ranmagender · 6 years
There’s only two ships that the Doctor Who fandom can all agree on, The Doctor x the TARDIS and of course... Clara Oswald x Clara Oswald
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Clara regularly cries out for 'Me' during sex. Ashildr's not entirely sure she wants to ask who she's thinking of.
Ashildr really doesn’t care either way tbh she supports Clara’s kink for herself
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abossycontrolfreak · 7 years
Clara Oswald + Clara Oswin Oswald
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malicenthightower · 7 years
Clamy headcanon: they once had a foursome with younger versions of themselves. It's how young Amy learned she was one day going to get a very intimate tattoo of Clara's face.
anon this is hilarious and every time i think about it i giggle 
also, you’re the one that wrote the claracest fic last year aren’t you? i was reading it again the other night and well, it’s quite obvious 
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galpalbrielle · 7 years
That Claracest fic was perfection!
Thank you :D
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lamia-blight · 9 years
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Bonnie!Clara/Clara It really did happen. It’s canon. My OTP is real.
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couldbegayer · 9 years
now we have bonnie we have more claracest ships loooool
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What are the chances Clara and Ashildr went back in time to bang Bonnie the Clara-Zygon? (Also what does it say about Clara that she's dating someone which allows her to say "I love Me," regularly?
Firstly: the chances are substantial. 
Secondly: it says everything and frankly it’s amazing. 
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hollowshadowwolf · 8 years
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@kiwi-kaleidoscope *tiny gasp* Now there's Missycest too! Poor Clara. The puppy is gonna have a hard (but frankly wonderful) time of that! Also I needs all of that, like right now... Or you know whenever is convenient to you. *all the grabby hands*
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malicenthightower · 8 years
Can you write some Claracest fanfiction! Either s7!clara meets s9!Clara or two echoes or something? Please?
Oh gosh. I would, but writing is really hard at the moment, and writing smut’s difficult at the best of times. I still might. I don’t know. I do know that S7 Clara would swoon over S9 Clara though. 
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whoufflethroughtime · 10 years
Clara has to admit to Twelve that she is a little bit of a narcissist after he catches her kissing herself when they have a time and space or clara and the tardis type situation.
Sorry again for taking so long with this prompt but I actually kind of like this one so I hope you will too. Enjoy. Pip Pip xx
It all started as an experiment, just to see if she could actually do it. The TARDIS had done it once, filling the Console Room with multiple Clara’s from all different times (and all of them unable to sleep thanks to it). So it had to be possible. And The Doctor was having one of his rare naps, the door to his bedroom locked. It could have been because he liked his privacy but Clara thought it more likely that he locked it because once, not long after he’d regenerated, she’d drawn cat whiskers on his face while he slept. It was simply because she was bored and thought he’d see it as a bit of fun. And so, she stood in the Console Room not sure exactly how to get another version of herself her. It would be nice, to have someone to talk to, someone who completely understood her.
“I think we’re growing on her,” Clara laughed, taking the moment to admire herself from an outside perspective. It wasn’t as if Clara didn’t know she was pretty but there was something about seeing herself this way that made her even more certain that she was definitely and without a doubt, beautiful. She also noted that her hair up, braided along one side, suited her. It was simply that the effort of doing it up in something other than a ponytail wasn’t usually worth it.
“So…” said the other Clara, tilting her head slightly. It felt strange, standing there looking at herself except that this version of her was about ten minutes behind. So she knew, as Clara stared at her with the usual wide eyes that she was admiring herself. Which she should really.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” Clara suddenly admitting, letting her eyes fall to the floor. She couldn’t help but think of Danny, even though it was months now. Any time she had even the slightest thought of being with somebody else it made her feel terribly guilty. Because she’d told him, promised him, she’d never say those words again. Her ‘I love you’s’ where just for him.
“You’ve got to stop. I mean, I get it. Really. I get it more than anyway because I’ve felt it, I’ll always feel it just like you. But Danny is gone. And you’re going to ruin whatever it is you might have with The Doctor because you’re so afraid of letting go,” the other Clara told her in a sharp voice that she usually spared for the students in her classes. “Besides, if you want to kiss me it’s alright. We kind of both know that’s part of the reason you even bothered to try this experiment. And The Doctor’s asleep. He won’t know about it. And it’s not really like your betraying Danny or the Doctor, since I’m you. Or you’re me rather.”
“You’d think since you’re at least a little right, I’d be eager but to be honest, this is really…weird,” Clara said, looking up at herself again, standing there with one hand on her hip. And even though it still felt unusual, she took the several steps to close the gap between them and pressed her lips against the other Clara’s.
“I’d say I’m not even going to ask but what the hell is going on?” The Doctor shouted, looking at the two Clara’s in front of him, one of whom was half naked. They broke apart immediately, both turning to look at him with one eyebrow raised. “Oh no, I’m the one with the eyebrows. Lower them immediately!”
“It’s not my fault,” said one of the Clara’s, the one who thankfully was still wearing her sweater. He forced himself not to look at the other Clara, who was putting her sweater back on far too slowly. It had been a long time since they’d been this comfortable with each other…before he’d regenerated certainly and even though he had always loved her, he’d tried to keep his distance. He might still love her but they were both different people now and he had no idea where she stood. Especially after Danny Pink.
“Oh no?” he asked her. He shouldn’t have had a nap with Clara on board. She usually kept out of trouble but once he’d found her in the library reading his diary (which he remembered his old face telling her she could do but he’d momentarily forgotten about it) and another time she’d drawn on his face and made him look like a bloody cat. Sometimes she could be rather childish. Though at least she seemed to be getting back to her old self. A little less sad.
“I was just standing here in and then she was there and…well I hate to use such a cliché but one thing led to another and you were supposed to be taking a nap!”
“I did. And then I woke up. That’s what you do when you have a nap Clara.”
Without either of them noticing, the other Clara had simply disappeared, just as she’d appeared. There one moment and gone the next.
“Well you could have dropped me home if you didn’t trust me,” Clara reminded him. “And besides, it’s not hurting anyway. It was the TARDIS anyway. She did it. I have no idea how to do whatever the hell just happened. I’m not a timelord in case you’ve forgotten that little fact?”
“I don’t even care how she got here. Why were you kissing her? She’s you. She is literally you just from a different time and clearly only slightly because she was wearing the same clothes as you.”
“You noticed that?” Clara teased, a very slight blush spreading across her cheeks.
“Again that’s not really…”
“Look Doctor. Maybe I was kissing her because it was fun and she was there and she was very pretty if you hadn’t noticed.”
“I’d noticed,” he mumbled, hoping both that she would hear it and that she wouldn’t.
“So you think I’m pretty?” Clara smiled, looking at the only other man in the universe besides Danny that she had ever loved, that she still did.
“You’re just trying to avoid the topic.”
“Because I’m a little bit egocentric and possibly a bit of a narcissist!” she shouted at him. “Although if I say I’m a narcissist I’m probably not one because most people don’t know they are if they are but then I’m hypocritical and I know I’m hypocritical so…Look, because I’m pretty, I’m easy to get along with and I was bored. It’s not like you’d ever even give me so much as a hug if I needed it!”
“I’ve hugged you,” The Doctor argued back.
“I can count on one hand the number of times you’ve hugged me. And also, technically it’s zero because you’ve never hugged me unless I ask. The closest you’ve come is maybe holding my hand and again I can still count the number of times you’ve done that on my hands. So I’m sorry if I miss having a bit of affection from somebody. Especially somebody that I love!”
“Are you telling me you love yourself or me?” The Doctor asked, his voice softer now and a little hopeful.
“Myself,” Clara answered, turning on her heels and walking off. Just as he was about to hit something on the Console hard, he heard her voice yell back “and probably you. Just a little bit.” And he smiled. Maybe not everyone was impossible. Not all the time at least. 
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osylum · 10 years
Do you know of any Clara/Saibra fanfics? #claracest
You know nonnie… I haven’t seen any Clara/Saibra fics. I’m sorely disappointed in fandom right now. To be perfectly honest there hasn’t been a lot of Clara centric fics on AO3 or fanfiction.netThis is officially a plea to the Clara Oswald fandom to write some Claracest style Clara/Saibra fics. ;~~; 
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underthetrees · 11 years
I can stop anytime I want! :P Besides there is no such thing as too much Claracest. You did put it on both your top f clara ships and top 5 femslash ships list. :P
shhh (i didnt say anything what no, i dont have a problem) 
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spaceslayer · 11 years
claracest replied to your post:do you ever just get really annoyed when someone...
I understand you completely!
yea i just
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that's rude
protip to everyone else: don't delete the caption
and most importantly don't delete their caption and add your own
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maxxxines · 11 years
I followed because of dw and ouat and now I started watching reign and you post it too. I'm so lucky to follow you
Aww you're so sweet :3 
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