#ic tag pending
nifretane · 10 months
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Let's watch this world burn, there is no redemption for sinners , their in hell for a reason so why try and save 'em
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umbra-domini · 1 year
“what? no witty remark? nothing clever to say?”  
Love, Kayn @shadow-reap uwu
A little huff of air escaped Zed as he heard those words leave Kayn. His gaze flickering over to the man that he had once brought in and raised as his own. Now grown, now someone who he was rather proud of, if he would say so himself. With that said - Kayn was also the one that knew what buttons to push when it came to Zed. That knew just the right things to tease about or to say that would get on his nerves. And just that had happened now, Kayn had made some comment during their training that he had to bite his tongue on to avoid saying something back. He was trying to model discipline for the other, to show that sometimes, you had to hold your tongue.
And that only resulted in Kayn making yet another comment, only after a few moments would he respond.
" Sometimes, Kayn, it is better to not give a response. " A brief pause before continuing. " Something that, perhaps you could benefit from. "
| @shadow-reap
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aworldadrifft · 2 months
Accursed Mirror (Open Starter)
Where had his mirror gone and ended up?
The last time the Startouched Elf had bothered to actually check, the mirror that gave a window into his prison was in the possession of a Dragon.
Curiosity, and perhaps some vague hope for something interesting, however, had driven him to...well. Activate the mirror's powers.
Hiding just enough out of sight to listen for any....reactions.
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dve-mllr · 8 months
Starter for @mute-call parent au
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          William smirked upon hearing the door slam violently open, chuckling upon hearing the hurried footsteps towards his door. He stood up, holding his coffee mug and waiting for the inevitable. He wouldn't admit it, but he was quite excited for it.
          〝 Steven! It's about time you showed up,〞William spoke, turning around with a wide smile on his face, no care in the world. 〝 would you like some coffee? 〞
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draconicfool · 25 days
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"'m not afraid of standin' still, 'm jus' afraid of bein' bored." The smaller tilted his head slightly as he looked her over. Maybe something could be related to in that sense, he supposed. The thought that perhaps, just perhaps, there could be more than the smell of death that they had in common. Something other than a pervasive attempt to hide from things they'd both rather not think about.
@fearsgod || sc.
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mixed-up-multiverse · 2 months
@bxtonpxss liked for Shoko! (Accepting 4 more)
It was a wonderful, warm night out. The perfect time to be out camping in the forest for a bit.
Shoko's parents and grandparents had set up their tents in a clearing nearby, which Shoko had helped them find. There was almost everything they needed nearby where they hat set up camp; a stream full of clean water, some berry trees, and a lot of wood to use for fires. It had been a long day of setting things up, and now the family was asleep.
Of course, Shoko was also asleep... yet not. For she was currently in her Gengar form-- as her human body was asleep-- and taking the opportunity to explore the forest a bit! She had plenty of time, she thought, and she would just need to be back before morning. Or, at least... it WAS her overall plan originally, as she had taken a wrong turn and gotten lost. Now, she wanted to get back as soon as possible. Especially since she didn't know when sunrise would be.
Unfortunately, she'd just spent the last few minutes going around in circles, not making any progress. Annoyed and beginning to lose hope, the human-turned-Gengar sat down on a flat rock in where she had currently found herself, beginning to lose hope in finding her family's campsite. Until.... she was alerted by the sound of rustling bushes nearby.
Who or what could that be? A pokemon? Or a person? Despite being bit frightened, the young Gengar decided to take the risk and speak to whoever it could be.
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"I-Is... someone there....?"
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mastcrmarksman · 6 months
@gammaragee ⸻ "You can't choose who you fall in love with."
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❝ What if that person is you, Bruce? ❞
That's a loaded question as if he's been holding onto that for a while. As if it's been locked into the chamber, last bullet, and this was the perfect shot, the only shot. The guy kind of walked right into that one. Finally, this weight that he had been carrying around with him for so long has finally been allowed to lifted off.
The load is by no means gone entirely, but something that he's been able to grow around. It's something that he's dwelled on, that's followed him since the last time they were sat across from each other. Part of him woneders if that was good for him by any means. It's a little stone that's settled in his chest and he no longer has trouble with it being there.
The shape of it, the ache of it, was all too familiar to Clint. It was that feeling of when he was left alone, when suddenly there was an abscence that he wanted to run away from. Something he had run from, that followed him, and made a home. He's had long enough to brood on this, that the feeling has settled like dust.
Was it messed up that where his own peace had came from with the decision to agree, to help, to shoot Bruce Banner was resolving that he had to have; that he did do this out of love. That while the man was gone, had been dead, he realized that the scientist and him were alike more than different. The few and far talks they had when th man had just been man, they knew parts of each other's childhood that other's wouldn't. From memory, from their own stories.
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Bruce's the one that had looked at him and said what other's didn't, because he knew, because he knew aabout his dad, about Jacques and Buck, and his brother. A fact of himself, he escapsed and ignored, even if right now he was wishing that he had met Bruce at a bar in the evening than a roadside diner in the afternoon. Clint pushes his fork around on the plate, he's not sad about this fact, about this reveal.
Do they really have time for this? No, but Clint's had a lot more time to think about this, think think about Bruce. ❝ I just thought you should know that I love ya, buddy. I... ❞ He's sorry it didn't work out, but then, ❝ So you know I was glad to do it. ❞ Not for the reasons he gave in court and he wasn't lying then either. he saw the green, saw the vision, saw the need to protect everyonr but every day in that jail celll, in his solitarie; he thought about Bruce Banner. His memories of him and the Hulk, of that moment.
When he hit the road with each twist of knife as people thanked him, his resolve only pushed towards torward this feeling for Banner. It's one he had before, already had been going (why else would he have kissed him). With him being dead and gone, only encouraged him to say it, to take every shot he had and this was that moment. You miss every shot you don't take.
❝ I've, uh, had time to think 'bout that. ❞ He picks up the cup of coffee to take a sip, Clint's not expecting Bruce to say anything. He'd sooner assume he'll get up and leave, or find himself looking down at the Hulk (who he really doesn't want to have this conversation with at the moment).
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sanguiniusreborn · 7 months
@athenafire liked for a starter!
"Meredith!!!" The sound of Seraphiel's voice rang out, a tad panicked. "Meredith, come quick, it's the Primarch, he's awake again!-" He practically skid into Merediths' space. "Hurry!"
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sirpunsalct · 8 months
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date night with my gays, we had a good time
[ art credit goes to @hiredpencil / @geminidoomed! ]
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starshinc · 15 days
@resolutepath ; "Midoriya, would you care to explain why there is scratching behind your bedroom door?" Aizawa's arms fold across his chest as he fixes his number one problem child with a fierce stare, waiting for the answer that might explain the sounds. He has his suspicions of course, but it will be interesting to see if the boy reaches for honesty or instead creates an elaborate story to cover up the fact he has absolutely brought a live animal into the dorms. It is simply the case of working out what it is that he has acquired and whether he intends for it to be a short term save or a long term arrangement. The latter of course nigh impossible.
"And while you're at it, you might explain the odd shaped bundle in your hands on the dorm building camera footage last night..."
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Izuku was rather hoping he’d have more time before he was caught by his homeroom teacher. Naively, he was considering that maybe Aizawa-sensei had simply not noticed him sneaking in the bundle the previous night. Evidently, that was absolutely impossible - of course his teacher would be on guard and alert of when students arrived back at the dorms and what they may be bringing with them. That; alongside making sure the students weren’t injured and if they ate before collapsing into their rooms. He didn’t even have time to get all the supplies yet! Just food, litter tray and a couple of toys! Then again, she had seemed super comfortable sleeping on his bed last night - more accurately, curled up close to him on the pillow.
Izuku is rather abruptly pulled from his thoughts when he realises that he still does need to answer his teacher, taking a breath as he considers the options. There’s no point lying to him, it’ll make the entire situation worse!
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“I’m sorry, Aizawa-sensei.” Wasn’t there a saying it was better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission? Either way, the hero in training wasn’t exactly going to leave her all alone out there. “The scratching is from, ah…” A pause, anxiety in his movements as he messes with his fingers, chewing on his lip. A horrible habit. “I found a kitten last night.” He explained, hands beginning to shake. “I know I should have asked, but she was all alone….! Her Mum didn’t come back, and some teenagers were going to kick her. I couldn’t leave her, and she was all cold, so I just…” He’s rambling. A sigh, his head bowing a little bit. “That’s the bundle. It was raining, so I was trying to keep her warm and dry. But she’s a super sweet cat, honest! I guess she just missed me throughout the day…” A pause. “Please, Sensei….can I keep Tuna for a little longer?”
And he’s named it. Yes, he named her Tuna. Mostly because that’s all he had to feed her that night, and she devoured it and got tuna all over her face. “I promise to take great care of her…! So…please?” Despite the short timeframe, the attachment is clear. He’s even finding his phone to show Aizawa the very fluffy, all black cat.
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nifretane · 10 months
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"Is that the queen of hell I see"
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umbra-domini · 1 year
Is poro! Is snuggly! Is adorable ram creature! Gives snuggles! Friend? Friend of poro?
The small creature was certainly unlike anything Zed had seen before. It was round, fluffy… and it didn't seem to be a threat of any kind. No.. this creature was rather adorable. Fingers were gentle as he reached down to pick up the little thing, his gaze narrowing slightly as he inspected it. It didn't seem to be of Ionian origin, the long tufts of fur being far too out of place. A little hum of thought left him, and his head tilted slightly to the side.
" Are you lost? "
His voice was surprisingly gentle as he spoke to the creature. Despite not being fond of many people, he did happen to have a soft spot for animals. It wasn't like they killed people for fun. Besides, this thing was so.. little. He doubted it would hurt anyone.
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aworldadrifft · 2 months
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So maybe he'd been a bit hasty in his answers to the summons from a master. So hasty, in fact, he'd forgotten to bring himself to the world without a shirt.
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"Finally! I've been waiting. My name is Lancer-"
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"Wait why are you staring, I-"
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"Oh. Whoops."
A brief draw of mana later and-
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"There. My apologies. How...unseemly to come out of the circle in such a way. Now, I have one question. Are you fit to be my Master?"
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draconicfool · 1 month
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@tunichtgxt asked: myungsoo really couldn't believe his coach. he was supposed to watch a gymnast to learn more about his move set? he was a boxer for fuck's sake, watching someone twirl around with a stick in their hands, throwing a ring up and down, making a few loops on a trampoline or walk over a beam while turning on their heels was not going to help him, but he might as well just be a nice boy, watch them and just leave quietly. however upon being introduced to the team, he was a little confused about finding a male between all of these cute girlies, not to mention that he was apparently the very best? this pink head? more graceful than all of the ladies combined? then again those arms and legs didn't seem to be made for men's sports. either way, he bowed and extended his arm. "the name's myungsoo. I'm the boxer from, well, right across the street." another point why he was here, for some reason their halls and training fields were just across each other's. he'd not have to run far and could still absorb everything after his training. that was also why he was sweating quite badly and only managed to switch into a different pair of pants while his shirt was unbuttoned, having dried himself off and nothing more. he supposed his coach was coming to pick him up again, hopefully happy myungsoo followed his commands... which he didn't do all too often in hindsight. "it's nice to meet you." ( attaaacks )
It wasn't every day there was a visitor in the gym. At least, not one that wanted to just observe. Wasn't that sort of thing frowned upon? Watching cute girls in tight fitting clothes do their routines. It felt like something a creep would do. But if this guy was here and their coach had talked to him- then suppose it was fine, right? No point in questioning it.
Especially given how shocked he seemed when he heard that Shoi-Ming of all people was the best. Really he was just more flexible and easier to work with when it came to criticisms. It was the silk dancer in him, he supposed.
So as the other bowed, and then held his arm out, Eros would stare at him for a moment, a brow raised. That was- extremely formal. Alright then. He put a hand on his hip, the other brushing his hair back before finally taking Myungsoo's hand. "Well, y'heard it from th' coach, but m'name's Shoi-Ming."
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Suppose he was definitely cute- so maybe just this once he'd be nice. Amethyst eyes looking over the other for a moment. Taking him in, checking him out, even, but never admitting to it. "Nice t' meet ya, too, sugar."
i asked for this to happen
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mixed-up-multiverse · 9 months
@musesofthesun liked for Bonnie! ( No Longer accepting )
Bonnie usually loved children (they were so adorable, and full of innocence despite the world around them sometimes being anything but adorable and innocent) and seeing them come into her bakery, but...
...for some odd reason, this one set her off. Really badly.
Something about this little girl's... aura, for lack of a better description. It was just unsettling. Almost evil. Ruined the overall happy mood of the room. It made her want to throw up and kick her out.
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But of course, this woman had at least some semblance of a heart, and would not do so to a poor child. Besides, even if she did give off bad vibes, she was covered head to toe in bandages... perhaps she had come from somewhere bad. If so, then poor thing...
Bonnie would try to ignore these bad feelings and do everything she could to help this poor thing. And the little girl wouldn't even need to pay, she seemed to be REALLY hurt anyways.
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"What can I get you?" she asked, slipping the girl a piece of paper showing all the options: Red Velvet cake, Pastry, White Donut, Scones, Egg tart, and of course, Meet Bun.
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maudlxne · 1 month
@kusatta liked for a random lyrical starter! | Still Accepting
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❝ Oi! Don't you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me! ❞
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