Mister Outsider, I just turned eighteen. Could you maybe do something... Special for me? ;D
In honor of your eighteen years here’s a gilded skull of your once enemy…
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lipslungsandtongues · 11 years
 Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and ask eleven new questions tag eleven new people and tag them to this post let them know you’ve tagged them
I was tagged by shwatsontwinkle :D
1.Do you like sports, if not, why and if yes what’s your favorite?
I don't dislike them i just don't play much, though i do run track
2.Do you like/liked school/college?
I actually love my friends and even my education but i kind've hate the schooling system
3. Were/are you or your friends victims of bullying?
Honestly i was bullied myself for a very long time
4. What makes you happy?
Warm rain, blank lined paper and black ink pens, tumblr of course, books, words, YouTube, plenty of things
5. What would you do if you woke up in the body of your celebrity crush one morning?
well I've got like five but honestly i would look in the mirror for like an hour then go out and give some random fangirls heart attacks
6. What music do you like most? (Genre/Band/Singer)
I love a bit of everything except country and screamo 
7. Who’s your celebrity crush?
like i said I've got like five so i'll give you the list Benedict Cumberbatch, Misha Collins, Zachary Quinto, Jared Padalecki, Mark Sheppard. And we can stop there
8. Do you believe in magic and the supernatural?
Actually in some extents i do, i believe in life after death and a few other possibilities
9.Are you watching anime or reading manga?
Sorry No I've always been more of a sci-fi fantasy person
10. Do you support homosexuals or are you against them?
Speaking as a big sparkly rainbow lady i'm gonna have to say i support them
11. Pie or your laptop ?
oh lord of course my laptop, i more of a brownie, cake, cookies (literally almost any form of sugar will do) kinda person
Alright now my eleven questions 
1. Your main Otp and why
2. What country do you live in
3. You're favorite animal
4. Favorite quote (from anything)
5. What kind've movies do you like
6. Are you in multiple Fandoms
7. What's you're honest opinion on your government 
8. If you met you're celebrity crush what would you do
9. Do you have a favorite song (if so what is it)
10. Do you prefer Cinema or Literature
11. Candy or Baked goodies
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pausullivan · 12 years
Hola. He borrado el mensaje sin querer y no puedo responder. Pero que sepas que eres amor. Adiós.
Tu si que eres amor 
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