#i've talked about this exact thing before when i did the fandom violence ask game last year
lewis-winters · 8 months
Just wanted to pop by and say THANK YOU for that meta explaining that Lew wasn't The Only One Drinking in the 506th; that's one of my fandom pet peeves.
Yeah, it's my pet peeve, too.
Like. Listen. I'm not saying STOP exploring Nix's behaviors as self-destructive and alcoholic. If done with enough nuance, it's fun! Especially in post-war pieces. God knows I adore Spell of Riot, a winnix fic about Nix recovering from alcoholism literally decades after the war itself. It's one of my favorites. Go wild, who am I to tell you what not to put in your fics... or whatever.
What I am saying, though, is don't confine yourself to just that. Maybe. Just maybe. We should also explore Everybody Else as a fucking drunk disaster, too? And maybe also stop sacrificing all the nuance in characters and turning them into a collection of one-dimensional traits, ya know? Keep that to shit posts. Don't let it taint your understanding of the text omg WHO said that????
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llycaons · 1 year
3, 7, 8 cql or tgcf! your choice :)
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
cw: domestic abuse mentions
haven't seen a lot of tgcf bad takes tbh so I'll go for cql. this one is really hard since I don't venture outside my circle very often anymore and most of the bad takes I see are on ao3 now but umm many months ago there was this drama with a user who wrote this whole long post about how madam lan and her her husband must have been SO in love because lwj and lxc were so good and how difficult and painful everything must have been for them and people had to be like 'what the fuck are you talking about? just because lwj and lxc are skilled cultivators/good people that doesn't mean their parents' relationship was healthy or they they were in love, there's no correlation there' and someone had to step in to explain the concept of prohibiting a parent's access to her children (AND LOCKING HER UP) as a form of domestic abuse, it was MESSY. I've seen a fair amount of bad opinions over the years here (mostly about jc) but I don't want to go near people who genuinely defend madam lan and qhj's relationship. at least I somewhat understand most of the bad opinions on here but for this...how much of an abuse apologist and misogynist do you have to BE
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
this has actually never happened to me! I genuinely feel like fanon may influence my perception of a character to a point, but I'll always judge them based on canon because I feel like fanon has no bearing on their inherent qualities. that's external.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
for cql this one is hard because it's so broad and I've seen at least one person with my exact view about almost everything, and I follow people who agree with me about most things...I think a pet peeve I see in fics is when they have a whole rigamarole about getting together post-cliffside reunion. I've written many posts about that. they're literally already there. everything has been put in place. they're getting together if not in the next five minutes, at MOST in the next few hours. but people want to drag it out and put a slowburn on top of a story that is ALREADY a slowburn that WAS RESOLVED. it's so frustrating!!!
for tgcf, this is a low-hanging fruit but hc's attachment to xl comes from a place that makes it impossible for him to be normal about xl so like. his single-minded fixation from a young age is honestly kind of unhealthy and before they got together they maybe should have talked about that ¯_(ツ)_/¯
thanks 😄
choose violence ask game
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