#i've peaked with this for sure
steamclouds · 11 months
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I don't even know anymore honestly
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markscherz · 1 year
I… do not understand tumblr live. Like, are there actually only about 50 people streaming across the whole platform at any one time? And why are so many of them just… people smoking? Or unoccupied desks? And why is nobody talking about frogs?
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crownorclover · 2 years
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the heely saga continues
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godspeedmajortom · 7 months
I love Firewalker as a call sign for Harry, beyond its reference to Twin Peaks. The name evokes for me a phoenix, one who passes through flames that destroy their old form and emerges on the other side reborn anew.
Except Harry is such a shitty phoenix, oh my god. He's not reborn in majesty with plumage spread, ready to take flight. He returns from the edge of death as a hungover naked baby covered in slime and barely able to stand. His bender killed his old self, but his new self struggles to be born. That’s the real trial by fire.
Besides the initial call to Precinct 41 (after which I loved Jules’ beleaguered sigh at the name every time I called in), I only used the name Firewalker one other time. After igniting Cindy's graffiti, I had this exchange with Gaston:
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GASTON MARTIN - "*Mon dieu*, you set it on fire!” He looks at the plaza. “What kind of policeman are you?”
YOU - "Firewalker. I walk in the flames."
And at this point – after the tribunal, after another near-death experience, after five days of helping the people of Martinaise – Harry has finally walked through the other side of the flames. 
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
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not to be a cunt on main (again) about a jokey post in the character tags but I'm 99.9% certain that jgy is not actually responsible for thousands (!!!!) of deaths in any iteration of the mdzs canon.
there is someone who is tho, I'm just blanking on the name
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whew glad @poorlittleyaoyao helped me solve that mystery
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
so I went antiquing today
“Is that the-”
“The Royal Crown Derby ‘Old Imari’ 2451 china as seen in Guillermo Del Toro’s Gothic masterpiece ‘Crimson Peak?’”
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“Yeah. It is.”
(slightly different from the cups in the movie, because I suspect it’s a different era of the pattern, which has had many iterations since the early 19th century. but still- same pattern!)
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kaiserouo · 4 months
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i spent way too much money on this game
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justsomeectoplasm · 2 years
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sibelin · 1 year
starting season 3 lets go !!!
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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Never getting over how Mario is looking at Luigi in this Tour artwork. He’s so in love it’s unreal.
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byanyan · 11 months
byan "i never touch the shift key bc i hate capitalism" byun
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toonagi · 2 months
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more attacks yippee ^_^
characters in order (as always, top -> bottom, left -> right)
Fir & Siefha ( @beastwhimsy )
One-Kind ( @shiniestapocrypha )
Ryth, Villow and Sipa ( @moonybeasty )
Whirlpool (Jacks2007 on ArtFight)
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Nancy & Jonathan Emma AU but in the style of Clueless
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hirazuki · 3 months
Okay, see, the thing about your story ending on a negative/dystopian/'despite everything that's happened nothing has changed in society' note and doing so successfully? It needs to have been set up for that in the first place, and it needs to be done in an intentional manner.
I have nothing against works that reinforce how cruel/meaningless/pointless/etc. the world is -- I enjoy a fair few! -- but the works themselves need to be some sort of commentary about it; the plot might be demonstrative of the futility of everything, but the story never should. It should take that and build on it and use it to make a statement, underscore a point, etc. to its readers. Having everything carry on business-as-usual without acknowledging it, especially in a genre that's generally meant to conclude on optimistic, uplifting, and hopeful notes, comes off as callous and in direct opposition with the values it extols.
Plus, the story itself should never be futile because, then, well, it never mattered as a work and it makes no difference if you've read it or not. Which... that's just a badly written story lmao.
#i can't believe i'm posting about this topic again on our dear hellsite tungle.com lmao#huge deja vu vibes what year is it????#2018/2019??#(i think that's when the shock value/genre hopping/genre inconsistency hit its peak across multiple series)#i don't even go here anymore omfg#man. i didn't think i'd get this upset#that's what i get for going to look#i should know better by now. really. there's no excuse.#y'all my curiosity one day will kill me.#but like. i'm not upset as in 'i'm so angry i will fight everything'#that was past me#we've blown right past that and gone straight to the 'vaguely ill and sick to my stomach' stage#character development XDD#but like sorry not sorry explain away all you want about *gestures to all the other stuff*#but how the fuck do you explain having the visual emotional and narrative focal point of that family in its concluding panels#be the person who caused this shit???? why is he the one getting closure????#pretty sure i don't have the entire context surrounding my other lad who got pulvarized#(i saw a few comments about something something of//a would help with the end of the world that's coming and instead was used to murder him#that i don't quite grasp because i literally just skimmed the most recent chapters out of curiosity due to things i saw on my dash)#BUT i am making the executive decision to stop here#this rabbit hole's deep enough and i've gone wayyy further than i should have already#gonna cook some dinner; pick up sis from work; and enjoy my summer evening on my balcony#GAH#withoutwords
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shippingmyworld · 10 days
Me watching everyone i know enjoy the Grand Festival in Splatoon like:
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