insolitus-academy · 5 months
THEME: bad weather...
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yousyototo · 2 years
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fractallion · 19 days
Pageless Writing Apps
🔗 Lex raises $2.75M for its AI writing tool that helps writers get past blocks.
The AI stuff is cool, but there was one thing about this app that made me want to keep using it: It has no historical baggage. I find it odd that many modern word processors like Google Docs and Word retain a bias toward pagination — the UX is intended for printing documents onto letter-sized paper. Lex, in contrast, does away with all that.
💬 TechCrunch
Been exploring 🔗 Lex.page for a couple ‘ months. I even pay - but not yet used it enough to know whether I am going to continue to pay.
That said, the above quote is interesting and I agree with the ‘historical baggage thought - but they are hardly at the vanguard of that kind of thinking!
It as if the writer has never heard of;
Drafts, et al
Let alone, Obsidian, Roam and Notion
Side note - Craft. Most definitely a personal favorite. And I am increasingly using it to share thoughts, ideas, minutes, reports to specific audiences - most often under ‘loose’ password control.
Cant wait to get my hands on the new stuff they have in Beta - though even that still wont solve what I really really want!
Adding to which their own foray into AI support, I just want to tie apps like that into a single world - and not have different versions of different LLMs spread around various apps. ANNOYING.
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recidivist · 1 year
I found Upnote from looking at what product hunt suggested were alternatives to notepin.co, and it isn’t really an alternative because Notepin is a blogging or writing platform whereas Upnote is similar to iAwriter, or Drafts, or Standard Notes. In a world where I want to sync across all my devices, what I don’t like about it is this: How does UpNote store my data? UpNote is designed to work…
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iAwriter、サイトにアクセスしたら日本語サイトだったので別に変更せずにそのまま見ていたのだが、deepl でも使ったんかというくらい下手くそな翻訳で「文章を校正します!」的なことが書かれていて「いやお前にされても困るわ」という感が強かった。 掲載されてるレビュー的なもので褒められてるのがだいたい外観と品詞のハイライトなんだけど、日本語ではたぶん品詞のハイライトがまとも機能しなさそうなので英語以外で使用する場合は利点が半減しそう。 あとサイトとか経営者の見た目が Apple になりたいんかな…という感じ。
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ta-creech · 2 years
iAWrite (01)
Yeah, okay, I've been slacking on a lot. There are a plethora of reasons for this, not gonna list them. Just. There's been chaos. Started NaNo, late I might add. We'll see how that goes. It's for the series I've been tinkering with for a while, Feathered. Elves, war, romance. More chaos. More details in my newsletter. The interesting part was I got tired of having no reliable writing program on my phone so i could write at the day job. Bought the license for iAWriter. Have I mentioned I already love this thing? Thought I should. Anyway, back to NaNo. It's my only real day off this week and I have a lot of words to go. All the best, T.A. Creech Read the full article
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nationalnahas · 2 years
Best word processor for mac writers focusing
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But it’s really good as a full-screen text editor.” Q10 will clean your kitchen, walk your dog and make excellent coffee. Q10 is small, fast and keeps out of your way. That’s right, you can download and use it at no cost. “Q10 is a simple but powerful text editor designed and built with writers in mind. Basically, Dark Room is a clone of the original WriteRoom that is an OS X (tiger) exclusive application.”Īvailable in English, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish Unlike standard word processors that focus on features, Dark Room is just about you and your text.
“Dark Room is a full screen, distraction free, writing environment. If you’ve got others to add, let me know in the comments. It’s only by trying them out that you can tell whether one will work for you. Some try to mimic monospaced character-mode screens, others provide backgrounds and ambient music. Some offer amazing levels of customization, others are bare-bones and fixed in their format. Here are 7 solutions, many free, that you can try whether you’re on Windows or Mac.Ĭlick through and check these programs out. I thought this was a great time to have a look at other programs that also try to solve the problem of too much distraction to get any writing done. They have re-thought what they did on the iPad, and made this application just as good for the Mac. InformationArchitects just came out with their version of iAWriter for the Mac, and it’s a brilliant app. On the Mac I’ve been using Omm Writer Dana, another brilliant implementation of this idea. So far, my favorite is iAWriter for the iPad, a program I use just about every day for the bulk of all my drafts.
I’ve written before about how the distraction-free writing enviroments that are embodied in some recent writing software really help me to focus and get a lot done in the time I have available. As someone who writes and publishes constantly, the tools that I use are pretty important to me.
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exdoyoung-ia · 3 years
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athanasia-ia · 3 years
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zitao-ia · 3 years
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zizi uwu
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kayldemon · 3 years
What kind of healing gemstone would YOUR muse need?
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Ocean Jasper
Joy and high spirits.
Releases negativity.
Encourages uninhibited expression.
Brings one's consciousness to the present moment.
Calming and stress relieving.
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insolitus-academy · 10 months
What will your character get at LUSH?
There is so much, but what would your character want for Christmas?
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yousyototo · 2 years
iA Writerを導入
テスト導入してみた 文章を書くためのアプリとして、現在「iA Writer」を試しています。iA Writerは、文章入力に特化したテキストエディター。Android、iOS、Windows、MacOSそれぞれのアプリが用意されています。 ただ、MacOSとiOSはiCloudで同期されますが、Windows版とAndroid版では、iCloudを通じた同期が取れないため、Dropboxを使用するなど、他のクラウドサービスを使用したファイルの同期が必要となります。 また、注意が必要なのは、それぞれのOSにより使用できる機能が結構違いがあること。特にAndroid版は機能が限られているようです。 iA Writer…
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choisulli-ia · 5 years
Survival? Nope | Self para
Sulli dove on to her bed after a long day of classes, she reached under her pillow and grabbed her DS. Sure most people did other things to unwind but this is what Sulli loved to do. Relax on her bed with the tv as background noise and cuddled up with her pets while playing some games. 
The healer recently got a new game which she was excited to play. A game based on survival on a deserted island as she powered up the game she thought about herself, what would she take to survive….hmm food? It wasn’t like she would take a boat because she wouldn’t want to escape, an island all to herself sounded like heaven. She wouldn’t be able to kill any animals and eat them, the thought alone had a shiver of disgust. So a lifetime of lucky charms would be more than enough for her. 
What about if she could also bring one person, she glanced down at her bed and saw her kitten play bitting her rabbit’s ear and she smiled to herself. They are all she really needed.
Then again she would never survive on a deserted island. 
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harvey-ia · 2 years
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⸺ 19th of april.
he woke up touching bumblebee flowers and a clear, blue sky. a cloudless day, a warm day of april at last. he fell asleep on the rooftop for some reasons – he found comfort in the cool breeze of the night. and he knew what day today was, perhaps that is why he spent his night staring at stars, following how they changed and danced for him. he noticed how much brighter the day was, he drew the contrast in his mind. he needed to take mental notes of this day, because he was quite sure he will draw it later. he skipped a step or two when he left looking for familiar faces. it was not always this bright on his day, but today it was. he noticed spring brought flowers on campus and he stopped to admire the pink tulips for a while. he wanted some lilies, he loved lilies. poisonous as they were with their scent and leaves – lilies loved him, and he loved them. but he knew they did not grow out during this day, so he accepted the tulips too. and the narcissus of course – almost as beautiful as the clear sky.
and he felt strawberry on his lips, maybe he should get some cake. he loved chocolate, but he was in a strawberry kind of mood. red-pink tints – and a lot of yellow. maybe he should have baked something (it was better that he did not, he was a horrible baker). and at night, he knew he will go out and dance. he wanted to dance so badly, but he knew he will look slightly insane if he started dancing in the middle of the campus. he was already looking creepy not being his normal self, not saying anything but the occasional ‘yes’ or ‘no’. and he knew they knew it was his birthday. he wore that pride on his face painted in red glitter (only this time he allowed that colour to exist on his cheeks). he had to go all out. after all, his name was harvey caldwell for a reason. and the 19th of april was a day to be remembered, and he shall make them remember.
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ethirdil-ia · 3 years
**✿❀ one more tomorrow ❀✿**
IAwrite 92 - Selfpara  **✿❀ ❀✿**
One more tomorrow, to kiss your lips constantly
Ethirdil was sitting in the small corner of the library, surrounded by books of this and that. There was a lot of math going on here and there were some books for very basic math too. Ethirdil was struggling- that much was clear. He hated it, he hated studying but he had made a promise to himself and he had been breaking enough promises to himself these days to not keep this one either.
The man sighed as he fumbled with the book and then picked up the next one from the stack and opened it, an old looking paper from a yellow notepad fell out. It was a love letter, not signed but obviously written by someone smitten. He read the lines over and over again- how in love the writer was and how much they wished they could be with the man of their dreams.
Your hair is dark like the night and your lips! Oh! How I long to commit deosculation! If not for our parents I would fling myself into your arms, my love. My prince, my only reason to live!
Ethirdil scrunched his nose, a certain face appeared in his head and he scowled as he put the love letter back into the stupid math book
He was done with math, what was the big deal anyway- one plus one was two and sometimes, one plus one wasn’t two but one still-
because Ethirdil promised himself to never be part of a two ever again.
Fuck math and fuck love.
One more tomorrow, To see heaven in your eyes
**✿❀ ❀✿**
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