#icb i just banged this out in an hour
ourkingweasley · 4 years
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Basic Information
Full Name: Ronald Bilius Weasley
Nickname(s): Ron, Ickle Ronnikins, 
Age: 22 years old 
Date of Birth: 1 March, 1980
Hometown: Ottery St Catchpole, Devon, England, Great Britain
Current Location: London, England 
Ethnicity: English
Nationality: British 
Gender: Cismale
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Human/Wizard
Orientation: Hetero-romantic, heterosexual 
Religion: Agnostic 
Occupation: Former Auror, currently employed at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes
Living Arrangements: An apartment on his own 
Language(s) Spoken: English
Accent: British 
Magic Information
School Attended: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: Pureblood
War Alliance: Dumbledore’s Army / The First Order 
Wand: 12" Ash unicorn tail hair, 14" Willow, unicorn tail hair, 9¼" Chestnut Dragon heartstring
Patronus: Jack Russell Terrier 
Boggart: Spiders
Amortentia: Old leather, mint, and the smell of an unknown (Hermione’s) shampoo
Quidditch?: Keeper
Prefect?: Yes
Club(s): Dumbledore’s Army
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: George Mackay 
Hair Colour: Red
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 6′2″
Weight: 69kg
Build: Lanky
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: N/A
Clothing Style: Ron does not pay much attention to his fashion choices. He will throw on whatever he can get his hands on as long as it’s clean
Distinguishing Characteristics: Ron’s most distinguishing characteristics are his freckles and his bright ginger colored hair
Physical Ailments: N/A 
Neurological Conditions: N/A
Allergies: N/A 
Sleeping Habits: Ron has not experienced a full night’s sleep in years. Since his days at Hogwarts and the things that he’s experienced since, he often wakes up through the night with nightmares. He often relives the things that he’s seen or been through during the time that they were searching for horcruxes and the Battle of Hogwarts. Sometimes due to this lack of sleep, he can find himself napping without much warning in various places 
Eating Habits: Ron eats constantly. Eating is his favorite hobby and he’d do it all the time if there was enough time in the day and he could be paid for it. He eats his three square meals a day and is often eating in between
Exercise Habits: Ron does not exercise as much as he should. He isn’t unhealthy by any means, but he doesn’t go out of his way to exercise 
Emotional Stability: 7. Ron is relatively stable when it comes to his emotions. He is not someone who has severe changes in emotions, but he doesn’t ignore his emotions either. He doesn’t particularly enjoy talking about his feelings, however 
Sociability: Ron is fairly sociable. He can hold a conversation with almost anyone and he enjoys talking to people 
Body Temperature: Hot-natured; Ron tends to run hot 
Addictions: Food! Ron is always either eating or thinking about eating
Drug Use: N/A
Alcohol Use: Ron drinks socially
Label: The Trustworthy
Positive Traits: Brave, humorous, loyal, & friendly 
Negative Traits: Insecure, immature, argumentative, & envious 
Goals/Desires: Get over himself and ask Hermione Granger on a date, continue to help at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes and make their brand even more successful 
Fears: Spiders, Voldemort, talking about his feelings 
Hobbies: Eating, quidditch, spending time with his friends and family, eating 
Habits: Swearing, rubbing the back of his neck when he’s nervous, talking with his mouth full 
Weather: Snowy
Colour: Red 
Sport: Quidditch 
Beverage: Butterbeer 
Food: Pumpkin pasties 
Animal: Pygmy puff
Father: Arthur Weasley
Mother: Molly Weasley
Sibling(s): Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley (deceased), George Weasley, Ginerva Weasley; Fleur Delacour-Weasley (sister-in-law) 
Children: N/A
Pet(s): Formerly had a family rat whom was passed down called Scabbers (he turned out to not be a rat but we won’t get into that !!) 
Best friends: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger
Zodiac Sign: Pisces 
Enneagram: Type 6: The Strategist -  Type Sixes hang on to relationships tighter than other types, often depending on the people they hang out with to feel safe and valued. Thus, the primary emotion that motivates Sixes is fear. Type Sixes tend to be sensitive and overthink situations, which fuels their insecurity. Despite that, because of their need for security and loyalty, they will eventually return to the group.
Temperament: Sanguine 
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good 
Primary Vice: Envy
Primary Virtue: Humility 
Element: Water
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