#i've been wanting to make this post for awhile but kept getting overwhelmed thinking about it
aurosoulart · 1 year
one of the things I wasn't prepared for as a trans person in a big industry was the absolutely OVERWHELMING emotions around being accepted for who I am. ;__; some highlights from the past couple months:
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a prominent speaker at a UK media company showing my work to his son, casually saying: "Do you like this picture? Ewan drew it." I've never spoken to this man, but he respects me enough to not only show my work to his child - but to future students as well. these kids are going to grow up knowing the work of a publicly trans artist, and with any luck it will be normal to them.
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Tilt Five publicly replying to my TDOV post with THIS, from their official corporate account.
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Tilt Five also featuring me in a blog post on their website, and using they/them pronouns!!!!
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and even more Tilt Five positivity: being INVITED TO DEMO IN-PERSON AT GDC FOR HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. I'm in this picture but you can barely see me because of the crowd. again, I'm visibly trans here - long hair, stubble, voice deepened by testosterone... and it was a non-issue.
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and lastly: not only being able to publicly fundraise for LGBTQ+ causes like the Club Q healing fund without fear, but actually receiving support & donations from my employer while I do so. technically, I get PAID to fundraise as long as I use Figmin XR, like with Cover The World With Flowers!
and that's just a handful of examples!!! there was also the whole getting accepted into AR House thing (where I'm one of MULTIPLE trans people in the community), and then PERFORMING LIVE at the Marriott HQ, and then my art making it onto Adam Savage's youtube channel???!?!
I keep saying this, but I legitimately don't have words for the level of gratitude I feel. I've had other trans folks reach out and say that my visibility gives them courage, which makes me want to fight even harder to show that trans joy is REAL and POSSIBLE and that there is still so much love, despite everything.
I don't want to take for granted that it is still very much radical to just exist publicly as a trans person - and even more radical to exist publicly as a HAPPY trans person. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared being in this position, but at least I know I'm not alone. there are still so many good people fighting for us.
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Across a Crowded Room Part 4
Just one more chapter after this and I've decided to release a chapter a week for a story and post a different story each day of the week except Wednesdays (it's too hard to post on that day because of WIP Wednesday, it's overwhelming).
In this one we have Wayne being wise, Eddie picking the perfect thing to cheer Steve up and just being cuties, and Robin figures out her housing problem.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Eddie went back to his hotel and stewed about it for awhile. He knew Nancy was rough around the edges. That was what he loved most about her. She smart and funny and yeah, if Eddie had been straight and she hadn’t been with Jonathan he would have tried for a relationship with her.
But now, knowing what he did, all he could taste was bile. He knew he could call her up, bitch her out, never speak to her again. And even though Steve didn’t tell him he couldn’t flip out on her tonight, it was advice he was going to take anyway.
Plus, it may have only been 8pm here, it was nine where she was and he knew she went to bed early so she could be up at four to write.
He went out to a gas station to get a pack of cigarettes and some beer. It was going to be long night and he need to relax.
When he got back to the hotel, he stood out in front and lit a cigarette. He called the one person who could make sense of everything that happened tonight.
“Hey, kiddo,” Wayne greeted. “How goes things with your boy?”
Eddie let out a shuddering sigh. “Have you ever been so wrong about something that what you thought was a mole hill turned out to be the tip of an active volcano? Like you have this friend that had rough break up, but you got to be real good friends with the ex so you just kept telling the friend to get over it and move on. Only to find out she cheated on him and lied about it?”
“Oh Ed.”
Wayne had met Nancy and liked her well enough. She was smart and tenacious but she had this coldness to her that rubbed him the wrong way. But Eddie really liked her so he never said anything.
“Is Steve okay?” he asked.
He told Wayne everything that happened earlier.
“Steve is being a fucking saint about the whole thing,” Eddie barked bitterly. “And now I just want to call her and yell at her. Like how could she continue to hurt Steve that way? Because she had to know it was, right?”
Wayne hummed his agreement. “What are you going to do about it?”
“I’m going to wait a couple of days to calm down before calling her,” Eddie said after taking a drag from his cigarette. “Might even wait until I get back to LA, because I don’t want her cloud hanging over Steve and me.”
“Sounds about right,” Wayne said. “I didn’t know she cheated on him, but always thought that how quickly she moved on was a little suspicious.”
Eddie frowned. “What do you mean?”
“They break up and two days later she’s with Jonathan?” Wayne said. “Come on, son, you don’t stop to wonder about that?”
Eddie ducked his head in shame. “She always said that it was a mutual understanding between her and Steve that since she was in love with Jonathan, she should be with him.”
The story had always been that Steve broke up with her and told her to be with Jonathan because she clearly loved him. But in light of her cheating on Steve, he doubted the conversation was as cut and dried as all that.
“I just feel like I’ve let Steve down after all these years because I never asked him what his side of the story was, you know?”
“I can understand that,” Wayne said. “But follow his lead on this. Don’t beat yourself up for something if he’s truly moved on, alright?”
“Yeah...” he breathed out and all the tension and worry just flowed out his body. “I think I’m just going to have a couple of beers and go to bed.”
“You take care now, ya hear?” Wayne said.
“You, too.”
Eddie hung up and finished his cigarette. He tossed the butt in the appropriate ashtray and went up to his room to crack a couple of beers. As he opened his door, he got a photo from Steve.
It was of him curled up on the sofa with a large blanket and a tub of ice cream. Eddie smiled down at the image. He pressed and held on the imaged and gave it a heart.
-Love you, baby. Take care yourself and we’ll meet up tomorrow.
-Love you too sunshine.
Eddie gulped down the hard lump that had formed in his throat. God did him love this man.
He got into his pjs and sat down on the bed, legs stretched out. He pulled out his phone to plug it in to charge, and looked at it a moment.
He wasn’t going to call Nancy. He had already made that decision. But there was one more person he could talk to.
Jonathan. Maybe he had some insights to all of this that the rest of them just didn’t.
After a good conversation with Jonathan, he hung up feeling a little better about the whole thing.
Then he settled down to read. He had this book that he had been trying to read for the last couple weeks, so he pulled it out to read it. There was a Netflix show about it that he moderately liked and wondered if the source material was any better.
He looked up at the clock on the wall with a frown. He hadn’t gotten too far into the book, but it was already after one.
Sighing, he put the book down and sent a message to Steve to tell him good night, like he had the night before.
Eddie wasn’t expecting a message back, but he got one anyway.
He shook his head and got under the covers, letting himself drift off.
Steve woke up early the next morning and stretched. He felt a billion times better from his quiet night in. He loved Robin and Eddie. They were his best friends for a reason. But they were loud and over the top. Hell, that was why Steve was so in love with Eddie. But he needed soft last night and he could get that better on his own.
Not that Eddie couldn’t be soft!
He didn’t want to suggest otherwise, but he needed the time to decide what he really wanted with Eddie. They had gone from friends that only talked on the phone and barely visited each other to a relationship and sex in zero to sixty.
And as crazy as it all was, Steve was even more invested in going all in with him.
Because he respected Steve’s wishes. Because he sincerely apologized. Because he felt like shit about it. They could have not believed him. Blown him off, telling him it was years ago. Him and Robin both.
But they didn’t.
He had barely turned on the coffee machine when his phone rang.
“Ello mellow,” he greeted absently.
“Steve!” Robin cried. “You’ll never guess what happened last night?”
Steve chuckled. “Yeah?”
“I was talking to Kendra and she has this cousin who’s moving out to New York next week to do ballet and while her parents bought the apartment outright want her to take a roommate to help with the utilities and shit. So we called her and talked. And now I have place to stay, stay and I don’t need to crash on Nancy’s couch. Hell, I don’t even have to tell her about what happened between you and her and I can just phase her out of my life. Isn’t that amazing?!”
She hadn’t even taken a breath throughout the whole speech.
Steve laughed. “That does sound amazing. What’s her name?”
“Chrissy Cunningham,” Robin said. “Steve, she’s like gorgeous and a ballerina and funny and I’m going to die but I’m going to die happy about it.”
“I’m happy for you, Robs,” he said. “You call Nancy yet?”
“No,” she replied grumpily. “I wanted to talk to my bestie first.”
Steve chuckled. “Bestie informed. Now go tell her of your changed plans.”
“Love you, dingus!” she said with a kissy noise. “Call you back soon!”
Steve stared at his phone for a moment or two in just sheer awe. Like if Eddie hadn’t gotten the record deal out here, none of this would have happened.
It probably would still turned out all right, but now things were going great.
He got his coffee and made him a bow of cereal. He was going to have to go grocery shopping. He was a little lower on things than he thought he was.
He had finished rinsing out his bowl when he got a call from Eddie.
“Morning, babe,” he said softly. Fondly.
“My glorious Stevie!” Eddie greeted back. “I have decided that because yesterday was shit, we are going to the zoo today.”
Steve blinked. He didn’t think he’d ever been to the zoo out here in Chicago. “Sounds like fun. Should we make a picnic out of it?”
“Yes!” Eddie cried. “That’s perfect. I get the drinks and sides and you bring the sandwiches?”
“Sounds good,” Steve said. “The best supermarket is on...” he listed the address and texted it to him. “Why don’t we meet there in an hour and do our shopping together.”
“See you then, Eds.”
“Bye, honey!”
Steve did the sniff test and decided he’d shower when he got home. He was about to smear sunscreen all over himself and figured it would be easier to get just one shower today.
He went to the cupboard and pulled out their sunscreen. Robin being the cute freckled thing that she was burned in sixty two degree weather in severe overcast wearing a large hat and covering up the rest of her so he had the good stuff.
He checked his balance and satisfied he had enough for the zoo and groceries, he went and got dressed, applying the sunscreen under his clothes for maximum effectiveness.
Steve grabbed his keys and wallet and locked up.
Eddie found the place easy enough. The problem was that he arrived twenty minutes before he said he would meet Steve. So he left early to make sure he could find the place and not leave Steve waiting, so sue him.
He was finishing his second cigarette when Steve pulled up next to him and hopped out.
“I hope you haven’t been waiting long,” Steve said with a smile.
Eddie pulled him in close. “Just a few years, but that’s okay. I’d wait forever if it meant I would get you in the end.”
“Sap!” Steve teased, but he threw his arms around Eddie’s neck and kissed him deeply. “You don’t have to wait anymore, sunshine. I’m in it for as long you want me.”
Eddie’s smile was bright. “Mmk.”
They walked into grocery store and got a cart. Steve pulled out his phone and got the stuff on his list. Then they got the stuff for their picnic.
“I’d make my potato salad if I had the time,” Steve lamented when Eddie threw in a tub of the store bought.
“You have a potato salad recipe?” Eddie cackled. “Is it yours or Claudia’s?”
Steve clutched his chest and placed the back of his hand on his forehead. “I’m wounded to think that I would steal Claudia Henderson’s potato salad recipe! She uses Miracle Whip, the heathen!”
Eddie threw his head back and laughed. “There is nothing wrong with Miracle Whip, babe.”
“I like to add my own seasoning and that stuff throws off the whole balance!” Steve protested.
Eddie kissed his cheek. “If you say so, Stevie.”
Steve blushed and they finished their shopping.
They went back to Steve’s so that they could put away his groceries and make the sandwiches.
They stood side by side as they made their sandwiches. Then they packed the cooler.
Steve bullied Eddie into putting on sunscreen by telling him that he need to strip for it.
Eddie was naked in no time at all and moaned the injustice of it all when Steve told him he already had some on.
They loaded everything into Eddie’s rental and sent off for the Chicago zoo.
Eddie was most excited to see the primate enclosure, while Steve wanted to see the wild cats. He couldn’t call them ‘big’ cats because the African Blackfoot was the size of house kitten. And that wasn’t included the manuls. Or Pallas’ cat. Grumpy faces, short little legs, and fluffy as hell.
Eddie pointed to one of the manul kittens. “That one looks like Dustin!” he cackled.
Steve laughed. “It really does!” He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture.
He sent it to Dustin with tag, “I didn’t know you were at the Zoo today!”
The response he got back was a single eye roll emoji.
“You know,” Eddie said looking over Steve’s shoulder, “I swear that butthead has gotten less fun over the years.”
“I know, right?”
They got to the aquatic part of the zoo and there was this little boy who couldn’t have been older than two or three just glued to the otter exhibit. He had both hands on the glass as the otters swam and splashed as if they were showing off for just this little boy.
“I think they have to be that cute at that age to avoid you murdering them when they go on a tear in their underwear smearing poo on the entire hallway,” Eddie said with a grin.
Steve laughed. “Let me guess there are pictures of baby Eddie doing exactly that?”
Eddie pursed his lips and rocked back on his heels. “I plead the fifth.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t burn them when you turned eighteen.”
They moved on to the elephants.
“I tried!” Eddie cried. “Wayne won’t tell me where they are. He says he wants to show them to my future partner so he can see if they pass the litmus test.”
Steve kissed his knuckles. “And what test is that?”
“Whether or not they’d except the crazy with the sane,” Eddie murmured.
Steve pulled him in close. “I prefer the crazy to the sane, baby. The crazy keeps me from getting too far into my head.” He kissed the tip of his nose. “Okay?”
Eddie gave him a quick hug. “It’s no fair, because Wayne already loves you, so I don’t get to watch him get all protective and shit.”
Steve gave a half shrug. “I think I got enough of the protective father figure when we first started being friends, Eds. I think he actually growled at me once.”
Eddie threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, my god, I forgot he did that.”
Steve just smiled as they took their time through the whole zoo, just holding hands and being with each other.
Finally it was time for lunch and Steve went to go get their cooler while Eddie found them a picnic table.
Part 5
Tag List: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
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pagodazz · 9 months
Vinnie everyman hcs
for (@freezingmcxn)
I'm really sorry this is gonna be pretty long.
Now I don't have a theme for this, so ,,, if any of you want Vinnie hcs (or any slenderverse for specific situations,, asks are open (I'm autistic and love to share and talk about my favorite characters) (also I've never made a hc post sorry if this sucks I'm really only good at typing alot of nonsense)
For one I think Vinnie is an avid music enjoyer, I feel like he spends a lot of his time listening to music. It's a good way to drown out any overwhelming feelings or thoughts he doesn't want to be having. He probably carries a pair of headphones on him wherever he goes and he has a wide variety in the type of music he enjoys, so the group can never guess what he'll be listening to next.
(I have a playlist for him,,, it's songs that make me think of him MIXED w songs that I think he'd listen to)
I did include songs he canonically liked too/played in the series.
He listens to very emotional songs, he listens to songs that specifically fit the mood he's feeling, like alot of people do.
Vinnie is a very emotional character, considering the fact that he has BPD, (Princeton Vinnie canonically had it, so it's safe to assume channel Vinnie also does) He has very high highs and low lows.
He'll go from really wanting to be with the group and wanting to spend time with them to immediately assuming they're out to get him or hate him seconds later the moment something small happens.
Usually Evan is able to pull Vinnie from that headspace before it gets too bad, but sometimes it's just not enough to know people are there. Sometimes it all just feels like a complete lie.
I think during these times Vinnie will completely isolate himself, paralleling the way habit kept him locked up, He would just stay inside, ignoring texts or calls in order to pay attention to something he deems to be more important at the time. Like finishing an episode of his favorite show, Or maybe he's too busy trying to beat a game, he Swears he'll answer but. 9 times out of 10 he's DEFINITELY not going to.
Vinnie canonically views him and habit as "Partners." To him, he and habit are on the same level. even though he KNOWS habit is extremely powerful.
Vinnie is the only one to ever test habits buttons on purpose, he's trying to get a reaction out of him. He wants Habit to act out y'know?? it's good content for him.
Well that, and I think it's a good way for him to get the "punishment" he thinks he deserves. He probably searches for the opportunity for getting hurt by habit.
Because it's Evans body.
he could almost pretend it was Evan himself so he could some sort of excuse for things he's doing, So he can see the way Evan would look if he knew the things Vinnie had done.
That would only work for so long though, because after awhile Habit became the only thing Vinnie could rely on, the only person Vinnie could see, he was all Vinnie could think about.
So it eventually turned from Wanting some sort of punishment, to actively seeking out attention from habit, bad or good, it is not important. All Vinnie wanted was ATTENTION.
He wanted the eyes on him.
He is the eyes, he sees everything, He's ALWAYS been so aware of what's going on.
I mean it was literally HIS idea to start the channel, HE made the logo. THIS IS HIS!!!!!
and habit SEES that, habit SEES him, and Vinnie wants to KEEP being seen.
So he's gonna mindlessly do what he's told like some house trained dog who sits by the front door waiting for it's owner to come back and feed him whatever scraps he can get.
And scraps obviously meaning content. Habit comes home and brings Vinnie peices of content, it's never enough for Vinnie of course, he's always trying to get more. That's why he's always pushing everyone else to MAKE more. He's addicted to the content.
like he was addicted to so much shit back in the 80s !!!
anyways I feel like I've been typing for so long, there's bound to be some typos, I'm sorry...
as an apology:
I have a playlist for them too.
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honeyhotteoks · 10 months
hi friends!! quick little tnt update that i think everyone will be excited for!!
so last time in mentioned tnt, i think i let everyone know that i have some chapters finished but was hitting a bit of a block with the next one. i am happy to report, i finally got through it and i have chapters to post!! i'm planning on posting the few tomorrow, mostly because the next two chapters are short and transitional and the one after that is long and gets right back into the plot...... everyone's waited long enough.
i'm going to take a read through them tomorrow for any last changes, and then post them! i have two more chapters after that fully fleshed out which will go up soon-ish, and then i need to finish things out with a few more to close the work out, but those are still in progress.
please read the upcoming content warning under the cut though, we're about to hit some heavy stuff that might be triggering and i want everyone to be prepped for it if needed. additionally, i am no longer able to keep up with taglists for this or any of my work. i know that sucks, but it takes so long to get the taglists up and working and i'm so overwhelmed with that and requests to be added.... so i'm sorry but i gotta do what i gotta do to even get it posted.
okay, warning under the cut, and a big thank you to everyone for waiting!!!
the next few chapters of tnt are going to deal with some heavy, heavy material. i've been warning about this from the top of the fic, but it's been awhile.... and i want to make sure everyone is reminded if they need it.
in chapter 10 there is a pretty frank conversation about alpha/omega/pack dynamics that is going to look similar to conversations around lgbtqia+ bigotry and issues with family not accepting 'non-conventional' dynamics. while obviously we're talking alpha/omega/beta here and not straight/gay/etc., i think it's on the nose enough that some readers may want a warning about it.
starting in chapter 12 we're hitting a bit of a hurt/comfort arc. reader is going to be physically threatened in a way that is pretty scary and traumatic for her. i want to be clear that a s*xual assault does NOT occur, but because i'm dealing with alpha/omega power dynamics in this fic, it's intentionally written in a way that may mirror that experience for some readers.
the chapters that handle this deal with the physical/emotional assault itself, though descriptions are kept to a minimum where possible, but we do spend a good amount of time in the after effects. there are conversations about ptsd, nightmares, trauma, allusions to coerced sex (extremely briefly nothing happens), a trauma response that resembles self harm (she's fine, she will be fine, this will not continue), police response to the incident, and open conversations with her friends after about how she feels, etc.
i will also assure everyone, yungi are the good guys here and really come into play during the comfort part. they're 100% there for our girl and they are not going to harm her in any way. same with any other ateez members.... that might spoil it for some, but honestly i don't care... i'd rather everyone feel safe reading.
hopefully you feel like i write this section responsibly. thank you all so much!
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thegingertrekkie · 5 years
Lost in a Dream World
Part three: a rocky start
Trigger warning: mild sexual content, cursing
Everyone agreed it would be best to head for the edge of the kingdom at sunrise. The four of you stayed in a small inn for the night. Midoriya had gotten you some plain clothes and some leather armor. He had also gotten you two small daggers and a study bag to carry your hero costume. You looked at yourself in the mirror, Midoriya had done a good job guessing what would fit. He had admitted that trying to find something you would like wearing was the reason he was gone for 3 and a half hours. You really did look like you belonged in this world now.
"Trouble sleeping?"
You squeaked and turned around to see Midoriya in the doorway holding a plate of food in his hands. You hadn't heard him come in. "Well I did take a really long nap..." You mumbled looking back to the mirror.
"H-hey, can I ask you something?"
You heard him set the plate down on a little table in the corner and walk towards you. "Sure" you shrugged, running your fingers through your hair.
"Are you and me... Are we l-lovers in your world?" You could see his red face in the mirror.
Your face become bright red and you turned around quickly, not realizing how close Midoriya had gotten. You never noticed how muscular Midoriya was until now. He placed his hands on the mirror on either side of your head, caging you in. 'No way' you thought, heart racing so fast in your chest that you thought it was going to burst. Midoriya was looking at you through his eyelashes and you were mesmerized by his green eyes, you had never seen him this close before. You felt like your head was about it explode, and there were so many other confusing feelings too. It was like your brain short circuited.
"N-no..." You mumbled, unable to look away from those eyes. You gently put a hand on his chest and you saw embarrassment flash on his face.
"Oh... OH! I'm sorry! I just... The way you were talking about that other me... I thought..." he stepped back quickly, and slapped a hand over his mouth. He furrowed his brow and tried to take another step back but the hand you had on his chest gripped his shirt tightly. Midoriya dropped his hand from his mouth and looked at you, surprised and confused.
"Wait... I meant 'no' we aren't dating... Not 'no' I'm not interested" you breathed and you watched Midoriya's eyes dilate.
He licked his lips and pushed you back against the mirror, his lips rough and forced against yours. Your head was spinning as you melted into his embrace. His tongue passed over your lips asking permission to enter and you allowed it. You've never seen Midoriya be so assertive, it was like you were in a dream. Maybe you were dreaming. He pulled back, breathing heavily and pressed his mouth against your neck. Teeth dug into your soft skin and you moaned loudly as pleasure washed over yiu. Midoriya push his thigh in between your leg, rubbing against your groin.
"Wait!" You gasped "Wait, wait... Midoriya I can't" You grabbed his biceps, your body contradicting your words, but Midoriya pulled away from you and removed his leg.
"Y-yeah you're right..." He rubbed the back of his neck. You couldn't stop yourself from glaring down at his tented pants. 'Holy shit'
Midoriya took a few steps back and sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets. He looked like he wanted to say something but instead he bit his lip and left the room. You let out a long breath and leaned against the mirror. Now you were super conflicted. Your Midoriya never acted like before. You'd be lying if you said you didn't think he was attractive. You were certain that you shouldn't be doing sexual things with this Midoriya, you needed to focus on getting home.
You woke up to a knock on your door. You were sitting on the floor, your back still against the mirror. With a groan you stood up, your back was sore and your behind was numb from sitting on the hard floor. Midoriya's smudged hand prints were still on the mirror. There was another knock on the door and you yelled for them to come in. The door cracked open.
"(Y/n), it's time to go. Make haste." Iida's slightly mechanical voice said through the door.
You grunted in response, grabbing what little you had and followed the knight outside where Midoriya was chatting with Uraraka. You greeted them ans Midoriya blushed, avoiding eye contact. Iida pointed down the road and dramatically called "Onwards!" And your group began the long trek toward the edge of the kingdom.
You stayed at the back of the line, watching the rest of your party walk in front of you. It was so strange, it was like a role play that everyone was taking too seriously. A part of you still couldn't wrap your head around the fact that this was real. The walking seemed endless and your feet hurt with every step, but you pressed on. Uraraka fell back behind you, groaning about her feet. Midoriya had been quiet the entire trip, glancing back at you every once and awhile. Iida kept saying words of encouragement, but you could tell on his face that he was worn down.
You were about to suggest everyone stop and rest for awhile when an arrow wizzed past your head and stuck into a tree a few feet in front of you. You cried out and turned in the direction it had come from, but you couldn't see anything through the trees. Everyone else had their hands on their weapons, Iida clenched his jaw as sweat dripped down his face. "Stay close" he commanded, his intense eyes scanning through the trees.
Then arrows were coming from every direction. Uraraka screamed as an arrow dug into her leg. Midoriya scooped her up and yelled "Run!" Pushing your exhaustion down you ran as fast as you could down the path. You did your best to dodge the barrage of arrows. You could hear them fly past your ears and some of them hitting Iida's armor. Midoriya grunted as an arrow buried deep into his shoulder. Uraraka countered with her magical staff causing a group of small green creatures to get trapped in bubbles and start floating.
That's when you noticed what was attacking you and your friends; dozens and dozens in green creatures all armed with different weapons. They had bright yellow eyes and jagged sharp teeth. Your heart jumped into your throat. "What the hell???" You screamed
One lunged at you and you thrust your fist into it's creepy face. It's jagged teeth cut your knuckles, but your punch seemed to knock the creature out. "What are these things?"
"Goblins" Uraraka called out, her voice laced with pain "They eat humans! We have to get away!"
There were so many of them, they outnumbered your party 6 to 1. You grabbed the daggers Midoriya gave you and held them with shaky hands. Your lungs burned and your feet ached. You didn't feel confident in your fighting ability now that your quirk stopped working. You were out of your element. Something tangled around your ankles and you yelped as you fell. "Guys! Help!"
"(Y/n)!" Midoriya yelled look back with a wild look on his face, like a cornered animal. He was panicking
"Midoriya I've got them! Get Uraraka to safety!" Iida commanded, skidding to a halt and rushing back toward you.
Even with all his armor he was fast, but he was too far away. You used your dagger to cut the bolas that waa tangled around your legs, but goblins were already on top of you. You swung your daggers wildly, but it was no use. The goblins quickly overwhelmed you and all you could do was cover your head as they bit and scratched you. Your arms were forced behind your back back and tied with thick rope. Then you were being dragged into the forest. You craned your neck trying to keep it from being hit by the rocks and tree roots that stuck up from the ground.
"Iida!" You screamed right before a large heavy object struck the back of your head. Black kept in the corners of your vision and you bit your tongue hard. A copper taste filled your mouth as the world faded around you.
"(Y/n)!!!" Iida's voice seemed so far away.
Everything went black.
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roseymoseyberry · 6 years
Hey.. I need your help. So I've been writing fic for awhile now but have never posted them online until recently. And i got positive feedbacks right which made me love writing even more. My readers are all so nice and they're patiently waiting for updates which i had written halfway. Anyway life kept me busy for awhile buT now i can't get back into fics.. Rereading my fic i only see flaws and now with each new comment i received i just get overwhelmed. Kinda wanna delete my ao3.. What do i do
I’m so sorry it took my a couple days to get back to you anon. Life has been... well, life, lmao.
But ok, listen. I absolutely feel you. I went through a writer’s block as recently as this past summer/early fall for... I want to say two or three months at least? It was rough. I hated reading over my own stuff because it all just read as terrible to me, the pace rushed and dialogue bad, etc etc etc. (and lord almighty, don’t get me STARTED on how I felt when I realized I was abandoning a fic from an old fandom oops)
It’s hard to get out of that. And ultimately every writer is a little different, so I can only tell you how I get out of ruts.
Before we get to how to start writing again though, I want to say that if you’re overwhelmed by the stress of thinking of reader’s waiting for more? Officially put the fic on Hiatus. Edit your summary to say “This fic is on Hiatus” so that you know that anyone reading it knows it could be a very, very long time, if ever. I have only really needed to do that once, but found it helped to take the pressure off. If you receive email notifications for comments, maybe turn those off for a while. Come back to them later.
Ok, and now. My big, fancy, all important advice:
For me, the number 1 objective is to force yourself to get words down on the page. To get yourself writing again, you need to fucking write.
There’s a couple different strategies I’ve try when I’m stuck.
One of the first is to reread the story I want to work on. That usually works if it’s the kind of block that isn’t about hating my writing so much as just staring at the page and not knowing how to word. In your case and with that specific kind of feeling though, it may not be so relevant because yeah. Right now your writing feels like shit to you. So this is something to consider for future blocks.
The next thing I’ll usually do is just. Brute force it. I force myself to write a sentence, and won’t let myself delete it. And I’ll keep forcing myself to write until I’ve got at least a paragraph or two. It’ll be slow, and it will be painful, and it will feel like I’m writing the worst writing in the world. Just absolute garbage.
But a paragraph or two will eventually roll over into more, and usually when I reread over it later I’ll realize it wasn’t nearly as bad as it had felt like it was at the time. And the most important thing is I’m getting back into the flow of the fic. Often from that point the rest just falls back into place.
Brute forcing it by yourself can be tricky though. If you’re not sure how to get yourself to do that, look into some writing tools to motivate you to just get down words as fast as you can! A couple suggestions I have are:
Word Sprints: This website is just one way to do this particular exercise, but I found it super helpful in the past! Word sprint/word wars/speed runs/etc are basically a game-like situation where you and other writers have a set amount of time to write as many words as you can. The Word Sprints website has 25 minute spans with 5 minute breaks, and you can either join the global one (which I don’t recommend lmao) or you can make your own group and invite other writers to it. This specific site allows you to see how many words the other folks in the group have written in real time, so it can help motivate through fun competition if that’s something that appeals to you.
You don’t have to be constrained by the site though. I’m part of a TF fan content creators discord where folks sometimes just run our own, usually with more like just 10 or 15 minute long sprints and then everyone shares how many words they wrote at the end of the sprint. It can be a really nice way to change the focus away from the quality of the words your putting down to the quantity. Because listen -- you can always go back and edit lower quality writing, but you can’t do anything with no writing to work with at all, you feel?
(If you happen to be in the TF fandom and feel comfortable messaging me off anon, feel free to do so and I’ll definitely send you an invite to the discord. It’s really nice to have a space to talk with other writers and problem solve with folks who know the pain, haha)
Fighter’s Block: If something that involves other people doesn’t appeal, no worries! This web app is basically a simple little rpg style game. You put in a word count that you want to reach (so maybe something as little as 100 or 200 words) and then you go into a fight. In this case you’re motivated to write fast because your health goes down while you’re idle, and the enemy’s health is your word count, so you defeat them by reaching your word count. It’s a fun little game and is a great alternative to word sprints.
I know there’s other similar sites, so don’t be afraid to search for a tool that fits you.
Another way you might be able to get words out is by abandoning where you left off for now and writing another scene that you’re excited about. I personally don’t do this because I have to write in order -- I just have to!!!! -- but I know a LOT of writers who bounce around and then knit the scenes together.
Or really, just mix it up in general. Do you always write at home? Try taking your laptop to a coffee shop for the express purpose of writing. That’s something I do a LOT. Always write on a computer? Try writing on your phone. I’ve even seen a post going around about changing your font to comic sans and that helping! Shake things up. Try something new. You might find something that works better for you!
Mmmmm I think that’s about all the advice I have personally since those are my go to’s. But keep in mind it’s not the end of the world if that doesn’t work for you -- all writers are different!! If I’ve learned anything from talking to other writers, it’s that we all have different ways we do it, different tools and formats and styles and all of it.
And ultimately? Don’t forget that fanfiction is about self-indulgence. It’s about you! If it’s stressing you out way too much, take a break. Put that shit on hiatus. Turn off notifications from ao3. Leave it alone for a while. You do you. Ultimately, while it may feel cruel, you don’t owe your readers anything. You’re doing this hobby because you like to, and you shared it with them by choice.
If the need is strong enough that you want to delete, look into orphaning your works. That way it’s no longer connected to you in any way, but it’s still available to readers.
I wish you only the best, Anon, and can only hope I was of any help at all, haha
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