#thinking out loud || about/headcanon
samaraxmorgan · 4 months
Can’t stop thinking about Choso learning some gen z slang from Yuuji…. He hears Yuuji say “go crazy go stupid” one time and it immediately becomes his favorite phrase asknjkask he’s constantly like “I’m going stupid with it :) “ every time he does something and Yuuji has his head in his hands like “what have I done.”
Bonus: Yuuji sits him down and sternly tells him “you need to stop calling me your brother in christ.”
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brethilach · 1 month
just watched someone go on a whole tangent about how swords play a unique role in history and now I can't stop imagining Thorin being a huge nerd about weapons and armor (and smithing in general) and blabbering endlessly about their history and social function and everything that goes into crafting and using them properly whenever someone allows him to do so
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sa1808fi · 21 days
Emmetstyle and their ways of showing love
Emmet is very big on dishing out his affection for others. He hasn't had anyone in his life care enough to stick around for long, so he's going to be the first one in his and Lucy's relationship to say 'I love you' to her.
Compared to Lucy, he's a very open person, finding it easy to show his appreciation and love for his friends through his words, actions, and gifts. So obviously he would have no problem showering his special best friend cough girlfriend cough with all the love he has.
He's going to tell her he loves her whenever he can. She helps him with the chores? Love gushing out of him. They go out on a 'best friend' excursion? Hugs everywhere. He is constantly wiggling with happiness when he's around Lucy.
Lucy on the other hand tends to deny her affection for others if she thinks it'll make her look weak and less tough (She was fine showing her 'affection to Batman because he's a super cool and tough superhero), therefore ruining the persona she's built herself around.
Though she does soften up around Emmet whenever they're alone. It takes her a long time to finally say the 'L' word to Emmet. Other than ruining her reputation, Lucy is also scared to admit her love for Emmet, because the last time she loved something with a passion and dedicated her life to it, it was warped into a cruel method to brainwash people.
After the second movie, seeing how hateful Rex became because he believed that his friends never loved him, Lucy became more determined to show her special best friend how much she really loves him.
During the rebuilding after armageddon, she does a lot of seemingly little things (but are monumental to Emmet) to show her love. She starts to hold hands with Emmet in public, defends him fiercely against hateful comments, and starts to gift him small things that she think's he'll like.
Even after all this, She still doesn't think it's enough. Because there's a difference between knowing someone loves you and knowing they love you. So, Lucy gets the others to help her come up with a plan to show their appreciation for Emmet (Since I like to think he's one of the people working overtime to fix all the destruction (Y'know... out of guilt and all)), and it ends up as this giant party with everyone to celebrate the rebuilding efforts.
Towards the end, she has this whole speech (I'm not going to go too in detail), and she ends it with finally saying the three magic words that she could never bring herself to say.
If we go over to dangerstyle in Rex's timeline, then it's going to be flipped. They swapped roles in the way they show affection.
Lucy is a lot more vocal than she used to be when she shows her love. This is mostly born out of her fear that the people she loves might end up disappearing and dying without ever truly knowing how much she cares about them .
In her eyes, she never fully reciprocated Emmets love before he disappeared. She never got the chance to finally tell him the three words that always got stuck in her throat.
Emmet died trying to save someone that Lucy believes never treasured him as much as she should have. And that guilt weighs down on her every single day.
Going onto reunion AUs where there's the big 'happy' reunion and reconciliation, have no doubt, Lucy is 100% going to try and drown Rex with the love she never showed when he was Emmet.
She doesn't do it immediately because they can all tell that Rex needs to adjust a bit. But after he's a bit more okay with being around them, he's going to get slapped in the face with all the care they're treating him with.
Lucy does say it as a way to thank him for things like how he used to do for her, but she also does it whenever he's going through one of those bad days. Where the memories become overwhelming and he just needs that little bit of reassurance that they do actually care.
Rex is a lot more reluctant to share his affection with others compared to his past self. Or at least, he does it more privately and can come off as a bit of an asshole. The reason is basically the same as how Lucy didn't want to ruin her tough persona.
He's one of those characters that at first glance seems like a jackass- and he is, there's no doubt about that. But after a while the closer you get, you can't help but become fond of him. He's sweet in like a loveable asshole kind of way.
There's also the fact that his whole personality is built upon the trauma he endured in Undar, so any shred of Emmet that he has is buried really deep down.
Occasionally, if he's comfortable enough, Rex will end up slipping back into Emmet's habits in front of people. But whenever he does, he just ends up freezing up and backtracking, pulling away and avoiding everyone for the rest of the day as he goes to hide and sulk.
When it comes to actually saying 'I love you' again, well... it's gonna take a really long time for him to feel safe or confident enough to do it again. Rex is going to need to get so much therapy and validation from Lucy and the others.
Compared to when Lucy finally says the three big words, the way Rex finally does it again isn't dramatic, it isn't one big planned-out party with all their friends together and celebrating.
The way he finally says them again is early in the morning, with both of them wrapped in blankets, cuddling on the sofa, the TV playing some show in the background. Lucy will slowly detach herself from the arms firmly wrapped around her, careful to not wake up the dozing raptor trainer. But Rex still feels the slow change in environment so he whines softly, trying to preserve the warmth that's moving away from him.
It's in this moment when Lucy softly draws him back to sleep that he mutters a small 'love you' before falling into unconsciousness again.
(She cries in the kitchen)
(Rex doesn't even know he said that)
MMMMMMM, parallels
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tumblweeds-omegaverse · 3 months
somewhat random thought:
If people in omegaverse can identify others based on scent, does that change how certain things are done?
Imagine playing hide and seek with friends as a child and knowing that you can hear and smell them as you near their hiding spot. Is part of the game to see how well you can find them with just visual cues? Does it tap into some kind of ancient hunting instinct? Do you need to find places to hide where other scents will mute or muddle yours, as well as visually hiding? Or is it cheating to literally sniff out your siblings in every round?
Would people in a modern day setting have a list of approved pick-up people for schools or other locations? Would it only come into play if it was an out-of-household individual? Since the assumption of "it's fine for your parents to pick you up from school" could easily be extended to others who smell like you?
When it comes to places like apartment buildings or dormitories, would there be guidelines or expectations based on people's scents? For example, if an omegaverse species had specific scenting or territory marking instincts, would there be places where this isn't permitted? Could the decision on who's assigned to a dorm, or people's choice of housing, be affected by the scents of the people already present? Is cleaning up between residents even more of a thing in order to remove any lingering signals? Would there be laws against (or encouraging) specific dynamics living in the same buildings?
Is the purpose of deodorant in omegaverse to prevent body odors, as it is in our world? Is it to repress personal scent for logistic or propriety reasons? Is it meant to be complimentary to one's natural scent instead? Is wearing deodorant / perfume / cologne that clashes a faux pah on a similar level to wearing clashing patterns?
(I guess a lot would depend on if scent is a personal identifier, similar to a name...or if it's more of a secondary characteristic, where it says more about a person's body than about their individual self...)
Would twins be mistaken for one another in an omegaverse setting where everyone has unique scent markers? Since identical twins can have different fingerprints, their scents would likely be different too.
Huh, are there verses where scents are coded in DNA? In a far future omegaverse, do people alter themselves to make their scent different? Is it something people do for self expression, like getting a tattoo, or would it not be allowed because of identity theft? In a fantasy setting, could people use magic to change their scents permanently? Or would it be a temporary thing, like a spell?
(my brain: hey, if you had an omegaverse with shifters, that's also in a fantasy setting...does a werewolf in wolf form smell like "a wolf that also smells kinda like this person." or is it "this being, for some reason, looks like a wolf right now. but smells like a person." or do they just smell like a wolf? if an ancient creature, like a dragon or a unicorn, transformed into a human, would people instantly know because they smelled weird? oh oh oh, what about illusions? would illusion spells be based on visuals and scents? would disguises not work if you were fleeing people who knew you because they could smell you on yourself? and what about--)
Might there be different processes around trying on clothes in shops or if shipped to you? Normally if you put something on and it doesn't fit, you can take it off and put it back / return it. Would people be expected to wear some form of scent blockers while trying on clothes, so the merchandise isn't messed up by sitting right on top of scent glands? Could you wind up with some policy where you don't get the full price back on a return if there's too much residual smell?
I'm really curious how different settings have dealt with these, if they have...
also this was supposed to just be "haha it's so cute to imagine the ov version of playing hide and seek with a little kid, where you pretend not to know where they are yet, but you can easily smell them, but dont go for it because that ends the game too soon"
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kay9leo · 1 month
It's hard being the new kid...
Sort of "modern" HL AU
Meet Iñaki "MC" Martinez Cariaga! She's the new transfer student from the United States. She was late for the sorting ceremony so she's currently houseless right now, hence the gray tie. Unfortunately for MC, her ancient magic is a magnet for attracting trouble and getting her into situations she rather not be in, sort of like Percy Jackson.
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Fun Facts:
Normally her eyes are brown, but ever since she ended up in the UK, if she's around the presence of high Ancient Magic activity, her own ancient magic activates, turning her eyes a magical blue. They also turn that color when she's using it. At the advice of Prof. Fig, she tries to keep a small flow of it running consciously if she's not at a nearby ancient magical source.
She's also big runes fan! Since her family comes from both Central and South America, she has a big love of studying Mayan glyphs and Incans quipus (they use that instead of runes to conducting their magic). She also knows some indigenous words in Kaqchikel and Quechua; some for fun and some for spell casting. Seeing Norse runes in person was the one thing she was definitely looking forward when going to Hogwarts.
While she doesn't originally goes by MC back in the States, it became her deferred nickname/shorten version of her double surname Martinez Cariaga to use at Hogwarts. She's gotten tired of both professors and peers taking too much time to say it or have them accidently butcher her surnames (or first name even). Her nickname of MC is used so often that it gets to the point that barely anyone remembers that her name is Iñaki 🤣
Ancient Magic & Hogwarts Castle
I headcanon that the Hogwarts Founders were ancient magic users who build Hogwarts and never told anyone about their abilities. Since the place is humming with Ancient Magic, MC's eyes are always a constant magical blue. It's when she leaves Hogwarts grounds that she has to focus on maintaining that magical flow.
The Big Move, Fourth Year & the Reserved New Girl
Unfortunately, Iñaki's dad lost his job during the first layoffs of the Great Recession in early 2008. Thankfully, he had a buddy who hooked him with a new temp job in London, causing the Martinez Cariaga family to move across the pond from New York to London during the end of summer. While she loved the idea of traveling and going to Europe (and maybe even learn more about the different ancient runes used there), she wasn't too pleased at the idea of moving abroad and leaving everything she knows and loves.
Instead of starting her freshman year with her close friend group at Excelsior (NYS magical school system, Ilvermorny is the New England private magical prep school - the most famous, oldest and only school most people know outside the US), Iñaki is starting 4th year at Hogwarts.
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Note: The words between "< >" is spoken in Spanish. MC comes from a Spanish-speaking Latino household. If the words are not in between "< >" assume she's speaking English.
6: At the end of MC's first week:
<¡Hola Mami!>
< I'm fine. ¿And you? >
< Nothing interesting happened this week. >
< ¡NO! ¡It wasn't like I fought a dragon or a troll this week. >
< ¡Just because I faced the Jersey Devil in 6th grade or the Headless Horseman in 7th OR befriended Champ at Lake Champion in 8th doesn't mean weird things always happens to me! >
<¡I'm fine Mami! Nothing happened...>
<¡I had to Mami! ¡He told me he wanted to give me a "proper Hogwarts welcome" before we started! I told him "That's how we say 'Hello' in New York." Made it too easy for me by saying his spells out loud. The prof said I was a great example of how magical duels are different in the New World with our non-verbals...>
<He was cool with losing. ¡Sebastián even gave me a tour of the magical village nearby and introduced me to the "dueling club" the school has! >
< We dueled together…¡It was fun! I almost forgot how much I miss home… >
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< I still want to go home. >
< No Mami. I don't mean visiting you guys back in London. Home as in New York. >
< ¿Why should I make friends if we're only going to be here for a year?>
< ¿It's only a year...right? >
< ¿Right? >
< I gotta go...I promised my classmates I'll study with them for our exam next week. >
< I love you too. >
*Flips phone closed*
*Ends call*
MC's trying...but she is rather homesick.
She's now stuck in Hogwarts and isn't too keen on making friends since she has no clue whether she'll be there for a year or not - it all depends whether if they extend her father's work contract and she's isn't keen on making friends if she's only there for a few months in her mind. It gets to the point where Sebastian trying to friend her is like an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object. (He ends up winning though when she accidently slips up and calls him her friend later on in the year).
For now though, MC is a very angsty teen right now and had her world flipped upside down.
At least she can take out her angst in dueling club 😅
I want to thank @myokk for listening to my ideas about my MC and to my sibling who needed to borrow my laptop for work (leading me to doodle and actually make a digital drawing on my tablet -that I use as a second monitor for work- since I couldn't edit some papers on those days). Without them this drawing wouldn't have happened.
I'm never doing this ever again because I a bit too perfectionist for art and I hated the number of layers I needed. It was supposed to just be a SIMPLE digital doodle!!!! Instead I made this 😭. Never again. I'm sticking to my pen doodles. I was bored out of my mind and I was either reading or doodling while my sis was testing out her new laptop and I was on stand by in case she needed me.
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lacquerlagarde · 9 months
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aguyfromtheinternet · 2 years
In the original novel, Simoun died completely alone. He only had Padre Florentino by his side and in the end, he only committed suicide to escape the Spanish authorities; an escape plan for a failed mission. But in Maria Clara at Ibarra, he committed suicide as an atonement for his sins as Simoun after recognizing the error of his ways. This only happens because this Simoun had a support system, which led to him dying surrounded by the people who care about him. This is arguably a better (as in less tragic) end to Simoun. But what exactly is the cause of Simoun having a “better” ending? What factor made things work out differently so that Simoun had a support system? Klay.
Because of Klay’s numerous interactions with the novel/s, Simoun was able to have a functioning support system. 
Because of Klay, Simoun grew a closer bond with Basilio 13 years ago as Crisostomo. 
Because of Klay, Elias was able to survive, leading to him being present to witness his boyfriend dear friend’s demise. 
Because of Klay, Juli was able to survive, which means Basilio is in a better mental capacity to regret joining Simoun in his dangerous plans of revenge, and chase after Isagani instead of just disappearing from the story from then on. 
HECK, I’m convinced Klay is the reason why Fidel, an OC made by the show who didnt exist in the novels at all, is dragged to all of this mess in the first place. 
Simoun died atoning for his sins surrounded by the people who care about him, instead of dying alone trying to escape the aftermath of a failed plan, BECAUSE OF KLAY. While Klay was unable to prevent the general dreariness and tragedies of the novels and other characters, she WAS able to at least provide a better ending for Simoun and by extension, the other characters close to him.
So in a way, Klay DID succeed in changing the story for the better. She DID succeed in making the novels a better place for its characters.
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byanyan · 6 months
ok but like. now i'm thinking about byan in class...
doodling in their notebooks always, sometimes while listening & paying attention, other times... very much not.
in a similar vein, getting ideas for new outfits or tattoos and not being able to wait so they start sketching the ideas out right then & there and... completely focusing on that instead of what they're supposed to be doing.
straight up zoning out, staring at the walls.
constant fidgeting/stimming; tapping pens or fingers, bouncing leg, twirling or pulling on their hair, chewing pens/pencils/ends of their sleeves, tugging on jewelry, etc.
getting shit for fidgeting too loudly or for it being "too distracting" for the other students.
getting up and walking right out the door any time they're expected to read something aloud (& often getting into verbal and sometimes even physical confrontations with the teacher over it).
getting into verbal fights with teachers in general over minor (& sometimes not so minor) things.
messing around on their phone under their desk. this happens a lot when they get frustrated with assignments, have to read too much, or simply can't focus.
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justaz · 2 years
lance telling keith that the team should get matching tattoos just because and keith pointing out that shiro adores his grandmother who abhors tattoos and would never do smth to disappoint her. lance agreeing and bringing up that even tho pidge is always down for mayhem and rebellion, she would never do anything to disappoint her parents. team tattoos are out the window. lance jokes that they should just get matching tattoos. keith (whipped and impulsive) immediately agreeing and them bouncing ideas back and forth. they settle on swords and guns (samurai and sharpshooter. duh.)
lance’s is keith’s bayard sword and luxite sword crossing, representing both his human and galran sides, can be seen as violent/a fight since all keith has done is fight to get where he is and because that’s WHO he is. he’s a fighter.
keith’s is lance’s sniper rifle wrapped in flowers because while keith is the fighter, lance has always been the lover. he wears his heart on his sleeve and loves so strongly. he is a beautiful person, inside and out. a beautiful soul if you will.
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indecisive-dizzy · 7 months
Howdy cooking headcanon!
His cooking mostly consists of "throw it together" meals. Were he can just dump some things together and let it cook. He has no time for extensive prep! There's things to do! Merchandise to sell! Neighbors to Scam! So while he could chop vegetables or make his own dough, he'd rather just toss food and seasonings into pan and throw it in the oven! If that!
Oh and he makes bomb milkshakes. The most time he spends on them is the toppings but they're a Staple in the neighborhood.
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uldahstreetrat · 8 months
okay so various headcanon rambling here quick about Zana cause she's my kiddo and I love her
I've been playing with the idea of her being bilingual for a while but couldn't quite decide on like, what that second language's irl equivalent would be? like Ishgard and French, I couldn't decide what language would work well for Ala Mhigo imo but I think for the time being I'll settle on Turkish, as suggested by my husband
that being said I've been recently reminded that the Echo just -- translates language for you??? and Zana suddenly gets the Echo in post ShB so what a TRIP that has to be
I don't even know which language it would translate into for her?? both, randomly, dependent on how she's thinking that day?? kid is gonna be going through it fr lmao
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kuroo-hitsuji · 1 year
I keep flipping back and forth on where I want to have my MC's pact mark.
First I had it over their heart (bc I'm sappy and gay-) and then I decided that wouldn't make much sense since they wouldn't have fallen for any of them yet when they first started making pacts, so I moved it to their hip.
THEN I ended up with the headcanon of them having gotten a separate mark for each of the brothers that merged when they got the full set (bc I'm sappy and weak to deep family/found family bonds) and like. Now I have a logical explanation for how it could end up over their heart but I've drawn it on their hip so often and there *aren't as many outfits they'd wear that could show it off (and ofc I am a sucker for them showing it off lmao) and I am Conflicted.
*i actually found One shirt on pinterest with a weird openable window over exactly where it would be which is what sparked all this and I'll probably doodle it on them later lol
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ednaeflowers · 6 months
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there's a new skit in rays where s.orey can't focus on his writing because he's too stressed by everything he still has to do, so edna suggests he get an assistant. he immediately asks if she could be his assistant, but she turns it down. immediately, he pulls out his best sad face on her and says that it's reassuring if she's his assistant, so she caves in and agrees reluctantly 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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mcybree · 10 months
would you guys forgive me if I made a lyric post or no because um. https://open.spotify.com/track/6JL8mUoFALRbQ8uDiOKqmy?si=VjS0l4yxQkSgrCa1gYX3sg WHOOOOO SAID THAT…
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
{{ I underestimated how rusty I am at drawing digitally even though I've been trying my best (not pictured because I don't like any of what I've drawn and have deleted them oops 😭) but uh--gentle reminder that I do have an interpretation of SSJ4 which is called "Malevolence". Maiz can access it.
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Tl;Dr - It's within the same family as the Oozaru transformation (which is why she has it) but reversed. The Blutz Waves explodes inside of her body instead of outside*--and aesthetically/physically, it's a mixture of S Broly's Ikari state (golden eyes, but with slit pupils), the Oozaru form (heightened strength and destructive capabilities), and GT's SSJ4 (extra fur in places she didn't have before, personality shift (?), increased muscle-mass and body density (?).
*Note: This is oversimplified for brevity's sake.
What stops me from fully incorporating this into my active threads (aside from the one I have with Jay) are these aspects: the color of her fur (does everyone have the same color? Is hers different from that? Or is it different shades of the same color?), the texture (should she be rough to the touch? Does she feel like a porcupine (strictly just the fur on top) or tree bark/another texture (under the fur)? Does sweat make her slippery and thus, harder to grab onto in a fight?), fur patterns (where should the new hair start and begin?), ki-quality (how does the mastery over her ice & cold/frost creation + generation manifest in this state and does that change at all?), and how beastial to make her act/look . . . (How do I make a monster even more monstrous? Do I emphasize certain traits or heighten all of her ugliness? Do I make her the opposite (smiling, laughing/giggly) for unnerving/Alien/Personal Horror™ points (for whoever has the misfortune of facing her)? Or do I have her be composed in speech and off-putting in other avenues to drive home how dangerous she is in this form? How does she interact with the environment when she's like this and what does that feedback--if applicable--look like? And, does this happen every time she uses this form?*)
*Note #2. Powerful individuals charging up in Z used to cause environment disaster/climate changes, if anyone remembers. This is what I'm referring to; the dance between violent/aggressive/wild ki being released interacting aggressively with the immediate environment/surroundings. Yes, I look at that. Yes, I'm a nerd, I know. 😂
I'm also showing my age (and range of taste) here, but if anyone knows Power Rangers RPM (it's one of my favorite seasons), they actually did something similar to this: the Blue Ranger, I believe, used the special effects (the sparks/fireworks that go off behind them post-transformation and pose) as an attack against an enemy in one of the most badass, meta move I've ever seen across all media.
My train of thought, as you can see, goes there too. If it means doing the most damage to her opponent (or psychologically screwing with them), she'd do it. Granted, she'd have to make that connection, but she would if she found out.
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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