#i've been a gamer since the 90s and i've loved games since
jacquiarno · 1 year
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility my trans darlings, especially trans gamers! 💖
Whether you have decided to come out or not, you matter, you are loved, and there will always be support for you, especially from this cis lady. 🌈
#the colour scheme with my profile picture and nameplate colour was a happy accident in genshin#yae miko and kaeya are both my favourite characters#i know the genshin community can be quite toxic but i've been playing this game since launch#so if anyone can gatekeep it's me against these toxic people haha#but seriously if you need a safe space to come to any of my socials are a place you can come to#i keep my genshin id hidden here but if anyone from the trans community or the lgbtqia community ever need help pop me a message#i play on the us server#the ff14 has a fairly decent community even if a big name in the streaming scene has come out as a toxic person#but you can message me about that as well although i'm not great at the game haha and i'm on the oceanic servers#i've been a gamer since the 90s and i've loved games since#the fact so many in gaming circles are toxic is a damn disgrace#gaming spaces are meant to be a place where we all come together and accept others and treat them how we want to be treated#but some of these gamers and especially streamers seem stunted in their growth#a lot still act like they have the mindset of teenagers despite most being 30+#bratty teenagers i should say as not all teenagers act immature#trans rights are human rights#lgbtqia#if you're wondering where i fit in the rainbow community it's the i love people regardless of gender#not sure if bi or pan but i just go with bi#ffxiv#Final Fantasy XIV#ff14#final fantasy 14#genshin impact#jacquiarno's screenshots#jacquiarno
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dduane · 1 year
After knowingly being a fan of your Star Trek work since the 90s, and having pushed Young Wizards on as many folks as I can for the last (how long have I been on here?) dozen years or so, and having bought the full download pack just before UK sales went on hiatus due to taxes, I have finally, finally started reading SYWTBAW. I'm instantly in love. The character introductions are perfect. The system explanations are natural, fitting with what the characters know themselves. I'm so happy! But that's an aside, a happy bonus...
I have been a fan of the X-Com/UFO game series since I first discovered it, which was when they brought the game to the Playstation in '95? Wow, that game was wild. I would go visit my friend and play with him, working on tactics for missions for hours on end, then come home and boot up my own system and run more missions on my own. I had multiple memory cards so I could save while engaging the enemy and also keep a save safely back at base if things went pearshaped. When I finally entered the PC-owners market in 97, it was one of the first games I installed there and I still have a copy on every computer I've owned since, and play regularly. I have the official strategy guide, and (the point of this message) I have the tie-in novel that you wrote! Finding that was a lucky thing, I've never seen or heard of another copy. I love what you did with the story, how it ties in well to the mechanics and spirit of the game without remaining constrained to the specifics of the game engine's limitations due to programming requirements.
When it came to writing about games, and writing for games such as Wing Commander, did you (do you still) play (m)any of them to learn more about the systems and lore?
Firstly: thanks for the nice words about my work. :) Much appreciated.
In answer to the question you wound up with: I'm not gaming actively at the moment... there's too much other stuff going on locally that requires my attention. But when I've been asked to participate in a game-based project, I absolutely spend as much time playing it as possible before I get down to work. I'll never be able to spend as much time on it as any given game's major enthusiasts would. But I do my homework, and make sure I have the data I need to handle the story issues and to drive a decent plot.
When I was working on Privateer 2: The Darkening, this wasn't so much of a problem, because I came in as cold as anyone else: nobody outside EA had played the game before. :) That said, I hadn't been hired for my expertise as a gamer, but as a screenwriter. I did spend a lot of time with the game designers and engineers, watching how gameplay was supposed to go and working out how I could best reinforce that rhythm in the way the scenes I was writing played out. It was a really enjoyable collaboration, as the engineers were as fascinated with what I was doing as I was with what they were up to. If there was a downside to the experience, it was having to be more or less a prisoner in Slough for six weeks while the writing and rewriting happened. But this kind of thing is an occupational hazard, best taken as gracefully as possible. (Though that wasn't hard in retrospect, especially considering the cast who wound up speaking the lines I'd written. Clive Owen, Brian Blessed, Mary Tamm, David Warner, John Hurt, Mathilda May, David McCallum, Jürgen Prochnow,... my God, what a lineup.)
X-Com: UFO Defense, though, I'd known for a long time and had played quite a bit: so when asked to pitch, I more or less came in hot with a bunch of issues that I felt needed more attention than they'd had in the actual game. I was delighted to get more or less carte blanche to handle them, and to create a bunch of edgily professional characters to run around destroying the bad guys. It was also, frankly, a ton of fun to use the narrative to blow up or drop alien spacecraft on things that (in real life) were annoying me in that timeframe. For example, in the culmination of one battle I dropped a big alien ship through the beautiful Renaissance Revival roof of the main rail station in Zurich because I was cranky about some slippery floor tile they'd installed downstairs in a refurbishment of the ShopVille shopping center. (I mean, seriously, people track huge amounts of snow and slush in down there when they come off the escalators from street level: why would you not put nonslip tile on that floor? It's deeply irresponsible. So they had it coming.) :)
...Anyway, it was really enjoyable having a chance to play around with what I imagined Earth's geopolitics to be doing under gameplay conditions, while also enacting a more than usually complex game scenario in prose. I don't know if or when I'll be doing that kind of work next, but writing the X-Com: UFO Defense novel definitely left a good taste in my mouth.
Thanks for asking!
(ETA: and here are those tiles. ...The cubical affair in front is an art installation: an illuminated "fountain". It was originally made of wires or strands of plastic cable, down which drops of glycerine, or something like it, slowly slid. But they seem to have swapped that out for water. And, oh look, there's video!)
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samthecookielord · 5 months
CURRENT LAYTON STATUS: AL chapter 6, got past that huge gate past the fossil room with the minecraft block on it
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That's right, I'm dedicating a post to all the Layton content I've consumed and will consume. Wish me luck gamers. (I'll also add the status of my gameplay videos!) (And a list of layton AUs at the end)
Mainline Trilogies
(note: i call the games by which version i played (UK or US) but i tag by US titles)
(note 2: we only record towards the end of the game because my computer space will CRY and also i do not want to edit all that hope this helps)
CURIOUS VILLAGE: 100% completed
(not recorded)
DIABOLICAL BOX: 100% completed
Chapter 7: (Part 1) - (Part 2) (fun fact: part 2 features the first instance of me using animated sprites for me and my friends!)
LOST FUTURE: 100% completed, all uploaded!
Chapter 9: (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3) (fun fact: part 1 is the first time i use game sprites to give visuals to our improv bits, as well as generally being the start of me putting a lot more effort into editing and trying new stuff!)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: (Part 1) - (Part 2)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3) Epilogue: (Part 1) (Part 2)
LAST SPECTRE: 100% completed
Chapter 8: (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3) (fun fact: from this point on, our playthrough group has increased from 3 people to 4!)
Chapter 9 -> 2 parts
Chapter 10 -> 2 parts
Epilogue -> just one
MIRACLE MASK: 100% completed
Chapter 6 -> 6 parts left (HELP)
Chapter 7 -> 6 parts left Chapter 8 -> 1 part left Epilogue -> 2 parts left
AZRAN LEGACY: ch6, started recording
Chapter 5 -> 6 parts left
Chapter 6 -> 3 parts so far
Epilogue -> ???
Spinoffs & Extras
ETERNAL DIVA: Watched :]
Improv Fandub will come out soon. Probably
LB MYSTERY ROOM: completed
(not recorded)
PLVSAA: not started (will play after mainline)
will probably record? perchance?
MYSTERY JOURNEY: not started (will play after plvsaa)
The anime: not started (will watch after mystery journey)
Cheerful Mystery: i saw the lost future one lol ill go check out the rest later probably. I also read up to ch28 of the lbmr manga
Layton AUs
i have a lot of clive aus. here's a slideshow. here's their interaction tag
Puzzles Gone Wrong AU: (belongs to pastel-player) A take on "evil Layton" where we ask what if he wasn't evil evil, but morally dubious. Basically he's a dictator now but he hasn't really done much harm to the city of London. He's making some questionable decisions, but... he's still the polite gentleman Layton who cares about his loved ones. Said loved ones have many conflicting feelings about him. Takes place at least 1 year after main trilogy, unclear when exactly. (Ao3 series)
Pastel wasn't doing anything with Clive in this AU so I picked him up and ran off then came back with a whole new design and stuff. Anything I make with PGW Clive that doesn't involve Timeline Hopper Clive's shenanigans is proobably canon to the AU. Basically I'm the ceo of this one guy within this AU and nothing else <3
(PGW Clive's tag)
Layton Assassin AU: (belongs to snekatiemainy and thia-quiche) Layton but he kills people with swords. And also Luke beats people to death with shovels. And Flora also sword. Yayy!!! Initially inspired by our jokes from playing Curious Village, mainly Luke saying the phrase "this man is being VERY RUDE we should KILL HIM" (Ao3 series)
Assassin AU Variant: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) A variation of the assassin au where Clive is adopted by Layton. Clive picked up a gun and has never been the same since. Guy who loves his 20 guns and is sooo annoying about it <3 Honestly 90% of my assassin au tag is just the variant instead of the actual original au hdtdhdhrfd
(Ao3 series)
(AV!Clive's tag)
Timeline Hopper Clive: (belongs to me, inspired by a-queer-kitkat's post) Post-canon Clive that starts getting tossed across dimensions at random intervals due to an abandoned machine prototype left by one of Dimitri's scientists. Often crosses over with Puzzles Gone Wrong and Assassin AU. He gets worse but then he gets better. Then there's a version where he gets worse again and weird buggified.
Clive Triton AU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) what if clark adopted clive. Send post
The BEHUH??? AU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) ???? goddamnit timeclive what did you DO (BEHUH??? stands for Butterfly Effect HUH???) (two guys chilling in the river 5 feet apart because get pitted idiot)
CSAU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) clive is adopted by descole. I encourage you all to ask us what CSAU stands for several times.
Little Hershel and the Curious Playground: what if it was all elaborate playground roleplay, and targent is a group of school bullies? (some ideas come from conversations with friends on discord)
Apprentice Nils AU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) that random miracle mask npc's parents died so layton yoinks him
Randall Possession AU: (belongs to snekatiemainy) what if he became a ghost and hung out with his best friend Layton forever now
Layton Object AU: based on those silly object show things. They're living objects with limbs and faces etc etc and the only real changes in this au right now is just names, designs, and minor things that come with those design changes. i make this kind of au for almost anything i touch loll
Vampire Layton AU: what it says on the tin. One of my earliest tagged AUs. It didn't really go anywhere but it's fun to think about sometimes. Based on a joke we made while playing Diabolical Box.
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regarding-stories · 16 days
When your backstory beats your story (Part 1): Aventuria
(This is going to be a bit of a crossover story between two of my blogs.)
You may not have heard of it, but Germany's best-selling role-playing game is called "The Dark Eye" ("Das Schwarze Auge"). Its first edition beat D&D to market in Germany in the early 80s and has been the dominant tabletop RPG there ever since - generating also several computer games, and finally an English edition that was able to create some hype in the US market, something which its publisher Ulisses increasingly targets (because more customers).
The game itself evolved from a very simplistic system that was fast to pick up over two more editions that revised and expanded it, only to become an overly complex monster in its 4th edition where most people needed a fan-made PC editor to create characters. I don't particularly like the system, which always tended to be "whiffy" (lots of rolling for little effect in combat) and has never been truly fixed, unable to let go of its poor game design legacy.
I have a soft spot for 1st edition, though. It's the first RPG I ever played. It's simple. You're not feeling like a complete idiot (like in many editions of D&D at the beginning). It quickly got you into playing. And there existed some decent adventures of the kind I like.
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Sold by the stories
While I personally was more into dungeon-style exploration fantasy, Dark Eye adventures tended more towards stories. (I just happened to be led through an adventure of the style I loved when playing first.) The Dark Eye is probably the most-supported system on this planet when it comes to published adventures, numbering in the hundreds.
Most of these are story-based or focus on character interaction to a good degree, and in fact many Dark Eye gamers are kind of stereotyped as wanting to hang out in taverns and with nobles to have long conversations, invoke the setting gods in their exclamations, and generally be more like LARPers (Live Action RolePlaying - when you dress up). I've encountered way too many of them off- and online to disagree - just like D&D is known for its murder hobo power gamers for a reason.
But given the endless focus on dungeon adventures in D&D and saving the world, The Dark Eye can be a breath of fresh air for getting into well-rounded characters, finding solutions to complex problems, and generally, you know, actually role-playing your character.
You know, most of the things that these days make RPG streaming a thing.
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A mixture of more low-key stories and various ideas certainly made it stand out compared to D&D, and to this day such preferences can make you chose one game over the other.
So it makes sense we're talking stories here. So why did the Dark Eye have a backstory problem?
Because it was like this
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When you started playing in the 1980s, you basically came into a very settled civilization. There was a large "Middle Empire/Realm" which was the successor the original Empire, and it was a country spanning a big part of the map which was, politically, very static. So were most of its neighbors.
If you picked up the official zine of the setting you would hear of events such as the umpteenth "war" between two impoverished mini-states full of country bumpkins with long rivalries as a recent event. In the early 90s a part of the setting evolved towards the renaissance, but that made it seem even more static. (It was, in some ways, a mirror image of part of the history of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation. The not-so-exciting parts, depending on your tastes.)
There were tantalizing hints that some much cooler place existed beyond the ocean, the Golden Land (or Myranor), but they largely remained hints back then. Years later, after I lost interest, it was published as an alternate setting for the game, IIRC. Think about hearing of it being hinted for a long time in the 90s and then finally starting to appear in 2000 onwards. It was just too late for me, personally.
Stoking desires but not fulfilling them was a hallmark of The Dark Eye for a long time. Because interesting things did happen, but they either happened somewhere else, far away, or outright unavailable (like Myranor, a discontinued Hollow Earth setting with Japan as inspiration), or in an even less reachable place - the past.
Splendor Of Days Gone By
There is a temptation for any fantasy author, especially authors writing setting books for players, to make up grand chronologies of past events. People generally blame Tolkien for this, given that he created a grand mythological setting with several long ages as backdrop for his "Lord of the Rings".
The reason the "Tolkien did it too" argument is rather weak (in my book) is, however, that Tolkien created his mythology as the backdrop to an engaging, much-beloved story. Compare how many people have read "The Lord of the Rings" with how many have read "The Silmarillion" and you can immediately see how Tolkien did not slack on giving us a good, dramatic story when we first heard about it.
Not so most fantasy authors.
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Reading the Dark Eye's history of the setting itself, you have to wonder about the state of mind the authors. Here they put all those exciting events that almost none of their adventures contained:
A royal family of the Old Empire that fell to demon worship and incest.
A march of 1,000 ogres that razed the biggest city in the world.
Wars of conquest, rebellions, the formation of nations.
Several orc invasions.
A sorcerer-king that was in league with demons.
A magican and philosopher-king who ended that threat and ruled a looong time.
A viking era.
I really remember reading this back in the day and, being the newbie I was, just being desperate about how boring the present was. Basically the backstory often kicked ass. It had movers and shakers, big dramatic events, and what the Chinese might call "interesting times."
Fixed After All
Eventually the makers of the game (the editorial board, as they are called), noticed themselves. Somewhere around the year 2000 games with meta-plots became a thing, especially in Germany, and big events kept changing their settings, keeping them interesting and preparing the ground for new adventures. And eventually Aventuria, the world of the Dark Eye, followed suit.
For example by bringing the sorcerer-king back and letting players be the protagonists influencing the events that end up bringing him down. What a novel idea...
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Looking at the time-line since you kind of think that maybe these people realized they had buried all the excitement in their own, made-up history, because now there are events in there that are clearly inspired by what "came before" as the setting keeps marching forward.
Why it took them up to two decades to realize this is anybody's guess.
The role of backstory is typically to establish the "why" of elements in your story - or here the why of the setting. In Aventuria's case, it did the job of explaining the borders and where the various nations come from, but somehow, and rather unintentionally, it painted the picture of a dynamic and exciting world that eventually solidified and ended up as a rather sclerotic, phlegmatic version of itself.
In the end, as an author, that would have been the point to ask yourself which makes the better story. And go with that.
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lostinbooks14 · 6 months
Guys- I need help.
So I'm writing this book with a friend of mine. She's super excited about it...but the thing is...she hardly ever has ideas. It's a very complicated plot and I've had to make up 90% of it. She says "the ideas will come" but so far, only like 10 have come. And even then I have to be the one to add them to the plotline in a way that makes sense because she makes the most illogical ideas that would just complicate the plot even further and will not connect and will leave plot holes. And I feel like the biggest bossypants in the world when I point that out to her.
And she keeps forgetting everything we decided about the characters and the plot- even her own ideas. But I thought, that's fine, she loves writing (I've never actually read any of her stories) so she'll make up for it once we start.
But she just sent me the draft... and... she forgot to do it in third person. We're writing the POVs of 5 characters so we decided a few months ago to do it in third person to not confuse the readers, since it's usually find hard to remember which character is 'I' in the first few chapters- and the character's names. But now she's written in first person.
And her writing style is so unnatural. The character sees her best friend and goes, "A and I met when his parents moved into our neighborhood from Australia. Our dads were business partners -his dad makes electronics and my dad sells them, at least that's what I was told. One time A's babysitter was sick and my mom insisted on taking care of him while the dads discussed "important" matters. We both instantly clicked because we had similar interests like oh! Video games! Ever since that day, we had been inseparable. With him, It's always easy to open up and be really honest because I know he would understand whatever I was going through and having a friend like him beside me was a comforting feeling." Yes, that's what she wrote. I mean who sees someone and immediately thinks of their long past and how amazing they are. It ruins all the suspense. A (dw that's not his real name. I cut it out.) and this girl's friendsip is the main friendship in the series and the dynamic we decided on will definetely get the readers rooting for them- that's why they should be kept in suspense, wondering "when did they meet?", "how did they meet?" Etc. Etc. It's not fun when it gets handed to them on a silver platter. Frankly, it sounds like a documentary.
Her descriptions are really bland and boring and even the conversations sound very typical. Like, as soon as she mentions going home and playing video games, A immediately yells "oh im so gonna beat you!" and she's like "you bet your butt you won't!" Which is the typical interaction between gamers in most books. But A's personality is NOT competitive. It's one of the first things we decided about him. He's meek and lets people walk all over him. Plus he's very quiet and insecure and tries to hide that he does geeky stuff like play video games and fiddle with machines and chemicals. Yelling about video games in the middle of a crowded school hallway is not smtn a bully victim usually does. And the girl also really cares for A. She is very competitive with most people, but her main good quality is loyalty. She's the type of girl who wouldn't bat an eye at a rando kid being bullied, but goes full mama bear mode if its someone she cares about (she becomes better later). She'd lose (reluctantly sure) if it meant boosting A's self confidence.
The characters are all just so amazing and i feel like she isn't doing them justice!
I haven't mentioned these worries to her, because I've already been telling her off for forgetting super important details about the plot and the characters... and I don't want to act like the boss cause we are supposed to be co-authors...so....
Please tell me what to do
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master-tonberry · 1 year
Since the weekend is upon us, you probably won't hear from me as it's booked (as usual wah wah), so I'll try and make this ask good.
As soon as I read Alias Grace, I immediately reread it. Margaret Atwood, without exaggeration, changed my life. Now I will definitely try out Sheri S. Tepper!
Yes!!! Goonies never say diiiiiiiiiiiiiiie! I went to Astoria just to visit the filming locations and even got to touch the ORV (and the bullet holes haha). Your taste is immaculate, mbbdarling! The LOTR movies are my all-time favorites.
You don't have to say your age specifically, but are you also a child of the 80s or maybe the 90s?
You have really lived a lot! So super cool. My uncle was also a pilot, though he was always US-based. I have been to Germany a couple of times, too. We have family there, and I also majored in German in college. It holds the most special place in my heart.
I suspected you were a fantasy-lover, so maybe I was being rather sneaky there as all four of those genres are my faves. I couldn't lose! //evil laughter//
SORCHA. IS. LIFE. As we rewatched it this past weekend, it hit me--she's probably the reason why I'm obsessed with and drawn to curly redheads.
Speaking of hair, are you a long or short hair person? You have a fave hair color? (I've dyed my hair red for the last 20 years, and I'll probably dye it until I go gray--I also love all-gray hair.)
I can't talk about Lee Scoresby... </3 I am also a profound lover of Iorek Byrnison, though I revile that damn golden monkey. //clenches fist//
You like video games like my bestie does! I am not a gamer--I love watching others play--with two exceptions: Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. The only two video games I ever loved. :)
Those are SOLID tropes. I love those, too! Found family goes hand-in-hand with quests, which you already know I love. Nothing beats a good ensemble of characters.
I'd probably end up being the leader, I guess, so I'm coming to you, my consigliere, for all the plans and schematics. I will trust in your fastidious nature to lead us safely to the dragon's hoard!
Okay, more nosy questions time.
If you were an animal, what would you be:
Dream job:
House, apartment, cabin, or treehouse:
And back to MX--
Favorite MX photoshoot/aesthetic:
Favorite Hyungwon hairstyle:
Favorite Jooheon hairstyle:
(Examples are always appreciated *wink wink*)
Have the best weekend, mbbdarling! Take good care of yourself and smile lots!
NO. WAY. Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are my all time favorite games 😂 I'm starting to think we're the same person!! I almost cried when I found out that they had finally re-released Chrono Cross for the PS4, I'm just about to start getting relics from the dragons.
I was a short hair person all through high school and most of my early 20s but I have been a long hair person for years now. I had it down to my butt at one point but I recently gave myself a long wolfcut just before my partner and I went to see Ateez. I've had it so many colors (I was a punk back in the day, so I've always liked dying it) but it is currently fire engine red and I think I'll keep it that way for a while. I also recently did a blue to purple ombre, half neon green and half black, half pink and half blue (that was for Seventeen!), and all black.
Okay questions time!
What Animal Would You Be: Definitely some kind of corvid. I identify too strongly with bluejays, but crows are also excellent.
Dream Job: I actually love the job I have right now (which I won't be specific about for privacy reasons, but its an admin position) but I secretly always wanted to have a self-sufficient farm and a little shop where I could sell handmade candles and soaps and handspun and dyed yarn lol
House, Apartment, Cabin, or Treehouse: Okay it's not practical at all but I would absolutely love to live in a treehouse like the ones that they have in Hook. But since that would never ever happen in a million years, a cabin in the woods is the ideal.
Favorite MX Aesthetic: Okay look. I really really love the Shootout jumpsuits. Jooheon especially looks super hot in them.
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Favorite Jooheon Hair: I mean, he invented having blond hair soooooo...
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Look at this man, he's so gorgeous???? How???
I hope you have a great weekend!! 💗
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nightleycosplay · 2 years
Since I've gotten some new followers and mutuals I'll introduce myself again!
I am Ley [Lay-ee] aka Nightley [Nightly]. They/Her are the Pronouns. I'm American specifically from the South (I say only because my friends "bully" me because of my accent.) I am bi and demisexual. I am disabled and have some chronic Illnesses but you know. 🤷‍♀️
I am a cosplayer and I am a pretty active cosplay TikToker (45.6k as of posting). I am a pretty impulsive cosplayer and cosplay a wide variety of cospays. From horror to OCs to Disney to Actual Play Podcasts to Video Games to like really obsure movies from the 80s/90s/00s for some reason. I do a bit of it all!
I am a big TTRPG fan. I have played D&D 5e, Dragon Age TTRPG, Call of Cthulhu and Monster of the Week to name a few. I have GMed and/or been a player since 2019. I am trying to get into some original TTRPGs so fingers crossed for that! Also I am a Bard main if that tells you anything about me.
I am a huge gamer as well! RPGs are a personal favorite but I love some good cozy games, point and click adventures and horror games. (Mutuals like with TTRPG I'd love to play with y'all some time!)
As you could probably tell since I mentioned it a couple of times horror is my favorite genre. I am also a big history/theatre geek as well as a Muppet die-hard. Comics are also a big love of mine especially DC (Specifically any characters from/in Gotham)
Also thing that y'all should know about me is I don't fuck with Grasshoppers/crickets/etc. So like- don't send me that stuff (not that y'all would.) Also deathly allergic to hay- use that information wisely. 👀
But yeah that's all I can think of rn.
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imadhatt3r · 2 years
When will people whose last contact with video games was playing contra in the 90s and clearly don't see games as a mature medium worthy of being treated seriously stop talking about how the modern gaming industry looks like
Like I'm listening to this podcast about fat liberation and one of the hosts just said that it's "controversial" or "rare" for games to have an optional female protagonist in games where you create your own??? Like no, female protagonists have been a staple since the concept of customizable protagonist has been introduced, a female player character was planned for the very first pokemon titles from the 90s but were cut due to lack of cardridge space. The problem with lack of female protagonists is mostly about games with a SET protagonist that you can't change, and even that has been changing since at least the early 2010s.
I mean for fucks sake, I know that the gaming industry and its fans have problems, but painting everything related to gaming as this sort of monolith of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and everything else that never changes and thrives on predjudice is just upsetting to me, a person who's been gaming her whole life and SAW the industry and the fans evolve and change for the better. It feels like somebody forcefully entering the house I've seen being renovated my whole life and complaining about how shitty the plumbing used to be and the carpet is ugly as sin, despite the fact that it has been changed three times since then.
Not even mentioning all the people from all countries and walks of life who love games and create them. The image of all gamers being cishet white boys who hate women isn't true. Never was.
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mean-green-imagines · 3 years
What Video Games my OCs Like to Play
(Just a little something I've been thinking about recently. Plus, I miss writing about my girls. <3)
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- a very chill gamer
- enjoys games like Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, and dating sims
- her favorite game is Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town because she used to play it as a kid
- she's tried playing first person shooter games like Destiny and Halo with Donnie, Mikey, and June, but she's just not really into it
- she'll still get pretty pumped when she takes someone out though hehe
- is decent at Super Smash Bros but will annihilate you with Isabell
- doesn't play a lot of video games since she's more of a book reader
- when she does play, she really enjoys RPGs like Fire Emblem
- she plays the Fire Emblem games on Hard with Permadeath. Jen has no fear
- has tried playing Animal Crossing with Carol but got bored quickly
- actually enjoys Minecraft but she'll go through phases of being obsessed for two weeks and then not even thinking about it for five months
- loves playing Nintendo games that involves a group because it's more fun
- so Mario Party is also a go-to for her when it's game night
- she enjoys just about any game
- she especially loves the indie horror games and will force Jen and Carol to play them with her
- will beat everyone at Pokemon because she's been obsessively playing the games since the 90s
- June especially enjoys fast-paced games like Sonic the Hedgehog
- she 100% used to be afraid of the Tails Doll back in the 2000s and refuses to play Sonic R to this day
- she is REALLY good at Super Smash Bros as Sonic but always places last when it comes to Mario Party
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you're engaged congrats! (๑・̑◡・̑๑) i'm currently engaged too! sadly my fiancé doesn't know about my love for otomes- im really shy and scared to tell him- + idkhow i didn't end up telling him??? i started playing otomes for almost a year now + i've been with him for three years. whenever i try to find the time to tell him it spoils the moment? or i just become to scared.. i don't know what to do. and if i tell him i feel like he might unreasonably break up with me bc of my hobby- so help??
First, thank you and congrats to youas well! \(@^_^@) /
Second, you should never feel ashamed of your hobbies (as long as they’re legal). Your interestin otome games is interactive story telling. It’s like a modern day choose yourown adventure (you know, those books from the 90′s where you choose to go to a certain page to continue). If he leaves you over you playing a game, he’s an idiot and doesn’t deserve you. But I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt because I don’t know him and he is your lovely betrothed. Ifhe is a fellow gamer of any kind, he will understand. It’s a story/game that you play through. Just like The Witcher III,Until Dawn, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, etc, all of which are other games that have different outcomes based on dialogue selected. We can even throw the Sims into the mix. The difference? The themes. And the characters. And the stor—it’s just the same thing.
And you don’t have toforce yourself to tell him flat out like you’re confessing to a crime or having a dirty secret. Because it’s not. Farfrom it in fact. If you’re playing MCL, Eldarya or any otome and he walks up to you as you are doing so, let himsee it. Show it to him if he cares to look. Let him ask questions. That’s what my fiance did. Explain exactly what it is to your fiance: A high school romance game that is determined by your choices. It’s nothing to feel guiltyabout. It’s something to pass the time and it’s a harmless hobby that you enjoy. Like folks who knit, read steamy love novels, or skydive (What? That is a hobby for some…) My point being, I’m sure that since he loves you enough to ask you to marry him, he would respect your hobbies and the things you like to do on your own spare time. Deep breaths. Smile. Continue to be yourself and do what you love. After all, he loves you for who you are. Not the games you play.
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