock when one of them moves from John’s shoulders south, walking down his ribcage and reminding him he’s ticklish and-
He snatches up Rodney’s wrist and puts his other hand flat on Rodney’s sternum and wrenches his mouth free.
Or: Why else would you take a book like that with you to another galaxy?
Euler's Jewel. by Basingstoke | 1k, m
In which John is a geek.
Snappy Comeback by mific | 1k, e
Rodney went still. "Wait, hang on. This isn't just you wanting a partner in crime to play hookey and sneak a midnight swim, is it?" He blinked up at John, his eyes wide and dark. "This is a date!"
Nash Equilibria Are For Losers by Persiflager | 1k, m
This was Rodney’s life now - reduced to the cable repair guy, surrounded by people who unironically fist-bumped, and doomed to die alone and get eaten by cats.
Through a glass, weirdly by valdomarx | 1k, t
Ronon ends up in the home universe of Rod McKay, the alternate version of Rodney that visited them a while back.
It's a pretty strange place.
Low-Slung, Surfer Boy by sheafrotherdon & thegrrrl2002 | 1k, e
The boys take a vacation, and all it takes for everything to come unraveled is one pair of swim trunks.
Collider by busaikko | 1k, e
Large Hadron Collider, large hard-on collider, practically the same thing... if you're John Sheppard and are trying to irritate Rodney into bed.
How to Date an Asshole by Punk | 2k, e
They're at an impasse.
Attack Of The Giant Robot From Outer Space by skoosiepants | 2k, t
John wants to hug it, and possibly use his tongue in inappropriate ways.
Cred by Resonant | 2k, e
What it takes to get Rodney's full attention.
John Sheppard vs. The Magic Ball of Love by SquaresAreNotCircles | 2k, t
John grimaces. “Magic ball of love?”
“It’s that artifact thing from yesterday.” Rodney finds the time to tut in between bites and actual words. “This is what happens when Zelenka approves the underlings’ paperwork before I’ve officially decided on a name.”
Or: There’s John, there’s Rodney, there’s an Ancient glowy ball, and a lot of very successful non-communication. Just an average week on Atlantis.
See the full post
158 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
favorite little humanizing sga character bits
john is bad at directions and has a guitar he never plays
teyla is bad at cooking and is Very Obvious when she has a crush
rodney has disgusting eating habits and keeps framed pics of his cats
ford is bad at simple math and also bad at telling jokes
ronon is always trying to set people up and is a film connoisseur
carson loves his mum and loves to gossip
jennifer loves her dad and is afraid of scary movies
elizabeth plays solitaire to procrastinate and doesn’t Get Sports
sam has framed pics of all her friends and likes getting her hands dirty
woolsey relaxes by getting fancy and is bad at technology
181 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
season 1 john: remembering what it’s like to have a family 
season 2 john: remembering that boundaries are important in relationships
season 3 john: living his best life 
season 4 john: desperately clinging to his team as they develop their own lives outside of team
season 5 john: isolating himself so it hurts less
196 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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too loud for words | a grab bag of mcshep emotions reclist
Exit Wounds by Powderpuff | <1k, m
When John thought about sleeping with Rodney, it was usually frantic, furious, and biting; aggressive and demanding, like Rodney himself often was. John expected bruises; expected it to hurt the next day, in that pleasant, “I just got laid” sort of way. In short, he expected it to be like all of the other times, after Nancy. He wasn’t so foolish as to imagine it wouldn’t matter, because everything with Rodney mattered—all John could hope for was that it didn’t scar.
September 20th, 2011 by velocitygrass | 1k, t
It's the end of DADT and nothing will really change for John.
start me up and watch me go by sabinelagrande | 1k, e 
Rodney discovers a new equation.
Sleeping Arrangements by Brumeier | 1k, t 
Of all the risks John faced in the Pegasus galaxy, having to share a small bed with Rodney while offworld was definitely the most dangerous.
Get You Back by lamardeuse | 1k, t
John nearly loses everything.
Lessons in Waking Up by Siria & dogeared | 1k, e
Keller crashes first, hiding a yawn behind one hand while she makes her excuses about early morning clinics and paperwork and half-jokes about not even being able to read her own handwriting. Sam's not far behind her; then Teyla, trailing Ronon in her wake, looking for peace through meditation, though John knows the only thing she's likely to find is irritation with Ronon's snoring.
Touch by astolat | 1k, e
Rodney McKay was a cuddler. Which was more than John had wanted to know.
The Whole Story by unadrift | 2k, t
John shows up at his door that night, carrying a sixpack of beer. Rodney follows him into the transporter and out to the pier. They settle down, feet dangling over the edge, and John hands him a can.
"So," Rodney says, after they each have finished off a beer. "I figure this is your subtle way of telling me that you want to talk?"
Talking Dirty by Toft | 2k, e
“It’s a major obstacle to successful porn dialogue that there are so few attractive words to describe anything to do with sex.”
Better Than Ice Cream by DesireeArmfeldt | 2k, t
Episode tag to Remnants: McKay wants to know what Sheppard saw in his hallucination. (Gen/friendship or pre-slash, depending on the color of your goggles.)
Just Hold Me, Please by christinchen | 2k, t
It just so happens that John desperately needs some human contact and Rodney's back is kinda sore. It's just a simple massage between two friends. No, really!
It Doesn’t Change a Thing by luredin | 2k, e
If Rodney had expectations about what life on Atlantis was going to be like before he got here, Major John Sheppard giving him head on the down low would not have been one of them. Nothing makes sense anymore, and if this is going to be a regular occurrence, Rodney thinks he should probably start returning the favor.
Or, five times John gets Rodney’s cock in his mouth, and one time Rodney has the pleasure.
That's MY cold by Saxifactumterritum | 3k, g
I wrote a fic. Mcshep, post The Eye/The Storm (Stargate Atlantis series one. John's got a cold, Rodney's annoyed, then there's snuggling
Hand Wash Only by LogicGunn | 3k, m
See the full post
288 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
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salchat · 3 years
“Oh. It’s you.”
John had expected red-faced rage, but was met instead with cold, hard appraisal.
“Come to gloat, have you? Come to see the damage you’ve caused, telling tales to the teacher?” Rodney jerked at the hem of his shirt, pulling it straight, and then stuck his hands in his pockets, one hip tipped up, his attitude careless, yet full of self-assurance.
“You shouldn’t be here, McKay. You’re not supposed to be working.”
“And you’re here to enforce that order are you? You’re here to make me do as I’m told?” The nonchalance hardened suddenly, a quick, unnerving change. “What did you say to Elizabeth?”
“I didn’t need to say anything.”
“Huh. Why do I find that hard to believe?” Rodney relaxed again, leaning back against the workbench and his arms slid into a fold, his jutting chin tipped disbelievingly to one side. “You and her - you’ve always been as thick as thieves, haven’t you? And now you’ve turned her against me. Hatched some plan to kick me out and get someone else in? Is that it? Well, good luck with that! You'd struggle to find someone whose lifetime best is as good as my daily average.”
Bomb disposal. Crisis negotiation. John wished he was an expert in either or both. “We haven’t turned against you, McKay,” he said, neutrally.
“Huh!” A hard finger jabbed at John’s chest. “You’ve turned everyone against me! Teyla, Ronon, Elizabeth! And now Radek! Now my staff!”
“How d’you figure that? If there was any turning against going on, it was all down to you.” Dammit, that was no good. Oil on troubled waters, John, not a fan to the flames.
“Oh, yes, of course, blame me, why don’t you? Blame me for their incompetence!” Rodney began pacing back and forth, picking things up and slamming them down. “It always comes back to me - if anything’s broken, get McKay. If we’ve messed up, McKay can fix it! If we’re all going to die, McKay can save us! And when all the fuss dies down, does anyone thank me? Do I get any recognition whatsoever? No! I get sneers and jeers and ‘Shut up, McKay!’”
“That sounds like a good plan - why don’t you shut up and listen for a change?”
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kats-kradle · 4 years
Hi hello yes I actually found your blog while I was looking for Ronon Dex whump, something there is not nearly enough of, and I just wanted to say that should you ever want to share your thoughts about him, whump-related or otherwise, I'm around to hear them,,, I care him very much (which is why I like to see him hurt... funny how that works).
OHOHOHOHOHO DID SOMEONE SAY THE MAGIC WORDS “RONON WHUMP”????? And yes there is not NEARLY enough Ronon whump!!! Buckle up I don’t think you know what you’ve unleashed by offering to let me talk about this XD i have 43 (i counted thats not an exaggeration) unfinished fics where i whump this man so i have A Lot of Thoughts on this so i’ll try to keep my headcanons and general thoughts from getting mixed up so here we go (also I haven’t actually seen past season 3ish but I know like everything)
Just general thoughts
I just love the team dynamic in general the actors had great chemistry with each other
They don’t whump Ronon enough and that is A Crime.    
But when they do whump him OH BOY ITS GOOD
Just off the top of my head I can think of     the episode where John and Elizabeth were possessed by those people who     wanted to kill each other and ronon got SHOT that was dope especially when     it showed the surgery but I was so mad there was no aftercare
Also just the fact that after Ronon was shot the guy possessing John said (about John) something like “if only you could hear him right now he is screaming so loud” or something to that effect and I’m not really a John whumper but oh boy the thought of John fighting as hard as he could to try and get control back because he wants to help Ronon rlly adds to the experience
After atlantis flies and John is going around checking the damage and he finds Ronon with the shard of glass in his shoulder juts the way he kneels down next to him is so soft and his voice goes soft too its great
I haven’t gotten there yet but ohoho the enzyme episode where Ronon gets drugged and then has to go through withdrawal ohooho I may have watched that scene a few hundred times
I just love also how fiercely loyal Ronon is and how much he trusts them
That ep where those villagers were going to give them to the wraith and Ronon literally would rather die than let his friends be taken to the wraith I love how John and Teyla go through like  45 heart attacks that’s one of the ones I haven’t gotten to yet but ive  seen gifs and oh boy oh boy does it look good
The way I generally describe Ronon is he’s     like a bug fluffy dog. Like he’s kind of silly sometimes and he’s very     loyal and will kill without hesitation if it means keeping his friends     safe
Also just that whole scene when Ronon arrives     when John is asking Elizabeth if he can stay is just like a kid asking his     mom if he can keep a dog he found
And Ronon has such a sweet smile also I love it when hes happy (but also I love it when hes in pain)
Stargate Atlantis was very well directed because for most definitions of “good acting” you can see “oh this character is sad. Now they are happy” which I do understand that many people prefer  this because they have difficulty interpreting facial expressions but I absolutely adore how subtly expressive the actors are because to me it’s fascinating to decode what the character is feeling. They act like real people and talk in the way real people would and it seems super natural and not scripted, and you can just tell in their interactions that the characters care for each other a lot and its beautiful
Now that I’ve said something vaguely scholarly-like its time to move on to the mess of headcanons
So when rewatching season 2 with my sister I realized the amazing potential for angst involving Kell (his old commander who he killed) so in my mind even though he’s very loyal to John at first it was more of a “you saved my life now I’ll watch your back because I owe you” and he had difficulty trusting any of them but especially John this changes over time ofc but he can’t help being wary of command 
I also hc that Kell  would punish the soldiers in his division for being “unfit” for battle so like if they broke a leg or something they would be punished  (this is mostly just for my guilty pleasure of ANGST) so that way they     would “be more aware” of their surroundings and whatnot 
Also disobey direct  orders was a big no no and you know how laid back John usually is with  orders so the first time Teyla disobeyed a direct order after Ronon joined the team John was grumbling about it in a way Teyla knew wasn’t serious but Ronon just kind of panicked and started lying his ass off and saying he threatened her into doing it and he should take the punishment which led to an awkward conversation (awkward for Ronon, it left his teammates ready for some murdering)
He hides injuries  because he was alone for so long and never had anyone to take care of him so he just forgets that he has to mention it and in his mind some injuries might not be that bad 
Beckett is constantly  chasing him around after missions desperately trying to get him to hold  still for long enough to do a check
Ronon hates pain medicine because it tends to dull his senses so in his mind all the more  reason to avoid Beckett
He is really good friends with Beckett but just not when he’s hurt
Usually he wanders into the medbay after bad nightmares if Beckett is on night shift and will just sit there
One time he hesitantly asked if Beckett could check to make sure that the tracker was actually gone for good
Ronon was expecting to get laughed at but Beckett took the request with the upmost seriousness and ran all the tests he could think of to calm Ronon’s fear
One time Ronon stumbled into the medbay and he obviously hadn’t slept in a while and was flinching at every noise so Beckett made up an excuse to “take some blood to test and see if it would be compatible with vaccines for the common sicknesses  humans get” and just like. Sedated him. Ronon felt betrayed at first but quickly realized that Beckett only did it because he cared about him and wasworried. He did try to get more sleep after that tho
Oh and you can bet Beckett goes off at him if he ever ends up in the medbay which he does to everyone but  especially Ronon because usually he’s either dragged there or he’ll come  in like “yeah so three days ago for the last mission I got hit in the side and now I’m coughing up blood so…” and then will just like pass out
While he was a runner he trained himself to be a light sleeper so adjusting to Atlantis was difficult because the ocean would wake him up every night at first
Also thunderstorms are The Worst to him because 1. It gives him PTSD for when he was a soldier and the wraith were attacking and 2. When he was a runner thunderstorms were almost a death sentence because the wraith could track him but he couldn’t hide he couldn’t hear and he couldn’t see so yeah thunderstorms are real bad for him
He has a constant fear of leading the Wraith to his new home and his new family oh also I decided that he doesn’t know if his mother died or not so every place they go he’s hopeful he’ll see her
This is a hc I had before I knew it was basically canon but he and the team hang out in the cafeteria a lot especially after nightmares they just all gravitate there
Also I haven’t gotten here yet so I’m just going off of what I know but he kind of tried to leave after Beckett died because he managed to find a way to blame himself also one of my hcs is that Beckett would tell him  about Scotland all the time and had decided that if they ever got the opportunity to go to Earth then Ronon was coming to Scotland with him sooo     ehehhe the angst of Ronon going to earth for Beckett’s funeral and going     to Scotland with Beckett but not in the way either of them wanted
On to softer hcs just cuz
He loves hugs. 7 years of being alone would  make anyone want a hug.
Children gravitate to him for some reason. Logically it doesn’t make sense because he’s so big and a bit intimidating but children just adore him
He carries extra snacks for Rodney
He can’t swim. Somehow he went his entire life without knowing how to swim which Rodney is astounded by and goes on about it for a minute or so
John took it upon himself to give him swimming lessons. John was a terrible teacher but Ronon managed to get the idea
He loves cocoa, specifically loaded with marshmallows. Teyla jokes he likes the marshmallows more than the cocoa
Wow this has gone on so much longer than I thought it would
So that’s it! you unleashed the beast. I now demand to hear your thoughts on ronon because boy oh boy hes a great whumpee and im not sure ive met many if anyone who likes to whumpe him so im super excited!!
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mcshep-everyday · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Characters: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex Additional Tags: Don't Ask Don't Tell, Aliens Made Them Do It, McShep - Freeform, kink bingo, First Time, Coerced Consent Summary:
If Aliens make them do it, no one can really blame them, can they? But… does it matter which aliens?
(Set back in the era when Don't Ask Don't Tell was a thing, and AMTDI was a major Stargate Atlantis Trope)
Posting some of my older fics that were previously on now-inactive archives.
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atlantis-scribe · 3 years
AU-gust 2021 ( Day 14 )
(in which Rodney is a world-renowned food critic on his first visit to Atlantis & John is the restaurant's executive chef)
It seemed as though everyone held their breath the whole time Rodney was on the table.
He dabbed the towelette on his mouth with slow and deliberate accuracy, and it took considerable effort not to scoff when, out of the corner of his left eye, he caught one of the waiters’ shoulders hitch, no doubt of their own volition.
Rodney knew this would be fun, but he clearly underestimated just how much.
Only when he finally set the napkin down did Teyla, the sous-chef, shake herself out of her graceful daze. She approached Rodney’s table and once again offered the same apologies she'd been giving for the past two hours.
“I am so sorry, Dr. McKay.” On the surface, she looked mildly contrite, but Rodney could see the fire behind her kind eyes. She was going to take someone’s head off the moment he left, and Rodney loved her even more for that. "I can assure you, John very much wanted to be here. Perhaps there was an emergency? Anything less could not have stopped him from coming."
Rodney shook his head and waved a hand. "It's fine. I'm sure Sheppard just believes he has more important things to do this evening." He shot Teyla a smirk. "Though I highly doubt even his charming presence can save bad food from upsetting my delicate sensibilities.
Behind Rodney, someone coughed.
"Dr. McKay—"
"I'll be going now. I think I've seen and tasted enough."  Rodney got up and made for the door. He was almost through when he turned around and offered the sous-chef a quick nod. "Good job, Teyla. I'll see you at the grand opening."
Teyla's brilliant smile was the last thing Rodney saw before he's sliding into the passenger seat and telling Markham to take him home.
"You are a coward."
On the other side of the counter, John scowled and gingerly took off his apron. "I am not!"
"Really? Then why didn't you show your stupid face? Have you had a chance to talk to Teyla? I'd advise you against doing so, if you haven’t yet. She's going to have you murdered. Cut up into little pieces."
Rodney tried to protest when John's hands came up to his shoulders, but between the two of them, John had always been more physically fit.
It's probably because of those enormous woks he had to carry around, something Rodney had given up when he left the kitchens.
"So maybe I was a little scared." John whined against Rodney's temple. "Can you blame me? My world-famous husband was going to tear my restaurant apart and bully my crew. I'm not thrilled to experience that firsthand."
"Nice to know you think I'm a Grade-A jerk," Rodney grumbled.
It took a while, but by the time they settled on the couch, Rodney's irritation had mostly faded. A John who smelled like rosemary was impossible to resist, and Rodney was already looking forward to the focaccia he knew was somewhere in the oven.
"You know I'm hardly the Michelin Guide, right?"
John's response got lost somewhere between Rodney's shoulder blades.
"And Atlantis will do great. You weren't even there the whole day, and they kicked ass. Teyla should just throw you out and run the ship herself."
There was another huff, but John still remained nonverbal.
Rodney sighed. "Though you might wanna tell Ronon to go easy on the turmeric. You know I like my arroz valenciana a little pale."
Finally, John's head shifted, and he gave Rodney's neck a dry kiss. "Love you too, McKay."
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 3 episode 18
Notes by me
- PREVIOUSLY - teyla has wraith radar and creepy dreams. She can also read their minds which is super cool. But sometimes they can sense her too which is not so cool
- under water drilling station noice
- teyla seems on edge
- "oh zing!"
- everytime john calls them "kids" my heart does a little "!"
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- this whole scene of bickering atlantis scientists 😂
- john said "kids" again
- oh shit wraith !!
- "are you sure?" John I'm pretty sure she knows what a wraith presence feels like. shes had this ability her whole life my dude
- Rodney stop being an asshole and check the goddamn computer again
- Ronon is ready to BEAT HIS ASS
- shes gonna do this without Carson??? Ehhhhhh maybe not a good idea
- "its already set to stun" the look she gives them "😒"
- ALRIGHT WELL her mind has been infiltrated
- John x The Abyss
- did she just nail him in the nads???? Ouch ronon......walk it off buddy
- Rodney is so bad with names
- "oh yes lets race TOWARDS the gunfire"
- its a queen!!!!! Dear diary.....This day just went from bad to worse
- 🎶rub a dub dub shes relaxin in the tub🎶
- teylas back! Shit now john cant trust her
- "I hate queens" cheers I'll drink to that
- I dont blame them for keeping an eye on teyla. She could still be a spy
- "one of these days im gonna call him Dr McCoy" this side character is valid
- cant believe Rodney pressed the wrong button and hired the wrong guy
- "teylas spidey sense"
- teyla blaming herself 😢😢😢
- oh this poor dude
- stop running!!! Ur gonna run right into the shield!!!
- JOHN WHUMP 👀👀👀👀👀👌👌👌👌👌💞💞💕💕💕GOOD SHIT
- hey ronon I think you missed but drowning her seems like a good idea
- well there goes the damn jumper
- oh just fucking shoot her
- ronon being protective of weir 💯💞
- im pretty sure I heard john mumble "whore" during the interrogation scene and no you cant change my mind
- "shes been down there a very very very very very long time"
"Give or take a 'very' "
- teyla this is not a good idea
- teyla narrating the whole wraith thing is Very Good 👌👌
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- oh of course the bomb can kill the whole planet of course WHY NOT
- Rodney not wanting to go
- "a beach thats about to explode"
"Thats not helping"
"Its not supposed to help its supposed to make you walk faster"
- this wraith calling teyla a weak bitch. Going for the jugular
- *grunts*
John cant understand Rodney language
- *grunts again*
"What does that mean???"
- "i have very little to lose" OOF
- ah fuck teyla what the hell
- did she implant that memory in her head or???
- twas a plan!!! A ruse!!
- Rodney not even AIMING
- "shes dead right"
- Rodney and wier being nerds together🤗🤗🤗🤗
- john teyla and Ronon finding little nooks in the wall to sleep in 💞💕💞
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