#i. billy loomis
quarryhag · 1 year
@popularmxnster continued!
Dylan’s brows pulled together, as he looked at his hands. “No- that’s.. I didn’t mean it like that.” He stated, shaking his head. Had it changed? The way he felt around him now that things in town seemed to be amped up? He takes a minute to gauge it, and the answer he lands on is that no, it hadn’t. He still trusted him. Maybe he was naive, or a fool- “I just meant.. that’s why I chose to go with you- to be here.”
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itsacrowd · 1 year
@popularmxnster​​ liked for a starter from Dylan Lenivy!
Dylan had started drinking as soon as he got to this party; Stu had invited him, probably as a means to be shitty but it was an excuse to get drunk, maybe even talk to Billy- He’d been dumped and he wasn’t really handling it.. well. The intention wasn’t to get this blasted, and if he was honest it didn’t make sense that he was already feeling so drunk. Billy was nowhere to be found, and his head was already spinning with both booze, and dark thoughts. In his mind he pictured all the places Billy could be, and who he might be with.  Billy was always better at garnering attention, than Dylan, and up until now it hadn’t been something that warranted a lot of jealousy; what they’d had was real, and in that he’d always felt more or less secure. That was, of course, until he broke things off with little to no explanation given. 
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His heads swimming, and this stranger is moving in closer. Sure they’d gotten a little flirty. Dylan needed the distraction, but he wasn’t really into him. When he moved in to kiss him, Dylan only briefly kissed him back. Part of him just wanted to feel something but as soon as their lips locked it was clear this didn’t feel right. “Wait,” He breathed out before stumbling back a little. Dylan hadn’t even realized Billy was standing in the room with them. As far as he was aware, Billy wasn’t even at the party. 
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quarryhag22 · 1 year
CONTINUED. (bc I have a legitimate problem) @popularmxnster​
“What I want? Shit thats never mattered.” Billy scoffed, taking a long hit off the joint they were sharing. What he wanted was his mom back and got Sidney to be dead. He wanted his life back before he had shattered from abandonment. He sighed as he stared down at the floor. It wasn’t often he expressed emotion but he was getting better at it with Dylan. “My moms not fucking coming back and I’m dating a girl I hate. My best friend is in love with me and tries to be up my ass every second and the one thing Ive decided I actually want, I can’t have.” He said, glancing up at Dylan with the mention of what he wanted. “So fuck me I guess.”
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Being emotionally vulnerable was neither of their strong suits, so when he hears Billy respond in such a way, he tries to ignore the fact that he felt a well of sadness at his answer. When their eyes connect, he senses something more behind his words; they’d been in this dance for a while. Hanging out, occasionally getting flirty but always pulling back before either suspected it was serious. He breathes in, blinking for a moment- truth was, that if Billy asked him, he’d be his in a heartbeat, but he hadn’t asked him. He couldn’t. “When did shit get so complicated?” Dylan questioned rhetorically, his shoulders slumping slightly. Billy was one of the few that saw the genuine side of him; being vulnerable like this, it had a way of making you close to people. “I wish things were different, too.” His eyes meeting Billy’s again, willing him to understand what he meant. 
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venusbyline · 1 month
i can fix him (no really i can)
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mcksnn · 2 months
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i have this idea about them making a blood oath STUCK in my mind
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komodoze · 1 year
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Barbie draw your ship prompt with Billy and Stu
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mh2o29 · 2 months
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tfw you have to call your girlfriend's house to talk to her girlfriend (who is also your boyfriends girlfriend) so you can get your boyfriend released from jail...
(click for better quality PLEASE I beg you)
under the tab are other versions of the drawing so click if you wanna see him with no shirt on .....wait what who said that.....
yall i don't even know how to explain this one i was possessed and controlled by the urge to draw stu macher all pretty and posed like this,,,, so i like when men are pretty SUE ME
credits to @atitanbitch for the idea to include Sid and Tatum in the little bubble and @powderedbleach for reminding me about THE ROBEEEE OH and ofc @harleykeenervarient for sending me the photo reference I used in the first place yall rock <3
included below are alternate versions of this drawing that I was having some fun with mwuahaha that includes no shirt, no shirt plus some ~shweed~ and also ofc trans version bc cmon
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alright thats all for now.... thats my cue to slink back into the void until I return with another art drop BYEEEEEE
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talesofluke · 1 year
@popularmxnster​ Continued from here.
Billy's eyes narrowed and his expression fell flat. "Dont tell me you're getting sudden morals." He rolled his dark brown eyes and went for a cigarette. He was absolutely cheating on Sidney but did he care? Not even a little. "I thought you were having fun?" He questioned, putting the cigarette between his lips to light up. "Dont ruin it now."
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Luke watched him intently; something about Billy clicked right into place with something inside of himself. What? He hadn't quite put a finger on yet. This longing came with as many alarm bells as it did green flags, which left Luke with an impossible cycle of thoughts on what the two of them were doing. Billy speaks so matter-of-factly. They were having fun, don't ruin it. "Yeah, I am." He replies, maybe with a little too intense of energy behind it. "I just- we almost got caught last time."
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galaxyweighted · 2 months
autism so intense he forgot he was supposed to be slicing and dicing and got distracted by one of his favorite movies
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slasshrr · 1 month
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andyis-sandy · 2 months
nothing in my head but this gay ass fucking scene
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quarryhag · 1 year
CONTINUED.  LOOMIS, BILLY. @popularmxnster v. scream
"Fuck." Billy said with a heavy sigh as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He didnt want to wake up Dylan but it was too late for that. "It's fine. I'm fine. It's whatever." He was a bit shut down since the nightmare involved his mother. He grabbed the water bottle on the side of the bed and sipped at it as his shaky hands desperately lit up a cigarette. "Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep."
Dylan sat up, his hand gently gripping Billy’s free one. Sometimes it wasn’t this bad, and he knew that Billy would rather not talk about it- most of the time. So usually, he’d pretend to stay asleep until the other settled again. Nights like this, though, he didn’t see him falling back asleep. “I’m not even tired.” Dylan lied, but he smiled reassuringly anyway. “Come on, we can go for a walk or something. The moons nice and bright tonight, it’ll be nice.”
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itsacrowd · 1 year
@popularmxnster​ said: ‘ It’s been difficult for me to trust ’ to Dylan Lenivy LOOMIS, BILLY. v. to be named
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They’d been doing this dance for a while now. It was clear they enjoyed each others company, but anytime it threatened to go deeper than that, Dylan would crack a joke, or Billy would have to leave- Dylan couldn’t blame Billy for his avoidance, even if he wanted to.  It was for the most part, because of his own fear of genuine intimacy that the two had strayed from getting closer. If he was honest, Dylan wanted something real, and he wanted it with Billy. Too many times though, his brain trailed to Sidney, though he knew deep down that she wasn’t who he wanted. Then, it would think of Stu, and he worried that if it came down to it, Billy would choose him, so he just stayed in the background, playing the part of the slightly egotistical goofball. Meanwhile, he was spiraling inside.  “I have a hard time with it, too.” He admitted, looking over at him. For once, he wasn’t pushing off this attempt at connection with a one liner. It got tiring pretending not to care. “You know I want to be here for you, right?”
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quarryhag22 · 1 year
@popularmxnster​​ said:  ❝ you saw the messed up parts of me, & stayed. ❞
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Dylan sits quietly for a moment. Surely, Billy knew he’d been scared- at first. When he’d stumbled into a party he wasn’t supposed to be at. When Stu nearly killed him, and he learned of the plan the two had come up with. It had nearly been too much. For most well-adjusted people, it would of been. 
Then again, there was the darkness that followed Dylan- that little voice that reminded him that he liked it. The dark, twisted parts of Billy’s mind. The voice in his head would scream at him until Billy came around. 
“You saw me, too.” He reminded him gently. 
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hellbinism · 6 months
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「 H E L L O ? 」
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djobiny · 5 months
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Scream has me in an absolute chokehold as of late
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