#i've been thinkin about t(a) so much lately so this was such a nice lil dip back into that universe laksjdflkjs
queenofbaws · 4 months
For the behind-the-scenes fic asks, could I get 12, 24, and 25 for The Almosts pretty please? I'm so insanely curious
heheheh aw man, any chance i get to rant and rave about t(a), you KNOW i'm gonna take it!! ;)c
12. Was there a scene you wished you could have included? Why didn't it fit in?
mmmmmmmmm this one's tricky. i wouldn't say there were any scenes that i wished hadn't ended up on the cutting room floor in the end (as the wordcount will attest, pffffft), but there are definitely some that i had sort of imagined going differently when first planning/setting about writing, and that ended up significantly different when all was said and done.
the two that come most readily to mind are: (1) the whole reason i had sam's dad scott be an er nurse was because i fully intended on him being the one letting her know about josh's hospitalization, and then there being a very, very awkward confrontation with chris about it later; and (2) the fight in ch17 was actually going to be, uhhhhhh worse, hahahaha. in the end, i decided i wasn't really feeling the direction of those decisions, and so ended up changing them. i for sure wouldn't say i regret that, though, or that i wish i'd stuck with my original plan, but i do think they could've changed the overall vibe of the story significantly.
EDIT: I AM A FOOL! THERE WAS A SCENE I WISH I COULD'VE INCLUDED, AND THAT WAS SAM AND ASHLEY GOING FULL PARENT TRAP ON THEIR PARENTS TO GET THEM TO DATE SDKLFJLKSJDFKLJSDF hahahaha, not exactly an important part of the story, nor a necessary one, but........i had plans for scott giddings and jamie brown, oh yes i did. oh yes i did. hehe.
24. Did you write every scene in order? What was the first scene you wrote, and what was the last?
god no, oh jesus, oh no. nonononono. i am like, pathologically incapable of writing things in order. i WISH i had that sort of discipline, my gosh. hilariously, the first scene i wrote was...well, okay, yeah, the first scene of the fic!!! hannah and sam having a little chat before The Big Party, but after that, all bets were off, babyyyyyyyyy. i jumped around.....everywhere, and the one thing i remember most about writing t(a) is that i was, at ALL times, actively working on 3 chapters. nightmarish. don't recommend it. absolutely the only way i found i could get my brain to work XD the last scene i wrote.....man, was josh and hill in that last session. everything after that had already been written, it was all set in stone, but that last session, man...that one took me.......a long time to write, hahaha.
25. Is there anything you would change now about this fic? Why or why not?
so, here's the thing. i feel like it's really easy to look back on an artistic endeavor and pick out all the stuff you don't dig about the final result. i have, in all honesty, not gone back and FULLY reread t(a) start-to-finish since finishing it BECAUSE of that. i am positive that if i really sat down and looked at it with a magnifying glass, yeah, there are some things i'd change - pieces i'd get rid of, segments i'd rework, commas i would delete by the dozens.................
but at the end of the day, t(a) is, was, and always will be my baby, something that not only served as my first step into the ud fandom, but something that introduced me to so many AMAZING people - writers and artists and readers and editors and gifmakers and not-so-silent lurkers all - and so looking at it and thinking about the things i'd change doesn't really occur to me. it is what it is, and i'm very happy to leave it as is :) <3
that being said, i would've loved to format some of the...stuff in the ending where they (starve) in a more house of leaves sort of way, but ao3 proved pretty tricky for that, alas!
behind-the-scenes fic asks!
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inejschumacher · 5 months
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Day 15 of Via’s Taycember
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
wc: 0.7k
cw: frustration, little gifts
an: well of course I had to write him to this song, that interview wasn’t for nothing
I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car. He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel, the other on my heart. I look around, turn the radio down, he says, "Baby, is something wrong?" I say, "Nothing, I was just thinkin' how we don't have a song"
The wind blows through the open windows of Danny’s truck, undone hair flying behind you as you sit shotgun, one of his hands resting on your thigh. The radio is playing some sort of country music, maybe Luke Bryan? But it only gave you a single thought: you two didn't have a song.
You look out the window, then at him, and turn down the radio, suddenly too loud against the roar of the highway. Danny frowns, asking what’s wrong when ten minutes ago you both were screaming along to the radio. You let a few seconds pass, thinking about how to frame your words, then decide to just say it straight.
And he says, our song is the slamming screen door, sneakin' out late, tapping on your window when we're on the phone, and you talk real slow, ‘cause it's late, and your mama don't know
Danny grins, and squeezes your thigh. “You know, we do have a song. Our song, no one else has it.” You raise an eyebrow, unsure of what he means when you’ve never had a discussion or moment of decision for what your song could be.
“Babe, our song is the slammin' screen door you’re so careful with when you’re sneakin’ out real late. It’s my tappin’ on your window to get your attention because you’re so charmed by me on the phone you don;t even realize I’m standin’ right outside. Especially ‘cause you're talking real slow so your mama won’t hear and get mad.”
You take in his words, smiling from ear to ear as you realize that you didn’t need a traditional beat or a guitar string or piano playing for you to have your own song, and he was right; unique, personal, it was something only you and Danny shared.
Our song is the way you laugh, the first date, "Man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have", and when I got home, 'fore I said, "Amen" asking God if he could play it again
Danny looks over, his signature sun-bright smile lighting up the cab of the truck, and continues as he smoothes a thumb over your thigh. “Our song is the way you laugh, oh sweetheart it just lights up my day. That first date I finally got the courage to take you out on, and then spent that ride home cursing myself out ‘cause I really should have kissed you and I don't know why I didn’t”.
He blushes slightly at the admission, and you laugh, the same way he strives to make you with his jokes. He was just so sweet, always ready with an answer to your strangest of reasons, and this time is no exception.
“Oh, and when I got home, ‘fore I said Amen, I asked God if he could play our song again ‘cause I could have it one repeat over and over again darling, because I love it. And I love you.” 
I was walkin' up the front porch steps after everything that day, had gone all wrong and been trampled on and lost and thrown away
Back in Australia, you walk up the front porch steps of your house after a long day that had seen everything go wrong. An empty gas tank, a broken office coffee machine, a huge pile of work, a spilled lunch, it seems as if there was nothing that would go right with so much time still left in the day.
Got to the hallway, well on my way to my lovin' bed, I almost didn't notice all the roses and the note that said
At the very least, the door unlocked easily, and you head straight in, kicking your shoes off and go straight to your bedroom, almost missing the bright red roses already in a water-filled vase, sitting all nice and pretty on your kitchen table. You pick up the note left with it and read the words written on it. Or rather, your song.
I've heard every album, listened to the radio, waited for something to come along that was as good as our song
The radio was the one thing on repeat over and over again while you or Danny drove, on the plane or writing in your journal, listening to each and every song while waiting, waiting for something to come along that was as good as your song. There was a lot of variety, so many songs and genres to choose from, but still, nothing was as good or as right as your song. The tune never brought out the right feelings, the words never matched perfectly and you decided that there was so use waiting, not when there was something much better.
You reread the note Danny had written the lyrics of your song written, and you smile back at the memory of the first time you wrote your song. Back in that truck, wind blowing through your hair as Danny; laughter overtook the sound of everything else, you had looked for something to write it all down.
I grabbed a pen and an old napkin and I wrote down our song
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bbyquokka · 1 year
Hi 🧡
I have been up in my Han feels lately so I was thinkin....👉👈
A fic with soft subby Han obsessed with your tits. Maybe he's worn out after work and comes back and just wants to be taken care of. So he just lies down on you or sits in your lap and just plays with your tits as you make him feel good. You try to tease him a lil but he gets so upset and you just go soft for him 🥲 Just need more soft fics with subby han 💕
warning: fem reader, soft dom reader, sub jisung, breast play, "baby girl" jisung, sub space jisung, finger sucking, oral fixation, handjob, jisung is desperate and is a boobie enthusiast words: 1.3k ~ (1301)
dont repost. dont translate. feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
han jisung who is obsessed with your tits. he's obsessed with tits in general, no matter the shape or size. there's just something about the way they look and feel that tickles his fancy.
in other words, jisung loves and adores tits so much, he could orgasm just from playing with them.
he drags his tired body into the apartment, dragging his heavy legs towards you. he flops down on your lap, legs either side as he straddles you. you laugh softly as you watch him tug at your tee, indicating he wants off.
“baby.” you hum, stroking his soft, pouty lips
“boobs please.” he whines, tugging impatiently.
“are you not going to tell me about your day, sungie?” he shakes his head no, the pout still on his soft lips. his eyes turn doe like as he looks at you, eyes glossy.
“want boobies.” 
“do you want to be taken care of, sungie? play with my boobs whilst i take care of you?” jisung nods his head fast, his eyes and face lightening up as he watches you strip yourself of your t-shirt. he licks his lips at the sight of your soft, round breasts, watching them bounce a little due to the impact of your t-shirt being pulled up.
“fuck..” he whispers, arm extending to grab your breast. you slap his hand away gently, jisung looking up at you as his bottom lip quivers.
“you know the rules.” he bites his bottom lip gently, shuffling on your lap.
“please yn.” he whimpers, “please let me play with your boobs..”
“have you been a good boy, sungie?” you coo, running your finger along his jawline slowly causing him to tremble from your touch. it sends shockwaves down his spine before surrounding his balls and cock, which is currently strained against his jeans.
“yes! yes yes yes! i've been a good boy. always a good boy for you.” he begs, high pitched whimpers emitting from the back of his throat. you find pure amusement in this. you're sat, bare chest with your boyfriend begging to touch the one thing he loves the most. you want to tease him some more, push him over the edge until he is sobbing
but you'll save that for a different day.
you hum, giving him the go ahead. he groans, excitedly grabbing your soft breast. he whimpers as he kneads the soft flesh in the palm of his hand. he becomes fixated on the way your breasts move in the palm of his hands, how your nipples become erect.
he shifts on your lap, his fingertips brushing against your hard nipple causing you to groan softly. you push his hair away from his eyes, watching as his pupils blow out with lust and hunger. he lips his lips slowly, his saliva coating the skin and making them glisten.
he takes your nipple between his thumb and finger, gently squeezing and tugging. his eyes flicker up to you, watching the way your brows knit together as pain mixed with pleasure washes over your body.
“are you enjoying this, baby girl?” you hum. he lets out a high pitched whimper at the sound of his nickname. it sounds so sweet, so innocent; a stark contrast of what he is.
“love it. i love your boobs so much yn.” jisung pants, his round cheeks holding a nice pink flush. 
“if you love them so much, why are you not kissing them? playing with them some more? i know you have an oral fixation, sungie.” you hum, pushing two fingers past his parted lips. "i know you like to suck on things." jisung shivers, his hands trembling.
“suck.” it's a simple statement, but to jisung, it sets his body on fire. his lips wrap around your fingers. his tongue swirls around the digits as he suckles on your fingers. you caress his cheeks and tongue, watching your boyfriend's mind slowly turn hazy.
his cock hurts. his underwear is sticky with his pre cum that's free flowing from his slit, the material of his underwear soaking up each drop of it. with your free hand, you press your palm against his erect cock, a throat moan vibrating in his chest.
he feels saliva accumulating in his mouth, deciding to just let it spill past the corners of his lips. you hum, watching and feeling your boyfriend buck his hips against the palm of your hand.
you pull your fingers out off his mouth slowly, jisung diving in between your breasts to take your nipple in between his teeth. he licks, nibbles and tugs the bud, alternating between the two. 
he's panting heavily. pleasure fogging his mind, making him feel weak and submissive. he'd do anything for you at this moment in time, he wants you so bad.
you unbutton his jeans, slowly pulling down the zip. you press the curve of your fingernail against the slit of his cockhead, jisung whimpering against the soft flesh of your breasts as his thighs shake.
“please..” he whispers, tears slowly accumulating. “please dont tease me.”
“why not baby girl?” you coo, head tilting to the side.
“had a bad day.. want to forget about today and be taken care of..” he mumbles, feeling a wave of sudden shyness wash over him. you mentally awe at the soft boy, feeling a little sorry for him.
“but you like it when i tease you.” you say, thumb rubbing his soaked tip through his boxer shorts.
“y-yes.” he shakily pants out “but want you to indulge in me.. want to – ah fuck.. want to, indulge in you. be taken care of by you.” he moans softly, his eyes fluttering shut.
“you really are so adorable. how can i say no when you look and sound like that?” you hum, pulling his cock out from his restraints. he immediately bucks his hips in your hand as you wrap it around his cock, slowly pumping him and watching his pre cum spill from his slit.
“fuck..” he groans, his hands squeezing and kneading your tits. he dips his head again, sucking the skin around your nipples to leave bruises behind. he bites your nipple gently, using the tip of his tongue to flick along the bud all whilst fucking himself in your hand.
“fuck fuck fuck.” he repeats over and over again. “so good.. so fucking good..” he babbles. “more.. want more. need more.”
“so cute.” you lick your lips, kissing the top of his head. “you're so cute when your like this. a desperate, needy sub who's body is just on autopilot.” 
you gently grab a fist full of his hair, pulling so his head tilts up to look at you. his lips glossy, face stained with tears and saliva. his cheeks hold a nice red colour whilst his eyes are doe like, nothing but lust and desperation evident in them.
“you're just chasing your high, aren't you baby girl?” he nods fast. his mind is too far gone. your words are nothing more than faint, fuzzy sounds. his hips working on their own, hands groping at your breasts.
“cum..” he chokes out. “gonna cum.” you hum as a response, watching the way his muscles spasm and empty moans leave his lips. his hot, sticky fluid lands on your stomach and hand, jisung continuing to fuck himself in your hand. he lets out sobs, tears falling down his cheeks as he looks up at you as his cock remains hard, oversensitivity getting the better of him.
but he can't stop. he feels too good. his heart thumping, mind hazy. he wants more, so much more.
“can't.. not enough. hurts, still hard.” he sobs. you stroke his cheek gently, wiping away his tears. 
“shh darling, it's ok. i will take good care of you, don't you worry.”
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note: uh, sub jisung for the win? 👀🙊 i didnt intend for it to be this long but uh, its sub jisung so urm, yeahhhh... anyways; don’t forget to leave feedback, reblog and tell me what you think here. i’d love to hear your thoughts ‹3
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tags (open): @sstarryoong ; @myprwttyhan ; @writerracha ; @septicrebel ; @bbujiikseu ; @cixrosie ; @alyszaen ; @hyunluvxo
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