#i've watched too much bad tv recently and i don't know who to blame but it fucking sucks out here man
justafriendofxanders · 8 months
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sorry for the meme format that's apparently nearing a DECADE old but i unironically feel a shiver down my spine any time someone mentions buffy being rebooted
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peachi-blossom · 3 months
My thoughts on Hazbin Hotel as a non HH fan
Originally, I was just here to watch people criticizing Hazbin Hotel. But when the recent controversies came in, I feel like I have to step into the fandom rabbit hole.
As a non Hazbin Hotel fan, I've watched the pilot, read the prequel comics, watched the ADDICT music video, and finally the show itself. (I've watched the show on March 15th.)
NOTE: I didn't watch the show on TV so I watched it on a pirated website instead and read the transcript because no way am I watching this in front of my parents, my siblings, or Grandma. This is my personal opinion on the show.
Pilot: So Hell is basically Earth except it's painted red and inhabited by demons. The background has too much red, but not as bad that it makes my eyes bleed. I don't like how the female characters have the same color scheme except Vaggie and Niffty (pilot only). For example, Charlie, Katie Killjoy, and Cherri Bomb. The only two funny parts of the pilot is when the top hat demon says "Wow! That was s***!" after Charlie sings Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow and when Angel pokes his head in as Vaggie is giving Alastor a warning. I didn't like the daddy joke. It just sounded bad. Also, why is there a joke about harlequin babies?
Prequel comics that are no longer canon: Basically the prequel comics focuses on Angel Dust and Alastor.
For Dirty Healings, it shows how Angel Dust first met Charlie and Vaggie. I knew that Vaggie's name was named after a uh, you know. Ugh… Why did Vivienne Medrano had to name her that? Also I hate Valentino.
As for A Day In The After Life, it just shows why Alastor is the most feared demon in Hell. Also he swears after seeing Vox.
ADDICT music video: I genuinely have no thoughts on this music video. I think this was just bait for the SA and CSA victims. Sorry for those who like the MV.
Episode 1: This is worse than the pilot. I did NOT like the beginning part. It's biblically inaccurate for multiple reasons, but I feel like a few people only talk about this one thing. Sin didn't exist until Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. Not only that, but it's also misogynistic too because it was just Eve who ate it. What makes it misogynistic is that it implies that all women would have to bear the sins of Eve ALONE. There's rampant swearing and sex jokes. Also, isn't Archangel Michael supposed to be the leader of the Army of God? Anyways I'm siding with the angels.
Episode 2: The red is so bright that it hurts my eyes. It doesn't help the fact that Alastor blends in the background. Oh yeah, when Vox tells Sir Pentious to kill himself, it made me feel sad because it reminded me of the Shay incident. The time when the stans drove Shay to kill themself because they were uncomfortable with the large age gap of HuskerDust.
Episode 3: Why? Why is there a BDSM sex dungeon?! I know that was Angel's idea, but still. Why?! I seriously have no words. When Zestial says "What troubles thou?" I was like "Huh?". It should be "What troubles thee?". I think his Old English has grammatical errors. The Egg Boiz, Carmilla, and Zestial are bearable because they never said a swear word. Off topic, but Velvette's swirl streaks on her hair makes me think of a swirl ice cream.
Episode 4: Before the show came out, I saw SlayQueenArt's post on Twitter (X) that says Vivienne Medrano hired Raphielle II, aka R2ninjaturtle, who has a rape fetish and isn't a SA victim. As someone who is formerly addicted to porn, this episode is insulting on so many levels. I didn't watch the whole Poison sequence because of that. And don't get me started on Loser Baby. I hate this song so much. It felt like it is blaming on SA and CSA victims for being SA'd. Like it is blaming me for being addicted to porn on and off when I was EIGHT. I know there are some victims who like episode 4 so I will leave them alone. I seriously hate how Charlie behaves like a toddler at the end. No grown adult should behave like a toddler like she did because being raped isn't a silly thing to cry over. Like, hello? She is the supposed to be the main character. Oh yeah, there was NO warning for the episode when the show premiered and it triggered the victims who watched it. SA and CSA victims are not losers. Former porn addicts are not losers. Nobody is a loser. I am NOT a loser.
Episode 5: Wow, Vivienne Medrano really turned Lucifer into King George from Veggietales. I guess this is what happens when King George gave in into his obsession with rubber ducks. I didn't like Hell's Greatest Dad because of the unnecessary rivalry between Lucifer and Alastor, but at least Mimzy ended the song. Oh boy, this is where I hate Alastor now. No really, he is Vivienne Medrano's first edgelord oc. He has gone full edgelord and is basically a Bill Cipher wannabe now. His full demon form is not even scary compared to Bill's final form. He no longer stands out from the main cast even if he rarely swears. Mimzy is basically the embodiment of the hooked nose stereotype. Wow, the embodiment of a Jew stereotype. How racist.
Episode 6: That was an absolute slap in the face at SA and CSA victims and me when Sir Pentious got SA'd! Seriously, Vivienne Medrano doesn't even care for the victims at this point! What's worse is that he is based off of her old ex-friend, DollCreep. Why did she whitewashed St. Peter?! I know there are white Jews, but he was born in ancient Israel so I wouldn't think he'll be looking like a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes. How come angels don't know how souls get to Heaven?! We got the Ten Commandments! We got Jesus Christ who took our place to die for our sins so we wouldn't have to bear these sins! Emily and Sera are bearable because you know. I hate how Niffty is being treated like a child when she's NOT. What's worse is that Niffty is supposed to be Japanese because of how people INFANTILIZED Asian people, especially women.
Episode 7: My issue with Out for Love is that when Carmilla tells Vaggie that she should fight for love and not for vengeance. Well, Vaggie always fight for love and never for vengeance. In Whatever it Takes, she literally says that she'll always protect Charlie. Where is the vengeance in that? That is poor character writing. Rosie is basically the blood libel stereotype where the Jews are cannibals. Again, that's just racist against Jews.
Episode 8: I thought the finale was pointless because there were no stakes and Sir Pentious' heroic sacrifice was comically anti-climatic. Like, why did Sir Pentious's so called friends cared about him when they didn't help him at ALL in episode 6?! I'm not a fan of the CherriSnake ship because Cherri only becomes interested in him because he has two "joysticks". Not to mention he kissed her without consent and she thinks it's hot after that. The problem with More Than Anything (Reprise) is that Vaggie reassures Charlie that she changed many lives, but she only changed one. I'm so glad Adam defeated Alastor first. There is absolutely no way Lucifer slept with Eve. Oof for Lute and Adam. You both fought well until the end.
The character designs are awful. Every male character basically looks like The Once-ler from The Lorax 2012 movie except for Adam (I know Alastor doesn't have a top hat, but still gives off the vibes. Zestial is more Burtonesque.). Not to mention they are all skinny twigs except for Adam (I think). The female characters in Hell have the same color scheme except Vaggie (again). For example, Charlie, Katie Killjoy, Mimzy (though her dress is a little darker), Cherri Bomb, and Niffty (show only). They have too much pinks, reds, yellows, whites, and blacks. I love pink, but this is too much. What's worse is that they blend in the background and again it hurts my eyes. There is NO color variety and I feel like my eyes are burning.
That's my thoughts on the show.
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Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? Thanks....
Holy shit that is such a tough question haha. I was really like trying to remember all the stuff I've read and watched ever and my brain short circuted for a moment lol this is in no particular order and from original sources (no offense to any adaptations, even if I like them).
Richard Cypher (I mean Terry Goodkind's 12+4 books), Cara (/Kara, also from there), Wu Xie (DMBJ), Zhang Qiling (DMBJ), Lan Zhan (MDZS), Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Akashi Seijuro (KNB), Natsume Takashi (Natsume Yuujinchou), Haruka Nanase (Free!), Steve Rogers (you know that one xD).
Fun fact, not to be dramatic or anything, but I really want to say special thanks for Richard & Wu Xie. The way they go about life in general and their incredible trait of finding ways out of seemingly impossible situations without falling into depression and genuinely finding joy in tiny things in some godforsaken ugly ass situations, their adventures and way of thinking got me through some of the toughest shit of my short but hella weird life. Like I've been raised good ofc and got exteremely lucky with my family and I'm saying it without trying to make anyone go like "oh poor you" (I mean you know I never share anything here, I genuinely feel like that won't help anyone really, nor me focusing on that also here, nor anyone with their own problems reading this, thats why I just take breaks and come back when I can), but things of last years like... packing medical document while there's blood everywhere cause my elder sister almost cut off her tongue and dad is in shock, mom in the hospital with internal stomach bleeding, my weird spine operation where doctors for some reason refused to even answer what it was, camping in the hospital while little sister close to diabetic coma at age of 5, putting my cat to sleep bc of the painful neck cancer, grandpa dying twice in one day, finding weird bump in my chest and for 2 months of awful tests thinking "oh hell that might be it" fairly recently... etc lol (I'm not even counting like "world things" here).
I would go down if it wasn't for their way of thinking 😂. Like if I had other mentality, not enough brains and humor sometimes too and went wrong ways about these things, I would drown istg.
It's mostly from them I got all the whining and pitying yourself isn't an option, don't focus on the bad no matter how bad it is find a solution instead, always be happy about you have right now, don't blame anything on others and don't think anyone owes you anything, the first person who can help you is you, those who love you most important what others think doesn't matter, no matter how bad it is move your butt, idiots be idiots move on (esp thoughts of 6th SOT book and Restart is what keeps me breathing when I genuinely think that I won't be able to survive the pure idiocity of the crowd and be like its okay), if you truly can't change anything and did everything possible then just adapt to that and learn how to thrive with what you got etc.
Richard was there for me for a while (like 7 years or smth I think), Wu Xie came recently (but already been tremendous help to me haha). I just think if if wasn't for these series, I'd for sure be sitting somewhere pitying myself about how "life is unfair" instead of being happy. And thats a gift really.
I know half of it coming from the fact that there were times my family didn't have much, so its probably why I can be so happy with so little, but finding positivite things in some complete ass is for sure coming from these guys haha. I remember first time Richard pulled off this thing with anderith ppl my jaw was literally on the floor, I was so impressed with this book, I really was like "I wanna be like that" lmao. It was like... stripped of fucking everything, forced to be surrounded by most idiotic brain-washed haters (they were also extra religious.. which is a special pain for a person like me), separated from the dying and suffering love of your life, just the whole absolute horrid of the whole situation (I can't even describe it, but Istg it was painful to read for me, I was so pissed, I was reading like " jfc how is he even gathering himself? I wouldn't be able to handle even 2 mins of that"), but he not only fucking found ways without even teeny tiny histeric, he managed to come out a fucking winner too. I'm still to this day don't think any character ever shook me like that. And I've read and watched TOO much stuff.
I mean, with recent events also, last weeks I don't even wanna start on what we did and what happened and what ppl around me got like about many things. If it wasn't for Wu Xie's life motto I'd be along with many into the pit of "why", instead of actually you know.. doing things you gotta do. So they hold a special place in my heart in their own way, where you go like "oh damn this fiction character changed my life" not just cause they're your type and certain traits that attract you, you know lmao ;)
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jahdalli · 3 years
GOD loves you <3
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Okay I haven't posted a fanfic for a long time and I've never done it on Tumblr, but hey, the inspiration came and I said “why not?” for my dear Betty Ross ... but for an angst fanfic so ... xd I hope you like it, (I am sorry if there are errors, this is not my first language) but I would like to know what you think and if it would be good to give a continuation, I have some ideas but they are not yet clear. Anyway, the fic.
“Look where you are”
Everything continues, time passes, the world turns
But you, where are you now?
What is this place? How did you end up here?
“How is my little girl?” Her father entered the room
He used to visit his daughter often, General Ross finally felt that he was finally making up for so much that he had spent away from her, now he could see her again, since banner left his life again he would have taken care of her, as he always should be
 “Now she is safe” he thought "Thanks to me" he said "You are a good father"
 “Betty, won't you answer me?”
“Sorry senator, it doesn't have much that she took her medication, she's a little ...”
 “I'm perfectly ok”  Betty answered “I just don't want to talk”
 The tone of her voice was different from what she used to be
She was different from who she used to be ...
 “My dearest Betty” her father caressed her head with care of her while she watched him with recel “Every time I come are you going to get like this?”
 “You locked me up”
“Betty… “
"In a dammit madhouse, General!"
“It was for your sake, understand it once”
“For mine or for yours?”
“You could end up worse”
The severe look that had always characterized him, there was Thunderbolt Ross 
“You could end up in prison”
“For helping an innocent man? for that reason?!”
“Ah ... your innocent man, are you talking about the man who abandoned you?”
“You made him do it, you made him a fugitive”
“Yes, I certainly did, but now where is he? Or is it true ...” 
Ross showed on his cell phone a lot of videos, news, interviews with Dr. Banner also known as Hulk.
“Now everyone loves him, he is no longer a fugitive Betty” He held her face with his right hand Let him continue watching 
“Now he is an avenger, he forgot you, everyone did it, except me”
Betty's sight began to blur
The anger, the pain, the rage, the drugs were all colliding
 “Let me out of here 
Let me out of here! 
A fit of hysteria and despair. She got up to her father, she wanted to slap him, the doctors, nurses and everyone who crossed her path, cross the door and flee from that place.
But the doctors, as in every visit from her father, were always by her side to hold her, sedate her and put a straitjacket on her if she did not control herself.
“Here you are safe Betty, I am the only one who cares about you, believe me when I tell you that this is for your own good, here you are safe” her father kissed her head when the injection had already taken effect “Now sleep” he gave them an authoritative look at those who held her “Take her, and give her this” he said handing them a couple of books
Betty loves to read
I am the only one who cares about you
 The only one who has not forgotten you
 I do this for your good
 "I love you"
 That last word she heard was not said by her father on that visit, or on a recent one, perhaps the first few times, but that "I love you" that she heard also seemed to be Bruce's voice, it was difficult to know, anyway. She hadn't heard an "I love you" in a long time, but her mind insisted on remembering it.
She blamed the human need to feel loved.
However, it was a combination of voices, a bad joke from her unconscious towards her, after all she could barely remember his voice.
The words kept reverberating inside her as she sobbed without tears, long ago she had stopped crying, somehow she tried to find comfort in those words, to feel important in them, she knew it was a lie but she had no more to hold on to, she was there , locked up against her will after helping Bruce escape. The giant monster who saved Harlem, but he was still a fugitive at that time and she had helped him
 "Don´t ever speak to me as your daughter again"
 "It´s only because you´re my daughter that you´re bot in handcuffs too"
 And He was right, the doctor's face was everywhere, she had been looked for, they had seen her with the monster, many thought that she controlled it, many thought that she was behind everything, the work doors for Dr. Ross were closed , she was fired from the university, no one was hiring her, she started taking small jobs, the pay was getting lower and lower, she had a hard time, the calls to court kept coming, Ross knew they would want to question her and arrest her, he knew that Betty would not would testify against Banner, she would not deny that she would have helped him, that she would continue to advocate for him, It was only a matter of time before he fled, his daughter was going to become a fugitive like him
 The daughter of a general could not be a fugitive
 "Dr. Elizabeth Ross was declared with a mental disorder, so that all of her actions were not in a conscious way, the trial is postponed and she will automatically be sent to a psychiatric hospital"
 Here you will be safe
It's for your good
 I love you
 Lies, they were all lies
 "I am the only one who does not forget you"
 But this
 "He forgot you Betty"
And this ... maybe not or they were at all ...
Her eyes were opened
Her father was gone
 The tv was on
 “Betty, how are you feeling?”
“... I'm Dr. Ross”
“Okay Dr. Ross, I'm a doctor too, I'm Dr. Palmer, how do you feel?”
 Stop talking to me like I'm not understanding
 The television was heard in the background
 “... Bad ...”
“Is there anything I can do for you?”
 Get me out of here
Give me back from my life
"Okay," she got up. "I'll see you again in the morning. Do you want me to turn up the volume on the TV?"
 <<The avengers saved the day again in New York City, Captain America along with his team, Iron man, Black widow, Thor Hawk eye and the hulk ...>>
 And still despite everything
She couldn't stop reproaching herself
That something inside her made her happy that he was a hero
But at what cost?
Who did she have to leave behind?
-Turn it off-
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yeo-rims · 3 years
I'm glad you liked Scream 5, but too bad All of Us are Dead isn't working out for you again. Are you going to try and finish it or just drop it now? I haven't seen Happiness, just saw eveyrone's lovely gifs of the main couple. It's good to know it isn't too scary, I might pick it up when I'm looking for something different to watch. I have a few IRL friends who's seen Happiness and liked it, too.
I feel Jirisan became a victim of its own hype, and I don't blame them with the cast, writer and director... I think people expected a lot more out of it. I did love the main couple, too. I really wish they went all in and made an angsty gothic love story out of their circumstances, with his soul being trapped in the mountain keeping them separate. But like you, I really did enjoy Jirisan. I liked the slice of life aspect of the rangers, and seeing all the different sort of things they deal with.
You're right, Inspector Koo is definitely Weird^TM. I'm not sure I can say it was as weird as the School Nurse Files, but they give off the same energy. The only diff for me is I understood what's happening with Inspector Koo, when to this day I still don't understand what the heck was happening in School Nurse Files. I enjoyed Jung Yu-mi and Nam Joo-hyuk there though!
Whoa this message is getting long. To close off, what do you say do you look for in a drama? —🧚🏻‍♀️💖
hey im sorry it took me so long to reply, i was pretty busy this weekend.
i think i've decided to drop AOUAD for now, maybe if there's a second season i could see myself trying again. But i've recently watched train to busan so my zombie needs are fine.
you're completely right about jirisan being a victim of its own hype, i also believe that. I feel like because ive never finished a KEU drama before (even signal...) I wasn't that hyped, but i was hyped for JJH and JJH together, that's very true. They should be in a romcom asap. God, if they went all in it would be so good, right? It had the potential to be way more angsty and I love suffering.
yeah, School Nurse was something that happened and to this day I can't say why or what. But such a fun show, i liked it a lot too.
In dramas it depends, if i'm watching one of the popular shows, I look for that thing that made me fall in love all those years ago: the over the top plots, the things that would never happen irl but works in the show. but most of the time i like how the drama formula is actually a good thing, for me it feels like reading a romance (even when the drama isnt a romance per se) because things are always happening, but it also everything happens when it should happen, in a way that when the couple finally gets together, you're so invested in them and their lives (when it's done right) that it feels that the moment was earned. i also like how much food and family is a big part of most dramas, i like that they take romance seriously, that they still do melo, and how they keep creating stories that makes no sense but it works. i'm brazilian, we mostly have telenovelas and even if i used to love them as a kid and i still watch some eventually, i always suffered bc there was not a variety of genres... and even with american tv, i just hate that series dont end. I always told my friends my favorite thing about dramas, in general, is that they end, that's why netflix is my detested now. I love that they get to tell a story and the story is over and that's it!!! omg that was a lot.
what about you, valentine, what do you like in dramas? which one is your favorite? hope you have a nice week!!
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