iblewthewhistle · 2 years
likes artificial watermelon  |  sleeps in what they are already wearing  | eats their cereal with milk |  listens to music with earbuds  |  hates the summer  |  can recite past the first four digits of pi  | eats frosting out of the jar  |  doodles on their notebooks  |  can bake cookies  |  has a garden  |  has had a snowball fight |  eats pancakes without syrup  |  prefers shorts over pants  | can name more than ten superheroes | has a plan for the zombie apocalypse  |  uses the same password for everything  |  can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds  |  watches anime  |  hasn’t read harry potter  | can say ‘ I love you ‘ in more than one language |  prefers mechanical pencils  | thinks space is cool  |  takes personality tests more than once to make sure  |  can’t tie their shoelaces  | has a purse  | likes salads  |  likes cool colors better than warm colors  | knows how to braid hair | reads biographies  |  can ice skate  |  knows their mbti  |  reads astrology charts  |  prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy  |  plays video games  | reads the newspaper  |  likes chocolate ice cream best  |  doesn’t cuss |  memorizes song lyrics | collects coupons  |  has a preferred order at starbucks  |  likes movie theater popcorn  | has seen a play  |  listens to music with headphones  |  owns a hoodie  |  would rather own cds than online copies  |  has written a poem  |  can shuffle cards  |  subscribes to a magazine  |  double dips when eating  |  drinks directly out of the milk container  |  keeps a journal  |
tagged by: @nervousleaderr
tagging: @scardnbroken @deadlyneurotoxinv2 @charmed-redemption and anyone else who wants to play
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merchantofwhispers · 4 years
     Sand, hot and dry, stuck and itched on her skin as she dragged herself forward. Gemina gagged on the water in her lungs, eventually vomiting it up with a burning, crimson bile onto the ground. It would take several more tries before she could find her feet again, immediately venturing into what she deemed the safety of the trees. The sun was already high in the sky and it was hot, unbearably so, and once she was safe she could figure out what the fuck had happened.
     Once she was in the trees she collapsed against one of them, peering around wearily, before everything suddenly went black. When she reopened her eyes it was only to the sound and scent of someone near her, but she was still too weak to do much more than open her eyes to see someone looking back at her. 
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island-stranded · 4 years
" Whats this, huh? Thought Alec lost his daughter when she was but a small baby. You...You...I don't think we have meet before, have we? "
Red, lots of red. Like an animal showing off it’s venom, warning others to stay away. It was all too glaringly obvious— the color, the weaponry, this was a pirate that stood before her. Great, Alec would just be thrilled when he heard about this one.
Honestly unsure of what the other meant about Alec losing his daughter, Mary tried to gloss over it as she offered a kind smile and a dip of her head in greeting. “I don’t think we have, sir. I’m Agnes.” Hands once folded in front of her, one is now extended to the other as a pleasantry. The other could kill her in an instant, drag her back to those terrible cages— but why would any pirate do that to their dealer’s daughter? The thought comforted her, even if just a little bit.
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fragmented-desire · 4 years
The remnants of a fading portal trickled in the air like static. Easily dissipating from the sea breeze, leaving nothing more but a sealed, translucent rift. Beneath it, just moments before, the rift seemed to have dropped a... decent-looking human being onto the sand below. Despite the unnatural circumstances, nothing appeared out of the ordinary. No extra limbs, sharpened daggers for claws... save for the strange, red set of circuit-like markings residing on either shoulder blade and a peculiar crystalline gem in the middle of the forehead. The markings fizzed and flickered in the same fashion as the dissolving rift before settling to an idle glow.
Now, the unfortunate part was the (temporary) unconscious state that had left the seemingly normal female on the shoreline. The noisy sound of the ocean did little to stir any life, but a warm current washing up on the beach did. Drenching a small portion of her body, she jolted up.
Black hair clung to her face. Some parts red. It took a moment of sitting up, looking like a poltergeist that had just stepped out from a television screen to realize that this was no longer ‘home’. A few more blinks and it was decided that this was an island of sorts. Surrounded by... wait?
Water. Lots of water. Lots of deep water.
She whipped her head around to confirm the fact. The Core in her chest began to pound, mimicking that of a panicking heart. If there was one thing she was deathly afraid of, it had to be water; the vast and unknown depths of the ocean.
The first and most immediate thought was to stand up and run as far away from the shoreline as possible. That also meant running further inwards into the island, but anything was better than being next to shark polluted waters... right?
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tuixlaa · 4 years
" Blood is red, The sea is blue. I like your smile, but I also like that ass too. "
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“I’m guessing no good whores to play around with?” Yue teases as she walked in from the ocean. Ringing out her hair she flipped it back and flicked some water at him.
“Is the big bad king a little backed up?”
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periculosus-pirata · 4 years
@scardnbroken replied: "Excuse me, what did you fucking say?! "
Heart leaping into his throat, Elias was sitting up in an instant, head turned to see (of course) none other than Vaas himself. Oh, lucky him.
“Nothing boss! I was just saying how hot you were. Y’know, talking to myself again.”
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fuckyouvaas · 4 years
"Hey assfuck," Grant strutted in as badass as he could while dragging a tied up and very wounded pirate behind him, "This little shit was too high to pay attention and got his ass shot." By Grant, but he wasn't going to point that part out. "Thought you pirates were selling shit, not doing drugs. Fuck."
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victoriousfeeling · 4 years
🎵 “Hit me with your best shot.”🎵
training turned tension starters
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What had started as a gunfight had turned into a knife fight as they had both ran out of bullets (Jason before Vaas), then it had somehow devolved into a brawl. Punches, kicks, headbutts, everything was fair game as long as they could deal some sort of damage. And damage they had dealt: they were both bloody, bruised and sore at that point, yet none of them was about to back off.
"I'm gonna fuck you up," Jason shouted in reply over the noise of his own heart hammering in his ears, his voice rough and nasal from a bleeding, likely broken nose. He charged at Vaas and delivered a blow so strong it sent the other sprawling to the ground. Jason lost his balance too and ended up on top of him, his hands immediately going for the other's throat.
Honestly, Jason was having the time of his life: he felt alive with the thrill of the fight and part of him wished to drawn that moment as long as possible; another though, just wanted to win. "Just give up already," he panted breathlessly on Vaas' face, his gaze fixed on his mouth, hands tightening around his neck.
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fckdupfxreplay · 4 years
Send in * for my muse’s reaction to yours slapping mine on the ass
   The look on Buck’s face was utterly priceless.
   Safe to say this had been the last thing the Aussie expected to happen upon visiting Vaas’ compound. Granted, in the past, he had risked giving the occasional cheeky butt slap to Vaas. Usually resulted in some form of tantrum from the self-proclaimed pirate king, which amused Buck to no end. This time the tables had turned. Vaas had managed to land a rather hefty slap against his backside.
             So shocked by this, Buck managed to drop his beer.
   Took a moment to compose himself, but soon that cocky grin of his was back. Turning all his attention towards the younger man. “Well well.... Someone’s being pretty forward, ey?” He looked Vaas over, like a predator eyeing up it’s next meal. “You lil wanker... been playin’ games with me all this time? Hmmm?” He laughs softly, still flashing his pearly whites as he leaned towards the other man. Hands twitching; itching to grab for Vaas.
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   “More than happy to play with you, my dear...” 
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🗝 the joker [for a batman au]
"A lot of people have held a gun to my head over the years but few things have been scarier than when Joker held a knife to my throat. Other people, you can negotiate with- usually. Not him, it's like trying to convince a tornado not to destroy your house."
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vxmpire-bxt · 4 years
“ you’re as stubborn as a damn mule.”
TWDG Kenny (S2) Starters! - ACCEPTING
Beth's brows furrowed tightly, and she found herself peering over his shoulder and to the other Saviours. She expected SIMON, really. Not... Vaas. Hoyt would've been so delighted. But he was dead, and she was now in charge.
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"Negan said half. He comes in, takes ALL. Now, excuse me for wanting confirmation, but are you here to be Negan again, or are you going to honour our DEAL?"
Truth be told, Negan's taking of everything was further punishment; you don't kidnap AND murder his men and expect only two people to die. That's not good enough.
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merchantofwhispers · 4 years
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what would you do if - you had to kill to survive?
Send a “what would you do if” situation to my inbox, anonymously or not!
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He asked as though he assumed that it was possible to live on this island without having to do something drastic to save your own skin. Even for someone as quiet and low radar as her.
“You have only given two options: Kill or be killed. And I must admit, I have very little desire to expire any time soon. Most who attack me tend to give up after the third or fourth angry snake bite. Regardless of whether or not that is the situation, I will not just lay down and die.”
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fragmented-desire · 4 years
💐 " Look Hermana at the pretty flowers. "
[ 💘  Valentine’s Day Prompts!   💘 ]
Multiple conflicting thoughts ran through her head all at once. 
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“These flowers are probably poisonous! Or man-eating. Well, I hope they like the taste of STATIC. I wonder what kind these are? NO, there’s a knife hidden in them somewhere. It’s kind of a sweet thought, though. They’re still probably dangerous.”
After staring wide-eyed for what seemed to be forever, Vyre snapped back to the bouquet of flowers. “Oh! Uh… They are quite nice! I never stop to admire them, but now that they’re in your hands, I have a reason to.” 
Her brows furrowed tightly. “…Th-that’s not what I–”That wasn’t a flirt was it? It sounded like it. It wasn’t meant to be. Panic settled in to the point of the gem of her forehead fizzing vigorously. She took the wrapped bundle of colorful foliage for what it was worth now. “THANK YOU, THEY ARE WONDERFUL.”
She ran away.
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tuixlaa · 4 years
‘Abandoned Mask’
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“The doctor is in!”
The gentle swiss woman floated down a soft aiming to please smile etched on her face. Landing with a soft ‘tut’ she hummed looking at the person before her. Her augmented wings flitter slightly as her back tenses slightly from the weight of the wings. Her staff glowing with the soft healing yellow glow. A welcoming sight to any with ailments or wounds.
“Angela Ziegler at your service! Though you may know of me better by my Alias Mercy.”
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daggersandsparks · 4 years
“Again, I did not put heroin needles in the candy.”
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❝ You know, I want to believe you. I do, really! Just… ❞ She’d been planning on having some of that. But not only was heroin not her shit, but the needles? She let out a frustrated huff, staring at the candy. ❝ Who the fuck is out here trying to play out Karen’s Halloween fears? ❞
She wouldn’t mind walking around in costume for a bit, though. That could be fun. Did she have a decent costume? Could she put one together? That could make up for the sudden lack of candy.
❝ Do we even have a Karen right now? ❞
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